file jswarm/particle_swarm.cpp
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Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::jswarm_1_0_0 |
Detailed Description
Author: Pat Scott (
Date: 2019 Oct
j-Swarm: particle swarm optimisation with meta-optimisation a la jDE.
Implementations of particle_swarm class
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// j-Swarm: particle swarm optimisation with
/// meta-optimisation a la jDE.
/// Implementations of particle_swarm class
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date 2019 Oct
/// *********************************************
#include <limits>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include "gambit/Utils/mpiwrapper.hpp"
#include "gambit/ScannerBit/scanners/jswarm/jswarm.hpp"
namespace Gambit
namespace jswarm_1_0_0
/// Constructor
: rank(0)
, nprocs(1)
, global_best_value(-std::numeric_limits<double>::max())
, mean_lnlike(-std::numeric_limits<double>::max())
, sfim(1.0)
, nPar_total(0)
, phi1_index(0)
, phi2_index(0)
, omega_index(0)
, path("")
, nPar(0)
, nDerived(0)
, nDiscrete(0)
, maxgen(100)
, NP(100)
, bndry(1)
, convsteps(10)
, savecount(10)
, init_pop_strategy(1)
, max_ini_attempts(1)
, verbose(0)
, seed(-1)
, fcall(0)
, omega(1)
, phi1(1.5)
, phi2(1.5)
, convthresh(1e-2)
, min_acceptable_value(-std::numeric_limits<double>::max())
, adapt_phi(false)
, adapt_omega(false)
, init_stationary(false)
, resume(false)
, save_particles_natively(false)
/// Initialise the swarm
void particle_swarm::init()
// Read the saved settings if resuming and forbidding new settings.
if (resume and not allow_new_settings) read_settings(true);
// Make sure that there are actually positive numbers of particles and parameters
if (NP <= 0 or nPar <= 0) Scanner::scan_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "You must set NP and nPar positive before initialising a particle swarm!");
// Add adaptive parameters (if any) to the total size of the parameter vector
nPar_total = nPar;
if (adapt_phi)
nPar_total += 2;
phi1_index = nPar_total - 2;
phi2_index = nPar_total - 1;
if (adapt_omega)
nPar_total += 1;
omega_index = nPar_total - 1;
// Size the vectors to hold the upper and lower parameter boundaries
// Set the limits for the parameters of the algorithm to be determined adaptively
if (adapt_phi)
{ = = 1.5; = = 3.0;
if (adapt_omega)
{ = 0.0; = 1.0;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
// Get the MPI process rank and total number of MPI processes
rank = GMPI::Comm().Get_rank();
// Determine the total number of MPI processes, and make sure NP is a multiple of it
nprocs = GMPI::Comm().Get_size();
if (NP%nprocs != 0)
int new_NP = (NP/nprocs + 1) * nprocs;
if (rank == 0 and verbose > 0)
cout << "j-Swarm: WARNING The requested NP (" << NP << ") is not a multiple of the number of MPI processes (" << nprocs << ")." << endl
<< " Will instead use NP = " << new_NP << "." << endl;
NP = new_NP;
if (rank == 0) save_settings();
// Work out the local population size
NP_per_rank = NP/nprocs;
// Seed the random number generator
input_seed = seed;
if (seed == -1 and rank == 0) seed = std::random_device()();
#ifdef WITH_MPI
GMPI::Comm().Bcast_single(seed, 0);
seed += rank;
if (rank == 0 and verbose > 2) cout << "j-Swarm: seeding RNG on rank " << rank << " with " << seed << endl;
// Create the particles
if (rank == 0) particles_global.resize(NP, particle(nPar_total, lowerbounds, upperbounds, rng));
particles.resize(NP_per_rank, particle(nPar_total, lowerbounds, upperbounds, rng));
// Create an array to hold the indices of the discrete parameters
if (nDiscrete != 0) discrete.resize(nDiscrete);
if (rank == 0)
// Initialise the convergence measures
for (auto& x : conv_progress) x = 1.0;
// Done
if (verbose > 1) cout << "j-Swarm: successfully initialised swarm with NP = " << NP
<< ", nPar = " << nPar << ", nDiscrete = " << nDiscrete << endl;
/// Release the swarm
void particle_swarm::run()
if (rank == 0 and verbose > 0) cout << "j-Swarm: beginning run." << endl;
int gen = 1;
if (resume)
// Read the saved settings again if resuming and forbidding new settings (in case the user overwrote them between init and now).
