file src/LHC_likelihoods.cpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:



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ColliderBit LHC signal and likelihood functions.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Macros Documentation


#define DEBUG_PREFIX "DEBUG: OMP thread " << omp_get_thread_num() << ":  "

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  ColliderBit LHC signal and likelihood functions.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Abram Krislock
///          (
///  \author Aldo Saavedra
///  \author Andy Buckley
///  \author Chris Rogan
///          (
///  \date 2014 Aug
///  \date 2015 May
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2015 Jul
///  \date 2018 Jan
///  \date 2019 Jan
///  \author Anders Kvellestad
///          (
///  \date   2017 March
///  \date   2018 Jan
///  \date   2018 May
///  \date   2020 May
///  \date   2020 Jun
///  \author Chris Chang
///  \date   2022 April
///  \date   2024 Sep
///  *********************************************

#include <string>
#include <sstream>

#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/ColliderBit_rollcall.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/PoissonCalculators.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/statistics.hpp" 
#include "gambit/Utils/util_macros.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/Utils.hpp"

#include "multimin/multimin.hpp"

#include "gambit/Utils/begin_ignore_warnings_eigen.hpp"
#include "Eigen/Eigenvalues"
#include "gambit/Utils/end_ignore_warnings.hpp"

#include <gsl/gsl_sf_gamma.h>

#define DEBUG_PREFIX "DEBUG: OMP thread " << omp_get_thread_num() << ":  "

namespace Gambit

  namespace ColliderBit

    /// Loop over all analyses and fill a map of predicted counts
    void calc_LHC_signals(map_str_dbl& result)
      using namespace Pipes::calc_LHC_signals;

      // Clear the result map

      std::stringstream summary_line;
      summary_line << "LHC signals per SR: ";

      // Loop over analyses and collect the predicted events into the map
      for (size_t analysis = 0; analysis < Dep::AllAnalysisNumbers->size(); ++analysis)
        // AnalysisData for this analysis
        const AnalysisData& ana_data = *(Dep::AllAnalysisNumbers->at(analysis));

        summary_line << ana_data.analysis_name << ": ";

        // Loop over the signal regions inside the analysis, and save the predicted number of events for each.
        for (size_t SR = 0; SR < ana_data.size(); ++SR)
          // Save SR numbers and absolute uncertainties
          const SignalRegionData srData = ana_data[SR];
          const str key = ana_data.analysis_name + "__" + srData.sr_label + "__i" + std::to_string(SR) + "__signal";
          result[key] = srData.n_sig_scaled;
          const double n_sig_scaled_err = srData.calc_n_sig_scaled_err();
          result[key + "_uncert"] = n_sig_scaled_err;

          summary_line << srData.sr_label + "__i" + std::to_string(SR) << ":" << srData.n_sig_scaled << "+-" << n_sig_scaled_err << ", ";
      logger() << LogTags::debug << summary_line.str() << EOM;

    // Calculate a Poisson likelihood
    double calc_poisson_loglike(std::string estimator, double s, double b, int s_unscaled, int o, int n_mc, double n_exp)
      if (estimator == "UMVUE")
        double umvue_likelihood = Gambit::ColliderBit::PoissonCalculators::umvue_poisson_like(s_unscaled, b, o, n_mc, n_exp);
        return log(umvue_likelihood);
      else if (estimator == "MLE")
        return Gambit::ColliderBit::PoissonCalculators::mle_poisson_loglike(s, b, o);
      // If hit this point, throw an error
      ColliderBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Error: unknown poisson estimator.");
      return 0.0; // Squashing a warning (will never hit this)

    /// Loglike objective-function wrapper to provide the signature for GSL multimin
    void _gsl_calc_Analysis_MinusLogLike(const size_t n, const double* unit_nuisances_dbl,
                                         void* fixedparamspack, double* fval)
      // Convert the array of doubles into an "Eigen view" of the nuisance params
      Eigen::Map<const Eigen::ArrayXd> unit_nuisances(&unit_nuisances_dbl[0], n);

      // Convert the linearised array of doubles into "Eigen views" of the fixed params
      double *fixedparamspack_dbl = (double*) fixedparamspack;
      Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXd> n_preds_nominal(&fixedparamspack_dbl[0], n);
      Eigen::Map<const Eigen::ArrayXd> n_obss(&fixedparamspack_dbl[n], n);
      Eigen::Map<const Eigen::ArrayXd> sqrtevals(&fixedparamspack_dbl[2*n], n);
      Eigen::Map<const Eigen::MatrixXd> evecs(&fixedparamspack_dbl[3*n], n, n);

      // Rotate rate deltas into the SR basis and shift by SR mean rates
      const Eigen::VectorXd n_preds = n_preds_nominal + evecs*(sqrtevals*unit_nuisances).matrix();

      // Calculate each SR's Poisson likelihood and add to composite likelihood calculation
      double loglike_tot = n * log(1/sqrt(2*M_PI)); //< could also drop this, but it costs ~nothing
      for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j)
        // First the multivariate Gaussian bit (j = nuisance)
        const double pnorm_j = -pow(unit_nuisances(j), 2)/2.;
        loglike_tot += pnorm_j;

        // Then the Poisson bit (j = SR)
        const double lambda_j = std::max(n_preds(j), 1e-3); //< manually avoid <= 0 rates

        // Call the poisson calculator
        // lambda_j includes both signal + background (hance setting background to zero)
        // At present can only call the profiling with the MLE estimator. Knowing the separate signal
        // and background would be necessary if using other estimators
        // n_mc and n_mc_expected are set to zero as they are not used for the MLE estimator
        // sig_unscaled is set to 0 as it is not used in MLE estimator
        const double loglike_j = calc_poisson_loglike("MLE", lambda_j, 0.0, 0, n_obss(j), 0, 0);

        loglike_tot += loglike_j;

      // Output via argument (times -1 to return -LL for minimisation)
      *fval = -loglike_tot;

    /// Loglike gradient-function wrapper to provide the signature for GSL multimin
    void _gsl_calc_Analysis_MinusLogLikeGrad(const size_t n, const double* unit_nuisances_dbl,
                                             void* fixedparamspack, double* fgrad)
      // Convert the array of doubles into an "Eigen view" of the nuisance params
      Eigen::Map<const Eigen::ArrayXd> unit_nuisances(&unit_nuisances_dbl[0], n);

      // Convert the linearised array of doubles into "Eigen views" of the fixed params
      double *fixedparamspack_dbl = (double*) fixedparamspack;
      Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXd> n_preds_nominal(&fixedparamspack_dbl[0], n);
      Eigen::Map<const Eigen::ArrayXd> n_obss(&fixedparamspack_dbl[n], n);
      Eigen::Map<const Eigen::ArrayXd> sqrtevals(&fixedparamspack_dbl[2*n], n);
      Eigen::Map<const Eigen::MatrixXd> evecs(&fixedparamspack_dbl[3*n], n, n);

      // Rotate rate deltas into the SR basis and shift by SR mean rates
      const Eigen::VectorXd n_preds = n_preds_nominal + evecs*(sqrtevals*unit_nuisances).matrix();

