file Logs/logging.hpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:
Forward declare minimial logging components needed to use logger.


structure for storing log messages and metadata
structure for storing log messages and metadata after tags are sorted
Logger virtual base class.
Logger for ‘standard’ messages.

Detailed Description



  • 2014 Mar
  • 2014 Mar

Header for logging classes

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Header for logging classes
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Ben Farmer
///          (
///  \date 2014 Mar
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2014 Mar
///  *********************************************

#ifndef __logging_hpp__
#define __logging_hpp__

// Standard libraries
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <fstream>
#include <chrono> 
#include <omp.h>

// Gambit
#include "gambit/Logs/logger.hpp" // Minimal declarations needed to use logger -- most code should only need to include this.
#include "gambit/Logs/log_tags.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/file_lock.hpp"
//#include "gambit/Utils/util_functions.hpp"

namespace Gambit
  // Forward declarations from Utils. Saves including the entire header for a trivial thing
  namespace Utils
    typedef std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> time_point;
    /// Get clock time
    time_point get_clock_now();

  namespace Logging

    // Global reference start time. Can only be used in this compile unit.
    static const Utils::time_point start_time(Utils::get_clock_now());

    // Function to retrieve the 'msgtypes' set
    const std::set<LogTag>& msgtypes();

    // Function to retrieve the 'flags' set
    const std::set<LogTag>& flags();
    // Function to retrieve the 'echoes' set
    const std::set<LogTag>& echoes();

    // Function to return the next unused tag index
    // (needed by module and backend macros so they can determine what tag they are allowed to use)
    int getfreetag();

    /// Function to inspect tags and their associated strings. For testing purposes only.
    void checktags();

    /// structure for storing log messages and metadata
    struct Message
        std::string message;
        std::set<int> tags;
        Utils::time_point received_at;
        /// Constructor
        Message(const std::string& msgIN, 
                const std::set<int>& tagsIN)
          : message(msgIN), 

    /// structure for storing log messages and metadata after tags are sorted
    struct SortedMessage
        const std::string& message; //lives on in original Message object, so can be a reference safely I think
        const Utils::time_point& received_at; //ditto
        // couldn't figure out how to nicely initialise these in the constructor list, so not const
        // now happens in body of constructor
        std::set<LogTag> type_tags;      //message types
        std::set<int> component_tags;    //gambit components, modules, and backends
        std::set<LogTag> flag_tags;      //extra message flags      
        std::set<LogTag> echo_tags;      //message echo flags      
        // Constructor (does the sorting of the tags)
        SortedMessage(const Message& mail);

    //% Logger class declarations                           %
    /// Logger virtual base class
    class BaseLogger
        /// Virtual destructor so we can delete the loggers by pointer to base
        virtual ~BaseLogger();

        /// Write message
        virtual void write(const SortedMessage&) = 0;

        /// Flush stream buffer;
        virtual void flush() = 0;

    /// Logger for 'standard' messages
    class StdLogger : public BaseLogger
        /// Constructor
        // Attach logger object to an existing stream
        /// Alternate constructor
        // Opens a file and takes care of the stream itself
        StdLogger(const std::string&);
        /// Destructor
        virtual ~StdLogger();

        /// Write message
        virtual void write(const SortedMessage&);
        /// Flush stream buffer
        virtual void flush();
        /// Look up names corresponding to tags and write them out to the stream
        void writetags(const std::set<LogTag>&);   
        void writetags(const std::set<int>&);   
        std::ofstream my_own_fstream; //Don't use this except in constructor
        std::ostream& my_stream;
        /// MPI variables
        int MPIrank;
        int MPIsize;

  } //end namespace Logging

} // end namespace Gambit


Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:41 +0000