file Pythia8/Py8EventConversions.hpp
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Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::ColliderBit |
Detailed Description
- Andy Buckley
- Anders Kvellestad
- Pat Scott
- Martin White
- Are Raklev June 2021
- Chris Chang Nov 2023
Helper functions for converting between Pythia8 events and other event types.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Helper functions for converting between
/// Pythia8 events and other event types.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Andy Buckley
/// \author Anders Kvellestad
/// \author Pat Scott
/// \author Martin White
/// \author Are Raklev June 2021
/// \author Chris Chang Nov 2023
/// *********************************************
#pragma once
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/colliders/EventConversionUtils.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/colliders/BaseCollider.hpp"
namespace Gambit
namespace ColliderBit
using namespace EventConversion;
/// Convert a hadron-level EventT into an unsmeared HEPUtils::Event
/// @todo Overlap between jets and prompt containers: need some isolation in MET calculation
template<typename EventT>
void convertParticleEvent(const EventT& pevt, HEPUtils::Event& result, std::vector<jet_collection_settings> all_jet_collection_settings, str jetcollection_taus, double jet_pt_min)
std::vector<FJNS::PseudoJet> bhadrons; //< for input to FastJet b-tagging
std::vector<HEPUtils::Particle> bpartons, cpartons, tauCandidates, WCandidates, ZCandidates, hCandidates;
HEPUtils::P4 pout; //< Sum of momenta outside acceptance
std::vector<FJNS::PseudoJet> jetparticles;
for (decltype(pevt.size()) i = 0; i < pevt.size(); i++)
const auto &p = pevt[i];
const int pid = get_unified_pid(p);
const int apid = abs(pid);
const HEPUtils::P4 p4 = get_unified_momentum(p);
//b, c and tau idenitification:
// Find last b-hadrons in b decay chains as the best proxy for b-tagging
/// @todo Temporarily using quark-based tagging instead -- fix
if (apid == 5)
bool isGoodB = true;
std::vector<int> childIDs;
get_unified_child_ids(p, pevt, childIDs);
for (int childID : childIDs)
if (abs(childID) == 5) isGoodB = false;
if (isGoodB) bpartons.push_back(HEPUtils::Particle(p4,pid));
// Find last c-hadrons in decay chains as the best proxy for c-tagging
/// @todo Temporarily using quark-based tagging instead -- fix
if (apid == 4)
bool isGoodC = true;
std::vector<int> childIDs;
get_unified_child_ids(p, pevt, childIDs);
for (int childID : childIDs)
if (abs(childID) == 4) isGoodC = false;
if (isGoodC) cpartons.push_back(HEPUtils::Particle(p4,pid));
// Find tau candidates
if (apid == MCUtils::PID::TAU)
bool isGoodTau=true;
std::vector<int> childIDs;
get_unified_child_ids(p, pevt, childIDs);
int abschildID;
for (int childID : childIDs)
// Veto leptonic taus
/// @todo What's wrong with having a W daughter? Doesn't that just mark a final tau?
abschildID = abs(childID);
if (abschildID == MCUtils::PID::ELECTRON || abschildID == MCUtils::PID::MUON ||
abschildID == MCUtils::PID::WPLUSBOSON || abschildID == MCUtils::PID::TAU)
isGoodTau = false;
if (isGoodTau) tauCandidates.push_back(HEPUtils::Particle(p4, pid));
// Find candidates for hadronically decaying bosons for fat jet searches
if (apid == MCUtils::PID::Z0 || apid == MCUtils::PID::WPLUS || apid == MCUtils::PID::HIGGS)
bool isGoodBoson = true;
std::vector<int> childIDs;
get_unified_child_ids(p, pevt, childIDs);
int abschildID;
for (int childID : childIDs)
// Veto bosons not decaying into quarks or gluons
abschildID = abs(childID);
if (abschildID == MCUtils::PID::Z0 || abschildID == MCUtils::PID::WPLUS ||
abschildID == MCUtils::PID::HIGGS || abschildID == MCUtils::PID::ELECTRON ||
abschildID == MCUtils::PID::MUON || abschildID == MCUtils::PID::TAU ||
abschildID == MCUtils::PID::NU_E || abschildID == MCUtils::PID::NU_MU ||
abschildID == MCUtils::PID::NU_TAU || abschildID == MCUtils::PID::GAMMA)
isGoodBoson = false;
// Check for reasonable on-shellness (only low masses discarded on purpose)
if(apid == MCUtils::PID::Z0 && (mz_central_observed-p4.m() > 20.))
