file ScannerBit/include/gambit/ScannerBit/python_utils.hpp

[No description available]


TODO: see if we can use this one:

Source code


#include "gambit/Utils/begin_ignore_warnings_pybind11.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/begin_ignore_warnings_eigen.hpp"
#include <pybind11/embed.h>
#include <pybind11/eigen.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include <pybind11/stl_bind.h>
#include "gambit/Utils/end_ignore_warnings.hpp"

namespace py = pybind11;

namespace Gambit
    namespace Scanner
         * @brief Determines the Python type of a given object.
         * This function inspects a Python object and returns a string representation of its type.
         * @param obj The Python object whose type is to be determined.
         * @return A string representation of the Python object's type.
        inline std::string pytype(py::handle o)
            return o.attr("__class__").attr("__name__").template cast<std::string>();
         * @brief Checks if a given Python object matches a specified type.
         * This function inspects a Python object and checks if it matches the specified type.
         * @tparam T The type to check against.
         * @param args The Python kwargs object containing the arguments.
         * @param type The key in the kwargs to check the type of. Defaults to "dtype".
         * @param def_type The default return value if the type key is not found in the kwargs. Defaults to false.
         * @return True if the object matches the specified type, false otherwise.
        template<typename T>
        bool is_pytype(py::kwargs args, const std::string &type = "dtype", bool def_type = false)
            if (args.contains(type.c_str())) 
                auto arg = args[type.c_str()];
                if (pytype(arg) == "type" ? py::handle(arg).is(T().get_type()) : 
                    pytype(arg) == "str" || pytype(arg) == "unicode" ? arg.template cast<std::string>() == pytype(T()) : false)
                    return true;
                    return false;
                return def_type;
         * @brief Converts a YAML node to a Python dictionary.
         * This function recursively traverses a YAML node and constructs a corresponding Python dictionary.
         * @param node The YAML node to be converted.
         * @return A Python dictionary that represents the YAML node.
        inline py::object yaml_to_dict(const YAML::Node &node)
            if (node.IsNull())
                return py::dict();
            else if (node.IsMap())
                py::dict d;
                for (auto &&n : node)
                    d[py::cast(n.first.template as<std::string>())] = yaml_to_dict(n.second);
                return d;
            else if (node.IsSequence())
                py::list l;
                for (auto &&n : node)
                return l;
            else if (node.IsScalar())
                int ret_i;
                if (YAML::convert<int>::decode(node, ret_i))
                    return py::cast(ret_i);

                double ret_d;
                if (YAML::convert<double>::decode(node, ret_d))
                    return py::cast(ret_d);

                bool ret_b;
                if (YAML::convert<bool>::decode(node, ret_b))
                    return py::cast(ret_b);

                return py::cast(node.template as<std::string>());
                return py::object();
         * @brief Converts a Python dictionary to a YAML node.
         * This function recursively traverses a Python dictionary and constructs a corresponding YAML node.
         * @param o The Python object to be converted.
         * @return A YAML node that represents the Python dictionary.
        inline YAML::Node dict_to_yaml(py::handle o)
            YAML::Node node;
            std::string type = pytype(o);
            if (type == "dict")
                for (auto &&it : py::cast<py::dict>(o))
                    node[dict_to_yaml(it.first)] = dict_to_yaml(it.second);
            else if(type == "list")
                for (auto &&it : py::cast<py::list>(o))
            else if(type == "tuple")
                for (auto &&it : py::cast<py::tuple>(o))
            else if (type == "float" || type == "float64")
                node = o.template cast<double>();
            else if (type == "int")
                node = o.template cast<int>();
            else if (type == "str" || type == "unicode")
                node = o.template cast<std::string>();
            else if (type == "bool")
                node = o.template cast<bool>();
            else if (type == "NoneType")
                node = YAML::Node();
                throw std::invalid_argument("Error converting python dictionary to YAML node:  " + type + " type not recognized.");
            return node;


Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:40 +0000