file src/PrecisionBit.cpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:


const doubleabserr_mw
const doubleabserr_sinW2eff

Detailed Description



  • 2014 Nov
  • 2014 Aug
  • 2018 June
  • 2018 Jan
  • 2018
  • 2018 Jun
  • 2016 Oct
  • 2020 Dec
  • 2021 Jan, Mar

Function definitions of PrecisionBit.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Attributes Documentation

variable abserr_mw

const double abserr_mw = 1e-2;

EWPO theoretical uncertainties on FeynHiggs calculations; based on hep-ph/0412214 Eq 3.1.

variable abserr_sinW2eff

const double abserr_sinW2eff = 12e-5;

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Function definitions of PrecisionBit.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2014 Nov
///  \author Chris Rogan
///          (
///  \date 2014 Aug
///  \date 2018 June
///  \author Tomas Gonzalo
///          (
///  \date 2018 Jan
///  \author Marcin Chrzaszcz
///          (
///  \date 2018
///  \author Chrisotph Weniger
///          (
///  \date 2018 Jun
///  \author Ankit Beniwal
///         (
///  \date 2016 Oct
///  \date 2020 Dec
///  \date 2021 Jan, Mar
///  *********************************************

#include <algorithm>

#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/smlike_higgs.hpp"
#include "gambit/PrecisionBit/PrecisionBit_rollcall.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/statistics.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/mssm_slhahelp.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/util_functions.hpp"


/// EWPO theoretical uncertainties on FeynHiggs calculations; based on hep-ph/0412214 Eq 3.1.
/// @{
const double abserr_mw = 1e-2; //10 MeV
const double abserr_sinW2eff = 12e-5;
/// @}

namespace Gambit

  namespace PrecisionBit

    using namespace LogTags;

    // Module functions

    void FeynHiggs_PrecisionObs(fh_PrecisionObs_container &result)
      using namespace Pipes::FeynHiggs_PrecisionObs;

      fh_real gm2;        // g_{mu}-2
      fh_real Deltarho;   // deltaRho
      fh_real MWMSSM;     // W pole mass in MSSM
      fh_real MWSM;       // W pole mass in SM
      fh_real SW2MSSM;    // sin^2theta_W^leptonic_effective in MSSM
      fh_real SW2SM;      // sin^2theta_W^leptonic_effective in SM
      fh_real edmeTh;     // electron EDM (experimental)
      fh_real edmn;       // neutron EDM (experimental)
      fh_real edmHg;      // mercury EDM (experimental)
      int ccb;            // model corresponds to charge or colour-breaking minimum (experimental)

      int error = 1;
      BEreq::FHConstraints(error, gm2, Deltarho,
         edmeTh, edmn, edmHg, ccb);
      if (error != 0)
        std::ostringstream err;
        err << "BEreq::FHConstraints raised error flag: " << error << ".";

      // Just scrub this point now if it's more than 7 sigma off in mW,
      // as extreme values of mW can cause instability in other routines.
      const double obserrsq = mw_err_observed*mw_err_observed;
      const double theoryerrsq = abserr_mw*abserr_mw;
      if (std::abs(mw_central_observed - MWMSSM) > 7.0*sqrt(obserrsq + theoryerrsq))
        std::ostringstream err;
        err << "W mass too extreme. More than 7 sigma off observed value. " << endl
            << "Deviation from observed value: " << std::abs(mw_central_observed - MWMSSM) << "." << endl
            << "1 sigma uncertainty on observed value: " << sqrt(obserrsq + theoryerrsq) << "." << endl
            << "Invalidating immediately to prevent downstream instability.";
        //PrecisionBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());

      // Just scrub this point now if sinW2 is negative in the MSSM,
      // as negative sinW2 can cause instability in other routines
      // (and this point should be excluded because this is waaay off
      // the observed value).
      if (SW2MSSM <= 0.0)
        std::ostringstream err;
        err << "Sin^2 thetaW_effective is less than zero." << endl
            << "Value computed by FeynHiggs: " << SW2MSSM << endl
            << "Invalidating immediately to prevent downstream instability.";
        //PrecisionBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());

        // Just die if any of the other observables look really suspicious.
        str nans;
        if (Utils::isnan(gm2)) nans += "g-2 | ";
        if (Utils::isnan(Deltarho)) nans += "Delta rho | ";
        if (Utils::isnan(MWMSSM)) nans += "MW in MSSM | ";
        if (Utils::isnan(MWSM)) nans += "MW in SM | ";
        if (Utils::isnan(SW2MSSM)) nans += "sin^2 thetaW_effective in MSSM | ";
        if (Utils::isnan(SW2SM)) nans += "sin^2 thetaW_effective in SM | ";
        if (Utils::isnan(edmeTh)) nans += "e EDM | ";
        if (Utils::isnan(edmn)) nans += "n EDM | ";
        if (Utils::isnan(edmHg)) nans += "Hg EDM | ";
        if (not nans.empty()) PrecisionBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, nans+"returned as NaN from FeynHiggs!");

      fh_PrecisionObs_container PrecisionObs;
      PrecisionObs.gmu2 = gm2;
      PrecisionObs.deltaRho = Deltarho;
      PrecisionObs.MW_MSSM = MWMSSM;
      PrecisionObs.MW_SM = MWSM;
      PrecisionObs.sinW2_MSSM = SW2MSSM;
      PrecisionObs.sinW2_SM = SW2SM;
      PrecisionObs.edm_ele = edmeTh;
      PrecisionObs.edm_neu = edmn;
      PrecisionObs.edm_Hg = edmHg;
      PrecisionObs.ccb = ccb;

      result = PrecisionObs;

