file src/subspectrum.cpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:

Detailed Description



  • 2014, 2015 Jan, Feb, Mar
  • 2014, 2015 Jan - Jul
  • 2016 Feb

Abstract class for accessing general spectrum information.


Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Abstract class for accessing general spectrum information.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors:
///  <!-- add name and date if you modify -->
///  \author Peter Athron
///          (
///  \date 2014, 2015 Jan, Feb, Mar
///  \author Ben Farmer
///          (
///  \date 2014, 2015 Jan - Jul
///  \author Abram Krislock
///          (
///  \date 2016 Feb
///  *********************************************

#include <fstream>
#include <string>

#include "gambit/Elements/subspectrum.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/mssm_slhahelp.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/spec_fptrfinder.hpp"


namespace Gambit
   /// @{ SubSpectrum member function definitions

   /// Dump out spectrum information to an SLHA file (if possible)
   void SubSpectrum::writeSLHAfile(int slha_version, const str& filename) const
     std::ofstream ofs(filename);
     if (ofs)
       ofs << getSLHAea(slha_version);
       utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Could not open file '"+filename+
        "' for writing. Please check that the path exists!");

   /// Get spectrum information in SLHAea format (if possible)
   SLHAstruct SubSpectrum::getSLHAea(int slha_version) const
     SLHAstruct slha;
     this->add_to_SLHAea(slha_version, slha);
     slhahelp::add_MODSEL_disclaimer(slha, "spectrum");
     return slha;

   /// Initialiser function for empty map of override maps
   std::map<Par::Tags,OverrideMaps> SubSpectrum::create_override_maps()
      std::map<Par::Tags,OverrideMaps> tmp;
      std::vector<Par::Tags> all = Par::get_all();
      for(std::vector<Par::Tags>::iterator it = all.begin(); it!=all.end(); ++it)
      return tmp;

   /// @{ PDB getter/checker overloads

   /* Input PDG code plus context integer as separate arguments */
   bool SubSpectrum::has(const Par::Tags partype,
                         const int pdg_code, const int context,
                         SpecOverrideOptions check_overrides,
                         SafeBool check_antiparticle) const
      return has( partype, std::make_pair(pdg_code,context), check_overrides, check_antiparticle );

   /* Input PDG code plus context integer as separate arguments */
   double SubSpectrum::get(const Par::Tags partype,
                           const int pdg_code, const int context,
                           SpecOverrideOptions check_overrides,
                           SafeBool check_antiparticle) const
      return get( partype, std::make_pair(pdg_code,context), check_overrides, check_antiparticle );

   /* Input PDG code plus context integer as pair */
   bool SubSpectrum::has(const Par::Tags partype,
                         const std::pair<int,int> pdgpr,
                         SpecOverrideOptions check_overrides,
                         SafeBool check_antiparticle) const
      return has( partype, Models::ParticleDB().long_name(pdgpr), check_overrides, check_antiparticle );

   /* Input PDG code plus context integer as pair */
   double SubSpectrum::get(const Par::Tags partype,
                           const std::pair<int,int> pdgpr,
                           SpecOverrideOptions check_overrides,
                           SafeBool check_antiparticle) const
      return get( partype, Models::ParticleDB().long_name(pdgpr), check_overrides, check_antiparticle );

   /* Input short name plus index as pair */
   bool SubSpectrum::has(const Par::Tags partype,
                         const std::pair<str,int> shortpr,
                         SpecOverrideOptions check_overrides,
                         SafeBool check_antiparticle) const
      return has( partype, shortpr.first, shortpr.second, check_overrides, check_antiparticle);

   /* Input short name plus index as pair */
   double SubSpectrum::get(const Par::Tags partype,
                           const std::pair<str,int> shortpr,
                           SpecOverrideOptions check_overrides,
                           SafeBool check_antiparticle) const
      return get( partype, shortpr.first, shortpr.second, check_overrides, check_antiparticle);

