namespace Gambit::slhahelp

[No description available]


typedef std::pair< int, str >p_int_string
Typedefs for pairs that we will use in maps.
typedef std::pair< int, int >pair_ints
typedef std::pair< str, pair_ints >pair_string_ints
typedef std::pair< str, str >pair_strings


strmass_es_from_gauge_es(str gauge_es, const SubSpectrum & mssm, double tol, str context, bool pterror_only)
as above but do test against tol internally
strmass_es_from_gauge_es(str gauge_es, double & max_mixing, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
Version returning maximum mixing.
strmass_es_from_gauge_es(str gauge_es, std::vector< double > & gauge_composition, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
Version returning gauge composition of identified mass eigenstate.
strmass_es_from_gauge_es(str gauge_es, double & max_mixing, std::vector< double > & gauge_composition, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
strgauge_es_from_mass_es(str mass_es, const SubSpectrum & mssm, double tol, str context, bool pterror_only)
as above but do test against tol internally
strgauge_es_from_mass_es(str mass_es, double & max_mixing, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
Version returning maximum mixing.
strgauge_es_from_mass_es(str mass_es, std::vector< double > & mass_composition, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
Version returning mass composition of identified gauge eigenstate.
strgauge_es_from_mass_es(str mass_es, double & max_mixing, std::vector< double > & mass_composition, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
strmass_es_closest_to_family(str familystate, const SubSpectrum & mssm, double tol, str context, bool pterror_only)
strmass_es_closest_to_family(str familystate, std::vector< double > & gauge_composition, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
strmass_es_closest_to_family(str familystate, double & sum_sqr_mix, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
Version returning the square sum of gauge mixing elements.
strmass_es_closest_to_family(str familystate, std::vector< double > & gauge_composition, std::vector< double > & off_family_mixing, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
strfamily_state_closest_to_mass_es(str mass_es, const SubSpectrum & mssm, double tol, str context, bool pterror_only)
strfamily_state_closest_to_mass_es(str mass_es, std::vector< double > & mass_comp, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
strfamily_state_closest_to_mass_es(str mass_es, double & sum_sqr_mix, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
strfamily_state_closest_to_mass_es(str mass_es, double & sum_sqr_mix, std::vector< double > & mass_comp, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
std::vector< double >family_state_mix_matrix(str type, int generation, str & mass_es1, str & mass_es2, const SubSpectrum & mssm, double tol, str context, bool pterror_only)
Get the family mixing matrix and corresponding mass eigenstates, then check for interfamily mixing.
std::vector< double >family_state_mix_matrix(str type, int generation, str & mass_es1, str & mass_es2, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
std::map< str, p_int_string >init_gauge_label_to_index_type()
map from gauge eigenstate strings to string, index pairs
std::map< str, p_int_string >init_mass_label_to_index_type()
map from mass eigenstate strings to string, index pairs
std::map< str, pair_string_ints >init_familystate_label()
map to extract info from family state
std::map< p_int_string, std::vector< str > >init_type_family_to_gauge_states()
std::map< str, std::vector< str > >init_family_state_to_gauge_state()
std::map< str, std::vector< str > >init_gauge_es_to_family_states()
std::map< str, std::vector< str > >init_type_to_vec_of_mass_es()
std::map< str, std::vector< str > >init_type_to_vec_of_gauge_es()
voidadd_MODSEL_disclaimer(SLHAstruct & slha, const str & object)
Add a disclaimer about the absence of a MODSEL block in a generated SLHAea object.
voidattempt_to_add_SLHA1_mixing(const str & block, SLHAstruct & slha, const str & type, const SubSpectrum & spec, double tol, str & s1, str & s2, bool pterror)
Simple helper function for adding missing SLHA1 2x2 family mixing matrices to an SLHAea object.
voidadd_MSSM_spectrum_to_SLHAea(const SubSpectrum & mssmspec, SLHAstruct & slha, int slha_version)
Add an entire MSSM spectrum to an SLHAea object.
std::vector< double >get_Pole_Mixing_col(str type, int gauge_index, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
std::vector< double >get_Pole_Mixing_row(str type, int mass_index, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
std::vector< double >get_mass_comp_for_gauge(str gauge_es, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
doubleget_mixing_element(str gauge_es, str mass_es, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
std::vector< double >get_gauge_comp_for_mass(str mass_es, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
strmass_es_from_gauge_es(str gauge_es, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
strgauge_es_from_mass_es(str mass_es, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
sspairidentify_mass_ess_for_family(str type, int family, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
strmass_es_closest_to_family(str familystate, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
std::vector< double >get_gauge_comp_for_family_state(str familystate, str & mass_es, const SubSpectrum & mssm)
doubleget_gauge_admix_for_family_state(str familystate, str gauge_es, str & mass_es, const SubSpectrum & mssm)


