file src/type_equivalency.cpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:

Detailed Description

Author: Pat Scott (

Date: 2014 Oct, Dec

Implementations for type_equivalency class, a simple container used for storing info about which types have been defined as equivalent for depencency resolution purposes.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Implementations for type_equivalency class,
///  a simple container used for storing info about
///  which types have been defined as equivalent
///  for depencency resolution purposes.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2014 Oct, Dec
///  *********************************************

#include "yaml-cpp/yaml.h"

#include "gambit/Utils/util_functions.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/type_equivalency.hpp"
#include "gambit/Backends/backend_singleton.hpp"
#include "gambit/cmake/cmake_variables.hpp"

namespace Gambit

  namespace Utils

    /// Clean out whitespace and strip Gambit and default BOSSed class namespaces
    str fix_type(str s)
      s = strip_leading_namespace(s, "Gambit");
      // Loop over all the default versions of BOSSed backends and replace any corresponding leading namespace.
      for (auto it = Backends::backendInfo().default_safe_versions.begin(); it != Backends::backendInfo().default_safe_versions.end(); ++it)
        s = Utils::replace_leading_namespace(s, it->first+"_default", it->first+"_"+it->second);
      return s;

    /// Constructor for type_equivalency
    type_equivalency::type_equivalency() :
     filename(GAMBIT_DIR "/config/resolution_type_equivalency_classes.yaml")
      // Read yaml configuration file
      std::vector<YAML::Node> yaml_entries;
        yaml_entries = YAML::LoadAllFromFile(filename);
      catch (YAML::Exception &e)
        std::ostringstream msg;
        msg << "Could not read resolution type equivalency class file \""<<filename<<"\"!" << endl;
        msg << "Please check that file exists and contains valid YAML." << endl;
        msg << "("<<e.what()<<")";
      // Iterate over the entries in the configuration file and add them to the set of equivalency classes
      for (auto it = yaml_entries.begin(); it != yaml_entries.end(); ++it)
        add(it->as< std::vector<str> >());

    /// Define a new equivalency relation
    /// {@
    void type_equivalency::add(str t1, str t2)
      bool already_added = false;
      std::set<std::set<str> > equivalency_classes_copy = equivalency_classes;
      for (std::set<std::set<str> >::const_iterator it = equivalency_classes_copy.begin(); it != equivalency_classes_copy.end(); ++it)
        std::set<str>::const_iterator loc1 = it->find(t1);
        std::set<str>::const_iterator loc2 = it->find(t2);
        std::set<str>::const_iterator end  = it->end();
        if (loc1 != end and loc2 == end)
          std::set<str> temp = *it;
          already_added = true;
        if (loc2 != end and loc1 == end)
          std::set<str> temp = *it;
          already_added = true;
        if (loc1 != end and loc2 != end)
          already_added = true;
        if (already_added) break;
      if (not already_added)
        str types[] = {fix_type(t1),fix_type(t2)};
    void type_equivalency::add(str t1, str t2, str t3) { add(t1,t2); add(t1,t3); }
    void type_equivalency::add(str t1, str t2, str t3, str t4) { add(t1,t2); add(t1,t3); add(t1,t4); }
    void type_equivalency::add(str t1, str t2, str t3, str t4, str t5) { add(t1,t2); add(t1,t3); add(t1,t4); add(t1,t5); }
    void type_equivalency::add(str t1, str t2, str t3, str t4, str t5, str t6) { add(t1,t2); add(t1,t3); add(t1,t4); add(t1,t5); add(t1,t6); }
    void type_equivalency::add(std::vector<str> v) { for (auto it = v.begin()+1; it != v.end(); ++it) { add(v[0],*it); } }
    /// }@



Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:41 +0000