file Elements/functor_definitions.hpp
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Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Detailed Description
- Pat Scott (
- Anders Kvellestad (
- Christoph Weniger (
- Ben Farmer (
- Lars A. Dal (
- Tomas Gonzalo (
- Patrick Stoecker (
- 2013 Apr-July, Dec
- 2014 Jan, Mar-May, Sep
- 2015 Apr
- 2013 Apr, Nov
- 2013 May, June, July
- 2013 July, Sep
- 2014 Jan
- 2015 Jan
- 2021 Sep
- 2023 Nov
Functor template class definitions.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Functor template class definitions.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Pat Scott
/// (
/// \date 2013 Apr-July, Dec
/// \date 2014 Jan, Mar-May, Sep
/// \date 2015 Apr
/// \author Anders Kvellestad
/// (
/// \date 2013 Apr, Nov
/// \author Christoph Weniger
/// (
/// \date 2013 May, June, July
/// \author Ben Farmer
/// (
/// \date 2013 July, Sep
/// \date 2014 Jan
/// \author Lars A. Dal
/// (
/// \date 2015 Jan
/// \author Tomas Gonzalo
/// (
/// \date 2021 Sep
/// \author Patrick Stoecker
/// (
/// \date 2023 Nov
/// *********************************************
#ifndef __functor_definitions_hpp__
#define __functor_definitions_hpp__
#include <chrono>
#include "gambit/Elements/functors.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/standalone_error_handlers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Models/models.hpp"
#include "gambit/Logs/logger.hpp"
#include "gambit/Printers/baseprinter.hpp"
#include <boost/preprocessor/seq/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/io/ios_state.hpp>
namespace Gambit
using namespace LogTags;
/// Class methods for actual module functors for TYPE != void
template <typename TYPE>
module_functor<TYPE>::module_functor(void (*inputFunction)(TYPE &),
str func_name,
str func_capability,
str result_type,
str origin_name,
Models::ModelFunctorClaw &claw)
: module_functor_common(func_name, func_capability, result_type, origin_name, claw),
myFunction (inputFunction),
myValue (NULL),
myPrintFlag (false)
/// Destructor
template <typename TYPE>
if (myValue != NULL) delete [] myValue;
/// Setter for indicating if the wrapped function's result should be printed
template <typename TYPE>
void module_functor<TYPE>::setPrintRequirement(bool flag) { myPrintFlag = flag;}
/// Getter indicating if the wrapped function's result should be printed
template <typename TYPE>
bool module_functor<TYPE>::requiresPrinting() const { return myPrintFlag; }
/// Calculate method
/// (no loop-manager stuff here because only void specialisation can manage loops)
template <typename TYPE>
void module_functor<TYPE>::calculate()
if (myStatus == FunctorStatus::Classes_missing) // Do an explicit status check to hold standalone writers' hands
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "Sorry, the function " << origin() << "::" << name()
<< " cannot be used" << endl << "because it requires classes from a backend that you do not have installed."
<< endl << "Missing backends: ";
for (auto it = missing_backends.begin(); it != missing_backends.end(); ++it) ss << endl << " " << *it;
backend_error().raise(LOCAL_INFO, ss.str());
boost::io::ios_flags_saver ifs(cout); // Don't allow module functions to change the output precision of cout
int thread_num = omp_get_thread_num();
init_memory(); // Init memory if this is the first run through.
if (needs_recalculating[thread_num]) // Do the actual calculation if required.
this->startTiming(thread_num); //Begin timing function evaluation
this->myFunction(myValue[thread_num]); //Run and place result in the appropriate slot in myValue
catch (invalid_point_exception& e)
if (not point_exception_raised) acknowledgeInvalidation(e);
if (omp_get_level()==0) // If not in an OpenMP parallel block, throw onwards
this->finishTiming(thread_num); //Stop timing function evaluation
this->finishTiming(thread_num); //Stop timing function evaluation
/// Initialise the memory of this functor.
