class AbstractBase
class AdvanceDevs
namespace Functown
class BasicDevs
namespace CAT
class Cholesky
struct Chunk
Struct to describe start and end indices for a chunk of data.
struct ChunkEqual
struct ChunkHash
struct ChunkLess
namespace Functown
namespace Functown
namespace Functown
namespace Eigen
namespace Functown
class ExponDev
namespace Gambit
TODO: see if we can use this one:
class ASCIIdictReaderclass ASCIItableReader
class BBN_container
class BE_bucket_base
A base class for [BEvariable_bucket]() and [BEfunction_bucket]().
class BEfunction_bucket
The actual usable form of the interface class to backend functions.
class BEfunction_bucket< TYPE(*)(ARGS...), TYPE, ARGS... >
Partial specialisation for non-variadic backend functions.
class BEfunction_bucket< typename variadic_ptr< TYPE, ARGS... >::type, TYPE, ARGS... >
Partial specialisation for variadic backend functions.
class BEfunction_bucket_common
An interface class for backend functions.
class BEvariable_bucket
An interface class for backend variables.
namespace Backends
namespace AlterBBN_2_2namespace HepLike_2_0
struct backend_info
Structure providing some basic info on backend libraries.
class instance_helper
class instance_helper< void >
class mathematica_function
Holds the info about a Mathematica backend function, and defines conversion functions.
class python_function
Holds the info about a python backend function, and defines conversion functions.
union void_voidFptr
struct CalcHEP_interface
class CallFcn
Helper class for calling function pointers found by [FptrFinder]().
class CallFcn< HostSpec, MapTag::Get >
Specialisation of [CallFcn](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1callfcn/) for calling 'getter' functions.
class CallFcn< HostSpec, MapTag::Set >
Specialisation of [CallFcn](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1callfcn/) for calling 'setter' functions.
class Cholesky
namespace ColliderBit
class ALEPHSelectronLimitAt208GeVA class to contain the limit data from ALEPH_PLB526_2002_206, figure 3a.
class ALEPHSmuonLimitAt208GeV
A class to contain the limit data from ALEPH_PLB526_2002_206, figure 3b.
class ALEPHStauLimitAt208GeV
A class to contain the limit data from ALEPH_PLB526_2002_206, figure 3c.
namespace ATLAS
ATLAS-specific efficiency and smearing functions for super fast detector simulation.
class Analysis
A class for collider analyses within ColliderBit.
class AnalysisContainer
A class for managing collections of [Analysis](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1colliderbit_1_1analysis/) instances.
struct AnalysisData
struct AnalysisLogLikes
Container for loglike information for an analysis.
class AnalysisUtil
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEPStop_36invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEP_139invfb
[ATLAS]() Run 2 0-lepton jet+MET SUSY analysis, with 139/fb of data.
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEP_13invfb
[ATLAS]() Run 2 0-lepton jet+MET SUSY analysis, with 13/fb of data.
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEP_36invfb
[ATLAS]() Run 2 0-lepton jet+MET SUSY analysis, with 36/fb of data.
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_1Lep2b_139invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2BoostedBosons_139invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2LEPStop_139invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2LEPStop_36invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2LEPStop_exclusive_139invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2LEPStop_inclusive_139invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2OSLEP_chargino_binned_139invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2OSLEP_chargino_binned_80invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2OSLEP_chargino_inclusive_139invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2OSLEP_chargino_inclusive_80invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2bMET_36invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3LEP_139invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3b_24invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3b_36invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3b_discoverySR_24invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3b_discoverySR_36invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_MONOJET_139infb
[ATLAS]() Monojet analysis, with 139/fb of data.
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_MultiLEP_2Lep0Jets_36invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_MultiLEP_2LepPlusJets_36invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_MultiLEP_3Lep_36invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_MultiLEP_strong_139invfb
[ATLAS]() Run 2 search for same-sign leptons and jets, with 139/fb of data.
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_PhotonGGM_1Photon_139invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_PhotonGGM_1Photon_36invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_PhotonGGM_2Photon_36invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_PhotonGGM_36invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_RJ3L_2Lep2Jets_36invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_RJ3L_3Lep_36invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_RJ3L_lowmass_36invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_ZGammaGrav_CONFNOTE_80invfb
[ATLAS]() ZH(->photon+gravitino) (79.8 fb^-1)
class Analysis_ATLAS_7TeV_1OR2LEPStop_4_7invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_7TeV_2LEPStop_4_7invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_8TeV_0LEPStop_20invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_8TeV_0LEP_20invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_8TeV_1LEPStop_20invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_8TeV_2LEPEW_20invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_8TeV_2LEPStop_20invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_8TeV_2bStop_20invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_8TeV_3LEPEW_20invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_0LEP_137invfb
[CMS]() Run 2 0-lepton jet+MET SUSY analysis, with 137/fb of data.
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_0LEP_13invfb
[CMS]() Run 2 0-lepton jet+MET SUSY analysis, with 13/fb of data.
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_0LEP_36invfb
[CMS]() Run 2 0-lepton jet+MET SUSY analysis, with 36/fb of data.
