file src/SubGeVDM_fermion.cpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:


Helper function (width rescaled for RD calculations)


getSMmass(Name, spinX2)
addParticle(Name, Mass, spinX2)

Detailed Description



  • May 2022
  • Oct, Nov 2023

Implementation of SubGeVDM_fermion DarkBit routines.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Macros Documentation

define getSMmass

#define getSMmass(
catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<string, TH_ParticleProperty> (Name, TH_ParticleProperty(SM.get(Par::Pole_Mass,Name), spinX2)));

define addParticle

#define addParticle(
catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<string, TH_ParticleProperty> (Name, TH_ParticleProperty(Mass, spinX2)));

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Implementation of SubGeVDM_fermion
///  DarkBit routines.
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Felix Kahlhoefer
///         (
///  \date May 2022
///  \author Torsten Bringmann
///         (
///  \date Oct, Nov 2023
///  *********************************************

#include "boost/make_shared.hpp"

#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/virtual_photon.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/ascii_table_reader.hpp"
#include "gambit/DarkBit/DarkBit_rollcall.hpp"
#include "gambit/DarkBit/DarkBit_utils.hpp"

namespace Gambit

  namespace DarkBit

    double Gamma_reg(double Gamma, double mass); /// Helper function (width rescaled for RD calculations)

    class SubGeVDM_fermion
      /// Initialize SubGeVDM_fermion object (branching ratios etc)
      SubGeVDM_fermion(TH_ProcessCatalog* const catalog, double gammaAp)
        : Gamma_Ap(gammaAp)
          mAp   = catalog->getParticleProperty("Ap").mass;
          mb   = catalog->getParticleProperty("d_3").mass;
          mtau = catalog->getParticleProperty("e-_3").mass;
          mmu = catalog->getParticleProperty("e-_2").mass;
          me = catalog->getParticleProperty("e-_1").mass;
          mpi   = catalog->getParticleProperty("pi+").mass;

      ~SubGeVDM_fermion() {};

      /// Helper function (Breit-Wigner, rescaled close to resonance)
      double DAp2 (double s)
        double Gamma_eff=Gamma_reg(Gamma_Ap, mAp);
        double smaxres=(mAp+4*Gamma_eff)*(mAp+4*Gamma_eff);
        double sminres=(mAp-4*Gamma_eff)*(mAp-4*Gamma_eff);

        if (s<sminres || s>smaxres) // well outside resonance
          return 1/((s-mAp*mAp)*(s-mAp*mAp)+mAp*mAp*Gamma_Ap*Gamma_Ap);
        else // very close to resonance
          return 1/((s-mAp*mAp)*(s-mAp*mAp)+mAp*mAp*Gamma_eff*Gamma_eff)
                 * Gamma_eff/Gamma_Ap; // rescaling exact in NWA limit

      double sv(std::string channel, double gDM, double gSM, double mass, double v, bool smooth)
          double s = 4*mass*mass/(1-v*v/4);
          double sqrt_s = sqrt(s);

          if ( channel == "bb" and sqrt_s < mb*2 ) return 0;
          if ( channel == "ee" and sqrt_s < me*2  ) return 0;
          if ( channel == "mumu" and sqrt_s < mmu*2  ) return 0;
          if ( channel == "tautau" and sqrt_s < mtau*2 ) return 0;
          if ( channel == "pipi" and sqrt_s < mpi*2 ) return 0;
          if ( channel == "ApAp" and sqrt_s < mAp*2) return 0;

          if ( channel == "bb" ) return sv_ff(gDM, gSM, mass, v, mb, -1/3., 3);
          if ( channel == "ee" ) return sv_ff(gDM, gSM, mass, v, me, -1., 1);
          if ( channel == "mumu" ) return sv_ff(gDM, gSM, mass, v, mmu, -1., 1);
          if ( channel == "tautau" ) return sv_ff(gDM, gSM, mass, v, mtau, -1., 1);
          if ( channel == "pipi" )
            if (sqrt_s < mb*2 ) return hadronic_cross_section_ratio(sqrt_s, smooth) * sv_ff(gDM, gSM, mass, v, mmu, -1., 1);
            else return hadronic_cross_section_ratio(sqrt_s, smooth) * sv_ff(gDM, gSM, mass, v, mmu, -1., 1) - sv_ff(gDM, gSM, mass, v, mb, -1/3., 3); //Avoid double-counting of bb final state
          if ( channel == "ApAp" ) return sv_ApAp(gDM, mass, v);

          return 0;

      // Annihilation into fermions
      double sv_ff(
            double gDM, double gSM, double mass, double v, double mf, double charge, int colour)
          double s = 4*mass*mass/(1-v*v/4);
          double vf = sqrt(1-4*pow(mf,2)/s);
          double y = s/pow(mass, 2);
          double GeV2tocm3s1 = gev2cm2*s2cm;
          return colour*pow(gDM*gSM*charge,2)*vf*(2*mf*mf + s)*(y + 2)/(y - 2)/12/M_PI*DAp2(s)*GeV2tocm3s1; // See eq. (31) of arXiv:1707.03835 in the limit Delta -> 0.

