file src/printermanager.cpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:
Forward declaration.



Detailed Description



  • 2014 May
  • 2014 May

Manager class for printers. Creates printer object according to inifile instructions, and cleans them up on exit.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Macros Documentation

define DBUG

#define DBUG(

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Manager class for printers.
///  Creates printer object according to inifile
///  instructions, and cleans them up on exit.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Ben Farmer
///          (
///  \date 2014 May
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2014 May
///  *********************************************

#include "gambit/Printers/baseprinter.hpp"
#include "gambit/Printers/basebaseprinter.hpp"
#include "gambit/Printers/printermanager.hpp"
#include "gambit/Printers/printer_rollcall.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/yaml_options.hpp"

// Switch for debugging output (manual at the moment)
//#define DEBUG_MODE

  #define DBUG(x) x
  #define DBUG(x)

namespace Gambit
  // Set/Get global reader object retrieval
  Printers::PrinterManager* global_printer_manager = NULL;
  // Function to return the value of global_printer_manager
  Printers::PrinterManager* get_global_printer_manager()

  Printers::BaseReader& get_pp_reader()
       std::ostringstream os;
       os<<"Tried to retrieve postprocessor reader object, but no PrinterManager has been set! This should be set during scan setup.";
    if(not global_printer_manager->reader_exists("old_points"))
       std::ostringstream errmsg;
       errmsg<<"No postprocessor reader object found! This probably means that you are not scanning using the postprocessor. To retrieve data from previous output you must scan with the 'postproccesor' scanner.";

    return *(global_printer_manager->get_full_reader("old_points"));

  void set_global_printer_manager(Printers::PrinterManager* pm)
     global_printer_manager = pm;
     (pm->printerptr)->set_output_metadata(true);// Choose to print metadata (can be overuled elsewhere)

  namespace Printers

    /// Manager class for creating printer objects
    PrinterManager::PrinterManager(const Options& printerNode, bool resume_mode)
      : BasePrinterManager(resume_mode)
      , tag(printerNode.getValue<std::string>("printer"))
      , options(printerNode.getNode("options"))
      , printerptr(NULL)
      // Change printer pointer to actually point to the printer object
      if( printer_creators.find(tag)!=printer_creators.end() )
         // If "tag" names a valid printer, create it.
         DBUG( std::cout << "PrinterManager: Creating Primary printer \"" << tag << "\"" << std::endl; )

         // pass on the "resume" flag to the printer
         Options mod_options = options;

         BasePrinter* null(NULL);
         printerptr =,null);
         // Update resume flag (primary printer may have switched it off due to lack of existing output)
         // Otherwise throw an error
         std::ostringstream os;
         os << "Inifile entry 'printer:\""<<tag<<"\"' does not specify a valid printer! Please choose from one of the following:"<<std::endl;

         for (auto it = printer_creators.begin(); it != printer_creators.end(); ++it)
            os << "  " << it->first << std::endl;


    /// Destruct printer/reader objects
    void PrinterManager::delete_stream(const std::string& name)
         std::ostringstream os;
         os << "Tried to delete primary printer stream! Currently you are not permitted to do this. Why do you want to?";
         auto it = auxprinters.find(name);
            delete it->second;
            std::ostringstream os;
            os << "Tried to delete printer stream '"<<name<<"', but could not find a print stream with that name! Perhaps it was never created, or was deleted already?";

    void PrinterManager::delete_reader(const std::string& name)
      auto it = readers.find(name);
         delete it->second;
         std::ostringstream os;
         os << "Tried to delete reader object '"<<name<<"', but could not find a reader object with that name! Perhaps it was never created, or was deleted already?";
      // Delete all the printer objects
      DBUG( std::cout << "PrinterManager: Destructing printers and readers..." << std::endl; )
      typedef std::map<std::string, BasePrinter*>::iterator it_type;
      typedef std::map<std::string, BaseReader*>::iterator it2_type;
      for(it_type it = auxprinters.begin(); it != auxprinters.end(); it++) {
         delete it->second; // Delete the printer to which this pointer points.
      for(it2_type it = readers.begin(); it != readers.end(); it++) {
         delete it->second; // Delete the reader to which this pointer points.
      delete printerptr; // Delete primary printer