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_1LEPStop_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_1LEPbb_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_1Photon1Lepton_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_1Photon1Lepton_emu_combined_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPStop_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_36invfb_nocovar
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_stop_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_stop_36invfb_nocovar
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2OSLEP_36invfb_nocovar
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2OSLEP_Slepton_137invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2OSLEP_Strong_Production_137invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2OSLEP_for_chargino_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2OSLEP_for_stop_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2Photon_GMSB_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2SSLEP_Stop_exclusive_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2SSLEP_Stop_inclusive_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_MONOJET_36invfb
[CMS]() Run 2 monojet analysis (no W/Z region) with 36/fb of data.
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_MultiLEP_137invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_MultiLEP_2LEP_137invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_MultiLEP_2SSLep_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_MultiLEP_3LEPTau_137invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_MultiLEP_3LEP_137invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_MultiLEP_3Lep_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_MultiLEP_4LEPTau_137invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_MultiLEP_4LEP_137invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_MultiLEP_Full_2SSLep_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_MultiLEP_Full_3Lep_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_MultiLEP_Full_3Lep_rebinned_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_Photon_GMSB_36invfb
class Analysis_CMS_8TeV_1LEPDMTOP_20invfb
class Analysis_CMS_8TeV_2LEPDMTOP_20invfb
class Analysis_CMS_8TeV_MONOJET_20invfb
class Analysis_CMS_8TeV_MultiLEP_3Lep_20invfb
class Analysis_CMS_8TeV_MultiLEP_4Lep_20invfb
class Analysis_Covariance
Dummy analysis code with a hard-coded return including a SR covariance matrix.
class Analysis_Minimum
Basic analysis code for copying.
class BaBar_single_photon_analysis_info
A class to hold analysis information for the BaBar single photon search (specific to dark photon models)
class BaseCollider
An abstract base class for collider simulators within ColliderBit.
class BaseDetector
An abstract base class for detector simulators within ColliderBit.
class BaseLimitContainer
Base class for experimental limit curve interpolation.
class BuckFast
A base class for [BuckFast]() simple smearing simulations within ColliderBit.
namespace CMS
CMS-specific efficiency and smearing functions for super fast detector simulation.
struct Cutflow
A tracker of numbers & fractions of events passing sequential cuts.
struct Cutflows
A container for several [Cutflow](/documentation/code/classes/structgambit_1_1colliderbit_1_1cutflow/) objects, with some convenient batch access.
class Dijet_analysis_info
A class to hold analysis information for DiJets (specific to DMsimp models)
namespace EventConversion
class EventCounter
A simple class for counting events of type HEPUtils::Event.
class ImageLimit
class L3ChargedGauginoSmallDeltaMAnySneutrinoLimitAt188pt6GeV
A class to contain the limit data from L3PLB_482_2000_31, figure 5b.
class L3ChargedGauginoSmallDeltaMWithHeavySneutrinoLimitAt188pt6GeV
A class to contain the limit data from L3PLB_482_2000_31, figure 5a.
class L3ChargedHiggsinoSmallDeltaMLimitAt188pt6GeV
A class to contain the limit data from L3PLB_482_2000_31, figure 5c.
class L3CharginoAllChannelsLimitAt188pt6GeV
A class to contain the limit data from L3PLB_472_2000_420, figure 2a.
class L3CharginoLeptonicLimitAt188pt6GeV
A class to contain the limit data from L3PLB_472_2000_420, figure 2b.
class L3NeutralinoAllChannelsLimitAt188pt6GeV
A class to contain the limit data from L3PLB_472_2000_420, figure 3a.
class L3NeutralinoLeptonicLimitAt188pt6GeV
A class to contain the limit data from L3PLB_472_2000_420, figure 3b.
class L3SelectronLimitAt205GeV
A class to contain the limit data from L3_PLB580_2004_37, figure 2a.
class L3SmuonLimitAt205GeV
A class to contain the limit data from L3_PLB580_2004_37, figure 2b.
class L3StauLimitAt205GeV
A class to contain the limit data from L3_PLB580_2004_37, figure 2c.
struct LSP
class LineSegment
A simple container for a line segment on an xy plane.
struct MCLoopInfo
Container for event loop status data and settings.
class MC_convergence_checker
Helper class for testing for convergence of analyses.
class MC_xsec_container
A class for holding a total cross-section calculated via MC across multiple threads.
class MT2
A useful [MT2]() class for this module.
class Model_analysis_info
class OPALCharginoAllChannelsLimitAt208GeV
A class to contain the limit data from OPAL_EPJC35_2004_1, figure 8b.
class OPALCharginoHadronicLimitAt208GeV
A class to contain the limit data from OPAL_EPJC35_2004_1, figure 5b.
class OPALCharginoLeptonicLimitAt208GeV
A class to contain the limit data from OPAL_EPJC35_2004_1, figure 7b.
class OPALCharginoSemiLeptonicLimitAt208GeV
A class to contain the limit data from OPAL_EPJC35_2004_1, figure 6b.
class OPALDegenerateCharginoLimitAt208GeV
A class to contain the limit data from OPAL, hep-ex/0210043, figure 5a (in colour)
class OPALNeutralinoHadronicLimitAt208GeV
A class to contain the limit data from OPAL_EPJC35_2004_1, figure 9b.
class OPALNeutralinoHadronicViaZLimitAt208GeV
A class to contain the limit data from OPAL_EPJC35_2004_1, figure 9b.
class P2
A simple container for a point on an xy plane.
class PID_pair_xsec_container
A class for holding the production cross-section for final state identified by the pair of PID codes.
class Perf_Plot
namespace PoissonCalculators
class Py8Collider
A specializable, recyclable class interfacing ColliderBit and Pythia.
class EventGenerationErrorAn exception for when Pythia fails to generate events.
class InitializationError
An exception for when Pythia fails to initialize.
