namespace Gambit

TODO: see if we can use this one: More…


Forward declaration of Rule and Observables classes for saving pointers to ignored and matched examples.
Definitions of friend functions from above.
Forward declare MPI class.
Forward declare minimial logging components needed to use logger.
Forward declaration of Models::ModelFunctorClaw class for use in constructors.
List of parameter types used to classify spectrum contents.
Forward declaration.


structGambit::is_container< std::array< T, N > >
structGambit::is_container< std::deque< T > >
structGambit::is_container< std::forward_list< T > >
structGambit::is_container< std::list< T > >
structGambit::is_container< std::map< T1, T2 > >
structGambit::is_container< std::multimap< T1, T2 > >
structGambit::is_container< std::multiset< T > >
structGambit::is_container< std::set< T > >
structGambit::is_container< std::unordered_map< T1, T2 > >
structGambit::is_container< std::unordered_multimap< T1, T2 > >
structGambit::is_container< std::unordered_multiset< T > >
structGambit::is_container< std::unordered_set< T > >
structGambit::is_container< std::vector< T > >
structGambit::is_pair< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
structGambit::is_vector< std::vector< T > >
Helper for the static_assert below.
Actual backend functor type.
classGambit::backend_functor< TYPE(*)(ARGS…), TYPE, ARGS… >
Template specialisation for non-variadic, non-void backend functions.
classGambit::backend_functor< typename variadic_ptr< TYPE, ARGS… >::type, TYPE, ARGS… >
Template specialisation for variadic, non-void backend functions.
classGambit::backend_functor< typename variadic_ptr< void, ARGS… >::type, void, ARGS… >
Template specialisation for variadic void backend functions.
classGambit::backend_functor< void(*)(ARGS…), void, ARGS… >
Template specialisation for non-variadic, void backend functions.
Backend functor class for functions with result type TYPE and argumentlist ARGS.
A base class for BEvariable_bucket and BEfunction_bucket.
The actual usable form of the interface class to backend functions.
classGambit::BEfunction_bucket< TYPE(*)(ARGS…), TYPE, ARGS… >
Partial specialisation for non-variadic backend functions.
classGambit::BEfunction_bucket< typename variadic_ptr< TYPE, ARGS… >::type, TYPE, ARGS… >
Partial specialisation for variadic backend functions.
An interface class for backend functions.
An interface class for backend variables.
Helper class for calling function pointers found by FptrFinder.
classGambit::CallFcn< HostSpec, MapTag::Get >
Specialisation of CallFcn for calling ‘getter’ functions.
classGambit::CallFcn< HostSpec, MapTag::Set >
Specialisation of CallFcn for calling ‘setter’ functions.
Helper struct to carry around capability information.
GAMBIT native decay table class.
Default values for traits. Specialisations of SpecTraits should inherit from this, and then override the traits that they want to customise.
An interface class for module dependencies.
GAMBIT error class.
GAMBIT exception base class.
Flavour observables structure holding central values and covariances.
Forward declaration of FptrFinder.
Function wrapper (functor) base class.
Master driver class for a GAMBIT scan.
Gambit halt loop exception class.
Special exception used during emergency early shutdown.
GAMBIT native higgs coupling table class.
Gambit invalid loop iteration exception class.
Gambit invalid point exception class.
structGambit::is_all_member_internal< type, void()>
structGambit::is_all_member_internal< type, void(T, args…)>
structGambit::is_all_member_vector_internal< void()>
structGambit::is_all_member_vector_internal< void(const std::vector< T > &, args…)>
structGambit::is_all_member_vector_internal< void(std::vector< T > &, args…)>
structGambit::is_all_member_vector_internal< void(std::vector< T >, args…)>
structGambit::is_all_member_vector_internal< void(T, args…)>
structGambit::is_one_member_internal< type, void()>
structGambit::is_one_member_internal< type, void(T, args…)>
structGambit::is_one_member_vector_internal< void()>
structGambit::is_one_member_vector_internal< void(const std::vector< T > &, args…)>
structGambit::is_one_member_vector_internal< void(std::vector< T > &, args…)>
structGambit::is_one_member_vector_internal< void(std::vector< T >, args…)>
structGambit::is_one_member_vector_internal< void(T, args…)>
structGambit::is_same_type< mult_types< args… >, T >
structGambit::is_same_type< T, T >
structGambit::is_same_type_internal< void(), type >
structGambit::is_same_type_internal< void(T, args…), T >
structGambit::is_same_type_internal< void(T, args…), type >
Class for collecting pointers to all the likelihood components, then running and combining them.
Struct to hold collections of function pointer maps to be filled by derived classes.
Fully unspecialised MapTypes declaration.
structGambit::MapTypes< DerivedSpec, MapTag::Get >
structGambit::MapTypes< DerivedSpec, MapTag::Set >
Structure to hold mass eigenstate pseudonyms for gauge eigenstates.
Functors specific to ModelParameters objects.
Helper struct to carry around model information.
Model hierarchy tree class.
Actual module functor type for all but TYPE=void.
classGambit::module_functor< void >
Actual module functor type for TYPE=void.
Functor derived class for module functions.
Special exception raised when emergency shutdown triggered via MPI.
MSSM specialisation of SLHAea object wrapper version of SubSpectrum class.
Class containing the inputs used for inputs to MultiModeCode.
Container for effective non-relativistic DM-nucleon Wilson coefficients.
Definition of struct to hold various override values for a given ParamTag.
Gambit piped error class.
Gambit piped invalid point exception class.
Holds the info about a python backend variable, and defines conversion functions.
Base class for the interface classes ‘dep_bucket’, ‘BEvariable_bucket’ and ‘BEfunction_bucket’.
FptrFinder friend class for implementing named parameter idiom.
Variables for use in signal handlers.
Special exception used during clean exit from diagnostics.
Skeleton “model” class which interacts with an SLHAea object.
Container class for Standard Model input information (defined as in SLHA2)
SM specialisation of SLHAea object wrapper version of SubSpectrum class.
Special exception used during controlled early shutdown.
Need to forward declare Spec class.
GAMBIT special exception class. Not logged, meant for always catching.
Mini helper class to specify behaviour of getters w.r.t. overrides in a type-safe way.
structGambit::SpecTraits< Models::DiracSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
structGambit::SpecTraits< Models::DMEFTSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
structGambit::SpecTraits< Models::DMsimpVectorMedDiracDMSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
structGambit::SpecTraits< Models::DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDMSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
structGambit::SpecTraits< Models::DMsimpVectorMedScalarDMSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
structGambit::SpecTraits< Models::DMsimpVectorMedVectorDMSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
structGambit::SpecTraits< Models::MajoranaSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
structGambit::SpecTraits< Models::ScalarSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
structGambit::SpecTraits< Models::ScalarSingletDM_Z3SimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
structGambit::SpecTraits< Models::SubGeVDMSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
structGambit::SpecTraits< Models::VectorSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
structGambit::SpecTraits< MSSMSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
structGambit::SpecTraits< SMSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
structGambit::SpecTraits< SpecBit::MDMSpec< MI > >
structGambit::SpecTraits< SpecBit::MSSMSpec< MI > >
structGambit::SpecTraits< SpecBit::QedQcdWrapper >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
structGambit::SpecTraits< SpecBit::ScalarSingletDM_Z2Spec< MI > >
structGambit::SpecTraits< SpecBit::ScalarSingletDM_Z3Spec< MI > >
structGambit::SpecTraits< SpecBit::SMHiggsSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
“Standard Model” (low-energy) plus high-energy model container class
Simple class to contain information defining how some parameter in a SubSpectrum object can be accessed.
Virtual base class for interacting with spectrum generator output.
Base class for defining the required contents of a SubSpectrum object.
Gambit suspicious point exception class.
Type redefinition to get around icc compiler bugs.
GAMBIT warning class.