      /// Annihilation into ApAp
      double sv_ApAp(double gDM, double mass, double v)
          double GeV2tocm3s1 = gev2cm2*s2cm;
          double s = 4*mass*mass/(1-v*v/4);  // v is relative velocity

          return pow(gDM,4) / (4 * M_PI * s) * sqrt(1 - pow(2 * mAp, 2) / s) * GeV2tocm3s1; // See eq. (6) of arXiv:0810.1502.

        double Gamma_Ap, mb, me, mmu, mtau, mAp, mpi;

    /// Helper function (width rescaled for RD calculations)
    double Gamma_reg(double Gamma, double mass)
        return Gamma + 1e-5*mass; // RD results should not depend on numerical value,
                                  // as long as it is small enough.
                                  // the darksusy Boltzmann solver *can* have troubles
                                  // for <~1e-5

    void DarkMatter_ID_SubGeVDM_fermion(std::string & result) { result = "DM"; }
    void DarkMatterConj_ID_SubGeVDM_fermion(std::string & result) { result = "DM~"; }

    void TH_ProcessCatalog_SubGeVDM_fermion(TH_ProcessCatalog &result)
      using namespace Pipes::TH_ProcessCatalog_SubGeVDM_fermion;
      using std::vector;
      using std::string;

      // Initialize empty catalog, main annihilation process
      TH_ProcessCatalog catalog;
      TH_Process process_ann("DM", "DM~");

      // Explicitly state that Dirac DM is not self-conjugate to add extra
      // factors of 1/2 where necessary
      process_ann.isSelfConj = false;

      // Import particle masses

      // Convenience macros
      #define getSMmass(Name, spinX2) catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<string, TH_ParticleProperty> (Name, TH_ParticleProperty(SM.get(Par::Pole_Mass,Name), spinX2)));
      #define addParticle(Name, Mass, spinX2) catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<string, TH_ParticleProperty> (Name, TH_ParticleProperty(Mass, spinX2)));

      // Import Spectrum objects
      const Spectrum& spec = *Dep::SubGeVDM_spectrum;
      const SubSpectrum& he = spec.get_HE();
      const SubSpectrum& SM = spec.get_LE();
      const SMInputs& SMI   = spec.get_SMInputs();

      // Import couplings
      double gDM = he.get(Par::dimensionless,"gDM");
      double kappa = he.get(Par::dimensionless,"kappa");
      //double v = he.get(Par::mass1,"vev");

      double alpha_em = 1.0 / SMI.alphainv;
      double e = pow( 4*pi*( alpha_em ),0.5) ;

      // Get SM pole masses
      getSMmass("e-_1",     1)
      getSMmass("e+_1",     1)
      getSMmass("e-_2",     1)
      getSMmass("e+_2",     1)
      getSMmass("e-_3",     1)
      getSMmass("e+_3",     1)
      getSMmass("Z0",       2)
      getSMmass("W+",       2)
      getSMmass("W-",       2)
      getSMmass("g",        2)
      getSMmass("gamma",    2)
      getSMmass("u_3",      1)
      getSMmass("ubar_3",   1)
      getSMmass("d_3",      1)
      getSMmass("dbar_3",   1)

      // Pole masses not available for the light quarks.
      addParticle("u_1"   , SMI.mU,  1) // mu(2 GeV)^MS-bar
      addParticle("ubar_1", SMI.mU,  1) // mu(2 GeV)^MS-bar
      addParticle("d_1"   , SMI.mD,  1) // md(2 GeV)^MS-bar
      addParticle("dbar_1", SMI.mD,  1) // md(2 GeV)^MS-bar
      addParticle("u_2"   , SMI.mCmC,1) // mc(mc)^MS-bar
      addParticle("ubar_2", SMI.mCmC,1) // mc(mc)^MS-bar
      addParticle("d_2"   , SMI.mS,  1) // ms(2 GeV)^MS-bar
      addParticle("dbar_2", SMI.mS,  1) // ms(2 GeV)^MS-bar

      // Masses for neutrino flavour eigenstates. Set to zero.
      // (presently not required)
      addParticle("nu_e",     0.0, 1)
      addParticle("nubar_e",  0.0, 1)
      addParticle("nu_mu",    0.0, 1)
      addParticle("nubar_mu", 0.0, 1)
      addParticle("nu_tau",   0.0, 1)
      addParticle("nubar_tau",0.0, 1)