    // Create new printer object (of the same type as the primary printer)
    // and attach it to the provided name.
    void PrinterManager::new_stream(const std::string& streamname, const Options& new_options)
       //TODO need some way for the scanners to change the options
       //for the auxiliary printers, e.g. so we can print to a different file
       DBUG( std::cout << "PrinterManager: Creating Auxilliary printer \"" << tag << "\" with name \"" << streamname << "\"" << std::endl; )
       Options mod_options = new_options;
       // To construct printer as an auxilliary printer, a pointer to the primary printer is supplied as well as the options.
       auxprinters[streamname] =,printerptr);
       // Some printers may requires two-step initiations so this virtual function is provided to allow that.>auxilliary_init();

    // Create new printer reader object (of the same type as the primary printer)
    // and attach it to the provided name.
    void PrinterManager::new_reader(const std::string& readstreamname, const Options& options)
       DBUG( std::cout << "PrinterManager: Creating printer read stream of type \"" << tag << "\" with name \"" << readstreamname << "\"" << std::endl; )
       std::string whichreader = options.getValueOrDef<std::string>(tag,"type");
         std::ostringstream os;
         os << "PrinterManager: Tried to construct reader with name '"<<readstreamname<<"' as reader-type '"<<whichreader<<"', but this is not a valid reader type! Please choose one of the following:"<<std::endl;
         for (auto it = reader_creators.begin(); it != reader_creators.end(); ++it)
            os << "  " << it->first << std::endl;
       readers[readstreamname] =;

    /// Create for reader object for previous print output ("resume reader")
    void PrinterManager::create_resume_reader()
       // The only difficulty here is to get the options needed to build
       // the reader (filenames etc). This varies between different types
       // of printers, so we have to ask the primary printer object to
       // give us these options.  
       new_reader("resume", get_stream()->resume_reader_options()); 
    // Retrieve pointer to named printer object
    BaseBasePrinter* PrinterManager::get_stream(const std::string& streamname)
      DBUG( std::cout << "PrinterManager: Retrieving printer stream \"" << streamname << "\"" << std::endl; )
           printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Error retrieving primary printer from PrinterManager! printerptr==NULL! Must be a bug in the PrinterManager initialisation.");
        return printerptr;
        // Note that this routine automatically converts the BasePrinter pointer into a BaseBasePrinter pointer
        // (for a more minimal interface for use in ScannerBit)
        typedef std::map<std::string, BasePrinter*>::iterator it_type;
        it_type it = auxprinters.find(streamname);
        if( it == auxprinters.end() )
          std::ostringstream errmsg;
          errmsg << "Error! PrinterManager failed to retrieve the requested auxilliary print stream with name '"<<streamname<<"'! The stream may not have been created in the first place. Please check that the scanner plugin you are using correctly creates a printer stream with this name.";
          printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, errmsg.str());
        return it->second;

    /// Retrieve pointer to named reader object
    BaseBaseReader* PrinterManager::get_reader(const std::string& readername)
      // Note that this routine automatically converts the BaseReader pointer into a BaseBaseReader pointer
      // (for a more minimal interface for use in ScannerBit)
      return get_full_reader(readername);

    /// Retrieve non-base version of reader object (for use in module functions rather than ScannerBit)
    BaseReader* PrinterManager::get_full_reader(const std::string& readername)
      DBUG( std::cout << "PrinterManager: Retrieving reader stream \"" << readername << "\"" << std::endl; )
      // Note that this routine automatically converts the BaseReader pointer into a BaseBaseReader pointer
      // (for a more minimal interface for use in ScannerBit)
      typedef std::map<std::string, BaseReader*>::iterator it_type;
      it_type it = readers.find(readername);
      if( it == readers.end() )
        std::ostringstream errmsg;
        errmsg << "Error! PrinterManager failed to retrieve the requested reader stream with name '"<<readername<<"'! The reader may not have been created in the first place. Please check that the scanner plugin you are using correctly creates a reader stream with this name.";
        printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, errmsg.str());
      return it->second;

    /// Checker for existence of reader object
    bool PrinterManager::reader_exists(const std::string& readername)
      typedef std::map<std::string, BaseReader*>::iterator it_type;
      it_type it = readers.find(readername);
      return (it != readers.end());

    /// Instruct all printers that scan has finished and to perform cleanup
    void PrinterManager::finalise(bool abnormal)
      typedef std::map<std::string, BasePrinter*>::iterator it_type;
      for(it_type it = auxprinters.begin(); it != auxprinters.end(); it++) {



#undef DBUG

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:41 +0000