file hdf5printer/hdf5printer/retrieve_overloads.cpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:
Forward declaration.




Retrieve functions.
LABELNXN(N, baseentry, tag, block)
LABEL3X3DIAG(baseentry, tag, block)

Detailed Description



  • 2017 Jan
  • 2017 March

HDF5 interface reaader class retrieve function overloads. Add a new overload of the _retrieve function in this file if you want to be able to read a new type for postprocessing.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Macros Documentation


#define RETRIEVE(
        _retrieve(TYPE& out, const std::string& l, const uint r, const ulong p) \
        { return  _retrieve_template(out,l,0,r,p); }

Retrieve functions.

Templatable retrieve functions


        _retrieve(INTYPE& out, const std::string& l, const uint r, const ulong p) \
        { \
           OUTTYPE outtmp; \
           bool valid = _retrieve_template(outtmp,l,0,r,p); \
           out = (INTYPE)outtmp; \
           return valid; \


#define LABELNXN(
               for(int i=1; i<=N; i++){ for(int j=1; j<=N; j++) { \
                  std::stringstream entry; \
                  entry<<baseentry<<"_("<<i<<","<<j<<")"; \
                  labels_to_SLHA[entry.str()] = SLHAcombo(tag, block, i, j); \


#define LABEL3X3DIAG(
               for(int i=1; i<=3; i++){ \
                  std::stringstream entry; \
                  entry<<baseentry<<"_("<<i<<","<<i<<")"; \
                  labels_to_SLHA[entry.str()] = SLHAcombo(tag, block, i, i); \

define GETPAR

#define GETPAR(
            { \
               bool found_tmp; \
               retrieve_and_add_to_SLHAea(out, found_tmp, spec_type, NAME, SLHAcombo(TAG, "TEMP", TEMP_INDEX), all_dataset_labels, rank, pointID); \
               if(not found_tmp) \
               { \
                  std::ostringstream err; \
                  err<<"Failed to find "<<NAME<<" ("<<TAG<<") needed to compute SLHA spectrum information!"; \
                  printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,err.str()); \
               } \
               OUT = SLHAea_get(out,"TEMP",TEMP_INDEX); \

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  HDF5 interface reaader class retrieve function
///  overloads.  Add a new overload of the _retrieve
///  function in this file if you want to be able
///  to read a new type for postprocessing.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Ben Farmer
///          (
///  \date 2017 Jan
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2017 March
///  *********************************************

#include "gambit/Printers/printers/hdf5reader.hpp"
#include "gambit/Printers/printers/hdf5printer.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/util_functions.hpp"

namespace Gambit
  namespace Printers

     /// @{ Retrieve functions

     /// Templatable retrieve functions
     #define RETRIEVE(TYPE) _retrieve(TYPE& out, const std::string& l, const uint r, const ulong p) \
        { return  _retrieve_template(out,l,0,r,p); }
     bool HDF5Reader::RETRIEVE(int      )
     bool HDF5Reader::RETRIEVE(uint     )
     bool HDF5Reader::RETRIEVE(long     )
     bool HDF5Reader::RETRIEVE(ulong    )
     bool HDF5Reader::RETRIEVE(float    )
     bool HDF5Reader::RETRIEVE(double   )
     #undef RETRIEVE

     #define RETRIEVEFROM(INTYPE,OUTTYPE) _retrieve(INTYPE& out, const std::string& l, const uint r, const ulong p) \
        { \
           OUTTYPE outtmp; \
           bool valid = _retrieve_template(outtmp,l,0,r,p); \
           out = (INTYPE)outtmp; \
           return valid; \
     bool HDF5Reader::RETRIEVEFROM(longlong, long)
     bool HDF5Reader::RETRIEVEFROM(ulonglong, ulong)
     #undef RETRIEVEFROM

     // Bools can't quite use the template function directly, since there
     // are some issues with bools and MPI/HDF5 types. Easier to just convert
     // the bool to an int first (this is how they are printed in the first place anyway).
     bool HDF5Reader::_retrieve(bool& out, const std::string& l, const uint rank, const ulong pID)
       uint tmp_out;
       bool tmp_ret;
       tmp_ret = _retrieve_template(tmp_out,l,0,rank,pID);
       out = tmp_out;
       return tmp_ret;

     bool HDF5Reader::_retrieve(ModelParameters& out, const std::string& modelname, const uint rank, const ulong pointID)
        bool is_valid = true;
        /// Work out all the output labels which correspond to the input modelname
        bool found_at_least_one(false);

