namespace Gambit::FlavBit
[No description available]
Name |
Gambit::FlavBit::Boxes |
Gambit::FlavBit::FormFactors |
Gambit::FlavBit::LoopFunctions |
Gambit::FlavBit::Penguins |
Gambit::FlavBit::Vertices |
Name | |
struct | Gambit::FlavBit::Correlation Simple structure for holding a correlation value and name of the correlated observable. |
class | Gambit::FlavBit::Flav_reader Reader class for FlavBit YAML database. |
struct | Gambit::FlavBit::Measurement Representation of a single entry in the FlavBit YAML database. |
struct | Gambit::FlavBit::predictions_measurements_covariances |
Name | |
void | FeynHiggs_prediction_bsgamma(double & result) |
void | FeynHiggs_prediction_Bsmumu(double & result) |
void | FeynHiggs_prediction_DeltaMs(double & result) |
template <class T > bool | InvertMatrix(const ublas::matrix< T > & input, ublas::matrix< T > & inverse) Matrix inversion routine using Boost. |
void | operator»(const YAML::Node & node, Correlation & c) Extraction operator for correlation. |
void | operator»(const YAML::Node & node, Measurement & v) Extraction operator for measurement. |
const nuiscorr(& | nuiscorr_help(nuiscorr(&) arr[ncorrnuis], const std::vector< nuiscorr > & v) |
void | print(flav_prediction prediction, std::vector< std::string > names) Print function for FlavBit predictions. |
void | Kstarll_Theory2Experiment_translation(flav_observable_map & prediction, int generation) Translate B->K*ll observables from theory to LHCb convention. |
void | Kstarll_Theory2Experiment_translation(flav_covariance_map & prediction, int generation) Translate B->K*ll covariances from theory to LHCb convention. |
str | path_to_latest_heplike_data() Find the path to the latest installed version of the HepLike data. |
void | SuperIso_fill(parameters & result) Fill SuperIso model info structure. |
void | SuperIso_nuisance_fill(nuisance & nuislist) Fill SuperIso nuisance structure. |
void | update_obs_list(std::vector< str > & obs_list, const std::vector< str > & HL_obs_list) Reorder a FlavBit observables list to match ordering expected by HEPLike. |
std::vector< double > | get_obs_theory(const flav_prediction & prediction, const std::vector< std::string > & observables) Extract central values of the given observables from the central value map. |
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > | get_obs_covariance(const flav_prediction & prediction, const std::vector< std::string > & observables) Extract covariance matrix of the given observables from the covariance map. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_helper(const std::vector< std::string > & FB_obslist, const std::vector< std::string > & SI_obslist, flav_prediction & result, const parameters & param, const nuisance & nuislist, void(*)(char **, int *, double **, const parameters *, const nuisance ) get_predictions_nuisance, void()(int, obsname *, int, double *, double *, const nuisance *, char **, const parameters ) observables, void()(nuiscorr , int, double **, char **, int) convert_correlation, void()(double ***, char **, int *, const parameters *, const nuisance *, double **) get_th_covariance_nuisance, bool useSMCovariance, bool SMCovarianceCached) Helper function to avoid code duplication. |
void | SuperIso_RKstar_0045_11(double & result) SuperIso prediction for RK* in low q^2. |
void | SuperIso_RKstar_11_60(double & result) RK* in intermediate q^2. |
void | SuperIso_RK(double & result) RK between 1 and 6 GeV^2. |
_Atlas | SI_MULTI_PREDICTION_FUNCTION_BINS(B2KstarmumuAng , _2_4 , _Atlas ) |
_Atlas _Atlas | SI_MULTI_PREDICTION_FUNCTION_BINS(B2KstarmumuAng , _1_2 , _CMS ) |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS | SI_MULTI_PREDICTION_FUNCTION_BINS(B2KstarmumuAng , _4p3_6 , _CMS ) |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS | SI_MULTI_PREDICTION_FUNCTION_BINS(B2KstarmumuAng , _10p09_12p86 , _CMS ) |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS | SI_MULTI_PREDICTION_FUNCTION_BINS(B2KstarmumuAng , _16_19 , _CMS ) |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle | SI_MULTI_PREDICTION_FUNCTION_BINS(B2KstarmumuAng , _4_8 , _Belle ) |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle _Belle | SI_MULTI_PREDICTION_FUNCTION_BINS(B2KstarmumuAng , _14p18_19 , _Belle ) |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle _Belle _LHCb | SI_MULTI_PREDICTION_FUNCTION_BINS(B2KstarmumuAng , _1p1_2p5 , _LHCb ) |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle _Belle _LHCb _LHCb | SI_MULTI_PREDICTION_FUNCTION_BINS(B2KstarmumuAng , _4_6 , _LHCb ) |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle _Belle _LHCb _LHCb _LHCb | SI_MULTI_PREDICTION_FUNCTION_BINS(B2KstarmumuAng , _15_19 , _LHCb ) |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle _Belle _LHCb _LHCb _LHCb _LHCb void | SuperIso_prediction_Btaunu(double & result) Br B->tau nu_tau decays. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_Dstaunu(double & result) Br B->D_s tau nu. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_Dsmunu(double & result) Br B->D_s mu nu. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_Dmunu(double & result) Br D -> mu nu. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_BDtaunu(double & result) Br B -> D tau nu. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_BDmunu(double & result) Br B -> D mu nu. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_BDstartaunu(double & result) Br B -> D* tau nu. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_BDstarmunu(double & result) Br B -> D* mu nu. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_RD(double & result) B-> D tau nu / B-> D e nu decays. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_RDstar(double & result) B->D* tau nu / B-> D* e nu decays. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_Rmu(double & result) B->K mu nu / B-> pi mu nu. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_Rmu23(double & result) 2-to-3-body decay ratio for semileptonic K and pi decays |
void | SuperIso_prediction_delta0(double & result) Delta_0 (CP-averaged isospin asymmetry of B -> K* gamma) |
void | SuperIso_prediction_A_BXsmumu_zero(double & result) Zero crossing of the forward-backward asymmetry of B -> X_s mu mu. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_BRBXstautau_highq2(double & result) Inclusive branching fraction B -> X_s tau tau at high q^2. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_A_BXstautau_highq2(double & result) Forward-backward asymmetry of B -> X_s tau tau at high q^2. |
void | RHN_RKstar_0045_11(double & result) |
void | RHN_RKstar_11_60(double & result) |
void | RHN_RK(double & result) RK for RHN. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_AI_BKstarmumu(double & result) Isospin asymmetry of B-> K* mu mu. |
void | SuperIso_prediction_AI_BKstarmumu_zero(double & result) Zero crossing of isospin asymmetry of B-> K* mu mu. |
void | FeynHiggs_FlavourObs(fh_FlavourObs_container & result) Flavour observables from FeynHiggs: B_s mass asymmetry, Br B_s -> mu mu, Br B -> X_s gamma. |
void | deltaMB_likelihood(double & result) Likelihood for Delta Ms. |
void | SL_measurements(predictions_measurements_covariances & pmc) Measurements for tree-level leptonic and semileptonic B decays. |
void | SL_likelihood(double & result) Likelihood for tree-level leptonic and semileptonic B decays. |
double | G(const double x) |
void | RHN_muegamma(double & result) |
void | RHN_tauegamma(double & result) |
void | RHN_taumugamma(double & result) |
double | RHN_l2lll(int alpha, int beta, int gamma, int delta, SMInputs sminputs, Eigen::Matrix3cd Vnu, Eigen::Matrix3cd Theta, Eigen::Matrix3cd m_nu, double M1, double M2, double M3, double mH) |
void | RHN_mueee(double & result) |
void | RHN_taueee(double & result) |
void | RHN_taumumumu(double & result) |
void | RHN_taumuee(double & result) |
void | RHN_taueemu(double & result) |
void | RHN_tauemumu(double & result) |
void | RHN_taumumue(double & result) |
void | RHN_mue_FF(const SMInputs sminputs, std::vector< double > & mnu, Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >, 3, 6 > & U, const double mH, std::complex< double > & g0SL, std::complex< double > & g0SR, std::complex< double > & g0VL, std::complex< double > & g0VR, std::complex< double > & g1SL, std::complex< double > & g1SR, std::complex< double > & g1VL, std::complex< double > & g1VR) |
void | RHN_mueTi(double & result) |
void | RHN_mueAu(double & result) |
void | RHN_muePb(double & result) |
void | l2lgamma_likelihood(double & result) Likelihood for l -> l gamma processes. |
void | l2lll_likelihood(double & result) Likelihood for l -> l l l processes. |
void | mu2e_likelihood(double & result) Likelihood for mu - e conversion in nuclei. |
