file hdf5printer_v2/hdf5printer_v2/print_overloads.cpp
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Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::Printers Forward declaration. |
Name | |
PRINT(TYPE) Simple print functions. | |
Detailed Description
- Ben Farmer (
- Pat Scott (
- 2015 May, 2019 Jan
- 2017 March
HDF5Printer print function overloads. Add a new overload of the _print function in this file if you want to be able to print a new type.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Macros Documentation
define PRINT
#define PRINT(
_print(TYPE const& value, const std::string& label, const int /*vID*/, const uint rank, const ulong pID) \
{ basic_print(value,label,rank,pID); }
Simple print functions.
PRINT FUNCTIONS Need to define one of these for every type we want to print!
define PRINTAS
#define PRINTAS(
_print(INTYPE const& value, const std::string& label, const int vID, const uint rank, const ulong pID) \
{ _print((OUTTYPE)value,label,vID,rank,pID); }
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// HDF5Printer print function
/// overloads. Add a new overload of the _print
/// function in this file if you want to be able
/// to print a new type.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Ben Farmer
/// (
/// \date 2015 May, 2019 Jan
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date 2017 March
/// *********************************************
#include "gambit/Printers/printers/hdf5printer_v2.hpp"
#include "gambit/Printers/printers/common_print_overloads.hpp"
namespace Gambit
namespace Printers
/// Need to define one of these for every type we want to print!
/// Simple print functions
#define PRINT(TYPE) _print(TYPE const& value, const std::string& label, const int /*vID*/, const uint rank, const ulong pID) \
{ basic_print(value,label,rank,pID); }
void HDF5Printer2::PRINT(int)
void HDF5Printer2::PRINT(uint)
void HDF5Printer2::PRINT(long)
void HDF5Printer2::PRINT(ulong)
void HDF5Printer2::PRINT(float)
void HDF5Printer2::PRINT(double)
#undef PRINT
// longlongs can lead to ambiguity problems matching C++ to HDF5 types, since they are sometimes the same as longs. So just stick
// with longs in the printer, they are long enough
#define PRINTAS(INTYPE,OUTTYPE) _print(INTYPE const& value, const std::string& label, const int vID, const uint rank, const ulong pID) \
{ _print((OUTTYPE)value,label,vID,rank,pID); }
void HDF5Printer2::PRINTAS(longlong, long)
void HDF5Printer2::PRINTAS(ulonglong, ulong)
#undef PRINTAS
/// Bools can't quite use the template print function directly, since there
/// are some issues with bools and MPI/HDF5 types. Easier to just convert
/// the bool to an int first.
void HDF5Printer2::_print(bool const& value, const std::string& label, const int vID, const unsigned int mpirank, const unsigned long pointID)
unsigned int val_as_uint = value;
// Piggyback off existing print functions to build standard overloads
USE_COMMON_PRINT_OVERLOAD(HDF5Printer2, std::vector<double>)
USE_COMMON_PRINT_OVERLOAD(HDF5Printer2, map_str_dbl)
USE_COMMON_PRINT_OVERLOAD(HDF5Printer2, map_str_str)
USE_COMMON_PRINT_OVERLOAD(HDF5Printer2, map_const_str_dbl)
USE_COMMON_PRINT_OVERLOAD(HDF5Printer2, map_str_map_str_dbl)
USE_COMMON_PRINT_OVERLOAD(HDF5Printer2, map_const_str_map_const_str_dbl)
USE_COMMON_PRINT_OVERLOAD(HDF5Printer2, map_intpair_dbl)
USE_COMMON_PRINT_OVERLOAD(HDF5Printer2, ModelParameters)
USE_COMMON_PRINT_OVERLOAD(HDF5Printer2, triplet<double>)
USE_COMMON_PRINT_OVERLOAD(HDF5Printer2, flav_prediction)
USE_COMMON_PRINT_OVERLOAD(HDF5Printer2, DM_nucleon_couplings)
/// @}
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:34 +0000