      // Meson masses
      addParticle("pi0",   meson_masses.pi0,       0)
      addParticle("pi+",   meson_masses.pi_plus,   0)
      addParticle("pi-",   meson_masses.pi_minus,  0)
      addParticle("eta",   meson_masses.eta,       0)
      addParticle("rho0",  meson_masses.rho0,      1)
      addParticle("rho+",  meson_masses.rho_plus,  1)
      addParticle("rho-",  meson_masses.rho_minus, 1)
      addParticle("omega",,     1)
      addParticle("K0",    meson_masses.kaon0,     1)

      // SubGeVDM-specific masses
      double mDM = spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "DM");
      addParticle("DM", mDM, 1);
      addParticle("DM~", mDM, 1);
      addParticle("Ap", spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "Ap"), 2);

      // Get rid of convenience macros
      #undef getSMmass
      #undef addParticle

      // Import decay table from DecayBit
      const DecayTable* tbl = &(*Dep::decay_rates);

      // Save dark photon width for later
      double gammaAp = tbl->at("Ap").width_in_GeV;

      // Set of imported decays
      std::set<string> importedDecays;

      // Minimum branching ratio to include
      double minBranching = 0;

      // Import relevant decays
      using DarkBit_utils::ImportDecays;

      auto excludeDecays = daFunk::vec<std::string>("Z0", "W+", "W-", "u_3", "ubar_3", "e+_2", "e-_2", "e+_3", "e-_3","pi0","pi+","pi-","eta","rho0","rho+","rho-","omega","K0");

      ImportDecays("Ap", catalog, importedDecays, tbl, minBranching, excludeDecays);

      // Instantiate new SubGeVDM object.
      auto pc = boost::make_shared<SubGeVDM_fermion>(&catalog, gammaAp);

      // Populate annihilation channel list and add thresholds to threshold list.
      auto channels =
        daFunk::vec<string>("tautau", "mumu", "ee", "pipi", "bb", "ApAp");
      auto p1 =
        daFunk::vec<string>("e+_3", "e+_2", "e+_1", "pi+", "dbar_3", "Ap");
      auto p2 =
        daFunk::vec<string>("e-_3", "e-_2", "e-_1", "pi-", "d_3", "Ap");

      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < channels.size(); ++i)
        double eff = e*kappa;
        double mtot_final =
        catalog.getParticleProperty(p1[i]).mass +
        if (mDM*2 > mtot_final) // TB bugfix -- removed *0.5 on r.h.s.
          daFunk::Funk kinematicFunction = daFunk::funcM(pc, &SubGeVDM_fermion::sv, channels[i],
          gDM, eff, mDM, daFunk::var("v"), runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(true,"smooth"));
          TH_Channel new_channel(daFunk::vec<string>(p1[i], p2[i]), kinematicFunction);
        if (mDM*2 <= mtot_final)

      // Tell DarkSUSY about dark photon resonance. NB: must use rescaled width here!
      // Add threshold because of hard transition outside rescales width region
      double Gamma_eff=Gamma_reg(tbl->at("Ap").width_in_GeV, spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "Ap"));
      if (spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "Ap") >= 2*mDM) process_ann.resonances_thresholds.resonances.push_back(TH_Resonance(spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "Ap"),Gamma_eff));
      process_ann.resonances_thresholds.threshold_energy.push_back(spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "Ap")-4*Gamma_eff);
      process_ann.resonances_thresholds.threshold_energy.push_back(spec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "Ap")+4*Gamma_eff);

      // Tell DarkSUSY about Phi resonance
      double mPhi = 1.02;
      double GammaPhi = 4.25e-3;

      if (mPhi >= 2*mDM) process_ann.resonances_thresholds.resonances.push_back(TH_Resonance(mPhi, GammaPhi));


      // Validate

      result = catalog;
    } // function TH_ProcessCatalog

    /// Direct detection couplings
    void DD_couplings_SubGeVDM_fermion(DM_nucleon_couplings &result)
      using namespace Pipes::DD_couplings_SubGeVDM_fermion;

      double mAp = *Param["mAp"];
      double effective_coupling = sqrt(4*pi*alpha_EM)*(*Param["gDM"])*(*Param["kappa"]);

      result.gps = effective_coupling/pow(mAp,2);
      result.gns = 0;
      result.gpa = 0;
      result.gna = 0;

    void sigma_e_SubGeVDM_fermion(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::sigma_e_SubGeVDM_fermion;

      double mAp = *Param["mAp"];
      double mDM = *Param["mDM"];
      double effective_coupling = sqrt(4*pi*alpha_EM)*(*Param["gDM"])*(*Param["kappa"]);

      double reduced_mass = mDM * m_electron / (mDM + m_electron);
      result = gev2cm2*pow(effective_coupling*reduced_mass,2)/pi/pow(pow(mAp,2)+pow(alpha_EM*m_electron,2),2);


Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:42 +0000