enumFunctorStatus { Pybind_missing = -6, Mathematica_missing = -5, Backend_missing = -4, Classes_missing = -3, Function_missing = -2, Origin_missing = -1, Model_incompatible = 0, Available = 1, Active = 2}
typedef std::stringstr
Shorthand for a standard string.
typedef doubleREAL
typedef Fdoublefh_real
typedef Fdouble_complexfh_complex
typedef const fh_realfh_creal
typedef const fh_complexfh_ccomplex
typedef double[10]dblarr
typedef double(*)(const double &, const int &, void *&)nuyield_function_pointer
typedef struct Gambit::_errclik_error
typedef Farray< Finteger, 1, 3 >Farray_Finteger_1_3
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 2 >Farray_Freal8_1_2
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 3 >Farray_Freal8_1_3
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 4 >Farray_Freal8_1_4
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 5 >Farray_Freal8_1_5
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 6 >Farray_Freal8_1_6
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 2, 1, 2 >Farray_Freal8_1_2_1_2
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 3, 1, 3 >Farray_Freal8_1_3_1_3
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 4, 1, 4 >Farray_Freal8_1_4_1_4
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 6, 1, 6 >Farray_Freal8_1_6_1_6
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 2, 1, 3 >Farray_Freal8_1_2_1_3
typedef Farray< Fcomplex16, 1, 2 >Farray_Fcomplex16_1_2
typedef Farray< Fcomplex16, 1, 3 >Farray_Fcomplex16_1_3
typedef Farray< Fcomplex16, 1, 2, 1, 2 >Farray_Fcomplex16_1_2_1_2
typedef Farray< Fcomplex16, 1, 3, 1, 3 >Farray_Fcomplex16_1_3_1_3
typedef Farray< Fcomplex16, 1, 4, 1, 4 >Farray_Fcomplex16_1_4_1_4
typedef Farray< Fcomplex16, 1, 5, 1, 5 >Farray_Fcomplex16_1_5_1_5
typedef Farray< Fcomplex16, 1, 6, 1, 6 >Farray_Fcomplex16_1_6_1_6
typedef Farray< Flogical, 1, 100 >Farray_Flogical_1_100
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 100 >Farray_Freal8_1_100
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 100, 1, 2 >Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_2
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 100, 1, 5 >Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_5
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 100, 1, 2, 1, 2 >Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_2_1_2
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 100, 1, 3, 1, 3 >Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_3_1_3
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 100, 1, 4, 1, 4 >Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_4_1_4
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 100, 1, 5, 1, 4 >Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_5_1_4
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 100, 1, 5, 1, 5 >Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_5_1_5
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 100, 1, 6, 1, 6 >Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_6_1_6
typedef Farray< Freal8, 1, 100, 1, 7, 1, 7 >Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_7_1_7
typedef Farray< Fstring< 60 >, 1, 31 >Farray_Fstring60_1_31
typedef Farray< Fstring< 60 >, 1, 10 >Farray_Fstring60_1_10
typedef Farray< Fstring< 60 >, 1, 2 >Farray_Fstring60_1_2
typedef Farray< Fstring< 60 >, 1, 33 >Farray_Fstring60_1_33
typedef Farray< Fstring< 60 >, 1, 15 >Farray_Fstring60_1_15
typedef Farray< Fstring< 60 >, 1, 22 >Farray_Fstring60_1_22
typedef Farray< Fstring< 60 >, 1, 25 >Farray_Fstring60_1_25
typedef Farray< Fstring< 60 >, 1, 9 >Farray_Fstring60_1_9
typedef Fstring< 20 >Fstring20
typedef Farray< particle2, 1, 2 >Farray_particle2_1_2
typedef Farray< particle2, 1, 6 >Farray_particle2_1_6
typedef Farray< particle23, 1, 2 >Farray_particle23_1_2
typedef Farray< particle23, 1, 3 >Farray_particle23_1_3
typedef Farray< particle23, 1, 4 >Farray_particle23_1_4
typedef Farray< particle23, 1, 6 >Farray_particle23_1_6
typedef std::map< const std::string, double >flav_observable_map
Maps for holding observables and covariance matrix.
typedef std::map< const std::string, std::map< const std::string, double > >flav_covariance_map
typedef double(*)(int &)fptr
typedef double(*)(double &)fptr_dd
A double in, double out function pointer.
typedef LogTags::LogTag_declarationLogTag
typedef std::map< std::string, double >map_str_dbl
Shorthand for a string-to-double map.
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string >map_str_str
Shorthand for a string-to-string map.
typedef std::map< std::string, double >parameterMap
typedef SLHAea::CollSLHAstruct
Less confusing name for SLHAea container class.
typedef std::pair< str, str >sspair
Shorthand for a pair of standard strings.
typedef std::pair< double, double >ddpair
Shorthand for a pair of doubles.
typedef std::pair< int, int >iipair
Shorthand for a pair of integers.
typedef std::pair< str, double >sdpair
Shorthand for a pair of string and double.
typedef std::vector< double >vec_dbl
Shorthand for a vector of doubles.
typedef std::vector< std::vector< double > >mat_dbl
Shorthand for a matrix of doubles.
typedef std::map< std::string, int >map_str_int
Shorthand for a string-to-int map.
typedef std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, double > >map_str_map_str_dbl
Shorthand for a string-to-string-to-double map.
typedef std::map< const std::string, double >map_const_str_dbl
Shorthand for a const-string-to-double map.
typedef std::map< const std::string, std::map< const std::string, double > >map_const_str_map_const_str_dbl
Shorthand for a const-string-to-const-string-to-double map.
typedef std::map< std::string, bool >map_str_bool
Shorthand for a string-to-bool map.
typedef std::map< int, double >map_int_dbl
Shorthand for an int to double map.
typedef std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, std::string > >map_str_map_str_str
Shorthand for a string-to-string-to-string map.
typedef std::map< std::pair< int, int >, double >map_intpair_dbl
Shorthand for an int-int pair to double map.
template <typename T >
using std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T > >
typedef void(*)()fptr_void
Shorthand for a pointer to a void function with no arguments.
typedef std::map< int, triplet< double > >map_int_triplet_dbl
Shorthand for an int-to-double triplet map.
typedef std::map< std::string, safe_ptr< const double > >param_map_type
Shorthand for the type of the ‘Param’ map (string-to-double-safe_ptr map)
typedef FcomplexT< float >Fcomplex
typedef FcomplexT< float >Fcomplex8
typedef FcomplexT< double >Fcomplex16
typedef FcomplexT< double >Fdouble_complex
typedef FcomplexT< long double >Flongdouble_complex
typedef charFcharacter
typedef doubleFdouble
typedef doubleFdouble_precision
typedef doubleFdoubleprecision
typedef intFinteger
typedef shortFinteger2
typedef long intFinteger4
typedef long longFinteger8
typedef int32_tFlogical
typedef boolFlogical1
typedef floatFreal
typedef floatFreal4
typedef doubleFreal8
typedef long doubleFreal16
typedef voidMVoid
Types used for Mathematica backends.
typedef intMInteger
typedef doubleMReal
typedef boolMBool
typedef charMChar
typedef std::stringMString
template <typename T >
using std::vector< T >