      // Compute gradient elements
      for (int j = 0; j < unit_nuisances.size(); ++j)
        double llgrad = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < unit_nuisances.size(); ++k)
          llgrad += (n_obss(k)/n_preds(k) - 1) * evecs(k,j);
        llgrad = llgrad * sqrtevals(j) - unit_nuisances(j);
        // Output via argument (times -1 to return -dLL for minimisation)
        fgrad[j] = -llgrad;

    void _gsl_calc_Analysis_MinusLogLikeAndGrad(const size_t n, const double* unit_nuisances_dbl,
                                                void* fixedparamspack,
                                                double* fval, double* fgrad)
      _gsl_calc_Analysis_MinusLogLike(n, unit_nuisances_dbl, fixedparamspack, fval);
      _gsl_calc_Analysis_MinusLogLikeGrad(n, unit_nuisances_dbl, fixedparamspack, fgrad);

    std::vector<double> _gsl_mkpackedarray(const Eigen::ArrayXd& n_preds,
                                           const Eigen::ArrayXd& n_obss,
                                           const Eigen::ArrayXd& sqrtevals,
                                           const Eigen::MatrixXd& evecs)
      const size_t nSR = n_obss.size();
      std::vector<double> fixeds(3*nSR + 2*nSR*nSR, 0.0);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < nSR; ++i)
        fixeds[0+i] = n_preds(i);
        fixeds[nSR+i] = n_obss(i);
        fixeds[2*nSR+i] = sqrtevals(i);
        for (size_t j = 0; j < nSR; ++j)
          fixeds[3*nSR+i*nSR+j] = evecs(j,i);

      return fixeds;

    /// Return the best log likelihood
    /// @todo Pass in the cov, and compute the fixed evals, evecs, and corr matrix as fixed params in here? Via a helper function to reduce duplication
    /// @note: marginaliser not used, but added to match function signature with marg_loglike_cov
    double profile_loglike_cov(const Options& runOptions,
                               const Eigen::ArrayXd& n_preds,
                               const Eigen::ArrayXd& /* n_bkg*/,
                               const Eigen::ArrayXd& /*n_preds_unscaled*/,
                               const Eigen::ArrayXd& n_obss,
                               const Eigen::ArrayXd& sqrtevals,
                               const Eigen::ArrayXd& /*sqrtevals_bkg*/,
                               const Eigen::MatrixXd& evecs,
                               const Eigen::MatrixXd& /*evecs*/,
                               double (*/*marginaliser*/)(const int&, const double&, const double&, const double&),
                               int /*n_mc*/,
                               double /*n_mc_expected*/)
      // Number of signal regions
      const size_t nSR = n_obss.size();

      // Set initial guess for nuisances to zero
      std::vector<double> nuisances(nSR, 0.0);

      // // Set nuisances to an informed starting position
      // const Eigen::ArrayXd& err_n_preds = (evecs*sqrtevals.matrix()).array(); //< @todo CHECK
      // std::vector<double> nuisances(nSR, 0.0);
      // for (size_t j = 0; j < nSR; ++j) 
      // {
      //   // Calculate the max-L starting position, ignoring correlations
      //   const double obs = n_obss(j);
      //   const double rate = n_preds(j);
      //   const double delta = err_n_preds(j);
      //   const double a = delta;
      //   const double b = rate + delta*delta;
      //   const double c = delta * (rate - obs);
      //   const double d = b*b - 4*a*c;
      //   const double sqrtd = (d < 0) ? 0 : sqrt(d);
      //   if (sqrtd == 0)
      //   {
      //     nuisances[j] = -b / (2*a);
      //   }
      //   else
      //   {
      //     const double th0_a = (-b + sqrtd) / (2*a);
      //     const double th0_b = (-b - sqrtd) / (2*a);
      //     nuisances[j] = (fabs(th0_a) < fabs(th0_b)) ? th0_a : th0_b;
      //   }
      // }

      // Optimiser parameters
      // Params: step1size, tol, maxiter, epsabs, simplex maxsize, method, verbosity
      // Methods:
      //  0: Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient
      //  1: Polak-Ribiere conjugate gradient
      //  2: Vector Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno method
      //  3: Steepest descent algorithm
      //  4: Nelder-Mead simplex
      //  5: Vector Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno method ver. 2
      //  6: Simplex algorithm of Nelder and Mead ver. 2
      //  7: Simplex algorithm of Nelder and Mead: random initialization
      static const double INITIAL_STEP = runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(0.1, "nuisance_prof_initstep");
      static const double CONV_TOL = runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(0.01, "nuisance_prof_convtol");
      static const unsigned MAXSTEPS = runOptions.getValueOrDef<unsigned>(10000, "nuisance_prof_maxsteps");
      static const double CONV_ACC = runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(0.01, "nuisance_prof_convacc");
      static const double SIMPLEX_SIZE = runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(1e-5, "nuisance_prof_simplexsize");
      static const unsigned METHOD = runOptions.getValueOrDef<unsigned>(6, "nuisance_prof_method");
      static const unsigned VERBOSITY = runOptions.getValueOrDef<unsigned>(0, "nuisance_prof_verbosity");
      static const struct multimin::multimin_params oparams = {INITIAL_STEP, CONV_TOL, MAXSTEPS, CONV_ACC, SIMPLEX_SIZE, METHOD, VERBOSITY};

      // For now, throw an error if trying to use profiler with the umbue poisson like, as it does not have a gradient function for the optimiser
      static const std::string poisson_estimator = runOptions.getValueOrDef<std::string>("MLE", "poisson_like_estimator");
      if (poisson_estimator == "UMVUE")
        ColliderBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Error: umvue poisson estimator cannot currently be run with collider likelihood profiling.");

      // Convert the linearised array of doubles into "Eigen views" of the fixed params
      std::vector<double> fixeds = _gsl_mkpackedarray(n_preds, n_obss, sqrtevals, evecs);

      // Pass to the minimiser
      double minusbestll = 999;

      // Call minimizer with stderr temporarily silenced (due to gsl output)?
      static bool silence_multimin = runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(true, "silence_multimin");

      // Call the minimizer
      if (silence_multimin)
          multimin::multimin(nSR, &nuisances[0], &minusbestll,
                   nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
                   &fixeds[0], oparams) 
        multimin::multimin(nSR, &nuisances[0], &minusbestll,
                 nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
                 &fixeds[0], oparams);

      return -minusbestll;

    double marg_loglike_nulike1sr(const Eigen::ArrayXd& n_preds,
                                  const Eigen::ArrayXd& n_obss,
                                  const Eigen::ArrayXd& sqrtevals,
                                  double (*marginaliser)(const int&, const double&, const double&, const double&))
      assert(n_preds.size() == 1);
      assert(n_obss.size() == 1);
      assert(sqrtevals.size() == 1);

      // Setting bkg above zero to avoid nulike special cases
      const double sr_margll = marginaliser((int) n_obss(0), 0.001, n_preds(0), sqrtevals(0)/n_preds(0));
      return sr_margll;


    double marg_loglike_cov(const Options& runOptions,
                            const Eigen::ArrayXd& n_preds,
                            const Eigen::ArrayXd& n_bkg,
                            const Eigen::ArrayXd& n_preds_unscaled,
                            const Eigen::ArrayXd& n_obss,
                            const Eigen::ArrayXd& sqrtevals,
                            const Eigen::ArrayXd& sqrtevals_bkg,
                            const Eigen::MatrixXd& evecs,
                            const Eigen::MatrixXd& evecs_bkg,
                            double (*marginaliser)(const int&, const double&, const double&, const double&),
                            int n_mc,
                            double n_mc_expected)
      // Number of signal regions
      const size_t nSR = n_obss.size();

      // Sample correlated SR rates from a rotated Gaussian defined by the covariance matrix and offset by the mean rates
      static const double CONVERGENCE_TOLERANCE_ABS = runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(0.05, "nuisance_marg_convthres_abs");
      static const double CONVERGENCE_TOLERANCE_REL = runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(0.05, "nuisance_marg_convthres_rel");
      static const size_t NSAMPLE_INPUT = runOptions.getValueOrDef<size_t>(100000, "nuisance_marg_nsamples_start");
      static const bool   NULIKE1SR = runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(true, "nuisance_marg_nulike1sr");
      static const std::string poisson_estimator = runOptions.getValueOrDef<std::string>("MLE", "poisson_like_estimator");
      // Optionally use nulike's more careful 1D marginalisation for one-SR cases
      if (NULIKE1SR && nSR == 1 && poisson_estimator != "UMVUE") return marg_loglike_nulike1sr(n_preds, n_obss, sqrtevals, marginaliser);