    /// FeynHiggs precision extractors
    /// @{
    void FeynHiggs_precision_edm_e   (double &result) { result = Pipes::FeynHiggs_precision_edm_e::Dep::Precision->edm_ele;     }
    void FeynHiggs_precision_edm_n   (double &result) { result = Pipes::FeynHiggs_precision_edm_n::Dep::Precision->edm_neu;     }
    void FeynHiggs_precision_edm_hg  (double &result) { result = Pipes::FeynHiggs_precision_edm_hg::Dep::Precision->edm_Hg;     }
    void FeynHiggs_precision_gm2(triplet<double> &result)
      result.central = Pipes::FeynHiggs_precision_gm2::Dep::Precision->gmu2;
      result.upper = std::max(std::abs(result.central)*0.3, 6e-10); //Based on hep-ph/0609168v1 eqs 84 & 85
      result.lower = result.upper;
    void FeynHiggs_precision_deltarho(triplet<double> &result)
      double mw = Pipes::FeynHiggs_precision_deltarho::Dep::Precision->MW_MSSM;
      double sintw2eff = Pipes::FeynHiggs_precision_sinW2::Dep::Precision->sinW2_MSSM;
      result.central = Pipes::FeynHiggs_precision_deltarho::Dep::Precision->deltaRho;
      //Follows approximately from tree level relations, where delta{M_W, sintthetaW^2} go as deltarho
      result.upper = std::max(abserr_mw/mw, abserr_sinW2eff/sintw2eff);
      result.lower = result.upper;
    void FeynHiggs_precision_mw(triplet<double> &result)
      result.central = Pipes::FeynHiggs_precision_mw::Dep::Precision->MW_MSSM;
      result.upper = abserr_mw;
      result.lower = result.upper;
    void FeynHiggs_precision_sinW2(triplet<double> &result)
      result.central = Pipes::FeynHiggs_precision_sinW2::Dep::Precision->sinW2_MSSM;
      result.upper = abserr_sinW2eff;
      result.lower = result.upper;
    /// @}

    /// Helper function to set W masses
    void update_W_masses(SubSpectrum& HE, SubSpectrum& LE, const triplet<double>& prec_mw, bool allow_fallback)
      if (prec_mw.central <= 0.0 or Utils::isnan(prec_mw.central))
        if (allow_fallback) return;
        invalid_point().raise("Precison W mass NaN or <= 0.  To allow fallback to the unimproved value, "
                              "set option allow_fallback_to_unimproved_masses=true in your YAML file.");
      HE.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass, prec_mw.central, "W+", true); // "true" flag causes overrides to be written even if no native quantity exists to override.
      HE.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, prec_mw.upper/prec_mw.central, "W+", true);
      HE.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, prec_mw.lower/prec_mw.central, "W+", true);
      LE.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass, prec_mw.central, "W+");  // No flag; W mass should definitely already exist in the LE spectrum.
      LE.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, prec_mw.upper/prec_mw.central, "W+", true);
      LE.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, prec_mw.lower/prec_mw.central, "W+", true);

    /// Helper function to set arbitrary number of H masses
    void update_H_masses(SubSpectrum& HE, int n_higgs, const str* higgses, int central, int error, std::vector<triplet<double> >& MH, bool allow_fallback)

      for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; ++i)
        if (MH[i].central <= 0.0 or Utils::isnan(MH[i].central))
          if (allow_fallback) return;
          invalid_point().raise("Precison "+higgses[i]+" mass NaN or <= 0.  To allow fallback to the unimproved value, "
                                "set option allow_fallback_to_unimproved_masses=true in your YAML file.");

      // Central value:
      //  1 = from precision calculator
      //  2 = from spectrum calculator
      //  3 = mean of precision mass and mass from spectrum calculator
      std::vector<double> mh_s;
      for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; ++i) mh_s.push_back(HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass, higgses[i]));
      std::vector<double> mh(n_higgs);

        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++) cout << "h masses, spectrum generator: "<< mh_s[i] << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++) cout << "h masses, spectrum generator error low: "<< HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, higgses[i])*mh_s[i] << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++) cout << "h masses, spectrum generator error high: "<< HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, higgses[i])*mh_s[i] << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++) cout << "h masses, precision calculation: "<< MH[i].central << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++) cout << "h masses, precision calculation error low: "<< MH[i].lower << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++) cout << "h masses, precision calculation error high: "<< MH[i].upper << endl;

      if (central == 1)
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++) mh[i] = MH[i].central;
      else if (central == 2)
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++) mh[i] = mh_s[i];
      else if (central == 3)
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++) mh[i] = 0.5*(MH[i].central + mh_s[i]);
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "Unrecognised Higgs_predictions_source option specified for making MSSM precision spectrum: " << central;
      if (central != 2)
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++) HE.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass, mh[i], higgses[i]);

      // Uncertainties:
      //  Definitions: D_s = error on mass from spectrum calculator
      //               D_p = error on mass from precision calculator
      //               D_g = difference between central values from spectrum generator and precision calculator
      //  1 = sum in quadrature of D_s, D_p and D_g
      //  2 = range around chosen central (RACC), with D_s and D_p taken at their respective edges.
      //  3 = RACC, with 1/2 * D_g taken at both edges.
      //  4 = RACC, with 1/2 * D_g taken at the spectrum-generator edge, D_p taken at the other edge.
      //  5 = RACC, with 1/2 * D_g taken at the precision-calculator edge, D_s taken at the other edge.
      std::vector<double> D_g;
      for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; ++i) D_g.push_back(MH[i].central - mh_s[i]);
      std::vector<double> mh_low(n_higgs), mh_high(n_higgs);

      //  1 = sum in quadrature of D_s, D_p and D_g
      if (error == 1)
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++)
          double D_s_low = HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, higgses[i])*mh_s[i];
          double D_s_high = HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, higgses[i])*mh_s[i];
          double D_p_low = MH[i].lower;
          double D_p_high = MH[i].upper;
          mh_low[i] = sqrt(D_s_low*D_s_low + D_p_low*D_p_low + D_g[i]*D_g[i]);
          mh_high[i] = sqrt(D_s_high*D_s_high + D_p_high*D_p_high + D_g[i]*D_g[i]);

