namespace Gambit::Printers::HDF5

[No description available]




hid_topenFile(const std::string & fname, bool overwrite, bool & oldfile, const char access_type =‘r’)
File and group manipulation.
hid_topenFile(const std::string & fname, bool overwrite =false, const char access_type =‘r’)
Create or open hdf5 file (ignoring feedback regarding whether file already existed)
hid_tcloseFile(hid_t file)
Close hdf5 file.
boolcheckFileReadable(const std::string & fname, std::string & msg)
Check if hdf5 file exists and can be opened in read/write mode.
boolcheckFileReadable(const std::string & fname)
Thin wrapper for the above to discard failure message.
boolcheckGroupReadable(hid_t location, const std::string & groupname, std::string & msg)
Check if a group exists and can be accessed.
boolcheckGroupReadable(hid_t location, const std::string & groupname)
Thin wrapper for the above to discard failure message.
std::pair< bool, std::size_t >checkDatasetReadable(hid_t location, const std::string & dsetname)
hid_tcreateFile(const std::string & fname)
Create hdf5 file (always overwrite existing files)
hid_tcreateGroup(hid_t location, const std::string & name)
Create a group inside the specified location.
Silence error report (e.g. while probing for file existence)
Restore error report.
hid_topenGroup(hid_t file_id, const std::string & name, bool nocreate =false, bool fatal =true)
hid_tcloseGroup(hid_t group)
Close group.
std::vector< std::string >lsGroup(hid_t group_id)
List object names in a group.
hid_tgetH5DatasetType(hid_t group_id, const std::string & dset_name)
Get type of an object in a group.
hid_tcloseType(hid_t type_id)
Release datatype identifier.
hid_topenDataset(hid_t dset_id, const std::string & name, bool error_off =false)
Dataset and dataspace manipulation.
hid_tcloseDataset(hid_t dset_id)
Close dataset.
hid_tgetSpace(hid_t dset_id)
Get dataspace.
hid_tcloseSpace(hid_t space_id)
Close dataspace.
hssize_tgetSimpleExtentNpoints(hid_t dset_id)
Get simple dataspace extent.
std::stringgetName(hid_t dset_id)
Get name of dataset.
std::pair< hid_t, hid_t >selectChunk(const hid_t dset_id, std::size_t offset, std::size_t length)
Select a simple hyperslab in a 1D dataset.
boolisDataSet(hid_t group_id, const std::string & name)
Check if an object in a group is a dataset.
template <class T >
std::vector< T >
getChunk(const hid_t dset_id, std::size_t offset, std::size_t length)
std::vector< bool >getChunk(const hid_t dset_id, std::size_t offset, std::size_t length)
intinttype_from_h5type(hid_t h5type)
boolis_float_type(int inttype)
template <typename T >
template <class U ,typename… T>
Enter_HDF5(hid_t dataset, T &… params)
voidcombine_hdf5_files(const std::string output_file, const std::string & base_file_name, const std::string & group, const std::string & metadata_group, const size_t num, const bool resume, const bool cleanup, const bool skip, const std::vector< std::string > input_files =std::vector< std::string >())
std::unordered_map< PPIDpair, unsigned long long, PPIDHash, PPIDEqual >get_RA_write_hash(hid_t group_id, std::unordered_set< PPIDpair, PPIDHash, PPIDEqual > & left_to_match)
std::pair< std::vector< std::string >, std::vector< size_t > >find_temporary_files(const std::string & finalfile)
Search for temporary files to be combined.
std::pair< std::vector< std::string >, std::vector< size_t > >find_temporary_files(const std::string & finalfile, size_t & max_i)
Search for temporary files to be combined.
hsize_tgetGroupNum(hid_t group_id)
hid_tgetType(hid_t dataset)
std::vector< std::string >get_dset_names(hid_t group_id)
herr_top_func(hid_t loc_id, const char * name_in, const H5L_info_t * , void * operator_data)
herr_top_func_aux(hid_t loc_id, const char * name_in, const H5L_info_t * , void * operator_data)
voidsetup_hdf5_points(hid_t new_group, hid_t type, unsigned long long size_tot, const std::string & name)
voidsetup_hdf5_points(hid_t new_group, hid_t type, hid_t type2, unsigned long long size_tot, const std::string & name)
std::vector< std::string >getGroups(std::string groups)
GAMBIT default file access property list.
const hid_tH5P_GAMBIT(create_GAMBIT_fapl() )
Const global for the GAMBIT fapl.
std::vector< bool >getChunk(const hid_t dset_id, std::size_t offset, std::size_t length)
template <class T >
std::pair< bool, std::size_t >
_checkDatasetReadable_helper(hid_t dset_id, const std::string dset_name)
herr_tgroup_ls(hid_t g_id, const char * name, const H5L_info_t * , void * op_data)