void | HEPLike_RDRDstar_LogLikelihood(double & result) HEPLike LogLikelihood RD RDstar. |
void | HEPLike_B2mumu_LogLikelihood_CMS(double & result) |
void | HEPLike_B2mumu_LogLikelihood_Atlas(double & result) |
void | HEPLike_B2mumu_LogLikelihood_LHCb(double & result) |
void | HEPLike_B2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_Atlas(double & result) |
void | HEPLike_B2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_CMS(double & result) |
void | HEPLike_B2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_Belle(double & result) |
void | HEPLike_B2KstarellellAng_LogLikelihood_Belle(double & result) |
void | HEPLike_B2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_LHCb(double & result) |
void | HEPLike_B2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_LHCb_2020(double & result) |
void | HEPLike_B2KstareeAng_Lowq2_LogLikelihood_LHCb_2020(double & result) |
void | HEPLike_Bu2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_LHCb_2020(double & result) |
void | HEPLike_B2KstarmumuBr_LogLikelihood_LHCb(double & result) HEPLike LogLikelihood B -> K* mu mu Br (LHCb) |
void | HEPLike_B2KmumuBr_LogLikelihood_LHCb(double & result) HEPLike LogLikelihood B -> K+ mu mu Br (LHCb) |
void | HEPLike_Bs2phimumuBr_LogLikelihood(double & result) |
void | HEPLike_RK_LogLikelihood_LHCb(double & result) |
void | HEPLike_RKstar_LogLikelihood_LHCb(double & result) |
Name | |
const bool | flav_debug |
const bool | flav_debug_LL |
Utils::translator(GAMBIT_DIR “/FlavBit/data/observables_key.yaml”) | translate_flav_obs FlavBit observable name translator. |
const int | ncorrnuis Some constants used in SuperIso likelihoods. |
nuiscorr[ncorrnuis] | arr |
const nuiscorr(&)[ncorrnuis] | corrnuis |
_0p1_2 | |
_Atlas | _4_8 |
_Atlas _Atlas | _2_4p3 |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS | _6_8p68 |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS | _14p18_16 |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS | _0p1_4 |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle | _10p9_12p9 |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle _Belle | _0p1_0p98 |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle _Belle _LHCb | _2p5_4 |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle _Belle _LHCb _LHCb | _6_8 |
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle _Belle _LHCb _LHCb _LHCb | _0p0008_0p257 |
Functions Documentation
function FeynHiggs_prediction_bsgamma
void FeynHiggs_prediction_bsgamma(
double & result
These functions extract observables from a FeynHiggs flavour result
function FeynHiggs_prediction_Bsmumu
void FeynHiggs_prediction_Bsmumu(
double & result
function FeynHiggs_prediction_DeltaMs
void FeynHiggs_prediction_DeltaMs(
double & result
function InvertMatrix
template <class T >
bool InvertMatrix(
const ublas::matrix< T > & input,
ublas::matrix< T > & inverse
Matrix inversion routine using Boost.
function operator»
void operator>>(
const YAML::Node & node,
Correlation & c
Extraction operator for correlation.
function operator»
void operator>>(
const YAML::Node & node,
Measurement & v
Extraction operator for measurement.
function nuiscorr_help
const nuiscorr(& nuiscorr_help(
nuiscorr(&) arr[ncorrnuis],
const std::vector< nuiscorr > & v
function print
void print(
flav_prediction prediction,
std::vector< std::string > names
Print function for FlavBit predictions.
function Kstarll_Theory2Experiment_translation
void Kstarll_Theory2Experiment_translation(
flav_observable_map & prediction,
int generation
Translate B->K*ll observables from theory to LHCb convention.
function Kstarll_Theory2Experiment_translation
void Kstarll_Theory2Experiment_translation(
flav_covariance_map & prediction,
int generation
Translate B->K*ll covariances from theory to LHCb convention.
function path_to_latest_heplike_data
str path_to_latest_heplike_data()
Find the path to the latest installed version of the HepLike data.
function SuperIso_fill
void SuperIso_fill(
parameters & result
Fill SuperIso model info structure.
function SuperIso_nuisance_fill
void SuperIso_nuisance_fill(
nuisance & nuislist
Fill SuperIso nuisance structure.
function update_obs_list
void update_obs_list(
std::vector< str > & obs_list,
const std::vector< str > & HL_obs_list
Reorder a FlavBit observables list to match ordering expected by HEPLike.
