file src/mssm_slhahelp.cpp
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Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::slhahelp |
Detailed Description
- Peter Athron (
- Pat Scott (
- 2015
- 2015 Jul
Definitions of routines to help users / Bits translate between SLHA2 sfermions and SLHA1 (or similar) sfermions
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Definitions of routines to help users / Bits
/// translate between SLHA2 sfermions
/// and SLHA1 (or similar) sfermions
/// *********************************************
/// Authors:
/// <!-- add name and date if you modify -->
/// \author Peter Athron
/// (
/// \date 2015
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date 2015 Jul
/// *********************************************
#include "gambit/Elements/mssm_slhahelp.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/ini_functions.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/util_functions.hpp"
namespace Gambit
namespace slhahelp
/// Known maps filled at initialisation
/// @{
const std::map<str, p_int_string> gauge_label_to_index_type = init_gauge_label_to_index_type();
const std::map<str, p_int_string> mass_label_to_index_type = init_mass_label_to_index_type();
const std::map<str, pair_string_ints> familystate_label = init_familystate_label();
const std::map<p_int_string, std::vector<str> > type_family_to_gauge_states = init_type_family_to_gauge_states();
const std::map<str,std::vector<str> > family_state_to_gauge_state = init_family_state_to_gauge_state();
const std::map<str,std::vector<str> > gauge_es_to_family_states = init_gauge_es_to_family_states() ;
const std::map<str,std::vector<str> > type_to_vec_of_mass_es = init_type_to_vec_of_mass_es();
const std::map<str,std::vector<str> > type_to_vec_of_gauge_es = init_type_to_vec_of_gauge_es();
/// @}
// FIXME: these two should be made members of the spectrum object itself
std::vector<double> get_Pole_Mixing_col(str type, int gauge_index, const SubSpectrum& mssm)
//extract info about indices for type using map
std::vector<str> mass_es_strs =;
double col_length = mass_es_strs.size();
std::vector<double> mass_state_content(col_length);
//iterate over column in some way, e..g
for(std::vector<int>::size_type i = 1; i <= col_length; i++)
//Mix_{row, col}. Iterate through row index with column index fixed
mass_state_content[i - 1] = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mixing,type, i, gauge_index);
return mass_state_content;
std::vector<double> get_Pole_Mixing_row(str type, int mass_index, const SubSpectrum& mssm)
std::vector<str> gauge_es_strs =;
double row_length = gauge_es_strs.size();
std::vector<double> gauge_state_content(row_length);
for(std::vector<int>::size_type i = 1; i <= row_length; i++)
/// Mix_{row, col}. Iterate through column index with row index fixed - 1) = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mixing,type, mass_index, i);
return gauge_state_content;
/// Add a disclaimer about the absence of a MODSEL block in a generated SLHAea object
void add_MODSEL_disclaimer(SLHAstruct& slha, const str& object)
slha.push_front("# depend on which calculator you intend this object or file to be used with.");
slha.push_front("# Note that block MODSEL is not automatically emitted, as its contents");
slha.push_front("# This SLHA(ea) object was created from a GAMBIT "+object+" object.");
/// Simple helper function for for adding missing SLHA1 2x2 family mixing matrices to an SLHAea object.
void attempt_to_add_SLHA1_mixing(const str& block, SLHAstruct& slha, const str& type,
const SubSpectrum& spec, double tol, str& s1, str& s2, bool pterror)
if (slha.find(block) == slha.end())
std::vector<double> matmix = slhahelp::family_state_mix_matrix(type, 3, s1, s2, spec, tol, LOCAL_INFO, pterror);
SLHAea_add_matrix(slha, block, matmix, 2, 2);
std::map<str,str> family_to_3gen; // TODO: make const or something
family_to_3gen["~u"] = "~t";
family_to_3gen["~d"] = "~b";
family_to_3gen["~e-"] = "~tau";
s1 = slhahelp::mass_es_closest_to_family("_1", spec, tol, LOCAL_INFO, pterror);
s2 = slhahelp::mass_es_closest_to_family("_2", spec, tol, LOCAL_INFO, pterror);
/// returns vector representing composition of requested gauge state
/// in terms of the slha2 mass eigenstates (~u_1 ...~u_6 etc)
/// which is just a column in the mixing matrix
std::vector<double> get_mass_comp_for_gauge(str gauge_es,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
/// extract info from string via map
p_int_string index_type =;
str type = index_type.second;
int gauge_index = index_type.first;
std::vector<double> mass_state_content =
get_Pole_Mixing_col(type, gauge_index, mssm);
return mass_state_content;
///routine to return mass state admixure for given gauge state
/// in the end this is a trival routine but may help
double get_mixing_element(str gauge_es, str mass_es, const SubSpectrum& mssm)
///extract info from maps
p_int_string mass_es_index_type =;
p_int_string gauge_es_index_type =;
int gauge_index = gauge_es_index_type.first;
int mass_index = mass_es_index_type.first;
/// types should match but getting both allows us to throw error
str type = mass_es_index_type.second;
str type_gauge = gauge_es_index_type.second;
/// throw exception in gambit
utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "function get_mixing_element "
"called with types for the gauge eigenstate and mass eigenstate that don't match.");
/// will need to add mssm object to cal method in gambit
double admix = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mixing,type, mass_index,
return admix;
/// returns vector representing composition of requested mass eigenstate
/// in terms of the slha2 gauge eigenstates (~u_L,~c_L,...~t_R etc)
/// which is just a row in the mixing matrix
/// just wraps get_Pole_Mixing_row after extracting info from string
std::vector<double> get_gauge_comp_for_mass(str mass_es, const SubSpectrum& mssm)
/// extract info using map
p_int_string index_type =;
int mass_index = index_type.first;
str type = index_type.second;
//fill vector with mixings
std::vector<double> mass_state_content =
get_Pole_Mixing_row(type, mass_index, mssm);
return mass_state_content;
/// indentifies the state with largest gauge_es content
/// also fills largest max_mixing and full gauge_composition
str mass_es_from_gauge_es(str gauge_es, double & max_mixing,
std::vector<double> & gauge_composition,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