voidswap(Spectrum & first, Spectrum & second)
voidsighandler_soft(int sig)
Signal handler functions.
Signal blocking/unblocking.
voidSLHAea_add(SLHAstruct & slha, const str & block, const int index, const double value, const str & comment ="", const bool overwrite =false)
voidSLHAea_add(SLHAstruct & slha, const str & block, const int index, const str & value, const str & comment ="", const bool overwrite =false)
voidSLHAea_add(SLHAstruct & slha, const str & block, const int index, const int value, const str & comment ="", const bool overwrite =false)
voidSLHAea_add(SLHAstruct & slha, const str & block, const int index1, const int index2, const double & value, const str & comment, const bool overwrite =false)
std::ostream &operator«(std::ostream & os, const BBN_container & bbn)
strfixns(str s)
Get back the “::” from things that use NS_SEP instead.
intvectorstr_push_back(std::vector< str > & vec, str s)
Call push back on a vector of strings.
intset_allowed_models(functor & be_functor, std::vector< str > & allowed_at_be_level, str models_string)
Notify a backend functor of which models it can be used with.
intregister_backend_with_log(str s)
Register a backend with the logging system.
intregister_type(str bever, str classname)
Register a BOSSed type with the rollcall system.
intset_backend_functor_status(functor & be_functor, const std::vector< str > & symbol_names)
Disable a backend functor if its library is missing or the symbol cannot be found.
intset_BackendIniBit_functor_status(functor & ini_functor, str be, str v)
Disable a backend initialisation function if the backend is missing.
intget_ctor_status(str be, str ver, str name, str barename, str args, const std::vector< str > & symbol_names)
Get the status of a factory pointer to a BOSSed type’s wrapper constructor.
intset_backend_rule_for_model(module_functor_common & f, str models, str tags)
Set a backend rule for one or more models.
intset_classload_requirements(module_functor_common & f, str be, str verstr, str default_ver)
Set the classloading requirements of a given functor.
voidset_backend_functor_status_C_CXX_Fortran(functor & be_functor, const std::vector< str > & symbol_names)
Disable a C, C++ or Fortran backend functor if its library is missing or the symbol cannot be found.
gambit_core &Core()
Core accessor function.
error &core_error()
Core errors.
warning &core_warning()
Core warnings.
intregister_module(str module, str ref)
Register a module with the Core.
intregister_module_functor_core(module_functor_common & f)
Register a module functor with the Core.
intregister_model_functor_core(primary_model_functor & primary_parameters)
Register a model functor with the Core.
intregister_backend(str be, str ver, str ref)
Register a backend with the Core.
intregister_backend_functor(functor & f)
Register a backend functor with the Core.
intregister_management_req(module_functor_common & f)
Register a loop management requirement with the Core.
YAML::Emitter &operator«(YAML::Emitter & out, const capability_info & info)
Emitter for the capability_info struct.
YAML::Emitter &operator«(YAML::Emitter & out, const model_info & info)
Emitter for the model_info struct.
voidini_catch(std::exception & e)
Catch initialisation exceptions.
intadd_equivrelation(str s1, str s2)
Helper function for adding a type equivalency at initialisation.
intpass_default_to_backendinfo(str be, str def)
Helper function for passing default backend information at initialisation.
intadd_model(str model, str parent)
Runtime addition of model to GAMBIT model database.
intadd_parameter(model_functor & primary_parameters, str param)
Add a new parameter to a primary model functor.
intset_model_name(model_functor & primary_parameters, str model_name)
Set the model name in a primary model functor.
intcopy_parameters(model_functor & donor, model_functor & donee, bool add_friend, str model ="", str model_x ="")
Tell a model functor to take its parameter definition from another model functor.
intregister_model_functor(std::map< str, bool()()> , std::map< str, str > , bool()() , const str & , const str & )
Register a model functor.
intregister_module_with_log(str module)
Create a log tag for a new module.
intregister_function(module_functor_common & f, bool can_manage, safe_ptr< bool > * done, safe_ptr< Options > & opts, safe_ptr< std::set< sspair > > & dependees, safe_ptr< Options > & subcaps)
Register a function with a module.
intregister_function_nesting(module_functor_common & f, omp_safe_ptr< long long > & iteration, const str & loopmanager_capability, const str & loopmanager_type)
Register the fact that a module function needs to run nested.
intregister_model_singly(module_functor_common & f, const str & model)
Register that a module function is compatible with a single model.
intregister_model_group(module_functor_common & f, const str & group_name, const str & group)
Register a model group with a functor.
intregister_backend_requirement(module_functor_common & f, const str & group, const str & req, const str & tags, bool is_variable, const str & req_type1, const str & req_type2, void(*)(functor *) resolver)
Register a backend requirement for a module function.
intregister_model_combination(module_functor_common & f, const str & combo)
Register a combination of models as allowed with a functor.
intregister_dependency(module_functor_common & f, const str & dep, const str & dep_type, void(*)(functor *, module_functor_common *) resolver)
Register a dependency of a module function.
intregister_conditional_dependency(module_functor_common & f, const str & dep, const str & dep_type)
Register a conditional dependency of a module function.
intregister_model_parameter_dependency(module_functor_common & f, const str & model, const str & dep, void(*)(functor *, module_functor_common *) resolver)
Register a model parameters dependency of a module function.
intregister_model_conditional_dependency(module_functor_common & f, const str & model, const str & dep, void(*)(functor *, module_functor_common *) resolver)
Register a model-conditional dependency of a module function.
intregister_backend_conditional_dependency(module_functor_common & f, const str & req, const str & be, const str & versions, const str & dep, void(*)(functor *, module_functor_common *) resolver)
Register a backend-conditional dependency of a module function.
intapply_backend_matching_rule(module_functor_common & f, const str & rule)
Apply a backend-matching rule.
intapply_backend_option_rule(module_functor_common & f, const str & be_and_ver, const str & tags)
Apply a backend option rule.
voidSLHAea_add_from_subspec(SLHAstruct & slha, const str local_info, const SubSpectrum & subspec, const Par::Tags partype, const std::pair< int, int > & pdg_pair, const str & block, const str & comment, const bool error_if_missing =true, const double rescale =1.0)
Add an entry from a subspectrum getter to an SLHAea object; SLHA index given by pdg code.
voidSLHAea_add_from_subspec(SLHAstruct & slha, const str local_info, const SubSpectrum & subspec, const Par::Tags partype, const str & name, const str & block, const int slha_index, const str & comment, const bool error_if_missing =true, const double rescale =1.0)
Add an entry from a subspectrum getter to an SLHAea object; 1 SLHA index.
voidSLHAea_add_from_subspec(SLHAstruct & slha, const str local_info, const SubSpectrum & subspec, const Par::Tags partype, const str & name, const int index1, const int index2, const str & block, const int slha_index1, const int slha_index2, const str & comment, const bool error_if_missing =true, const double rescale =1.0)
Add an entry from a subspectrum getter to an SLHAea object; two SubSpectrum getter indices, two SLHA indices.
voidadd_SimpleSpec_to_SLHAea(const SubSpectrum & subspec, SLHAstruct & slha, const SubSpectrumContents & contents)
Write a SimpleSpectrum to an SLHAea object.
intSMlike_higgs_PDG_code(const SubSpectrum & spec)
template <typename HE ,typename HEmod >
spectrum_from_SLHAea(HEmod hemod, SLHAstruct slhaea, const Spectrum::mc_info & mci, const Spectrum::mr_info & mri)
Create a simple spectrum object from an SLHAea object.
template <typename HE >
spectrum_from_SLHA(str slha, const Spectrum::mc_info & mci, const Spectrum::mr_info & mri)
Create a simple spectrum object from an SLHA file.
boolwithin_bounds(const int i, const std::set< int > allowed)
Helper function for checking if indices are valid.
booloperator==(const SpecOverrideOptions & lhs, const SpecOverrideOptions & rhs)
doublevirtual_SMHiggs_widths(str channel, double mh)
Higgs branching ratios and total width Gamma [GeV], as function of mass [GeV] (90 - 300 GeV)
doublehadronic_cross_section_ratio(double sqrts, bool smooth)
Hadronic cross section ratio as function of centre-of-mass energy [GeV] (0.3 - 188 GeV)
voidget_calculator_info(const SLHAstruct & slha, str & calculator, str & calculator_version)
voidSLHAea_add_QNumbers_from_subspec(SLHAstruct & slha, const SubSpectrum & subspec, const std::pair< int, int > pdg_pair)
Adds QNUMBERS entry for a particle, SLHA index given by the PDG code.
boolis_abs(str & s)
Helper function for checking if a particle or ratio has been requested as an absolute value.
EXPORT_SYMBOLS Logging::LogMaster &logger()
Function to retrieve a reference to the Gambit global log object.
voidMSSM_mA_to_MSSM_mhud(const ModelParameters & myP, ModelParameters & targetP, const SubSpectrum & HE)
Translation function for mA,mu parameterisation to mHu2,mHd2 parameterisation.
voidMSSMatX_to_MSSMatQ(const ModelParameters & myP, ModelParameters & targetP, const SubSpectrum & HE)
Translation function for MSSM defined at RGE-determined scale (e.g. GUT, SUSY) to arbitrary scale Q.
voidMSSM20atX_to_MSSM25atX(const ModelParameters & myP, ModelParameters & targetP)
Translation functions for 20-parameter models to 25-parameter.
voidMSSM25atX_to_MSSM30atX(const ModelParameters & myP, ModelParameters & targetP)
Translation functions for 25-parameter models to 30-parameter.
voidMSSM30atX_to_MSSM63atX(const ModelParameters & myP, ModelParameters & targetP)
Translation functions for 30-parameter models to 63-parameter.
voidMSSM_mA_mG_to_MSSM_mhud(const ModelParameters & myP, ModelParameters & targetP, const SubSpectrum & HE)
boolorderer(std::pair< int, double > a, std::pair< int, double > b)
Helper function for sorting int, double pairs according to the double.
template <typename T >
pp_reader_retrieve(T & result, str dataset)
Postprocessor reader retrieve function.
Printers::BaseReader &get_pp_reader()
voidset_global_printer_manager(Printers::PrinterManager * pm)
Printers::PrinterManager *get_global_printer_manager()
std::stringformat_for_screen(const std::string & input_string)
voidprint_to_screen(const std::string & file_in, const std::string & name)
std::stringseparate_line(std::string & line, std::string::size_type indent, std::string::size_type cols_pos)
std::stringsignal_name(int sig)
Translate signal codes to strings.
EXPORT_SYMBOLS SignalData &signaldata()
Retrieve global instance of signal handler options struct.
voidset_signal_handler(const YAML::Node & keyvalnode, const int sig, const std::string & def_mode)
Choose signal handler for a given signal via yaml file option.
sigset_t *signal_mask()
Getter for global signal set.
SLHAstructread_SLHA(str slha)
Read an SLHA file in to an SLHAea object with some error-checking.
doubleSLHAea_get(const SLHAstruct & slha, const str & block, const int index)
Get an entry from an SLHAea object as a double, with some error checking.
doubleSLHAea_get(const SLHAstruct & slha, const str & block, const int index, const double defvalue)
Get an entry from an SLHAea object as a double; raise a warning and use a default value if the entry is missing.
voidSLHAea_add_block(SLHAstruct & slha, const str & name, const double scale =-1)
Add a new block to an SLHAea object, with or without a scale.
voidSLHAea_delete_block(SLHAstruct & slha, const std::string & block)
Delete an entire block from an SLHAea object, if it exists (actually just the first block matching the given name)
boolSLHAea_block_exists(SLHAstruct & slha, const str & block)
Check if a block exists in an SLHAea object.
boolSLHAea_check_block(SLHAstruct & slha, const str & block)
Check if a block exists in an SLHAea object, add it if not.
boolSLHAea_check_block(SLHAstruct & slha, const str & block, const int index)
Check if a block exists in an SLHAea object, add it if not, and check if it has an entry at a given index.
boolSLHAea_check_block(SLHAstruct & slha, const str & block, const int index1, const int index2)
voidSLHAea_add_GAMBIT_SPINFO(SLHAstruct & slha)
Write the SPINFO block with GAMBIT name and version number.
template <typename T >
SLHAea_add_matrix(SLHAstruct & slha, const str & block, const std::vector< T > & matrix, const int rows, const int cols, const str & comment ="", const bool overwrite =false)
Add a whole matrix to an SLHAea object if it doesn’t already exist.
template <class T >
SLHAea_overwrite_block(SLHAstruct & slha, const str & block, int index, T value, const str & comment)
Check if a line exists in an SLHAea block, then overwrite it if it does. Otherwise add the line.
template <class T >
SLHAea_overwrite_block(SLHAstruct & slha, const str & block, int index1, int index2, T value, const str & comment)
Check if a line exists in an SLHAea block, then overwrite it if it does. Otherwise add the line.
EXPORT_SYMBOLS error &utils_error()
Utility errors.
EXPORT_SYMBOLS warning &utils_warning()
Utility warnings.
error &backend_error()
Backend errors.
warning &backend_warning()
Backend warnings.
error &logging_error()
Logging errors.
warning &logging_warning()
Logging warnings.
error &model_error()
Model errors.
warning &model_warning()
Model warnings.
invalid_point_exception &invalid_point()
Invalid point exceptions.
voidinitialise_standalone_logs(str prefix)
Logger setup standalone utility function.
YAML::Nodeget_standalone_printer(str printer, str prefix, str filename)
Initialise the printers (required for suspicious point raises)
std::stringspacing(int len, int maxlen)
Spacing utility for stream overloads.
template <class Type1 ,class Type2 >
std::ostream &
operator«(std::ostream & os, const std::pair< Type1, Type2 > & p)
Stream overload for pairs of any type that already has « defined.
template <class Type >
std::ostream &
operator«(std::ostream & os, const std::set< Type > & set)
Stream overload for sets of any type that already has « defined.
template <class Type >
std::ostream &
operator«(std::ostream & os, const std::vector< Type > & v)
Stream overload for vectors of any type that already has « defined.
template <class Type >
std::ostream &
operator«(std::ostream & os, const std::map< std::string, Type > & map)
Stream overload for map from string to any type that already has « defined.
template <typename T >
byVal(T t)
template <typename T >
sgn(T val)
Get the sign of a (hopefully numeric) type.
template <typename T >
memaddress_to_uint(T * ptr)
template <typename T >
std::vector< T >
initVector(std::vector< T > vector)
template <typename T ,typename… Args>
std::vector< T >
initVector(std::vector< T > vector, T value, Args… args)
template <typename T ,typename U ,typename… Args>
std::vector< T >
initVector(std::vector< T > vector, U value, Args… args)
template <typename T ,typename… Args>
std::vector< T >
initVector(T value, Args… args)
template <typename T >
std::set< T >
initSet(std::set< T > set)
Same as above, but for sets.
template <typename T ,typename… Args>
std::set< T >
initSet(std::set< T > set, T value, Args… args)
template <typename T ,typename U ,typename… Args>
std::set< T >
initSet(std::set< T > set, U value, Args… args)
template <typename T ,typename… Args>
std::set< T >
initSet(T value, Args… args)
const std::stringstringifyVariadic()
const std::stringstringifyVariadic(const std::string & str)
template <typename… args>
const std::string
stringifyVariadic(const std::string & str, const args &… strs)
str &gambit_version()
Statically construct a string containing the full GAMBIT version information and return a reference to it.
const YAML::NodegetVariadicNode(const YAML::Node & node)
const YAML::NodegetVariadicNode(const YAML::Node & node, std::string key)
template <typename… args>
const YAML::Node
getVariadicNode(const YAML::Node & node, const std::string & key, const args &… keys)
Piped_exceptionspiped_errors(1000 )
Global instance of Piped_exceptions class for errors.
Piped_exceptionspiped_warnings(1000 )
Global instance of Piped_exceptions class for warnings.
voidadd_screen_spaces(std::string & str, std::string::size_type size, std::string::size_type indent)
voidwrap_lines(std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > & data_in, const std::vector< int > & widths, const std::vector< int > & minWidths, double pad, std::vector< unsigned char > * row_flags =0)
Construct a string containing the full GAMBIT version information.