isGoodBoson = false;
if(apid == MCUtils::PID::WPLUS && (mw_central_observed-p4.m() > 20.))
isGoodBoson = false;
// Check that the vector bosons do not come from a Higgs boson or top quark
// (in which case the tagging efficiency would be different)
int absmotherID = abs(get_unified_mother1_pid(p, pevt));
if(absmotherID == MCUtils::PID::HIGGS || absmotherID == MCUtils::PID::TQUARK)
isGoodBoson = false;
// Store candidate
if (isGoodBoson)
if(apid == MCUtils::PID::Z0) ZCandidates.push_back(HEPUtils::Particle(p4,pid));
if(apid == MCUtils::PID::WPLUS) WCandidates.push_back(HEPUtils::Particle(p4,pid));
if(apid == MCUtils::PID::HIGGS) hCandidates.push_back(HEPUtils::Particle(p4,pid));
//We only want final state particles:
if (!get_unified_isFinal(p)) continue;
//Check there's no partons.
if (pid == 21 || abs(pid) <= 6)
std::ostringstream sid;
bool gotmother = false;
//HepMC seems to have no equivalent of the .mother1, .mother2 call, so the HepMC3 mother function will just
//return 0, and gotmother will always be false - which means it won't try to print non-existent event info.
if (get_unified_mother1(p) != 0 ){gotmother = true; sid << get_unified_mother1_pid(p, pevt);}
if (get_unified_mother2(p) != 0 ){gotmother = true; sid << get_unified_mother2_pid(p, pevt);}
if (gotmother) sid << " -> ";
sid << pid;
ColliderBit_error().forced_throw(LOCAL_INFO, "Found final-state parton " + sid.str() + " in particle-level event converter: "
"reconfigure your generator to include hadronization, or Gambit to use the partonic event converter.");
// Add particle outside ATLAS/CMS acceptance to MET and then ignore said particle.
/// @todo Move out-of-acceptance MET contribution to BuckFast
if (std::abs(get_unified_eta(p)) > 5.0)
pout += p4;
// Promptness: for leptons and photons we're only interested if they don't come from hadron/tau decays
const bool prompt = !get_unified_fromHadron(p, pevt, i);
const bool visible = MCUtils::PID::isStrongInteracting(pid) || MCUtils::PID::isEMInteracting(pid);
// Add prompt and invisible particles as individual particles
if (prompt || !visible)
HEPUtils::Particle* gp = new HEPUtils::Particle(p4, pid);
// All particles other than invisibles and muons are jet constituents
if (visible && apid != MCUtils::PID::MUON)
/// Jet finding
for (jet_collection_settings jetcollection : all_jet_collection_settings)
FJNS::JetAlgorithm jet_algorithm = FJalgorithm_map(jetcollection.algorithm);
FJNS::Strategy jet_strategy = FJstrategy_map(jetcollection.strategy);
FJNS::RecombinationScheme jet_recomscheme = FJRecomScheme_map(jetcollection.recombination_scheme);
const FJNS::JetDefinition jet_def(jet_algorithm, jetcollection.R, jet_strategy, jet_recomscheme);
/// Create and run a new cluster sequence for the given jet collection.
/// The HEPUtils::Event instance ('result') takes ownership of the
/// cluster sequence and a shared_ptr is returned here.
std::shared_ptr<const FJNS::ClusterSequence> CSeqBasePtr = result.emplace_clusterseq(jetparticles, jet_def, jetcollection.key);
/// Get the resulting pseudojets
std::vector<FJNS::PseudoJet> pjets = sorted_by_pt(CSeqBasePtr->inclusive_jets(jet_pt_min));
/// Do jet b-tagging, etc. and add to the Event
/// @todo Use ghost tagging?
