file models/models/SubGeVDM.cpp

[No description available]


targetPsetValue(“mDM” , mDM )
targetPsetValue(“mAp” , mAp )
targetPsetValue(“gDM” , gDM )
targetPsetValue(“kappa” , kappa )
targetPsetValue(“etaDM” , myP [“etaDM”])
targetPsetValue(“mDM” , myP [“mDM”])
targetPsetValue(“mAp” , myP [“mAp”])
targetPsetValue(“gDM” , myP [“gDM”])
targetPsetValue(“kappa” , myP [“kappa”])
targetPsetValue(“etaDM” , myP/ myP[“etaDM_mDM”][“mDM”])
targetPsetValue(“mAp” , 2 *myP * sqrt(myP[“epsR”]+1)[“mDM”])
targetPsetValue(“epsR” , myP [“epsR”])


void ModelParameters &targetP



Functions Documentation



function setValue

targetP setValue(
    "mDM" ,

function setValue

targetP setValue(
    "mAp" ,

function setValue

targetP setValue(
    "gDM" ,

function setValue

targetP setValue(
    "kappa" ,

function setValue

targetP setValue(
    "etaDM" ,
    myP ["etaDM"]

function setValue

targetP setValue(
    "mDM" ,
    myP ["mDM"]

function setValue

targetP setValue(
    "mAp" ,
    myP ["mAp"]

function setValue

targetP setValue(
    "gDM" ,
    myP ["gDM"]

function setValue

targetP setValue(
    "kappa" ,
    myP ["kappa"]

function setValue

targetP setValue(
    "etaDM" ,
    myP/ myP["etaDM_mDM"]["mDM"]

function setValue

targetP setValue(
    "mAp" ,
    2 *myP * sqrt(myP["epsR"]+1)["mDM"]

function setValue

targetP setValue(
    "epsR" ,
    myP ["epsR"]

Attributes Documentation

variable targetP

void ModelParameters & targetP {
    logger()<<"Running interpret_as_parent calculations for " STRINGIFY(MODEL) " --> " STRINGIFY(PARENT) "."<<LogTags::info<<EOM;

variable mDM

double mDM = myP["mDM"];

variable kappa

double kappa = myP["kappa"];

variable sigmae

double sigmae = myP["sigmae"];

variable reduced_mass

double reduced_mass = mDM * m_electron / (mDM + m_electron);

variable effective_coupling

double effective_coupling = sqrt(sigmae/gev2cm2*pi*pow(pow(mAp,2)+pow(alpha_EM*m_electron,2),2))/reduced_mass;

variable gDM

double gDM = effective_coupling/sqrt(4*pi*alpha_EM)/kappa;

variable sigmaN

double sigmaN = myP["sigmaN"];

variable gN

double gN = sqrt(sigmaN*pi/gev2cm2)/reduced_mass;

Macros Documentation

define MODEL

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_fermion

GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool

Model translation functions for the SubGeVDM models

Contains the interpret-as-parent translation functions for:

SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmae –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmaN –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion

As well as the interpret-as-friend translation

SubGeVDM_fermion –> AnnihilatingDM_general


(add name and date if you modify)

Felix Kahlhoefer (

2022 May

Tomas Gonzalo (

2023 Oct

define MODEL

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_fermion

GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool

Model translation functions for the SubGeVDM models

Contains the interpret-as-parent translation functions for:

SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmae –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmaN –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion

As well as the interpret-as-friend translation

SubGeVDM_fermion –> AnnihilatingDM_general


(add name and date if you modify)

Felix Kahlhoefer (

2022 May

Tomas Gonzalo (

2023 Oct

define PARENT

#define PARENT SubGeVDM_fermion

define MODEL

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_fermion

GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool

Model translation functions for the SubGeVDM models

Contains the interpret-as-parent translation functions for:

SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmae –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmaN –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion

As well as the interpret-as-friend translation

SubGeVDM_fermion –> AnnihilatingDM_general


(add name and date if you modify)

Felix Kahlhoefer (

2022 May

Tomas Gonzalo (

2023 Oct

define PARENT

#define PARENT SubGeVDM_fermion

define MODEL

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_fermion

GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool

Model translation functions for the SubGeVDM models

Contains the interpret-as-parent translation functions for:

SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmae –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmaN –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion

As well as the interpret-as-friend translation

SubGeVDM_fermion –> AnnihilatingDM_general


(add name and date if you modify)

Felix Kahlhoefer (

2022 May

Tomas Gonzalo (

2023 Oct

define PARENT

#define PARENT SubGeVDM_fermion

define MODEL

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_fermion

GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool

Model translation functions for the SubGeVDM models

Contains the interpret-as-parent translation functions for:

SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmae –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmaN –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion

As well as the interpret-as-friend translation

SubGeVDM_fermion –> AnnihilatingDM_general


(add name and date if you modify)

Felix Kahlhoefer (

2022 May

Tomas Gonzalo (

2023 Oct

define PARENT

#define PARENT SubGeVDM_fermion

define MODEL

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_fermion

GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool

Model translation functions for the SubGeVDM models

Contains the interpret-as-parent translation functions for:

SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmae –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmaN –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion

As well as the interpret-as-friend translation

SubGeVDM_fermion –> AnnihilatingDM_general


(add name and date if you modify)

Felix Kahlhoefer (

2022 May

Tomas Gonzalo (

2023 Oct

define PARENT

#define PARENT SubGeVDM_fermion

define MODEL

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_fermion

GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool

Model translation functions for the SubGeVDM models

Contains the interpret-as-parent translation functions for:

SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmae –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmaN –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion

As well as the interpret-as-friend translation

SubGeVDM_fermion –> AnnihilatingDM_general


(add name and date if you modify)

Felix Kahlhoefer (

2022 May

Tomas Gonzalo (

2023 Oct

define MODEL

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_fermion

GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool

Model translation functions for the SubGeVDM models

Contains the interpret-as-parent translation functions for:

SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmae –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmaN –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion

As well as the interpret-as-friend translation

SubGeVDM_fermion –> AnnihilatingDM_general


(add name and date if you modify)

Felix Kahlhoefer (

2022 May

Tomas Gonzalo (

2023 Oct

define PARENT

#define PARENT SubGeVDM_fermion

define MODEL

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_fermion

GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool

Model translation functions for the SubGeVDM models

Contains the interpret-as-parent translation functions for:

SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmae –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmaN –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion

As well as the interpret-as-friend translation

SubGeVDM_fermion –> AnnihilatingDM_general


(add name and date if you modify)

Felix Kahlhoefer (

2022 May

Tomas Gonzalo (

2023 Oct

define PARENT

#define PARENT SubGeVDM_fermion

define MODEL

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_fermion

GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool

Model translation functions for the SubGeVDM models

Contains the interpret-as-parent translation functions for:

SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmae –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmaN –> SubGeVDM_fermion SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion –> SubGeVDM_fermion Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior –> Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion

As well as the interpret-as-friend translation

SubGeVDM_fermion –> AnnihilatingDM_general


(add name and date if you modify)

Felix Kahlhoefer (

2022 May

Tomas Gonzalo (

2023 Oct

define PARENT

#define PARENT SubGeVDM_fermion

Source code

///  GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
///  *********************************************
///  Model translation functions for the SubGeVDM models
///  Contains the interpret-as-parent translation
///  functions for:
///  SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmae           --> SubGeVDM_fermion
///  SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmaN           --> SubGeVDM_fermion
///  SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior          --> SubGeVDM_fermion
///  Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion         --> SubGeVDM_fermion
///  Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior --> Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion
///  As well as the interpret-as-friend translation
///  SubGeVDM_fermion          --> AnnihilatingDM_general
///  *********************************************
///  Authors
///  =======
///  (add name and date if you modify)
///  \author Felix Kahlhoefer
///          (
///  \date 2022 May
///  \author Tomas Gonzalo
///          (
///  \date 2023 Oct
///  *********************************************

#include "gambit/Models/model_macros.hpp"
#include "gambit/Models/model_helpers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Logs/logger.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/numerical_constants.hpp"

#include "gambit/Models/models/SubGeVDM.hpp"