        //std::cout << "Searching for ModelParameters of model '"<<modelname<<"'"<<std::endl;
        // Iterate through names in HDF5 group
            it = all_datasets.begin();
            it!= all_datasets.end(); ++it)
          //std::cout << "Candidate: " <<*it<<std::endl;
          std::string param_name; // *output* of parsing function, parameter name
          std::string label_root; // *output* of parsing function, label minus parameter name
          if(parse_label_for_ModelParameters(*it, modelname, param_name, label_root))
            // Add the found parameter name to the ModelParameters object
                std::ostringstream err;
                err << "Error! HDF5Reader could not retrieve ModelParameters matching the model name '"
                    <<modelname<<"' in the HDF5 file:group "<<file<<":"<<group
                    <<"' (while calling 'retrieve'). Candidate parameters WERE found, however their dataset "
                    <<"labels indicate the presence of an inconsistency or ambiguity in the output. For "
                    <<"example, we just tried to retrive a model parameter from the dataset:\n  "<<*it
                    <<"\nand successfully found the parameter "<<param_name
                    <<", however the root of the label, that is,\n  "<<label_root
                    <<"\ndoes not match the root expected based upon previous parameter retrievals for this "
                    <<"model, which was\n  "<<out.getOutputName()<<"\nThis may indicate that multiple sets "
                    <<"of model parameters are present in the output file for the same model! This is not "
                    <<"allowed, please report this bug against whatever master YAML file (or external code?) "
                    <<"produced the output file you are trying to read.";
            // Get the corresponding value out of the data file
            double value; // *output* of retrieve function
            bool tmp_is_valid;
            tmp_is_valid = _retrieve(value, *it, rank, pointID);
            found_at_least_one = true;
               out.setValue(param_name, value);
               // If one parameter value is 'invalid' then we cannot reconstruct
               // the ModelParameters object, so we mark the whole thing invalid.
               out.setValue(param_name, 0);
               is_valid = false;

        if(not found_at_least_one)
          // Didn't find any matches!
           std::ostringstream err;
           err << "Error! HDF5Reader failed to find any ModelParameters matching the model name '"<<modelname<<"' in the HDF5 file:group "<<file<<":"<<group<<"' (while calling 'retrieve'). Please check that model name and input file/group are correct.";
        /// done!
        return is_valid;

     bool HDF5Reader::_retrieve(std::vector<double>& /*out*/,  const std::string& /*label*/, const uint /*rank*/, const ulong /*pointID*/)
     { printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"NOT YET IMPLEMENTED"); return false; }
     bool HDF5Reader::_retrieve(map_str_dbl& /*out*/,          const std::string& /*label*/, const uint /*rank*/, const ulong /*pointID*/)
     { printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"NOT YET IMPLEMENTED"); return false; }
     bool HDF5Reader::_retrieve(map_str_str& /*out*/,          const std::string& /*label*/, const uint /*rank*/, const ulong /*pointID*/)
     { printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"NOT YET IMPLEMENTED"); return false; }
     bool HDF5Reader::_retrieve(map_const_str_dbl& /*out*/,    const std::string& /*label*/, const uint /*rank*/, const ulong /*pointID*/)
     { printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"NOT YET IMPLEMENTED"); return false; }
     bool HDF5Reader::_retrieve(map_str_map_str_dbl& /*out*/,  const std::string& /*label*/, const uint /*rank*/, const ulong /*pointID*/)
     { printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"NOT YET IMPLEMENTED"); return false; }
     bool HDF5Reader::_retrieve(map_const_str_map_const_str_dbl& /*out*/, const std::string& /*label*/, const uint /*rank*/, const ulong /*pointID*/)
     { printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"NOT YET IMPLEMENTED"); return false; }
     bool HDF5Reader::_retrieve(triplet<double>& /*out*/,      const std::string& /*label*/, const uint /*rank*/, const ulong /*pointID*/)
     { printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"NOT YET IMPLEMENTED"); return false; }
     bool HDF5Reader::_retrieve(map_intpair_dbl& /*out*/,      const std::string& /*label*/, const uint /*rank*/, const ulong /*pointID*/)
     { printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"NOT YET IMPLEMENTED"); return false; }

