file src/partmap.cpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:
Forward declaration of Models::ModelFunctorClaw class for use in constructors.

Detailed Description



  • 2015 Jan
  • 2019 May

Class definitions for GAMBIT particle database.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Class definitions for GAMBIT particle
///  database.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2015 Jan
///  \author Sanjay Bloor
///          (
///  \date 2019 May
///  *********************************************

#include <sstream>

#include "gambit/Models/partmap.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/standalone_error_handlers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/stream_overloads.hpp"

namespace Gambit

  namespace Models

    /// Database accessor function
    partmap& ParticleDB()
      static partmap local;
      return local;

    /// Declare redirected constructor
    extern void define_particles(partmap*);

    /// Constructor
    partmap::partmap() { define_particles(this); }

    /// Add a new particle to the database
    void partmap::add(str long_name, std::pair<int, int> pdgpr, int spinx2, int chargex3, int color)
      if (has_particle(long_name))
        model_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Particle "+long_name+" is multiply defined.");
      long_name_to_pdg_pair[long_name] = pdgpr;
      pdg_pair_to_long_name[pdgpr] = long_name;

      long_name_to_spinx2[long_name] = spinx2;
      long_name_to_chargex3[long_name] = chargex3;
      long_name_to_color[long_name] = color;

    /// Add a new Standard Model particle to the database
    void partmap::add_SM(str long_name, std::pair<int, int> pdgpr, int spinx2, int chargex3, int color)
      add(long_name, pdgpr, spinx2, chargex3, color);

    /// Add a new generic particle class to the database
    void partmap::add_generic(str long_name, std::pair<int, int> pdgpr, int spinx2, int chargex3, int color)
      add(long_name, pdgpr, spinx2, chargex3, color);

    /// Add a new particle to the database with a short name and an index
    void partmap::add_with_short_pair(str long_name, std::pair<int, int> pdgpr, std::pair<str, int> shortpr, int spinx2, int chargex3, int color)
      add(long_name, pdgpr, spinx2, chargex3, color);
      short_name_pair_to_pdg_pair[shortpr] = pdgpr;
      short_name_pair_to_long_name[shortpr] = long_name;
      pdg_pair_to_short_name_pair[pdgpr] = shortpr;
      long_name_to_short_name_pair[long_name] = shortpr;

    /// Add a new Standard Model particle to the database with a short name and an index
    void partmap::add_SM_with_short_pair(str long_name, std::pair<int, int> pdgpr, std::pair<str, int> shortpr, int spinx2, int chargex3, int color)
      add_with_short_pair(long_name, pdgpr, shortpr, spinx2, chargex3, color);

    /// Retrieve the PDG code and context integer, from the long name
    std::pair<int, int> partmap::pdg_pair(str long_name) const
      if (not has_particle(long_name))
        model_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Particle long name "+long_name+" is not in the particle database.");

    /// Retrieve the PDG code and context integer, from the short name and index pair
    std::pair<int, int> partmap::pdg_pair(std::pair<str,int> shortpr) const
      return pdg_pair(shortpr.first,shortpr.second);

    /// Retrieve the PDG code and context integer, from the short name and index
    std::pair<int, int> partmap::pdg_pair(str short_name, int i) const
      std::pair<str, int> shortpr(short_name, i);
      if (not has_particle(shortpr))
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << "Short name " << short_name << " and index " << i << " are not in the particle database.";

    /// Retrieve the long name, from the short name and index
    str partmap::long_name(str short_name, int i) const
      std::pair<str, int> shortpr(short_name, i);
      if (not has_particle(std::pair<str, int>(short_name, i)))
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << "Short name " << short_name << " and index " << i << " are not in the particle database.";

    /// Retrieve the long name, from the PDG code and context integer
    str partmap::long_name(std::pair<int, int> pdgpr) const
      if (not has_particle(pdgpr))
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << "Particle with PDG code " << pdgpr.first << " and context integer " << pdgpr.second << " is not in the particle database.";

    /// Retrieve the long name, from the PDG code and context integer
    str partmap::long_name(int pdg_code, int context) const
       return long_name(std::make_pair(pdg_code,context));