      // Dynamic convergence control & test has_and_variables
      size_t nsample = NSAMPLE_INPUT;
      bool first_iteration = true;
      double diff_abs = 9999;
      double diff_rel = 1;

      // Likelihood variables (note use of long double to guard against blow-up of L as opposed to log(L1/L0))
      long double ana_like_prev = 1;
      long double ana_like = 1;
      long double lsum_prev = 0;

      // Sampler for unit-normal nuisances
      std::normal_distribution<double> unitnormdbn(0,1);

      // Check absolute difference between independent has_and_estimates
      /// @todo Should also implement a check of relative difference
      while ((diff_abs > CONVERGENCE_TOLERANCE_ABS && diff_rel > CONVERGENCE_TOLERANCE_REL) || 1.0/sqrt(nsample) > CONVERGENCE_TOLERANCE_ABS)
        long double lsum = 0;

        /// @note How to correct negative rates? Discard (scales badly), set to
        /// epsilon (= discontinuous & unphysical pdf), transform to log-space
        /// (distorts the pdf quite badly), or something else (skew term)?
        /// We're using the "set to epsilon" version for now.
        /// Ben: I would vote for 'discard'. It can't be that inefficient, surely?
        /// Andy: For a lot of signal regions, the probability of none having a negative sample is Prod_SR p(non-negative)_SR... which *can* get bad.

        // For the UMVUE estimator, sample background counts rather than signal counts
        if (poisson_estimator == "UMVUE")
          #pragma omp parallel
            // Sample correlated SR rates from a rotated Gaussian defined by the covariance matrix and offset by the mean rates
            double lsum_private  = 0;
            #pragma omp for nowait
            for (size_t i = 0; i < nsample; ++i)
              Eigen::VectorXd norm_samples_bkg(nSR);
              for (size_t j = 0; j < nSR; ++j)
                norm_samples_bkg(j) = sqrtevals_bkg(j) * unitnormdbn(Random::rng());
              // Rotate rate deltas into the SR basis and shift by SR mean rates
              const Eigen::VectorXd n_bkg_samples  = n_bkg + (evecs_bkg*norm_samples_bkg).array();

              // Calculate Poisson likelihood and add to composite likelihood calculation
              double combined_loglike = 0;
              for (size_t j = 0; j < nSR; ++j)
                // This assumes that the weights are all 1. If there are non-zero weights, then the UMVUE estimator should not be used.
                // This is currently enforced as an error message when used with the event weights from cross-section capability.
                const int signal_unscaled_j = n_preds_unscaled(j);
                double bkg = std::max(n_bkg_samples(j), 1e-3); //< manually avoid <= 0 rates

                // Since signal is unused for UMVUE estimator, setting to 0.0
                const double loglike_j = calc_poisson_loglike(poisson_estimator, 0.0, bkg, signal_unscaled_j, n_obss(j), n_mc, n_mc_expected);
                combined_loglike += loglike_j;
              // Add combined likelihood to running sums (to later calculate averages)
              lsum_private += exp(combined_loglike);

            #pragma omp critical
              lsum  += lsum_private;
          } // End omp parallel
        else  // if poisson_estimator == "MLE"
          #pragma omp parallel
            // Sample correlated SR rates from a rotated Gaussian defined by the covariance matrix and offset by the mean rates
            double lsum_private  = 0;
            #pragma omp for nowait
            for (size_t i = 0; i < nsample; ++i)
              Eigen::VectorXd norm_samples(nSR);
              for (size_t j = 0; j < nSR; ++j)
                norm_samples(j) = sqrtevals(j) * unitnormdbn(Random::rng());

              // Rotate rate deltas into the SR basis and shift by SR mean rates
              const Eigen::VectorXd n_pred_samples  = n_preds + (evecs*norm_samples).array();

              // Calculate Poisson likelihood and add to composite likelihood calculation
              double combined_loglike = 0;
              for (size_t j = 0; j < nSR; ++j)
                const double lambda_j = std::max(n_pred_samples(j), 1e-3); //< manually avoid <= 0 rates
                const double signal_j = lambda_j - n_bkg(j);
                // Since unscaled signal is not currently used for in this case, setting to 0
                const double loglike_j = calc_poisson_loglike(poisson_estimator, signal_j, n_bkg(j), 0, n_obss(j), n_mc, n_mc_expected);
                combined_loglike += loglike_j;
              // Add combined likelihood to running sums (to later calculate averages)
              lsum_private += exp(combined_loglike);

            #pragma omp critical
              lsum  += lsum_private;
          } // End omp parallel
        } // End if (poisson_estimator == "UMVUE") block

        // Compare convergence to previous independent batch
        if (first_iteration)  // The first round must be generated twice
          lsum_prev = lsum;
          first_iteration = false;
          ana_like_prev = lsum_prev / (double)nsample;
          ana_like = lsum / (double)nsample;

          // If ana_like is at or below zero, this is because combined likelihood is numerically indistinguishable from zero.
          // Invalidate this point to avoid dividing by zero below
          if (ana_like <= 0)
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "Zero likelihood in marg_loglike_cov. Catching early to avoid log(0)." << endl;

          diff_abs = fabs(ana_like_prev - ana_like);
          diff_rel = diff_abs/ana_like;
          // Update variables
          lsum_prev += lsum;  // Aggregate result. This doubles the effective batch size for lsum_prev.
          nsample *=2;  // This ensures that the next batch for lsum is as big as the current batch size for lsum_prev, so they can be compared directly.

        #ifdef COLLIDERBIT_DEBUG
        cout << DEBUG_PREFIX
             << "diff_rel: " << diff_rel << endl
             << "   diff_abs: " << diff_abs << endl
             << "   logl: " << log(ana_like) << endl;
        cout << DEBUG_PREFIX << "nsample for the next iteration is: " << nsample << endl;
        cout << DEBUG_PREFIX << endl;
      // End convergence while-loop

      // Combine the independent estimates ana_like and ana_like_prev.
      // Use equal weights since the estimates are based on equal batch sizes.
      ana_like = 0.5*(ana_like + ana_like_prev);
      const double ana_margll = log(ana_like);
      cout << DEBUG_PREFIX << "Combined estimate: ana_loglike: " << ana_margll << "   (based on 2*nsample=" << 2*nsample << " samples)" << endl;

      return ana_margll;

    /// Helper function called by fill_analysis_loglikes below. It's used to get the 
    /// loglike(s) for ATLAS analyses for which we have the ATLAS Full Likelihood information.
    void fill_analysis_loglikes_full(const AnalysisData& ana_data, 
                                AnalysisLogLikes& ana_loglikes,
                                bool (*FullLikes_FileExists)(const str&),
                                int (*FullLikes_ReadIn)(const str&, const str&),
                                double (*FullLikes_Evaluate)(std::map<str,double>&,const str&),
                                const std::string alt_loglike_key = "")
      // Are we filling the standard loglike or an alternative one?
      bool fill_alt_loglike = false;
      if (!alt_loglike_key.empty()) fill_alt_loglike = true;

      // Get number of signal regions
      const size_t nSR = ana_data.size();

      // Get the analysis name
      const std::string ana_name = ana_data.analysis_name;

      // Check if analysis is to use ATLAS Full Likelihood backend
      // If the json hasn't been read in, read it in 
      bool FullLikes_jsonread = (*FullLikes_FileExists)(ana_name); 
      if (!FullLikes_jsonread)
        if ((*FullLikes_ReadIn)(ana_name,ana_data.bkgjson_path) != 0)
          ColliderBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"Error: ATLAS FullLikes Failed to read in BKG JSON file for analysis: " + ana_name);

