namespace Gambit::CosmoBit

[No description available]






error &CosmoBit_error()
warning &CosmoBit_warning()
voidAlterBBN_Input(map_str_dbl & result)
voidpopulate_correlation_matrix(const std::map< std::string, int > & abund_map, std::vector< std::vector< double > > & corr, std::vector< double > & errors, bool has_errors, const Options & runOptions)
Check the validity of a correlation matrix for AlterBBN likelihood calculations given in the YAML file, and use it to populate a correlation matrix object.
voidcompute_primordial_abundances_BBN(BBN_container & result)
Compute elemental abundances from BBN.
voidprimordial_abundances(BBN_container & result)
voidprimordial_abundances_decayingDM(BBN_container & result)
voidextract_helium_abundance(double & result)
Extract helium-4 abundance from BBN abundance container.
voidextract_Neff_after_BBN(double & result)
Extract Neff from BBN abundance container.
voidcompute_BBN_LogLike(double & result)
Compute the overall log-likelihood from BBN.
voidclass_get_unlensed_Cl_TT(std::vector< double > & result)
Getter functions for CL spectra from classy.
voidclass_get_unlensed_Cl_TE(std::vector< double > & result)
Temperature & E-mode cross-correlation.
voidclass_get_unlensed_Cl_EE(std::vector< double > & result)
E-mode autocorrelation.
voidclass_get_unlensed_Cl_BB(std::vector< double > & result)
B-mode autocorrelation.
voidclass_get_unlensed_Cl_PhiPhi(std::vector< double > & result)
Lensing (Phi) autocorrelation.
voidclass_get_lensed_Cl_TT(std::vector< double > & result)
Temperature autocorrelation.
voidclass_get_lensed_Cl_TE(std::vector< double > & result)
Temperature & E-mode cross-correlation.
voidclass_get_lensed_Cl_EE(std::vector< double > & result)
E-mode autocorrelation.
voidclass_get_lensed_Cl_BB(std::vector< double > & result)
B-mode autocorrelation.
voidclass_get_lensed_Cl_PhiPhi(std::vector< double > & result)
Lensing (Phi) autocorrelation.
voidenergy_injection_efficiency_func(DarkAges::Energy_injection_efficiency_table & result)
DarkAges ///.
voidf_eff_weighted(double & result)
voidf_eff_at_z(double & result)
voidf_eff_constant(double & result)
Manually set the effective energy injection efficiency.
voidp_ann(double & result)
voidlnL_p_ann_P18_TTTEEE_lowE_lensing_BAO(double & result)
voidenergy_injection_spectrum_AnnihilatingDM_mixture(DarkAges::Energy_injection_spectrum & spectrum)
The energy injection spectrum from the AnnihilatingDM model hierarchy.
voidenergy_injection_spectrum_DecayingDM_mixture(DarkAges::Energy_injection_spectrum & spectrum)
The energy injection spectrum from the DecayingDM model hierarchy.
voidlifetime_ALP_agg(double & result)
Lifetime (in s) of an ALP if only the decay a -> g g is open.
voidminimum_abundance_ALP_analytical(double & result)
Compute the abundance of ALPs expected from thermal production via Primakoff processes.
voidminimum_abundance_ALP_numerical(double & result)
Abundance of ALPs expected from thermal production via Primakoff processes as calculated by micrOMEGAs.
voidminimum_fraction_ALP(double & result)
Compute the minimal fraction of dark matter in ALPs expected from thermal production via Primakoff processes.
voidDM_fraction_ALP(double & result)
The fraction of dark matter in decaying ALPs at the time of production.
voidtotal_DM_abundance_ALP(double & result)
voidcompute_dNeff_etaBBN_ALP(map_str_dbl & result)
@TODO function definition needed
voideta_ratio_ALP(double & result)
voidNeff_evolution_ALP(map_str_dbl & result)
voidset_k_pivot(double & result)
voidget_Neff_SM(double & result)
voidget_mNu_tot(double & result)
voidget_N_ur(double & result)
voidget_N_ur_from_BBN(double & result)
voidcompute_N_eff_likelihood_Planck_BAO(double & result)
voidT_ncdm_SM(double & result)
Temperature of non-CDM in the (cosmological) SM.
voidT_ncdm(double & result)
Temperature of non-CDM in non-standard theories.