function get_obs_theory
std::vector< double > get_obs_theory(
const flav_prediction & prediction,
const std::vector< std::string > & observables
Extract central values of the given observables from the central value map.
function get_obs_covariance
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > get_obs_covariance(
const flav_prediction & prediction,
const std::vector< std::string > & observables
Extract covariance matrix of the given observables from the covariance map.
function SuperIso_prediction_helper
void SuperIso_prediction_helper(
const std::vector< std::string > & FB_obslist,
const std::vector< std::string > & SI_obslist,
flav_prediction & result,
const parameters & param,
const nuisance & nuislist,
void(*)(char **, int *, double **, const parameters *, const nuisance *) get_predictions_nuisance,
void(*)(int, obsname *, int, double *, double *, const nuisance *, char **, const parameters *) observables,
void(*)(nuiscorr *, int, double **, char **, int) convert_correlation,
void(*)(double ***, char **, int *, const parameters *, const nuisance *, double **) get_th_covariance_nuisance,
bool useSMCovariance,
bool SMCovarianceCached
Helper function to avoid code duplication.
function SuperIso_RKstar_0045_11
void SuperIso_RKstar_0045_11(
double & result
SuperIso prediction for RK* in low q^2.
function SuperIso_RKstar_11_60
void SuperIso_RKstar_11_60(
double & result
RK* in intermediate q^2.
function SuperIso_RK
void SuperIso_RK(
double & result
RK between 1 and 6 GeV^2.
B2KstarmumuAng ,
_2_4 ,
B2KstarmumuAng ,
_1_2 ,
B2KstarmumuAng ,
_4p3_6 ,
B2KstarmumuAng ,
_10p09_12p86 ,
B2KstarmumuAng ,
_16_19 ,
B2KstarmumuAng ,
_4_8 ,
B2KstarmumuAng ,
_14p18_19 ,
B2KstarmumuAng ,
_1p1_2p5 ,
B2KstarmumuAng ,
_4_6 ,
B2KstarmumuAng ,
_15_19 ,
function SuperIso_prediction_Btaunu
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle _Belle _LHCb _LHCb _LHCb _LHCb void SuperIso_prediction_Btaunu(
double & result
Br B->tau nu_tau decays.
function SuperIso_prediction_Dstaunu
void SuperIso_prediction_Dstaunu(
double & result
Br B->D_s tau nu.
function SuperIso_prediction_Dsmunu
void SuperIso_prediction_Dsmunu(
double & result
Br B->D_s mu nu.
function SuperIso_prediction_Dmunu
void SuperIso_prediction_Dmunu(
double & result
Br D -> mu nu.
function SuperIso_prediction_BDtaunu
void SuperIso_prediction_BDtaunu(
double & result
Br B -> D tau nu.
function SuperIso_prediction_BDmunu
void SuperIso_prediction_BDmunu(
double & result
Br B -> D mu nu.
function SuperIso_prediction_BDstartaunu
void SuperIso_prediction_BDstartaunu(
double & result
Br B -> D* tau nu.
function SuperIso_prediction_BDstarmunu
void SuperIso_prediction_BDstarmunu(
double & result
Br B -> D* mu nu.
function SuperIso_prediction_RD
void SuperIso_prediction_RD(
double & result
B-> D tau nu / B-> D e nu decays.
function SuperIso_prediction_RDstar
void SuperIso_prediction_RDstar(
double & result
B->D* tau nu / B-> D* e nu decays.
function SuperIso_prediction_Rmu
void SuperIso_prediction_Rmu(
double & result
B->K mu nu / B-> pi mu nu.
function SuperIso_prediction_Rmu23
void SuperIso_prediction_Rmu23(
double & result
2-to-3-body decay ratio for semileptonic K and pi decays
function SuperIso_prediction_delta0
void SuperIso_prediction_delta0(
double & result
Delta_0 (CP-averaged isospin asymmetry of B -> K* gamma)
function SuperIso_prediction_A_BXsmumu_zero
void SuperIso_prediction_A_BXsmumu_zero(
double & result
Zero crossing of the forward-backward asymmetry of B -> X_s mu mu.
function SuperIso_prediction_BRBXstautau_highq2
void SuperIso_prediction_BRBXstautau_highq2(
double & result
Inclusive branching fraction B -> X_s tau tau at high q^2.
function SuperIso_prediction_A_BXstautau_highq2
void SuperIso_prediction_A_BXstautau_highq2(
double & result
Forward-backward asymmetry of B -> X_s tau tau at high q^2.