     #ifndef SCANNER_STANDALONE // All the types inside HDF5_BACKEND_TYPES need to go inside this def guard.
         struct SLHAcombo
            SLHAcombo(const std::string& t, const std::string& b, int i)
               : tag(t)
               , block(b)
               , indices{i}

            SLHAcombo(const std::string& t, const std::string& b, int i, int j)
               : tag(t)
               , block(b)
               , indices{i,j}

            SLHAcombo() : tag(), block(), indices() {}

            std::string tag;
            std::string block;
            std::vector<int> indices;

         bool HDF5Reader::retrieve_and_add_to_SLHAea(SLHAstruct& out, bool& found, const std::string& spec_type, const std::string& entry, const SLHAcombo& item, const std::set<std::string>& all_dataset_labels, const uint rank, const ulong pointID)
            std::string tag   = item.tag;
            std::string block = item.block;
            std::vector<int> indices = item.indices;

            // Create full dataset label
            std::stringstream dataset_label;
            dataset_label<<"#"<<spec_type<<" @SpecBit::get_MSSM_spectrum_as_map::"<<entry;
            if(tag!="") dataset_label<<" "<<tag;

            auto jt = all_dataset_labels.find(dataset_label.str());
               found = false; // No entry with this name!
               return false;
               found = true;

            // Ok, found! Now retrieve the data
            double value = -999; // *output* of retrieve function
            bool tmp_is_valid = false;
            tmp_is_valid = _retrieve(value, dataset_label.str(), rank, pointID);
            //std::cout<<"Spectrum entry found! entry:"<<entry<<", tag:"<<tag<<", valid:"<<tmp_is_valid<<", value:"<<value<<std::endl;
                  // Stick entry into the SLHAea object
                  SLHAea_check_block(out, block); // Make sure block exists first
                     SLHAea_add(out, block,, value, entry+" ("+tag+")");
                  else if(indices.size()==2)
                     SLHAea_add(out, block,,, value, entry+" ("+tag+")");
                     std::ostringstream err;
                     err<<"Received invalid number of target SLHA indices for dataset: "<<dataset_label.str()<<std::endl<<"Indices were: "<<indices;
            return tmp_is_valid;

         /// Retrieve (SLHA-only) SM spectrum information as an SLHAea object
         bool HDF5Reader::_retrieve(SMslha_SLHAstruct& out_main, const std::string& spec_type, const uint rank, const ulong pointID)
            SLHAstruct& out(out_main); // Interpret as ordinary SLHAea base class to get operator[] etc
            bool is_valid = true;
            std::map<std::string,SLHAcombo> labels_to_SLHA;

            // Read all dataset labels into a structure that we can search quickly
            std::set<std::string> all_dataset_labels = get_all_labels();

            // MASS
            labels_to_SLHA["Z0"     ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "SMINPUTS", 4);
            labels_to_SLHA["W+"     ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 24);
            labels_to_SLHA["e-"     ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "SMINPUTS", 11);
            labels_to_SLHA["mu-"    ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "SMINPUTS", 13);
            labels_to_SLHA["tau-"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "SMINPUTS", 7);
            labels_to_SLHA["t"      ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "SMINPUTS", 6);
            labels_to_SLHA["b"      ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "SMINPUTS", 5);
            labels_to_SLHA["nu_1"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "SMINPUTS", 12);
            labels_to_SLHA["nu_2"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "SMINPUTS", 14);
            labels_to_SLHA["nu_3"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "SMINPUTS", 8);

            // Light quark running masses (always at 2 GeV, I think it is. Whatever SLHA standard says.)
            labels_to_SLHA["u_1"   ] = SLHAcombo("mass1", "SMINPUTS", 22);
            labels_to_SLHA["d_1"   ] = SLHAcombo("mass1", "SMINPUTS", 21);
            labels_to_SLHA["d_2"   ] = SLHAcombo("mass1", "SMINPUTS", 23);

            // Automatically extract and add the rest of the entries
            for(auto it=labels_to_SLHA.begin(); it!=labels_to_SLHA.end(); ++it)
               bool found(true);
               bool tmp_is_valid = retrieve_and_add_to_SLHAea(out, found, spec_type, it->first, it->second, all_dataset_labels, rank, pointID);
               if(not found)
                  std::ostringstream err;
                  err << "Error! HDF5Reader encountered an error while attempting to read a spectrum of type '"<<spec_type<<"' from the HDF5 file:group "<<file<<":"<<group<<"' (while calling 'retrieve'). A required dataset could not be found ("<<it->first<<")";
               else if(not tmp_is_valid)
                  // No need to read any more if some required spectrum entries are invalid. Whole spectrum is invalid.
                  is_valid = false;
            return is_valid;