    /// Retrieve the short name and index, from the long name
    std::pair<str, int> partmap::short_name_pair(str long_name) const
      if (not has_particle(long_name))
        model_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Particle "+long_name+" is not in the particle database.");
      if (not has_short_name(long_name))
        model_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Particle "+long_name+" does not have a short name.");

    /// Retrieve the short name and index, from the PDG code and context integer
    std::pair<str, int> partmap::short_name_pair(std::pair<int, int> pdgpr) const
      if (not has_particle(pdgpr))
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << "Particle with PDG code " << pdgpr.first << " and context integer " << pdgpr.second << " is not in the particle database.";
      if (not has_short_name(pdgpr))
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << "Particle with PDG code " << pdgpr.first << " and context integer " << pdgpr.second << " does not have a short name.";

    /// Retrieve the short name and index, from the PDG code and context integer
    std::pair<str, int> partmap::short_name_pair(int pdg_code, int context) const
      return short_name_pair(std::make_pair(pdg_code,context));

    /// Get a vector of PDG codes and context integers of Standard Model particles in the database
    const std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >& partmap::get_SM_particles() const
      return SM;

    /// Get a vector of PDG codes and context integers of generic particle classes in the database
    const std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >& partmap::get_generic_particles() const
      return generic;

    /// Check if a particle is in the database, using the long name
    bool partmap::has_particle(str long_name) const
      return (long_name_to_pdg_pair.find(long_name) != long_name_to_pdg_pair.end());

    /// Check if a particle is in the database, using the short name and index
    bool partmap::has_particle(str short_name, int i) const
      return has_particle(std::make_pair(short_name,i));
    bool partmap::has_particle(std::pair<str, int> shortpr) const
      return (short_name_pair_to_pdg_pair.find(shortpr) != short_name_pair_to_pdg_pair.end());

    /// Check if a particle is in the database, using the PDG code and context integer
    bool partmap::has_particle(std::pair<int, int> pdgpr) const
      return (pdg_pair_to_long_name.find(pdgpr) != pdg_pair_to_long_name.end());

    /// Check if a particle has a short name, using the long name
    bool partmap::has_short_name(str long_name) const
      return (long_name_to_short_name_pair.find(long_name) != long_name_to_short_name_pair.end());

    /// Check if a particle has a short name, using the PDG code and context integer
    bool partmap::has_short_name(std::pair<int, int> pdgpr) const
      return (pdg_pair_to_short_name_pair.find(pdgpr) != pdg_pair_to_short_name_pair.end());

    /// Get the matching anti-particle long name for a particle in the database, using the long name
    str partmap::get_antiparticle(str lname) const
      return long_name(get_antiparticle(pdg_pair(lname)));

    /// Get the matching anti-particle short name and index for a particle in the database, using the short name and index
    /// @{
    std::pair<str, int> partmap::get_antiparticle(std::pair<str, int> shortpr) const
      return short_name_pair(get_antiparticle(pdg_pair(shortpr)));
    std::pair<str, int> partmap::get_antiparticle(str name, int index) const
      return get_antiparticle(std::make_pair(name,index));
    /// @}

    /// Get the matching anti-particle PDG code and index for a particle in the database, using the PDG code and index
    /// @{
    std::pair<int, int> partmap::get_antiparticle(std::pair<int, int> pdgpr) const
      if (has_antiparticle(pdgpr))
        /// Antiparticles are identified by having the opposite sign PDG code to a particle
        pdgpr.first = -pdgpr.first;
      /// Else assume particle is its own antiparticle
      /// (if this may not be true, use has_anti_particle to check explicitly for match)
      return pdgpr;
    std::pair<int, int> partmap::get_antiparticle(int pdgcode, int context) const
      return get_antiparticle(std::make_pair(pdgcode,context));
    /// @}

    /// Check if a particle has a matching anti-particle in the database, using the long name
    /// Note: will throw an error if the particle itself is not in the database!
    bool partmap::has_antiparticle(str long_name) const
      return has_antiparticle(pdg_pair(long_name));

    /// Check if a particle has a matching anti-particle in the database, using the short name and index
    /// @{
    bool partmap::has_antiparticle(std::pair<str, int> shortpr) const
      return has_antiparticle(pdg_pair(shortpr));
    bool partmap::has_antiparticle(str name, int index) const
      return has_antiparticle(std::make_pair(name,index));
    /// @}