/// passed in massstate to be set
double temp_admix = 0.0;
/// make sure this is zero to start
max_mixing = 0;
/// retrive type from the gauge_es string
str type = (;
str mass_es, temp_mass_es;
/// iterate over vector of strings for mass states
std::vector<str> mass_es_set =;
typedef std::vector<str>::iterator iter;
for(iter it = mass_es_set.begin(); it != mass_es_set.end(); ++it){
temp_mass_es = *it;
temp_admix = get_mixing_element(gauge_es, temp_mass_es,
//select largest
if(fabs(temp_admix) > fabs(max_mixing))
max_mixing = temp_admix;
mass_es = temp_mass_es;
} //end iteration over temp_mass_es
return mass_es;
/// as above but doesn't fill a gauge_composition vector
/// would have a slight efficiency saving if we didn't use wrapper and
/// avoided skipped gauge_composition entirely but at the cost of a lot of
/// code duplication
str mass_es_from_gauge_es(str gauge_es, double & max_mixing,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
std::vector<double> gauge_composition;
str mass_es = mass_es_from_gauge_es(gauge_es, max_mixing,
gauge_composition, mssm);
return mass_es;
/// as above but doesn't fill max_mixing
/// would have a slight efficiency saving if we didn't use wrapper and
/// avoided skipped max_mixing entirely but at the cost of a lot of
/// code duplication
str mass_es_from_gauge_es(str gauge_es,
std::vector<double> & gauge_composition,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
double max_mixing = 0;
str mass_es = mass_es_from_gauge_es(gauge_es, max_mixing,
gauge_composition, mssm);
return mass_es;
/// as above but doesn't fill max_mixing or gauge_composition
/// would have a slight efficiency saving if we didn't use wrapper and
/// avoided skipped max_mixing entirely but at the cost of a lot of
/// code duplication
str mass_es_from_gauge_es(str gauge_es,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
double max_mixing = 0;
std::vector<double> gauge_composition;
str mass_es = mass_es_from_gauge_es(gauge_es, max_mixing,
gauge_composition, mssm);
return mass_es;
/// as above but do test against tol internally
str mass_es_from_gauge_es(str gauge_es, const SubSpectrum& mssm,
double tol, str context, bool pterror)
double max_mixing = 0;
std::vector<double> gauge_composition;
str mass_es = mass_es_from_gauge_es(gauge_es, max_mixing,
gauge_composition, mssm);
if((max_mixing*max_mixing) <= 1-tol)
const str errmsg = "Mass_es_from_gauge_es requested when mixing "
"away from closest gauge_es is greater than tol.";
str full_context = LOCAL_INFO + " called from " + context;
if (pterror)
invalid_point().raise(errmsg+" Raised at: "+full_context);
utils_error().raise(full_context, errmsg);
return mass_es;
/// identifies gauge_es with largest mass_es content
/// also fills largest max_mixing and full mass_composition
str gauge_es_from_mass_es(str mass_es, double & max_mixing,
std::vector<double> & mass_composition,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
/// passed in massstate to be set
double temp_admix = 0.0;
/// start with zero
max_mixing = 0;
/// retrive type from the gauge_es string
str type = (;
str gauge_es, temp_gauge_es;
/// iterate over vector of strings for mass states
std::vector<str> gauge_es_vec =;
typedef std::vector<str>::iterator iter;
for(iter it = gauge_es_vec.begin(); it != gauge_es_vec.end(); ++it)
temp_gauge_es = *it;
temp_admix = get_mixing_element(temp_gauge_es, mass_es, mssm);
//select largest
if(fabs(temp_admix) > fabs(max_mixing))
max_mixing = temp_admix;
gauge_es = temp_gauge_es;
} //end iteration over temp_mass_es
//return string for closest gauge_es
return gauge_es;
/// as above but doesn't fill a gauge_composition vector
/// would have a slight efficiency saving if we didn't use wrapper and
/// avoided skipped gauge_composition entirely but at the cost of a lot of
/// code duplication
str gauge_es_from_mass_es(str mass_es, double & max_mixing,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
std::vector<double> mass_composition;
str gauge_es = gauge_es_from_mass_es(mass_es, max_mixing,
mass_composition, mssm);
return gauge_es;
/// as above but doesn't fill max_mixing
/// would have a slight efficiency saving if we didn't use wrapper and
/// avoided skipped max_mixing entirely but at the cost of a lot of
/// code duplication
str gauge_es_from_mass_es(str mass_es,
std::vector<double> & mass_composition,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
double max_mixing;
str gauge_es = gauge_es_from_mass_es(mass_es, max_mixing,
mass_composition, mssm);
return gauge_es;
/// as above but doesn't fill max_mixing or gauge_composition
/// would have a slight efficiency saving if we didn't use wrapper and
/// avoided skipped max_mixing entirely but at the cost of a lot of
/// code duplication
str gauge_es_from_mass_es(str mass_es,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
double max_mixing;
std::vector<double> mass_composition;
str gauge_es = gauge_es_from_mass_es(mass_es, max_mixing,
mass_composition, mssm);
return gauge_es;
/// as above but do test against tol internally
str gauge_es_from_mass_es(str mass_es, const SubSpectrum& mssm,
double tol, str context, bool pterror)
double max_mixing;
std::vector<double> mass_composition;
str gauge_es = gauge_es_from_mass_es(mass_es, max_mixing,
mass_composition, mssm);
if((max_mixing*max_mixing) <= 1-tol)
const str errmsg = "Gauge_es from mass_es requested when mxing away "
"from closest mass_es is greater than tol";
str full_context = LOCAL_INFO + " called from " + context;
if (pterror)
invalid_point().raise(errmsg+" Raised at: "+full_context);
utils_error().raise(full_context, errmsg);
return gauge_es;
/// identify the two mass eigenstate corresponding to the approximate
/// family states, e.g. stops ("~u",3), smuons ("~mu", 2) etc
/// Note: when there is family mixing there's no good definition ~t_1,
/// ~t_2 etc if defined as the states you get from diagonalising a 2by2
/// mass (sub)matrix then extensive manipulations would be required
/// So here we identify the mass eigenstates closest to the family ones
/// which is a better defined question when there is family mixing prsesent
/// and more useful here anyway
/// returns a pair of strings labling the lighter one first
sspair identify_mass_ess_for_family(str type,
int family,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
/// need to turn type and family into a string
/// need to simplify the number of translations we do.