const doublemw_central_observed
const doublemw_err_observed
const doublemz_central_observed
const doublemz_err_observed
reg_elem< factory_type >scanner_factories
const SpecOverrideOptions(0)use_overrides
const SpecOverrideOptions(1)overrides_only
const SpecOverrideOptions(2)ignore_overrides
const Logging::endofmessageEOM
Explicit const instance of the end of message struct in Gambit namespace.
Printers::PrinterManager *global_printer_manager
const std::vector< str >gambit_citation_keys
Global instance of piped invalid point class.
Global instance of Piped_exceptions class for errors.
Global instance of Piped_exceptions class for warnings.
const doublepi
const doubleroot2
const doublezeta3
const doublehbar
const doubleK2eV
const doubleeV2g
const doublegev2cm
const doublegev2cm2
const doublegev3cm3
const doublegev2pb
const doublegev2tocm3s1
const doubles2cm
const doublem_planck
const doublem_planck_red
const doubleatomic_mass_unit
const doublem_proton_amu
const doublem_neutron_amu
const doublem_proton
const doublem_neutron
const doublem_deuteron
const doublem_electron
const doublealpha_EM
const doubleTCMB
const doubleg0_entr
const doublec_SI
Values from Particle Data Group 2018 (
const doublec_km
const doubleeV_to_J
const doubleMpc_SI
const doubleGN_cgs
const doubleGN_SI
const doublekB_SI
const doublekB_eV_over_K
const doublehP_SI
const doublehP_eVs
const doublehc_eVcm
const doublesigmaB_SI
const doubleNeff_SM
constexpr doublealpha_e_OS_thomson_limit
Thomson limit of (\alpha_e) in OS scheme from PDG 2017
constexpr doublealpha_e_OS_MZ
(\alpha_e(M_Z)) in OS scheme from 1105.3149
constexpr doubledelta_alpha_OS
(\Delta\alpha) in OS scheme.
const struct Gambit::Mesons_massesmeson_masses
const struct Gambit::Mesons_decay_constantsmeson_decay_constants
const intgambit_version_major
const intgambit_version_minor
const intgambit_version_revision
const strgambit_version_patch
const intgambit_version_int

Detailed Description

TODO: see if we can use this one:



  • 2020 June

  • 2021 July

  • Feb 2014
  • 2013 August
  • 2014 Feb
  • 2014 Dec
  • 2013 August 2013 Feb 2014
  • 2013 July 2013/Feb 2014
  • 2013 Aug
  • 2013 August
  • 2014 Feb
  • 2014 Dec
  • 2013 August
  • 2014 Feb
  • 2014 Dec
  • 2017 Jun
  • 2016 Aug

Standard libraries.

Just declare the classes here; should be defined in source files.

TODO: wrap using BOSS at some point, i.e. get this from FlexibleSUSY or SoftSUSY.

Map in which to keep factory functions for the priors.

Map in which to keep factory functions for the priors (prior_creators)

Simulation of “Search for photonic signatures of gauge-mediated supersymmetry in 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector”.

Simulation of “Search for new phenomena in final states with photons, jets and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector”.

Unbiased likelihood estimator

Based on:

Based on:

Known issues:

  1. Photon isolation requirement is missing 2) They use a bizarre HT definition where they don’t apply overlap removal between photons and jets. This might not work for us, since jets won’t be made by photons in our events.

Registry of priors Here we specify mappings from strings to prior objects. We need this so that strings in the inifile can be used to choose which prior objects and which combinations of them we want.


Function definitions


Function definitions


Function definitions


Function definitions

Ben Farmer (

October 2013 - Aug 2016


Function definitions


Function definitions


Function definitions

Ben Farmer (

October 2013 - Aug 2016

Will Handley (

May 2018

Patrick Stoecker (

May 2020

Anders Kvellestad (

June 2022


Function definitions

Ben Farmer (

October 2013 - Aug 2016

Will Handley (

May 2018

Patrick Stoecker (

May 2020

Jan 2021

Anders Kvellestad (

June 2022


Function definitions

Ben Farmer (

October 2013 - Aug 2016

Will Handley (

May 2018, June 2021, Mar 2022

Patrick Stoecker (

May 2020

Anders Kvellestad (

June 2022


Function definitions

GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool

Declare a helper function for translating ‘mA’ MSSM parameterisations into the primary parameterisations, and another for translating from scales MGUT and MSUSY to arbitrary scale Q.


(add name and date if you modify)

Pat Scott (

2017 Aug

MSSM models with boundary conditions at MGUT scale

Models included: MSSM63atMGUT MSSM30atMGUT MSSM25atMGUT MSSM20atMGUT

Translation functions defined in MSSMatMGUT.cpp


(add name and date if you modify)

Ben Farmer (

2013 May

2014 Mar

2015 Jan, Aug

Pat Scott (

2013 Sep

2015 Sep

Tomas Gonzalo (

2022 Sept

MSSM models with boundary conditions at MGUT scale with A pole mass and mu as explicit input parameters instead of mHu2 and mHd2

Models included: MSSM63atMGUT_mA MSSM30atMGUT_mA MSSM25atMGUT_mA MSSM20atMGUT_mA

Translation functions defined in MSSMatMGUT_mA.cpp


(add name and date if you modify)

Ben Farmer (

2017 Sep, Oct

2015 Jan

Pat Scott (

2017 Aug

Tomas Gonzalo (

2022 Sept

MSSM models with boundary conditions at MGUT scale with A pole mass and mu as explicit input parameters instead of mHu2 and mHd2 and with a light gravitino

Models included: MSSM63atMGUT_mA_mG MSSM30atMGUT_mA_mG MSSM25atMGUT_mA_mG MSSM20atMGUT_mA_mG

Translation functions defined in MSSMatMGUT_mA_mG.cpp


(add name and date if you modify)

Pat Scott (

2018 Sept

Tomas Gonzalo (

2022 Sept

MSSM models with boundary conditions at MGUT scale with a light gravitino

Models included: MSSM63atMGUT_mG MSSM30atMGUT_mG MSSM25atMGUT_mG MSSM20atMGUT_mG

Translation functions defined in MSSMatMGUT_mG.cpp


(add name and date if you modify)

Pat Scott (

2018 Sep

Tomas Gonzalo (

2022 Sept

MSSM models with boundary conditions at MSUSY scale


Translation functions defined in MSSMatMSUSY.cpp


(add name and date if you modify)

Ben Farmer (

2015 Jan

2017 Sep, Oct

Pat Scott (

2015 Sep

Tomas Gonzalo (

2022 Sept

MSSM models with boundary conditions at MSUSY scale with A polea mass and mu as explicit input parameters instead of mHu2 and mHd2

Models included: MSSM63atMSUSY_mA MSSM30atMSUSY_mA MSSM25atMSUSY_mA MSSM20atMSUSY_mA

Translation functions defined in MSSMatMSUSY_mA.cpp


(add name and date if you modify)

Ben Farmer (

2015 Jan

2017 Sep, Oct

Pat Scott (

2015 Sep

Tomas Gonzalo (

2022 Sept

MSSM models with boundary conditions at MSUSY scale with A polea mass and mu as explicit input parameters instead of mHu2 and mHd2 and with a light gravitino

Models included: MSSM63atMSUSY_mA_mG MSSM30atMSUSY_mA_mG MSSM25atMSUSY_mA_mG MSSM20atMSUSY_mA_mG

Translation functions defined in MSSMatMSUSY_mA_mG.cpp


(add name and date if you modify)

Pat Scott (

2018 Sep

Tomas Gonzalo (

2022 Sept

MSSM models with boundary conditions at MSUSY scale with a light gravitino

Models included: MSSM63atMSUSY_mG MSSM30atMSUSY_mG MSSM25atMSUSY_mG MSSM20atMSUSY_mG

Translation functions defined in MSSMatMSUSY_mG.cpp


(add name and date if you modify)

Pat Scott (

2018 Sep

Tomas Gonzalo (

2022 Sept

MSSM models with boundary conditions at generic scale Q with A pole mass and mu as explicit input parameters instead of mHu2 and mHd2.

Models included: MSSM63atQ_mA MSSM30atQ_mA MSSM24atQ_mA MSSM25atQ_mA MSSM20atQ_mA MSSM19atQ_mA MSSM16atQ_mA MSSM15atQ_mA MSSM11atQ_mA MSSM10atQ_mA MSSM10batQ_mA MSSM10catQ_mA MSSM9atQ_mA MSSM9batQ_mA MSSM7atQ_mA

Translation functions defined in MSSMatQ_mA.cpp


(add name and date if you modify)

Pat Scott (

2017 Aug

Tomas Gonzalo (

2022 Sept

MSSM models with boundary conditions at generic scale Q with A pole mass and mu as explicit input parameters instead of mHu2 and mHd2 and with a light gravitino.