if (not allow_new_settings) read_settings(false);
gen = read_generation();
if (rank == 0 and verbose > 2) cout << " j-Swarm: initialising first generation of particles." << endl;
// Initialise the first population
for (int i = 0; i < NP_per_rank; i++)
// Extract a reference to the particle we are trying to intialise
particle& p =;
// Attempt to initialise the particle's position and velocity
p.lnlike = likelihood_function(discrete.empty() ? p.x : p.discretised_x(discrete));
fcall += 1;
// Check that unrecognised init_pop_strategy hasn't been issued
if (init_pop_strategy < 1 or init_pop_strategy > 3)
Scanner::scan_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Unrecognised init_pop_strategy setting for j-Swarm. Please set init_pop_strategy = 1, 2 or 3.");
// Do nothing more if init_pop_strategy = 1; otherwise do n-shot.
else if (init_pop_strategy > 1)
int j;
// Do n-shot initialisation
for (j = 1; j < max_ini_attempts and p.lnlike < min_acceptable_value; j++)
// Try again to initialise the particle's position and velocity
p.lnlike = likelihood_function(discrete.empty() ? p.x : p.discretised_x(discrete));
fcall += 1;
// Throw an error if n-shot failed and using fatal n-shot initialisation
if (p.lnlike < min_acceptable_value and init_pop_strategy == 3) Scanner::scan_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,
"Failed to initialise particle to a valid starting vector (using init_pop_strategy = 3).");
if (verbose > 2)
int n = NP_per_rank * rank + i;
cout << " j-Swarm: took " << j << " attempts to initialise particle number " << n + 1 << "." << endl;
// Sort out the personal bests and global best for the new population
// Collect the data from all processes to rank 0
if (rank == 0)
if (converged()) Scanner::scan_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "j-Swarm converged immediately! This is a bug, please report it.");
if (verbose > 1) cout << " j-Swarm: successfully tested first generation." << endl;
// Save the run settings and first generation
// Begin the generation loop
gen += 1;
for (; gen <= maxgen and sfim > convthresh; gen++)
if (rank == 0 and verbose > 1) cout << " j-Swarm: moving on to generation " << gen << "." << endl;
// Loop over the population of this generation
for (int i = 0; i < NP_per_rank; i++)
// Work out which particle number this really is
int n = NP_per_rank * rank + i;
if (verbose > 2) cout << " j-Swarm: working on particle " << n+1 << "." << endl;
// Get the particle
particle& p =;
// Update the particle's position and velocity
if (verbose > 2) cout << " j-Swarm: updated velocity and position for particle " << n + 1 << "." << endl;
// Check if the particle is now outside the prior box, and fix it if so (when bndry = 2 or 3)
if (implement_boundary_policy(p))
// Call the likelihood function, being sure to discretise any discrete parameters
p.lnlike = likelihood_function(discrete.empty() ? p.x : p.discretised_x(discrete));
// Update the particle's personal best and the global best if necessary
// Increment the number of function calls
fcall += 1;
if (verbose > 2) cout << " j-Swarm: new objective value for particle " << n + 1 << ": " << p.lnlike << endl;
// Return the worst possible likelihood if the point is outside the prior box and bndry = 1
p.lnlike = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
// Collect the data from all processes to rank 0
// Check for convergence or early shutdown requested by the calling code
bool complete;
if (rank == 0) complete = converged();
#ifdef WITH_MPI
GMPI::Comm().Bcast_single(complete, 0);
if (complete or Scanner::Plugins::plugin_info.early_shutdown_in_progress())
if (rank == 0)
if (verbose > 0)
if (complete) cout << " j-Swarm: swarm converged." << endl;
else cout << " j-Swarm: quit requested by objective function; saving and exiting..." << endl;
// Save generation
if (rank == 0 and gen%savecount == 0) save_generation(gen);
if (rank == 0 and verbose > 0) cout << "j-Swarm: run complete." << endl << endl;
/// Collect all particles and related data to rank 0
void particle_swarm::collect_data()
#ifdef WITH_MPI
// Determine the size of temporary arrays
int size = (rank == 0 ? nprocs : 1);
// Collect the particles from all processes to rank 0
// This could be sped up using MPI_Gatherv if the array temporaries seem to be causing a bottleneck.