Close hdf5 type ID.
void *old_client_data

Functions Documentation

function openFile

hid_t openFile(
    const std::string & fname,
    bool overwrite,
    bool & oldfile,
    const char access_type ='r'

File and group manipulation.

Create or open hdf5 file

Create or open hdf5 file third argument “oldfile” is used to report whether an existing file was opened (true if yes)

function openFile

hid_t openFile(
    const std::string & fname,
    bool overwrite =false,
    const char access_type ='r'

Create or open hdf5 file (ignoring feedback regarding whether file already existed)

function closeFile

hid_t closeFile(
    hid_t file

Close hdf5 file.

function checkFileReadable

bool checkFileReadable(
    const std::string & fname,
    std::string & msg

Check if hdf5 file exists and can be opened in read/write mode.

Check if hdf5 file exists and can be opened in read mode.

function checkFileReadable

inline bool checkFileReadable(
    const std::string & fname

Thin wrapper for the above to discard failure message.

function checkGroupReadable

bool checkGroupReadable(
    hid_t location,
    const std::string & groupname,
    std::string & msg

Check if a group exists and can be accessed.

function checkGroupReadable

inline bool checkGroupReadable(
    hid_t location,
    const std::string & groupname

Thin wrapper for the above to discard failure message.

function checkDatasetReadable

std::pair< bool, std::size_t > checkDatasetReadable(
    hid_t location,
    const std::string & dsetname

Check if a dataset exists and can be read from fully (Reads through entire dataset to make sure! May take some time)

function createFile

hid_t createFile(
    const std::string & fname

Create hdf5 file (always overwrite existing files)

function createGroup

hid_t createGroup(
    hid_t location,
    const std::string & name

Create a group inside the specified location.

function errorsOff

void errorsOff()

Silence error report (e.g. while probing for file existence)

Silence error report (e.g. while probing for file existence) Just silences default error stack, since we aren’t using anything else TESTING! I changed from using H5Eget_auto to H5Eget_auto2 If that still causes errors, try switching to H5Eget_auto1 and let me know if it works :)

function errorsOn

void errorsOn()

Restore error report.

function openGroup

hid_t openGroup(
    hid_t file_id,
    const std::string & name,
    bool nocreate =false,
    bool fatal =true

function closeGroup

hid_t closeGroup(
    hid_t group

Close group.

function lsGroup

std::vector< std::string > lsGroup(
    hid_t group_id

List object names in a group.

function getH5DatasetType

hid_t getH5DatasetType(
    hid_t group_id,
    const std::string & dset_name

Get type of an object in a group.

Get type of a dataset in a group NOTE: Make sure to call closeType when the ID is no longer needed!

function closeType

hid_t closeType(
    hid_t type_id

Release datatype identifier.

function openDataset

hid_t openDataset(
    hid_t dset_id,
    const std::string & name,
    bool error_off =false

Dataset and dataspace manipulation.

Dataset manipulations.

Open dataset

function closeDataset

hid_t closeDataset(
    hid_t dset_id

Close dataset.

function getSpace

hid_t getSpace(
    hid_t dset_id

Get dataspace.

function closeSpace

hid_t closeSpace(
    hid_t space_id

Close dataspace.

function getSimpleExtentNpoints

hssize_t getSimpleExtentNpoints(
    hid_t dset_id

Get simple dataspace extent.

function getName

std::string getName(
    hid_t dset_id

Get name of dataset.

Close dataset.

