file src/EnergyInjection.cpp
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Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::DarkBit |
Name | |
addParticle(Name, Mass, spinX2) | |
addParticle(Name, Mass, spinX2) |
Detailed Description
- Patrick Stoecker (
- Torsten Bringmann (
- 2021 Mar
- 2023 Oct
Implementation of energy injection routines.
Authors (add name and date if you modify):
Macros Documentation
define addParticle
#define addParticle(
catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<std::string, TH_ParticleProperty> (Name , TH_ParticleProperty(Mass, spinX2)));
define addParticle
#define addParticle(
catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<std::string, TH_ParticleProperty> (Name , TH_ParticleProperty(Mass, spinX2)));
Source code
// GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
// *********************************************
/// \file
/// Implementation of energy injection routines.
/// *********************************************
/// Authors (add name and date if you modify):
/// \author Patrick Stoecker
/// (
/// \date 2021 Mar
/// \author Torsten Bringmann
/// (
/// \date 2023 Oct
/// *********************************************
#include "gambit/Elements/gambit_module_headers.hpp"
#include "gambit/DarkBit/DarkBit_rollcall.hpp"
#include "gambit/DarkBit/DarkBit_utils.hpp"
namespace Gambit
namespace DarkBit
void DarkMatter_ID_AnnihilatingDM_mixture(std::string & result) { result = "DM"; }
void DarkMatterConj_ID_AnnihilatingDM_mixture(std::string & result) { result = "DM"; }
void DarkMatter_ID_DecayingDM_mixture(std::string & result) { result = "DM"; }
void DarkMatterConj_ID_DecayingDM_mixture(std::string & result) { result = "DM"; }
/// The energy injection spectrum from the ProcessCatalog and FCMC.
void energy_injection_spectrum_ProcessCatalog(DarkAges::Energy_injection_spectrum& spectrum)
using namespace Pipes::energy_injection_spectrum_ProcessCatalog;
// Delete the spectrum of the previous iteration
// Do we have annihilation or decay?
const std::string proc = *Dep::DM_process;
const bool isAnnihilation = (proc == "annihilation");
// What is the dark matter particle?
const std::string DMid = *Dep::DarkMatter_ID;
const std::string DMbarid = *Dep::DarkMatterConj_ID;
// Get the ProcessCatalog
auto& catalog = *Dep::TH_ProcessCatalog;
// Mass of the dark matter particle (in GeV)
const double m = catalog.getParticleProperty(DMid).mass;
// Energy for spectrum.E_el and spectrum.E_ph
const double Emax = isAnnihilation ? m : 0.5*m;
const double Emin = Emax * pow(10, (-1.)*(runOptions->getValueOrDef<double>(5.0,"num_decades")));
const int resolution = runOptions->getValueOrDef<int>(250,"resolution");
// Retrieve the yields. Electrons and positrons are treated as one species.
daFunk::Funk positronElectronYield = (*Dep::electron_Yield) + (*Dep::positron_Yield);
daFunk::Funk gammaYield = (*Dep::GA_Yield);
// For "annihilation", need to perform the v=0 limit
if (isAnnihilation)
positronElectronYield = positronElectronYield->set("v",0.0);
gammaYield = gammaYield->set("v",0.0);
TH_Process process(isAnnihilation ? catalog.getProcess(DMid, DMbarid) : catalog.getProcess(DMid));
// Loop over all channels to calculate the total rate
double totalRate = 0.0;
for(auto& it: process.channelList)
daFunk::Funk rateFunk = it.genRate;
// For annihilation, consider the v=0 limit
if (rateFunk->hasArg("v"))
rateFunk = rateFunk->set("v",0.);
// Calculate the rate
double rate = rateFunk->bind()->eval();
// Add to totalRate
totalRate = totalRate + rate;
// Rescale totalRate by the correct kinematic factor and normalise the yields
if (totalRate > 0.0)
if (isAnnihilation)
const double k = (process.isSelfConj) ? 1. : 0.5;
totalRate *= k/(m*m);
totalRate /= m;
positronElectronYield = positronElectronYield / totalRate;
gammaYield = gammaYield / totalRate;
// Define the underlying energy axes (kinetic energies)
// Extend above Emax such that resolved monochromatic lines are included.
std::vector<double> Ekin = daFunk::logspace(log10(Emin), log10(2.*Emax), resolution);
// The Yields within GAMBIT are w.r.t. 'E' (total energy).