A templated class specific for the UserHooks.
struct SignalRegionData
A simple container for the result of one signal region from one analysis.
struct _gsl_target_func_params
A struct to contain parameters for the GSL optimiser target function.
struct convergence_settings
Type for holding Monte Carlo convergence settings.
struct jet_collection_settings
Struct of different jet collection settings.
class process_xsec_container
A class for holding the cross-section of a single Pythia process (identified by the Pythia process code)
class xsec_container
A base class for holding cross-section info within ColliderBit.
namespace CosmoBit
namespace CosmoBit_utilsclass Parametrised_ps
class Primordial_ps
class SM_time_evo
struct DM_nucleon_couplings
namespace DRes
Forward declaration of [Rule]() and Observables classes for saving pointers to ignored and matched examples.
struct BackendRuleDerived class rule for resolution of backend requirements.
class DependencyResolver
Main dependency resolver.
struct ModuleRule
Derived class rule for resolution of dependencies.
struct Observable
struct OutputVertex
Bind purpose to output vertex.
struct QueueEntry
Information in resolution queue.
struct Rule
Base rule for resolution of dependencies and backend requirements.
class edgeWriter
Graphviz output for edges/dependencies.
class labelWriter
Graphviz output for individual vertices/nodes/module functions.
struct DS5_DDCOM
struct DS5_HMCOM
struct DS5_MSPCTM
struct DS5_NUCOM
struct DS5_PACODES
struct DS5_RDMGEV
struct DS5_SCKM
struct DS5_WIDTHS
struct DS_ADM_COM
struct DS_HMCOM
struct DS_INTDOF
struct DS_MIXING
struct DS_NUCOM
struct DS_RD20OPT
struct DS_RDDOF
struct DS_RDLIMS
struct DS_RDLUN
struct DS_RDPADD
struct DS_RDPARS
struct DS_RDPTH
struct DS_RDTIME
struct DS_SCKM
struct DS_VRTXS
struct DS_an_how
struct DS_gg
namespace DarkBit
struct AxionEDT_paramsclass AxionInterpolator
class AxionInterpolator2D
class CAST_SolarModel_Interpolator
class DMEFT
class DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM
class DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM
class DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM
class DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM
namespace DarkBit_utils
namespace DecayChain
struct ChainContainerclass ChainParticle
class DecayTable
class DecayTableEntry
class mat4
class vec3
class vec4
class HESS_Interpolator
class Interpolator2D
class MajoranaSingletDM
class PPPC_interpolation
struct RD_coannihilating_particle
struct RD_spectrum_type
class ScalarSingletDM
struct SimYieldChannel
Annihilation/decay channel.
class SimYieldTable
Channel container Object containing tabularized yields for particle decay and two-body final states.
struct SimpleHist
Histogram class for cascade decays.
class SolarModel
struct SolarModel_params1
struct SolarModel_params2
struct SolarModel_params3
struct SolarModel_params4
class SubGeVDM_fermion
Helper function (width rescaled for RD calculations)
class SubGeVDM_scalar
Helper function (width rescaled for RD calculations)
struct TH_Channel
struct TH_ParticleProperty
A container for the mass and spin of a particle.
struct TH_Process
struct TH_ProcessCatalog
A container holding all annihilation and decay initial states relevant for DarkBit.
struct TH_Resonance
A single resonance of a given width at a given energy (both in GeV)
struct TH_resonances_thresholds
Location of resonances and thresholds in energy (GeV)
class VectorSingletDM
class WDInterpolator
struct Wstruct
class bullet_cluster_lnL
struct dRdE_params
struct nudata
Neutrino telescope data container.
struct nuyield_info
Neutrino telescope yield info container.
class subgev_self_interactions
class DecayTable
GAMBIT native decay table class.
class Entry[DecayTable](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1decaytable/) entry class. Holds the info on all decays of a given particle.
Default values for traits. Specialisations of [SpecTraits]() should inherit from this, and then override the traits that they want to customise.
class DescriptionDatabase
namespace Diver_1_0_0
struct diverScanDataStructure for passing likelihood and printer data through Diver to the objective function.
namespace Diver_1_0_2
struct diverScanDataStructure for passing likelihood and printer data through Diver to the objective function.
namespace Diver_1_0_4
struct diverScanDataStructure for passing likelihood and printer data through Diver to the objective function.
namespace Diver_1_0_5
struct diverScanDataStructure for passing likelihood and printer data through Diver to the objective function.
class DummyModel
namespace ExampleBit_A
namespace ExampleBit_B
class Farray
struct calc_nElemstruct calc_nElem< limL, limU >
struct calc_nElem< limL, limU, _lims... >
struct FcnInfo2
class FcomplexT
struct Finputs
namespace FlavBit
namespace Boxesstruct Correlation
Simple structure for holding a correlation value and name of the correlated observable.
