file src/interface.cpp
[No description available]
Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::Scanner |
Gambit::Scanner::Python |
Name | |
class | Gambit::Scanner::Python::IniFileParser |
Source code
#include <csignal>
#include "gambit/Logs/logger.hpp"
#include "gambit/Logs/logmaster.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/signal_helpers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/signal_handling.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/static_members.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/stream_overloads.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/yaml_parser_base.hpp"
#include "gambit/Logs/logger.hpp"
#include "gambit/Printers/printermanager.hpp"
#include "gambit/ScannerBit/scannerbit.hpp"
#include "gambit/ScannerBit/priors_rollcall.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/mpiwrapper.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/yaml_parser_base.hpp"
#include "gambit/ScannerBit/scan.hpp"
#include "interface.hpp"
using namespace Gambit;
using namespace LogTags;
namespace Gambit
namespace Scanner
namespace Python
class IniFileParser : public Gambit::IniParser::Parser
void inputNode(const YAML::Node &node)
this->basicParse(node, "pyScannerBit.yaml");
void do_cleanup()
Gambit::Scanner::Plugins::plugin_info.dump(); // Also calls printer finalise() routine
static void terminator()
std::cout << std::endl << "Gambit has encountered an uncaught error during initialisation." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "Check the output logs for details." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "(Check your yaml file if you can't recall where the logs are.)" << std::endl << std::endl;
std::exception_ptr eptr = std::current_exception();
catch (const std::exception &e)
std::cout << "what(): " << e.what() << std::endl;
catch (...)
std::cout << "Exception not derived from std::exception." << std::endl;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
#ifdef WITH_MPI
: init_mpi(initmpi)
#ifdef WITH_MPI
if (init_mpi)
//bool allow_finalize(true);
std::shared_ptr<printer_wrapper> scan_interface::get_printer()
return std::shared_ptr<printer_wrapper>(new printer_wrapper(this), [](printer_wrapper *in){delete in;});
/// Main scan execution program
int scan_interface::run_scan(Gambit::IniParser::Parser &iniFile, const Gambit::Scanner::Factory_Base *factory, Gambit::Priors::BasePrior *user_prior, bool resume)
#ifdef WITH_MPI
bool use_mpi_abort = true; // Set later via inifile value
//rm: cout << std::setprecision(Core().get_outprec());
// Default exit behaviour in cases where no exceptions are raised
int return_value(EXIT_SUCCESS);
#ifdef WITH_MPI
bool allow_finalize(true);
/// Idea by Tom Fogal, for optionally preventing execution of code until debugger allows it
/// Source:
#ifdef WITH_MPI
GMPI::Comm temp_comm;
int rank = temp_comm.Get_rank();
if( getenv("GAMBIT_MPI_DEBUG") != NULL )
fprintf(stderr, "pid %li (rank %i) waiting for debugger \n", (long)getpid(), rank);
if( rank==0 )
volatile int i = 0;
while(i == 0) { /* change ’i’ in the debugger */ }
fprintf(stderr, "Variable 'i' changed externally; resuming execution! \n");
// All processes wait at the barrier until process 0 is "released" by debugger.
// If try/catch etc needs to be set for other processes, do those first before
// releasing process zero.
{ // Scope to ensure that all MPI communicators get destroyed before Finalize is called.
// Set up signal handling function
// We attempt a clean shutdown on any of these signals
signal(SIGTERM, sighandler_soft);
signal(SIGINT, sighandler_soft);
signal(SIGUSR1, sighandler_soft);
signal(SIGUSR2, sighandler_soft);
#ifdef WITH_MPI
/// Create an MPI communicator group for use by error handlers
GMPI::Comm errorComm;
errorComm.dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD,"errorComm"); // duplicates the COMM_WORLD context
const int ERROR_TAG=1; // Tag for error messages
errorComm.mytag = ERROR_TAG;
signaldata().set_MPI_comm(&errorComm); // Provide a communicator for signal handling routines to use.
/// Create an MPI communicator group for ScannerBit to use
GMPI::Comm scanComm;
scanComm.dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD,"scanComm"); // duplicates the COMM_WORLD context
/// MPI rank for use in error messages;
int rank = scanComm.Get_rank();
int rank = 0;
// Parse command line arguments, launching into the appropriate diagnostic mode
// if the argument passed warrants it. Otherwise just get the filename.