for (int i = 0; i < NP_per_rank; i++)
std::vector<double> local_lnlike(size);
std::vector<double> local_personal_best_value(size);
std::vector<std::vector<double>> local_x(size, std::vector<double>(nPar_total));
std::vector<std::vector<double>> local_v(size, std::vector<double>(nPar_total));
std::vector<std::vector<double>> local_personal_best_x(size, std::vector<double>(nPar_total));
GMPI::Comm().Gather_single(, local_lnlike, 0);
GMPI::Comm().Gather_single(, local_personal_best_value, 0);
GMPI::Comm().Gather_arrays([0], local_x[0][0], nPar_total, 0);
GMPI::Comm().Gather_arrays([0], local_v[0][0], nPar_total, 0);
GMPI::Comm().Gather_arrays([0], local_personal_best_x[0][0], nPar_total, 0);
if (rank == 0)
for (int j = 0; j < nprocs; j++)
{ * j + i).lnlike = local_lnlike[j]; * j + i).personal_best_value = local_personal_best_value[j];
for (int k = 0; k < nPar_total; k++)
{ * j + i) = local_x[j][k]; * j + i) = local_v[j][k]; * j + i) = local_personal_best_x[j][k];
// Sum fcall from all processes
GMPI::Comm().Reduce(fcall, fcall_global, MPI_SUM, 0);
// Collect the global best fit across all processes
int global_best_rank;
std::vector<double> global_best_values(size);
GMPI::Comm().Gather_single(global_best_value, global_best_values, 0);
if (rank == 0)
auto max_it = std::max_element(global_best_values.begin(), global_best_values.end());
global_best_rank = std::distance(global_best_values.begin(), max_it);
GMPI::Comm().Bcast_single(global_best_rank, 0);
GMPI::Comm().Bcast_single(global_best_value, global_best_rank);
GMPI::Comm().Bcast(global_best_x, nPar_total, global_best_rank);
fcall_global = fcall;
particles_global = particles;
/// Update a particle's velocity and use that to update its position
void particle_swarm::update_particle(particle& p)
if (adapt_omega) omega =;
if (adapt_phi)
phi1 =;
phi2 =;
for (int i = 0; i < nPar_total; i++)
double r1 = std::generate_canonical<double, 32>(rng);
double r2 = std::generate_canonical<double, 32>(rng); = omega* + phi1*r1*( + phi2*r2*(; = +;
/// Update a particle's own best fit and the global best fit
void particle_swarm::update_best_fits(particle& p)
if (p.lnlike > global_best_value)
global_best_value = p.lnlike;
global_best_x = p.x;
/// Deal with vectors outside the prior box according to the value of bndry
bool particle_swarm::implement_boundary_policy(particle& p)
// Test if the particle has a valid position
bool validVector = true;
for (int i = 0; i < nPar_total; i++)
if ( < or > validVector = false;
// Return true immediately if it has a valid position, or false if it does not and the brick wall boundary condition is in use.
if (validVector or bndry == 1) return validVector;
// Modify the particle position and velocity if other boundary strategies are in use.
// Randomly choose new values somewhere in the prior box, and reset the velocity.
case 2:
// Reflect the position and velocity about the borders violated
case 3:
// Something went wrong
Scanner::scan_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Unrecognised bndry setting for j-Swarm. Please set bndry = 1, 2 or 3.");
return true;
/// Check whether the swarm has converged; note that this will fail if the lnlike is ever >= 0!