      // Delta log-likelihood variable
      double dll = NAN;

      // Work out the total (delta) log likelihood for this analysis, by passing in the signal predictions
      // in a map<str,double> to the ATLAS_FullLikes backend.
      std::map<str,double> SRsignal;

      for (size_t SR = 0; SR < nSR; ++SR)
        str SRName = ana_data[SR].sr_label;
        SRsignal[SRName] = ana_data[SR].n_sig_scaled;

      dll = (*FullLikes_Evaluate)(SRsignal,ana_name);

      // Write result to the ana_loglikes reference
      ana_loglikes.combination_sr_label = "all";
      ana_loglikes.combination_sr_index = -1;
      if (fill_alt_loglike)
      { = dll;
        ana_loglikes.combination_loglike = dll;
    /// Helper function called by calc_LHC_LogLikes to compute the loglike(s) for a given analysis.
    void fill_analysis_loglikes(const AnalysisData& ana_data, 
                                AnalysisLogLikes& ana_loglikes,
                                bool use_marg,
                                double (*marginaliser)(const int&, const double&, const double&, const double&),
                                bool has_and_use_covar,
                                bool combine_nocovar_SRs,
                                const Options& runOptions,
                                bool use_fulllikes,
                                bool (*FullLikes_FileExists)(const str&),
                                int (*FullLikes_ReadIn)(const str&, const str&),
                                double (*FullLikes_Evaluate)(std::map<str,double>&,const str&),
                                double xsec,
                                int n_mc,
                                const std::string alt_loglike_key = "")
      // Are we filling the standard loglike or an alternative one?
      bool fill_alt_loglike = false;
      if (!alt_loglike_key.empty()) fill_alt_loglike = true;

      // Settings relating to the use of the FullLikes backend
      const bool has_fulllikes = ana_data.hasFullLikes();
      bool has_and_use_fulllikes = (has_fulllikes && use_fulllikes);

      // Choose the profiling/marginalising function according to the option
      auto marg_prof_fn = use_marg ? marg_loglike_cov : profile_loglike_cov;

      // Get number of signal regions
      const size_t nSR = ana_data.size();

      // Get the analysis name
      const std::string ana_name = ana_data.analysis_name;

      // Delta log-likelihood variable
      double dll = NAN;

      // Work out the total (delta) log likelihood for this analysis, with correlations as available/instructed
      if (has_and_use_fulllikes)
      else if (has_and_use_covar)  // Use SR covariance info?

        // Check that we are indeed using the right function to compute the loglikes
        assert (ana_data.srcov.rows() > 0);

        // Calculate the expected number of MC events based on xsec and luminosity
        int n_mc_expected = ana_data.luminosity * xsec;

        // Construct vectors of SR numbers
        /// @todo Unify this for both cov and no-cov, feeding in one-element Eigen blocks as Ref<>s for the latter?
        Eigen::ArrayXd zero_array(nSR); zero_array = Eigen::ArrayXd::Zero(nSR);
        Eigen::ArrayXd n_obs(nSR);
        Eigen::ArrayXd n_pred_b(nSR);
        Eigen::ArrayXd n_pred_s(nSR);
        Eigen::ArrayXd n_pred_s_unscaled(nSR);
        Eigen::ArrayXd n_pred_sb(nSR);
        Eigen::ArrayXd abs_unc_s(nSR);
        for (size_t SR = 0; SR < nSR; ++SR)
          const SignalRegionData& srData = ana_data[SR];

          // Actual observed number of events
          n_obs(SR) = srData.n_obs;

          // A contribution to the predicted number of events that is not known exactly
          n_pred_b(SR) = std::max(srData.n_bkg, 0.001); // <-- Avoid trouble with b==0
          n_pred_s(SR) = std::max(srData.n_sig_scaled, 0.001); // <-- Avoid trouble with s==0
          n_pred_sb(SR) = srData.n_sig_scaled + srData.n_bkg;
          n_pred_s_unscaled(SR) = srData.n_sig_MC;

          // Absolute errors for n_predicted_uncertain_*
          abs_unc_s(SR) = srData.calc_n_sig_scaled_err();

        // Diagonalise the background-only covariance matrix, extracting the correlation and rotation matrices
        /// @todo Compute the background-only covariance decomposition and likelihood only once
        const Eigen::MatrixXd& srcov_b = ana_data.srcov;
        Eigen::MatrixXd srcorr_b = srcov_b; // start with cov, then make corr
        for (size_t SR = 0; SR < nSR; ++SR)
          const double diagsd = sqrt(srcov_b(SR,SR));
          srcorr_b.row(SR) /= diagsd;
          srcorr_b.col(SR) /= diagsd;
        const Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> eig_b(ana_data.srcov);
        const Eigen::ArrayXd Eb = eig_b.eigenvalues();
        const Eigen::ArrayXd sqrtEb = Eb.sqrt();
        const Eigen::MatrixXd Vb = eig_b.eigenvectors();

        // Construct and diagonalise the s+b covariance matrix, adding the diagonal signal uncertainties in quadrature
        const Eigen::MatrixXd srcov_s = abs_unc_s.array().square().matrix().asDiagonal();
        const Eigen::MatrixXd srcov_sb = srcov_b + srcov_s;
        Eigen::MatrixXd srcorr_sb = srcov_sb;
        for (size_t SR = 0; SR < nSR; ++SR)
          const double diagsd = sqrt(srcov_sb(SR,SR));
          srcorr_sb.row(SR) /= diagsd;
          srcorr_sb.col(SR) /= diagsd;
        const Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> eig_sb(srcov_sb);
        const Eigen::ArrayXd Esb = eig_sb.eigenvalues();
        const Eigen::ArrayXd sqrtEsb = Esb.sqrt();
        const Eigen::MatrixXd Vsb = eig_sb.eigenvectors();

        // Compute the single, correlated analysis-level DLL as the difference of s+b and b (partial) LLs
        /// @todo Only compute this once per run
        const double ll_b  = marg_prof_fn(runOptions, n_pred_b,  n_pred_b, zero_array,        n_obs, sqrtEb,  sqrtEb, Vb,  Vb, marginaliser, n_mc, n_mc_expected);
        const double ll_sb = marg_prof_fn(runOptions, n_pred_sb, n_pred_b, n_pred_s_unscaled, n_obs, sqrtEsb, sqrtEb, Vsb, Vb, marginaliser, n_mc, n_mc_expected);
        dll = ll_sb - ll_b;

        // Write result to the ana_loglikes reference
        ana_loglikes.combination_sr_label = "all";
        ana_loglikes.combination_sr_index = -1;
        if (fill_alt_loglike)
 = dll;
          ana_loglikes.combination_loglike = dll;
      else // No SR covariance info (or user chose not to use this)

        // We either take the result from the SR *expected* to be most
        // constraining under the s=0 assumption (default), or naively combine
        // the loglikes for all SRs (if combine_SRs_without_covariances=true).
        #ifdef COLLIDERBIT_DEBUG
        cout << DEBUG_PREFIX << "calc_LHC_LogLikes: Analysis " << analysis << " has no covariance matrix: computing single best-expected loglike." << endl;

        double bestexp_dll_exp = 0, bestexp_dll_obs = NAN;
        str bestexp_sr_label;
        int bestexp_sr_index;
        double nocovar_srsum_dll_obs = 0;

        // Calculate the expected number of MC events based on xsec and luminosity
        int n_mc_expected = ana_data.luminosity * xsec;

        for (size_t SR = 0; SR < nSR; ++SR)
          const SignalRegionData& srData = ana_data[SR];

