file src/ExampleBit_B.cpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:

Detailed Description



  • 2012 Nov
  • 2013 Jan, Feb, Oct
  • 2013 Jan
  • 2013 Nov
  • 2014 Mar

Functions of module ExampleBit_B

Put your functions in files like this if you wish to add observables or likelihoods to this module.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Functions of module ExampleBit_B
///  Put your functions in files like this
///  if you wish to add observables or likelihoods
///  to this module.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2012 Nov
///  \date 2013 Jan, Feb, Oct
///  \author Christoph Weniger
///          (
///  \date 2013 Jan
///  \author Anders Kvellestad
///          (
///  \date 2013 Nov
///  \author Ben Farmer
///          (
///  \date 2014 Mar
///  *********************************************

#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/ExampleBit_B/ExampleBit_B_rollcall.hpp"

namespace Gambit

  namespace ExampleBit_B
    using namespace LogTags;


    /// \name Module functions
    /// @{
    void q_example         (int    &result) { result = 1; }
    void particle_identity (str    &result) { result = "examplon"; }
    void event_count       (int    &result) { result = 2; }
    void example_lnL       (double &result) { result = *Pipes::example_lnL::Dep::nevents_postcuts; }

    // Function that returns a vector of doubles, for testing printer
    void exampleVec (std::vector<double> &result)
      // Some stuff to mess with the printer by changing the length of the vector it tries to print
      static int loopnumber(0);
      if(loopnumber > 5)

    // Function that tests array and -> operators on deps and BE vars.
    void ptrArrTester (int &result)
      using namespace Pipes::ptrArrTester;
      logger() << "\n  The size of the vector retrieved from test_vector dependency by vecTester is " << Dep::test_vector->size() << ".";
      logger() << "\n  The size of the vector retrieved from test_vector backend requirement by vecTester is " << BEreq::test_vector->size() << ".";
      logger() << "\n  The second element of the array retrieved from SomeArray is " << (*BEreq::SomeArray)[1] << "." << EOM;
      result = 1;

    void sigma_example (double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::sigma_example;
      logger() << endl;
      logger() << "In ExampleBit_B, function sigma_example." << endl;
      if (runOptions->hasKey("scale"))
       logger() << "Running at scale: " << runOptions->getValue<double>("scale") << " TeV." << endl;
      //logger() << "Is MSSM_demo being scanned? " << ModelInUse("MSSM_demo") << endl;
      logger() << "Is NormalDist being scanned? " << ModelInUse("NormalDist") << endl;;
      //if (ModelInUse("MSSM_demo"))
      //  logger() << "  Printing parameter values:" << endl;
      //  logger() << "  M1: " << *Param["M1"] << endl;
      //  logger() << "  M2: " << *Param["M2"] << endl;
      //  logger() << "  M3: " << *Param["M3"] << endl;
      //  logger() <<info<<EOM;
      result = 5.e10;

    void sigma_example_req_pars (double &result)
      using namespace Pipes::sigma_example_req_pars;
      logger() << endl;
      logger() << "In ExampleBit_B, function sigma_example_req_pars." << endl;
      // Extract model parameters from dependency pipe
      // (they won't be in the parameter pipe!)
      const ModelParameters& pars = *Dep::NormalDist_parameters;
      logger() << " Parameter values are:" << endl;
      logger() << "  mu   : "<<"mu")<<endl;
      logger() << "  sigma: "<<"sigma")<<endl<<EOM;
      result ="mu")*"sigma");

    void predicted_events (int &result)
      using namespace Pipes::predicted_events;

      logger() << endl << "My dependency on nevents has been filled by " << << " from " <<
       Dep::nevents.module() << "." << endl;
      logger() << "Its value is: " << *Dep::nevents << info << EOM;

      logger() << "Now let's see what happens when we try to retrieve a conditional dependency." << endl;
      if (
        logger() << "The particle id is: " << *Dep::particle_id << endl;
        logger() << "The particle_id conditional dependency is not activated." << endl;

      static int i = 0;
      int stuff = 2 + i;
      double doall_local = BEreq::awesomeness(2);
      double doall_local2 = BEreq::awesomeness(byVal(stuff));
      logger() << "My backend requirement of awesomeness has been filled by " << << " from " <<
       BEreq::awesomeness.backend() << ", v" <<
       BEreq::awesomeness.version() << "." << endl;
      logger() << "Its result for constant input 2 is: " << doall_local << endl;
      logger() << "Its result for by-value input of (point number + 1) is: " << doall_local2 << info << EOM;

      result = (int) (*Dep::nevents + doall_local);

      //Example showing pass by ref vs pass by val
      double inputvar1 = 0;
      double inputvar2 = 0;
      double inputvar3 = 2.5;
      logger() << "Now trying backend functions with parameters passed by reference. First returns double." << EOM;
      double refex1 = BEreq::refex(inputvar1);
      logger() << "Next returns void, takes parameters both by ref and by val." << EOM;
      BEreq::refex2(inputvar2, byVal(inputvar3));
      logger() << "Results of backend functions with parameters passed byRef: ";
      logger() << refex1 << ", " << inputvar1 << ", " << inputvar2 << info << EOM;

      //Example showing calling of variadic backend functions
      double res1 = BEreq::varex(3,2.1,1.0,1.3);
      double res2 = BEreq::varex2(3,2.1,1.0,1.3);
      logger() << "Results of first variadic backend function: " << res1 << info << EOM;
      logger() << "Results of second variadic backend function: " << res2 << info << EOM;

      //Example showing passing of function pointer to an external Fortran (or other language) routine
      int arg2 = 15;
      BEreq::runMe(byVal(*Dep::function_pointer), arg2);

      // What follows is a demonstration of accessing backend requirements via 'BEvariable_bucket'/'BEfunction_bucket' objects
      // living in Pipes::[module function name]::BEreq::[backend capability].  The first if statement checks if the model-conditional
      // backend requirement SomeInt has been activated or not (i.e. are we scanning one of CMSSM, demo_B or nonexistent_model?)
      if (
        logger() << endl;
        logger() << "Will now set backend variable SomeInt=1000." << endl;
        logger() << "If this works the next result from 'someFunction' should be PI*1000.";
        logger() << info <<EOM;
        *BEreq::SomeInt = 1000;
        logger() << "SomeInt now equals: " << *BEreq::SomeInt << endl;
        logger() << "Some extra info on the backend requirement 'SomeInt':" << endl;
        logger() << "Name: " << << "   Backend: " << BEreq::SomeInt.backend() << "   Version: " << BEreq::SomeInt.version();
        logger() << info <<EOM;
        logger() << "Conditions not met for activation of SomeInt backend requirement." << endl;

      logger() << endl;
      logger() << "Will now call 'someFunction' once more, this time using the function pointer." << info <<EOM;
      void (*function_pointer)() = BEreq::someFunction.pointer();


    /// @}



Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:41 +0000