class Flav_reader
Reader class for FlavBit [YAML](/documentation/code/namespaces/namespaceyaml/) database.
namespace FormFactors
namespace LoopFunctions
struct Measurement
Representation of a single entry in the FlavBit [YAML](/documentation/code/namespaces/namespaceyaml/) database.
namespace Penguins
namespace Vertices
struct predictions_measurements_covariances
Forward declaration of [FptrFinder]().
class Fstring
class FstringArray
namespace FunctorHelp
Definitions of friend functions from above.
namespace GMPI
Forward declare MPI class.
struct GalacticHaloProperties
namespace GreAT
struct greatScanDataStructure for passing likelihood and printer data through GreAT to the objective function.
Special exception used during emergency early shutdown.
class HiggsCouplingsTable
GAMBIT native higgs coupling table class.
class Likelihood_Container
Class for collecting pointers to all the likelihood components, then running and combining them.
class Likelihood_Container_Factory
struct LocalMaxwellianHalo
namespace LogTags
namespace Logging
Forward declare minimial logging components needed to use logger.
class BaseLoggerLogger virtual base class.
class LogMaster
struct Message
structure for storing log messages and metadata
struct SortedMessage
structure for storing log messages and metadata after tags are sorted
class StdLogger
Logger for 'standard' messages.
struct endofmessage
Special (empty) struct for signalling end of message to [LogMaster]() stream.
struct ensure_construction_order
Special exception raised when emergency shutdown triggered via MPI.
class MSSMSimpleSpec
MSSM specialisation of SLHAea object wrapper version of [SubSpectrum]() class.
class MSSMea
struct MapCollection
Struct to hold collections of function pointer maps to be filled by derived classes.
struct MapTypes
Fully unspecialised [MapTypes]() declaration.
struct MapTypes< DerivedSpec, MapTag::Get >
struct MapTypes< DerivedSpec, MapTag::Set >
struct Mesons_decay_constants
struct Mesons_masses
class ModelHierarchy
Model hierarchy tree class.
class colorWriterHelper class for drawing the model hierarchy graph (edges)
struct edge_color_t
Property tag for adding color property to edges.
class labelWriter
Helper class for drawing the model hierarchy graph (labels)
namespace Models
Forward declaration of [Models::ModelFunctorClaw]() class for use in constructors.
struct DMEFTModelSimple DMEFT model object.
class DMEFTSimpleSpec
class DMsimpVectorMedDiracDMModel
Simple DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM model object.
class DMsimpVectorMedDiracDMSimpleSpec
class DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDMModel
Simple DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM model object.
class DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDMSimpleSpec
class DMsimpVectorMedScalarDMModel
Simple DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM model object.
class DMsimpVectorMedScalarDMSimpleSpec
class DMsimpVectorMedVectorDMModel
Simple DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM model object.
class DMsimpVectorMedVectorDMSimpleSpec
struct DiracSingletDM_Z2Model
class DiracSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec
struct MajoranaSingletDM_Z2Model
class MajoranaSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec
class ModelFunctorClaw
namespace PARENT
struct ScalarSingletDM_Z2Model
class ScalarSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec
struct ScalarSingletDM_Z3Model
class ScalarSingletDM_Z3SimpleSpec
struct SubGeVDMModel
class SubGeVDMSimpleSpec
struct VectorSingletDM_Z2Model
class VectorSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec
class partmap
class safe_param_map
namespace MultiNest
class LogLikeWrapperClass to connect multinest log-likelihood function and ScannerBit likelihood function.
Class containing the inputs used for inputs to MultiModeCode.
struct NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings
Container for effective non-relativistic DM-nucleon Wilson coefficients.
namespace NodeUtility
namespace ObjectivesBit
class Options
struct OverrideMaps
Definition of struct to hold various override values for a given ParamTag.
class PID_pair
namespace Par
List of parameter types used to classify spectrum contents.
class Piped_exceptions
[Gambit](/documentation/code/namespaces/namespacegambit/) piped error class.
class Piped_invalid_point
[Gambit](/documentation/code/namespaces/namespacegambit/) piped invalid point exception class.
namespace PolyChord_1_17_1
class LogLikeWrapperClass to connect PolyChord log-likelihood function and ScannerBit likelihood function.
namespace PolyChord_1_18_2
class LogLikeWrapperClass to connect PolyChord log-likelihood function and ScannerBit likelihood function.
namespace PolyChord_1_20_1
class LogLikeWrapperClass to connect PolyChord log-likelihood function and ScannerBit likelihood function.
namespace PostProcessor
class PPDriverDriver class to handle the actual postprocessing tasks.
struct PPOptions
namespace Printers
Forward declaration.
class BaseBasePrinterclass BaseBaseReader
class BasePrinter
class BasePrinterManager
Manager class for creating printer objects
class BaseReader
struct BuffPair
struct BuffTags
Struct for a collection of MPI tags belonging to a single buffer.
struct DSetData
class DataSetInterfaceBase
Wrapper object to manage a single dataset.
class DataSetInterfaceScalar
class H5P_LocalBufferManager
Keeps track of vertex buffers local to a print function.