Models included: MSSM63atQ_mA_mG MSSM30atQ_mA_mG MSSM24atQ_mA_mG MSSM25atQ_mA_mG MSSM20atQ_mA_mG MSSM19atQ_mA_mG MSSM16atQ_mA_mG MSSM15atQ_mA_mG MSSM11atQ_mA_mG MSSM10atQ_mA_mG MSSM10batQ_mA_mG MSSM10catQ_mA_mG MSSM9atQ_mA_mG MSSM9batQ_mA_mG MSSM7atQ_mA_mG

Translation functions defined in MSSMatQ_mA_mG.cpp


(add name and date if you modify)

Pat Scott (

2018 Sept

Tomas Gonzalo (

2022 Sept

GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool

Nuclear parameters model definitions


(add name and date if you modify)

Jonathan Cornell

2015 March

Sebastian Wild

2018 Oct

Janina Renk

2020 May

Tomas Gonzalo (

2020 Sep

Felix Kahlhoefer

2020 Dec

Ankit Beniwal

2020 Dec


Ben Farmer (

2015 Apr

Pat Scott (

2016 Oct

Ben Farmer (

2015 Apr

GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool

Function implementations for MSSM translation helpers.


(add name and date if you modify)

Ben Farmer (

2015 Aug, 2017 Oct

Pat Scott (

2018 Oct

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Ben Farmer (

2019 Jan

Tomas Gonzalo (

2020 June

Janina Renk

Oct 2018

Christoph Weniger

Dec 2014

Christoph Weniger

Dec 2014

Ben Farmer

Jan 2016

POSIX filesystem libraries Gambit Boost

Types Documentation

enum FunctorStatus


Enumeration for the status of a given functor. Note that the discriminant has custom values:

  • A negative value signals that the functor is disabled. Possible values are: -6 = required external tool absent (pybind11) -5 = required external tool absent (Mathematica) -4 = required backend absent (backend ini functions) -3 = required classes absent -2 = function absent -1 = origin absent
  • A positive value signals that the functor can be used (as long as the functor is allowed the for the models in the scan) Possible values are 0 = model incompatibility (default) 1 = available 2 = active

typedef str

typedef std::string Gambit::str;

Shorthand for a standard string.

typedef REAL

typedef double Gambit::REAL;

typedef fh_real

typedef Fdouble Gambit::fh_real;

typedef fh_complex

typedef Fdouble_complex Gambit::fh_complex;

typedef fh_creal

typedef const fh_real Gambit::fh_creal;

typedef fh_ccomplex

typedef const fh_complex Gambit::fh_ccomplex;

typedef dblarr

typedef double Gambit::dblarr[10];

typedef nuyield_function_pointer

typedef double(* Gambit::nuyield_function_pointer) (const double &, const int &, void *&);

typedef clik_error

typedef struct Gambit::_err Gambit::clik_error;

typedef Farray_Finteger_1_3

typedef Farray<Finteger,1,3> Gambit::Farray_Finteger_1_3;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_2

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,2> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_2;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_3

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,3> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_3;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_4

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,4> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_4;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_5

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,5> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_5;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_6

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,6> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_6;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_2_1_2

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,2,1,2> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_2_1_2;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_3_1_3

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,3,1,3> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_3_1_3;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_4_1_4

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,4,1,4> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_4_1_4;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_6_1_6

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,6,1,6> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_6_1_6;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_2_1_3

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,2,1,3> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_2_1_3;

typedef Farray_Fcomplex16_1_2

typedef Farray<Fcomplex16,1,2> Gambit::Farray_Fcomplex16_1_2;

typedef Farray_Fcomplex16_1_3

typedef Farray<Fcomplex16,1,3> Gambit::Farray_Fcomplex16_1_3;

typedef Farray_Fcomplex16_1_2_1_2

typedef Farray<Fcomplex16,1,2,1,2> Gambit::Farray_Fcomplex16_1_2_1_2;

typedef Farray_Fcomplex16_1_3_1_3

typedef Farray<Fcomplex16,1,3,1,3> Gambit::Farray_Fcomplex16_1_3_1_3;

typedef Farray_Fcomplex16_1_4_1_4

typedef Farray<Fcomplex16,1,4,1,4> Gambit::Farray_Fcomplex16_1_4_1_4;

typedef Farray_Fcomplex16_1_5_1_5

typedef Farray<Fcomplex16,1,5,1,5> Gambit::Farray_Fcomplex16_1_5_1_5;

typedef Farray_Fcomplex16_1_6_1_6

typedef Farray<Fcomplex16,1,6,1,6> Gambit::Farray_Fcomplex16_1_6_1_6;

typedef Farray_Flogical_1_100

typedef Farray<Flogical,1,100> Gambit::Farray_Flogical_1_100;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_100

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,100> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_100;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_2

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,100,1,2> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_2;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_5

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,100,1,5> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_5;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_2_1_2

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,100,1,2,1,2> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_2_1_2;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_3_1_3

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,100,1,3,1,3> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_3_1_3;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_4_1_4

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,100,1,4,1,4> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_4_1_4;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_5_1_4

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,100,1,5,1,4> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_5_1_4;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_5_1_5

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,100,1,5,1,5> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_5_1_5;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_6_1_6

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,100,1,6,1,6> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_6_1_6;

typedef Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_7_1_7

typedef Farray<Freal8,1,100,1,7,1,7> Gambit::Farray_Freal8_1_100_1_7_1_7;

typedef Farray_Fstring60_1_31

typedef Farray<Fstring<60>,1,31> Gambit::Farray_Fstring60_1_31;

typedef Farray_Fstring60_1_10

typedef Farray<Fstring<60>,1,10> Gambit::Farray_Fstring60_1_10;

typedef Farray_Fstring60_1_2

typedef Farray<Fstring<60>,1,2> Gambit::Farray_Fstring60_1_2;

typedef Farray_Fstring60_1_33

typedef Farray<Fstring<60>,1,33> Gambit::Farray_Fstring60_1_33;

typedef Farray_Fstring60_1_15

typedef Farray<Fstring<60>,1,15> Gambit::Farray_Fstring60_1_15;

typedef Farray_Fstring60_1_22

typedef Farray<Fstring<60>,1,22> Gambit::Farray_Fstring60_1_22;

typedef Farray_Fstring60_1_25

typedef Farray<Fstring<60>,1,25> Gambit::Farray_Fstring60_1_25;

typedef Farray_Fstring60_1_9

typedef Farray<Fstring<60>,1,9> Gambit::Farray_Fstring60_1_9;

typedef Fstring20

typedef Fstring<20> Gambit::Fstring20;

typedef Farray_particle2_1_2

typedef Farray<particle2,1,2> Gambit::Farray_particle2_1_2;

typedef Farray_particle2_1_6

typedef Farray<particle2,1,6> Gambit::Farray_particle2_1_6;

typedef Farray_particle23_1_2

typedef Farray<particle23,1,2> Gambit::Farray_particle23_1_2;

typedef Farray_particle23_1_3

typedef Farray<particle23,1,3> Gambit::Farray_particle23_1_3;

typedef Farray_particle23_1_4

typedef Farray<particle23,1,4> Gambit::Farray_particle23_1_4;

typedef Farray_particle23_1_6

typedef Farray<particle23,1,6> Gambit::Farray_particle23_1_6;

typedef flav_observable_map

typedef std::map<const std::string, double> Gambit::flav_observable_map;

Maps for holding observables and covariance matrix.

typedef flav_covariance_map

typedef std::map<const std::string, std::map<const std::string, double> > Gambit::flav_covariance_map;

typedef fptr

typedef double(* Gambit::fptr) (int &);

Pointer to a function that takes an integer by reference and returns a double. Just used for example purposes in ExampleBit_A and ExampleBit_B.

typedef fptr_dd

typedef double(* Gambit::fptr_dd) (double &);

A double in, double out function pointer.

typedef LogTag

typedef LogTags::LogTag_declaration Gambit::LogTag;

typedef map_str_dbl

typedef std::map< std::string, double > Gambit::map_str_dbl;

Shorthand for a string-to-double map.

typedef map_str_str

typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > Gambit::map_str_str;

Shorthand for a string-to-string map.

typedef parameterMap

typedef std::map<std::string, double> Gambit::parameterMap;

typedef SLHAstruct

typedef SLHAea::Coll Gambit::SLHAstruct;

Less confusing name for SLHAea container class.

typedef sspair

typedef std::pair<str, str> Gambit::sspair;

Shorthand for a pair of standard strings.

typedef ddpair

typedef std::pair<double, double> Gambit::ddpair;

Shorthand for a pair of doubles.

typedef iipair

typedef std::pair<int, int> Gambit::iipair;

Shorthand for a pair of integers.

typedef sdpair

typedef std::pair<str, double> Gambit::sdpair;

Shorthand for a pair of string and double.

typedef vec_dbl

typedef std::vector<double> Gambit::vec_dbl;

Shorthand for a vector of doubles.

typedef mat_dbl

typedef std::vector<std::vector<double> > Gambit::mat_dbl;

Shorthand for a matrix of doubles.

typedef map_str_int

typedef std::map<std::string,int> Gambit::map_str_int;

Shorthand for a string-to-int map.

typedef map_str_map_str_dbl

typedef std::map<std::string,std::map<std::string,double> > Gambit::map_str_map_str_dbl;

Shorthand for a string-to-string-to-double map.

typedef map_const_str_dbl

typedef std::map<const std::string,double> Gambit::map_const_str_dbl;

Shorthand for a const-string-to-double map.

typedef map_const_str_map_const_str_dbl

typedef std::map<const std::string,std::map<const std::string,double> > Gambit::map_const_str_map_const_str_dbl;

Shorthand for a const-string-to-const-string-to-double map.

typedef map_str_bool

typedef std::map<std::string,bool> Gambit::map_str_bool;

Shorthand for a string-to-bool map.

typedef map_int_dbl

typedef std::map<int,double> Gambit::map_int_dbl;

Shorthand for an int to double map.