p_int_string gen_type(family,type);
std::vector<str> gauge_states;
try { gauge_states =; }
catch (std::out_of_range&) { utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Sfermion type or generation index not recognised; use type=~u,~d,~e-, gen=1,2,3."); }
str gauge_esL=gauge_states[0];
str gauge_esR=gauge_states[1];
/// finds the mass_es with the largets mixing to
/// passed gauge_es
str mass_esL = mass_es_from_gauge_es(gauge_esL, mssm);
str mass_esR = mass_es_from_gauge_es(gauge_esR, mssm);
sspair answer;
int mass_index_L = (;
int mass_index_R = (;
// order pair by mass
if(mass_index_L < mass_index_R)
answer = std::make_pair(mass_esL,mass_esR);
else answer = std::make_pair(mass_esR,mass_esL);
return answer;
/// identify the mass eigenstate corresponding to family state
/// takes string and returns only requested state
/// I suspect this is the more useful one
str mass_es_closest_to_family(str familystate,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
std::vector<str> family_gauge_states;
try { family_gauge_states =; }
catch (std::out_of_range&) { utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Unrecognised family state. ('"+familystate+"' was requested)"); }
str gauge_esL = family_gauge_states[0];
str gauge_esR = family_gauge_states[1];
// finds the mass_es with the largets mixing to
// passed gauge_es
str mass_esL = mass_es_from_gauge_es(gauge_esL, mssm);
str mass_esR = mass_es_from_gauge_es(gauge_esR, mssm);
// extract mass order (1 or 2) from string via map
pair_string_ints type_family_massorder =;
pair_ints family_massorder = type_family_massorder.second;
int mass_order = family_massorder.second;
// if massorder is 1 choose select from masstateL and mass_esR the one
// with the lowest index else take highest
int massorderL = (;
int massorderR = (;
str answer;
if( (mass_order == 1 && massorderL < massorderR) ||
(mass_order == 2 && massorderL > massorderR) ) answer = mass_esL;
else answer = mass_esR;
return answer;
/// returns vector with composition of closest the mass eigenstate
/// to give family state in terms of gauge eigenstates and stores
/// mass eigenstate in mass_es
std::vector<double> get_gauge_comp_for_family_state(str familystate,
str & mass_es,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
//get mass_es using one of our routines
mass_es = mass_es_closest_to_family(familystate, mssm);
/// extract info from strings via maps
int mass_index = (;
pair_string_ints state_info =;
str type = state_info.first;
std::vector<double> gauge_es_content =
get_Pole_Mixing_row(type, mass_index,mssm);
return gauge_es_content;
/// identifies the mass_es that is closest match to specified family state
/// and fills mixture of the two gauge states with same family into
/// std::vector gauge_composition
/// also fills remaining off-family mixings into a second vector
str mass_es_closest_to_family(str familystate,
std::vector<double> & gauge_composition,
std::vector<double> & off_family_mixing,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
//get mass_es using one of our routines
str mass_es = mass_es_closest_to_family(familystate, mssm);
/// extract info from strings via maps
std::vector<str> gauge_states;
try { gauge_states =; }
catch (std::out_of_range&) { utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Unrecognised family state. ('"+familystate+"' was requested)"); }
str gauge_state_L = gauge_states[0];
str gauge_state_R = gauge_states[1];
p_int_string gauge_Lindex_type =;
unsigned int gauge_L_index = gauge_Lindex_type.first;
str type = gauge_Lindex_type.second;
unsigned int gauge_R_index
= (;
int mass_index = (;
std::vector<str> gauge_es_strs =;
double row_length = gauge_es_strs.size();
for(std::vector<int>::size_type i = 1; i <= row_length; i++)
double temp = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mixing,type, mass_index, i);
if(i == gauge_L_index || i == gauge_R_index)
else off_family_mixing.push_back(temp);
return mass_es;
/// identifies the mass_es that is closest match to specified family state
/// and fills mixture of the two gauge states with same family into
/// std::vector gauge_composition
str mass_es_closest_to_family(str familystate,
std::vector<double> & gauge_composition,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
std::vector<double> off_family_mixing;
str mass_es = mass_es_closest_to_family(familystate, gauge_composition,
off_family_mixing, mssm);
return mass_es;
/// identifies the mass_es that is closest match to specified family state
/// and fills sqr_sum_mix with the square sum of each of the two mixings
/// into gauge_es of that family
str mass_es_closest_to_family(str familystate,
double & sqr_sum_mix,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
std::vector<double> off_family_mixing;
std::vector<double> gauge_composition;
str mass_es = mass_es_closest_to_family(familystate, gauge_composition,
off_family_mixing, mssm);
sqr_sum_mix = gauge_composition[0] * gauge_composition[0];
sqr_sum_mix += gauge_composition[1] * gauge_composition[1];
return mass_es;
/// identifies the mass_es that is closest match to specified family
/// does tol-test internally to check correctness of assumptions
str mass_es_closest_to_family(str familystate, const SubSpectrum& mssm,
double tol, str context, bool pterror)
std::vector<double> off_family_mixing;
std::vector<double> gauge_composition;
str mass_es = mass_es_closest_to_family(familystate, gauge_composition,
off_family_mixing, mssm);
double sqr_sum_mix = gauge_composition[0] * gauge_composition[0];
sqr_sum_mix += gauge_composition[1] * gauge_composition[1];
if(sqr_sum_mix <= 1-tol)
const str errmsg = "Mass_es_closest_to_family requested when family "
"mixing away from closest mass_es is greater than tol";
str full_context = LOCAL_INFO + " called from " + context;
if (pterror)
invalid_point().raise(errmsg+" Raised at: "+full_context);
utils_error().raise(full_context, errmsg);
return mass_es;
/// Get the family mixing matrix and corresponding mass eigenstates, then check for interfamily mixing.