         /// Retrieve MSSM spectrum information as an SLHAea object
         bool HDF5Reader::_retrieve(MSSM_SLHAstruct& out_main, const std::string& spec_type, const uint rank, const ulong pointID)
            SLHAstruct& out(out_main); // Interpret as ordinary SLHAea base class to get operator[] etc
            bool is_valid = true;

            // Rather than iterate through the datasets, we know what entries we need to find, so we will just
            // directly look for them.
            // TODO: We can automate this after the SpecBit redesign, and probably
            // just use the spectrum "setter" functions to insert this data directly into Spectrum objects.
            // Unfortunately those don't exist in the current SimpleSpectrum objects, but they will exist after
            // the redesign.
            std::map<std::string,SLHAcombo> labels_to_SLHA;

            // MASS
            labels_to_SLHA["A0"     ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 36);
            labels_to_SLHA["H+"     ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 37);
            labels_to_SLHA["W+"     ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 24);
            labels_to_SLHA["h0_1"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 25);
            labels_to_SLHA["h0_2"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 35);
            labels_to_SLHA["~g"     ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000021);
            labels_to_SLHA["~chi+_1"] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000024);
            labels_to_SLHA["~chi+_2"] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000037);
            labels_to_SLHA["~chi0_1"] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000022);
            labels_to_SLHA["~chi0_2"] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000023);
            labels_to_SLHA["~chi0_3"] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000025);
            labels_to_SLHA["~chi0_4"] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000035);
            labels_to_SLHA["~d_1"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000001);
            labels_to_SLHA["~d_2"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000003);
            labels_to_SLHA["~d_3"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000005);
            labels_to_SLHA["~d_4"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 2000001);
            labels_to_SLHA["~d_5"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 2000003);
            labels_to_SLHA["~d_6"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 2000005);
            labels_to_SLHA["~u_1"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000002);
            labels_to_SLHA["~u_2"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000004);
            labels_to_SLHA["~u_3"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000006);
            labels_to_SLHA["~u_4"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 2000002);
            labels_to_SLHA["~u_5"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 2000004);
            labels_to_SLHA["~u_6"   ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 2000006);
            labels_to_SLHA["~e-_1"  ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000011);
            labels_to_SLHA["~e-_2"  ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000013);
            labels_to_SLHA["~e-_3"  ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000015);
            labels_to_SLHA["~e-_4"  ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 2000011);
            labels_to_SLHA["~e-_5"  ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 2000013);
            labels_to_SLHA["~e-_6"  ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 2000015);
            labels_to_SLHA["~nu_1"  ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000012);
            labels_to_SLHA["~nu_2"  ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000014);
            labels_to_SLHA["~nu_3"  ] = SLHAcombo("Pole_Mass", "MASS", 1000016);
            // Standard Model masses. Turns out we do need to retrieve these, since
            // they might have shifted from SMINPUTS in the spectrum generation process.

            // MSOFT
            labels_to_SLHA["M1"  ] = SLHAcombo("mass1", "MSOFT", 1);
            labels_to_SLHA["M2"  ] = SLHAcombo("mass1", "MSOFT", 2);
            labels_to_SLHA["M3"  ] = SLHAcombo("mass1", "MSOFT", 3);
            labels_to_SLHA["mHd2"] = SLHAcombo("mass2", "MSOFT", 21);
            labels_to_SLHA["mHu2"] = SLHAcombo("mass2", "MSOFT", 22);

            // HMIX
            labels_to_SLHA["Mu"]  = SLHAcombo("mass1", "HMIX", 1);
            // Need these two for Higgs vev and tanbeta. Not SLHA, so store in TEMP block temporarily.
            //labels_to_SLHA["vd"]  = SLHAcombo("mass1", "TEMP", 1);
            //labels_to_SLHA["vu"]  = SLHAcombo("mass1", "TEMP", 2);
            //labels_to_SLHA["mA2"] = SLHAcombo("mass2", "HMIX", 4);