          // Shortcut: If n_sig_MC == 0, we know the delta log-likelihood is 0.
          if(srData.n_sig_MC == 0)
            // Store (obs) dll for this SR
            if (fill_alt_loglike)
     = 0.0;
     = 0.0;

            // Update the running best-expected-exclusion detail
            if (0.0 < bestexp_dll_exp || SR == 0)
              bestexp_dll_exp = 0.0;
              bestexp_dll_obs = 0.0;
              bestexp_sr_label = srData.sr_label;
              bestexp_sr_index = SR;

            // Skip to next SR

          // A contribution to the predicted number of events that is not known exactly
          const double n_pred_b = std::max(srData.n_bkg, 0.001); // <-- Avoid trouble with b==0
          const double n_pred_sb = n_pred_b + srData.n_sig_scaled;
          const double n_pred_s_unscaled = srData.n_sig_MC;

          // Actual observed number of events and predicted background, as integers cf. Poisson stats
          const double n_obs = round(srData.n_obs);
          const double n_pred_b_int = round(n_pred_b);

          // Absolute errors for n_predicted_uncertain_*
          const double abs_uncertainty_b = std::max(srData.n_bkg_err, 0.001); // <-- Avoid trouble with b_err==0
          const double abs_uncertainty_sb = std::max(srData.calc_n_sigbkg_err(), 0.001); // <-- Avoid trouble with sb_err==0

          // Construct dummy 1-element Eigen objects for passing to the general likelihood calculator
          /// @todo Use newer (?) one-step Eigen constructors for (const) single-element arrays
          Eigen::ArrayXd zero_array(1);            zero_array = Eigen::ArrayXd::Zero(1);
          Eigen::ArrayXd n_obss(1);                n_obss(0) = n_obs;
          Eigen::ArrayXd n_preds_b_int(1);         n_preds_b_int(0) = n_pred_b_int;
          Eigen::ArrayXd n_preds_b(1);             n_preds_b(0) = n_pred_b;
          Eigen::ArrayXd n_preds_sb(1);            n_preds_sb(0) = n_pred_sb;
          Eigen::ArrayXd n_preds_s_unscaled(1);    n_preds_s_unscaled(0) = n_pred_s_unscaled;
          Eigen::ArrayXd sqrtevals_b(1);           sqrtevals_b(0) = abs_uncertainty_b;
          Eigen::ArrayXd sqrtevals_sb(1);          sqrtevals_sb(0) = abs_uncertainty_sb;
          Eigen::MatrixXd dummy(1,1);              dummy(0,0) = 1.0;

          // Compute this SR's DLLs as the differences of s+b and b (partial) LLs
          /// @todo Only compute this once per run
          const double ll_b_exp = marg_prof_fn(runOptions, n_preds_b, n_preds_b, zero_array, n_preds_b_int, sqrtevals_b, sqrtevals_b, dummy, dummy, marginaliser, n_mc, n_mc_expected);
          /// @todo Only compute this once per run
          const double ll_b_obs = marg_prof_fn(runOptions, n_preds_b, n_preds_b, zero_array, n_obss, sqrtevals_b, sqrtevals_b, dummy, dummy, marginaliser, n_mc, n_mc_expected);
          const double ll_sb_exp = marg_prof_fn(runOptions, n_preds_sb, n_preds_b, n_preds_s_unscaled, n_preds_b_int, sqrtevals_sb, sqrtevals_b, dummy, dummy, marginaliser, n_mc, n_mc_expected);
          const double ll_sb_obs = marg_prof_fn(runOptions, n_preds_sb, n_preds_b, n_preds_s_unscaled, n_obss, sqrtevals_sb, sqrtevals_b, dummy, dummy, marginaliser, n_mc, n_mc_expected);
          const double dll_exp = ll_sb_exp - ll_b_exp;
          const double dll_obs = ll_sb_obs - ll_b_obs;
          // Check for problems
          if (Utils::isnan(ll_b_exp))
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "Computation of ll_b_exp for signal region " << srData.sr_label << " in analysis " << ana_name << " returned NaN" << endl;
          if (Utils::isnan(ll_b_obs))
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "Computation of ll_b_obs for signal region " << srData.sr_label << " in analysis " << ana_name << " returned NaN" << endl;
          if (Utils::isnan(ll_sb_exp))
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "Computation of ll_sb_exp for signal region " << srData.sr_label << " in analysis " << ana_name << " returned NaN" << endl;
          if (Utils::isnan(ll_sb_obs))
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "Computation of ll_sb_obs for signal region " << srData.sr_label << " in analysis " << ana_name << " returned NaN" << endl;

          // Update the running best-expected-exclusion detail
          if (dll_exp < bestexp_dll_exp || SR == 0)
            bestexp_dll_exp = dll_exp;
            bestexp_dll_obs = dll_obs;
            bestexp_sr_label = srData.sr_label;
            bestexp_sr_index = SR;
            #ifdef COLLIDERBIT_DEBUG
            cout << DEBUG_PREFIX << "Setting bestexp_sr_label to: " << bestexp_sr_label << ", bestexp_dll_exp = " << bestexp_dll_exp << ", bestexp_dll_obs = " << bestexp_dll_obs << endl;

          // Store (obs) dll for this SR
          if (fill_alt_loglike)
   = dll_obs;
   = dll_obs;

          // Also add the obs loglike to the no-correlations sum over SRs
          nocovar_srsum_dll_obs += dll_obs;

          #ifdef COLLIDERBIT_DEBUG
          cout << DEBUG_PREFIX << ana_name << ", " << srData.sr_label << ",  llsb_exp-llb_exp = " << dll_exp << ",  llsb_obs-llb_obs= " << dll_obs << endl;


        // Set this analysis' total obs DLL to that from the best-expected SR
        dll = bestexp_dll_obs;
        // Or should we use the naive sum of SR loglikes (without correlations) instead?
        if (combine_nocovar_SRs)
          dll = nocovar_srsum_dll_obs;

        // Write combined loglike to the ana_loglikes reference
        if (fill_alt_loglike)
 = dll;
          ana_loglikes.combination_loglike = dll;
          ana_loglikes.combination_sr_label = bestexp_sr_label;
          ana_loglikes.combination_sr_index = bestexp_sr_index;
          #ifdef COLLIDERBIT_DEBUG
          cout << DEBUG_PREFIX << "calc_LHC_LogLikes: " << ana_name << "_" << bestexp_sr_label << "_LogLike : " << dll << endl;

      } // end large cov/no-cov if-else block

      // Check for problems with the result
      bool check_failed = false;  
      std::string failed_at_label = "";

      // - First check combined loglike
      double check_loglike = 0;
      if (fill_alt_loglike)
        check_loglike =;
        check_loglike = ana_loglikes.combination_loglike;
      if (Utils::isnan(check_loglike))
        check_failed = true;
        failed_at_label = "combined";

      // Then check individual SR loglikes
      if (!check_failed)
        for (size_t SR = 0; SR < nSR; ++SR)
          if (fill_alt_loglike)
            check_loglike =;
            check_loglike =;
          if (Utils::isnan(check_loglike))
            check_failed = true;
            failed_at_label =;

      if (check_failed)
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "Computation of ";
        if (fill_alt_loglike) msg << alt_loglike_key << " ";
        msg << "loglike for signal region '" << failed_at_label << "' in analysis " << ana_name << " returned NaN." << endl;
        msg << "Will now print some signal region data for this analysis:" << endl;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < nSR; ++i)
          const SignalRegionData& srData = ana_data[i];
          msg << srData.sr_label
              << ",  n_bkg = " << srData.n_bkg
              << ",  n_bkg_err = " << srData.n_bkg_err
              << ",  n_obs = " << srData.n_obs
              << ",  n_sig_scaled = " << srData.n_sig_scaled
              << ",  n_sig_MC = " << srData.n_sig_MC
              << ",  n_sig_MC_sys = " << srData.n_sig_MC_sys
              << endl;