      //  2 = range around chosen central (RACC), with D_s and D_p taken at their respective edges.
      else if (error == 2)
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++)
          double D_s_low = mh_s[i]*HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, higgses[i]);
          double D_s_high = mh_s[i]*HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, higgses[i]);
          double D_p_low = MH[i].lower;
          double D_p_high = MH[i].upper;
          if (central == 1) // Using precision calculator mass as central value
            if (D_g[i] >= 0) // Precision calculator mass is higher than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = D_g[i] + D_s_low;
              mh_high[i] = D_p_high;
            else // Precision calculator mass is lower than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = D_p_low;
              mh_high[i] = D_s_high-D_g[i];
          else if (central == 2) // Using spectrum generator mass as central value
            if (D_g[i] >= 0) // Precision calculator mass is higher than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = D_s_low;
              mh_high[i] = D_g[i] + D_p_high;
            else // Precision calculator mass is lower than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = D_p_low-D_g[i];
              mh_high[i] = D_s_high;
          else  // Using mean of spectrum gen and precision calc as central value
            if (D_g[i] >= 0) // Precision calculator mass is higher than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = 0.5*D_g[i] + D_s_low;
              mh_high[i] = 0.5*D_g[i] + D_p_high;
            else // Precision calculator mass is lower than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = D_p_low - 0.5*D_g[i];
              mh_high[i] = D_s_high - 0.5*D_g[i];

      //  3 = RACC, with 1/2 * D_g taken at both edges.
      else if (error == 3)
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++)
          if (central == 1) // Using precision calculator mass as central value
            if (D_g[i] >= 0) // Precision calculator mass is higher than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = 1.5*D_g[i];
              mh_high[i] = 0.5*D_g[i];
            else // Precision calculator mass is lower than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = -0.5*D_g[i];
              mh_high[i] = -1.5*D_g[i];
          else if (central == 2) // Using spectrum generator mass as central value
            if (D_g[i] >= 0) // Precision calculator mass is higher than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = 0.5*D_g[i];
              mh_high[i] = 1.5*D_g[i];
            else // Precision calculator mass is lower than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = -1.5*D_g[i];
              mh_high[i] = -0.5*D_g[i];
          else  // Using mean of spectrum gen and precision calc as central value
            mh_low[i] = fabs(D_g[i]);
            mh_high[i] = mh_low[i];

      //  4 = RACC, with 1/2 * D_g taken at the spectrum-generator edge, D_p taken at the other edge.
      else if (error == 4)
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++)
          double D_p_low = MH[i].lower;
          double D_p_high = MH[i].upper;
          if (central == 1) // Using precision calculator mass as central value
            if (D_g[i] >= 0) // Precision calculator mass is higher than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = 1.5*D_g[i];
              mh_high[i] = D_p_high;
            else // Precision calculator mass is lower than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = D_p_low;
              mh_high[i] = -1.5*D_g[i];
          else if (central == 2) // Using spectrum generator mass as central value
            if (D_g[i] >= 0) // Precision calculator mass is higher than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = 0.5*D_g[i];
              mh_high[i] = D_g[i] + D_p_high;
            else // Precision calculator mass is lower than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = D_p_low-D_g[i];
              mh_high[i] = -0.5*D_g[i];
          else  // Using mean of spectrum gen and precision calc as central value
            if (D_g[i] >= 0) // Precision calculator mass is higher than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = D_g[i];
              mh_high[i] = 0.5*D_g[i] + D_p_high;
            else // Precision calculator mass is lower than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = D_p_low - 0.5*D_g[i];
              mh_high[i] = -D_g[i];

      //  5 = RACC, with 1/2 * D_g taken at the precision-calculator edge, D_s taken at the other edge.
      else if (error == 5)
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++)
          double D_s_low = mh_s[i]*HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, higgses[i]);
          double D_s_high = mh_s[i]*HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, higgses[i]);
          if (central == 1) // Using precision calculator mass as central value
            if (D_g[i] >= 0) // Precision calculator mass is higher than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = D_g[i] + D_s_low;
              mh_high[i] = 0.5*D_g[i];
            else // Precision calculator mass is lower than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = -0.5*D_g[i];
              mh_high[i] = D_s_high-D_g[i];
          else if (central == 2) // Using spectrum generator mass as central value
            if (D_g[i] >= 0) // Precision calculator mass is higher than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = D_s_low;
              mh_high[i] = 1.5*D_g[i];
            else // Precision calculator mass is lower than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = -1.5*D_g[i];
              mh_high[i] = D_s_high;
          else  // Using mean of spectrum gen and precision calc as central value
            if (D_g[i] >= 0) // Precision calculator mass is higher than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = 0.5*D_g[i] + D_s_low;
              mh_high[i] = D_g[i];
            else // Precision calculator mass is lower than spectrum generator mass
              mh_low[i] = -D_g[i];
              mh_high[i] = D_s_high - 0.5*D_g[i];

      //  >5 = failure
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "Unrecognised Higgs_predictions_error_method specified for make_MSSM_precision_spectrum: " << central;

      // Finally, set the errors.
      for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++) HE.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, mh_low[i]/mh[i], higgses[i], true);
      for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++) HE.set_override(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, mh_high[i]/mh[i], higgses[i], true);

        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++) cout << "h masses, central: "<< HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass, higgses[i])<< endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++) cout << "h masses, fractional low: "<< HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, higgses[i])<< endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < n_higgs; i++) cout << "h masses, fractional high: " << HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, higgses[i])<<endl;

    /// Precision MSSM spectrum manufacturer that does nothing but relabel the unimproved spectrum
    void make_MSSM_precision_spectrum_none(Spectrum& improved_spec /*(result)*/)
      using namespace Pipes::make_MSSM_precision_spectrum_none;
      improved_spec = *Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum; // Does copy
      improved_spec.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(runOptions, "GAMBIT_spectrum");

    /// Precision MSSM spectrum manufacturer with precision W mass only
    void make_MSSM_precision_spectrum_W(Spectrum& improved_spec /*(result)*/)
      using namespace Pipes::make_MSSM_precision_spectrum_W;
      improved_spec = *Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum; // Does copy
      static bool allow_fallback = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "allow_fallback_to_unimproved_masses");
      update_W_masses(improved_spec.get_HE(), improved_spec.get_LE(), *Dep::prec_mw, allow_fallback);
      improved_spec.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(runOptions, "GAMBIT_spectrum");

    /// Precision MSSM spectrum manufacturer with precision SM-like Higgs mass
    void make_MSSM_precision_spectrum_H(Spectrum& improved_spec /*(result)*/)
      using namespace Pipes::make_MSSM_precision_spectrum_H;
      improved_spec = *Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum; // Does copy
      SubSpectrum& HE = improved_spec.get_HE();
      static bool allow_fallback = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "allow_fallback_to_unimproved_masses");