std::vector<double> family_state_mix_matrix(str type /*"~u", "~d" or "~e-"*/, int generation,
str & mass_es1, str & mass_es2, const SubSpectrum& mssm,
double tol, str context, bool pterror)
std::vector<double> m = family_state_mix_matrix(type, generation, mass_es1, mass_es2, mssm);
if (m[0]*m[0] + m[1]*m[1] < 1-tol || m[2]*m[2] + m[3]*m[3] < 1-tol)
const str errmsg = "Too much interfamily mixing to safely determine "
"intrafamily mixing matrix.";
str full_context = LOCAL_INFO + " called from " + context;
if (pterror)
invalid_point().raise(errmsg+" Raised at: "+full_context);
utils_error().raise(full_context, errmsg);
return m;
/// identifies the two mass_es which best matches specified family state
/// storing them in strings and then returns
/// the 2by2 mixing matrix for that family state in the form
/// (Mix_{11}, Mix_{12}, Mix_{21}, Mix_{22})
/// It also stores the mixing elements for the gauge states that don't
/// belong to the correct family for this state in a std::vector
/// The latter should have entries which are zero in absense of
/// family mixing
std::vector<double> family_state_mix_matrix(str type,
int family,
str & mass_es1,
str & mass_es2,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
/// get mass_es using one of our routines
sspair mass_ess = identify_mass_ess_for_family(type, family, mssm);
mass_es1 = mass_ess.first;
mass_es2 = mass_ess.second;
/// need to turn type and family into a string
/// should simplify the number of translations we do!
p_int_string gen_type(family,type);
std::vector<str> gauge_states;
try { gauge_states =; }
catch (std::out_of_range&) { utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Sfermion type or generation index not recognised; use type=~u,~d,~e-, gen=1,2,3."); }
str gauge_es_L=gauge_states[0];
str gauge_es_R=gauge_states[1];
/// get index of right family states (ie gauge states with
///same family as requested family state
p_int_string gauge_Lindex_type =;
unsigned int gauge_L_index = gauge_Lindex_type.first;
unsigned int gauge_R_index
= (;
str type_L = gauge_Lindex_type.second;
int mass_index1 = (;
int mass_index2 = (;
std::vector<double> mix_row_1;
std::vector<double> mix_row_2;
std::vector<str> gauge_es_strs =;
double row_length = gauge_es_strs.size();
for(std::vector<int>::size_type i = 1; i <= row_length; i++)
double temp1 = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mixing,type, mass_index1, i);
double temp2 = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mixing,type, mass_index2, i);
if(i == gauge_L_index || i == gauge_R_index)
///Put row 1 and row 2 into the same vector to return
mix_row_1.insert(mix_row_1.end(), mix_row_2.begin(), mix_row_2.end());
return mix_row_1;
/// returns admix of gauge eigenstate in the mass eigenstate
/// closest to the given family state and stores
/// mass eigenstate in mass_es
double get_gauge_admix_for_family_state(str familystate,
str gauge_es,
str & mass_es,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
pair_string_ints type_family_massorder;
try { type_family_massorder =; }
catch (std::out_of_range&) { utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Unrecognised family state."); }
str family_type = type_family_massorder.first;
p_int_string gauge_es_index_type =;
int gauge_index = gauge_es_index_type.first;
/// types should match but getting both allows us to throw error
str type_gauge = gauge_es_index_type.second;
{ /// throw error in gambit
utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "function get_gauge_admix_for_family_state "
"called with types for the family state and mass eigenstate that don't match.");
///get mass_es using one of our routines
mass_es = mass_es_closest_to_family(familystate, mssm);
/// extract info from strings via maps
int mass_index = (;
double admix = mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mixing,type_gauge, mass_index,
return admix;
/// returns family state that best matches the given mass_es
/// fills a double with the sum of the square mixings to gauge_es
/// of the matching family
/// and fills the mixing of the matching gauge_es into mass eigenstates
str family_state_closest_to_mass_es(str mass_es, double & sum_sq_mix,
std::vector<double> & mass_comp,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
/// get gauge_es with largest mixing to this mass_es
str gauge_es = gauge_es_from_mass_es(mass_es, mass_comp, mssm);
/// get family states for the same generation as this gauge_es
std::vector<str> family_states =;
str family_state1 = family_states[0];
str family_state2 = family_states[1];
std::vector<str> gauge_states =;
str gauge_es_L = gauge_states[0];
str gauge_es_R = gauge_states[1];
str mass_es_other;
if(gauge_es == gauge_es_L)
mass_es_other = mass_es_from_gauge_es(gauge_es_R, mssm);
else mass_es_other = mass_es_from_gauge_es(gauge_es_L, mssm);
/// extractindex of mass-es and mass_ess_other from strings
int mass_index = (;
int mass_index_other = (;
str fam_state;
/// choose mass ordering for family state which matches
/// mass ordering of mass_es
if(mass_index < mass_index_other) fam_state = family_state1;
else fam_state = family_state2;
//get gauge_indices to sum correct mixing elements
int gauge_index_L = (;
int gauge_index_R = (;
/// subrtact 1 fgrom indices to deal with different indexing
sum_sq_mix = *;
sum_sq_mix += *;
return fam_state;
/// wrapper for overloaded version
/// returns family state that best matches the given mass_es
/// fills a double with the sum of the square mixings to gauge_es
/// of the matching family
str family_state_closest_to_mass_es(str mass_es, double & sum_sq_mix,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
std::vector<double> mass_comp;
str fs = family_state_closest_to_mass_es(mass_es, sum_sq_mix,
mass_comp, mssm);
return fs;
/// wrapper for overloaded version
/// returns family state that best matches the given mass_es
/// and fills the mixing of the matching mass_es into gauge eigenstates
str family_state_closest_to_mass_es(str mass_es,
std::vector<double> & mass_comp,
const SubSpectrum& mssm)
double sum_sq_mix;
str fs = family_state_closest_to_mass_es(mass_es, sum_sq_mix, mass_comp,
return fs;
/// wrapper for overloaded version
/// returns family state that best matches the given mass_es
/// and fills the mixing of the matching mass_es into gauge eigenstates
str family_state_closest_to_mass_es(str mass_es, const SubSpectrum& mssm,
double tol, str context, bool pterror)
double sum_sq_mix;
std::vector<double> mass_comp;
str fs = family_state_closest_to_mass_es(mass_es, sum_sq_mix,
mass_comp, mssm);
if(sum_sq_mix <= 1-tol)
const str errmsg = "Family_state_closest_to_mass_es called when family "
"mixing away from closest mass_es is greater than tol.";
str full_context = LOCAL_INFO + " called from " + context;
if (pterror)
invalid_point().raise(errmsg+" Raised at: "+full_context);
utils_error().raise(full_context, errmsg);
return fs;
/// Add an entire MSSM spectrum to an SLHAea object
// Here we assume that all SM input info comes from the SMINPUT object,
// and all low-E stuff (quark pole masses and the like) come from the LE subspectrum.