   /// @}

   /// @{ safeget functions, by Abram

   double SubSpectrum::safeget(const Par::Tags partype,
                               const str& mass,
                               const SpecOverrideOptions check_overrides,
                               const SafeBool check_antiparticle) const
      double result = get( partype, mass, check_overrides, check_antiparticle);
      if (Utils::isnan(result))
         utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"SubSpectrum parameter is nan!!");
      return result;

   double SubSpectrum::safeget(const Par::Tags partype,
                               const str& mass, const int i,
                               const SpecOverrideOptions check_overrides,
                               const SafeBool check_antiparticle) const
      double result = get( partype, mass, i, check_overrides, check_antiparticle);
      if (Utils::isnan(result))
         utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"SubSpectrum parameter is nan!!");
      return result;

   double SubSpectrum::safeget(const Par::Tags partype,
                               const str& mass, const int i, const int j,
                               const SpecOverrideOptions check_overrides) const
      double result = get( partype, mass, i, j, check_overrides);
      if (Utils::isnan(result))
         utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"SubSpectrum parameter is nan!!");
      return result;

   double SubSpectrum::safeget(const Par::Tags partype,
                               const int pdg_code, const int context,
                               const SpecOverrideOptions check_overrides,
                               const SafeBool check_antiparticle) const
      double result = get( partype, pdg_code, context, check_overrides, check_antiparticle);
      if (Utils::isnan(result))
         utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"SubSpectrum parameter is nan!!");
      return result;

   double SubSpectrum::safeget(const Par::Tags partype,
                               const std::pair<int,int> pdgpr,
                               const SpecOverrideOptions check_overrides,
                               const SafeBool check_antiparticle) const
      double result = get( partype, pdgpr, check_overrides, check_antiparticle);
      if (Utils::isnan(result))
         utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"SubSpectrum parameter is nan!!");
      return result;

   double SubSpectrum::safeget(const Par::Tags partype,
                               const std::pair<str,int> shortpr,
                               const SpecOverrideOptions check_overrides,
                               const SafeBool check_antiparticle) const
      double result = get( partype, shortpr, check_overrides, check_antiparticle);
      if (Utils::isnan(result))
         utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"SubSpectrum parameter is nan!!");
      return result;

   /// @}

   /// @{ Parameter override functions

   void SubSpectrum::set_override(const Par::Tags partype,
                      const double value, const str& name, const bool allow_new, const bool decouple)
      bool done = false;
      // No index input; check if direct string exists in map
      // If not, try to use particle database to convert to short
      // name plus index and try that.
      // Otherwise:
      // If decouple=true
      //   If allow_new=false: Doesn't make sense; error
      //   If allow_new=true: add new entry
      // If decouple=false
      //   check if antiparticle exists in map (both short and long strings)
      //     if yes: add override under antiparticle name
      //     if no:
      //        if allow_new=false: no match anywhere, and not allowed to add new, error!
      //        if allow_new=true: add new entry under original name

      // SafeBool(false) set so we don't match on antiparticle; if anti-particle entry exists, need to convert to and set that override instead.
      #ifdef CHECK_WHERE_FOUND
      std::cout << "set_override "<<name<<" called (allow_new="<<allow_new<<", decouple="<<decouple<<"): checking zero index maps" << std::endl;
      if( has(partype,name,use_overrides,SafeBool(false)) )
      {[name] = value;
         done = true;
         #ifdef CHECK_WHERE_FOUND
         std::cout << "Found in zero index override map; override added" << std::endl;
      // Check short name
      else if( Models::ParticleDB().has_short_name(name) )
         #ifdef CHECK_WHERE_FOUND
         std::cout << "Checking for short name" << std::endl;
         std::pair<str, int> p = Models::ParticleDB().short_name_pair(name);
         if( has(partype,p.first,p.second,SafeBool(false)) )
  [p.first][p.second] = value;
            done = true;
            #ifdef CHECK_WHERE_FOUND
            std::cout << "Found in one index override map with short name '"<<p.first<<","<<p.second<<"'; override added"<< std::endl;