/// @note We need to _remove_ this b-tag in the detector sim if outside the tracker acceptance!
for (auto& pj : pjets)
HEPUtils::P4 jetMom = HEPUtils::mk_p4(pj);
/// @todo Replace with HEPUtils::any(bhadrons, [&](const auto& pb){ pj.delta_R(pb) < 0.4 })
bool isB = false;
for (HEPUtils::Particle& pb : bpartons)
if (jetMom.deltaR_eta( < 0.4) ///< @todo Hard-coded radius!!!
isB = true;
bool isC = false;
for (HEPUtils::Particle& pc : cpartons)
if (jetMom.deltaR_eta( < 0.4) ///< @todo Hard-coded radius!!!
isC = true;
bool isTau = false;
int signedTauPID = MCUtils::PID::TAU;
for (HEPUtils::Particle& ptau : tauCandidates)
if (jetMom.deltaR_eta( < 0.5) ///< @todo Hard-coded radius!!!
isTau = true;
signedTauPID =;
bool isW = false;
for (HEPUtils::Particle& pW : WCandidates)
if (jetMom.deltaR_eta( < 1.0) ///< @todo Hard-coded radius from ATLAS-CONF-2021-022, make selectable?
isW = true;
bool isZ = false;
for (HEPUtils::Particle& pZ : ZCandidates)
if (jetMom.deltaR_eta( < 1.0) ///< @todo Hard-coded radius from ATLAS-CONF-2021-022, make selectable?
isZ = true;
bool ish = false;
for (HEPUtils::Particle& ph : hCandidates)
if (jetMom.deltaR_eta( < 1.0) ///< @todo Hard-coded radius from ATLAS-CONF-2021-022, make selectable?
ish = true;
// Add to the event (use jet momentum for tau)
// Only do this for a single jet collection
if (isTau && (jetcollection.key == jetcollection_taus))
HEPUtils::Particle* gp = new HEPUtils::Particle(HEPUtils::mk_p4(pj), signedTauPID);
// Add jet to collection including tags and PseudoJet
HEPUtils::Jet::TagCounts tags{ {5,int(isB)}, {4,int(isC)}, {23,int(isZ)}, {24,int(isW)}, {25,int(ish)} };
result.add_jet(new HEPUtils::Jet(pj, tags), jetcollection.key);
/// Calculate missing momentum
// From balance of all visible momenta (requires isolation)
// const std::vector<Particle*> visibles = result.visible_particles();
// HEPUtils::P4 pvis;
// for (size_t i = 0; i < visibles.size(); ++i)
// {
// pvis += visibles[i]->mom();
// }
// for (size_t i = 0; i < result.jets.size(); ++i)
// {
// pvis += result.jets[i]->mom();
// }
// set_missingmom(-pvis);
// From sum of invisibles, including those out of range
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.invisible_particles().size(); ++i)
pout += result.invisible_particles()[i]->mom();
// Print event summary
cout << "For jet Collection: " << jetcollection.key << endl;
cout << " MET = " << result.met() << " GeV" << endl;
cout << " #e = " << result.electrons().size() << endl;
cout << " #mu = " << result.muons().size() << endl;
cout << " #tau = " << result.taus().size() << endl;
cout << " #jet = " << result.jets(jetcollection.key).size() << endl;
cout << " #pho = " << result.photons().size() << endl;
cout << endl;
/// Convert a partonic (no hadrons) EventT into an unsmeared HEPUtils::Event
template<typename EventT>
void convertPartonEvent(const EventT& pevt, HEPUtils::Event& result, std::vector<jet_collection_settings> all_jet_collection_settings, str jetcollection_taus, double jet_pt_min)
std::vector<HEPUtils::Particle> tauCandidates;
// Make a first pass of non-final particles to gather taus
for (int i = 0; i < pevt.size(); ++i)
const auto& p = pevt[i];
// Find last tau in prompt tau replica chains as a proxy for tau-tagging
if (p.idAbs() == MCUtils::PID::TAU) {
std::vector<int> tauDaughterList = p.daughterList();
HEPUtils::P4 tmpMomentum;
bool isGoodTau=true;
for (size_t daughter = 0; daughter < tauDaughterList.size(); daughter++)
const auto& pDaughter = pevt[tauDaughterList[daughter]];
int daughterID = pDaughter.idAbs();
if (daughterID == MCUtils::PID::ELECTRON || daughterID == MCUtils::PID::MUON ||
daughterID == MCUtils::PID::WPLUSBOSON || daughterID == MCUtils::PID::TAU)
isGoodTau = false;