    /// Loop over all analyses and fill a map of AnalysisLogLikes objects
    void calc_LHC_LogLikes_common(map_str_AnalysisLogLikes& result,
                                  bool use_fulllikes, 
                                  AnalysisDataPointers& ana,
                                  const Options& runOptions,
                                  double (*marginaliser)(const int&, const double&, const double&, const double&),
                                  bool skip_calc,
                                  bool (*FullLikes_FileExists)(const str&),
                                  int (*FullLikes_ReadIn)(const str&, const str&),
                                  double (*FullLikes_Evaluate)(std::map<str,double>&,const str&),
                                  double xsec,
                                  int n_mc)
      static bool first = true;

      // Use covariance matrices if available?
      static const bool use_covar = runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(true, "use_covariances");
      // Use the naive sum of SR loglikes when not using covariances?
      static const bool combine_nocovar_SRs = runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "combine_SRs_without_covariances");
      // Use marginalisation rather than profiling (probably less stable)?
      static const bool use_marg = runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "use_marginalising");
      // Calculate various alternative loglikes?
      static const bool calc_noerr_loglikes = runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "calc_noerr_loglikes");
      static const bool calc_expected_loglikes = runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "calc_expected_loglikes");
      static const bool calc_expected_noerr_loglikes = runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "calc_expected_noerr_loglikes");
      static const bool calc_scaledsignal_loglikes = runOptions.getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "calc_scaledsignal_loglikes");
      static const double signal_scalefactor = runOptions.getValueOrDef<double>(1.0, "signal_scalefactor");

      // Create a list of keys for the alternative loglikes that are activated
      static std::vector<std::string> alt_loglike_keys;
      if (first)
        if (calc_noerr_loglikes) alt_loglike_keys.push_back("noerr");
        if (calc_expected_loglikes) alt_loglike_keys.push_back("expected");
        if (calc_expected_noerr_loglikes) alt_loglike_keys.push_back("expected_noerr");
        if (calc_scaledsignal_loglikes) alt_loglike_keys.push_back("scaledsignal");
        first = false;

      // Clear the result map

      // Loop over analyses in Dep::AllAnalysisNumbers
      // Main loop over all analyses to compute DLL = LL_sb - LL_b
      for (size_t analysis = 0; analysis < ana.size(); ++analysis)
        // AnalysisData for this analysis
        const AnalysisData& ana_data = *(;
        const std::string ana_name = ana_data.analysis_name;
        const size_t nSR = ana_data.size();
        const bool has_covar = ana_data.srcov.rows() > 0;
        // Initialize the AnalysisLogLikes instance in the result map
        result[ana_name].initialize(ana_data, alt_loglike_keys);

        // We will access this AnalysisLogLikes instance via a shorthand reference 'ana_loglikes'
        AnalysisLogLikes& ana_loglikes = result[ana_name];

        #ifdef COLLIDERBIT_DEBUG
        std::streamsize stream_precision = cout.precision();  // get current precision
        cout.precision(2);  // set precision
        cout << DEBUG_PREFIX << "calc_LHC_LogLikes: " << "Will print content of " << ana_name << " signal regions:" << endl;
        for (size_t SR = 0; SR < ana_data.size(); ++SR)
          const SignalRegionData& srData = ana_data[SR];
          cout << std::fixed << DEBUG_PREFIX
                                 << "calc_LHC_LogLikes: " << ana_name
                                 << ", " << srData.sr_label
                                 << ",  n_b = " << srData.n_bkg << " +/- " << srData.n_bkg_err
                                 << ",  n_obs = " << srData.n_obs
                                 << ",  excess = " << srData.n_obs - srData.n_bkg << " +/- " << srData.n_bkg_err
                                 << ",  n_s = " << srData.n_sig_scaled
                                 << ",  (excess-n_s) = " << (srData.n_obs-srData.n_bkg) - srData.n_sig_scaled << " +/- " << srData.n_bkg_err
                                 << ",  n_s_MC = " << srData.n_sig_MC
                                 << endl;
        cout.precision(stream_precision); // restore previous precision

        // Shortcut #1
        if (skip_calc)
          // If this is an analysis with covariance info, only add a single 0-entry in the map
          if (use_covar && has_covar)
            ana_loglikes.set_no_signal_result_combination("none", -1);
          // If this is an analysis without covariance info, add 0-entries for all SRs plus
          // one for the combined LogLike
            ana_loglikes.set_no_signal_result_all_SRs("none", -1);

          #ifdef COLLIDERBIT_DEBUG
          cout << DEBUG_PREFIX << "calc_LHC_LogLikes: " << ana_name << "_LogLike : " << 0.0 << " (No events predicted / successfully generated. Skipped full calculation.)" << endl;

          // Continue to next analysis

        // Shortcut #2
        // If all SRs have 0 signal prediction, we know the delta log-likelihood is 0.
        bool all_zero_signal = true;
        for (size_t SR = 0; SR < nSR; ++SR)
          if (ana_data[SR].n_sig_MC != 0)
            all_zero_signal = false;
        if (all_zero_signal)
          // Store result
          if (use_covar && has_covar)
            ana_loglikes.set_no_signal_result_combination("all", -1);
            ana_loglikes.set_no_signal_result_all_SRs("all", -1);

          #ifdef COLLIDERBIT_DEBUG
          cout << DEBUG_PREFIX << "calc_LHC_LogLikes: " << ana_name << "_LogLike : " << 0.0 << " (No signal predicted. Skipped full calculation.)" << endl;

          // Continue to next analysis

        // Now perform the actual loglikes compuations for this analysis
        // First do standard loglike calculation
        fill_analysis_loglikes(ana_data, ana_loglikes, use_marg, marginaliser, use_covar && has_covar, combine_nocovar_SRs, runOptions, use_fulllikes, FullLikes_FileExists, FullLikes_ReadIn, FullLikes_Evaluate, xsec, n_mc);

        // Then do alternative loglike calculations:
        if (calc_noerr_loglikes)
          // Get a copy of the analysis data that we can modify
          AnalysisData ana_data_mod(ana_data);
          // Set the signal MC error to 0 for all signal regions
          for (size_t SR = 0; SR < nSR; ++SR)
            ana_data_mod[SR].n_sig_MC_stat = 0.;
          fill_analysis_loglikes(ana_data_mod, ana_loglikes, use_marg, marginaliser, use_covar && has_covar, combine_nocovar_SRs, runOptions, use_fulllikes, FullLikes_FileExists, FullLikes_ReadIn, FullLikes_Evaluate, xsec, n_mc,"noerr");
        if (calc_expected_loglikes)
          // Get a copy of the analysis data that we can modify
          AnalysisData ana_data_mod(ana_data);
          // Set the observed count = expected background count
          for (size_t SR = 0; SR < nSR; ++SR)
            ana_data_mod[SR].n_obs = ana_data_mod[SR].n_bkg;
          fill_analysis_loglikes(ana_data_mod, ana_loglikes, use_marg, marginaliser, use_covar && has_covar, combine_nocovar_SRs, runOptions, use_fulllikes, FullLikes_FileExists, FullLikes_ReadIn, FullLikes_Evaluate, xsec, n_mc, "expected");
        if (calc_expected_noerr_loglikes)
          // Get a copy of the analysis data that we can modify
          AnalysisData ana_data_mod(ana_data);
          // Set the observed count = expected background count, 
          // and set the signal MC error to 0 for all signal regions
          for (size_t SR = 0; SR < nSR; ++SR)
            ana_data_mod[SR].n_obs = ana_data_mod[SR].n_bkg;
            ana_data_mod[SR].n_sig_MC_stat = 0.;
          fill_analysis_loglikes(ana_data_mod, ana_loglikes, use_marg, marginaliser, use_covar && has_covar, combine_nocovar_SRs, runOptions, use_fulllikes, FullLikes_FileExists, FullLikes_ReadIn, FullLikes_Evaluate, xsec, n_mc, "expected_noerr");
        if (calc_scaledsignal_loglikes)
          // Get a copy of the analysis data that we can modify
          AnalysisData ana_data_mod(ana_data);
          // Scale the signal all signal regions
          for (size_t SR = 0; SR < nSR; ++SR)
            ana_data_mod[SR].n_sig_scaled *= signal_scalefactor;
          fill_analysis_loglikes(ana_data_mod, ana_loglikes, use_marg, marginaliser, use_covar && has_covar, combine_nocovar_SRs, runOptions, use_fulllikes, FullLikes_FileExists, FullLikes_ReadIn, FullLikes_Evaluate, xsec, n_mc, "scaledsignal");