// In other words all those things should be added to the SLHAea object via
// different functions to this one. Here we add only MSSM information
// NOTE: check the below statement:
// Note that the SMINPUT object's dump-to-SLHAea function does not know how to discriminate
// between SLHA1 and SLHA2, but that doesn't matter, as the SM parameters defined in SLHA2
// just constitute additional blocks/block entries, not replacements for SLHA1 blocks. In the
// MSSM sector, this is not true, and we take care to write version-specific blocks here.
// slha_version - should be 1 or 2. Specifies whether to output closest-matching SLHA1 format
// entries, or to maintain SLHA2 as is used internally.
void add_MSSM_spectrum_to_SLHAea(const SubSpectrum& mssmspec, SLHAstruct& slha, int slha_version)
std::ostringstream comment;
// Make sure to overwrite all entries if they exist already (from say a "hurriedly" copied SM subspectrum + unknown extra MSSM junk)
//SPINFO block should be added separately.
// MINPAR block; some programs need tanbeta(mZ), so we should output it here if possible
SLHAea_check_block(slha, "MINPAR");
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha,LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec,Par::dimensionless,"tanbeta(mZ)","MINPAR",3,"# tanbeta(mZ)^DRbar");
int sgnmu = sgn(mssmspec.get(Par::mass1,"Mu")); // Mu isn't at the input scale anymore, but sign(mu) doesn't change with running.
SLHAea_add(slha,"MINPAR",4,sgnmu,"# sign(mu)", true);
// HMIX block
SLHAea_delete_block(slha, "HMIX");
SLHAea_add_block (slha, "HMIX", mssmspec.GetScale());
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec,Par::mass1,"Mu","HMIX",1,"mu DRbar");
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec,Par::dimensionless,"tanbeta","HMIX",2,"tan(beta) = vu/vd DRbar");
if (not mssmspec.has(Par::mass1,"vu")) utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "MSSM subspectrum does not contain vu!");
if (not mssmspec.has(Par::mass1,"vd")) utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "MSSM subspectrum does not contain vd!");
double vu = mssmspec.get(Par::mass1,"vu");
double vd = mssmspec.get(Par::mass1,"vd");
SLHAea_add(slha,"HMIX",3,sqrt(vu*vu + vd*vd),"v = sqrt(vd^2 + vu^2) DRbar", true);
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha,LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec,Par::mass2,"mA2","HMIX",4,"m^2_A (tree)");
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha,LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec,Par::mass2,"BMu","HMIX",101,"Bmu DRbar");
SLHAea_add(slha,"HMIX",102,vd,"vd DRbar", true);
SLHAea_add(slha,"HMIX",103,vu,"vu DRbar", true);
// GAUGE block
SLHAea_delete_block(slha, "GAUGE");
SLHAea_add_block (slha, "GAUGE", mssmspec.GetScale());
// Scale gY is in SU(5)/GUT normalisation internally; convert it to SM normalisation for SLHA output by multiplying by sqrt(3/5).
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec,Par::dimensionless,"g1","GAUGE",1,"g' = g1 = gY DRbar", true, sqrt(3./5.));
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec,Par::dimensionless,"g2","GAUGE",2,"g = g2 DRbar");
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec,Par::dimensionless,"g3","GAUGE",3,"g_s = g3 DRbar");
const int pdg_codes[33] = {24,25,35,37,36,1000021,1000024,1000037,1000022,1000023,1000025,1000035,1000006,2000006,1000005,2000005,1000015,2000015,1000012,1000014,1000016,1000001,1000003,
// Here we add the SLHA1-specific stuff, for backwards compatibility with backwards backends.
if (slha_version == 1)
const str slha1_sfermions[21] = {"~t_1", "~t_2", "~b_1", "~b_2", "~tau_1", "~tau_2",
"~nu_e_L", "~nu_mu_L", "~nu_tau_L",
"~d_L", "~s_L", "~d_R", "~s_R", "~e_L", "~mu_L",
"~e_R", "~mu_R", "~u_L", "~c_L", "~u_R", "~c_R"};
str slha2_sfermions[21];
slhahelp::attempt_to_add_SLHA1_mixing("STOPMIX", slha, "~u", mssmspec, 1.0, slha2_sfermions[0], slha2_sfermions[1], true);
slhahelp::attempt_to_add_SLHA1_mixing("SBOTMIX", slha, "~d", mssmspec, 1.0, slha2_sfermions[2], slha2_sfermions[3], true);
slhahelp::attempt_to_add_SLHA1_mixing("STAUMIX", slha, "~e-", mssmspec, 1.0, slha2_sfermions[4], slha2_sfermions[5], true);
// MASS block. Do everything except sfermions the same way as SLHA2.
for(int i=0;i<12;i++)
str comment(Models::ParticleDB().long_name(pdg_codes[i], 0));
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO, mssmspec, Par::Pole_Mass, std::pair<int, int>(pdg_codes[i],0), "MASS", comment);
for(int i=0;i<21;i++)
if (i > 5)
double max_mixing; // Don't actually care about this; we're going to SLHA1 whether it is a good approximation or not.