      // Higgs masses
      // FIXME switch to this once the setters take pdg pairs
      //const std::pair<int,int> higgses[4] = {std::pair<int,int>(25,0),
      //                                 std::pair<int,int>(35,0),
      //                                 std::pair<int,int>(36,0),
      //                                 std::pair<int,int>(37,0)};
      str higgses[1];
      std::vector< triplet<double> > MH = {*Dep::prec_mh};
      int smlike_pdg = SMlike_higgs_PDG_code(HE);
      if (smlike_pdg == 25) higgses[0] = "h0_1";
      else if (smlike_pdg == 35) higgses[0] = "h0_2";
      else PrecisionBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Urecognised SM-like Higgs PDG code!");
      static int central = runOptions->getValueOrDef<int>(1, "Higgs_predictions_source");
      static int error = runOptions->getValueOrDef<int>(2, "Higgs_predictions_error_method");
      update_H_masses(HE, 1, higgses, central, error, MH, allow_fallback);

      // Save the identity/identities of the calculator(s) used for the central value.
      const str& p_calc =;
      const str& p_orig = Dep::prec_mh.origin();
      const str& s_calc =;
      const str& s_orig = Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum.origin();
      if (central == 1) HE.set_override(Par::dimensionless, 1.0, "h mass from: "+p_orig+"::"+p_calc, true);
      if (central == 2) HE.set_override(Par::dimensionless, 1.0, "h mass from: "+s_orig+"::"+s_calc, true);
      if (central == 3) HE.set_override(Par::dimensionless, 1.0, "h mass from: "+p_orig+"::"+p_calc+", "+s_orig+"::"+s_calc, true);

      // Check if an SLHA file needs to be excreted.
      improved_spec.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(runOptions, "GAMBIT_spectrum");


    /// Precision MSSM spectrum manufacturer with precision W and SM-like Higgs masses
    void make_MSSM_precision_spectrum_H_W(Spectrum& improved_spec /*(result)*/)
      using namespace Pipes::make_MSSM_precision_spectrum_H_W;
      improved_spec = *Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum; // Does copy
      SubSpectrum& HE = improved_spec.get_HE();
      SubSpectrum& LE = improved_spec.get_LE();
      static bool allow_fallback = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "allow_fallback_to_unimproved_masses");

      // W mass
      update_W_masses(HE, LE, *Dep::prec_mw, allow_fallback);

      // Higgs masses
      // FIXME switch to this once the setters take pdg pairs
      //const std::pair<int,int> higgses[4] = {std::pair<int,int>(25,0),
      //                                 std::pair<int,int>(35,0),
      //                                 std::pair<int,int>(36,0),
      //                                 std::pair<int,int>(37,0)};
      str higgses[1];
      std::vector< triplet<double> > MH = {*Dep::prec_mh};
      int smlike_pdg = SMlike_higgs_PDG_code(HE);
      if (smlike_pdg == 25) higgses[0] = "h0_1";
      else if (smlike_pdg == 35) higgses[0] = "h0_2";
      else PrecisionBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Urecognised SM-like Higgs PDG code!");
      static int central = runOptions->getValueOrDef<int>(1, "Higgs_predictions_source");
      static int error = runOptions->getValueOrDef<int>(2, "Higgs_predictions_error_method");
      update_H_masses(HE, 1, higgses, central, error, MH, allow_fallback);

      // Save the identity/identities of the calculator(s) used for the central value.
      const str& p_calc =;
      const str& p_orig = Dep::prec_mh.origin();
      const str& s_calc =;
      const str& s_orig = Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum.origin();
      if (central == 1) HE.set_override(Par::dimensionless, 1.0, "h mass from: "+p_orig+"::"+p_calc, true);
      if (central == 2) HE.set_override(Par::dimensionless, 1.0, "h mass from: "+s_orig+"::"+s_calc, true);
      if (central == 3) HE.set_override(Par::dimensionless, 1.0, "h mass from: "+p_orig+"::"+p_calc+", "+s_orig+"::"+s_calc, true);

      // Check if an SLHA file needs to be excreted.
      improved_spec.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(runOptions, "GAMBIT_spectrum");


    /// Precision MSSM spectrum manufacturer with precision W and 2HDM (4x) Higgs masses
    void make_MSSM_precision_spectrum_4H_W(Spectrum& improved_spec /*(result)*/)
      using namespace Pipes::make_MSSM_precision_spectrum_4H_W;
      improved_spec = *Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum; // Does copy
      SubSpectrum& HE = improved_spec.get_HE();
      SubSpectrum& LE = improved_spec.get_LE();
      static bool allow_fallback = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "allow_fallback_to_unimproved_masses");

      // W mass
      update_W_masses(HE, LE, *Dep::prec_mw, allow_fallback);

      // Higgs masses
      // FIXME switch to this once the setters take pdg pairs
      //const std::pair<int,int> higgses[4] = {std::pair<int,int>(25,0),
      //                                 std::pair<int,int>(35,0),
      //                                 std::pair<int,int>(36,0),
      //                                 std::pair<int,int>(37,0)};
      const str higgses[4] = {"h0_1", "h0_2", "A0", "H+"};
      std::vector< triplet<double> > MH;
      int smlike_pdg = SMlike_higgs_PDG_code(HE);
      if (smlike_pdg == 25)
      { //h0_1
      else if (smlike_pdg == 35)
      { //h0_2
      else PrecisionBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Urecognised SM-like Higgs PDG code!");
      MH.push_back(Dep::prec_HeavyHiggsMasses->at(36)); //A_0
      MH.push_back(Dep::prec_HeavyHiggsMasses->at(37)); //H+

      static int central = runOptions->getValueOrDef<int>(1, "Higgs_predictions_source");
      static int error = runOptions->getValueOrDef<int>(2, "Higgs_predictions_error_method");
      update_H_masses(HE, 4, higgses, central, error, MH, allow_fallback);