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_fermion
  void MODEL_NAMESPACE::SubGeVDM_fermion_to_AnnihilatingDM_general (const ModelParameters &, ModelParameters &targetP)
    USE_MODEL_PIPE(AnnihilatingDM_general) // get pipe for "interpret as friend" function
    logger()<<"Running interpret_as_friend calculations for SubGeVDM_fermion -> AnnihilatingDM_general ..."<<EOM;

    const double k = (*Dep::wimp_sc) ? 1. : 0.5;
    const double suppression = *Dep::ID_suppression;

    targetP.setValue("mass", *Dep::mwimp);
    // In AnnihilatingDM_general the parameter "sigmav" is assumed to already include
    // supression and the factor k
    targetP.setValue("sigmav", k*suppression*(*Dep::sigmav));
#undef MODEL

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmae
#define PARENT SubGeVDM_fermion
  void MODEL_NAMESPACE::CAT_3(MODEL,_to_,PARENT) (const ModelParameters &myP, ModelParameters &targetP)
    logger()<<"Running interpret_as_parent calculations for " STRINGIFY(MODEL) " --> " STRINGIFY(PARENT) "."<<LogTags::info<<EOM;

    USE_MODEL_PIPE(PARENT) // get pipe for "interpret as PARENT" function

    double mAp = myP["mAp"];
    double mDM = myP["mDM"];
    double kappa = myP["kappa"];
    double sigmae = myP["sigmae"];

    double reduced_mass = mDM * m_electron / (mDM + m_electron);
    double effective_coupling = sqrt(sigmae/gev2cm2*pi*pow(pow(mAp,2)+pow(alpha_EM*m_electron,2),2))/reduced_mass;
    double gDM = effective_coupling/sqrt(4*pi*alpha_EM)/kappa;

    targetP.setValue("mDM", mDM);
    targetP.setValue("mAp", mAp);
    targetP.setValue("gDM", gDM);
    targetP.setValue("kappa", kappa);
    targetP.setValue("etaDM", myP["etaDM"]);
#undef PARENT
#undef MODEL

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_fermion_sigmaN
#define PARENT SubGeVDM_fermion
  void MODEL_NAMESPACE::CAT_3(MODEL,_to_,PARENT) (const ModelParameters &myP, ModelParameters &targetP)
    logger()<<"Running interpret_as_parent calculations for " STRINGIFY(MODEL) " --> " STRINGIFY(PARENT) "."<<LogTags::info<<EOM;

    USE_MODEL_PIPE(PARENT) // get pipe for "interprete as PARENT" function

    double mAp = myP["mAp"];
    double mDM = myP["mDM"];
    double kappa = myP["kappa"];
    double sigmaN = myP["sigmaN"];

    double reduced_mass = mDM * m_proton / (mDM + m_proton);
    double gN = sqrt(sigmaN*pi/gev2cm2)/reduced_mass;
    double gDM = gN*pow(mAp,2)/sqrt(4*pi*alpha_EM)/kappa;

    targetP.setValue("mDM", mDM);
    targetP.setValue("mAp", mAp);
    targetP.setValue("gDM", gDM);
    targetP.setValue("kappa", kappa);
    targetP.setValue("etaDM", myP["etaDM"]);
#undef PARENT
#undef MODEL

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior
#define PARENT SubGeVDM_fermion
  void MODEL_NAMESPACE::CAT_3(MODEL,_to_,PARENT) (const ModelParameters &myP, ModelParameters &targetP)
    logger()<<"Running interpret_as_parent calculations for " STRINGIFY(MODEL) " --> " STRINGIFY(PARENT) "."<<LogTags::info<<EOM;

    targetP.setValue("mDM", myP["mDM"]);
    targetP.setValue("mAp", myP["mAp"]);
    targetP.setValue("gDM", myP["gDM"]);
    targetP.setValue("kappa", myP["kappa"]);
    targetP.setValue("etaDM", myP["etaDM_mDM"]/myP["mDM"]);
#undef PARENT
#undef MODEL

#define MODEL Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion
#define PARENT SubGeVDM_fermion
  void MODEL_NAMESPACE::CAT_3(MODEL,_to_,PARENT) (const ModelParameters &myP, ModelParameters &targetP)
    logger()<<"Running interpret_as_parent calculations for Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion -> SubGeVDM_fermion ..."<<EOM;

    targetP.setValue("mDM", myP["mDM"]);
    targetP.setValue("gDM", myP["gDM"]);
    targetP.setValue("kappa", myP["kappa"]);
    targetP.setValue("etaDM", myP["etaDM"]);
    targetP.setValue("mAp", 2 * myP["mDM"] * sqrt(myP["epsR"] + 1));
#undef PARENT
#undef MODEL