      // Deal with possible antiparticle match and decoupling
      if(not done)
    [name] = value;
              done = true;
              #ifdef CHECK_WHERE_FOUND
              std::cout << "Decoupling allowed: added value to one index override map"<< std::endl;
              std::ostringstream errmsg;
              errmsg << "Error setting override value in SubSpectrum object!" << std::endl;
              errmsg << "Options 'decouple=true' and 'allow_new=false' set simultaneously, but this doesn't make sense. If you might be decoupling particle/antiparticle values for the first time then you *must* also set 'allow_new'." << std::endl;
         else  // no decouple
           #ifdef CHECK_WHERE_FOUND
           std::cout << "Checking for entries under antiparticle name"<< std::endl;
           std::cout << "has_particle = "<<Models::ParticleDB().has_particle(name)<<std::endl;
           if(Models::ParticleDB().has_particle(name)) {
             std::cout << "has_antiparticle = "<<Models::ParticleDB().has_antiparticle(name)<<std::endl;

           // Try antiparticle
           if(Models::ParticleDB().has_particle(name) and
              std::string antiname = Models::ParticleDB().get_antiparticle(name);
              // Repeat the logic above
              #ifdef CHECK_WHERE_FOUND
              std::cout << "Checking for antiparticle entry '"<<antiname<<"' in zero index override map"<< std::endl;
              if( has(partype,antiname,use_overrides,SafeBool(false)) )
       [antiname] = value;
                 done = true;
                 #ifdef CHECK_WHERE_FOUND
                 std::cout << "Found entry under antiparticle name '"<<antiname<<"' in zero index override map. Override added."<< std::endl;
              else if( Models::ParticleDB().has_short_name(antiname) )
                 #ifdef CHECK_WHERE_FOUND
                 std::cout << "Checking for entry under short antiparticle name + index in one index override map."<< std::endl;
                 std::pair<str, int> p = Models::ParticleDB().short_name_pair(antiname);
                 if( has(partype,p.first,p.second,use_overrides,SafeBool(false)) )
          [p.first][p.second] = value;
                    done = true;
                    #ifdef CHECK_WHERE_FOUND
                    std::cout << "Found entry under short antiparticle name + index in one index override map. Override added."<< std::endl;
              // No maching antiparticle entry; check if we are allowed to add new values
              else if(allow_new)
       [name] = value;
                 done = true;
                 #ifdef CHECK_WHERE_FOUND
                 std::cout << "No antiparticle match found, but 'allow_new'="<<allow_new<<", so adding entry to zero index override map." << std::endl;
           else // No antiparticle conversion possible
       [name] = value;
                 done = true;
                 #ifdef CHECK_WHERE_FOUND
                 std::cout << "Antiparticle doesn't exist, but 'allow_new'="<<allow_new<<", so adding entry to zero index override map." << std::endl;
                 std::ostringstream errmsg;
                 errmsg << "Error setting override value in SubSpectrum object!" << std::endl;
                 errmsg << "No "<<<<" with string reference '"<<name<<"' exists in the wrapped spectrum" <<std::endl;
                 errmsg << "If you intended to add this value to the spectrum without overriding anything, please call this function with the optional 'allow_new' boolean parameter set to 'true'. It can then be later retrieved using the normal getters with the same name used here." << std::endl;

      // If none of that worked, throw an error.
      if(not done)
        std::ostringstream errmsg;
        errmsg << "Error setting override value in SubSpectrum object!" << std::endl;
        errmsg << "No "<<<<" with string reference '"<<name<<"' exists in the wrapped spectrum!" <<std::endl;
        errmsg << "If you intended to add this value to the spectrum without overriding anything, please call this function with the optional 'allow_new' boolean parameter set to 'true'. It can then be later retrieved using the normal getters with the same name used here." << std::endl;

   void SubSpectrum::set_override(const Par::Tags partype,
                      const double value, const str& name, const int i, const bool allow_new, const bool decouple)
      bool done = false;
      // One index input; check if direct string plus index exists in map
      // If not, try to use particle database to convert to long name
      // and try that.
      // Otherwise:
      // If decouple=true
      //   If allow_new=false: Doesn't make sense; error
      //   If allow_new=true: add new entry
      // If decouple=false
      //   check if antiparticle exists in map (both short and long strings)
      //     if yes: add override under antiparticle name
      //     if no:
      //        if allow_new=false: no match anywhere, and not allowed to add new, error!
      //        if allow_new=true: add new entry under original name

      if( has(partype,name,i,use_overrides,SafeBool(false)) ) // Don't match anti-particle; will check that if other matching fails
      {[name][i] = value;
         done = true;
      else if( Models::ParticleDB().has_particle(std::make_pair(name, i)) )
         str longname = Models::ParticleDB().long_name(name,i);
         if( has(partype,longname,use_overrides,SafeBool(false)) )
  [longname] = value;
            done = true;