      // Save the identity/identities of the calculator(s) used for the central value.
      const str& p1_calc =;
      const str& p1_orig = Dep::prec_mh.origin();
      const str& p2_calc =;
      const str& p2_orig = Dep::prec_HeavyHiggsMasses.origin();
      const str& s_calc =;
      const str& s_orig = Dep::unimproved_MSSM_spectrum.origin();
      if (central == 1) HE.set_override(Par::dimensionless, 1.0, "h mass from: "+p1_orig+"::"+p1_calc+", "+p2_orig+"::"+p2_calc, true);
      if (central == 2) HE.set_override(Par::dimensionless, 1.0, "h mass from: "+s_orig+"::"+s_calc, true);
      if (central == 3) HE.set_override(Par::dimensionless, 1.0, "h mass from: "+p1_orig+"::"+p1_calc+", "+p2_orig+"::"+p2_calc+", "+s_orig+"::"+s_calc, true);

      // Check if an SLHA file needs to be excreted.
      improved_spec.drop_SLHAs_if_requested(runOptions, "GAMBIT_spectrum");


    /// Basic mass extractors for different types of spectra, for use with precision likelihoods and other things not needing a whole spectrum object.
    /// @{
    void mw_from_SM_spectrum(triplet<double> &result)
      using namespace Pipes::mw_from_SM_spectrum;
      const SubSpectrum& LE = Dep::SM_spectrum->get_LE();
      result.central = LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "W+");;
      result.upper = result.central * LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, "W+");
      result.lower = result.central * LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, "W+");
    void mw_from_ScalarSingletDM_Z2_spectrum(triplet<double> &result)
      using namespace Pipes::mw_from_ScalarSingletDM_Z2_spectrum;
      const SubSpectrum& LE = Dep::ScalarSingletDM_Z2_spectrum->get_LE();
      result.central = LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "W+");;
      result.upper = result.central * LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, "W+");
      result.lower = result.central * LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, "W+");
    void mw_from_ScalarSingletDM_Z3_spectrum(triplet<double> &result)
      using namespace Pipes::mw_from_ScalarSingletDM_Z3_spectrum;
      const SubSpectrum& LE = Dep::ScalarSingletDM_Z3_spectrum->get_LE();
      result.central = LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "W+");;
      result.upper = result.central * LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, "W+");
      result.lower = result.central * LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, "W+");
    void mw_from_VectorSingletDM_Z2_spectrum(triplet<double> &result)
      using namespace Pipes::mw_from_VectorSingletDM_Z2_spectrum;
      const SubSpectrum& LE = Dep::VectorSingletDM_Z2_spectrum->get_LE();
      result.central = LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "W+");
      result.upper = result.central * LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, "W+");
      result.lower = result.central * LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, "W+");
    void mw_from_MajoranaSingletDM_Z2_spectrum(triplet<double> &result)
      using namespace Pipes::mw_from_MajoranaSingletDM_Z2_spectrum;
      const SubSpectrum& LE = Dep::MajoranaSingletDM_Z2_spectrum->get_LE();
      result.central = LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "W+");
      result.upper = result.central * LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, "W+");
      result.lower = result.central * LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, "W+");
      void mw_from_DiracSingletDM_Z2_spectrum(triplet<double> &result)
      using namespace Pipes::mw_from_DiracSingletDM_Z2_spectrum;
      const SubSpectrum& LE = Dep::DiracSingletDM_Z2_spectrum->get_LE();
      result.central = LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "W+");
      result.upper = result.central * LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, "W+");
      result.lower = result.central * LE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, "W+");
    void mw_from_MSSM_spectrum(triplet<double> &result)
      using namespace Pipes::mw_from_MSSM_spectrum;
      const SubSpectrum& HE = Dep::MSSM_spectrum->get_HE();
      result.central = HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "W+");
      result.upper = result.central * HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, "W+");
      result.lower = result.central * HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, "W+");
    void mh_from_SM_spectrum(triplet<double> &result)
      using namespace Pipes::mh_from_SM_spectrum;
      const SubSpectrum& HE = Dep::SM_spectrum->get_HE();
      result.central = HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass, 25, 0);
      result.upper = result.central * HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, 25, 0);
      result.lower = result.central * HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, 25, 0);
    void mh_from_ScalarSingletDM_Z2_spectrum(triplet<double> &result)
      using namespace Pipes::mh_from_ScalarSingletDM_Z2_spectrum;
      const SubSpectrum& HE = Dep::ScalarSingletDM_Z2_spectrum->get_HE();
      result.central = HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass, 25, 0);
      result.upper = result.central * HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, 25, 0);
      result.lower = result.central * HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, 25, 0);
    void mh_from_ScalarSingletDM_Z3_spectrum(triplet<double> &result)
      using namespace Pipes::mh_from_ScalarSingletDM_Z3_spectrum;
      const SubSpectrum& HE = Dep::ScalarSingletDM_Z3_spectrum->get_HE();
      result.central = HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass, 25, 0);
      result.upper = result.central * HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, 25, 0);
      result.lower = result.central * HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, 25, 0);
    void mh_from_MSSM_spectrum(triplet<double> &result)
      using namespace Pipes::mh_from_MSSM_spectrum;
      const SubSpectrum& HE = Dep::MSSM_spectrum->get_HE();
      int smlike_pdg = SMlike_higgs_PDG_code(HE);
      result.central = HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass, smlike_pdg, 0);
      result.upper = result.central * HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_high, smlike_pdg, 0);
      result.lower = result.central * HE.get(Par::Pole_Mass_1srd_low, smlike_pdg, 0);
    /// @}

    /// Z boson mass likelihood
    /// M_Z (Breit-Wigner mass parameter ~ pole) = 91.1876 +/- 0.0021 GeV (1 sigma), Gaussian.
    /// Reference: = C. Patrignani et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C, 40, 100001 (2016).
    void lnL_Z_mass(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_Z_mass;
      /// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
      bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(Dep::SMINPUTS->mZ, 91.1876, 0.0, 0.0021, profile);

    /// t quark mass likelihood
    /// m_t (pole) = 173.34 +/- 0.76 GeV (1 sigma), Gaussian.
    /// Reference:
    void lnL_t_mass(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_t_mass;
      /// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
      bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(Dep::SMINPUTS->mT, 173.34, 0.0, 0.76, profile);