class H5P_LocalReadBufferManager
class HDF5Buffer
Class to manage buffer for a single output label.
class HDF5BufferBase
Base class for buffers.
class HDF5DataSet
Class for interfacing to a HDF5 dataset of fixed type.
class HDF5DataSetBase
Base class for interfacing to a HDF5 dataset.
class HDF5DataSetBasic
Constructable class for doing basic operations on a HDF5 dataset.
class HDF5File
class HDF5MasterBuffer
class HDF5MasterBufferT
Class to manage a set of buffers for a single output type.
class HDF5Printer
The main printer class for output to HDF5 format.
class HDF5Printer2
The main printer class for output to HDF5 format.
class HDF5Reader
struct HDF5bufferchunk
struct PPIDEqual
struct PPIDHash
struct PPIDpair
class PrinterManager
Manager class for creating printer objects
struct Record
Structure to hold data for a single model point.
struct SLHAcombo
class SQLiteBase
SQLite base class for both reader and writer.
class SQLitePrinter
The main printer class for output to SQLite database.
class SQLiteReader
struct VBIDpair
struct VBIDtrip
class VertexBufferBase
VertexBuffer abstract interface base class.
class VertexBufferNumeric1D
VertexBuffer for simple numerical types.
class VertexBufferNumeric1D_HDF5
VertexBuffer for simple numerical types - derived version that handles output to hdf5.
class asciiPrinter
class asciiReader
Derived EntryGetterInterface class for accessing [asciiPrinter](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1printers_1_1asciiprinter/) output points.
class coutPrinter
struct get_hdf5_data_type
struct get_hdf5_data_type< bool >
struct get_hdf5_data_type< char >
struct get_hdf5_data_type< double >
struct get_hdf5_data_type< float >
struct get_hdf5_data_type< int >
struct get_hdf5_data_type< long >
struct get_hdf5_data_type< long double >
struct get_hdf5_data_type< long long >
struct get_hdf5_data_type< short >
struct get_hdf5_data_type< std::string >
struct get_hdf5_data_type< unsigned char >
struct get_hdf5_data_type< unsigned int >
struct get_hdf5_data_type< unsigned long >
struct get_hdf5_data_type< unsigned long long >
struct get_hdf5_data_type< unsigned short >
class nonePrinter
namespace Priors
class BasePriorAbstract base class for priors.
class Cauchy
Multi-dimensional [Cauchy]() prior.
class CompositePrior
class DoubleLogFlatJoin
class Dummy
class FixedPrior
A fixed parameter.
class Gaussian
Multi-dimensional [Gaussian]() prior.
class LogNormal
Multi-dimensional Log-Normal prior.
class MultiPriors
A parameter that is fixed to a different parameter.
class None
class Plugin
class RangePrior1D
Template class for 1d priors which need only a "range" option in their constructor.
struct arccosprior
struct cosprior
struct cotprior
struct flatprior
struct logprior
struct sinprior
struct tanprior
class SLHASimpleSpec
class SLHAeaModel
Skeleton "model" class which interacts with an SLHAea object.
struct SMInputs
Container class for Standard Model input information (defined as in SLHA2)
struct CKMdefstruct PMNSdef
SM specialisation of SLHAea object wrapper version of [SubSpectrum]() class.
class SMea
class SafeBool
namespace Scanner
namespace Errorsclass Factory_Base
Pure Base class of a plugin Factory function.
class Function_Base
Generic function base used by the scanner. Can be Likelihood, observables, etc.
class Function_Base< ret(args...)>
Base function for the object that is upputed by "set_purpose".
class Function_Deleter
Functor that deletes a [Function_Base](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1scanner_1_1function__base/) functor.
class Function_Deleter< ret(args...)>
class Multi_Scanner_Plugin_Function
class Multi_Scanner_Plugin_Function< ret(args...)>
Objective functor made up of multiple plugins.
class Plugin_Function_Factory
Factory class to make objectives using objective plugins.
namespace Plugins
namespace ObjPyPluginstruct Plugin_Details
container info for a specific plugin
class Plugin_Details_Ref
class Plugin_Interface
class Plugin_Interface< ret(args...)>
class Plugin_Interface_Base
struct Plugin_Interface_Details
Plugin info to be given to the interface class.
class Plugin_Loader
container class for the actual plugins detected by ScannerBit
class Plugin_Main_Interface_Base
class Plugin_Main_Interface_Base< ret(args...)>
struct Proto_Plugin_Details
Plugin info from inifile.
namespace ScannerPyPlugin
struct like_hypercubeA derived class of [like_ptr_base]() for managing [Function_Base](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1scanner_1_1function__base/) objects related to hypercubes.
struct like_physical
A derived class of [like_ptr_base]() for managing [Function_Base](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1scanner_1_1function__base/) objects related to physical properties.
struct like_prior_physical
A derived class of [like_ptr_base]() for managing [Function_Base](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1scanner_1_1function__base/) objects related to physical priors.
class like_ptr_base
A class that wraps a shared pointer to a [Function_Base](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1scanner_1_1function__base/) object.
struct prior_physical
A derived class of [like_ptr_base](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1scanner_1_1plugins_1_1scannerpyplugin_1_1like__ptr__base/) for managing [Function_Base](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1scanner_1_1function__base/) objects related to physical priors.
