file src/SpecBit_types.cpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:

Detailed Description

Author: Janina Renk (

Date: 2019 July, Dec

Source code for types for module SpecBit. For instructions on adding new types, see the corresponding header.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Source code for types for module SpecBit.
///  For instructions on adding new types, see
///  the corresponding header.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Janina Renk
///          (
///  \date 2019 July, Dec
///  *********************************************

#include "gambit/SpecBit/SpecBit_types.hpp"

namespace Gambit
  namespace SpecBit

    /// delete all entries of the vevacious results map and set
    /// lifetime, probability and all entries of bounceActionThreshould vectors
    /// to -1 to be able to easily filter out points for which vevacious
    /// did not run successfully
    void VevaciousResultContainer::clear_results(const str panic_vacuum, int pathFinder_number)

      result_map[panic_vacuum]["lifetime"] = -1;
      result_map[panic_vacuum]["thermalProbability"] = -1;

      // Now: reset all entries of non thermal & thermal bounceActionThreshold vector
      // maximum length of bounce action vector with depending on number of Pathfinders implemented in
      // used vevacious version
      // -> first entry "Bounce Action Threshold", second "straight path bounce action", followed
      // by the results from each implemented pathFinder => 2 + # path finders
      static int max_length = 2 + pathFinder_number;

      // set entries for non thermal values (append empty string) and thermal values (append Thermal)
      static std::vector<std::string> thermal_string = {"", "Thermal"};

      // loop through thermal/non-thermal entries & vector length
      for(auto&& thermal: thermal_string)
        // reset straightPathGoodEnough
        result_map[panic_vacuum]["straightPathGoodEnough"+thermal] = -1;

        // reset bounce actions
        for(int ii =0; ii < max_length; ii ++)
          result_map[panic_vacuum]["bounceActionThreshold"+thermal+"_["+std::to_string(ii)+"]"] = -1;

    /// add entries to vevacious result map
    void VevaciousResultContainer::set_results(str panic_vaccum, str name, double val)
        // for thermalProbability entry check if
        // == -1 -> hasn't been computed
        // == 0 -> set to a conservative value
        // else: take log
        if(name == "thermalProbability")
          if     (val == 0) {val = -1e100;}
          else if(val == -1){val = -1;}
          else              {val = std::log(val);}


    /// add information to vevacious result map whether the action of drawing a straight path between the
    /// physical & panic vacuum is already below the action threshold.
    void VevaciousResultContainer::add_straightPathGoodEnough(str panic_vacuum)
        // action threshold and action of straight path
        double threshold, straightPath;

        int straightPathGoodEnough;

        // set entries for non thermal values (append empty string) and thermal values (append Thermal)
        static std::vector<std::string> thermal_string = {"", "Thermal"};

        // loop through thermal/non-thermal entries
        for(auto&& thermal: thermal_string)
          // first entry of bounceActionThreshold vector contains action threshold, second straight path action
          threshold = result_map[panic_vacuum]["bounceActionThreshold"+thermal+"_[0]"];
          straightPath = result_map[panic_vacuum]["bounceActionThreshold"+thermal+"_[1]"];

          // vevacious did not run
          if(threshold == -1)                 { straightPathGoodEnough = -1;}
          // straight path was good enough
          else if(threshold > straightPath)   { straightPathGoodEnough = 1;}
          // straight path was not good enough
          else                                { straightPathGoodEnough = 0;}

          result_map[panic_vacuum]["straightPathGoodEnough"+thermal] = straightPathGoodEnough;

    /// add a SpectrumEntry type to the 'spec_entry_map' map. GAMBIT will iterate through it and
    /// pass all contents to vevacious before it is called.
    void SpectrumEntriesForVevacious::add_entry (std::string name, vec_pair_int_dbl parameters, int dimension)
        // create spectrum entry
        SpectrumEntry entry; = name;
        entry.parameters = parameters;
        entry.dimension = dimension;

        // .. and store it in map
        spec_entry_map[]= entry;

Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:32 +0000