file SimpleSpectra/SLHASimpleSpec.cpp

[No description available]


TODO: see if we can use this one:


addtomap_EL(r, PRODUCT)
Macro to help assign the same function pointers to multiple string keys.
addtomap(__KEYS, FPTR)

Macros Documentation

define addtomap_EL

#define addtomap_EL(
{                                                                       \
   str key      = BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(0,PRODUCT); /* string map key */    \
   tmp_map[key] = BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(1,PRODUCT); /* function pointer */  \

Macro to help assign the same function pointers to multiple string keys.



  • 2015 Apr
  • 2016 Oct
  • 2020 Mar


define addtomap

#define addtomap(

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  *********************************************
///  Authors:
///  <!-- add name and date if you modify -->
///  \author Ben Farmer
///          (
///  \date 2015 Apr
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2016 Oct
///  \author Tomas Gonzalo
///          (
///  \date 2020 Mar
///  *********************************************

#include "gambit/Models/SimpleSpectra/SLHASimpleSpec.hpp"

#include <boost/preprocessor/tuple/to_seq.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/seq/elem.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/seq/for_each_product.hpp>

/// Macro to help assign the same function pointers to multiple string keys
// Relies on "tmp_map" being used as the variable name for the temporary maps
// inside the fill_map functions.
#define addtomap_EL(r, PRODUCT)                                         \
{                                                                       \
   str key      = BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(0,PRODUCT); /* string map key */    \
   tmp_map[key] = BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(1,PRODUCT); /* function pointer */  \


using namespace SLHAea;

namespace Gambit

      /// @{ Member functions for SLHAeaModel class

      /// Default Constructor
        : data()

      /// Constructor via SLHAea object
      SLHAeaModel::SLHAeaModel(const SLHAea::Coll& input)
        : data(input)
         // No idea what kind of model this is, so cannot set valid slha_version. Use "0" for "unknown" or "n/a"
         // If you write a model-specific derived class from this, be sure to add a sensible check for this and
         // overwrite what we set here in the base class.
         wrapped_slha_version = 0;

      /// Get the SLHA version of the internal SLHAea object
      int SLHAeaModel::slha_version() const { return wrapped_slha_version; }

      /// Get reference to internal SLHAea object
      const SLHAea::Coll& SLHAeaModel::get_slhaea() const { return data; }

      /// PDG code translation map, for special cases where an SLHA file has been read in and the PDG codes changed.
      const std::map<int, int>& SLHAeaModel::PDG_translator() const
        return PDG_translation_map;

      /// @{ Helper functions to do error checking for SLHAea object contents

      /// One index
      double SLHAeaModel::getdata(const std::string& block, int index) const
         double output = 0.0;
           output = to<double>(;
         catch (const std::out_of_range& e)
           std::ostringstream errmsg;
           errmsg << "Error accessing data at index "<<index<<" of block "<<block<<". Please check that the SLHAea object was properly filled." << std::endl;
           errmsg  << "(Received out_of_range error from SLHAea class with message: " << e.what() << ")";
         return output;

      /// Two indices
      double SLHAeaModel::getdata(const std::string& block, int i, int j) const
         double output = 0.0;
           output = to<double>(,j).at(2));
         catch (const std::out_of_range& e)
           std::ostringstream errmsg;
           errmsg << "Error accessing data at index "<<i<<","<<j<<" of block "<<block<<". Please check that the SLHAea object was properly filled." << std::endl;
           errmsg  << "(Received out_of_range error from SLHAea class with message: " << e.what() << ")";
         return output;

      // Check if block and entry exist, 1 index
      bool SLHAeaModel::checkdata(const std::string& block, int i) const
        if (data.find(block) == data.end()) return false;

        SLHAea::Block::key_type key(1);
        key[0] = std::to_string(i);
        if ( !=
          return true;

        return false;

      /// @}

      /// @}

} // end Gambit namespace

Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:33 +0000