     * @brief Running top mass MS-bar likelihood
     * This uses a special running MS-bar top mass input parameter at the scale mtop from ATLAS.
     * Reference: (see table 2, page 14)
     * The asymmetric errors are averaged.
    void lnL_mtrun(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_mtrun;
      const double mtrun_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(162.9, "mtrun_obs");
      const double default_mtrun_obserr = 0.5 * (2.3 + 1.6);
      const double mtrun_obserr = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(default_mtrun_obserr, "mtrun_obserr");
      const bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
      const Spectrum& spec = *Dep::DMEFT_spectrum;
      const double mtrun = spec.get(Par::mass1, "mtrun");
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(mtrun, mtrun_obs, 0.0, mtrun_obserr, profile);

    /// b quark mass likelihood
    /// m_b (mb)^MSbar = 4.18 +/- 0.03 GeV (1 sigma), Gaussian.
    /// Reference: = C. Patrignani et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C, 40, 100001 (2016).
    void lnL_mbmb(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_mbmb;
      /// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
      bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(Dep::SMINPUTS->mBmB, 4.18, 0.0, 0.03, profile);

    /// c quark mass likelihood
    /// m_c (mc)^MSbar = 1.28 +/- 0.03 GeV (1 sigma), Gaussian.
    ///  Reference: = C. Patrignani et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C, 40, 100001 (2016).
    void lnL_mcmc(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_mcmc;
      /// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
      bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(Dep::SMINPUTS->mCmC, 1.28, 0.0, 0.03, profile);

    /// \brief Likelihoods for light quark mass ratios. At the moment, all are just gaussians.
    /// Default data from PDG http://PDG.LBL.GOV 26/06/2017.
    /// Likelihoods apply to MSbar masses at the scale mu = 2 GeV.
    /// m_u/m_d = 0.38-0.58
    /// m_s / ((m_u + m_d)/2) = 27.3 +/- 0.7
    /// m_s = (96 +/- 4) MeV
    void lnL_light_quark_masses (double &result)
        using namespace Pipes::lnL_light_quark_masses;
        const SMInputs& SM = *Dep::SMINPUTS;

        double mud_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.48, "mud_obs");
        double mud_obserror = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.10, "mud_obserr");
        double msud_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(27.3, "msud_obs");
        double msud_obserror = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(0.7, "msud_obserr");
        double ms_obs = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(96.E-03, "ms_obs");
        double ms_obserror = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(4.E-03, "ms_obserr");

        /// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
        bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");

        result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(SM.mU/SM.mD, mud_obs, 0., mud_obserror, profile)
            + Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood((2*SM.mS)/(SM.mU + SM.mD), msud_obs, 0., msud_obserror, profile)
            + Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(SM.mS, ms_obs, 0., ms_obserror, profile);
        logger() << LogTags::debug << "Combined lnL for light quark mass ratios and s-quark mass is " << result << EOM;

    /// alpha^{-1}(mZ)^MSbar likelihood
    /// alpha^{-1}(mZ)^MSbar = 127.950 +/- 0.017 (1 sigma), Gaussian.  (PDG global SM fit)
    /// Reference: = C. Patrignani et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C, 40, 100001 (2016).
    void lnL_alpha_em(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_alpha_em;
      /// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
      bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(Dep::SMINPUTS->alphainv, 127.950, 0.0, 0.017, profile);

    /// alpha_s(mZ)^MSbar likelihood
    /// alpha_s(mZ)^MSbar = 0.1181 +/- 0.0011 (1 sigma), Gaussian.
    /// Reference: = C. Patrignani et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C, 40, 100001 (2016).
    void lnL_alpha_s(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_alpha_s;
      /// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
      bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(Dep::SMINPUTS->alphaS, 0.1181, 0.0, 0.0011, profile);

    /// G_Fermi likelihood
    /// G_Fermi = (1.1663787 +/- 0.0000006) * 10^-5 GeV^-2 (1 sigma), Gaussian.
    ///  Reference: = C. Patrignani et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C, 40, 100001 (2016).
    void lnL_GF(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_GF;
      /// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
      bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(Dep::SMINPUTS->GF, 1.1663787E-05, 0.0, 0.0000006E-05, profile);

    /// W boson mass likelihood
    void lnL_W_mass(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_W_mass;
      double theory_uncert = std::max(Dep::mw->upper, Dep::mw->lower);
      /// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
      bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(Dep::mw->central, mw_central_observed, theory_uncert, mw_err_observed, profile);

    /// Simple, naive h boson mass likelihood
    /// Reference: D. Aad et al arxiv:1503.07589, Phys.Rev.Lett. 114 (2015) 191803 (ATLAS + CMS combination)
    /// Also used dierctly in = C. Patrignani et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C, 40, 100001 (2016).
    void lnL_h_mass(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_h_mass;
      double theory_uncert = std::max(Dep::mh->upper, Dep::mh->lower);
      /// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
      bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(Dep::mh->central, 125.09, theory_uncert, 0.24, profile);

    /// Effective leptonic sin^2(theta_W) likelihood
    /// sin^2theta_W^leptonic_effective~ sin^2theta_W(mZ)^MSbar + 0.00029 = 0.23155 +/- 0.00005    (1 sigma), Gaussian.  (PDG global SM fit)
   ///  Reference: = C. Patrignani et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C, 40, 100001 (2016).
    void lnL_sinW2_eff(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_sinW2_eff;
      double theory_uncert = std::max(Dep::prec_sinW2_eff->upper, Dep::prec_sinW2_eff->lower);
      /// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
      bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(Dep::prec_sinW2_eff->central, 0.23155, theory_uncert, 0.00005, profile);

    /// Delta rho likelihood
    /// Delta rho = 0.00037 +/- 0.00023 (1 sigma), Gaussian.  (PDG global SM fit)
    ///  Reference: = C. Patrignani et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C, 40, 100001 (2016).
    void lnL_deltarho(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_deltarho;
      double theory_uncert = std::max(Dep::deltarho->upper, Dep::deltarho->lower);
      /// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
      bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(Dep::deltarho->central, 0.00037, theory_uncert, 0.00023, profile);