//rm: const str filename = Core().run_diagnostic(argc,argv);
if (rank == 0)
cout << endl << "Starting ScannerBit" << endl;
cout << "----------" << endl;
//rm: if(Core().found_inifile) cout << "YAML file: "<< filename << endl;
//rm: std::vector<std::string> arguments(argv, argv + argc);
//rm: logger() << core << "Command invoked: ";
//rm: for(int i=0;i<argc;i++){ logger() << arguments[i] << " "; }
//rm: logger() << endl;
//rm: logger() << core << "Starting ScannerBit" << EOM;
//rm: if( Core().resume ) logger() << core << "Attempting to resume scan..." << EOM;
//rm: logger() << core << "Registered module functors [Core().getModuleFunctors().size()]: ";
//rm: logger() << Core().getModuleFunctors().size() << endl;
//rm: logger() << "Registered backend functors [Core().getBackendFunctors().size()]: ";
//rm: logger() << Core().getBackendFunctors().size() << EOM;
// Read YAML file, which also initialises the logger.
//rm: IniParser::IniFile iniFile;
//rm: iniFile.readFile(filename);
// Check if user wants to disable use of MPI_Abort (since it does not work correctly in all MPI implementations)
#ifdef WITH_MPI
use_mpi_abort = iniFile.getValueOrDef<bool>(true, "use_mpi_abort");
// Initialise the random number generator, letting the RNG class choose its own defaults.
Options rng(iniFile.getValueOrDef<YAML::Node>(YAML::Node(), "rng"));
std::string generator = rng.getValueOrDef<std::string>("default", "generator");
int seed = rng.getValueOrDef<int>(-1, "seed");
Random::create_rng_engine(generator, seed);
// Determine selected model(s)
//rm: std::set<str> selectedmodels = iniFile.getModelNames();
// Activate "primary" model functors
//rm: Core().registerActiveModelFunctors( Models::ModelDB().getPrimaryModelFunctorsToActivate( selectedmodels, Core().getPrimaryModelFunctors() ) );
// Deactivate module functions reliant on classes from missing backends
//rm: Core().accountForMissingClasses();
// Set up the printer manager for redirection of scan output.
Printers::PrinterManager printerManager(iniFile.getPrinterNode(),resume);
global_printer = &printerManager;
// Set up dependency resolver
//rm: DRes::DependencyResolver dependencyResolver(Core(), Models::ModelDB(), iniFile, Utils::typeEquivalencies(), *(printerManager.printerptr));
// Log module function info
//rm: dependencyResolver.printFunctorList();
// Do the dependency resolution
//rm: if (rank == 0) cout << "Resolving dependencies and backend requirements. Hang tight..." << endl;
//rm: dependencyResolver.doResolution();
//rm: if (rank == 0) cout << "...done!" << endl;
// Check that all requested models are used for at least one computation
//rm: Models::ModelDB().checkPrimaryModelFunctorUsage(Core().getActiveModelFunctors());
// Report the proposed (output) functor evaluation order
//rm: dependencyResolver.printFunctorEvalOrder(Core().show_runorder);
// If true, bail out (just wanted the run order, not a scan); otherwise, keep going.
//rm: if (not Core().show_runorder)
//rm: {
//Define the likelihood container object for the scanner
//rm: Likelihood_Container_Factory factory(Core(), dependencyResolver, iniFile, *(printerManager.printerptr)
//rm: #ifdef WITH_MPI
//rm: , errorComm
//rm: #endif
//rm: );
//Make scanner yaml node
YAML::Node scanner_node;
scanner_node["Scanner"] = iniFile.getScannerNode();
scanner_node["Parameters"] = iniFile.getParametersNode();
scanner_node["Priors"] = iniFile.getPriorsNode();
//Create the master scan manager
Scanner::Scan_Manager scan(scanner_node, &printerManager, factory, user_prior);
// Set cleanup function to call during premature shutdown
// For extra speed with fast likelihood evaluations, disable the logs while the scans runs
bool disable_logs_during_scan = iniFile.getValueOrDef<bool>(false, "disable_logs_during_scan");
if(disable_logs_during_scan) logger().disable();
//Do the scan!
logger() << core << "Starting scan." << EOM;
if (rank == 0) std::cerr << "Starting scan." << std::endl;
scan.Run(); // Note: the likelihood container will unblock signals when it is safe to receive them.
logger().enable(); // Turn logs back on (in case they were disabled for speed)
// Check why we have exited the scanner; scan may have been terminated early by a signal.
// We assume here that because the scanner has exited that it has already down whatever
// cleanup it requires, including finalising the printers, i.e. the 'do_cleanup()' function will NOT run.
logger() << "ScannerBit has performed a controlled early shutdown due to early termination of the scanner plugin." << EOM;
if (rank == 0) cout << "ScannerBit has performed a controlled early shutdown." << endl << endl;
//Scan is done; inform signal handlers
logger() << "ScannerBit run completed successfully." << EOM;
if (rank == 0) cout << endl << "ScannerBit has finished successfully!" << endl << endl;
//rm: }
/// Special catch block for silent shutdown
/// This exception is designed to be thrown during diagnostic mode
catch (const SilentShutdownException& e)
// No need to do anything, just let program shut down normally from here
/// Special catch block for controlled shutdown
/// This exception should only be thrown if it is safe to call MPI_Finalise,
/// as this will occur once we leave the catch block.