      } // end analysis loop

    /// Loop over all analyses and fill a map of AnalysisLogLikes objects
    void calc_LHC_LogLikes_full(map_str_AnalysisLogLikes& result)
      using namespace Pipes::calc_LHC_LogLikes_full;
      AnalysisDataPointers ana = *(Dep::AllAnalysisNumbers);
      bool use_fulllikes = true;
      // If no events have been generated (xsec veto) or too many events have
      // failed, short-circut the loop and return delta log-likelihood = 0 for
      // every SR in each analysis.
      /// @todo Needs more sophistication once we add analyses that don't use event generation.
      bool skip_calc = (not Dep::RunMC->event_gen_BYPASS && (not Dep::RunMC->event_generation_began || Dep::RunMC->exceeded_maxFailedEvents) );

      // Get a pointer to the FullLikes backend functions.
      bool (*FileExists)(const str&) = BEreq::FullLikes_FileExists.pointer();
      int (*ReadIn)(const str&, const str&) = BEreq::FullLikes_ReadIn.pointer();
      double (*Evaluate)(std::map<str,double>&,const str&) = BEreq::FullLikes_Evaluate.pointer();

      double (*marginaliser)(const int&, const double&, const double&, const double&) = (*Pipes::calc_LHC_LogLikes_full::BEgroup::lnlike_marg_poisson == "lnlike_marg_poisson_lognormal_error") ? Pipes::calc_LHC_LogLikes_full::BEreq::lnlike_marg_poisson_lognormal_error.pointer() : Pipes::calc_LHC_LogLikes_full::BEreq::lnlike_marg_poisson_gaussian_error.pointer();

      // Get the cross-section and number of mc events (passed downstream for likelihood calculation)
      //double xsec = Dep::TotalCrossSection->xsec();
      std::string collider = Dep::RunMC->current_collider();
      std::map<std::string, xsec_container> xsec_map = *Dep::InitialTotalCrossSection;
      double xsec = xsec_map[collider].xsec();
      int n_mc = Dep::RunMC->mean_nEvents;

      // Set the estimator setting in the options and pass it down the chain
      std::string estimator = Dep::RunMC->estimator;
      Options runOptions_calc_LHC_LogLikes = *runOptions;
      runOptions_calc_LHC_LogLikes.setValue("poisson_like_estimator", estimator);

      // Call the calc_LHC_LogLikes
      calc_LHC_LogLikes_common(result, use_fulllikes, ana, runOptions_calc_LHC_LogLikes, marginaliser, skip_calc, FileExists, ReadIn, Evaluate, xsec, n_mc);


    /// Loop over all analyses and fill a map of AnalysisLogLikes objectss
    void calc_LHC_LogLikes(map_str_AnalysisLogLikes& result)
      using namespace Pipes::calc_LHC_LogLikes;
      AnalysisDataPointers ana = *(Dep::AllAnalysisNumbers);

      bool use_fulllikes = false;

      // If no events have been generated (xsec veto) or too many events have
      // failed, short-circut the loop and return delta log-likelihood = 0 for
      // every SR in each analysis.
      /// @todo Needs more sophistication once we add analyses that don't use event generation.
      bool skip_calc = (not Dep::RunMC->event_gen_BYPASS && (not Dep::RunMC->event_generation_began || Dep::RunMC->exceeded_maxFailedEvents) );

      double (*marginaliser)(const int&, const double&, const double&, const double&) = (*Pipes::calc_LHC_LogLikes::BEgroup::lnlike_marg_poisson == "lnlike_marg_poisson_lognormal_error") ? Pipes::calc_LHC_LogLikes::BEreq::lnlike_marg_poisson_lognormal_error.pointer() : Pipes::calc_LHC_LogLikes::BEreq::lnlike_marg_poisson_gaussian_error.pointer();

      // Get the cross-section and number of mc events (passed downstream for likelihood calculation)
      //double xsec = Dep::TotalCrossSection->xsec();
      std::string collider = Dep::RunMC->current_collider();
      std::map<std::string, xsec_container> xsec_map = *Dep::InitialTotalCrossSection;
      double xsec = xsec_map[collider].xsec();
      int n_mc = Dep::RunMC->mean_nEvents;

      // Set the estimator setting in the options and pass it down the chain
      std::string estimator = Dep::RunMC->estimator;
      Options runOptions_calc_LHC_LogLikes = *runOptions;
      runOptions_calc_LHC_LogLikes.setValue("poisson_like_estimator", estimator);
      // Call the calc_LHC_LogLikes
      calc_LHC_LogLikes_common(result, use_fulllikes, ana, runOptions_calc_LHC_LogLikes, marginaliser, skip_calc, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, xsec, n_mc);


    /// Extract the combined log likelihood for each analysis
    void get_LHC_LogLike_per_analysis(map_str_dbl& result)
      using namespace Pipes::get_LHC_LogLike_per_analysis;

      std::stringstream summary_line;
      summary_line << "LHC loglikes per analysis: ";

      for (const std::pair<const str, AnalysisLogLikes>& pair : *Dep::LHC_LogLikes)
        const str& analysis_name = pair.first;
        const AnalysisLogLikes& analysis_loglikes = pair.second;

        result[analysis_name] = analysis_loglikes.combination_loglike;

        summary_line << analysis_name << ":" << analysis_loglikes.combination_loglike << ", ";

        // Any alternative combined likelihoods?
        for (const auto& map_element : analysis_loglikes.alt_combination_loglikes)
          const str& alt_loglike_key = map_element.first;
          const double& alt_combination_loglike = map_element.second;
          result[analysis_name + "__" + alt_loglike_key + "_LogLike"] = alt_combination_loglike;

      logger() << LogTags::debug << summary_line.str() << EOM;

    /// Extract the log likelihood for each SR
    void get_LHC_LogLike_per_SR(map_str_dbl& result)
      using namespace Pipes::get_LHC_LogLike_per_SR;

      std::stringstream summary_line;
      summary_line << "LHC loglikes per SR: ";

      for (const std::pair<const str, AnalysisLogLikes>& pair_i : *Dep::LHC_LogLikes)
        const str& analysis_name = pair_i.first;
        const AnalysisLogLikes& analysis_loglikes = pair_i.second;

        summary_line << analysis_name << ": ";

        for (size_t sr_index = 0; sr_index < analysis_loglikes.sr_loglikes.size(); ++sr_index)
          const str& sr_label =;
          const double& sr_loglike =;

          str base_key = analysis_name + "__" + sr_label + "__i" + std::to_string(sr_index); // + "__LogLike";
          result[base_key + "__LogLike"] = sr_loglike;

          summary_line << sr_label + "__i" + std::to_string(sr_index) << ":" << sr_loglike << ", ";