const std::map< str, p_int_string >gauge_label_to_index_type
const std::map< str, p_int_string >mass_label_to_index_type
const std::map< str, pair_string_ints >familystate_label
const std::map< p_int_string, std::vector< str > >type_family_to_gauge_states
const std::map< str, std::vector< str > >family_state_to_gauge_state
const std::map< str, std::vector< str > >gauge_es_to_family_states
const std::map< str, std::vector< str > >type_to_vec_of_mass_es
const std::map< str, std::vector< str > >type_to_vec_of_gauge_es

Types Documentation

typedef p_int_string

typedef std::pair<int,str> Gambit::slhahelp::p_int_string;

Typedefs for pairs that we will use in maps.

typedef pair_ints

typedef std::pair<int,int> Gambit::slhahelp::pair_ints;

typedef pair_string_ints

typedef std::pair<str,pair_ints> Gambit::slhahelp::pair_string_ints;

typedef pair_strings

typedef std::pair<str,str> Gambit::slhahelp::pair_strings;

Functions Documentation

function mass_es_from_gauge_es

str mass_es_from_gauge_es(
    str gauge_es,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm,
    double tol,
    str context,
    bool pterror_only

as above but do test against tol internally

***************** Gauge <-> Mass Eigenstate Helpers **************** Identifies the mass eigenstate with largest gauge eigenstate content.

Version that tests internally agains a user-requested tolerance, either raising a GAMBIT error (if pterror_only = false) or invalidating a point.

function mass_es_from_gauge_es

str mass_es_from_gauge_es(
    str gauge_es,
    double & max_mixing,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

Version returning maximum mixing.

as above but doesn’t fill a gauge_composition vector would have a slight efficiency saving if we didn’t use wrapper and avoided skipped gauge_composition entirely but at the cost of a lot of code duplication

function mass_es_from_gauge_es

str mass_es_from_gauge_es(
    str gauge_es,
    std::vector< double > & gauge_composition,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

Version returning gauge composition of identified mass eigenstate.

as above but doesn’t fill max_mixing would have a slight efficiency saving if we didn’t use wrapper and avoided skipped max_mixing entirely but at the cost of a lot of code duplication

function mass_es_from_gauge_es

str mass_es_from_gauge_es(
    str gauge_es,
    double & max_mixing,
    std::vector< double > & gauge_composition,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

Version returning maximum mixing and full gauge composition of identified mass eigenstate.

indentifies the state with largest gauge_es content also fills largest max_mixing and full gauge_composition

passed in massstate to be set

make sure this is zero to start

retrive type from the gauge_es string

iterate over vector of strings for mass states

passed in massstate to be set

make sure this is zero to start

retrive type from the gauge_es string

iterate over vector of strings for mass states

function gauge_es_from_mass_es

str gauge_es_from_mass_es(
    str mass_es,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm,
    double tol,
    str context,
    bool pterror_only

as above but do test against tol internally

Identifies the gauge eigenstate with largest mass eigenstate content.

Version that tests internally agains a user-requested tolerance, either raising a GAMBIT error (if pterror_only = false) or invalidating a point.

function gauge_es_from_mass_es

str gauge_es_from_mass_es(
    str mass_es,
    double & max_mixing,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

Version returning maximum mixing.

as above but doesn’t fill a gauge_composition vector would have a slight efficiency saving if we didn’t use wrapper and avoided skipped gauge_composition entirely but at the cost of a lot of code duplication

function gauge_es_from_mass_es

str gauge_es_from_mass_es(
    str mass_es,
    std::vector< double > & mass_composition,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

Version returning mass composition of identified gauge eigenstate.

as above but doesn’t fill max_mixing would have a slight efficiency saving if we didn’t use wrapper and avoided skipped max_mixing entirely but at the cost of a lot of code duplication

function gauge_es_from_mass_es

str gauge_es_from_mass_es(
    str mass_es,
    double & max_mixing,
    std::vector< double > & mass_composition,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

Version returning maximum mixing and full mass composition of identified gauge eigenstate.

identifies gauge_es with largest mass_es content also fills largest max_mixing and full mass_composition

passed in massstate to be set

start with zero

retrive type from the gauge_es string

iterate over vector of strings for mass states

passed in massstate to be set

start with zero

retrive type from the gauge_es string

iterate over vector of strings for mass states

function mass_es_closest_to_family

str mass_es_closest_to_family(
    str familystate,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm,
    double tol,
    str context,
    bool pterror_only

Identifies the mass eigenstate that best matches the requested family state.

