file frontends/MontePythonLike_3_5_0.cpp
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Detailed Description
- Janina Renk (
- Sanjay Bloor (
- Pat Scott (
- Patrick Stoecker (
- 2019 June, 2020 May
- 2019 June
- 2020 Apr
- 2021 Sep
Frontend source for the MontePython backend.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Frontend source for the MontePython backend.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Janina Renk
/// (
/// \date 2019 June, 2020 May
/// \author Sanjay Bloor
/// (
/// \date 2019 June
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date 2020 Apr
/// \author Patrick Stoecker
/// (
/// \date 2021 Sep
/// *********************************************
#include "gambit/Backends/frontend_macros.hpp"
#include "gambit/Backends/frontends/MontePythonLike_3_5_0.hpp"
#ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11
#include "gambit/Utils/begin_ignore_warnings_pybind11.hpp"
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <pybind11/stl_bind.h>
#include <pybind11/functional.h>
#include "gambit/Utils/end_ignore_warnings.hpp"
using namespace pybind11::literals; // to bring in the `_a` literal to initialise python dictionaries with pybind11
static map_str_dbl chached_likelihoods; // string double map to save likelihood calculation from previous param point
/// calls the function "get_available_likelihoods" in the patched file of MontePython backend.
/// This returns a list containing strings with the names of all likelihoods available in the MontePythonLike backend
std::vector<str> get_MP_available_likelihoods()
pybind11::list avail_likes = MontePythonLike.attr("get_available_likelihoods")(backendDir);
return avail_likes.cast<std::vector<str>>();
/// convenience function to check compatibility of likelihoods and CLASS version in use
/// add further rules for incompatibilities here.
void check_likelihood_classy_combi(std::string& likelihood, std::string& classy_backendDir)
// add all combinations that are not compatible here.
// example for such an incompatibility: an update in CLASS 2.7 enables the separation
// of the matter power spectrum into the baryonic and CDM components separated from
// other non-CDM species (e.g. massive neutrinos). Likelihoods that rely on the
// baryon+CDM matter power spectrum can't be used with a CLASS version below 2.7
map_str_str incompatible_combi = {{"bao_correlations", "2.6.3"},{"euclid_pk", "2.6.3"},
{"ska1_IM_band1", "2.6.3"},{"ska1_IM_band2", "2.6.3"},{"ska2_pk", "2.6.3"},{"Lya_abg", "2.6.3"}};
// check if incompatible CLASS version exists for given likelihood
if (incompatible_combi.count(likelihood))
// if incompatible version in use throw a fatal error
if (classy_backendDir.find(incompatible_combi[likelihood]) != std::string::npos)
std::string classy_version = classy_backendDir.substr(classy_backendDir.find("classy/"),classy_backendDir.find("/lib"));
classy_version = classy_version.substr(7, classy_version.size() - 11);
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "You requested the MontePython likelihood '"<< likelihood<<"'." << endl
<< "The CLASS version "<< classy_version << " is not compatible with that likelihood"<< endl
<< "You need to install a later version of CLASS. To do so you can execute" << endl
<< "\ncd build; make nuke-classy_"<< classy_version <<"; make classy_<version_name>; cd ..\n" << endl
<< "where <version_name> is the version greater than "<< classy_version <<" of the CLASS backend." << endl
<< "Type \n\n./gambit backends\n\nto see which versions are available to install." << endl;
backend_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, ss.str());
/// convenience function to check if the chosen likelihood is supported
/// add further rules for incompatibilities here.
void check_likelihood_support(std::string& likelihood)
// There are two different reasons why the support for a likelihood is
// switched off:
// 1) python version that GAMBIT is configured with is not compatible with the likelihood
// 2) likelihood implementation does not follow MontePython guidelines
// case 1): python version that GAMBIT is configured with is not compatible with the
// python version the likelihood works with.
// Currently the likelihoods 'euclid_lensing' and 'euclid_pk' will not work with Python 3, nor will many SKA likelihoods.
// Throw a fatal error when any of these likelihoods is in use and GAMBIT is configured with Python 3.
// Get the python major version in use
pybind11::module sys = pybind11::module::import("sys");
int pyMajorVersion = sys.attr("version_info").attr("major").cast<int>();
std::set<std::string> python3_incomp { "euclid_lensing", "euclid_pk", "ska1_pk", "ska2_pk",
"ska1_lensing", "ska2_lensing", "ska1_IM_band2"};
// check for incompatible combinations
if ( (pyMajorVersion == 3) && python3_incomp.count(likelihood))
std::ostringstream err;
err << "The MontePython likelihood '" << likelihood << "' is not available.\n";
err << "In MontePython" << STRINGIFY(VERSION) << " this likelihood only works\n";
err << "with Python 2, while GAMBIT requires Python 3.";
backend_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
// case 2) likelihood implementation does not follow MontePython guidelines,
// examples could be
// * quantities derived by CLASS are not called directly through the CLASS python
// object but through MontePython data.get_mcmc_parameters(['derived'])
// * parameters setting the obsevables that CLASS has to compute are not specified
// correctly with 'need_cosmo_arguments' function
// If you fix these issues, you can use the likelihood; in that case, remove it from the list
// 'unsupported_likes'
std::set<std::string> unsupported_likes { "Lya_abg", "gunn_peterson" };
std::ostringstream err;
err << "You requested the MontePython likelihood '" << likelihood << "'' ";
err << "which is currently not supported by MontePython" << STRINGIFY(VERSION);
err << ". For information on why this could be the case, type \n";
err << "./gambit check_likelihood_support";
backend_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, err.str());
/// convenience function to compute the loglike from a given experiment, given a MontePython likelihood-data container
/// mplike, using the CLASS Python object cosmo.