catch (const SoftShutdownException& e)
if (not logger().disabled())
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << e.what() << endl;
ss << "ScannerBit has performed a controlled early shutdown." << endl;
if(rank == 0) cout << ss.str();
logger() << ss.str() << signaldata().display_received_signals() << EOM;
// Let program shutdown normally from here
/// Special catch block for hard shutdown
/// No MPI_Finalise called, nor MPI_Abort. Should only be triggered when all
/// processes are supposed to be trying to shut themselves down quickly, for
/// example if synchronising for soft shutdown fails.
catch (const HardShutdownException& e)
if (not logger().disabled())
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << e.what() << endl;
ss << "ScannerBit has shutdown (but could not finalise or abort MPI)." << endl;
if(rank == 0) cout << ss.str();
logger() << ss.str() << signaldata().display_received_signals() << EOM;
/// Shut down due receipt of MPI emergency shutdown message
catch (const MPIShutdownException& e)
if (not logger().disabled())
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << e.what() << endl;
ss << "ScannerBit has shutdown due to an error on another process." << endl;
if(rank == 0) cout << ss.str();
logger() << ss.str() << EOM;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
allow_finalize = GMPI::PrepareForFinalizeWithTimeout(use_mpi_abort);
return_value = EXIT_FAILURE;
catch (const std::exception& e)
if (not logger().disabled())
cerr << endl << " \033[00;31;1mFATAL ERROR\033[00m" << endl << endl;
cerr << "ScannerBit has exited with fatal exception: " << e.what() << endl;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
allow_finalize = GMPI::PrepareForFinalizeWithTimeout(use_mpi_abort);
return_value = EXIT_FAILURE;
catch (str& e)
cout << endl << " \033[00;31;1mFATAL ERROR\033[00m" << endl << endl;
cout << "ScannerBit has exited with a fatal and uncaught exception " << endl;
cout << "thrown from a backend code. Due to poor code design in " << e << endl;
cout << "the backend, the exception has been thrown as a string. " << endl;
cout << "If you are the author of the backend, please throw only " << endl;
cout << "exceptions that inherit from std::exception. Error string: " << endl;
cout << e << endl;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
allow_finalize = GMPI::PrepareForFinalizeWithTimeout(use_mpi_abort);
return_value = EXIT_FAILURE;
#ifdef WITH_MPI
if (signaldata().shutdown_begun()) signaldata().discard_excess_shutdown_messages();
// If all processes receive a POSIX signal to shutdown there might be many of these
// (e.g. says 1000 processes all independently get a POSIX signal to shut down;
// they will each broadcast this command via MPI to all other processes, i.e.
// 1000*1000 messages will be sent. Could be slow.
#ifdef WITH_MPI
if(rank == 0 and init_mpi) cout << "Calling MPI_Finalize..." << endl; // Debug
} // End main scope; want to destruct all communicators before MPI_Finalize() is called
#ifdef WITH_MPI
if (init_mpi and allow_finalize) GMPI::Finalize();
return return_value;
int scan_interface::run_scan_node(YAML::Node *node, const Gambit::Scanner::Factory_Base *factory, Gambit::Priors::BasePrior *user_prior, bool resume)
IniFileParser iniFile;
return run_scan(iniFile, factory, user_prior, resume);
int scan_interface::run_scan_str(std::string *filename, const Gambit::Scanner::Factory_Base *factory, Gambit::Priors::BasePrior *user_prior, bool resume)
IniFileParser iniFile;
return run_scan(iniFile, factory, user_prior, resume);
void printer_wrapper::aux_printer(const std::string &key, const double &value)
using Gambit::Printers::get_aux_param_id;
Gambit::Scanner::printer *printer = scanner->get_printer_manager().get_stream();
printer->print(value, key, get_aux_param_id(key), printer->getRank(), Gambit::Printers::get_point_id());
void printer_wrapper::main_printer(const std::string &key, const double &value)
using Gambit::Printers::get_main_param_id;
Gambit::Scanner::printer *printer = scanner->get_printer_manager().get_stream();
printer->print(value, key, get_main_param_id(key), printer->getRank(), Gambit::Printers::get_point_id());
void printer_wrapper::main_printer(std::unordered_map<std::string, double> &key_map)
using Gambit::Printers::get_main_param_id;
Gambit::Scanner::printer *printer = scanner->get_printer_manager().get_stream();
for (auto it = key_map.begin(), end = key_map.end(); it != end; ++it)
printer->print(it->second, it->first, get_main_param_id(it->first), printer->getRank(), Gambit::Printers::get_point_id());
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:40 +0000