      // Deal with possible antiparticle match and decoupling
      if(not done)
    [name][i] = value;
              done = true;
              std::ostringstream errmsg;
              errmsg << "Error setting override value in SubSpectrum object!" << std::endl;
              errmsg << "Options 'decouple=true' and 'allow_new=false' set simultaneously, but this doesn't make sense. If you might be decoupling particle/antiparticle values for the first time then you *must* also set 'allow_new'." << std::endl;
         else  // no decouple
           // Try antiparticle
           if(Models::ParticleDB().has_particle(name) and
              std::string antiname = Models::ParticleDB().get_antiparticle(name);
              // Repeat the logic above
              if( has(partype,antiname,i,use_overrides,SafeBool(false)) ) // Don't match anti-particle; will check that if other matching fails
       [antiname][i] = value;
                 done = true;
              else if( Models::ParticleDB().has_particle(std::make_pair(antiname, i)) )
                 str longname = Models::ParticleDB().long_name(antiname,i);
                 if( has(partype,longname,use_overrides,SafeBool(false)) )
          [longname] = value;
                    done = true;
              // No matching antiparticle; see if we are allowed to just add the value
              else if(allow_new)
       [name][i] = value;
                 done = true;
           else // No antiparticle conversion possible
       [name][i] = value;
                 done = true;
                 std::ostringstream errmsg;
                 errmsg << "Error setting override value in SubSpectrum object!" << std::endl;
                 errmsg << "No "<<<<" with string reference '"<<name<<"' exists in the wrapped spectrum" <<std::endl;
                 errmsg << "If you intended to add this value to the spectrum without overriding anything, please call this function with the optional 'allow_new' boolean parameter set to 'true'. It can then be later retrieved using the normal getters with the same name used here." << std::endl;

      // If none of that worked, throw an error.
      if(not done)
        std::ostringstream errmsg;
        errmsg << "Error setting override value in SubSpectrum object!" << std::endl;
        errmsg << "No "<<<<" with string reference '"<<name<<"' exists in the wrapped spectrum!" <<std::endl;
        errmsg << "If you intended to add this value to the spectrum without overriding anything, please call this function with the optional 'allow_new' boolean parameter set to 'true'. It can then be later retrieved using the normal getters with the same name used here." << std::endl;


   void SubSpectrum::set_override(const Par::Tags partype,
                      const double value, const str& name, const int i, const int j, const bool allow_new)
      if(not allow_new and not has(partype,name,i,j) )
        std::ostringstream errmsg;
        errmsg << "Error setting override value in SubSpectrum object!" << std::endl;
        errmsg << "No "<<<<" with string reference '"<<name<<"' and indices '"<<i<<","<<j<<"' exists in the wrapped spectrum!" <<std::endl;
        errmsg << "If you intended to add this value to the spectrum without overriding anything, please call this function with the optional 'allow_new' boolean parameter set to 'false'. It can then be later retrieved using the normal getters with the same name used here." << std::endl;
      }[name][i][j] = value;

   /// PDB overloads of set_override functions

   /* Input short name plus index pair */
   void SubSpectrum::set_override(const Par::Tags partype, const double value, const std::pair<str,int> shortpr, const bool allow_new, const bool decouple)
      set_override(partype, value, shortpr.first, shortpr.second, allow_new, decouple);