double get_MP_loglike(const MPLike_data_container& mplike, pybind11::object& cosmo, std::string& experiment)
double result;
//static const bool first_run
// check if likelihood needs to be re-evaluated:
// => if CLASS re-ran likelihood needs updating in any case
bool needs_update = cosmo.attr("recomputed").cast<bool>();
// => if CLASS did not re-compute: check if likelihood has nuisance parameters
if(not needs_update)
// get list of nuisance parameter needed for likelihood calculation from MP
// => if the list is not empty, there are nuisance parameters, hence we need to update MP likelihood
// (note: pybind11::bool_(list) = True if list contains entries, False if list is empty)
pybind11::list nuisance_list ="use_nuisance");
needs_update = pybind11::bool_(nuisance_list);
catch(const std::exception&)
// if for some reason the MP likelihood object does not have the attribute "use_nuisance" (even though all of them
// should, but let's not count on it...) there are no nuisance parameters. So calculation can be skipped.
needs_update = false;
// calculate likelihood if check above concluded that it needs updating
// (CLASS rerun and/or likelihood has nuisance parameters)
logger() << LogTags::info << "[MontePythonLike_" << STRINGIFY(VERSION) << "]: Start evaluation for -> " << experiment << " <-" << EOM;
// need to use since it is a const map -> [] can create entry & can't be used on const object
result ="loglkl")(cosmo,<double>();
logger() << LogTags::info << "[MontePythonLike_" << STRINGIFY(VERSION) << "]: Finished evaluation for -> " << experiment << " <-";
logger() << " and got: " << result << EOM;
// save likelihood result
chached_likelihoods[experiment] = result;
// use cached likelihood value if the cosmology has not changed w.r.t. previously calculated point
// get cached result
result = chached_likelihoods[experiment];
logger() << LogTags::info << "[MontePythonLike_" << STRINGIFY(VERSION) << "]: Using cached LogLike value for -> " << experiment << " <-";
logger() << " which is: " << result << EOM;
return result;
/// Creates a MontePython 'Data' object.
/// This is initialised with a list of the relevant experimental limits to import.
pybind11::object create_MP_data_object(map_str_str& experiments)
static bool first_run = true;
pybind11::dict path_dict = pybind11::dict("MontePython"_a=backendDir,
"cosmo"_a=backendDir+"", // we never want to class CLASS from MP so there is no need to pass anything here
// Cast the list of experiments to a tuple, for MP to fire up...
// note that experiments is a str to str map where the key is the likelihood name.
// This is the only thing we need here when creating the data object
// The value of the keys (data files to use) will be needed when initialising the likelihood objects
// in the function 'create_MP_likelihood_objects'
pybind11::list MP_experiments;
for (auto const & it : experiments)
std::string exp_name = it.first;
// run test if likelihoods are supported
if(first_run) check_likelihood_support(exp_name);
// If everything is fine, add the experiment to the list.
MP_experiments.attr("append")( exp_name.c_str() );
// Import Data object from MontePython
// (pass empty string as "command_line" since we do not need this information as sampling is taken care
// of by GAMBIT)
pybind11::object data = MontePythonLike.attr("Data")("", path_dict, MP_experiments);
first_run = false;
return data;
/// Returns a map of string to Python objects. These Python objects from MontePython are the initialised
/// "Likelihood" objects used internal to MontePython. GAMBIT interfaces to these by requesting the
/// loglike methods of these Python objects.
/// Note that this is only executed once before the likelihoods for the first point in parameter space
/// are calculated. -> time expensive loading up of all modules and data files is just done once.
map_str_pyobj create_MP_likelihood_objects(pybind11::object& data, map_str_str& experiments)
// in stand-alone MP the command line contains some information for the sampler (how many points, restart..)
// since the scanner module of GAMBIT is taking care of these things we do not need to pass anything here
pybind11::str command_line = "";
// Root likelihood path.
std::string like_path = backendDir+"/likelihoods/";
// Add the Likelihood path to sys so we can import it in Python
pybind11::module sys = pybind11::module::import("sys");
sys.attr("path").attr("insert")(0, like_path);
map_str_pyobj likelihoods;
// Now go through each experiment one by one, and initialise the Likelihood containers in
// MontePython, then add them to a dictionary to pass back to CosmoBit.
for (auto const& it : experiments)
std::string exp_name = it.first;
std::string data_file = it.second;
pybind11::str exp_path;
// set path to .data file to the default one in MP if the "default" option is choosen
// if not use the data file that has been chossen in the yaml file
if(data_file == "default") {exp_path = like_path + "/" + exp_name + "/" + exp_name + ".data";}
else {exp_path = data_file;}
pybind11::module exp_module = pybind11::module::import(exp_name.c_str());
pybind11::object EXP_MODULE = exp_module.attr(exp_name.c_str())(exp_path, data, command_line);
likelihoods[exp_name] = EXP_MODULE;
// store likelihood objects in data object
// this is needed to be able to get a list with
// all nuisance parameters that need to be included
// in the scan. This is done in the function 'create_MP_objects'
// by calling data.check_nuisance_params()
// Remove "like_path" from sys.path (The likelihoods are now loaded)
return likelihoods;
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:36 +0000