    /// Check if a particle has a matching anti-particle in the database, using the PDG code and context integer
    /// @{
    bool partmap::has_antiparticle(std::pair<int, int> pdgpr) const
      /// Antiparticles are identified by having the opposite sign PDG code to a particle
      pdgpr.first = -pdgpr.first;
      return has_particle(pdgpr);
    bool partmap::has_antiparticle(int pdgcode, int context) const
      return has_antiparticle(std::make_pair(pdgcode,context));
    /// @}

    /// ****

    /// Check if a particle has the spin (x2), using the long name
    /// @{
    bool partmap::has_spinx2(str long_name) const
      if (not has_particle(long_name))
        model_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Particle long name "+long_name+" is not in the particle database.");
      return (long_name_to_spinx2.find(long_name) != long_name_to_spinx2.end());
    /// @}

    /// Check if a particle has the spin (x2), using the PDG code and context integer
    /// @{
    bool partmap::has_spinx2(std::pair<int, int> pdgpr) const
      return has_spinx2(long_name(pdgpr));
    bool partmap::has_spinx2(int pdg_code, int context) const
      return has_spinx2(std::make_pair(pdg_code, context));
    /// @}

    /// Check if a particle has the spin (x2), using short name and index
    /// @{
    bool partmap::has_spinx2(std::pair<str, int> shortpr) const
      return has_spinx2(pdg_pair(shortpr));
    bool partmap::has_spinx2(str name, int index) const
      return has_spinx2(std::make_pair(name, index));
    /// @}

    /// Get spin of a given particle, using the long name
    /// @{
    int partmap::get_spinx2(str long_name) const
      if (not has_spinx2(long_name))
        model_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Particle long name "+long_name+" does not provide any spin information (spinformation).");
    /// @}

    /// Get spin of a given particle, using the PDG code and context integer
    /// @{
    int partmap::get_spinx2(std::pair<int, int> pdgpr) const
      return get_spinx2(long_name(pdgpr));
    int partmap::get_spinx2(int pdg_code, int context) const
      return get_spinx2(std::make_pair(pdg_code,context));
    /// @}

    /// Get spin of a given particle, using short name and index
    /// @{
    int partmap::get_spinx2(std::pair<str, int> shortpr) const
      return get_spinx2(pdg_pair(shortpr));
    int partmap::get_spinx2(str name, int index) const
      return get_spinx2(std::make_pair(name, index));
    /// @}

    /// Check if a particle has the charge (x3), using the long name
    /// @{
    bool partmap::has_chargex3(str long_name) const
      if (not has_particle(long_name))
        model_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Particle long name "+long_name+" is not in the particle database.");
      return (long_name_to_chargex3.find(long_name) != long_name_to_chargex3.end());
    /// @}

    /// Check if a particle has the charge (x3), using the PDG code and context integer
    /// @{
    bool partmap::has_chargex3(std::pair<int, int> pdgpr) const
      return has_chargex3(long_name(pdgpr));
    bool partmap::has_chargex3(int pdg_code, int context) const
      return has_chargex3(std::make_pair(pdg_code, context));
    /// @}

    /// Check if a particle has the charge (x3), using short name and index
    /// @{
    bool partmap::has_chargex3(std::pair<str, int> shortpr) const
      return has_chargex3(pdg_pair(shortpr));
    bool partmap::has_chargex3(str name, int index) const
      return has_chargex3(std::make_pair(name, index));
    /// @}

    /// Get charge of a given particle, using the long name
    /// @{
    int partmap::get_chargex3(str long_name) const
      if (not has_chargex3(long_name))
        model_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Particle long name "+long_name+" does not provide any charge information (chargeformation).");
    /// @}

    /// Get charge of a given particle, using the PDG code and context integer
    /// @{
    int partmap::get_chargex3(std::pair<int, int> pdgpr) const
      return get_chargex3(long_name(pdgpr));
    int partmap::get_chargex3(int pdg_code, int context) const
      return get_chargex3(std::make_pair(pdg_code,context));
    /// @}