typedef map_str_map_str_str

typedef std::map<std::string,std::map<std::string,std::string> > Gambit::map_str_map_str_str;

Shorthand for a string-to-string-to-string map.

typedef map_intpair_dbl

typedef std::map< std::pair < int, int >, double> Gambit::map_intpair_dbl;

Shorthand for an int-int pair to double map.

using vector_shared_ptr

template <typename T >
using Gambit::vector_shared_ptr = typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<T> >;

typedef fptr_void

typedef void(* Gambit::fptr_void) ();

Shorthand for a pointer to a void function with no arguments.

typedef map_int_triplet_dbl

typedef std::map<int,triplet<double> > Gambit::map_int_triplet_dbl;

Shorthand for an int-to-double triplet map.

typedef param_map_type

typedef std::map<std::string, safe_ptr<const double> > Gambit::param_map_type;

Shorthand for the type of the ‘Param’ map (string-to-double-safe_ptr map)

typedef Fcomplex

typedef FcomplexT<float> Gambit::Fcomplex;

Fortran type typedefs TODO: Implement compiler dependent macros ensuring that these are always correct

typedef Fcomplex8

typedef FcomplexT<float> Gambit::Fcomplex8;

typedef Fcomplex16

typedef FcomplexT<double> Gambit::Fcomplex16;

typedef Fdouble_complex

typedef FcomplexT<double> Gambit::Fdouble_complex;

typedef Flongdouble_complex

typedef FcomplexT<long double> Gambit::Flongdouble_complex;

typedef Fcharacter

typedef char Gambit::Fcharacter;

typedef Fdouble

typedef double Gambit::Fdouble;

typedef Fdouble_precision

typedef double Gambit::Fdouble_precision;

typedef Fdoubleprecision

typedef double Gambit::Fdoubleprecision;

typedef Finteger

typedef int Gambit::Finteger;

typedef Finteger2

typedef short Gambit::Finteger2;

typedef Finteger4

typedef long int Gambit::Finteger4;

typedef Finteger8

typedef long long Gambit::Finteger8;

typedef Flogical

typedef int32_t Gambit::Flogical;

typedef Flogical1

typedef bool Gambit::Flogical1;

typedef Freal

typedef float Gambit::Freal;

typedef Freal4

typedef float Gambit::Freal4;

typedef Freal8

typedef double Gambit::Freal8;

typedef Freal16

typedef long double Gambit::Freal16;

typedef MVoid

typedef void Gambit::MVoid;

Types used for Mathematica backends.

typedef MInteger

typedef int Gambit::MInteger;

typedef MReal

typedef double Gambit::MReal;

typedef MBool

typedef bool Gambit::MBool;

typedef MChar

typedef char Gambit::MChar;

typedef MString

typedef std::string Gambit::MString;

using MList

template <typename T >
using Gambit::MList = typedef std::vector<T>;

Functions Documentation

function swap

void swap(
    Spectrum & first,
    Spectrum & second

Swap resources of two Spectrum objects Note: Not a member function! This is an external function which is a friend of the Spectrum class.

function sighandler_soft

void sighandler_soft(
    int sig

Signal handler functions.



We used to have more of these, but now we only use the “soft shutdown” signal handler. Sets a “shutdown_begun” flag, which is checked each likelihood loop, after which MPI synchronisation followed by clean shutdown is attempted.

function block_signals

void block_signals()

Signal blocking/unblocking.

function unblock_signals

void unblock_signals()

function SLHAea_add

void SLHAea_add(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & block,
    const int index,
    const double value,
    const str & comment ="",
    const bool overwrite =false

Add an entry to an SLHAea object (if overwrite=false, only if it doesn’t already exist)

function SLHAea_add

void SLHAea_add(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & block,
    const int index,
    const str & value,
    const str & comment ="",
    const bool overwrite =false

function SLHAea_add

void SLHAea_add(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & block,
    const int index,
    const int value,
    const str & comment ="",
    const bool overwrite =false

function SLHAea_add

void SLHAea_add(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & block,
    const int index1,
    const int index2,
    const double & value,
    const str & comment,
    const bool overwrite =false

function operator«

inline std::ostream & operator<<(
    std::ostream & os,
    const BBN_container & bbn

function fixns

str fixns(
    str s

Get back the “::” from things that use NS_SEP instead.

function vectorstr_push_back

int vectorstr_push_back(
    std::vector< str > & vec,
    str s

Call push back on a vector of strings.

function set_allowed_models

int set_allowed_models(
    functor & be_functor,
    std::vector< str > & allowed_at_be_level,
    str models_string

Notify a backend functor of which models it can be used with.

function register_backend_with_log

int register_backend_with_log(
    str s

Register a backend with the logging system.

function register_type

int register_type(
    str bever,
    str classname

Register a BOSSed type with the rollcall system.

Register a bossed type with the rollcall system.

function set_backend_functor_status

int set_backend_functor_status(
    functor & be_functor,
    const std::vector< str > & symbol_names

Disable a backend functor if its library is missing or the symbol cannot be found.

function set_BackendIniBit_functor_status

int set_BackendIniBit_functor_status(
    functor & ini_functor,
    str be,
    str v

Disable a backend initialisation function if the backend is missing.

function get_ctor_status

int get_ctor_status(
    str be,
    str ver,
    str name,
    str barename,
    str args,
    const std::vector< str > & symbol_names

Get the status of a factory pointer to a BOSSed type’s wrapper constructor.

function set_backend_rule_for_model

int set_backend_rule_for_model(
    module_functor_common & f,
    str models,
    str tags

Set a backend rule for one or more models.

function set_classload_requirements

int set_classload_requirements(
    module_functor_common & f,
    str be,
    str verstr,
    str default_ver

Set the classloading requirements of a given functor.

function set_backend_functor_status_C_CXX_Fortran

void set_backend_functor_status_C_CXX_Fortran(
    functor & be_functor,
    const std::vector< str > & symbol_names

Disable a C, C++ or Fortran backend functor if its library is missing or the symbol cannot be found.

function Core

gambit_core & Core()

Core accessor function.

function core_error

error & core_error()

Core errors.

function core_warning

warning & core_warning()

Core warnings.

function register_module

int register_module(
    str module,
    str ref

Register a module with the Core.

function register_module_functor_core

int register_module_functor_core(
    module_functor_common & f

Register a module functor with the Core.

function register_model_functor_core

int register_model_functor_core(
    primary_model_functor & primary_parameters

Register a model functor with the Core.

function register_backend

int register_backend(
    str be,
    str ver,
    str ref

Register a backend with the Core.

function register_backend_functor

int register_backend_functor(
    functor & f

Register a backend functor with the Core.

function register_management_req

int register_management_req(
    module_functor_common & f

Register a loop management requirement with the Core.

function operator«

YAML::Emitter & operator<<(
    YAML::Emitter & out,
    const capability_info & info

Emitter for the capability_info struct.

function operator«

YAML::Emitter & operator<<(
    YAML::Emitter & out,
    const model_info & info

Emitter for the model_info struct.

function ini_catch

void ini_catch(
    std::exception & e

Catch initialisation exceptions.

function add_equivrelation

int add_equivrelation(
    str s1,
    str s2

Helper function for adding a type equivalency at initialisation.

function pass_default_to_backendinfo

int pass_default_to_backendinfo(
    str be,
    str def

Helper function for passing default backend information at initialisation.

function add_model

int add_model(
    str model,
    str parent

Runtime addition of model to GAMBIT model database.

function add_parameter

int add_parameter(
    model_functor & primary_parameters,
    str param

Add a new parameter to a primary model functor.

function set_model_name

int set_model_name(
    model_functor & primary_parameters,
    str model_name

Set the model name in a primary model functor.

Set model name string in a primary model functor.

function copy_parameters

int copy_parameters(
    model_functor & donor,
    model_functor & donee,
    bool add_friend,
    str model ="",
    str model_x =""

Tell a model functor to take its parameter definition from another model functor.

function register_model_functor

int register_model_functor(
    std::map< str, bool(*)()> ,
    std::map< str, str > ,
    bool(*)() ,
    const str & ,
    const str & 

Register a model functor.

function register_module_with_log

int register_module_with_log(
    str module

Create a log tag for a new module.

function register_function

int register_function(
    module_functor_common & f,
    bool can_manage,
    safe_ptr< bool > * done,
    safe_ptr< Options > & opts,
    safe_ptr< std::set< sspair > > & dependees,
    safe_ptr< Options > & subcaps

Register a function with a module.

function register_function_nesting

int register_function_nesting(
    module_functor_common & f,
    omp_safe_ptr< long long > & iteration,
    const str & loopmanager_capability,
    const str & loopmanager_type

Register the fact that a module function needs to run nested.

function register_model_singly

int register_model_singly(
    module_functor_common & f,
    const str & model

Register that a module function is compatible with a single model.

function register_model_group

int register_model_group(
    module_functor_common & f,
    const str & group_name,
    const str & group

Register a model group with a functor.

function register_backend_requirement

int register_backend_requirement(
    module_functor_common & f,
    const str & group,
    const str & req,
    const str & tags,
    bool is_variable,
    const str & req_type1,
    const str & req_type2,
    void(*)(functor *) resolver

Register a backend requirement for a module function.

function register_model_combination

int register_model_combination(
    module_functor_common & f,
    const str & combo

Register a combination of models as allowed with a functor.

function register_dependency

int register_dependency(
    module_functor_common & f,
    const str & dep,
    const str & dep_type,
    void(*)(functor *, module_functor_common *) resolver

Register a dependency of a module function.

function register_conditional_dependency

int register_conditional_dependency(
    module_functor_common & f,
    const str & dep,
    const str & dep_type

Register a conditional dependency of a module function.

function register_model_parameter_dependency

int register_model_parameter_dependency(
    module_functor_common & f,
    const str & model,
    const str & dep,
    void(*)(functor *, module_functor_common *) resolver

Register a model parameters dependency of a module function.

