file Elements/subspectrum.hpp
[No description available] More…
Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Name | |
struct | Gambit::MapCollection Struct to hold collections of function pointer maps to be filled by derived classes. |
struct | Gambit::OverrideMaps Definition of struct to hold various override values for a given ParamTag. |
class | Gambit::SubSpectrum Virtual base class for interacting with spectrum generator output. |
Name | |
PDB | |
vfcn_error(local_info) Helper macro for throwing errors in base class versions of virtual functions. |
Detailed Description
- Peter Athron (
- Ben Farmer (
- Abram Krislock (
- 2014, 2015 Jan, Feb, Mar
- 2014, 2015 Jan - Jul
- 2016 Feb
Abstract class for accessing general spectrum information.
Macros Documentation
define PDB
#define PDB Models::ParticleDB()
define vfcn_error
#define vfcn_error(
utils_error().forced_throw(local_info,"This virtual function (of SubSpectrum object) has not been overridden in the derived class! (name = "+getName()+")")
Helper macro for throwing errors in base class versions of virtual functions.
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Abstract class for accessing general spectrum information.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors:
/// <!-- add name and date if you modify -->
/// \author Peter Athron
/// (
/// \date 2014, 2015 Jan, Feb, Mar
/// \author Ben Farmer
/// (
/// \date 2014, 2015 Jan - Jul
/// \author Abram Krislock
/// (
/// \date 2016 Feb
/// *********************************************
#ifndef __subspectrum_hpp__
#define __subspectrum_hpp__
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <cfloat>
#include <sstream>
#include "gambit/Utils/cats.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/safebool.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/standalone_error_handlers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/util_functions.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/slhaea_spec_helpers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/spectrum_helpers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Models/partmap.hpp"
// Particle database access
#define PDB Models::ParticleDB()
namespace Gambit
/// Helper macro for throwing errors in base class versions of virtual functions
#define vfcn_error(local_info) \
utils_error().forced_throw(local_info,"This virtual function (of SubSpectrum object) has not been overridden in the derived class! (name = "+getName()+")")
class SubSpectrum;
/// Struct to hold collections of function pointer maps to be filled by derived classes
template <class MapTypes>
struct MapCollection
typename MapTypes::fmap0 map0;
typename MapTypes::fmap1 map1;
typename MapTypes::fmap2 map2;
typename MapTypes::fmap0W map0W;
typename MapTypes::fmap1W map1W;
typename MapTypes::fmap2W map2W;
typename MapTypes::fmap0_extraM map0_extraM;
typename MapTypes::fmap1_extraM map1_extraM;
typename MapTypes::fmap2_extraM map2_extraM;
typename MapTypes::fmap0_extraI map0_extraI;
typename MapTypes::fmap1_extraI map1_extraI;
typename MapTypes::fmap2_extraI map2_extraI;
/// Definition of struct to hold various override values for a given ParamTag
struct OverrideMaps
std::map<str,double> m0; // No indices
std::map<str,std::map<int,double>> m1; // One index
std::map<str,std::map<int,std::map<int,double>>> m2; // Two indices
/* e.g. retrieve like this: contents = m2[name][i][j]; */
/// Virtual base class for interacting with spectrum generator output
// Includes facilities for running RGEs
// This is the interface class that most module-writers see
class SubSpectrum
/// @{ Constructors/destructors
SubSpectrum() : override_maps(create_override_maps()) {}
virtual ~SubSpectrum() {}
/// @}
/// @{ Main public interface functions
/// Get name
virtual std::string getName() const = 0;
/// Clone the SubSpectrum object
virtual std::unique_ptr<SubSpectrum> clone() const = 0;
/// Dump out spectrum information to an SLHA file (if possible)
virtual void writeSLHAfile(int, const str&) const;
/// Get spectrum information in SLHAea format (if possible)
virtual SLHAstruct getSLHAea(int) const;
/// Add spectrum information to an SLHAea object (if possible)
virtual void add_to_SLHAea(int, SLHAstruct&) const {}
/// There may be more than one *new* stable particle
/// this method will tell you how many.
/// If more than zero you probbaly *need* to know what model
/// you are working on, so we don't give all stable particles
virtual int get_numbers_stable_particles() const { vfcn_error(LOCAL_INFO); return -1; }
/// Limits to RGE running; warning/error raised if running beyond these is attempted.
/// If these aren't overridden in the derived class then effectively no limit on running will exist.
/// These are public so that module writers can use them to check what the limits are.
virtual double hard_upper() const {return DBL_MAX;}
virtual double soft_upper() const {return DBL_MAX;}
virtual double soft_lower() const {return 0.;}
virtual double hard_lower() const {return 0.;}
/// @{ Functions to be overridden in classes derived from Spec<Derived>
/// (i.e. the final wrappers)
/// Run spectrum to new scale
virtual void RunToScaleOverride(double) { vfcn_error(LOCAL_INFO); }
/// Returns the renormalisation scale of parameters
virtual double GetScale() const { vfcn_error(LOCAL_INFO); return -1;}
/// Manually set the renormalisation scale of parameters
/// somewhat dangerous to allow this but may be needed
virtual void SetScale(double) { vfcn_error(LOCAL_INFO); }
/// @}
/// Run spectrum to a new scale
/// This function is a wrapper for RunToScaleOverride which automatically checks limits and
/// raises warnings.