Version that tests internally agains a user-requested tolerance for family mixing, either raising a GAMBIT error (if pterror_only = false) or invalidating a point.

identifies the mass_es that is closest match to specified family does tol-test internally to check correctness of assumptions

function mass_es_closest_to_family

str mass_es_closest_to_family(
    str familystate,
    std::vector< double > & gauge_composition,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

Version returning mixing elements of the resulting mass eigenstate into the two gauge eigenstates of the requested family. To test against family mixing, check that the square sum of elements of this mixing matrix row are sufficiently close to 1. That is, compare gauge_composition(1)^2 + gauge_composition(2)^2 to 1-tolerance.

identifies the mass_es that is closest match to specified family state and fills mixture of the two gauge states with same family into std::vector gauge_composition

function mass_es_closest_to_family

str mass_es_closest_to_family(
    str familystate,
    double & sum_sqr_mix,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

Version returning the square sum of gauge mixing elements.

identifies the mass_es that is closest match to specified family state and fills sqr_sum_mix with the square sum of each of the two mixings into gauge_es of that family

function mass_es_closest_to_family

str mass_es_closest_to_family(
    str familystate,
    std::vector< double > & gauge_composition,
    std::vector< double > & off_family_mixing,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

Version returning mixing elements of the resulting mass eigenstate into the two gauge eigenstates of the requested family, and off-family mixing.

identifies the mass_es that is closest match to specified family state and fills mixture of the two gauge states with same family into std::vector gauge_composition also fills remaining off-family mixings into a second vector

extract info from strings via maps

extract info from strings via maps

function family_state_closest_to_mass_es

str family_state_closest_to_mass_es(
    str mass_es,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm,
    double tol,
    str context,
    bool pterror_only

Identifies the family state that best matches the requested mass eigenstate.

Version that tests internally agains a user-requested tolerance for family mixing, either raising a GAMBIT error (if pterror_only = false) or invalidating a point.

wrapper for overloaded version returns family state that best matches the given mass_es and fills the mixing of the matching mass_es into gauge eigenstates

function family_state_closest_to_mass_es

str family_state_closest_to_mass_es(
    str mass_es,
    std::vector< double > & mass_comp,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

Version returning the mass eigenstate composition of the gauge eigenstate that best matches the requested mass eigenstate.

wrapper for overloaded version returns family state that best matches the given mass_es and fills the mixing of the matching mass_es into gauge eigenstates

function family_state_closest_to_mass_es

str family_state_closest_to_mass_es(
    str mass_es,
    double & sum_sqr_mix,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

Version returning the summed squares of the contributions to the gauge eigenstate that best matches the requested mass eigenstate, of the two mass eigenstates that look most like the resulting family. (Seriously, just use the tol version.) To test against family mixing, you can check that this square of elements is sufficiently close to 1.

wrapper for overloaded version returns family state that best matches the given mass_es fills a double with the sum of the square mixings to gauge_es of the matching family

function family_state_closest_to_mass_es

str family_state_closest_to_mass_es(
    str mass_es,
    double & sum_sqr_mix,
    std::vector< double > & mass_comp,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

Version returning the mass eigenstate composition of the best-matching gauge eigenstate, and the summed squares of the contributions to this from the two mass eigenstates that look most like the resulting family.

returns family state that best matches the given mass_es fills a double with the sum of the square mixings to gauge_es of the matching family and fills the mixing of the matching gauge_es into mass eigenstates

get gauge_es with largest mixing to this mass_es

get family states for the same generation as this gauge_es

extractindex of mass-es and mass_ess_other from strings

choose mass ordering for family state which matches mass ordering of mass_es

subrtact 1 fgrom indices to deal with different indexing

get gauge_es with largest mixing to this mass_es

get family states for the same generation as this gauge_es

extractindex of mass-es and mass_ess_other from strings

choose mass ordering for family state which matches mass ordering of mass_es

subrtact 1 fgrom indices to deal with different indexing

function family_state_mix_matrix

std::vector< double > family_state_mix_matrix(
    str type,
    int generation,
    str & mass_es1,
    str & mass_es2,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm,
    double tol,
    str context,
    bool pterror_only

Get the family mixing matrix and corresponding mass eigenstates, then check for interfamily mixing.

