file Utils/signal_handling.hpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:


Variables for use in signal handlers.

Detailed Description

Author: Ben Farmer (

Date: 2015 Oct

GAMBIT signal handling functions

I have tried to make these standards conformant, however I suspect that they are not, and the emergency signal handlers definitely are not. Nevertheless, they seem to work well, and the emergency shutdown handlers are intended for emergencies only (when a clean shutdown is not possible), so non-conformance is the least of our problems in that situation. The “soft” shutdown handler should be at least very close to conformant I think, though there are some more steps that could be taken to improve this if it turns out to be an issue.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  GAMBIT signal handling functions
///  I have tried to make these standards
///  conformant, however I suspect that they are
///  not, and the emergency signal handlers
///  definitely are not. Nevertheless, they seem
///  to work well, and the emergency shutdown
///  handlers are intended for emergencies only
///  (when a clean shutdown is not possible), so
///  non-conformance is the least of our problems
///  in that situation.
///  The "soft" shutdown handler should be at
///  least very close to conformant I think,
///  though there are some more steps that could
///  be taken to improve this if it turns out to
///  be an issue.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Ben Farmer
///          (
///  \date 2015 Oct
///  *********************************************

#ifndef __signal_handling_hpp__
#define __signal_handling_hpp__

#include <signal.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <setjmp.h>     /* jmp_buf, setjmp, longjmp */
#include "yaml-cpp/yaml.h"
#include "exceptions.hpp"
#include "local_info.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/mpiwrapper.hpp"

namespace Gambit
   /// Translate signal codes to strings
   std::string signal_name(int sig);

   #ifdef WITH_MPI
   /// Forward declare MPI class
   namespace GMPI { class Comm; }

   /// Class for keeping track of shutdown message buffers and status for a certain shutdown code type
   class ShutdownMsg
       ShutdownMsg(const int mycode, const std::string& name);
       void ISendToAll(); // Send this code to all processes (non-blocking)
       void Wait(); // Ensure all processes have received this message (completes the send; must follow ISendToAll at some point)
       void setComm(GMPI::Comm* const); // Set MPI communicator to use
       int mpisize;
       int myrank;
       int mycode;
       std::string name;
       std::vector<int> buffers;
       std::vector<bool> buffer_status; //1 means "in use", 0 means "free"
       std::vector<MPI_Request> req;
       GMPI::Comm* comm;

   /// Variables for use in signal handlers
   class SignalData

       std::string myrank(); // MPI rank as a string

       /// Saved information on calling environment for longjmp
       jmp_buf env;
       bool jumppoint_set; // Check if jump point has been set yet.
       int havejumped;     // Store result of setjmp here so we can use it to test if a jump point has been set
                           // Value will be zero on first invocation of setjmp. Will be set to the argument
                           // of longjmp when the jump executes and returns to the setjmp point.
       /// Set jump point;
       void setjump();

       /// Set cleanup function to run during emergency shutdown
       typedef void (*void_func)();
       void_func cleanup;
       bool cleanup_function_set;
       void set_cleanup(void_func f);
       void call_cleanup();

       /// Register that shutdown has begun
       void set_shutdown_begun(const sig_atomic_t emergnc=0);

       /// Check if (any kind of) shutdown is in progress
       bool shutdown_begun();

       /// Check for signals that early shutdown is required
       /// If an MPI message telling us to perform an emergency shutdown is received
       /// (which should only happen in the case of an error on some other process) then
       /// a shutdown exception is raised. Otherwise, we just return a bool indicating
       /// the shutdown status
       EXPORT_SYMBOLS bool check_if_shutdown_begun();

       /// Check if emergency shutdown is in progress
       //bool emergency_shutdown_begun();

       /// Add signal to record
       void add_signal(int sig);

       /// Print to string a list of the signals received so far by this process
       std::string display_received_signals();

       /// Check if shutdown is in progress and raise appropriate termination
       /// exception if so.
       /// (to be called by Gambit once it is safe to trigger termination)
       //void check_for_shutdown_signal();

       /// Only check for emergency shutdown signals (i.e. do not attempt synchronisation)
       //void check_for_emergency_shutdown_signal();

       // Disable shutdown signals after the first one
       // Override via inifile value
       //volatile sig_atomic_t ignore_signals_during_shutdown;

       /// Switch to threadsafe signal handling mode
       void entering_multithreaded_region();

       /// Exit threadsafe signal handling mode
       void leaving_multithreaded_region();