template <typename TYPE>
void module_functor<TYPE>::init_memory()
#pragma omp critical(module_functor_init_memory)
// Reserve enough space to hold as many results as there are slots (threads) allowed
if(myValue==NULL) myValue = new TYPE[(iRunNested ? globlMaxThreads : 1)];
/// Operation (return value)
template <typename TYPE>
const TYPE& module_functor<TYPE>::operator()(int index)
init_memory(); // Init memory if this is the first run through.
return (iRunNested ? myValue[index] : myValue[0]);
/// Alternative to operation (returns a safe pointer to value)
template <typename TYPE>
safe_ptr<TYPE> module_functor<TYPE>::valuePtr()
init_memory(); // Init memory if this is the first run through.
return safe_ptr<TYPE>(myValue);
/// Printer function
template <typename TYPE>
void module_functor<TYPE>::print(Printers::BasePrinter* printer, const int pointID, int thread_num)
// Only try to print if print flag set to true, and if this functor(+thread) hasn't already been printed
// TODO: though actually the printer system will probably cark it if printing from multiple threads is
// attempted, because it uses the VertexID to differentiate print streams, and this is shared among threads.
// Can fix by requiring a VertexID+thread_num pair, but I am leaving this for later.
init_memory(); // Init memory if this is the first run through.
if(myPrintFlag and not already_printed[thread_num] and type()!="void") // myPrintFlag should anyway not be true for void result types
if (not iRunNested) thread_num = 0; // Force printing of thread_num=0 if this functor cannot run nested.
int rank = printer->getRank(); // This is "first pass" printing, so use the actual rank of this process.
// In the auxilliary printing system we may tell the printer to overwrite
// the output of other ranks.
logger() << LogTags::debug << "Printing "<<myLabel<<" (vID="<<myVertexID<<", rank="<<rank<<", pID="<<pointID<<", type="<<myType<<")" << EOM;
already_printed[thread_num] = true;
// Print timing info if requested (independent of whether printing actual result)
if(myTimingPrintFlag and not already_printed_timing[thread_num])
if (not iRunNested) thread_num = 0; // Force printing of thread_num=0 if this functor cannot run nested.
int rank = printer->getRank();
std::chrono::duration<double> runtime = end[thread_num] - start[thread_num];
logger() << LogTags::debug << "Printing "<<myTimingLabel<<" (vID="<<myTimingVertexID<<", rank="<<rank<<", pID="<<pointID<<")" << EOM;
already_printed_timing[thread_num] = true;
/// Printer function (no-thread-index short-circuit)
template <typename TYPE>
void module_functor<TYPE>::print(Printers::BasePrinter* printer, const int pointID) { print(printer,pointID,0); }
// Backend_functor_common class method definitions
/// Constructor
template <typename PTR_TYPE, typename TYPE, typename... ARGS>
backend_functor_common<PTR_TYPE, TYPE, ARGS...>::backend_functor_common (funcPtrType inputFunction,
str func_name,
str func_capability,
str result_type,
str origin_name,
str origin_version,
str origin_safe_version,
str citation_key,
Models::ModelFunctorClaw &claw)
: functor (func_name, func_capability, result_type, origin_name, claw),
myFunction (inputFunction),
myVersion = origin_version;
mySafeVersion = origin_safe_version;
myCitationKey = citation_key;
// Determine LogTag number
myLogTag = Logging::str2tag(myOrigin);
// Or in the case where we prefer to include the version number in the LogTag too
//myLogTag = Logging::str2tag(myOrigin+"v"+myVersion);
// Check for failure
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "Error retrieving LogTag number (in functors.hpp, constructor for "
"backend_functor_common)! No match for backend name in tag2str map! "
"This is supposed to be a backend functor, so this is a fatal error. "
"(myOrigin=" << myOrigin << ", myName=" << myName << ")";
/// Update the internal function pointer wrapped by the functor
template <typename PTR_TYPE, typename TYPE, typename... ARGS>
void backend_functor_common<PTR_TYPE, TYPE, ARGS...>::updatePointer(funcPtrType inputFunction)
myFunction = inputFunction;
/// Hand out the internal function pointer wrapped by the functor
template <typename PTR_TYPE, typename TYPE, typename... ARGS>
typename backend_functor_common<PTR_TYPE, TYPE, ARGS...>::funcPtrType backend_functor_common<PTR_TYPE, TYPE, ARGS...>::handoutFunctionPointer()
return myFunction;
/// Getter for the version of the wrapped function's backend.
