namespace Gambit::DRes

Forward declaration of Rule and Observables classes for saving pointers to ignored and matched examples.


Derived class rule for resolution of backend requirements.
Main dependency resolver.
Graphviz output for edges/dependencies.
Graphviz output for individual vertices/nodes/module functions.
Derived class rule for resolution of dependencies.
Bind purpose to output vertex.
Information in resolution queue.
Base rule for resolution of dependencies and backend requirements.


typedef adjacency_list< vecS, vecS, bidirectionalS, functor *, vecS >MasterGraphType
typedef graph_traits< MasterGraphType >::vertex_descriptorVertexID
typedef graph_traits< MasterGraphType >::edge_descriptorEdgeID
typedef property_map< MasterGraphType, vertex_index_t >::typeIndexMap
typedef std::map< std::string, double * >inputMapType
typedef std::map< std::string, std::vector< functor * > >outputMapType


error &dependency_resolver_error()
Dependency resolver errors.
warning &dependency_resolver_warning()
Dependency resolver warnings.
boolstringComp(const str & s1, const str & s2)
Check whether s1 (wildcard + regex allowed) matches s2.
booltypeComp(str s1, str s2, const Utils::type_equivalency & eq)
Check whether type 1 (wildcard + regex allowed) matches type 2, taking into account equivalence classes.
voidgetParentVertices(const VertexID & vertex, const MasterGraphType & graph, std::set< VertexID > & myVertexList)
Collect parent vertices recursively (excluding root vertex)
std::vector< VertexID >sortVertices(const std::set< VertexID > & set, const std::list< VertexID > & topoOrder)
Sort given list of vertices (according to topological sort result)
std::vector< VertexID >getSortedParentVertices(const VertexID & vertex, const MasterGraphType & graph, const std::list< VertexID > & topoOrder)
Get sorted list of parent vertices.
doublegetTimeEstimate(const std::set< VertexID > & vertexList, const MasterGraphType & graph)
Return runtime estimate for a set of nodes.
template <typename RuleT >
std::set< const RuleT * >
getUsedOrUnusedRules(bool find_used, const std::vector< RuleT > & rules, const MasterGraphType & masterGraph)
Retrieve used or unused rules.
template <typename RuleT >
std::set< const RuleT * >
getUsedRules(const std::vector< RuleT > & rules, const MasterGraphType & masterGraph)
template <typename RuleT >
std::set< const RuleT * >
getUnusedRules(const std::vector< RuleT > & rules, const MasterGraphType & masterGraph)

Types Documentation

typedef MasterGraphType

typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, bidirectionalS, functor*, vecS> Gambit::DRes::MasterGraphType;

Typedefs for central boost graph

typedef VertexID

typedef graph_traits<MasterGraphType>::vertex_descriptor Gambit::DRes::VertexID;

typedef EdgeID

typedef graph_traits<MasterGraphType>::edge_descriptor Gambit::DRes::EdgeID;

typedef IndexMap

typedef property_map<MasterGraphType,vertex_index_t>::type Gambit::DRes::IndexMap;

typedef inputMapType

typedef std::map<std::string, double *> Gambit::DRes::inputMapType;

Typedefs for communication channels with the master-likelihood

typedef outputMapType

typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<functor*> > Gambit::DRes::outputMapType;

Functions Documentation

function dependency_resolver_error

error & dependency_resolver_error()

Dependency resolver errors.

function dependency_resolver_warning

warning & dependency_resolver_warning()

Dependency resolver warnings.

function stringComp

bool stringComp(
    const str & s1,
    const str & s2

Check whether s1 (wildcard + regex allowed) matches s2.

function typeComp

bool typeComp(
    str s1,
    str s2,
    const Utils::type_equivalency & eq

Check whether type 1 (wildcard + regex allowed) matches type 2, taking into account equivalence classes.

function getParentVertices

void getParentVertices(
    const VertexID & vertex,
    const MasterGraphType & graph,
    std::set< VertexID > & myVertexList

Collect parent vertices recursively (excluding root vertex)

function sortVertices

std::vector< VertexID > sortVertices(
    const std::set< VertexID > & set,
    const std::list< VertexID > & topoOrder

Sort given list of vertices (according to topological sort result)

function getSortedParentVertices

std::vector< VertexID > getSortedParentVertices(
    const VertexID & vertex,
    const MasterGraphType & graph,
    const std::list< VertexID > & topoOrder

Get sorted list of parent vertices.

function getTimeEstimate

double getTimeEstimate(
    const std::set< VertexID > & vertexList,
    const MasterGraphType & graph

Return runtime estimate for a set of nodes.

function getUsedOrUnusedRules

template <typename RuleT >
std::set< const RuleT * > getUsedOrUnusedRules(
    bool find_used,
    const std::vector< RuleT > & rules,
    const MasterGraphType & masterGraph

Retrieve used or unused rules.

function getUsedRules

template <typename RuleT >
std::set< const RuleT * > getUsedRules(
    const std::vector< RuleT > & rules,
    const MasterGraphType & masterGraph

function getUnusedRules

template <typename RuleT >
std::set< const RuleT * > getUnusedRules(
    const std::vector< RuleT > & rules,
    const MasterGraphType & masterGraph

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:32 +0000