voideta0_LCDM(double & result)
Baryon-to-photon ratio (today) in LCDM.
voidcompute_Omega0_b(double & result)
The total baryon content today.
voidcompute_Omega0_cdm(double & result)
The total cold dark matter content today.
voidcompute_Omega0_g(double & result)
The total photon content today.
voidcompute_n0_g(double & result)
Number density of photons today.
voidcompute_Omega0_ur(double & result)
The total ultrarelativistic content today.
voidget_H0_classy(double & result)
voidget_H_at_z_classy(daFunk::Funk & result)
Functor that calculates Hubble rate at redshift z [km/s/Mpc].
voidget_time_at_z_classy(daFunk::Funk & result)
Functor that calculates time since big bang at redshift z [s].
voidget_age_universe_from_time_at_z(double & result)
Age of the universe (time since big bang at z=0) [s].
voidget_Omega0_m_classy(double & result)
Energy densities today (Omega0)
voidget_Omega0_r_classy(double & result)
voidget_Omega0_ur_classy(double & result)
voidget_Omega0_ncdm_classy(double & result)
Non-cold dark matter.
voidget_S8_classy(double & result)
voidget_Neff_classy(double & result)
voidget_tau_reio_classy(double & result)
Optical depth at reionisation.
voidget_z_reio_classy(double & result)
redshift of reionisation
voidget_rs_drag_classy(double & result)
Comoving sound horizon at baryon drag epoch.
std::stringmultimode_error_handling(int & err)
Helper function for diagnosing MultiModeCode errors.
voidset_multimode_inputs(Multimode_inputs & result)
voidget_multimode_primordial_ps(Primordial_ps & result)
voidget_multimode_parametrised_ps(ModelParameters & result)
voidcompute_Planck_nuisance_prior_loglike(double & result)
voidcompute_Planck_sz_prior(double & result)
voidfunction_Planck_lowl_TT_2018_loglike(double & result)
Low-l TT likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
voidfunction_Planck_lowl_EE_2018_loglike(double & result)
Low-l E-mode polarisation likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
voidfunction_Planck_lowl_TTEE_2018_loglike(double & result)
Combined low-l TT and and E-mode polarisation likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
voidfunction_Planck_highl_TT_2018_loglike(double & result)
High-l TT likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
voidfunction_Planck_highl_TT_lite_2018_loglike(double & result)
Marginalised version of the high-l TT likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
voidfunction_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_2018_loglike(double & result)
High-l TT and polarisation likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
voidfunction_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2018_loglike(double & result)
Marginalised version of the high-l TT and polarisation likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
voidfunction_Planck_lensing_2018_loglike(double & result)
Lensing likelihood (PR3 - 2018)
voidfunction_Planck_lensing_marged_2018_loglike(double & result)
Lensing Likelihood (marginalised over reference spectra for TT,EE, etc.) (PR3 - 2018)
voidfunction_Planck_lowl_TT_2015_loglike(double & result)
Low-l TT likelihood (PR2 - 2015)
voidfunction_Planck_lowl_TEB_2015_loglike(double & result)
Low-l polarisation likelihood (PR2 - 2015)
voidfunction_Planck_highl_TT_2015_loglike(double & result)
High-l TT likelihood (PR2 - 2015)
voidfunction_Planck_highl_TT_lite_2015_loglike(double & result)
Marginalised version of high-l TT likelihood (PR2 - 2015)
voidfunction_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_2015_loglike(double & result)
High-l TT and polarisation likelihood (PR2 - 2015)
voidfunction_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2015_loglike(double & result)
Marginalised version of high-l TT and polarisation likelihood (PR2 - 2015)
voidfunction_Planck_lensing_2015_loglike(double & result)
Lensing likelihood (PR2 - 2015)