       /// Report 'true' if inside a multithreaded region (according to our own flag)
       bool inside_multithreaded_region();

       /// Extra functions needed in MPI mode
       #ifdef WITH_MPI
       /// Set the MPI communicator
       void set_MPI_comm(GMPI::Comm*);

       /// Check that the communicator has been set
       bool comm_ready();

       /// Broadcast emergency shutdown command to all processes, or abort if set to do so
       /// (calls broadcast_shutdown_signal, just does extra things as well)
       //void do_emergency_MPI_shutdown(bool use_mpi_abort=true);

       /// Shutdown codes receivable via MPI (not MPI tags)
       //static const int ERROR = 0; // Not in use
       static constexpr int SOFT_SHUTDOWN = 1;
       static constexpr int EMERGENCY_SHUTDOWN = 2;
       static constexpr int NO_MORE_MESSAGES = -1;

       /// Broadcast signal to shutdown all processes
       /// By default sends emergency shutdown code.
       void broadcast_shutdown_signal(int shutdown_code=EMERGENCY_SHUTDOWN);

       /// Absorb any extra shutdown messages that may be unreceived (for cleanup before MPI_Finalize)
       /// (DEPRECATED! Delete once 'ensure_no_more_shutdown_messages' method is fully adopted)
       void discard_excess_shutdown_messages();

       /// Recv shutdown messages until 'no more messages' code is received, from every process.
       void ensure_no_more_shutdown_messages();

       /// Add a new loop time to internal array used to decide barrier timeout
       void update_looptime(double newtime);

       /// Perform soft shutdown if processes can be synchronised
       void attempt_soft_shutdown();

       int rank;

       /// Flag to warn if early shutdown is already in process
       volatile sig_atomic_t shutdownBegun;
       /// Flag to warn if the shutdown that is in progress is an emergency shutdown
       /// (use to decided whether to attempt MPI synchronisation)
       volatile sig_atomic_t emergency;
       /// Flag to indicate if POSIX shutdown signal has been noticed.
       bool POSIX_signal_noticed;
       // Flag to indicate if we are shutting down because of communication from another processes,
       // rather than because of a local event.
       bool shutdown_due_to_MPI_message;

       /// Number of times synchronisation for soft shutdown has been attempted;
       int shutdown_attempts;
       int attempts_since_ff; // Number of shutdown attempts since last "fast-forward" period
       int ff_loop_count;
       bool ff_on;
       int ff_count; // Number of fast-forward periods performed

       /// Flag to switch signal handling behavior to multithreaded mode
       /// (i.e. triggers switch to threadsafe emergency shutdown behaviour)
       bool inside_omp_block;

       /// Array to record received signals (up to max_signals)
       static const int MAX_SIGNALS = 10;
       int received_signals[MAX_SIGNALS];
       int N_signals;

       /// Attempt to synchronise all processes, but abort if it takes too long
       bool all_processes_ready();

       /// Extra data needed in MPI mode
       #ifdef WITH_MPI
         int MPIsize;
         GMPI::Comm* signalComm;
         bool _comm_rdy;

         static std::string shutdown_name(int shutdown_code);

         /// Flag to check if shutdown message has already been broadcast
         bool shutdown_broadcast_done;

         /// Variables needed to compute sensible shutdown timeout length
         std::vector<double> looptimes;
         // unsigned int next; // next slot to be overwritten. (Currently not used.)
         // bool listfull; // looptime vector is full. (Currently not used.)
         double timeout; // Computed timeout value for shutdowns

         /// Variables for keeping track of shutdown message buffers and whether
         /// they have been received by other processes.
         std::map<int,ShutdownMsg> msgs;


   /// Retrieve global instance of signal handler options struct
   EXPORT_SYMBOLS SignalData& signaldata();

   /// @{ Signal handler functions

   /// Helpers
   // void sub_sighandler_emergency(int sig);
   // void sub_sighandler_emergency_longjmp(int sig);
   // void sub_sighandler_emergency_omp(int sig);
   // /// Primary signal handlers
   // void sighandler_emergency(int sig);
   // void sighandler_emergency_longjmp(int sig);
   void sighandler_soft(int sig);
   // void sighandler_hard(int sig);
   // void sighandler_hard_quiet(int sig);
   // void sighandler_null(int sig);

   /// @}

   /// Choose signal handler for a given signal via yaml file option
   void set_signal_handler(const YAML::Node& keyvalnode, const int sig, const std::string& def_mode);



Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:32 +0000