Identifies the two mass eigenstates which best match a requested family, as well as the resulting 2x2 family mixing matrix between them. The matrix has the form (Mix_{11}, Mix_{12}, Mix_{21}, Mix_{22}).

Version that tests internally agains a user-requested tolerance for family mixing, either raising a GAMBIT error (if pterror_only = false) or invalidating a point.

function family_state_mix_matrix

std::vector< double > family_state_mix_matrix(
    str type,
    int generation,
    str & mass_es1,
    str & mass_es2,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

Version that leaves the test up to the user. To test that there is negligible family mixing, you can check that for both rows of the family mixing matrix, the sum of squares of elements is sufficently close to 1. That is, check Mix_{11}^2 + Mix_{12}^2 > 1-tolerance && Mix_{21}^2 + Mix_{22}^2 > 1-tolerance. where vec is the std::vector returned by this method

identifies the two mass_es which best matches specified family state storing them in strings and then returns the 2by2 mixing matrix for that family state in the form (Mix_{11}, Mix_{12}, Mix_{21}, Mix_{22}) It also stores the mixing elements for the gauge states that don’t belong to the correct family for this state in a std::vector The latter should have entries which are zero in absense of family mixing

get mass_es using one of our routines

need to turn type and family into a string should simplify the number of translations we do!

get index of right family states (ie gauge states with same family as requested family state

Put row 1 and row 2 into the same vector to return

get mass_es using one of our routines

need to turn type and family into a string should simplify the number of translations we do!

get index of right family states (ie gauge states with same family as requested family state

Put row 1 and row 2 into the same vector to return

function init_gauge_label_to_index_type

std::map< str, p_int_string > init_gauge_label_to_index_type()

map from gauge eigenstate strings to string, index pairs

function init_mass_label_to_index_type

std::map< str, p_int_string > init_mass_label_to_index_type()

map from mass eigenstate strings to string, index pairs

function init_familystate_label

std::map< str, pair_string_ints > init_familystate_label()

map to extract info from family state

function init_type_family_to_gauge_states

std::map< p_int_string, std::vector< str > > init_type_family_to_gauge_states()

map to obtain left_right gauge_pairs from state info helps us reuse other routiones with string arguments

function init_family_state_to_gauge_state

std::map< str, std::vector< str > > init_family_state_to_gauge_state()

maps directly from family string to left_right gauge_pairs helps us reuse other routines that take string arguments

function init_gauge_es_to_family_states

std::map< str, std::vector< str > > init_gauge_es_to_family_states()

maps directly from gauge_es string to familystates helps us reuse other routines that take string arguments

function init_type_to_vec_of_mass_es

std::map< str, std::vector< str > > init_type_to_vec_of_mass_es()

map from string representing type (ie up-squarks, down-squarks or charged sleptons) to appropriate set of mass eigenstates

function init_type_to_vec_of_gauge_es

std::map< str, std::vector< str > > init_type_to_vec_of_gauge_es()

map from string representing type (ie up-squarks, down-squarks or charged sleptons) to appropriate set of gauge eigenstates

function add_MODSEL_disclaimer

void add_MODSEL_disclaimer(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & object

Add a disclaimer about the absence of a MODSEL block in a generated SLHAea object.

function attempt_to_add_SLHA1_mixing

void attempt_to_add_SLHA1_mixing(
    const str & block,
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & type,
    const SubSpectrum & spec,
    double tol,
    str & s1,
    str & s2,
    bool pterror

Simple helper function for adding missing SLHA1 2x2 family mixing matrices to an SLHAea object.

