file postprocessor_1.0.0/postprocessor_1.0.0/postprocessor.hpp
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Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::PostProcessor |
Name | |
struct | Gambit::PostProcessor::PPOptions |
class | Gambit::PostProcessor::PPDriver Driver class to handle the actual postprocessing tasks. |
Detailed Description
“Postprocessing” scanner plugin. Header file
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// "Postprocessing" scanner plugin.
/// Header file
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Ben Farmer
/// (
/// \date 2016 Mar, 2017 Jan, Feb, Mar
/// *********************************************
#include "gambit/ScannerBit/scanner_plugin.hpp"
#include "gambit/ScannerBit/scanners/postprocessor_1.0.0/chunks.hpp"
#ifndef __postprocessor_1_0_0_hpp__
#define __postprocessor_1_0_0_hpp__
// Forward declare this template specialisation as extern so that we use the definition compiled into baseprinter.cpp
extern template std::size_t Gambit::Printers::getTypeID<double>();
namespace Gambit
namespace PostProcessor
/// @{ Helper functions for performing resume related tasks
/// Answer queries as to whether a given dataset index has been postprocessed in a previous run or not
bool point_done(const ChunkSet done_chunks, size_t index);
/// Get 'effective' start and end positions for a processing batch
/// i.e. simply divides up an integer into the most even parts possible
/// over a given number of processes
Chunk get_effective_chunk(const std::size_t total_length, const unsigned int rank, const unsigned int numtasks);
/// Compute start/end indices for a given rank process, given previous "done_chunk" data.
Chunk get_my_chunk(const std::size_t dset_length, const ChunkSet& done_chunks, const int rank, const int numtasks);
/// Read through resume data files and reconstruct which chunks of points have already been processed
ChunkSet get_done_points(const std::string& filebase);
/// Simplify a ChunkSet by merging chunks which overlap.
ChunkSet merge_chunks(const ChunkSet&);
/// Write resume data files
/// These specify which chunks of points have been processed during this run
void record_done_points(const ChunkSet& done_chunks, const Chunk& mydone, const std::string& filebase, unsigned int rank, unsigned int size);
// Gather a bunch of ints from all processes (COLLECTIVE OPERATION)
#ifdef WITH_MPI
std::vector<int> allgather_int(int myval, GMPI::Comm& comm);
/// @}
/// Options object for PPDriver
/// See matching options in PPDriver class for description
struct PPOptions
std::set<std::string> all_params;
std::set<std::string> data_labels;
std::set<std::string> data_labels_copy;
std::vector<std::string> add_to_logl;
std::vector<std::string> subtract_from_logl;
std::map<std::string,std::string> renaming_scheme;
std::map<std::string,double> cut_less_than;
std::map<std::string,double> cut_greater_than;
bool discard_points_outside_cuts;
std::size_t update_interval;
bool discard_old_logl;
std::string logl_purpose_name;
std::string reweighted_loglike_name;
std::string root;
unsigned int numtasks;
unsigned int rank;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
GMPI::Comm* comm;
PPOptions() : comm(NULL) {}
/// Driver class to handle the actual postprocessing tasks
class PPDriver
PPDriver(Printers::BaseBaseReader* const, Printers::BaseBasePrinter* const, Scanner::like_ptr const, const PPOptions&);
void check_settings();
int run_main_loop(const ChunkSet& done_chunks);
bool get_ModelParameters(std::unordered_map<std::string, double>& outputMap);
bool check_for_redistribution_request();
void send_redistribution_request();
void clear_redistribution_requests();
// Message tags
static const int REDIST_REQ = 0;
/// Safe accessors for pointer data
Printers::BaseBaseReader& getReader();
Printers::BaseBasePrinter& getPrinter();
Scanner::like_ptr getLogLike();
/// The reader object in use for the scan
Printers::BaseBaseReader* reader;
/// The printer for the primary output stream of the scan
Printers::BaseBasePrinter* printer;
/// The likelihood container plugin
Scanner::like_ptr LogLike;
/// Names of new output to be printed, i.e. output labels not present in the input file.
std::set<std::string> new_params;
/// Models required by the scan
std::map<std::string,std::vector<std::string>> req_models;
/// Map to retrieve the "model::parameter" version of the parameter name
std::map<std::string,std::map<std::string,std::string>> longname;
/// Names of all output that the primary printer knows about at startup (things GAMBIT plans to print from the likelihood loop)
std::set<std::string> all_params;
/// Labels of all output datasets
std::set<std::string> data_labels;
/// Labels of output datasets to be copied
std::set<std::string> data_labels_copy;
/// List of likelihoods in old output to be added to the newly computed likelihood
std::vector<std::string> add_to_logl;
/// List of likelihoods in old output to be subtracted from the newly computed likelihood
std::vector<std::string> subtract_from_logl;
/// Map for renaming old datasets in the new output
/// Keys are "in_label", values are "out_label"
std::map<std::string,std::string> renaming_scheme;
/// Cut maps, for selecting only points in the input
/// datasets which pass certain criteria.
/// Keys are "in_label", values are the cut boundaries.
std::map<std::string,double> cut_less_than;
std::map<std::string,double> cut_greater_than;
/// Flag to throw away points that don't pass the cuts (rather than copying them un-processed)
bool discard_points_outside_cuts;
/// Number of iterations between progress reports. '0' means no updates
std::size_t update_interval;
/// Allow old likelihood components to be overwritten by newly calculated values?
bool discard_old_logl;
/// Label assigned to the output of the likelihood container
std::string logl_purpose_name;
/// The label to assign to the results of add_to_like and subtract_from_like operations.
std::string reweighted_loglike_name;
/// Path to save resume files
std::string root;
/// MPI variables (set manually rather than inferred, to allow for "virtual rank" settings
unsigned int numtasks;
unsigned int rank;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
GMPI::Comm* comm;
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:33 +0000