file Logs/logging.hpp
[No description available] More…
Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::Utils |
Gambit::Logging Forward declare minimial logging components needed to use logger. |
Name | |
struct | Gambit::Logging::Message structure for storing log messages and metadata |
struct | Gambit::Logging::SortedMessage structure for storing log messages and metadata after tags are sorted |
class | Gambit::Logging::BaseLogger Logger virtual base class. |
class | Gambit::Logging::StdLogger Logger for ‘standard’ messages. |
Detailed Description
- Ben Farmer (
- Pat Scott (
- 2014 Mar
- 2014 Mar
Header for logging classes
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Header for logging classes
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Ben Farmer
/// (
/// \date 2014 Mar
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date 2014 Mar
/// *********************************************
#ifndef __logging_hpp__
#define __logging_hpp__
// Standard libraries
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <fstream>
#include <chrono>
#include <omp.h>
// Gambit
#include "gambit/Logs/logger.hpp" // Minimal declarations needed to use logger -- most code should only need to include this.
#include "gambit/Logs/log_tags.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/file_lock.hpp"
//#include "gambit/Utils/util_functions.hpp"
namespace Gambit
// Forward declarations from Utils. Saves including the entire header for a trivial thing
namespace Utils
typedef std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> time_point;
/// Get clock time
time_point get_clock_now();
namespace Logging
// Global reference start time. Can only be used in this compile unit.
static const Utils::time_point start_time(Utils::get_clock_now());
// Function to retrieve the 'msgtypes' set
const std::set<LogTag>& msgtypes();
// Function to retrieve the 'flags' set
const std::set<LogTag>& flags();
// Function to retrieve the 'echoes' set
const std::set<LogTag>& echoes();
// Function to return the next unused tag index
// (needed by module and backend macros so they can determine what tag they are allowed to use)
int getfreetag();
/// Function to inspect tags and their associated strings. For testing purposes only.
void checktags();
/// structure for storing log messages and metadata
struct Message
std::string message;
std::set<int> tags;
Utils::time_point received_at;
/// Constructor
Message(const std::string& msgIN,
const std::set<int>& tagsIN)
: message(msgIN),
/// structure for storing log messages and metadata after tags are sorted
struct SortedMessage
const std::string& message; //lives on in original Message object, so can be a reference safely I think
const Utils::time_point& received_at; //ditto
// couldn't figure out how to nicely initialise these in the constructor list, so not const
// now happens in body of constructor
std::set<LogTag> type_tags; //message types
std::set<int> component_tags; //gambit components, modules, and backends
std::set<LogTag> flag_tags; //extra message flags
std::set<LogTag> echo_tags; //message echo flags
// Constructor (does the sorting of the tags)
SortedMessage(const Message& mail);
//% Logger class declarations %
/// Logger virtual base class
class BaseLogger
/// Virtual destructor so we can delete the loggers by pointer to base
virtual ~BaseLogger();
/// Write message
virtual void write(const SortedMessage&) = 0;
/// Flush stream buffer;
virtual void flush() = 0;
/// Logger for 'standard' messages
class StdLogger : public BaseLogger
/// Constructor
// Attach logger object to an existing stream
/// Alternate constructor
// Opens a file and takes care of the stream itself
StdLogger(const std::string&);
/// Destructor
virtual ~StdLogger();
/// Write message
virtual void write(const SortedMessage&);
/// Flush stream buffer
virtual void flush();
/// Look up names corresponding to tags and write them out to the stream
void writetags(const std::set<LogTag>&);
void writetags(const std::set<int>&);
std::ofstream my_own_fstream; //Don't use this except in constructor
std::ostream& my_stream;
/// MPI variables
int MPIrank;
int MPIsize;
} //end namespace Logging
} // end namespace Gambit
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:41 +0000