Simple helper function for for adding missing SLHA1 2x2 family mixing matrices to an SLHAea object.

function add_MSSM_spectrum_to_SLHAea

void add_MSSM_spectrum_to_SLHAea(
    const SubSpectrum & mssmspec,
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    int slha_version

Add an entire MSSM spectrum to an SLHAea object.

function get_Pole_Mixing_col

std::vector< double > get_Pole_Mixing_col(
    str type,
    int gauge_index,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

function get_Pole_Mixing_row

std::vector< double > get_Pole_Mixing_row(
    str type,
    int mass_index,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

Mix_{row, col}. Iterate through column index with row index fixed

function get_mass_comp_for_gauge

std::vector< double > get_mass_comp_for_gauge(
    str gauge_es,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

returns vector representing composition of requested gauge state in terms of the slha2 mass eigenstates (~u_1 …~u_6 etc) which is just a column in the mixing matrix

extract info from string via map

function get_mixing_element

double get_mixing_element(
    str gauge_es,
    str mass_es,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

routine to return mass state admixure for given gauge state in the end this is a trival routine but may help

extract info from maps

types should match but getting both allows us to throw error

throw exception in gambit

will need to add mssm object to cal method in gambit

function get_gauge_comp_for_mass

std::vector< double > get_gauge_comp_for_mass(
    str mass_es,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

returns vector representing composition of requested mass eigenstate in terms of the slha2 gauge eigenstates (~u_L,~c_L,…~t_R etc) which is just a row in the mixing matrix just wraps get_Pole_Mixing_row after extracting info from string

extract info using map

function mass_es_from_gauge_es

str mass_es_from_gauge_es(
    str gauge_es,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

as above but doesn’t fill max_mixing or gauge_composition would have a slight efficiency saving if we didn’t use wrapper and avoided skipped max_mixing entirely but at the cost of a lot of code duplication

function gauge_es_from_mass_es

str gauge_es_from_mass_es(
    str mass_es,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

as above but doesn’t fill max_mixing or gauge_composition would have a slight efficiency saving if we didn’t use wrapper and avoided skipped max_mixing entirely but at the cost of a lot of code duplication

function identify_mass_ess_for_family

sspair identify_mass_ess_for_family(
    str type,
    int family,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

identify the two mass eigenstate corresponding to the approximate family states, e.g. stops ("~u",3), smuons ("~mu", 2) etc Note: when there is family mixing there’s no good definition ~t_1, ~t_2 etc if defined as the states you get from diagonalising a 2by2 mass (sub)matrix then extensive manipulations would be required So here we identify the mass eigenstates closest to the family ones which is a better defined question when there is family mixing prsesent and more useful here anyway returns a pair of strings labling the lighter one first

need to turn type and family into a string need to simplify the number of translations we do.

finds the mass_es with the largets mixing to passed gauge_es

function mass_es_closest_to_family

str mass_es_closest_to_family(
    str familystate,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

identify the mass eigenstate corresponding to family state takes string and returns only requested state I suspect this is the more useful one

function get_gauge_comp_for_family_state

std::vector< double > get_gauge_comp_for_family_state(
    str familystate,
    str & mass_es,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

returns vector with composition of closest the mass eigenstate to give family state in terms of gauge eigenstates and stores mass eigenstate in mass_es

extract info from strings via maps

function get_gauge_admix_for_family_state

double get_gauge_admix_for_family_state(
    str familystate,
    str gauge_es,
    str & mass_es,
    const SubSpectrum & mssm

returns admix of gauge eigenstate in the mass eigenstate closest to the given family state and stores mass eigenstate in mass_es

types should match but getting both allows us to throw error

throw error in gambit

get mass_es using one of our routines

extract info from strings via maps

Attributes Documentation

variable gauge_label_to_index_type

const std::map< str, p_int_string > gauge_label_to_index_type = init_gauge_label_to_index_type();

Known maps filled at initialisation

variable mass_label_to_index_type

const std::map< str, p_int_string > mass_label_to_index_type = init_mass_label_to_index_type();

variable familystate_label

const std::map< str, pair_string_ints > familystate_label = init_familystate_label();

variable type_family_to_gauge_states

const std::map< p_int_string, std::vector< str > > type_family_to_gauge_states = init_type_family_to_gauge_states();

variable family_state_to_gauge_state

const std::map< str, std::vector< str > > family_state_to_gauge_state = init_family_state_to_gauge_state();

variable gauge_es_to_family_states

const std::map< str, std::vector< str > > gauge_es_to_family_states = init_gauge_es_to_family_states();

variable type_to_vec_of_mass_es

const std::map< str, std::vector< str > > type_to_vec_of_mass_es = init_type_to_vec_of_mass_es();

variable type_to_vec_of_gauge_es

const std::map< str, std::vector< str > > type_to_vec_of_gauge_es = init_type_to_vec_of_gauge_es();

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:40 +0000