Functions Documentation

function CosmoBit_error

error & CosmoBit_error()

function CosmoBit_warning

warning & CosmoBit_warning()

function AlterBBN_Input

void AlterBBN_Input(
    map_str_dbl & result

Add parameters of relicparam structure that should be set to non-default values to the AlterBBN_input map. If you want to modify a parameter which has not been used in CosmoBit before, simply add it to the function ‘fill_cosmomodel’ in ‘AlterBBN_.cpp’ and to the set of ‘known’ parameters ‘known_relicparam_options’.

function populate_correlation_matrix

void populate_correlation_matrix(
    const std::map< std::string, int > & abund_map,
    std::vector< std::vector< double > > & corr,
    std::vector< double > & errors,
    bool has_errors,
    const Options & runOptions

Check the validity of a correlation matrix for AlterBBN likelihood calculations given in the YAML file, and use it to populate a correlation matrix object.

function compute_primordial_abundances_BBN

void compute_primordial_abundances_BBN(
    BBN_container & result

Compute elemental abundances from BBN.

function primordial_abundances

void primordial_abundances(
    BBN_container & result

function primordial_abundances_decayingDM

void primordial_abundances_decayingDM(
    BBN_container & result

function extract_helium_abundance

void extract_helium_abundance(
    double & result

Extract helium-4 abundance from BBN abundance container.

function extract_Neff_after_BBN

void extract_Neff_after_BBN(
    double & result

Extract Neff from BBN abundance container.

function compute_BBN_LogLike

void compute_BBN_LogLike(
    double & result

Compute the overall log-likelihood from BBN.

function class_get_unlensed_Cl_TT

void class_get_unlensed_Cl_TT(
    std::vector< double > & result

Getter functions for CL spectra from classy.

Temperature autocorrelation

function class_get_unlensed_Cl_TE

void class_get_unlensed_Cl_TE(
    std::vector< double > & result

Temperature & E-mode cross-correlation.

function class_get_unlensed_Cl_EE

void class_get_unlensed_Cl_EE(
    std::vector< double > & result

E-mode autocorrelation.

function class_get_unlensed_Cl_BB

void class_get_unlensed_Cl_BB(
    std::vector< double > & result

B-mode autocorrelation.

function class_get_unlensed_Cl_PhiPhi

void class_get_unlensed_Cl_PhiPhi(
    std::vector< double > & result

Lensing (Phi) autocorrelation.

function class_get_lensed_Cl_TT

void class_get_lensed_Cl_TT(
    std::vector< double > & result

Temperature autocorrelation.

function class_get_lensed_Cl_TE

void class_get_lensed_Cl_TE(
    std::vector< double > & result

Temperature & E-mode cross-correlation.

function class_get_lensed_Cl_EE

void class_get_lensed_Cl_EE(
    std::vector< double > & result

E-mode autocorrelation.

function class_get_lensed_Cl_BB

void class_get_lensed_Cl_BB(
    std::vector< double > & result

B-mode autocorrelation.

function class_get_lensed_Cl_PhiPhi

void class_get_lensed_Cl_PhiPhi(
    std::vector< double > & result

Lensing (Phi) autocorrelation.

function energy_injection_efficiency_func

void energy_injection_efficiency_func(
    DarkAges::Energy_injection_efficiency_table & result

DarkAges ///.

Get the energy injection efficiency table from DarkAges.

function f_eff_weighted

void f_eff_weighted(
    double & result

Calculate the effective energy injection efficiency by convulution of f_eff(z) with a weighting function W(z) that takes the sensitivity of the CMB for energy injection as a function of redshift into account. [cf.]

function f_eff_at_z

void f_eff_at_z(
    double & result

Calculate the effective energy injection efficiency by taking the value of f_eff(z) at given z.

Set-up, do the interpolation, and claen-up

function f_eff_constant

void f_eff_constant(
    double & result

Manually set the effective energy injection efficiency.

function p_ann

void p_ann(
    double & result

Calculate the annihilation rate p_ann = f_eff * f^2 * /m (Unit of result is: cm^3 s^-1 GeV^-1)

function lnL_p_ann_P18_TTTEEE_lowE_lensing_BAO

void lnL_p_ann_P18_TTTEEE_lowE_lensing_BAO(
    double & result

function energy_injection_spectrum_AnnihilatingDM_mixture

void energy_injection_spectrum_AnnihilatingDM_mixture(
    DarkAges::Energy_injection_spectrum & spectrum

The energy injection spectrum from the AnnihilatingDM model hierarchy.

function energy_injection_spectrum_DecayingDM_mixture

void energy_injection_spectrum_DecayingDM_mixture(
    DarkAges::Energy_injection_spectrum & spectrum

The energy injection spectrum from the DecayingDM model hierarchy.