            // TD, TU, TE
            #define LABELNXN(N,baseentry,tag,block) \
               for(int i=1; i<=N; i++){ for(int j=1; j<=N; j++) { \
                  std::stringstream entry; \
                  entry<<baseentry<<"_("<<i<<","<<j<<")"; \
                  labels_to_SLHA[entry.str()] = SLHAcombo(tag, block, i, j); \

            // MSQ2, MSL2, MSD2, MSU2, MSE2

            // NMIX, UMIX, VMIX


            // TODO: These are not SLHA! Will be
            // changed after SpecBit redesign
            #undef LABELNXN

            // YD, YU, YE
            #define LABEL3X3DIAG(baseentry,tag,block) \
               for(int i=1; i<=3; i++){ \
                  std::stringstream entry; \
                  entry<<baseentry<<"_("<<i<<","<<i<<")"; \
                  labels_to_SLHA[entry.str()] = SLHAcombo(tag, block, i, i); \
            #undef LABEL3X3DIAG

            // GAUGE
            labels_to_SLHA["g2"] = SLHAcombo("dimensionless", "GAUGE", 2);
            labels_to_SLHA["g3"] = SLHAcombo("dimensionless", "GAUGE", 3);

            // Read all dataset labels into a structure that we can search quickly
            std::set<std::string> all_dataset_labels = get_all_labels();

            // Macro to help retrive parameters for custom calculations
            #define GETPAR(OUT,NAME,TAG,TEMP_INDEX) \
            { \
               bool found_tmp; \
               retrieve_and_add_to_SLHAea(out, found_tmp, spec_type, NAME, SLHAcombo(TAG, "TEMP", TEMP_INDEX), all_dataset_labels, rank, pointID); \
               if(not found_tmp) \
               { \
                  std::ostringstream err; \
                  err<<"Failed to find "<<NAME<<" ("<<TAG<<") needed to compute SLHA spectrum information!"; \
                  printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,err.str()); \
               } \
               OUT = SLHAea_get(out,"TEMP",TEMP_INDEX); \

            // Manually compute tanb and mA2
            double vd,vu,BMu;

            const double tb = vu/vd;
            const double cb = cos(atan(tb));
            const double c2b = cos(2*atan(tb));
            const double sb = sin(atan(tb));
            const double vev = sqrt(vu*vu + vd*vd);
            const double mA2 = BMu / (cb*sb);

            double g1,g2,gprime;
            gprime = g1*sqrt(3./5.);

            const double sin2thetaW = (gprime*gprime) / (gprime*gprime + g2*g2);

            double TYu3,yt; // 3rd gen trilinear and Yukawa
            const double At = TYu3 / yt;

            // Tree level Z and top masses, needed for MSUSY reconstruction
            // for old data sets where the scale was not saved in output
            const double MZ = (1/2.)*sqrt(gprime*gprime + g2*g2)*vev;
            const double Mt = yt*vu/sqrt(2.);

            double Mu;
            // stop mixing parameter
            const double Xt = At - Mu / tb;

            double mq2_3, mu2_3;

            // reconstruct stop masses
            const double A = mq2_3 + mu2_3 + 0.5*MZ*MZ*c2b + 2*Mt*Mt;
            const double B = mq2_3 - mu2_3 + (0.5-(4./3.)*sin2thetaW)*MZ*MZ*c2b;
            const double m2st1 = 0.5*(A - sqrt(B*B + 4*Mt*Mt*Xt*Xt));
            const double m2st2 = 0.5*(A + sqrt(B*B + 4*Mt*Mt*Xt*Xt));

            // assuming no family mixing
            const double MSUSY = sqrt(sqrt(m2st1)*sqrt(m2st2));
            #undef GETPAR

            // Read the "scale" entry, since we need to add this info to the block
            // top rows.
            double scale;
            bool found(true);
            retrieve_and_add_to_SLHAea(out, found, spec_type, "scale(Q)", SLHAcombo("", "TEMP", 0), all_dataset_labels, rank, pointID);
            if(not found)
               // In some older datasets we forgot to add the scale to the output.
               // For now we will assume the spectrum was output by FlexibleSUSY, in which case
               // the running parameters will be defined at the SUSY scale (geometric mean of
               // DRbar stop masses). TODO: Set this behaviour with an option, maybe? Not sure how though.