// Behaviour modified by "behave" integer:
// behave = 0 -- If running beyond soft limit requested, halt at soft limit
// (assumes hard limits outside of soft limits; but this is not enforced)
// behave = 1 -- If running beyond soft limit requested, throw warning
// " " hard limit " , throw error
// behave = anything else -- Ignore limits and attempt running to requested scale
void RunToScale(double scale, const int behave = 0);
/// Getters/Setters etc.
/* Getters and checker declarations for parameter retrieval with zero, one, and two indices
Note optional arguments:
first bool; "check_overrides". Set to SafeBool(false) to disable matching on override entries
second bool; "check_antiparticle". Set to SafeBool(false) to disable matching on antiparticle entries */
virtual bool has(const Par::Tags, const str&, const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) const = 0;
virtual double get(const Par::Tags, const str&, const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) const = 0;
virtual bool has(const Par::Tags, const str&, const int, const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) const = 0;
virtual double get(const Par::Tags, const str&, const int, const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) const = 0;
virtual bool has(const Par::Tags, const str&, const int, const int, const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides) const = 0;
virtual double get(const Par::Tags, const str&, const int, const int, const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides) const = 0;
/* Setter declarations, for setting parameters in a derived model object,
and for overriding model object values with values stored outside
the model object (for when values cannot be inserted back into the
model object)
Note; these are NON-CONST */
virtual void set(const Par::Tags, const double, const str&, const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) = 0;
virtual void set(const Par::Tags, const double, const str&, const int, const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) = 0;
virtual void set(const Par::Tags, const double, const str&, const int, const int) = 0;
/* The parameter overrides are handled entirely by this base class, so
they are not virtual.
optional arguments:
allow_new: Allow "overriding" non-existent parameters if 'true'..
decouple: If allow_new=true AND decouple=true, allows adding separate particle and antiparticle values. */
void set_override(const Par::Tags, const double, const str&, const bool allow_new = false, const bool decouple = false);
void set_override(const Par::Tags, const double, const str&, const int, const bool allow_new = false, const bool decouple = false);
void set_override(const Par::Tags, const double, const str&, const int, const int, const bool allow_new = false);
/* Helpers for override functions which take parameter names and indices as vectors, and
loop over them, to make it easy to set many parameters to the same value.
No two-index versions at the moment, but could be added if needed. */
void set_override_vector(const Par::Tags, const double, const std::vector<str>&, const bool allow_new = false, const bool decouple = false);
void set_override_vector(const Par::Tags, const double, const std::vector<str>&, const std::vector<int>, const bool allow_new = false, const bool decouple = false);
void set_override_vector(const Par::Tags, const double, const std::vector<str>&, const int, const bool allow_new = false, const bool decouple = false);
void set_override_vector(const Par::Tags, const double, const str&, const std::vector<int>, const bool allow_new = false, const bool decouple = false);
/* Overloads of getter/checker functions to allow access using PDG codes */
/* as defined in Models/src/particle_database.cpp */
/* These don't have to be virtual; they just call the virtual functions in the end. */
bool has(const Par::Tags, const int, const int,
const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides,
const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) const; /* Input PDG code plus context integer */
double get(const Par::Tags, const int, const int,
const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides,
const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) const; /* Input PDG code plus context integer */
bool has(const Par::Tags, const std::pair<int,int>,
const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides,
const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) const; /* Input PDG code plus context integer */
double get(const Par::Tags, const std::pair<int,int>,
const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides,
const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) const; /* Input PDG code plus context integer */
bool has(const Par::Tags, const std::pair<str,int>,
const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides,
const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) const; /* Input short name plus index */
double get(const Par::Tags, const std::pair<str,int>,
const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides,
const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) const; /* Input short name plus index */
/* Getters which first check the sanity of the thing they are returning */
/* These don't have to be virtual; they just call the virtual functions in the end. */
double safeget(const Par::Tags, const str&,
const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides,
const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) const;
double safeget(const Par::Tags, const str&, const int,
const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides,
const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) const;
double safeget(const Par::Tags, const str&, const int, const int,
const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides) const;
double safeget(const Par::Tags, const int, const int,
const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides,
const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) const; /* Input PDG code plus context integer */
double safeget(const Par::Tags, const std::pair<int,int>,
const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides,
const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) const; /* Input PDG code plus context integer */
double safeget(const Par::Tags, const std::pair<str,int>,
const SpecOverrideOptions=use_overrides,
const SafeBool check_antiparticle = SafeBool(true)) const; /* Input short name plus index */
/// @{ PDB overloads for setters
/* Input PDG code plus context integer */
void set_override(const Par::Tags, const double, const int, const int, const bool allow_new = false, const bool decouple = false);
void set_override(const Par::Tags, const double, const std::pair<int,int>, const bool allow_new = false, const bool decouple = false);
/* Input short name plus index */
void set_override(const Par::Tags, const double, const std::pair<str,int>, const bool allow_new = false, const bool decouple = false);
/// @}
/// TODO: extra PDB overloads to handle all the one and two index cases (well all the ones that are feasible...)
/// PDG code translation map, for special cases where an SLHA file has been read in and the PDG codes changed.
virtual const std::map<int, int>& PDG_translator() const { return empty_map; }
const std::map<int, int> empty_map;
/// Initialiser function for override_maps
static std::map<Par::Tags,OverrideMaps> create_override_maps();
/// Map of override maps
std::map<Par::Tags,OverrideMaps> override_maps;
} // end namespace Gambit
// Undef the various helper macros to avoid contaminating other files
#undef PDB
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:41 +0000