function lifetime_ALP_agg

void lifetime_ALP_agg(
    double & result

Lifetime (in s) of an ALP if only the decay a -> g g is open.

function minimum_abundance_ALP_analytical

void minimum_abundance_ALP_analytical(
    double & result

Compute the abundance of ALPs expected from thermal production via Primakoff processes.

function minimum_abundance_ALP_numerical

void minimum_abundance_ALP_numerical(
    double & result

Abundance of ALPs expected from thermal production via Primakoff processes as calculated by micrOMEGAs.

function minimum_fraction_ALP

void minimum_fraction_ALP(
    double & result

Compute the minimal fraction of dark matter in ALPs expected from thermal production via Primakoff processes.

function DM_fraction_ALP

void DM_fraction_ALP(
    double & result

The fraction of dark matter in decaying ALPs at the time of production.

function total_DM_abundance_ALP

void total_DM_abundance_ALP(
    double & result

Return the total abundance (Y = n/s) of ALPs We assume non relativistic ALPs such that rho = n * m

function compute_dNeff_etaBBN_ALP

void compute_dNeff_etaBBN_ALP(
    map_str_dbl & result

@TODO function definition needed

function eta_ratio_ALP

void eta_ratio_ALP(
    double & result

function Neff_evolution_ALP

void Neff_evolution_ALP(
    map_str_dbl & result

function set_k_pivot

void set_k_pivot(
    double & result

Function for setting k_pivot in Mpc^-1 for consistent use within CosmoBit (i.e. ensuring a consistent value is used by both CLASS and MultiModeCode)

function get_Neff_SM

void get_Neff_SM(
    double & result

function get_mNu_tot

void get_mNu_tot(
    double & result

function get_N_ur

void get_N_ur(
    double & result

function get_N_ur_from_BBN

void get_N_ur_from_BBN(
    double & result

function compute_N_eff_likelihood_Planck_BAO

void compute_N_eff_likelihood_Planck_BAO(
    double & result

function T_ncdm_SM

void T_ncdm_SM(
    double & result

Temperature of non-CDM in the (cosmological) SM.

function T_ncdm

void T_ncdm(
    double & result

Temperature of non-CDM in non-standard theories.

function eta0_LCDM

void eta0_LCDM(
    double & result

Baryon-to-photon ratio (today) in LCDM.

function compute_Omega0_b

void compute_Omega0_b(
    double & result

The total baryon content today.

function compute_Omega0_cdm

void compute_Omega0_cdm(
    double & result

The total cold dark matter content today.

function compute_Omega0_g

void compute_Omega0_g(
    double & result

The total photon content today.

function compute_n0_g

void compute_n0_g(
    double & result

Number density of photons today.

function compute_Omega0_ur

void compute_Omega0_ur(
    double & result

The total ultrarelativistic content today.

function get_H0_classy

void get_H0_classy(
    double & result


function get_H_at_z_classy

void get_H_at_z_classy(
    daFunk::Funk & result

Functor that calculates Hubble rate at redshift z [km/s/Mpc].

function get_time_at_z_classy

void get_time_at_z_classy(
    daFunk::Funk & result

Functor that calculates time since big bang at redshift z [s].

function get_age_universe_from_time_at_z

void get_age_universe_from_time_at_z(
    double & result

Age of the universe (time since big bang at z=0) [s].

function get_Omega0_m_classy

void get_Omega0_m_classy(
    double & result

Energy densities today (Omega0)


function get_Omega0_r_classy

void get_Omega0_r_classy(
    double & result


function get_Omega0_ur_classy

void get_Omega0_ur_classy(
    double & result


function get_Omega0_ncdm_classy

void get_Omega0_ncdm_classy(
    double & result

Non-cold dark matter.

function get_S8_classy

void get_S8_classy(
    double & result

returns S8 = sigma8 (Omega0_m/0.3)^0.5 (sigma8:root mean square fluctuations density fluctuations within spheres of radius 8/h Mpc)

function get_Neff_classy

void get_Neff_classy(
    double & result

Effective number of neutrino species (mostly for cross-checking!)

function get_tau_reio_classy

void get_tau_reio_classy(
    double & result

Optical depth at reionisation.

function get_z_reio_classy

void get_z_reio_classy(
    double & result

redshift of reionisation

function get_rs_drag_classy

void get_rs_drag_classy(
    double & result

Comoving sound horizon at baryon drag epoch.

function multimode_error_handling

std::string multimode_error_handling(
    int & err

Helper function for diagnosing MultiModeCode errors.