function RHN_RKstar_0045_11
void RHN_RKstar_0045_11(
double & result
function RHN_RKstar_11_60
void RHN_RKstar_11_60(
double & result
function RHN_RK
void RHN_RK(
double & result
RK for RHN.
function SuperIso_prediction_AI_BKstarmumu
void SuperIso_prediction_AI_BKstarmumu(
double & result
Isospin asymmetry of B-> K* mu mu.
function SuperIso_prediction_AI_BKstarmumu_zero
void SuperIso_prediction_AI_BKstarmumu_zero(
double & result
Zero crossing of isospin asymmetry of B-> K* mu mu.
function FeynHiggs_FlavourObs
void FeynHiggs_FlavourObs(
fh_FlavourObs_container & result
Flavour observables from FeynHiggs: B_s mass asymmetry, Br B_s -> mu mu, Br B -> X_s gamma.
function deltaMB_likelihood
void deltaMB_likelihood(
double & result
Likelihood for Delta Ms.
Option profile_systematics
function SL_measurements
void SL_measurements(
predictions_measurements_covariances & pmc
Measurements for tree-level leptonic and semileptonic B decays.
function SL_likelihood
void SL_likelihood(
double & result
Likelihood for tree-level leptonic and semileptonic B decays.
function G
double G(
const double x
function RHN_muegamma
void RHN_muegamma(
double & result
function RHN_tauegamma
void RHN_tauegamma(
double & result
function RHN_taumugamma
void RHN_taumugamma(
double & result
function RHN_l2lll
double RHN_l2lll(
int alpha,
int beta,
int gamma,
int delta,
SMInputs sminputs,
Eigen::Matrix3cd Vnu,
Eigen::Matrix3cd Theta,
Eigen::Matrix3cd m_nu,
double M1,
double M2,
double M3,
double mH
function RHN_mueee
void RHN_mueee(
double & result
function RHN_taueee
void RHN_taueee(
double & result
function RHN_taumumumu
void RHN_taumumumu(
double & result
function RHN_taumuee
void RHN_taumuee(
double & result
function RHN_taueemu
void RHN_taueemu(
double & result
function RHN_tauemumu
void RHN_tauemumu(
double & result
function RHN_taumumue
void RHN_taumumue(
double & result
function RHN_mue_FF
void RHN_mue_FF(
const SMInputs sminputs,
std::vector< double > & mnu,
Eigen::Matrix< std::complex< double >, 3, 6 > & U,
const double mH,
std::complex< double > & g0SL,
std::complex< double > & g0SR,
std::complex< double > & g0VL,
std::complex< double > & g0VR,
std::complex< double > & g1SL,
std::complex< double > & g1SR,
std::complex< double > & g1VL,
std::complex< double > & g1VR
function RHN_mueTi
void RHN_mueTi(
double & result
function RHN_mueAu
void RHN_mueAu(
double & result
function RHN_muePb
void RHN_muePb(
double & result
function l2lgamma_likelihood
void l2lgamma_likelihood(
double & result
Likelihood for l -> l gamma processes.
function l2lll_likelihood
void l2lll_likelihood(
double & result
Likelihood for l -> l l l processes.
function mu2e_likelihood
void mu2e_likelihood(
double & result
Likelihood for mu - e conversion in nuclei.
function HEPLike_RDRDstar_LogLikelihood
void HEPLike_RDRDstar_LogLikelihood(
double & result
HEPLike LogLikelihood RD RDstar.