#define MODEL Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion_RDprior
#define PARENT Resonant_SubGeVDM_fermion
  void MODEL_NAMESPACE::CAT_3(MODEL,_to_,PARENT) (const ModelParameters &myP, ModelParameters &targetP)
    logger()<<"Running interpret_as_parent calculations for " STRINGIFY(MODEL) " --> " STRINGIFY(PARENT) "."<<LogTags::info<<EOM;

    targetP.setValue("mDM", myP["mDM"]);
    targetP.setValue("gDM", myP["gDM"]);
    targetP.setValue("kappa", myP["kappa"]);
    targetP.setValue("epsR", myP["epsR"]);
    targetP.setValue("etaDM", myP["etaDM_mDM"]/myP["mDM"]);
#undef PARENT
#undef MODEL

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_scalar
  void MODEL_NAMESPACE::SubGeVDM_scalar_to_AnnihilatingDM_general (const ModelParameters &, ModelParameters &targetP)
    USE_MODEL_PIPE(AnnihilatingDM_general) // get pipe for "interpret as friend" function
    logger()<<"Running interpret_as_friend calculations for SubGeVDM_scalar -> AnnihilatingDM_general ..."<<EOM;

    const double k = (*Dep::wimp_sc) ? 1. : 0.5;
    const double suppression = *Dep::ID_suppression;

    targetP.setValue("mass", *Dep::mwimp);
    // In AnnihilatingDM_general the parameter "sigmav" is assumed to already include
    // supression and the factor k
    targetP.setValue("sigmav", k*suppression*(*Dep::sigmav));
#undef MODEL

#define MODEL SubGeVDM_scalar_RDprior
#define PARENT SubGeVDM_scalar
  void MODEL_NAMESPACE::CAT_3(MODEL,_to_,PARENT) (const ModelParameters &myP, ModelParameters &targetP)
    logger()<<"Running interpret_as_parent calculations for " STRINGIFY(MODEL) " --> " STRINGIFY(PARENT) "."<<LogTags::info<<EOM;

    targetP.setValue("mDM", myP["mDM"]);
    targetP.setValue("mAp", myP["mAp"]);
    targetP.setValue("gDM", myP["gDM"]);
    targetP.setValue("kappa", myP["kappa"]);
    targetP.setValue("etaDM", myP["etaDM_mDM"]/myP["mDM"]);
#undef PARENT
#undef MODEL

#define MODEL Resonant_SubGeVDM_scalar
#define PARENT SubGeVDM_scalar
  void MODEL_NAMESPACE::CAT_3(MODEL,_to_,PARENT) (const ModelParameters &myP, ModelParameters &targetP)
    logger()<<"Running interpret_as_parent calculations for " STRINGIFY(MODEL) " --> " STRINGIFY(PARENT) "."<<LogTags::info<<EOM;

    targetP.setValue("mDM", myP["mDM"]);
    targetP.setValue("gDM", myP["gDM"]);
    targetP.setValue("kappa", myP["kappa"]);
    targetP.setValue("etaDM", myP["etaDM"]);
    targetP.setValue("mAp", 2 * myP["mDM"] * sqrt(myP["epsR"] + 1));
#undef PARENT
#undef MODEL

#define MODEL Resonant_SubGeVDM_scalar_RDprior
#define PARENT Resonant_SubGeVDM_scalar
  void MODEL_NAMESPACE::CAT_3(MODEL,_to_,PARENT) (const ModelParameters &myP, ModelParameters &targetP)
    logger()<<"Running interpret_as_parent calculations for " STRINGIFY(MODEL) " --> " STRINGIFY(PARENT) "."<<LogTags::info<<EOM;

    targetP.setValue("mDM", myP["mDM"]);
    targetP.setValue("gDM", myP["gDM"]);
    targetP.setValue("kappa", myP["kappa"]);
    targetP.setValue("epsR", myP["epsR"]);
    targetP.setValue("etaDM", myP["etaDM_mDM"]/myP["mDM"]);
#undef PARENT
#undef MODEL

Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:33 +0000