slha2_sfermions[i] = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es(slha1_sfermions[i], max_mixing, mssmspec);
SLHAea_add(slha, "MASS", pdg_codes[i+12], mssmspec.get(Par::Pole_Mass, slha2_sfermions[i]), slha1_sfermions[i], true);
if (mssmspec.has(Par::Pole_Mass, "~G")) SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO, mssmspec, Par::Pole_Mass, std::pair<int, int>(1000039,0), "MASS", "~G");
else if (slha_version == 2)
// MASS block
for(int i=0;i<33;i++)
str comment(Models::ParticleDB().long_name(pdg_codes[i], 0));
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO, mssmspec, Par::Pole_Mass, std::pair<int, int>(pdg_codes[i],0), "MASS", comment);
if (mssmspec.has(Par::Pole_Mass, "~G")) SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO, mssmspec, Par::Pole_Mass, std::pair<int, int>(1000039,0), "MASS", "~G");
sspair S[3] = {sspair("USQMIX","~u"), sspair("DSQMIX","~d"), sspair("SELMIX","~e-")};
for (int k=0;k<3;k++)
SLHAea_delete_block(slha, S[k].first);
SLHAea_add_block (slha, S[k].first, mssmspec.GetScale());
for(int i=1;i<7;i++) for(int j=1;j<7;j++)
comment.str(""); comment << S[k].second << "-type sfermion mixing (" << i << "," << j << ")";
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec, Par::Pole_Mixing, S[k].second, i, j, S[k].first, i, j, comment.str());
// SNUMIX block
sspair V("SNUMIX","~nu");
SLHAea_delete_block(slha, V.first);
SLHAea_add_block (slha, V.first, mssmspec.GetScale());
for(int i=1;i<4;i++) for(int j=1;j<4;j++)
comment.str(""); comment << V.second << " mixing matrix (" << i << "," << j << ")";
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec, Par::Pole_Mixing, V.second, i, j, V.first, i, j, comment.str());
utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Unrecognised version of SLHA standard; only SLHA1 and SLHA2 are permitted.");
// MSOFT block (SLHA1 and SLHA2) plus MSL2, MSE2, MSQ2, MSU2 and MSD2 blocks (SLHA2 only)
if(not SLHAea_block_exists(slha,"MSOFT"))
SLHAea_add_block(slha, "MSOFT", mssmspec.GetScale());
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec,Par::mass1,"M1","MSOFT",1,"bino mass parameter M1");
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec,Par::mass1,"M2","MSOFT",2,"wino mass parameter M2");
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec,Par::mass1,"M3","MSOFT",3,"gluino mass parameter M3");
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec,Par::mass2,"mHd2","MSOFT",21,"d-type Higgs mass parameter mHd2");
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec,Par::mass2,"mHu2","MSOFT",22,"u-type Higgs mass parameter mHu2");
sspair M[5] = {sspair("MSL2","ml2"), sspair("MSE2","me2"), sspair("MSQ2","mq2"), sspair("MSU2","mu2"), sspair("MSD2","md2")};
for (int k=0;k<5;k++)
SLHAea_delete_block(slha, M[k].first);
if (slha_version == 2) SLHAea_add_block(slha, M[k].first, mssmspec.GetScale());
for(int i=1;i<4;i++) for(int j=1;j<4;j++)
comment.str(""); comment << M[k].second << "(" << i << "," << j << ")";
if (slha_version == 2) SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec, Par::mass2, M[k].second, i, j, M[k].first, i, j, comment.str());
if (i== j)
double entry = mssmspec.get(Par::mass2, M[k].second, i, j);
SLHAea_add(slha,"MSOFT",30+3*k+i+(k>1?4:0),sgn(entry)*sqrt(std::abs(entry)),"sqrt("+comment.str()+")", true);
// Yukawa and trilinear blocks. YU, YD and YE, plus [YU, YD and YE; SLHA1 only], or [TU, TD and TE; SLHA2 only].
sspair A[3] = {sspair("AU","Au"), sspair("AD","Ad"), sspair("AE","Ae")};
sspair Y[3] = {sspair("YU","Yu"), sspair("YD","Yd"), sspair("YE","Ye")};
sspair T[3] = {sspair("TU","TYu"), sspair("TD","TYd"), sspair("TE","TYe")};
for (int k=0;k<3;k++)
// Erase these blocks if they already exist; we need them in the right format
SLHAea_delete_block(slha, Y[k].first);
SLHAea_delete_block(slha, A[k].first);
SLHAea_delete_block(slha, T[k].first);
// Now add them back
SLHAea_add_block(slha, Y[k].first, mssmspec.GetScale());
if (slha_version == 1) SLHAea_add_block(slha, A[k].first, mssmspec.GetScale());
if (slha_version == 2) SLHAea_add_block(slha, T[k].first, mssmspec.GetScale());
for(int i=1;i<4;i++)
// SLHA2 says to output only diagonal of Yukawa matrices, since we should be in a basis in which they are diagonal.
// SLHA1 says to give only the 3,3 element, but we'll give the whole diagonal anyway, codes will ignore them if not
// needed.
comment.str(""); comment << Y[k].second << "(" << i << "," << i << ")";
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha,LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec,Par::dimensionless,Y[k].second, i, i, Y[k].first, i, i, comment.str());
if (slha_version == 1)
comment.str(""); comment << A[k].second << "(" << i << "," << i << ")";
double invTii = 1.0/mssmspec.get(Par::dimensionless,Y[k].second,i,i);
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec, Par::mass1, T[k].second, i, i, A[k].first, i, i, comment.str(), true, invTii); // last argument is a rescaling factor
else if (slha_version == 2)
for(int j=1;j<4;j++)
comment.str(""); comment << T[k].second << "(" << i << "," << j << ")";
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec, Par::mass1, T[k].second, i, j, T[k].first, i, j, comment.str());
std::ostringstream msg;
msg << "Tried to ouput SLHA data, but SLHA version requested was invalid (should be 1 or 2, but received "<<slha_version<<")";
// ALPHA block
// if this exists already, delete it entirely
auto it = slha.find("ALPHA");
if(it!=slha.end()) slha.erase(it); // TODO: format of this call is confusing, perhaps write a wrapper for it.
// ...and now add it back
SLHAea_add_block(slha, "ALPHA", mssmspec.GetScale());
slha["ALPHA"][""] << asin(mssmspec.get(Par::Pole_Mixing, "h0", 2, 2)) << "# sin^-1(SCALARMIX(2,2))";
// UMIX and VMIX blocks, plus some FlexibleSUSY-only extensions: PSEUDOSCALARMIX, SCALARMIX and CHARGEMIX.