    /// g-2 in SM from e+e- data
    void gm2_SM_ee(triplet<double> &result)
      /// Values taken from prediction in arXiv:1010.4180 (Eq 22)
      result.central = 2.0 * 11659180.2e-10;
      result.upper = 2.0 * 4.9e-10;
      result.lower = result.upper;

    /// g-2 in SM from tau+tau- data
    void gm2_SM_tautau(triplet<double> &result)
      /// Values taken from prediction in arXiv:1010.4180, based on tau data
      result.central = 2.0 * 11659189.4e-10;
      result.upper = 2.0 * 5.4e-10;
      result.lower = result.upper;

    /// g-2 likelihood
    void lnL_gm2(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_gm2;
      double amu_sm  = 0.5*Dep::muon_gm2_SM->central;
      double amu_sm_error = 0.5*std::max(Dep::muon_gm2_SM->upper, Dep::muon_gm2_SM->lower);
      double amu_bsm = 0.5*Dep::muon_gm2->central;
      double amu_bsm_error = 0.5*std::max(Dep::muon_gm2->upper, Dep::muon_gm2->lower);
      double amu_theory = amu_sm + amu_bsm;
      double amu_theory_err = sqrt(Gambit::Utils::sqr(amu_sm_error) + Gambit::Utils::sqr(amu_bsm_error));
      // From hep-ex/0602035, as updated in PDG 2016 (C. Patrignani et al, Chin. Phys. C, 40, 100001 (2016). ). Error combines statistical (5.4) and systematic (3.3) uncertainties in quadrature.
      double amu_exp = 11659209.1e-10;
      double amu_exp_error = 6.3e-10;
      /// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
      bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(amu_theory, amu_exp, amu_theory_err, amu_exp_error, profile);

    /// Calculate a_mu_SUSY using the gm2calc backend.
    void GM2C_SUSY(triplet<double> &result)
      using namespace Pipes::GM2C_SUSY;
      const SubSpectrum& mssm = Dep::MSSM_spectrum->get_HE();

      gm2calc_default::gm2calc::MSSMNoFV_onshell model;

        /// fill pole masses.
        /// note: that the indices start from 0 in gm2calc,
        /// gambit indices start from 1, hence the offsets here
        model.get_physical().MSvmL = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "~nu", 2); // 1L
        str msm1, msm2;
        // PA: todo: I think we shouldn't be too sensitive to mixing in this case.
        // If we get a successful convergence to the pole mass scheme in the end it's OK
        const static double tol = runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(1e-1, "family_mixing_tolerance");
        const static bool pt_error = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(true, "family_mixing_tolerance_invalidates_point_only");
        slhahelp::family_state_mix_matrix("~e-", 2, msm1, msm2, mssm, tol, LOCAL_INFO, pt_error);
        model.get_physical().MSm(0)  =  mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, msm1); // 1L
        model.get_physical().MSm(1)  =  mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, msm2); // 1L

        model.get_physical().MChi(0) = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "~chi0", 1); // 1L
        model.get_physical().MChi(1) =  mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "~chi0", 2); // 1L
        model.get_physical().MChi(2) = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "~chi0", 3); // 1L
        model.get_physical().MChi(3) = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "~chi0", 4); // 1L

        model.get_physical().MCha(0) =  mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "~chi+", 1); // 1L
        model.get_physical().MCha(1) =  mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "~chi+", 2); // 1L
        model.get_physical().MAh(1)  = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "A0"); // 2L

        model.set_Mu(mssm.get(Par::mass1, "Mu"));
        model.set_MassB(mssm.get(Par::mass1, "M1"));
        model.set_MassWB(mssm.get(Par::mass1, "M2"));
        model.set_MassG(mssm.get(Par::mass1, "M3"));
        for(int i = 1; i<=3; i++)
          for(int j = 1; j<=3; j++)
            model.set_mq2(i-1,j-1, mssm.get(Par::mass2, "mq2", i, j));
            model.set_ml2(i-1,j-1, mssm.get(Par::mass2, "ml2", i, j));
            model.set_md2(i-1,j-1, mssm.get(Par::mass2, "md2", i, j));
            model.set_mu2(i-1,j-1, mssm.get(Par::mass2, "mu2", i, j));
            model.set_me2(i-1,j-1, mssm.get(Par::mass2, "me2", i, j));
            double Au = 0.0, Ad = 0.0, Ae = 0.0;
            if(mssm.get(Par::dimensionless, "Yu", i, j) > 1e-14){
              Au = mssm.get(Par::mass1, "TYu", i, j)
              / mssm.get(Par::dimensionless, "Yu", i, j);
            if(mssm.get(Par::dimensionless, "Ye", i, j) > 1e-14){
              Ae = mssm.get(Par::mass1, "TYe", i, j)
              / mssm.get(Par::dimensionless, "Ye", i, j);
            if(mssm.get(Par::dimensionless, "Yd", i, j) > 1e-14){
              Ad = mssm.get(Par::mass1, "TYd", i, j)
              / mssm.get(Par::dimensionless, "Yd", i, j);

            model.set_Au(i-1, j-1, Au);
            model.set_Ad(i-1, j-1, Ad);
            model.set_Ae(i-1, j-1, Ae);

        const SMInputs& smin = Dep::MSSM_spectrum->get_SMInputs();

        model.get_physical().MVZ =smin.mZ;
        model.get_physical().MFb =smin.mBmB;
        model.get_physical().MFt =smin.mT;
        model.get_physical().MFtau =smin.mTau;
        model.get_physical().MVWm =mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mass, "W+");  //GAMBIT can get the pole mas but it may have been improved by FeynHiggs calcualtion
        model.get_physical().MFm =smin.mMu;
        //use SM alphaS(MZ) instead of MSSM g3(MSUSY) -- appears at two-loop so difference should be three-loop
        // (it is used for correctuions to yb and DRbar --> MS bar conversion)
        // these are not currently used but may be in future updates so set them anyway
        model.get_physical().MFe =smin.mE;
        model.get_physical().MFd =smin.mD; //MSbar
        model.get_physical().MFs =smin.mS; //MSbar
        model.get_physical().MFu =smin.mU; //MSbar
        model.get_physical().MFc =smin.mCmC; // MSbar