bool particle_swarm::converged()
// Find the mean value of the personal best likelihoods
double current_mean = std::accumulate(particles_global.begin(), particles_global.end(), 0.0, [](int i, particle& p){return i+p.personal_best_value;})/NP;
// Find the fractional improvement between this generation and last generation
double mean_ratio = current_mean/mean_lnlike;
double fractional_diff = (mean_ratio <= 1.0) ? 1.0 - mean_ratio : 1.0;
mean_lnlike = current_mean;
// Discard oldest improvement and store new improvement
// Average over the generations stored
sfim = std::accumulate(conv_progress.begin(), conv_progress.end(), 0.0)/convsteps;
if (verbose > 1) cout << " j-Swarm: Smoothed fractional improvement of the mean personal best: " << sfim << endl;
// Compare to threshold value
return (sfim < convthresh);
/// Save swarm settings
void particle_swarm::save_settings()
std::ofstream settings; + ".settings.yaml");
settings << "# Dimensionality of the parameter space (int)" << endl
<< "nPar: " << nPar << endl
<< "# Number of derived quantities to output (GAMBIT printers handle these). (int)" << endl
<< "nDerived: " << nDerived << endl
<< "# Number of parameters that are to be treated as discrete (int)" << endl
<< "nDiscrete: " << nDiscrete << endl
<< "# Maximum number of generations (int)" << endl
<< "maxgen: " << maxgen << endl
<< "# Population size (individuals per generation) (int)" << endl
<< "NP: " << NP << endl
<< "# Boundary constraint: 1=brick wall, 2=random re-initialization, 3=reflection (int)" << endl
<< "bndry: " << bndry << endl
<< "# Number of steps to smooth over when checking convergence (int)" << endl
<< "convsteps: " << convsteps << endl
<< "# Save progress every savecount generations (int)" << endl
<< "savecount: " << savecount << endl
<< "# Initialisation strategy: 0=one shot, 1=n-shot, 2=n-shot with error if no valid vectors found. (int)" << endl
<< "init_pop_strategy: " << init_pop_strategy << endl
<< "# Maximum number of times to try to find a valid vector for each slot in the initial population. (int)" << endl
<< "max_ini_attempts: " << max_ini_attempts << endl
<< "# Output verbosity: 0=only error messages, 1=basic info, 2=civ-level info, 3+=population info (int)" << endl
<< "verbose: " << verbose << endl
<< "# Input base seed for random number generation; non-positive means seed from the system clock (int)" << endl
<< "seed: " << input_seed << endl
<< "# Base seed actually used for random number generation in last run (int)" << endl
<< "actual_seed: " << seed << endl
<< "# Inertial weight (double)" << endl
<< "omega: " << omega << endl
<< "# Cognitive weight (double)" << endl
<< "phi1: " << phi1 << endl
<< "# Social weight (double)" << endl
<< "phi2: " << phi2 << endl
<< "# Threshold for gen-level convergence: smoothed fractional improvement in the mean personal best population value (double)" << endl
<< "convthresh: " << convthresh << endl
<< "# Minimum function value to accept for the initial generation if init_population_strategy > 0. (double)" << endl
<< "min_acceptable_value: " << min_acceptable_value << endl
<< "# Use self-optimising adaptive choices for phi1 and phi2 (bool)" << endl
<< "adapt_phi: " << YAML::Node(adapt_phi) << endl
<< "# Use self-optimising adaptive choices for omega (bool)" << endl
<< "adapt_omega: " << YAML::Node(adapt_omega) << endl
<< "# Initialise particle velocities to zero (bool)" << endl
<< "init_stationary: " << YAML::Node(init_stationary) << endl
<< "# Parameter space boundaries (std::vector<double>)" << endl
<< "upperbounds: " << endl << YAML::Node(upperbounds) << endl
<< "lowerbounds: " << endl << YAML::Node(lowerbounds) << endl
<< "# Indices of parameters to be treated as discrete (std::vector<int>) (bool)" << endl
<< "discrete: " << YAML::Node(discrete) << endl;
/// Read swarm settings
void particle_swarm::read_settings(bool init)
if (verbose > 0 and init)
cout << " j-Swarm: WARNING using settings from resumed run and ignoring any new ones!" << endl
<< " Set allow_new_settings=true to try changing settings when resuming." << endl;
YAML::Node settings;
settings = YAML::LoadFile(path + ".settings.yaml");
nPar = settings["nPar"].as<int>();
nDerived = settings["nDerived"].as<int>();
nDiscrete = settings["nDiscrete"].as<int>();
maxgen = settings["maxgen"].as<int>();
NP = settings["NP"].as<int>();
bndry = settings["bndry"].as<int>();
convsteps = settings["convsteps"].as<int>();
savecount = settings["savecount"].as<int>();
init_pop_strategy = settings["init_pop_strategy"].as<int>();
max_ini_attempts = settings["max_ini_attempts"].as<int>();