Open/close dataspace; input dataset, output dataspace Get simple dataspace extent (number of points); input dataspace, output data extent (size) Get dataset name

function selectChunk

std::pair< hid_t, hid_t > selectChunk(
    const hid_t dset_id,
    std::size_t offset,
    std::size_t length

Select a simple hyperslab in a 1D dataset.

function isDataSet

bool isDataSet(
    hid_t group_id,
    const std::string & name

Check if an object in a group is a dataset.

Check if an object in a file or group is a dataset.

function getChunk

template <class T >
std::vector< T > getChunk(
    const hid_t dset_id,
    std::size_t offset,
    std::size_t length

Retrieve a chunk of data from a simple dataset NOTE! Doesn’t work for T=bool! Have a custom specialisation in the source file for that.

function getChunk

std::vector< bool > getChunk(
    const hid_t dset_id,
    std::size_t offset,
    std::size_t length

function inttype_from_h5type

int inttype_from_h5type(
    hid_t h5type

function is_float_type

bool is_float_type(
    int inttype

function type_ret

template <typename T >
inline T type_ret()

function Enter_HDF5

template <class U ,
typename... T>
inline void Enter_HDF5(
    hid_t dataset,
    T &... params

function combine_hdf5_files

inline void combine_hdf5_files(
    const std::string output_file,
    const std::string & base_file_name,
    const std::string & group,
    const std::string & metadata_group,
    const size_t num,
    const bool resume,
    const bool cleanup,
    const bool skip,
    const std::vector< std::string > input_files =std::vector< std::string >()

function get_RA_write_hash

std::unordered_map< PPIDpair, unsigned long long, PPIDHash, PPIDEqual > get_RA_write_hash(
    hid_t group_id,
    std::unordered_set< PPIDpair, PPIDHash, PPIDEqual > & left_to_match

Helper function to create output hash map for RA points note: left_to_match points will be erased as we go, and are passed by reference, so will be erased in calling context also.

function find_temporary_files

std::pair< std::vector< std::string >, std::vector< size_t > > find_temporary_files(
    const std::string & finalfile

Search for temporary files to be combined.

function find_temporary_files

std::pair< std::vector< std::string >, std::vector< size_t > > find_temporary_files(
    const std::string & finalfile,
    size_t & max_i

Search for temporary files to be combined.

function getGroupNum

inline hsize_t getGroupNum(
    hid_t group_id

function getType

inline hid_t getType(
    hid_t dataset

function get_dset_names

std::vector< std::string > get_dset_names(
    hid_t group_id

function op_func

inline herr_t op_func(
    hid_t loc_id,
    const char * name_in,
    const H5L_info_t * ,
    void * operator_data

function op_func_aux

inline herr_t op_func_aux(
    hid_t loc_id,
    const char * name_in,
    const H5L_info_t * ,
    void * operator_data

function setup_hdf5_points

inline void setup_hdf5_points(
    hid_t new_group,
    hid_t type,
    unsigned long long size_tot,
    const std::string & name

function setup_hdf5_points

inline void setup_hdf5_points(
    hid_t new_group,
    hid_t type,
    hid_t type2,
    unsigned long long size_tot,
    const std::string & name

function getGroups

inline std::vector< std::string > getGroups(
    std::string groups

function create_GAMBIT_fapl

hid_t create_GAMBIT_fapl()

GAMBIT default file access property list.

function H5P_GAMBIT

const hid_t H5P_GAMBIT(

Const global for the GAMBIT fapl.

function getChunk

std::vector< bool > getChunk(
    const hid_t dset_id,
    std::size_t offset,
    std::size_t length

function _checkDatasetReadable_helper

template <class T >
std::pair< bool, std::size_t > _checkDatasetReadable_helper(
    hid_t dset_id,
    const std::string dset_name

function group_ls

herr_t group_ls(
    hid_t g_id,
    const char * name,
    const H5L_info_t * ,
    void * op_data

Attributes Documentation

variable old_func

H5E_auto2_t old_func;

Close hdf5 type ID.

Close hdf5 group global error variables (handler)

variable old_client_data

void * old_client_data;

Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:32 +0000