        /// alpha_MZ := alpha(0) (1 - \Delta^{OS}(M_Z) ) where
        /// \Delta^{OS}(M_Z) = quark and lepton contributions to
        // on-shell renormalized photon vacuum polarization
        // default value recommended by GM2calc from arxiv:1105.3149
        const double alpha_MZ = runOptions->getValueOrDef
        <double>(alpha_e_OS_MZ, "GM2Calc_extra_alpha_e_MZ");
        const double alpha_thomson = runOptions->getValueOrDef
        <double>(alpha_e_OS_thomson_limit, "GM2Calc_extra_alpha_e_thomson_limit");

        if (alpha_MZ > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())

        if (alpha_thomson > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())

        model.set_scale(mssm.GetScale());                   // 2L

        /// convert DR-bar parameters to on-shell

        /// need to hook up errors properly
        /// check for problems
        if( model.get_problems().have_problem() == true) {
          std::ostringstream err;
          err << "gm2calc routine convert_to_onshell raised error: "
              << model.get_problems().get_problems() << ".";
        /// check for warnings
        if( model.get_problems().have_warning() == true) {
          std::ostringstream err;
          err << "gm2calc routine convert_to_onshell raised warning: "
              << model.get_problems().get_warnings() << ".";
          // Maybe you would argue that we want to invalidate such points, but the DRbar-->OS
          // conversion seems to fail to converge extremely often for general weak-scale SUSY models.
          PrecisionBit_warning().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());

      catch (const gm2calc_default::gm2calc::Error& e)
        std::ostringstream err;
        err << "gm2calc routine convert_to_onshell raised error: "
        << e.what() << ".";
      catch (...)
        std::ostringstream err;
        err << "gm2calc routine convert_to_onshell raised unspecified error.";

      const double error = BEreq::calculate_uncertainty_amu_2loop(model);

      const double amumssm = BEreq::calculate_amu_1loop(model)
         + BEreq::calculate_amu_2loop(model);

      // Convert from a_mu to g-2
      result.central = 2.0*amumssm;
      result.upper = 2.0*error;
      result.lower = 2.0*error;


    /// Calculation of g-2 with SuperIso
    void SuperIso_muon_gm2(triplet<double> &result)
      using namespace Pipes::SuperIso_muon_gm2;

        cout<<"Starting SuperIso_muon_gm2"<<endl;

      struct parameters param = *Dep::SuperIso_modelinfo;

      if (param.model < 0)
        result.central = 0.0;
        result.upper   = 0.0;
        result.upper   = 0.0;
        result.central = BEreq::muon_gm2(&param);
        result.upper = std::max(std::abs(result.central)*0.3, 6e-10); //Based on hep-ph/0609168v1 eqs 84 & 85
        result.lower = result.upper;

        cout<<"Finished SuperIso_muon_gm2"<<endl;

    /// Precision observables from SUSY-POPE
    /// This function is unfinished because SUSY-POPE is buggy.
    void SP_PrecisionObs(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::SP_PrecisionObs;
      int error = 0;
      Farray<Fdouble,1,35> SM_Obs;
      Farray<Fdouble,1,35> MSSM_Obs;

      BEreq::CalcObs_SUSYPOPE(error, SM_Obs, MSSM_Obs);
      if(error != 0)
        std::cout << "something went wrong" << std::endl;
        std::cout << " MW in SM = " << SM_Obs(1) << std::endl;
        std::cout << " MW in MSSM = " << MSSM_Obs(1) << std::endl;
      result = 0.1;


    // EWPO corrections from heavy neutrinos, from 1407.6607 and 1502.00477

    // Weak mixing angle sinW2, calculation from 1211.1864
    void RHN_sinW2_eff(triplet<double> &result)
      using namespace Pipes::RHN_sinW2_eff;
      Eigen::Matrix3cd Theta = *Dep::SeesawI_Theta;
      Eigen::Matrix3d ThetaNorm = (Theta * Theta.adjoint()).real();

      double sinW2_SM = 0.23152; // taken from 1211.1864
      double sinW2_SM_err = 0.00010;

      result.central = 0.5 - 0.5*sqrt(1.0 - 4*sinW2_SM*(1.0 - sinW2_SM)*sqrt(1.0 - ThetaNorm(0,0) - ThetaNorm(1,1)) );
      result.upper = (1.0 - 2*sinW2_SM) / (1.0 - 2*result.central) * sqrt(1.0 - ThetaNorm(0,0) - ThetaNorm(1,1)) * sinW2_SM_err;
      result.lower = result.upper;

    // Mass of W boson, calculation from 1502.00477
    void RHN_mw(triplet<double> &result)
      using namespace Pipes::RHN_mw;
      Eigen::Matrix3cd Theta = *Dep::SeesawI_Theta;
      triplet<double> sinW2 = *Dep::prec_sinW2_eff;
      Eigen::Matrix3d ThetaNorm = (Theta * Theta.adjoint()).real();

      // SM precision calculation, from 1211.1864
      double sinW2_SM = 0.23152;
      double sinW2_SM_err = 0.00010;
      double mW_SM = 80.361;
      double mW_SM_err = 0.010;

      // Radiative corrections, form Marco's paper
      result.central = sqrt( pow(mW_SM,2) * sinW2_SM / sinW2.central * sqrt(1.0 - ThetaNorm(0,0) - ThetaNorm(1,1))  );
      result.upper = 0.5*result.central*sqrt( pow(2*mW_SM_err/mW_SM,2) + pow(sinW2_SM_err/sinW2_SM,2) + pow(sinW2.upper/sinW2.central,2)  );
      result.lower = result.upper;

    // Neutron lifetime measurements

    /// Beam method: Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 222501 (2013)
    void lnL_neutron_lifetime_beam_Yue(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_neutron_lifetime_beam_Yue;
      /// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
      bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(*Param["neutron_lifetime"], 887.7, 1.9, 1.2, profile);

    /// Bottle method: average recommended by PDG 2019
    void lnL_neutron_lifetime_bottle_PDG19(double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::lnL_neutron_lifetime_bottle_PDG19;
      /// Option profile_systematics<bool>: Use likelihood version that has been profiled over systematic errors (default false)
      bool profile = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "profile_systematics");
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(*Param["neutron_lifetime"], 879.4, 0, 0.6, profile);


Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:41 +0000