sspair U[5] = {sspair("UMIX","~chi-"), sspair("VMIX","~chi+"), sspair("PSEUDOSCALARMIX","A0"), sspair("SCALARMIX","h0"), sspair("CHARGEMIX","H+")};
for (int k=0;k<5;k++)
SLHAea_delete_block(slha, U[k].first);
SLHAea_add_block(slha, U[k].first, mssmspec.GetScale());
for(int i=1;i<3;i++) for(int j=1;j<3;j++)
comment.str(""); comment << U[k].second << " mixing matrix (" << i << "," << j << ")";
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec, Par::Pole_Mixing, U[k].second, i, j, U[k].first, i, j, comment.str());
// NMIX block
sspair N("NMIX","~chi0");
SLHAea_delete_block(slha, N.first);
SLHAea_add_block(slha, N.first, mssmspec.GetScale());
for(int i=1;i<5;i++) for(int j=1;j<5;j++)
comment.str(""); comment << N.second << " mixing matrix (" << i << "," << j << ")";
SLHAea_add_from_subspec(slha, LOCAL_INFO,mssmspec, Par::Pole_Mixing, N.second, i, j, N.first, i, j, comment.str());
} // namespace slhahelp
// Definitions of methods for struct mass_es_pseudonyms
/// Refill strings in struct
void mass_es_pseudonyms::refill(const SubSpectrum& mssm, double tol, bool pt_error, bool debug)
filled = false;
fill(mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
/// Fill strings in struct
void mass_es_pseudonyms::fill(const SubSpectrum& mssm, double tol, bool pt_error, bool debug)
if(filled == true) return; // Don't refill unnecessarily
fill_mass_es_psn_gauge (isdl, isdlbar, "~d_L", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_gauge (isul, isulbar, "~u_L", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_gauge (issl, isslbar, "~s_L", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_gauge (iscl, isclbar, "~c_L", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_family(isb1, isb1bar, "~b_1", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_family(ist1, ist1bar, "~t_1", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_gauge (isell, isellbar, "~e_L", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_gauge (ismul, ismulbar, "~mu_L", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_family(istau1, istau1bar, "~tau_1", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_gauge(isnel, isnelbar, "~nu_e_L", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_gauge(isnmul, isnmulbar, "~nu_mu_L", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_gauge(isntaul, isntaulbar, "~nu_tau_L", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_gauge (isdr, isdrbar, "~d_R", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_gauge (isur, isurbar, "~u_R", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_gauge (issr, issrbar, "~s_R", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_gauge (iscr, iscrbar, "~c_R", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_family(isb2, isb2bar, "~b_2", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_family(ist2, ist2bar, "~t_2", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_gauge (iselr, iselrbar, "~e_R", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_gauge (ismur, ismurbar, "~mu_R", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
fill_mass_es_psn_family(istau2, istau2bar, "~tau_2", mssm, tol, pt_error, debug);
filled = true;
if (debug) debug_print(mssm);
/// Helper function for getting mass eigenstates from gauge eigenstates
void mass_es_pseudonyms::fill_mass_es_psn_gauge(str& is, str& isbar, str gauge_es, const SubSpectrum& mssm,
double tol, bool pt_error_on_mixing_failure, bool debug)
double max_mix = 0;
str mass_es = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es(gauge_es, max_mix, mssm);
if((max_mix*max_mix) >= 1-tol)
is = mass_es;
isbar = Models::ParticleDB().get_antiparticle(mass_es);
gauge_family_eigenstates[is] = gauge_es;
gauge_family_eigenstates[isbar] = gauge_es.substr(0,gauge_es.length()-2)+"bar"+gauge_es.substr(gauge_es.length()-2);
mass_eigenstates[gauge_family_eigenstates[isbar]] = is;
mass_eigenstates[gauge_family_eigenstates[isbar]] = isbar;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "MSSM mass(-squared) eigenstate " << mass_es << " is only " << max_mix*max_mix*100 << "% gauge eigenstate " << gauge_es << "." << endl
<< "The requested tolerance is " << tol*100 << " => too much sfermion mixing to assume that this is a pure gauge eigenstate.";
if (pt_error_on_mixing_failure)
utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, ss.str());
if (debug) debug_print_gauge(mssm, gauge_es, mass_es, max_mix);
/// Helper function for getting family states from gauge eigenstates
void mass_es_pseudonyms::fill_mass_es_psn_family(str& is, str& isbar, str family_state, const SubSpectrum& mssm,
double tol, bool pt_error_on_mixing_failure, bool debug)
/// First identify the mass eigenstate that best matches the requested family state.
/// Then get the decomposition of that mass eigenstate into the two gauge states from the same family as the family state.
std::vector<double> right_fam_gauge_comp;
str mass_es = slhahelp::mass_es_closest_to_family(family_state, right_fam_gauge_comp, mssm);
/// Simplest possible test.
double mix_mag_sq = 0.0;
for(auto i = right_fam_gauge_comp.begin(); i != right_fam_gauge_comp.end(); i++)
double mix = *i;
mix_mag_sq += mix*mix;
if(mix_mag_sq > 1-tol)
is = mass_es;
isbar = Models::ParticleDB().get_antiparticle(mass_es);
gauge_family_eigenstates[is] = family_state;
gauge_family_eigenstates[isbar] = family_state.substr(0,family_state.length()-2)+"bar"+family_state.substr(family_state.length()-2);
mass_eigenstates[gauge_family_eigenstates[isbar]] = is;
mass_eigenstates[gauge_family_eigenstates[isbar]] = isbar;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "MSSM mass(-squared) eigenstate " << mass_es << " is only " << mix_mag_sq*100 << "% the same family as "
<< "family state " << family_state << "." << endl << "The requested tolerance is " << tol*100
<< "% => too much inter-family sfermion mixing to assume that this is a pure family state.";
if (pt_error_on_mixing_failure)
utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, ss.str());
if (debug) debug_print_family(mssm, family_state, mass_es, mix_mag_sq, tol);
/// General debug printer for pseudonyms
void mass_es_pseudonyms::debug_print(const SubSpectrum& mssm)
std::cout << "Dmix :" << std::endl;;
for(int i = 1; i <=6; i++)
for(int j = 1; j <=6; j++)
std::cout << " " << i << j << " = "