class scanner_base
A base class for scanner functionality.
class VersionCompareBase
Base class for comparing scanner plugins.
class VersionCompareBottom
class __plugin_resume__
Container class to store plugin values for resume function.
class __plugin_resume_base__
Virtual container base class to store plugin values for resume function.
class classFactory
class factoryBase
class funcFactory
struct pluginData
Structure that holds all the data provided by plugins about themselves.
class pluginInfo
Container for all the plugin info from the inifile and Scannerbit.
struct pyplugin_info
namespace Python
class IniFileParserclass diagnostics
class fake_vector
class printer_wrapper
class scan
class scan_interface
class Scan_Manager
class Scanner_Plugin_Function
class Scanner_Plugin_Function< ret(args...)>
Objective functor made up a single plugin.
struct __find_variadic_type__
struct __find_variadic_type__< false, false, true, T... >
struct __find_variadic_type__< false, true, b2, T... >
struct __find_variadic_type__< true, b1, b2, T... >
struct __find_variadic_type_convert__
struct __find_variadic_type_convert__< b, Tc, T1, T... >
struct __find_variadic_type_convert__< true, Tc, T1, T... >
struct __find_variadic_type_not_exact__
struct __find_variadic_type_not_exact__< void(args...), ret(args...), T1, T... >
struct __find_variadic_type_not_exact__< void(args...), ret(args2...), T1, T... >
struct __is_args_convertible__
struct __is_args_convertible__< false, T1, T2 >
struct _find_variadic_type_convert_
struct _find_variadic_type_convert_< Tc, T1, T... >
struct _find_variadic_type_not_exact_
struct _find_variadic_type_not_exact_< T1, T2, T... >
struct find_variadic_type
struct find_variadic_type_convert
struct find_variadic_type_convert< ret(args...)>
struct find_variadic_type_exact
struct find_variadic_type_exact< void(args...), ret(args...), T... >
struct find_variadic_type_exact< void(args...), ret(args2...), T... >
struct find_variadic_type_exact< void(args...)>
struct find_variadic_type_not_exact
struct find_variadic_type_not_exact< void(args...)>
struct first_arg_type
struct first_arg_type< ret()>
struct first_arg_type< ret(T, args...)>
struct func_ptr_type
struct func_ptr_type< void(args...)>
struct is_args_convertible
struct is_args_convertible< ret1(), ret2()>
struct is_args_convertible< ret1(arg1, args1...), ret2(arg2, args2...)>
class like_ptr
likelihood pointer holder for scanner plugins.
struct point_info
struct remove_all_func
struct remove_all_func< ret(args...)>
class resume_params_func
class to interface with the plugin manager resume functions.
struct return_type
struct return_type< ret(args...)>
class scan_ptr
Generic ptr that takes ownership of a [Function_Base](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1scanner_1_1function__base/). This is how a plugin will call a function.
class scan_ptr< ret(args...)>
Container class that hold the output of the "get_purpose" function.
[FptrFinder](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1fptrfinder/) friend class for implementing named parameter idiom.
class SignalData
Variables for use in signal handlers.
class SilentShutdownException
Special exception used during clean exit from diagnostics.
class SoftShutdownException
Special exception used during controlled early shutdown.
class Spec
Need to forward declare [Spec]() class.
namespace SpecBit
class MDMSpecclass MSSMSpec
struct MSSM_strs
class QedQcdWrapper
struct SMHiggsModel
class SMHiggsSimpleSpec
[SubSpectrum](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1subspectrum/) wrapper class for the SM Higgs sector.
class ScalarSingletDM_Z2Spec
class ScalarSingletDM_Z3Spec
class SpectrumEntriesForVevacious
struct SpectrumEntry
class VevaciousResultContainer
Mini helper class to specify behaviour of getters w.r.t. overrides in a type-safe way.
struct SpecTraits
struct SpecTraits< MSSMSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
struct SpecTraits< Models::DMEFTSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
struct SpecTraits< Models::DMsimpVectorMedDiracDMSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
struct SpecTraits< Models::DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDMSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
struct SpecTraits< Models::DMsimpVectorMedScalarDMSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
struct SpecTraits< Models::DMsimpVectorMedVectorDMSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
struct SpecTraits< Models::DiracSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
struct SpecTraits< Models::MajoranaSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
struct SpecTraits< Models::ScalarSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
struct SpecTraits< Models::ScalarSingletDM_Z3SimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
struct SpecTraits< Models::SubGeVDMSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
struct SpecTraits< Models::VectorSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
struct SpecTraits< SMSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
struct SpecTraits< SpecBit::MDMSpec< MI > >
struct SpecTraits< SpecBit::MSSMSpec< MI > >
struct SpecTraits< SpecBit::QedQcdWrapper >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
struct SpecTraits< SpecBit::SMHiggsSimpleSpec >
Specialisation of traits class needed to inform base spectrum class of the Model and Input types.