    /// Get charge of a given particle, using short name and index
    /// @{
    int partmap::get_chargex3(std::pair<str, int> shortpr) const
      return get_chargex3(pdg_pair(shortpr));
    int partmap::get_chargex3(str name, int index) const
      return get_chargex3(std::make_pair(name, index));
    /// @}

    /// Check if a particle has color information, using the long name
    /// @{
    bool partmap::has_color(str long_name) const
      if (not has_particle(long_name))
        model_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Particle long name "+long_name+" is not in the particle database.");
      return (long_name_to_color.find(long_name) != long_name_to_color.end());
    /// @}

    /// Check if a particle has color information, using the PDG code and context integer
    /// @{
    bool partmap::has_color(std::pair<int, int> pdgpr) const
      return has_color(long_name(pdgpr));
    bool partmap::has_color(int pdg_code, int context) const
      return has_color(std::make_pair(pdg_code, context));
    /// @}

    /// Check if a particle has color information, using short name and index
    /// @{
    bool partmap::has_color(std::pair<str, int> shortpr) const
      return has_color(pdg_pair(shortpr));
    bool partmap::has_color(str name, int index) const
      return has_color(std::make_pair(name, index));
    /// @}

    /// Get color of a given particle, using the long name
    /// @{
    int partmap::get_color(str long_name) const
      if (not has_color(long_name))
        model_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Particle long name "+long_name+" does not provide any color information (colorformation).");
    /// @}

    /// Get color of a given particle, using the PDG code and context integer
    /// @{
    int partmap::get_color(std::pair<int, int> pdgpr) const
      return get_color(long_name(pdgpr));
    int partmap::get_color(int pdg_code, int context) const
      return get_color(std::make_pair(pdg_code,context));
    /// @}

    /// Get color of a given particle, using short name and index
    /// @{
    int partmap::get_color(std::pair<str, int> shortpr) const
      return get_color(pdg_pair(shortpr));
    int partmap::get_color(str name, int index) const
      return get_color(std::make_pair(name, index));
    /// @}

    /// For debugging: use to check the contents of the particle database
    void partmap::check_contents() const
       // Check that long and short names retrieve same information (when short name exists)
       typedef std::map<str, std::pair<int, int> >::const_iterator                 it_long_name_to_pdg_pair;
       typedef std::map<std::pair<int, int>, str>::const_iterator                  it_pdg_pair_to_long_name;
       typedef std::map<std::pair<str, int>, str>::const_iterator                  it_short_name_pair_to_long_name;
       //typedef std::map<std::pair<str, int>, std::pair<int, int> >::const_iterator it_short_name_pair_to_pdg_pair;
       //typedef std::map<std::pair<int, int>, std::pair<str, int> >::const_iterator it_pdg_pair_to_short_name_pair;
       //typedef std::map<str, std::pair<str, int> >::const_iterator                 it_long_name_to_short_name_pair;

       cout << "PDB: long name as key" << endl;
       for(it_long_name_to_pdg_pair it = long_name_to_pdg_pair.begin(); it != long_name_to_pdg_pair.end(); it++) {
           cout   << "  long_name_to_pdg_pair       [" << it->first << "] => " << it->second << endl;
           { cout << "  long_name_to_short_name_pair[" << it->first << "] => " <<>first) << endl; }
           { cout << "  long_name_to_short_name_pair[" << it->first << "] => " << "Has no short name!" << endl; }
       cout << endl << "PDB: pdg_pair as key" << endl;
       for(it_pdg_pair_to_long_name it = pdg_pair_to_long_name.begin(); it != pdg_pair_to_long_name.end(); it++) {
           cout   << "  pdg_pair_to_long_name [" << it->first << "] => " << it->second << endl;
           { cout << "  pdg_pair_to_short_name[" << it->first << "] => " <<>first) << endl; }
           { cout << "  pdg_pair_to_short_name[" << it->first << "] => " << "Has no short name!" << endl; }
       cout << endl << "PDB: short name pair as key" << endl;
       for(it_short_name_pair_to_long_name it = short_name_pair_to_long_name.begin(); it != short_name_pair_to_long_name.end(); it++) {
           cout << "  short_name_pair_to_long_name[" << it->first << "] => " << it->second << endl;
           cout << "  short_name_pair_to_pdg_pair [" << it->first << "] => " <<>first) << endl;



Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:41 +0000