file src/process_code_PID_pair_mapping.cpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:



Detailed Description

Author: Anders Kvellestad (

Date: 2019 Sep

ColliderBit module functions dealing with the mapping between Pythia process codes and PID codes for the final state particles

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Macros Documentation


#define DEBUG_PREFIX "DEBUG: OMP thread " << omp_get_thread_num() << ":  "

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  ColliderBit module functions dealing with 
///  the mapping between Pythia process codes
///  and PID codes for the final state particles
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Anders Kvellestad
///          (
///  \date   2019 Sep
///  *********************************************

#include "gambit/ColliderBit/ColliderBit_eventloop.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/complete_process_PID_pair_multimaps.hpp"

#define DEBUG_PREFIX "DEBUG: OMP thread " << omp_get_thread_num() << ":  "

namespace Gambit

  namespace ColliderBit

    /// Get a multimap between the active Pythia process codes and the 
    /// corresponding PID pair for the two final state particles
    void getActiveProcessCodeToPIDPairsMap(multimap_int_PID_pair& result)
      using namespace Pipes::getActiveProcessCodeToPIDPairsMap;

      // Clear the result multimap in the COLLIDER_INIT iteration (thread 0)
      if (*Loop::iteration == COLLIDER_INIT)

      // In the XSEC_CALCULATION iteration (thread 0) we know the active process codes
      // and can return the relevant subset of the huge multimap above
      if(*Loop::iteration == XSEC_CALCULATION)

        for(int pcode : *Dep::ActiveProcessCodes)
          // Get iterator bounds (as a pair) over the multimap entries that match the key pcode.
          auto mm_range = all_process_codes_to_PID_pairs.equal_range(pcode);

          // Loop over these elements and construct the smaller result multimap
          for (auto mm_it = mm_range.first; mm_it != mm_range.second; ++mm_it)
            const PID_pair& pids = mm_it->second;
            result.insert( std::pair<int,PID_pair>(pcode, pids) );


    ///  Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes
    void getActivePIDPairs(vec_PID_pair& result)
      using namespace Pipes::getActivePIDPairs;

      if (*Loop::iteration == COLLIDER_INIT)

      if (*Loop::iteration == XSEC_CALCULATION)
        for (const std::pair<const int,PID_pair>& entry : *Dep::ActiveProcessCodeToPIDPairsMap)

          PID_pair pid_pair = entry.second;

          // if (std::find(result.begin(), result.end(), entry.second) == result.end())
          if (std::find(result.begin(), result.end(), pid_pair) == result.end())
            result.push_back( PID_pair(pid_pair) );

        #ifdef COLLIDERBIT_DEBUG
          for (const PID_pair& pid_pair : result)
            cout << DEBUG_PREFIX << "getActivePIDPairs: - active PID pair: [" << pid_pair.pid1() << "," << pid_pair.pid2() << "]" << endl;


Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:36 +0000