struct SpecTraits< SpecBit::ScalarSingletDM_Z2Spec< MI > >
struct SpecTraits< SpecBit::ScalarSingletDM_Z3Spec< MI > >
class Spectrum
"Standard Model" (low-energy) plus high-energy model container class
namespace SpectrumContents
struct DMEFTstruct DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM
struct DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM
struct DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM
struct DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM
struct DiracSingletDM_Z2
struct MDM
struct MSSM
struct MajoranaSingletDM_Z2
struct SM
struct SMHiggs
struct SM_slha
struct ScalarSingletDM_Z2
struct ScalarSingletDM_Z3
struct SubGeVDM
struct VectorSingletDM_Z2
Simple class to contain information defining how some parameter in a [SubSpectrum]() object can be accessed.
namespace Stats
class SubSpectrum
Virtual base class for interacting with spectrum generator output.
class SubSpectrumContents
Base class for defining the required contents of a [SubSpectrum](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1subspectrum/) object.
class Suspicious_point_exception
[Gambit](/documentation/code/namespaces/namespacegambit/) suspicious point exception class.
namespace Utils
class FileLockclass ProcessLock
Class to manage a process lock, using a file.
struct ci_less
Comparator for case-insensitive comparison in STL assos. containers */.
struct nocase_compareclass interp1d_gsl_collection
class interp2d_collection
class interp2d_gsl_collection
class interp4d_collection
class interp5d_collection
class python_interpreter_guard
Dummy guard class for python interpreters when python support is turned off.
class specialised_threadsafe_rng
Derived thread-safe random number generator class, templated on the RNG engine type.
class threadsafe_rng
class translator
struct type_equivalency
Structure providing type equivalency classes to the dep resolver.
class WIMP_annihilation
struct WIMPprops
struct __is_container__
struct __is_container__< std::array< T, N > >
struct __is_container__< std::deque< T > >
struct __is_container__< std::forward_list< T > >
struct __is_container__< std::list< T > >
struct __is_container__< std::map< T1, T2 > >
struct __is_container__< std::multimap< T1, T2 > >
struct __is_container__< std::multiset< T > >
struct __is_container__< std::set< T > >
struct __is_container__< std::unordered_map< T1, T2 > >
struct __is_container__< std::unordered_multimap< T1, T2 > >
struct __is_container__< std::unordered_multiset< T > >
struct __is_container__< std::unordered_set< T > >
struct __is_container__< std::vector< T > >
struct __is_pair__
struct __is_pair__< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
struct __is_vector__
struct __is_vector__< std::vector< T > >
struct _err
struct always_false
Helper for the static_assert below.
class backend_functor
Actual backend functor type.
class backend_functor< TYPE(*)(ARGS...), TYPE, ARGS... >
Template specialisation for non-variadic, non-void backend functions.
class backend_functor< typename variadic_ptr< TYPE, ARGS... >::type, TYPE, ARGS... >
Template specialisation for variadic, non-void backend functions.
class backend_functor< typename variadic_ptr< void, ARGS... >::type, void, ARGS... >
Template specialisation for variadic void backend functions.
class backend_functor< void(*)(ARGS...), void, ARGS... >
Template specialisation for non-variadic, void backend functions.
class backend_functor_common
Backend functor class for functions with result type TYPE and argumentlist ARGS.
struct capability_info
Helper struct to carry around capability information.
struct checkfavvio_type
struct clik_lensing_object
struct colorBasis
struct dbl_dbl_bool
class dep_bucket
An interface class for module dependencies.
struct div_ints_by_half
struct enable_if_all_member
struct enable_if_all_member_vector
struct enable_if_not_all_member
struct enable_if_not_all_member_vector
struct enable_if_not_one_member
struct enable_if_not_one_member_vector
struct enable_if_one_member
struct enable_if_one_member_vector
class error
GAMBIT error class.
class exception
GAMBIT exception base class.
struct fh_Couplings_container
struct fh_FlavourObs_container
struct fh_HiggsMassObs_container
struct fh_HiggsProd_container
struct fh_MSSMMassObs_container
struct fh_PrecisionObs_container
struct flav_prediction
Flavour observables structure holding central values and covariances.
struct flavviolation_type
struct flhaparam
class functor
Function wrapper (functor) base class.
class gambit_core
Master driver class for a GAMBIT scan.
struct gambit_inflation_observables
class halt_loop_exception
[Gambit](/documentation/code/namespaces/namespacegambit/) halt loop exception class.
struct hb_ModelParameters
struct hb_ModelParameters_effC
struct hd_golddec_type
struct indnuis
class invalid_loop_iteration_exception
[Gambit](/documentation/code/namespaces/namespacegambit/) invalid loop iteration exception class.
class invalid_point_exception
[Gambit](/documentation/code/namespaces/namespacegambit/) invalid point exception class.