0 = “failure; not fatal”

< 0 = “fatal”

function set_multimode_inputs

void set_multimode_inputs(
    Multimode_inputs & result

function get_multimode_primordial_ps

void get_multimode_primordial_ps(
    Primordial_ps & result

Use the inputs from the MultiModeCode initialisation function to compute a non-parametric primordial power spectrum.

function get_multimode_parametrised_ps

void get_multimode_parametrised_ps(
    ModelParameters & result

Use the inputs from the MultiModeCode initialisation function to compute a parametrised primordial power spectrum.

function compute_Planck_nuisance_prior_loglike

void compute_Planck_nuisance_prior_loglike(
    double & result

Apply Gaussian priors on some of the Planck nuisance parameters (cf. table 16 of 1907.1287) By default, the 2018 priors are used. If the 2015 priors should be considered, set “version: 2015” in the rules of this function. If needed, a custom file with the priors can be passed via the “prior_file” keyword in the rules.

Loop over all parameters and apply the prior

function compute_Planck_sz_prior

void compute_Planck_sz_prior(
    double & result

SZ- prior: Prior on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes. Correlation is unconstrained by Planck. Use prior based on SPT and ACT data. (cf.– eq. 32)

function function_Planck_lowl_TT_2018_loglike

void function_Planck_lowl_TT_2018_loglike(
    double & result

Low-l TT likelihood (PR3 - 2018)

function function_Planck_lowl_EE_2018_loglike

void function_Planck_lowl_EE_2018_loglike(
    double & result

Low-l E-mode polarisation likelihood (PR3 - 2018)

function function_Planck_lowl_TTEE_2018_loglike

void function_Planck_lowl_TTEE_2018_loglike(
    double & result

Combined low-l TT and and E-mode polarisation likelihood (PR3 - 2018)

function function_Planck_highl_TT_2018_loglike

void function_Planck_highl_TT_2018_loglike(
    double & result

High-l TT likelihood (PR3 - 2018)

function function_Planck_highl_TT_lite_2018_loglike

void function_Planck_highl_TT_lite_2018_loglike(
    double & result

Marginalised version of the high-l TT likelihood (PR3 - 2018)

function function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_2018_loglike

void function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_2018_loglike(
    double & result

High-l TT and polarisation likelihood (PR3 - 2018)

function function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2018_loglike

void function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2018_loglike(
    double & result

Marginalised version of the high-l TT and polarisation likelihood (PR3 - 2018)

function function_Planck_lensing_2018_loglike

void function_Planck_lensing_2018_loglike(
    double & result

Lensing likelihood (PR3 - 2018)

function function_Planck_lensing_marged_2018_loglike

void function_Planck_lensing_marged_2018_loglike(
    double & result

Lensing Likelihood (marginalised over reference spectra for TT,EE, etc.) (PR3 - 2018)

function function_Planck_lowl_TT_2015_loglike

void function_Planck_lowl_TT_2015_loglike(
    double & result

Low-l TT likelihood (PR2 - 2015)

function function_Planck_lowl_TEB_2015_loglike

void function_Planck_lowl_TEB_2015_loglike(
    double & result

Low-l polarisation likelihood (PR2 - 2015)

function function_Planck_highl_TT_2015_loglike

void function_Planck_highl_TT_2015_loglike(
    double & result

High-l TT likelihood (PR2 - 2015)

function function_Planck_highl_TT_lite_2015_loglike

void function_Planck_highl_TT_lite_2015_loglike(
    double & result

Marginalised version of high-l TT likelihood (PR2 - 2015)

function function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_2015_loglike

void function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_2015_loglike(
    double & result

High-l TT and polarisation likelihood (PR2 - 2015)

function function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2015_loglike

void function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2015_loglike(
    double & result

Marginalised version of high-l TT and polarisation likelihood (PR2 - 2015)

function function_Planck_lensing_2015_loglike

void function_Planck_lensing_2015_loglike(
    double & result

Lensing likelihood (PR2 - 2015)

Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:31 +0000