function register_model_conditional_dependency

int register_model_conditional_dependency(
    module_functor_common & f,
    const str & model,
    const str & dep,
    void(*)(functor *, module_functor_common *) resolver

Register a model-conditional dependency of a module function.

function register_backend_conditional_dependency

int register_backend_conditional_dependency(
    module_functor_common & f,
    const str & req,
    const str & be,
    const str & versions,
    const str & dep,
    void(*)(functor *, module_functor_common *) resolver

Register a backend-conditional dependency of a module function.

function apply_backend_matching_rule

int apply_backend_matching_rule(
    module_functor_common & f,
    const str & rule

Apply a backend-matching rule.

function apply_backend_option_rule

int apply_backend_option_rule(
    module_functor_common & f,
    const str & be_and_ver,
    const str & tags

Apply a backend option rule.

function SLHAea_add_from_subspec

void SLHAea_add_from_subspec(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str local_info,
    const SubSpectrum & subspec,
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const std::pair< int, int > & pdg_pair,
    const str & block,
    const str & comment,
    const bool error_if_missing =true,
    const double rescale =1.0

Add an entry from a subspectrum getter to an SLHAea object; SLHA index given by pdg code.

function SLHAea_add_from_subspec

void SLHAea_add_from_subspec(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str local_info,
    const SubSpectrum & subspec,
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const str & name,
    const str & block,
    const int slha_index,
    const str & comment,
    const bool error_if_missing =true,
    const double rescale =1.0

Add an entry from a subspectrum getter to an SLHAea object; 1 SLHA index.

function SLHAea_add_from_subspec

void SLHAea_add_from_subspec(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str local_info,
    const SubSpectrum & subspec,
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const str & name,
    const int index1,
    const int index2,
    const str & block,
    const int slha_index1,
    const int slha_index2,
    const str & comment,
    const bool error_if_missing =true,
    const double rescale =1.0

Add an entry from a subspectrum getter to an SLHAea object; two SubSpectrum getter indices, two SLHA indices.

function add_SimpleSpec_to_SLHAea

void add_SimpleSpec_to_SLHAea(
    const SubSpectrum & subspec,
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const SubSpectrumContents & contents

Write a SimpleSpectrum to an SLHAea object.

function SMlike_higgs_PDG_code

int SMlike_higgs_PDG_code(
    const SubSpectrum & spec

Determine which MSSM higgs is most SM-like. Needs expansion to work with non-MSSM (e.g. *HDM) models

Determine which higgs is most SM-like. Works only for 2 and 3 higgses (e.g. MSSM and NMSSM)

function spectrum_from_SLHAea

template <typename HE ,
typename HEmod >
Spectrum spectrum_from_SLHAea(
    HEmod hemod,
    SLHAstruct slhaea,
    const Spectrum::mc_info & mci,
    const Spectrum::mr_info & mri

Create a simple spectrum object from an SLHAea object.

function spectrum_from_SLHA

template <typename HE >
Spectrum spectrum_from_SLHA(
    str slha,
    const Spectrum::mc_info & mci,
    const Spectrum::mr_info & mri

Create a simple spectrum object from an SLHA file.

function within_bounds

inline bool within_bounds(
    const int i,
    const std::set< int > allowed

Helper function for checking if indices are valid.

function operator==

static inline bool operator==(
    const SpecOverrideOptions & lhs,
    const SpecOverrideOptions & rhs

function terminator

void terminator()

Author: Christoph Weniger

Date: 2016 Feb

function virtual_SMHiggs_widths

double virtual_SMHiggs_widths(
    str channel,
    double mh

Higgs branching ratios and total width Gamma [GeV], as function of mass [GeV] (90 - 300 GeV)

function hadronic_cross_section_ratio

double hadronic_cross_section_ratio(
    double sqrts,
    bool smooth

Hadronic cross section ratio as function of centre-of-mass energy [GeV] (0.3 - 188 GeV)

function get_calculator_info

void get_calculator_info(
    const SLHAstruct & slha,
    str & calculator,
    str & calculator_version

function SLHAea_add_QNumbers_from_subspec

void SLHAea_add_QNumbers_from_subspec(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const SubSpectrum & subspec,
    const std::pair< int, int > pdg_pair

Adds QNUMBERS entry for a particle, SLHA index given by the PDG code.

function is_abs

bool is_abs(
    str & s

Helper function for checking if a particle or ratio has been requested as an absolute value.

function logger

EXPORT_SYMBOLS Logging::LogMaster & logger()

Function to retrieve a reference to the Gambit global log object.

function MSSM_mA_to_MSSM_mhud

void MSSM_mA_to_MSSM_mhud(
    const ModelParameters & myP,
    ModelParameters & targetP,
    const SubSpectrum & HE

Translation function for mA,mu parameterisation to mHu2,mHd2 parameterisation.

function MSSMatX_to_MSSMatQ

void MSSMatX_to_MSSMatQ(
    const ModelParameters & myP,
    ModelParameters & targetP,
    const SubSpectrum & HE

Translation function for MSSM defined at RGE-determined scale (e.g. GUT, SUSY) to arbitrary scale Q.

function MSSM20atX_to_MSSM25atX

void MSSM20atX_to_MSSM25atX(
    const ModelParameters & myP,
    ModelParameters & targetP

Translation functions for 20-parameter models to 25-parameter.

function MSSM25atX_to_MSSM30atX

void MSSM25atX_to_MSSM30atX(
    const ModelParameters & myP,
    ModelParameters & targetP

Translation functions for 25-parameter models to 30-parameter.

function MSSM30atX_to_MSSM63atX

void MSSM30atX_to_MSSM63atX(
    const ModelParameters & myP,
    ModelParameters & targetP

Translation functions for 30-parameter models to 63-parameter.

function MSSM_mA_mG_to_MSSM_mhud

void MSSM_mA_mG_to_MSSM_mhud(
    const ModelParameters & myP,
    ModelParameters & targetP,
    const SubSpectrum & HE

function orderer

bool orderer(
    std::pair< int, double > a,
    std::pair< int, double > b

Helper function for sorting int, double pairs according to the double.

function pp_reader_retrieve

template <typename T >
bool pp_reader_retrieve(
    T & result,
    str dataset

Postprocessor reader retrieve function.

function get_pp_reader

Printers::BaseReader & get_pp_reader()

function set_global_printer_manager

void set_global_printer_manager(
    Printers::PrinterManager * pm

function get_global_printer_manager

Printers::PrinterManager * get_global_printer_manager()

function format_for_screen

std::string format_for_screen(
    const std::string & input_string

function print_to_screen

void print_to_screen(
    const std::string & file_in,
    const std::string & name

function get_screen_cols

inline int get_screen_cols()

function separate_line

inline std::string separate_line(
    std::string & line,
    std::string::size_type indent,
    std::string::size_type cols_pos

function signal_name

std::string signal_name(
    int sig

Translate signal codes to strings.

function signaldata

EXPORT_SYMBOLS SignalData & signaldata()

Retrieve global instance of signal handler options struct.

function set_signal_handler

void set_signal_handler(
    const YAML::Node & keyvalnode,
    const int sig,
    const std::string & def_mode

Choose signal handler for a given signal via yaml file option.

TODO: Mostly obsolete Choose signal handler for a given signal via yaml file option

function signal_mask

sigset_t * signal_mask()

Getter for global signal set.

function read_SLHA

SLHAstruct read_SLHA(
    str slha

Read an SLHA file in to an SLHAea object with some error-checking.

Create a strong typedef (different classes underneath, but can be assigned to each other etc.) that lets us create e.g. different print/retrieve functions for different sorts of spectrum information

function SLHAea_get

double SLHAea_get(
    const SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & block,
    const int index

Get an entry from an SLHAea object as a double, with some error checking.

function SLHAea_get

double SLHAea_get(
    const SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & block,
    const int index,
    const double defvalue

Get an entry from an SLHAea object as a double; raise a warning and use a default value if the entry is missing.

function SLHAea_add_block

void SLHAea_add_block(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & name,
    const double scale =-1

Add a new block to an SLHAea object, with or without a scale.

function SLHAea_delete_block

void SLHAea_delete_block(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const std::string & block

Delete an entire block from an SLHAea object, if it exists (actually just the first block matching the given name)

Delete a block entirely if it exists (TODO: actually only deletes first instance of the block found!)

function SLHAea_block_exists

bool SLHAea_block_exists(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & block

Check if a block exists in an SLHAea object.

function SLHAea_check_block

bool SLHAea_check_block(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & block

Check if a block exists in an SLHAea object, add it if not.

function SLHAea_check_block

bool SLHAea_check_block(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & block,
    const int index

Check if a block exists in an SLHAea object, add it if not, and check if it has an entry at a given index.

function SLHAea_check_block

bool SLHAea_check_block(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & block,
    const int index1,
    const int index2

function SLHAea_add_GAMBIT_SPINFO

    SLHAstruct & slha

Write the SPINFO block with GAMBIT name and version number.

function SLHAea_add_matrix

template <typename T >
void SLHAea_add_matrix(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & block,
    const std::vector< T > & matrix,
    const int rows,
    const int cols,
    const str & comment ="",
    const bool overwrite =false

Add a whole matrix to an SLHAea object if it doesn’t already exist.

function SLHAea_overwrite_block

template <class T >
void SLHAea_overwrite_block(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & block,
    int index,
    T value,
    const str & comment

Check if a line exists in an SLHAea block, then overwrite it if it does. Otherwise add the line.

function SLHAea_overwrite_block

template <class T >
void SLHAea_overwrite_block(
    SLHAstruct & slha,
    const str & block,
    int index1,
    int index2,
    T value,
    const str & comment

Check if a line exists in an SLHAea block, then overwrite it if it does. Otherwise add the line.

function utils_error

EXPORT_SYMBOLS error & utils_error()

Utility errors.

function utils_warning

EXPORT_SYMBOLS warning & utils_warning()

Utility warnings.

function backend_error

error & backend_error()

Backend errors.

function backend_warning

warning & backend_warning()

Backend warnings.

function logging_error

error & logging_error()

Logging errors.