struct is_all_member
struct is_all_member_internal
struct is_all_member_internal< type, void()>
struct is_all_member_internal< type, void(T, args...)>
struct is_all_member_vector
struct is_all_member_vector_internal
struct is_all_member_vector_internal< void()>
struct is_all_member_vector_internal< void(T, args...)>
struct is_all_member_vector_internal< void(const std::vector< T > &, args...)>
struct is_all_member_vector_internal< void(std::vector< T > &, args...)>
struct is_all_member_vector_internal< void(std::vector< T >, args...)>
struct is_container
struct is_one_member
struct is_one_member_internal
struct is_one_member_internal< type, void()>
struct is_one_member_internal< type, void(T, args...)>
struct is_one_member_vector
struct is_one_member_vector_internal
struct is_one_member_vector_internal< void()>
struct is_one_member_vector_internal< void(T, args...)>
struct is_one_member_vector_internal< void(const std::vector< T > &, args...)>
struct is_one_member_vector_internal< void(std::vector< T > &, args...)>
struct is_one_member_vector_internal< void(std::vector< T >, args...)>
struct is_pair
struct is_same_type
struct is_same_type< T, T >
struct is_same_type< mult_types< args... >, T >
struct is_same_type_internal
struct is_same_type_internal< void(), type >
struct is_same_type_internal< void(T, args...), T >
struct is_same_type_internal< void(T, args...), type >
struct is_vector
namespace jswarm_1_0_0
class particleAn individual particle in a swarm.
class particle_swarm
A swarm of particles and methods to evolve them.
struct libFarrayTest_CB3_type
struct libFarrayTest_CB_type
struct mass_es_pseudonyms
Structure to hold mass eigenstate pseudonyms for gauge eigenstates.
class mathematica_variable
class model_functor
Functors specific to [ModelParameters]() objects.
struct model_info
Helper struct to carry around model information.
class module_functor
Actual module functor type for all but TYPE=void.
class module_functor< void >
Actual module functor type for TYPE=void.
class module_functor_common
Functor derived class for module functions.
struct mult_types
struct nuisance
struct nuiscorr
struct numout
struct obsname
class omp_safe_ptr
struct parameters
struct particle2
struct particle23
class primary_model_functor
class prospino_settings
class python_variable
Holds the info about a python backend variable, and defines conversion functions.
class reg_elem
struct remove_all
class safe_ptr
class safe_variable_ptr
class safety_bucket_base
Base class for the interface classes '[dep_bucket](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1dep__bucket/)', '[BEvariable_bucket](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1bevariable__bucket/)' and '[BEfunction_bucket](/documentation/code/classes/classgambit_1_1befunction__bucket/)'.
struct sd_char2body_type
struct sd_char2bodygrav_type
struct sd_char3body_type
struct sd_charwidth_type
struct sd_glui2body_type
struct sd_glui3body_type
struct sd_gluiloop_type
struct sd_gluiwidth_type
struct sd_leshouches1_type
struct sd_leshouches2_type
struct sd_mbmb_type
struct sd_neut2body_type
struct sd_neut2bodygrav_type
struct sd_neut3body_type
struct sd_neutloop_type
struct sd_neutwidth_type
struct sd_sbot2body_type
struct sd_sbot3body_type
struct sd_sbotwidth_type
struct sd_sdown2body_type
struct sd_sdownwidth_type
struct sd_sel2body_type
struct sd_selectron_type
struct sd_selwidth_type
struct sd_snel2body_type
struct sd_snelwidth_type
struct sd_sntau2body_type
struct sd_sntauwidth_type
struct sd_stau2body_type
struct sd_stau2bodygrav_type
struct sd_stauwidth_type
struct sd_stop2body_type
struct sd_stop3body_type
struct sd_stop4body_type
struct sd_stoploop_type
struct sd_stopwidth_type
struct sd_sup2body_type
struct sd_supwidth_type
struct sd_top2body_type
struct sd_topwidth_type
struct slha_leshouches2_hdec_type
namespace slhahelp
class special_exception
GAMBIT special exception class. Not logged, meant for always catching.
struct susyhitin_type
class table_formatter
struct triplet
struct type_equal_to
struct type_hasher
struct type_index
struct variadic_ptr
Type redefinition to get around icc compiler bugs.
class warning
GAMBIT warning class.
struct widtha_hdec_type
struct widthhc_hdec_type
struct widthhh_hdec_type
struct widthhl_hdec_type
struct wisfer_hdec_type
struct wisusy_hdec_type
namespace @729
namespace @736
namespace @751
namespace HEPUtils
namespace LHEF
Forward declaration to cut down on includes.
class MultiNormDev
class MultiNormalDev
class NormalDev
namespace Functown
namespace Pythia8
class Ran
class RanNumGen
class Ran_old
class RandomBasis
class RandomPlane
namespace SLHAea
struct Settings
namespace Functown
class TransformRandomBasis
class WrapperBase
namespace YAML
[YAML]() overloads for mass cut and mass cut ratio constituents.
struct convert< Gambit::DRes::BackendRule >struct convert< Gambit::DRes::ModuleRule >
struct convert< Gambit::DRes::Observable >
struct convert< Gambit::nuiscorr >
[YAML](/documentation/code/namespaces/namespaceyaml/) conversion structure for SuperIso SM nuisance data.
struct convert< sdd >
struct convert< ssdd >
class asymm_mt2_lester_bisect
namespace boost
namespace daFunk
class Bottleclass FunkBase
class FunkBound
class FunkConst
class FunkDelta
class FunkDerived
class FunkFunc
class FunkFuncM
class FunkIfElse
class FunkIntegrate_gsl1d
class FunkInterp
class FunkMath_umin
class FunkPlain
class FunkVar
class ThrowError
struct index_list
class livingVector
namespace m1
namespace ma
namespace mb
class my_Nelder_Mead
struct my_func
class my_simplex
struct procRec
namespace testmodule
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:44 +0000