function HEPLike_B2mumu_LogLikelihood_CMS
void HEPLike_B2mumu_LogLikelihood_CMS(
double & result
HEPLike LogLikelihood B -> ll (CMS) Recognised sub-capabilities: BRuntag_Bsmumu BR_Bdmumu
function HEPLike_B2mumu_LogLikelihood_Atlas
void HEPLike_B2mumu_LogLikelihood_Atlas(
double & result
HEPLike LogLikelihood B -> ll (ATLAS) Recognised sub-capabilities: BRuntag_Bsmumu BR_Bdmumu
function HEPLike_B2mumu_LogLikelihood_LHCb
void HEPLike_B2mumu_LogLikelihood_LHCb(
double & result
HEPLike LogLikelihood B -> ll (LHCb) Recognised sub-capabilities: BRuntag_Bsmumu BR_Bdmumu
function HEPLike_B2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_Atlas
void HEPLike_B2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_Atlas(
double & result
HEPLike LogLikelihood B -> K* mu mu Angluar (ATLAS) Recognised sub-capabilities: FL S3 S4 S5 S7 S8
function HEPLike_B2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_CMS
void HEPLike_B2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_CMS(
double & result
HEPLike LogLikelihood B -> K* mu mu Angular (CMS) Recognised sub-capabilities: P1 P5prime
function HEPLike_B2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_Belle
void HEPLike_B2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_Belle(
double & result
HEPLike LogLikelihood B -> K* mu mu Angular (Belle) Recognised sub-capabilities: P4prime P5prime
function HEPLike_B2KstarellellAng_LogLikelihood_Belle
void HEPLike_B2KstarellellAng_LogLikelihood_Belle(
double & result
HEPLike LogLikelihood B -> K* ell ell Angular (Belle) Recognised sub-capabilities: P4prime P5prime
function HEPLike_B2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_LHCb
void HEPLike_B2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_LHCb(
double & result
HEPLike LogLikelihood B -> K* mu mu Angular (LHCb) Recognised sub-capabilities: FL AFB S3 S4 S5 S7 S8 S9
function HEPLike_B2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_LHCb_2020
void HEPLike_B2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_LHCb_2020(
double & result
HEPLike LogLikelihood B -> K* mu mu Angular (LHCb) Recognised sub-capabilities: FL AFB S3 S4 S5 S7 S8 S9
function HEPLike_B2KstareeAng_Lowq2_LogLikelihood_LHCb_2020
void HEPLike_B2KstareeAng_Lowq2_LogLikelihood_LHCb_2020(
double & result
HEPLike LogLikelihood B -> K* e e Angular low q2 (LHCb) Recognised sub-capabilities: FLee AT_Re AT_2 AT_Im
function HEPLike_Bu2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_LHCb_2020
void HEPLike_Bu2KstarmumuAng_LogLikelihood_LHCb_2020(
double & result
HEPLike LogLikelihood Bu -> K*+ mu mu Angular (LHCb) Recognised sub-capabilities: FL AFB S3 S4 S5 S7 S8 S9
function HEPLike_B2KstarmumuBr_LogLikelihood_LHCb
void HEPLike_B2KstarmumuBr_LogLikelihood_LHCb(
double & result
HEPLike LogLikelihood B -> K* mu mu Br (LHCb)
function HEPLike_B2KmumuBr_LogLikelihood_LHCb
void HEPLike_B2KmumuBr_LogLikelihood_LHCb(
double & result
HEPLike LogLikelihood B -> K+ mu mu Br (LHCb)
function HEPLike_Bs2phimumuBr_LogLikelihood
void HEPLike_Bs2phimumuBr_LogLikelihood(
double & result
function HEPLike_RK_LogLikelihood_LHCb
void HEPLike_RK_LogLikelihood_LHCb(
double & result
function HEPLike_RKstar_LogLikelihood_LHCb
void HEPLike_RKstar_LogLikelihood_LHCb(
double & result
Attributes Documentation
variable flav_debug
const bool flav_debug =
variable flav_debug_LL
const bool flav_debug_LL =
variable translate_flav_obs
Utils::translator(GAMBIT_DIR "/FlavBit/data/observables_key.yaml") translate_flav_obs;
FlavBit observable name translator.
variable ncorrnuis
const int ncorrnuis = 463;
Some constants used in SuperIso likelihoods.
variable arr
nuiscorr[ncorrnuis] arr;
variable corrnuis
const nuiscorr(&)[ncorrnuis] corrnuis = nuiscorr_help(arr, YAML::LoadFile(GAMBIT_DIR "/FlavBit/data/SM_nuisance_correlations.yaml")["correlation_matrix"].as<std::vector<nuiscorr>>());
variable _0p1_2
variable _4_8
_Atlas _4_8;
variable _2_4p3
_Atlas _Atlas _2_4p3;
variable _6_8p68
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _6_8p68;
variable _14p18_16
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _14p18_16;
variable _0p1_4
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _0p1_4;
variable _10p9_12p9
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle _10p9_12p9;
variable _0p1_0p98
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle _Belle _0p1_0p98;
variable _2p5_4
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle _Belle _LHCb _2p5_4;
variable _6_8
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle _Belle _LHCb _LHCb _6_8;
variable _0p0008_0p257
_Atlas _Atlas _CMS _CMS _CMS _Belle _Belle _LHCb _LHCb _LHCb _0p0008_0p257;
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:39 +0000