if (daughterID != MCUtils::PID::TAU) tmpMomentum += mk_p4(pDaughter.p());
if (isGoodTau) {
std::vector<FJNS::PseudoJet> jetparticles; //< Pseudojets for input to FastJet
HEPUtils::P4 pout; //< Sum of momenta outside acceptance
// Make a single pass over the event to gather final leptons, partons, and photons
for (int i = 0; i < pevt.size(); ++i)
const auto& p = pevt[i];
// We only use "final" partons, i.e. those with no children. So Py8 must have hadronization disabled
if (!p.isFinal()) continue;
// Only consider partons within ATLAS/CMS acceptance
/// @todo We should leave this for the detector sim / analysis to deal with
if (std::abs(p.eta()) > 5.0)
pout += mk_p4(p.p());
// Find electrons/muons/taus/photons to be treated as prompt (+ invisibles)
/// @todo *Some* photons should be included in jets!!! Ignore for now since no FSR
/// @todo Lepton dressing
const bool prompt = isFinalPhoton(i, pevt) || (isFinalLepton(i, pevt)); // && std::abs( != MCUtils::PID::TAU);
const bool visible = MCUtils::PID::isStrongInteracting( || MCUtils::PID::isEMInteracting(;
if (prompt || !visible)
HEPUtils::Particle* gp = new HEPUtils::Particle(mk_p4(p.p()),;
// Everything other than invisibles and muons, including taus & partons are jet constituents
/// @todo Only include hadronic tau fraction?
// if (visible && (isFinalParton(i, pevt) || isFinalTau(i, pevt))) {
if (visible && p.idAbs() != MCUtils::PID::MUON)
FJNS::PseudoJet pj = mk_pseudojet(p.p());
/// Jet finding
for (jet_collection_settings jetcollection : all_jet_collection_settings)
FJNS::JetAlgorithm jet_algorithm = FJalgorithm_map(jetcollection.algorithm);
FJNS::Strategy jet_strategy = FJstrategy_map(jetcollection.strategy);
FJNS::RecombinationScheme jet_recomscheme = FJRecomScheme_map(jetcollection.recombination_scheme);
const FJNS::JetDefinition jet_def(jet_algorithm, jetcollection.R, jet_strategy, jet_recomscheme);
std::shared_ptr<const FJNS::ClusterSequence> CSeqBasePtr = result.emplace_clusterseq(jetparticles, jet_def, jetcollection.key);
std::vector<FJNS::PseudoJet> pjets = sorted_by_pt(CSeqBasePtr->inclusive_jets(jet_pt_min));
// Add to the event, with b-tagging info"
for (const FJNS::PseudoJet& pj : pjets)
// Do jet b-tagging, etc. by looking for b quark constituents (i.e. user index = |parton ID| = 5)
/// @note This b-tag is removed in the detector sim if outside the tracker acceptance!
const bool isB = HEPUtils::any(pj.constituents(),
[](const FJNS::PseudoJet& c){ return c.user_index() == MCUtils::PID::BQUARK; });
const bool isC = HEPUtils::any(pj.constituents(),
[](const FJNS::PseudoJet& c){ return c.user_index() == MCUtils::PID::CQUARK; });
result.add_jet(new HEPUtils::Jet(HEPUtils::mk_p4(pj), isB, isC), jetcollection.key); // This does not currently deal with boson tagging
bool isTau=false;
int signedTauPID = MCUtils::PID::TAU;
for (auto& ptau : tauCandidates)
HEPUtils::P4 jetMom = HEPUtils::mk_p4(pj);
if (jetMom.deltaR_eta( < 0.5)
signedTauPID =;
// Add to the event (use jet momentum for tau)
// Only do this for a single jet collection
if (isTau && (jetcollection.key == jetcollection_taus))
HEPUtils::Particle* gp = new HEPUtils::Particle(HEPUtils::mk_p4(pj), signedTauPID);
/// Calculate missing momentum
// From balance of all visible momenta (requires isolation)
// const std::vector<Particle*> visibles = result.visible_particles();
// HEPUtils::P4 pvis;
// for (size_t i = 0; i < visibles.size(); ++i) {
// pvis += visibles[i]->mom();
// }
// for (size_t i = 0; i < result.jets.size(); ++i) {
// pvis += result.jets[i]->mom();
// }
// set_missingmom(-pvis);
// From sum of invisibles, including those out of range
for (const HEPUtils::Particle* p : result.invisible_particles()) pout += p->mom();
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:35 +0000