file Elements/higgs_couplings_table.hpp
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Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
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class | Gambit::HiggsCouplingsTable GAMBIT native higgs coupling table class. |
Detailed Description
Author: Pat Scott (
Date: 2016 Sep
Lightweight higgs partial widths container
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Lightweight higgs partial widths container
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date 2016 Sep
/// *********************************************
#ifndef __higgs_couplings_table_hpp__
#define __higgs_couplings_table_hpp__
#include "gambit/Utils/util_types.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/decay_table.hpp"
namespace Gambit
// TODO: Temporarily disabled until project is ready
// Simple structure containing the fN parameters of the Higgs couplings to nucleons
/*struct Higgs_Nucleon_coupling_fN
double proton; // fN parameter for the Higgs-proton coupling
double neutron; // fN parameter for the Higgs-neutron couplings
/// GAMBIT native higgs coupling table class.
class HiggsCouplingsTable
/// SM neutral higgs decays
/// @{
std::vector<const DecayTable::Entry*> neutral_decays_SM_array;
std::map<str, const DecayTable::Entry&> neutral_decays_SM_map;
/// @}
/// BSM higgs decays
/// @{
std::vector<const DecayTable::Entry*> neutral_decays_array;
std::vector<const DecayTable::Entry*> charged_decays_array;
std::map<str, const DecayTable::Entry&> neutral_decays_map;
std::map<str, const DecayTable::Entry&> charged_decays_map;
/// @}
/// t decays (as t can decay to h)
const DecayTable::Entry* t_decays;
/// Number of neutral Higgs bosons
int n_neutral_higgses;
/// Number of charged Higgs bosons
int n_charged_higgses;
/// CP of neutral higgses
std::vector<double> CP;
/// Particles that higgses can decay invisibly to
std::vector<std::pair<str,str>> invisibles;
/// Effective couplings for neutral higgses
/// @{
std::vector<double> C_WW2;
std::vector<double> C_ZZ2;
std::vector<double> C_tt2;
std::vector<double> C_bb2;
std::vector<double> C_cc2;
std::vector<double> C_tautau2;
std::vector<double> C_gaga2;
std::vector<double> C_gg2;
std::vector<double> C_mumu2;
std::vector<double> C_Zga2;
std::vector<double> C_ss2;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> C_hiZ2;
/// @}
/// Constructor
HiggsCouplingsTable() {};
/// Set the number of neutral Higgses
void set_n_neutral_higgs(int);
/// Set the number of charged Higgses
void set_n_charged_higgs(int);
/// Retrieve number of neutral higgses
int get_n_neutral_higgs() const;
/// Retrieve number of charged higgses
int get_n_charged_higgs() const;
/// Set all effective couplings to 1
void set_effective_couplings_to_unity();
/// Compute a neutral higgs effective coupling from the current two-body neutral higgs decays
/// @{
template <typename T>
double compute_effective_coupling(int index, const T& p1, const T& p2)
if (index > n_neutral_higgses - 1) utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Requested index beyond n_neutral_higgses.");
// If channel is missing from either SM or BSM decays, return unity.
if (!neutral_decays_SM_array[index]->has_channel(p1, p2) or !neutral_decays_array[index]->has_channel(p1, p2)) return 1.;
double smwidth = neutral_decays_SM_array[index]->width_in_GeV;
double smbf = neutral_decays_SM_array[index]->BF(p1, p2);
if (smwidth <= 0. or smbf <= 0.) return 1.;
double total_width_ratio = neutral_decays_array[index]->width_in_GeV / smwidth;
double BF_ratio = neutral_decays_array[index]->BF(p1, p2) / smbf;
return total_width_ratio * BF_ratio;
template <typename T>
double compute_effective_coupling(str name, const T& p1, const T& p2)
if (neutral_decays_SM_map.find(name) == neutral_decays_SM_map.end() or
neutral_decays_map.find(name) == neutral_decays_map.end())
utils_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, "Requested higgs not found.");
// If channel is missing from either SM or BSM decays, return unity.
if (!, p2) or !, p2)) return 1.;
double smwidth =;
double smbf =, p2);
if (smwidth <= 0. or smbf <= 0.) return 1.;
double total_width_ratio = / smwidth;
double BF_ratio =, p2) / smbf;
return total_width_ratio * BF_ratio;
/// @}
/// Assign decay entries to the various table components
/// @{
void set_neutral_decays_SM(int, const str&, const DecayTable::Entry&);
void set_neutral_decays(int, const str&, const DecayTable::Entry&);
void set_charged_decays(int, const str&, const DecayTable::Entry&);
void set_t_decays(const DecayTable::Entry&);
/// @}
/// Retrieve decay sets
/// @{
const std::vector<const DecayTable::Entry*>& get_neutral_decays_SM_array() const;
const DecayTable::Entry& get_neutral_decays_SM(int) const;
const DecayTable::Entry& get_neutral_decays_SM(const str&) const;
const std::vector<const DecayTable::Entry*>& get_neutral_decays_array() const;
const DecayTable::Entry& get_neutral_decays(int) const;
const DecayTable::Entry& get_neutral_decays(const str&) const;
const std::vector<const DecayTable::Entry*>& get_charged_decays_array() const;
const DecayTable::Entry& get_charged_decays(int) const;
const DecayTable::Entry& get_charged_decays(const str&) const;
const DecayTable::Entry& get_t_decays() const;
/// @}
#endif //__higgs_couplings_table_hpp__
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:34 +0000