template <typename PTR_TYPE, typename TYPE, typename... ARGS>
str backend_functor_common<PTR_TYPE, TYPE, ARGS...>::version() const { return myVersion; }
/// Getter for the 'safe' incarnation of the version of the wrapped function's backend.
template <typename PTR_TYPE, typename TYPE, typename... ARGS>
str backend_functor_common<PTR_TYPE, TYPE, ARGS...>::safe_version() const { return mySafeVersion; }
/// Set the inUse flag.
template <typename PTR_TYPE, typename TYPE, typename... ARGS>
void backend_functor_common<PTR_TYPE, TYPE, ARGS...>::setInUse(bool flag) { inUse = flag; }
/// Hand out a safe pointer to this backend functor's inUse flag.
template <typename PTR_TYPE, typename TYPE, typename... ARGS>
safe_ptr<bool> backend_functor_common<PTR_TYPE, TYPE, ARGS...>::inUsePtr()
return safe_ptr<bool>(&inUse);
// Actual non-variadic backend functor class method definitions for TYPE != void
/// Constructor
template <typename TYPE, typename... ARGS>
backend_functor<TYPE(*)(ARGS...), TYPE, ARGS...>::backend_functor (TYPE (*inputFunction)(ARGS...),
str func_name,
str func_capability,
str result_type,
str origin_name,
str origin_version,
str safe_version,
str citation_key,
Models::ModelFunctorClaw &claw)
: backend_functor_common<TYPE(*)(ARGS...), TYPE, ARGS...>(inputFunction, func_name,
func_capability, result_type, origin_name, origin_version, safe_version, citation_key, claw) {}
/// Operation (execute function and return value)
template <typename TYPE, typename... ARGS>
TYPE backend_functor<TYPE(*)(ARGS...), TYPE, ARGS...>::operator()(ARGS&&... args)
TYPE tmp = this->myFunction(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
return tmp;
// Actual non-variadic backend functor class method definitions for TYPE=void
/// Constructor
template <typename... ARGS>
backend_functor<void(*)(ARGS...), void, ARGS...>::backend_functor (void (*inputFunction)(ARGS...),
str func_name,
str func_capability,
str result_type,
str origin_name,
str origin_version,
str safe_version,
str citation_key,
Models::ModelFunctorClaw &claw)
: backend_functor_common<void(*)(ARGS...), void, ARGS...>(inputFunction, func_name,
func_capability, result_type, origin_name, origin_version, safe_version, citation_key, claw) {}
/// Operation (execute function and return value)
template <typename... ARGS>
void backend_functor<void(*)(ARGS...), void, ARGS...>::operator()(ARGS&&... args)
// Actual variadic backend functor class method definitions for TYPE != void
/// Constructor
template <typename TYPE, typename... ARGS>
backend_functor<typename variadic_ptr<TYPE,ARGS...>::type, TYPE, ARGS...>::backend_functor
(typename variadic_ptr<TYPE,ARGS...>::type inputFunction, str func_name, str func_capability, str result_type,
str origin_name, str origin_version, str safe_version, str citation_key, Models::ModelFunctorClaw &claw)
: backend_functor_common<typename variadic_ptr<TYPE,ARGS...>::type, TYPE, ARGS...>(inputFunction, func_name,
func_capability, result_type, origin_name, origin_version, safe_version, citation_key, claw) {}
// Actual variadic backend functor class method definitions for TYPE=void
/// Constructor
template <typename... ARGS>
backend_functor<typename variadic_ptr<void,ARGS...>::type, void, ARGS...>::backend_functor
(typename variadic_ptr<void,ARGS...>::type inputFunction, str func_name, str func_capability, str result_type,
str origin_name, str origin_version, str safe_version, str citation_key, Models::ModelFunctorClaw &claw)
: backend_functor_common<typename variadic_ptr<void,ARGS...>::type, void, ARGS...>(inputFunction, func_name,
func_capability, result_type, origin_name, origin_version, safe_version, citation_key, claw) {}
#endif /* defined(__functor_definitions_hpp__) */
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:34 +0000