   /* Input PDG code plus context integer */
   void SubSpectrum::set_override(const Par::Tags partype, const double value, const int PDGcode, const int context, const bool allow_new, const bool decouple)
      set_override(partype, value, std::make_pair(PDGcode,context), allow_new, decouple);

   void SubSpectrum::set_override(const Par::Tags partype, const double value, const std::pair<int,int> pdgpr, const bool allow_new, const bool decouple)
      /* If there is a short name, then retrieve that plus the index */
      if( Models::ParticleDB().has_short_name(pdgpr) )
        return set_override(partype, value, Models::ParticleDB().short_name_pair(pdgpr), allow_new, decouple);
      else /* Use the long name with no index instead (will throw error if name not in PDB) */
        return set_override(partype, value, Models::ParticleDB().long_name(pdgpr), allow_new, decouple);

   /// @{ Vector override functions

   /* Helpers for override functions which take parameter names and indices as vectors, and
      loop over them, to make it easy to set many parameters to the same value.
      No two-index versions at the moment, but could be added if needed. */
   void SubSpectrum::set_override_vector(const Par::Tags tag, const double value, const std::vector<str>& params, const bool allow_new, const bool decouple)
      for(std::vector<str>::const_iterator it = params.begin();
    it != params.end(); ++it)
          this->set_override(tag, value, *it, allow_new, decouple);

   void SubSpectrum::set_override_vector(const Par::Tags tag, const double value, const std::vector<str>& params, const std::vector<int> indices, const bool allow_new, const bool decouple)
      for(std::vector<str>::const_iterator it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it)
         for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator i = indices.begin(); i != indices.end() ; ++i)
            this->set_override(tag, value, *it, *i, allow_new, decouple);

   void SubSpectrum::set_override_vector(const Par::Tags tag, const double value, const std::vector<str>& params, const int i, const bool allow_new, const bool decouple)
      std::vector<int> indices;

   void SubSpectrum::set_override_vector(const Par::Tags tag, const double value, const str& par, const std::vector<int> indices, const bool allow_new, const bool decouple)
      std::vector<str> params;

   void SubSpectrum::RunToScale(double scale, const int behave)
      if(behave==0 or behave==1)
         if(scale < hard_lower() or scale > hard_upper()) {
            if(behave==1) {
               std::ostringstream msg;
               msg << "RGE running requested outside hard limits! This is forbidden with behave=1. Set behave=0 (default) to automatically stop running at soft limits, or behave=2 to force running to requested scale (may trigger errors from underlying RGE code!)." << std::endl;
               msg << "  Requested : "<< scale << std::endl;
               msg << "  hard_upper: "<< hard_upper() << std::endl;
               msg << "  hard_lower: "<< hard_lower() << std::endl;
               utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, msg.str());
            } else { // behave==0
               if     (scale < soft_lower()) { scale=soft_lower(); }
               else if(scale > soft_upper()) { scale=soft_upper(); }
               else {
                 // Hard limits must be outside soft limits; this is a bug in the derived Spectum object
                 std::ostringstream msg;
                 msg << "RGE running requested outside hard limits, but within soft limits! The soft limits should always be within the hard limits, so this is a bug in the derived SubSpectrum object being accessed. I cannot tell you which class this is though; check the dependency graph to see which ones are being created, and if necessary consult your debugger." << std::endl;
                 msg << "  Requested : "<< scale << std::endl;
                 msg << "  hard_upper: "<< hard_upper() << std::endl;
                 msg << "  soft_upper: "<< soft_upper() << std::endl;
                 msg << "  soft_lower: "<< soft_lower() << std::endl;
                 msg << "  hard_lower: "<< hard_lower() << std::endl;
                 utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, msg.str());
         } else if(scale < soft_lower() or scale > soft_upper()) {
            if(behave==1) {
               std::ostringstream msg;
               msg << "RGE running requested outside soft limits! Accuracy may be low. Note: Set behave=2 to suppress this warning, or behave=0 (default) to automatically stop running when soft limit is hit." << std::endl;
               msg << "  Requested : "<< scale << std::endl;
               msg << "  soft_upper: "<< soft_upper() << std::endl;
               msg << "  soft_lower: "<< soft_lower() << std::endl;
               utils_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, msg.str());
            } else { // behave==0
               if(scale < soft_lower()) scale=soft_lower();
               if(scale > soft_upper()) scale=soft_upper();

   /// @}

   /// @}

   /// @}


Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:41 +0000