function logging_warning

warning & logging_warning()

Logging warnings.

function model_error

error & model_error()

Model errors.

function model_warning

warning & model_warning()

Model warnings.

function invalid_point

invalid_point_exception & invalid_point()

Invalid point exceptions.

function initialise_standalone_logs

void initialise_standalone_logs(
    str prefix

Logger setup standalone utility function.

function get_standalone_printer

YAML::Node get_standalone_printer(
    str printer,
    str prefix,
    str filename

Initialise the printers (required for suspicious point raises)

function spacing

std::string spacing(
    int len,
    int maxlen

Spacing utility for stream overloads.

function operator«

template <class Type1 ,
class Type2 >
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
    std::ostream & os,
    const std::pair< Type1, Type2 > & p

Stream overload for pairs of any type that already has « defined.

function operator«

template <class Type >
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
    std::ostream & os,
    const std::set< Type > & set

Stream overload for sets of any type that already has « defined.

function operator«

template <class Type >
inline std::ostream & operator<<(
    std::ostream & os,
    const std::vector< Type > & v

Stream overload for vectors of any type that already has « defined.

function operator«

template <class Type >
std::ostream & operator<<(
    std::ostream & os,
    const std::map< std::string, Type > & map

Stream overload for map from string to any type that already has « defined.

function byVal

template <typename T >
T byVal(
    T t

Redirection function to turn an lvalue into an rvalue, so that it is correctly passed by value when doing perfect forwarding with functor typecasting.

function sgn

template <typename T >
int sgn(
    T val

Get the sign of a (hopefully numeric) type.

function memaddress_to_uint

template <typename T >
uintptr_t memaddress_to_uint(
    T * ptr

Convert the memory address a pointer points to to an unsigned integer (The size of uintptr_t depends on system & ensures it is big enough to store memory addresses of the underlying setup)

function initVector

template <typename T >
std::vector< T > initVector(
    std::vector< T > vector

function initVector

template <typename T ,
typename... Args>
std::vector< T > initVector(
    std::vector< T > vector,
    T value,
    Args... args

function initVector

template <typename T ,
typename U ,
typename... Args>
std::vector< T > initVector(
    std::vector< T > vector,
    U value,
    Args... args

function initVector

template <typename T ,
typename... Args>
std::vector< T > initVector(
    T value,
    Args... args

function initSet

template <typename T >
std::set< T > initSet(
    std::set< T > set

Same as above, but for sets.

function initSet

template <typename T ,
typename... Args>
std::set< T > initSet(
    std::set< T > set,
    T value,
    Args... args

function initSet

template <typename T ,
typename U ,
typename... Args>
std::set< T > initSet(
    std::set< T > set,
    U value,
    Args... args

function initSet

template <typename T ,
typename... Args>
std::set< T > initSet(
    T value,
    Args... args

function stringifyVariadic

inline const std::string stringifyVariadic()

function stringifyVariadic

inline const std::string stringifyVariadic(
    const std::string & str

function stringifyVariadic

template <typename... args>
inline const std::string stringifyVariadic(
    const std::string & str,
    const args &... strs

function gambit_version

str & gambit_version()

Statically construct a string containing the full GAMBIT version information and return a reference to it.

function getVariadicNode

inline const YAML::Node getVariadicNode(
    const YAML::Node & node

function getVariadicNode

inline const YAML::Node getVariadicNode(
    const YAML::Node & node,
    std::string key

function getVariadicNode

template <typename... args>
inline const YAML::Node getVariadicNode(
    const YAML::Node & node,
    const std::string & key,
    const args &... keys

function piped_errors

Piped_exceptions piped_errors(

Global instance of Piped_exceptions class for errors.

function piped_warnings

Piped_exceptions piped_warnings(

Global instance of Piped_exceptions class for warnings.

function add_screen_spaces

inline void add_screen_spaces(
    std::string & str,
    std::string::size_type size,
    std::string::size_type indent

function wrap_lines

inline void wrap_lines(
    std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > & data_in,
    const std::vector< int > & widths,
    const std::vector< int > & minWidths,
    double pad,
    std::vector< unsigned char > * row_flags =0

function get_gambit_version

str get_gambit_version()

Construct a string containing the full GAMBIT version information.

Attributes Documentation

variable mw_central_observed

const double mw_central_observed = 80.385;

M_W (Breit-Wigner mass parameter ~ pole) = 80.385 +/- 0.015 GeV (1 sigma), Gaussian. Reference = K.A. Olive et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C38, 090001 (2014)

variable mw_err_observed

const double mw_err_observed = 0.015;

variable mz_central_observed

const double mz_central_observed = 91.1876;

M_Z (Breit-Wigner mass parameter ~ pole) = 91.1876 +/- 0.0021 GeV (1 sigma), Gaussian. Reference = R.L. Workmanet al. (Particle Data Group), Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2022, 083C01 (2022)

variable mz_err_observed

const double mz_err_observed = 0.0021;

variable gambit_registry

gambit_registry {
    typedef void* factory_type(const std::map<str, primary_model_functor *> &,
     DRes::DependencyResolver &b, IniParser::IniFile &c, const str &purpose, Printers::BaseBasePrinter& p);

variable scanner_factories

reg_elem< factory_type > __scanner_factories__;

variable use_overrides

static const SpecOverrideOptions(0) use_overrides;

variable overrides_only

static const SpecOverrideOptions(1) overrides_only;

variable ignore_overrides

static const SpecOverrideOptions(2) ignore_overrides;

variable EOM

const Logging::endofmessage EOM = Logging::endofmessage();

Explicit const instance of the end of message struct in Gambit namespace.

variable global_printer_manager

Printers::PrinterManager * global_printer_manager = NULL;

variable gambit_citation_keys

const std::vector< str > gambit_citation_keys = 

variable piped_invalid_point

Piped_invalid_point piped_invalid_point;

Global instance of piped invalid point class.

variable piped_errors

Piped_exceptions piped_errors;

Global instance of Piped_exceptions class for errors.

variable piped_warnings

Piped_exceptions piped_warnings;

Global instance of Piped_exceptions class for warnings.

variable pi

const double pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197;

variable root2

const double root2 = sqrt(2.0);

variable zeta3

const double zeta3 = 1.2020569031595942855;

variable hbar

const double hbar = 6.582119514e-25;

variable K2eV

const double K2eV = 8.6173303e-5;

variable eV2g

const double eV2g = 1.782661907e-33;

variable gev2cm

const double gev2cm = 197.327053e-16;

variable gev2cm2

const double gev2cm2 = pow(197.327053e-16, 2.0);

variable gev3cm3

const double gev3cm3 = pow(197.327053e-16, 3.0);

variable gev2pb

const double gev2pb = gev2cm2*1e36;

variable gev2tocm3s1

const double gev2tocm3s1 = 1.16733e-17;

variable s2cm

const double s2cm = 2.99792458e10;

variable m_planck

const double m_planck = 1.220910e19;

variable m_planck_red

const double m_planck_red = m_planck/sqrt(8.0*pi);

variable atomic_mass_unit

const double atomic_mass_unit = 0.931494028;

variable m_proton_amu

const double m_proton_amu = 1.00727646688;

variable m_neutron_amu

const double m_neutron_amu = 1.0086649156;

variable m_proton

const double m_proton = m_proton_amu * atomic_mass_unit;

variable m_neutron

const double m_neutron = m_neutron_amu * atomic_mass_unit;

variable m_deuteron

const double m_deuteron = 1.87561294257;

variable m_electron

const double m_electron = 0.5109989461e-3;

variable alpha_EM

const double alpha_EM = 7.2973525664e-3;

variable TCMB

const double TCMB = 2.725;

variable g0_entr

const double g0_entr = 3.91757;

variable c_SI

const double c_SI = s2cm/100;

Values from Particle Data Group 2018 (

variable c_km

const double c_km = s2cm/1e5;

variable eV_to_J

const double eV_to_J = 1.6021766208e-19;

variable Mpc_SI

const double Mpc_SI = 969394202136*pow(10,11)/pi;

variable GN_cgs

const double GN_cgs = 6.67408e-8;

variable GN_SI

const double GN_SI = GN_cgs/1e3;

variable kB_SI

const double kB_SI = 1.38064852e-23;

variable kB_eV_over_K

const double kB_eV_over_K = kB_SI/eV_to_J;

variable hP_SI

const double hP_SI = 6.626070040e-34;

variable hP_eVs

const double hP_eVs = hP_SI/eV_to_J;

variable hc_eVcm

const double hc_eVcm =hP_eVs*s2cm;

variable sigmaB_SI

const double sigmaB_SI = 2*pow(pi,5)*pow(kB_SI,4)/(15*pow(hP_SI,3)*c_SI*c_SI);

variable Neff_SM

const double Neff_SM = 3.045;

variable alpha_e_OS_thomson_limit

constexpr double alpha_e_OS_thomson_limit = 0.0072973525664;

Thomson limit of (\alpha_e) in OS scheme from PDG 2017

variable alpha_e_OS_MZ

constexpr double alpha_e_OS_MZ = 1. / 128.944;

(\alpha_e(M_Z)) in OS scheme from 1105.3149

variable delta_alpha_OS

constexpr double delta_alpha_OS = 1. - alpha_e_OS_thomson_limit / alpha_e_OS_MZ;

(\Delta\alpha) in OS scheme.

Defined by [ \alpha(M_Z) = \frac{\alpha(0)}{1 - \Delta\alpha} ]

variable meson_masses

static const struct Gambit::Mesons_masses meson_masses;

variable meson_decay_constants

static const struct Gambit::Mesons_decay_constants meson_decay_constants;

variable gambit_version_major

const int gambit_version_major =     0;

variable gambit_version_minor

const int gambit_version_minor =     0;

variable gambit_version_revision

const int gambit_version_revision =  0;

variable gambit_version_patch

const str gambit_version_patch =  "";

variable gambit_version_int

const int gambit_version_int =  10000*gambit_version_major + 100*gambit_version_minor + gambit_version_revision;

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:37 +0000