               // Proper calculation of DRbar stop masses, from Eq. 29 (with non-MSSM bits removed)
               // We assume that there is no flavour/family mixing, which is true for all our scans so far.
               // TODO: Make sure that scale is output if we do have this mixing in the future!
               // Retrieve extra needed values first
               scale = MSUSY;
               scale = SLHAea_get(out,"TEMP",0);

            // Add blocks that require scale info
            SLHAea_add_block(out, "GAUGE", scale);
            SLHAea_add_block(out, "YU", scale);
            SLHAea_add_block(out, "YD", scale);
            SLHAea_add_block(out, "YE", scale);
            SLHAea_add_block(out, "TU", scale);
            SLHAea_add_block(out, "TD", scale);
            SLHAea_add_block(out, "TE", scale);
            SLHAea_add_block(out, "HMIX", scale);
            SLHAea_add_block(out, "MSQ2", scale);
            SLHAea_add_block(out, "MSL2", scale);
            SLHAea_add_block(out, "MSD2", scale);
            SLHAea_add_block(out, "MSU2", scale);
            SLHAea_add_block(out, "MSE2", scale);
            SLHAea_add_block(out, "MSOFT", scale);

            // Automatically extract and add the rest of the entries
            for(auto it=labels_to_SLHA.begin(); it!=labels_to_SLHA.end(); ++it)
               bool found(true);
               bool tmp_is_valid = retrieve_and_add_to_SLHAea(out, found, spec_type, it->first, it->second, all_dataset_labels, rank, pointID);
               if(not found)
                  std::ostringstream err;
                  err << "Error! HDF5Reader encountered an error while attempting to read a spectrum of type '"<<spec_type<<"' from the HDF5 file:group "<<file<<":"<<group<<"' (while calling 'retrieve'). A required dataset could not be found ("<<it->first<<")";
               else if(not tmp_is_valid)
                  // No need to read any more if some required spectrum entries are invalid. Whole spectrum is invalid.
                  is_valid = false;

            // Need to manually fix up a few entries where we didn't store the spectrum info directly
            // in SLHA format.
               SLHAea_add(out, "HMIX", 2, tb, "tan beta (Q)");
               SLHAea_add(out, "HMIX", 3, vev, "Higgs vev (Q)");
               SLHAea_add(out, "HMIX", 4, mA2, "m_A^2 = BMu/(cb*sb) (Q)");
               // Normalisation of g1
               SLHAea_add(out, "GAUGE", 1, gprime, "g' (Q)", true);

               // Add off-diagonal Yukawa terms (all zero due to SLHA conventions, but
               // we require them internally due to automated handling of matrices
               // We do this here rather than read the zeros from the output in case we
               // don't bother to output them in the future.
               std::vector<std::string> blocks = {"Yu","Yd","Ye"};
               for(auto it=blocks.begin(); it!=blocks.end(); ++it)
                  for(int i=1; i<=3; i++){ for(int j=1; j<=3; j++) {
                     std::stringstream label;
                     if(i!=j) SLHAea_add(out, (*it), i, j, 0, label.str());

            return is_valid;
         bool HDF5Reader::_retrieve(flav_prediction& /*out*/,      const std::string& /*label*/, const uint /*rank*/, const ulong /*pointID*/)
         { printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"NOT YET IMPLEMENTED"); return false; }
         bool HDF5Reader::_retrieve(DM_nucleon_couplings& /*out*/, const std::string& /*label*/, const uint /*rank*/, const ulong /*pointID*/)
         { printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"NOT YET IMPLEMENTED"); return false; }
         bool HDF5Reader::_retrieve(BBN_container& /*out*/, const std::string& /*label*/, const uint /*rank*/, const ulong /*pointID*/)
         { printer_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO,"NOT YET IMPLEMENTED"); return false; }


     /// Helper function to parse a capability name to a dataset name
     void HDF5Reader::parse_capability_label(const std::string& capability_label, std::string& dataset_label)
       // Set the dataset label to default to the given label
       dataset_label = capability_label;

       // Do the rest only if the label does not have the form of a dataset name
       if(capability_label[0] == '#')
         return ;

       std::stringstream ss;
       ss << "#" << capability_label;

       for(auto dataset : all_datasets)
          // Find the capability name from the dataset and compare
          std::string cap = Utils::delimiterSplit(dataset," ")[0];
          if(ss.str() == cap)
            dataset_label = dataset;

     /// @}


Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:41 +0000