verbose = settings["verbose"].as<int>();
omega = settings["omega"].as<double>();
phi1 = settings["phi1"].as<double>();
phi2 = settings["phi2"].as<double>();
convthresh = settings["convthresh"].as<double>();
min_acceptable_value = settings["min_acceptable_value"].as<double>();
adapt_phi = settings["adapt_phi"].as<bool>();
adapt_omega = settings["adapt_omega"].as<bool>();
init_stationary = settings["init_stationary"].as<bool>();
upperbounds = settings["upperbounds"].as<std::vector<double>>();
lowerbounds = settings["lowerbounds"].as<std::vector<double>>();
discrete = settings["discrete"].as<std::vector<int>>();
if (init) seed = settings["seed"].as<int>();
catch (YAML::Exception &e)
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Error reading file \""<<path + ".settings.yaml"<<"\"! " << endl;
msg << "Please check that file exists and is properly formatted." << endl;
msg << "(yaml-cpp error: "<<e.what()<<" )";
/// Save data from the last generation
void particle_swarm::save_generation(int gen)
// Save the information about the last generation needed for resuming (and for tracking progress)
std::ofstream lastgen; + ".lastgen");
lastgen << "# Number of calls to the objective function so far (int)" << endl << fcall_global << endl;
lastgen << "# Generation number (int)" << endl << gen << endl;
lastgen << "# Global best fit achieved so far (double)" << endl << global_best_value << endl;
lastgen << "# Location of global best fit achieved so far (" << nPar_total << " doubles)" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < nPar_total; i++) lastgen << << " ";
lastgen << endl << "# Mean personal best lnlike in last generation (double)" << endl << mean_lnlike << endl;
lastgen << "# Smoothed fractional improvement in mean personal best lnlike over last [convsteps] generations." << endl << sfim << endl;
lastgen << "# Fractional improvements in mean personal best lnlike in last [convsteps] generations (" << convsteps << " doubles)" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < convsteps; i++) lastgen << << " ";
lastgen << endl << "# [NP] particles in last completed generation (" << NP
<< " x " << 2 + 3*nPar_total << " doubles {lnlike, personal best lnlike, "
<< nPar_total << " positions, " << nPar_total << " velocities, "
<< nPar_total << " personal best positions})";
lastgen << std::scientific;
for (int i = 0; i < NP; i++)
particle& p =;
lastgen << endl << p.lnlike << " " << p.personal_best_value;
for (int j = 0; j < nPar_total; j++) lastgen << " " <<;
for (int j = 0; j < nPar_total; j++) lastgen << " " <<;
for (int j = 0; j < nPar_total; j++) lastgen << " " <<;
// Add the full info about the current generation to the native output
if (save_particles_natively)
std::ofstream pfile;
if (gen == 1)
{ + ".particles");
pfile << "# Gen lnlike position (" << nPar_total << " doubles) velocity (" << nPar_total << " doubles)";
else + ".particles", std::ios_base::app);
pfile << std::scientific;
for (int i = 0; i < NP; i++)
particle& p =;
pfile << endl << gen << " " << p.lnlike << " ";
if (discrete.empty())
for (int j = 0; j < nPar_total; j++) pfile << " " <<;
std::vector<double> true_x = p.discretised_x(discrete);
for (int j = 0; j < nPar_total; j++) pfile << " " <<;
for (int j = 0; j < nPar_total; j++) pfile << " " <<;
/// Read data from the last generation
int particle_swarm::read_generation()
int gen;
std::ifstream lastgen;
const int len = 200;
char line[len]; + ".lastgen");
// Read fcall
lastgen >> fcall_global;
fcall = (rank == 0 ? fcall_global : 0);
// Read generation number
lastgen >> gen;
// Read global best-fit lnlike
lastgen >> global_best_value;
// Read position of global best-fit lnlike
for (int i = 0; i < nPar_total; i++) lastgen >>;
// Read mean personal best lnlike for the current generation
lastgen >> mean_lnlike;
// Read smoothed fractional improvement in mean personal best lnlike over last [convsteps] generations
lastgen >> sfim;
// Read fractional improvements in mean personal best lnlike during last [convsteps] generations
for (int i = 0; i < convsteps; i++) lastgen >>;
// Read particle data
for (int n = 0; n < NP; n++)
particle p(nPar_total, lowerbounds, upperbounds, rng);
lastgen >> p.lnlike >> p.personal_best_value;
for (int j = 0; j < nPar_total; j++) lastgen >>;
for (int j = 0; j < nPar_total; j++) lastgen >>;
for (int j = 0; j < nPar_total; j++) lastgen >>;
if (rank == 0) = p;
int i = n - NP_per_rank * rank;
if (i >= 0 and i < NP_per_rank) = p;
return gen;
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:40 +0000