<< std::scientific << std::setw(10)
<< mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mixing,"~d", i, j);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Umix :" << std::endl;;
for(int i = 1; i <=6; i++)
for(int j = 1; j <=6; j++)
std::cout << " " << i << j << " = "
<< mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mixing,"~u", i, j);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Emix :" << std::endl;;
for(int i = 1; i <=6; i++)
for(int j = 1; j <=6; j++)
std::cout << " " << i << j << " = "
<< mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mixing,"~e-", i, j);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "NUmix :" << std::endl;;
for(int i = 1; i <=3; i++)
for(int j = 1; j <=3; j++)
std::cout << " " << i << j << " = "
<< mssm.get(Par::Pole_Mixing,"~nu", i, j);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "isdl = " << isdl << std::endl;
std::cout << "isdlbar = " << isdlbar << std::endl;
std::cout << "isdr = " << isdr << std::endl;
std::cout << "isdrbar = " << isdrbar << std::endl;
std::cout << "isul = " << isul << std::endl;
std::cout << "isulbar = " << isulbar << std::endl;
std::cout << "isur = " << isur << std::endl;
std::cout << "isurbar = " << isurbar << std::endl;
std::cout << "issl = " << issl << std::endl;
std::cout << "isslbar = " << isslbar << std::endl;
std::cout << "issr = " << issr << std::endl;
std::cout << "issrbar = " << issrbar << std::endl;
std::cout << "iscl = " << iscl << std::endl;
std::cout << "isclbar = " << isclbar << std::endl;
std::cout << "iscr = " << iscr << std::endl;
std::cout << "iscrbar = " << iscrbar << std::endl;
std::cout << "isb1 = " << isb1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "isb1bar = " << isb1bar << std::endl;
std::cout << "isb2 = " << isb2 << std::endl;
std::cout << "isb2bar = " << isb2bar << std::endl;
std::cout << "ist1 = " << ist1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "ist1bar = " << ist1bar << std::endl;
std::cout << "ist2 = " << ist2 << std::endl;
std::cout << "ist2bar = " << ist2bar << std::endl;
std::cout << "isell = " << isell << std::endl;
std::cout << "isellbar = " << isellbar << std::endl;
std::cout << "iselr = " << iselr << std::endl;
std::cout << "iselrbar = " << iselrbar << std::endl;
std::cout << "isnel = " << isnel << std::endl;
std::cout << "isnelbar = " << isnelbar << std::endl;
std::cout << "ismul = " << ismul << std::endl;
std::cout << "ismulbar = " << ismulbar << std::endl;
std::cout << "ismur = " << ismur << std::endl;
std::cout << "ismurbar = " << ismurbar << std::endl;
std::cout << "isnmull = " << isnmul << std::endl;
std::cout << "isnmullbar = " << isnmulbar << std::endl;
std::cout << "istau1 = " << istau1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "istau1bar = " << istau1bar << std::endl;
std::cout << "istau2 = " << istau2 << std::endl;
std::cout << "istau2bar = " << istau2bar << std::endl;
std::cout << "isntaul = " << isntaul << std::endl;
std::cout << "isntaulbar = " << isntaulbar << std::endl;
/// Gauge state debug printer for pseudonyms
void mass_es_pseudonyms::debug_print_gauge(const SubSpectrum& mssm, str& gauge_es, str& mass_es, double& max_mix)
std::cout << "******** Extra tests ********* " << std::endl;
std::cout << "gauge_es = " << gauge_es << std::endl;
std::cout << "mass_es = " << mass_es << std::endl;
double max_mix_r = 0.0;
str g_es = slhahelp::gauge_es_from_mass_es(mass_es, max_mix_r, mssm);
std::cout << "g_es = " << g_es << std::endl;
std::cout << "max_mix = " << max_mix<< std::endl;
std::cout << "max_mix_r = " << max_mix_r << std::endl;
if(g_es != gauge_es) std::cout << "g_s error! " << std::endl;
if(max_mix_r != max_mix) std::cout << "g_s max_mix_r error! " << std::endl;
str ges = slhahelp::gauge_es_from_mass_es(mass_es, mssm, 1e-3, LOCAL_INFO, false);
std::cout << "ges = " << ges << std::endl;
if(ges != gauge_es) std::cout << "ges error! " << std::endl;
str mes = slhahelp::mass_es_from_gauge_es(gauge_es, mssm, 1e-3, LOCAL_INFO, false);
std::cout << "mes = " << ges << std::endl;
if(mes != mass_es) std::cout << "mes error! " << std::endl;
/// Family state debug printer for pseudonyms
void mass_es_pseudonyms::debug_print_family(const SubSpectrum& mssm, str& family_state, str& mass_es, double& mix_mag_sq, double& tol)
std::cout << "******** Extra tests ********* " << std::endl;
std::cout << "family_state = " << family_state <<std::endl;
std::cout << "mass_es obtained from family_state = " << mass_es
<< std::endl;
double sum_sq_mix;
str fs = slhahelp::family_state_closest_to_mass_es(mass_es, sum_sq_mix,
std::cout << "fs obtained from mass_es = " << fs << std::endl;
std::cout << "sum_sq_mix = " << sum_sq_mix << std::endl;
std::cout << "mix_mag_sq = " << mix_mag_sq << std::endl;
if(fs != family_state) std::cout << "fs error! = " << std::endl;
str f_s = slhahelp::family_state_closest_to_mass_es(mass_es, mssm, 1e-3, LOCAL_INFO, false);
std::cout << "f_s obtained from mass_es = " << f_s << std::endl;
if(f_s != family_state) std::cout << "f_s error! = " << std::endl;
str m_es = slhahelp::mass_es_closest_to_family(family_state, mssm, tol, LOCAL_INFO, false);
std::cout << "m_es = " << m_es << std::endl;
if(m_es != mass_es) std::cout << "m_es error! = " << std::endl;
std::cout << "******** Special family_state_mix_matrix tests ********"
<< std::endl;
str mass_es1, mass_es2, type;
str types[] = {"~u","~d", "~e-"};
std::set<str> set_type = {types, types+3};
std::set<str>::iterator it;
for (it = set_type.begin(); it != set_type.end(); ++it)
type = *it;
for(int gen = 1; gen <=3; gen++)
std::cout << "entering type = " << type << " and gen "
<< gen << std::endl;
std::vector<double> f_mix_matrix = slhahelp::family_state_mix_matrix(type,gen, mass_es1, mass_es2, mssm);
std::cout << "mass_es1 = " << mass_es1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "mass_es2 = " << mass_es2 << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i<=3; i++)
std::cout << "f_mix_matrix[" << i << "] = "
<< f_mix_matrix[i] << std::endl;
double row1sq = f_mix_matrix[0] * f_mix_matrix[0];
row1sq += f_mix_matrix[1] * f_mix_matrix[1];
double row2sq = f_mix_matrix[2] * f_mix_matrix[2];
row2sq += f_mix_matrix[3] * f_mix_matrix[3];
std::cout << "row1sq = " << row1sq << " row2sq = "
<< row2sq << std::endl;
} //namespace gambit
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:41 +0000