          // Any alternative likelihoods?
          for (const auto& map_element : analysis_loglikes.alt_sr_loglikes)
            const str& alt_loglike_key = map_element.first;
            const double& alt_sr_loglike =;
            result[base_key + "__" + alt_loglike_key + "_LogLike"] = alt_sr_loglike;

        result[analysis_name + "__combined_LogLike"] = analysis_loglikes.combination_loglike;

        // Any alternative combined likelihoods?
        for (const auto& map_element : analysis_loglikes.alt_combination_loglikes)
          const str& alt_loglike_key = map_element.first;
          const double& alt_combination_loglike = map_element.second;
          result[analysis_name + "__combined_" + alt_loglike_key + "_LogLike"] = alt_combination_loglike;

        summary_line << "combined_LogLike:" << analysis_loglikes.combination_loglike << ", ";
      logger() << LogTags::debug << summary_line.str() << EOM;

    /// Extract the labels for the SRs used in the analysis loglikes
    void get_LHC_LogLike_SR_labels(map_str_str& result)
      using namespace Pipes::get_LHC_LogLike_per_SR;
      for (const std::pair<const str, AnalysisLogLikes>& pair_i : *Dep::LHC_LogLikes)
        const str& analysis_name = pair_i.first;
        const AnalysisLogLikes& analysis_loglikes = pair_i.second;

        result[analysis_name] = analysis_loglikes.combination_sr_label;

    /// Extract the indices for the SRs used in the analysis loglikes
    /// @todo Switch result type to map_str_int once we have implemented a printer for this type
    void get_LHC_LogLike_SR_indices(map_str_dbl& result)
      using namespace Pipes::get_LHC_LogLike_per_SR;

      std::stringstream summary_line;
      summary_line << "LHC loglike SR indices: ";

      // Loop over analyses
      for (const std::pair<const str, AnalysisLogLikes>& pair_i : *Dep::LHC_LogLikes)
        const str& analysis_name = pair_i.first;
        const AnalysisLogLikes& analysis_loglikes = pair_i.second;

        result[analysis_name] = (double) analysis_loglikes.combination_sr_index;

        summary_line << analysis_name << ":" << analysis_loglikes.combination_sr_index << ", ";
      logger() << LogTags::debug << summary_line.str() << EOM;

    /// Compute the total likelihood combining all analyses
    void calc_combined_LHC_LogLike(double& result)
      using namespace Pipes::calc_combined_LHC_LogLike;
      result = 0.0;

      static bool first = true;
      static const bool write_summary_to_log = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "write_summary_to_log");
      static const str alt_loglike_key = runOptions->getValueOrDef<str>("", "alt_loglike");
      static bool use_alt_loglike = !alt_loglike_key.empty();

      std::stringstream summary_line_combined_loglike; 
      summary_line_combined_loglike << "calc_combined_LHC_LogLike: combined LogLike: ";
      std::stringstream summary_line_skipped_analyses;
      summary_line_skipped_analyses << "calc_combined_LHC_LogLike: skipped analyses: ";
      std::stringstream summary_line_included_analyses;
      summary_line_included_analyses << "calc_combined_LHC_LogLike: included analyses: ";

      // Read analysis names from the yaml file
      std::vector<str> default_skip_analyses;  // The default is empty lists of analyses to skip
      static const std::vector<str> skip_analyses = Downstream::subcaps->getValueOrDef<std::vector<str> >(default_skip_analyses, "skip_analyses");

      // If too many events have failed, do the conservative thing and return delta log-likelihood = 0
      if (Dep::RunMC->exceeded_maxFailedEvents)
        #ifdef COLLIDERBIT_DEBUG
          cout << DEBUG_PREFIX << "calc_combined_LHC_LogLike: Too many failed events. Will be conservative and return a delta log-likelihood of 0." << endl;

      // Loop over analyses and calculate the total observed dLL
      for (const std::pair<const str, AnalysisLogLikes>& pair : *Dep::LHC_LogLikes)
        const str& analysis_name = pair.first;
        const AnalysisLogLikes& analysis_loglikes = pair.second;

        // On the first iteration we check that if the alt_loglike option is specified, the input 
        // string must exist as a key in the AnalysisLogLikes::alt_combination_loglikes map
        if (first)
          if (use_alt_loglike)
            if (analysis_loglikes.alt_combination_loglikes.count(alt_loglike_key) == 0)
              ColliderBit_error().set_fatal(true); // This one must regarded fatal since there is something wrong in the user input
              ColliderBit_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "The provided 'alt_loglike' key '" + alt_loglike_key + "' is unknown. Please check your YAML file.");
          first = false;

        // Get the loglike value.
        // Use the regular loglike or an alternative one?
        double use_analysis_loglike = 0.0;
        if (use_alt_loglike) 
          use_analysis_loglike =;
          use_analysis_loglike = analysis_loglikes.combination_loglike;

        // If the analysis name is in skip_analyses, don't add its loglike to the total loglike.
        if (std::find(skip_analyses.begin(), skip_analyses.end(), analysis_name) != skip_analyses.end())
          #ifdef COLLIDERBIT_DEBUG
            cout << DEBUG_PREFIX << "calc_combined_LHC_LogLike: Leaving out analysis " << analysis_name << " with LogL = " << use_analysis_loglike << endl;

          // Add to log summary
            summary_line_skipped_analyses << analysis_name << "__LogLike:" << use_analysis_loglike << ", ";


        // OK, analysis is not in the skip_analysis list, so we proceed to add the analysis loglike

        // If using capped likelihood for each individual analysis, set use_analysis_loglike = min(use_analysis_loglike, 0)
        static const bool use_cap_loglike_individual = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "cap_loglike_individual_analyses");
        if (use_cap_loglike_individual)
          result += std::min(use_analysis_loglike, 0.0);
          result += use_analysis_loglike;

        // Add to log summary
          summary_line_included_analyses << analysis_name << "__LogLike:" << use_analysis_loglike << ", ";

        #ifdef COLLIDERBIT_DEBUG
          cout << DEBUG_PREFIX << "calc_combined_LHC_LogLike: Analysis " << analysis_name << " contributes with a LogL = " << use_analysis_loglike << endl;

        cout << DEBUG_PREFIX << "calc_combined_LHC_LogLike: LHC_Combined_LogLike = " << result << endl;

      // If using a "global" capped likelihood, set result = min(result,0)
      static const bool use_cap_loglike = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "cap_loglike");
      if (use_cap_loglike)
        result = std::min(result, 0.0);

      // Write log summary
        summary_line_combined_loglike << result;

        logger() << summary_line_combined_loglike.str() << EOM;
        logger() << summary_line_included_analyses.str() << EOM;
        logger() << summary_line_skipped_analyses.str() << EOM;

    /// A dummy log-likelihood that helps the scanner track a given 
    /// range of collider log-likelihood values
    void calc_LHC_LogLike_scan_guide(double& result)
      using namespace Pipes::calc_LHC_LogLike_scan_guide;
      result = 0.0;

      static const bool write_summary_to_log = runOptions->getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "write_summary_to_log");
      static const double target_LHC_loglike = runOptions->getValue<double>("target_LHC_loglike");
      static const double target_width = runOptions->getValue<double>("width_LHC_loglike");

      // Get the combined LHC loglike
      double LHC_loglike = *Dep::LHC_Combined_LogLike;

      // Calculate the dummy scan guide loglike using a gaussian centered on the target LHC loglike value
      result = Stats::gaussian_loglikelihood(LHC_loglike, target_LHC_loglike, 0.0, target_width, false);

      // Write log summary
        std::stringstream summary_line; 
        summary_line << "LHC_LogLike_scan_guide: " << result;
        logger() << summary_line.str() << EOM;


Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:43 +0000