// whereas DarkAges expects them w.r.t. 'Ekin' (kinetic energy)
// 1) Create copies of Ekin
std::vector<double> E_el(Ekin.begin(), Ekin.end());
std::vector<double> E_ph(Ekin.begin(), Ekin.end());
// 2) Shift E_el by m_electron
for (auto& it: E_el)
it += m_electron;
// 3) Resolve singularities in E (if any)
E_el = daFunk::augmentSingl(E_el, positronElectronYield);
E_ph = daFunk::augmentSingl(E_ph, gammaYield);
// 4) Sample the spectra dNdE
spectrum.spec_el = positronElectronYield->bind("E")->vect(E_el);
spectrum.spec_ph = gammaYield->bind("E")->vect(E_ph);
// 5) Shift back
for (auto& it: E_el)
it -= m_electron;
// 6) Set spectrum.E_el and spectrum.E_ph
spectrum.E_el = std::vector<double>(E_el.begin(), E_el.end());
spectrum.E_ph = std::vector<double>(E_ph.begin(), E_ph.end());
/// Set up process catalog for AnnihilatingDM_mixture
void TH_ProcessCatalog_AnnihilatingDM_mixture(TH_ProcessCatalog& result)
using namespace Pipes::TH_ProcessCatalog_AnnihilatingDM_mixture;
double m = *Param["mass"];
double BR_el = *Param["BR_el"];
double BR_ph = *Param["BR_ph"];
double sigmav = *Param["sigmav"];
// Debug info
logger() << LogTags::debug << "Creating \'TH_ProcessCatalog\' for \'AnnihilatingDM_mixture\'\n\n";
logger() << "- Branching fraction into e+/e-: " << BR_el;
logger() << "\n- Branching fraction into photons: " << BR_ph;
logger() << "\n- Branching fraction into inefficient final state: " << 1 - BR_ph - BR_el << "\n" << EOM;
// Sanity checks
if (BR_el + BR_ph > 1.0)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "The sum of the branching fractions into electrons and photons (BR_el and BR_ph) must not exceed 1.";
if (m <= m_electron && BR_el >= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
std::ostringstream err;
err << "The mass of the annihilating dark matter candidate is below the electron mass.";
err << " No production of e+/e- is possible.";
// Initialize empty catalog and main annihilation process
TH_ProcessCatalog catalog;
TH_Process process_ann("DM","DM");
// Explicitly state that DM particle is self-conjugate
process_ann.isSelfConj = true;
// Import particle masses and couplings
#define addParticle(Name, Mass, spinX2) \
catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<std::string, TH_ParticleProperty> (Name , TH_ParticleProperty(Mass, spinX2)));
addParticle("gamma", 0.0, 2)
addParticle("e+_1", m_electron, 1)
addParticle("e-_1", m_electron, 1)
addParticle("nu_e", 0.0, 1)
addParticle("nubar_e", 0.0, 1)
addParticle("DM", m, 0)
#undef addParticle
// Add annihilation channels
TH_Channel ann_channel_phot(daFunk::vec<std::string>("gamma", "gamma"), daFunk::cnst(BR_ph * sigmav)*daFunk::one("v"));
TH_Channel ann_channel_elec(daFunk::vec<std::string>("e+_1", "e-_1"), daFunk::cnst(BR_el * sigmav)*daFunk::one("v"));
TH_Channel ann_channel_nu(daFunk::vec<std::string>("nu_e", "nubar_e"), daFunk::cnst((1.-BR_ph-BR_el) * sigmav)*daFunk::one("v"));
// Add annihilation process to the catalog
// Validate
result = catalog;
/// Set up process catalog for DecayingDM_mixture
void TH_ProcessCatalog_DecayingDM_mixture(TH_ProcessCatalog& result)
using namespace Pipes::TH_ProcessCatalog_DecayingDM_mixture;
double m = *Param["mass"];
double BR_el = *Param["BR_el"];
double BR_ph = *Param["BR_ph"];
double Gamma = hbar / (*Param["lifetime"]);
// Debug info
logger() << LogTags::debug << "Creating \'TH_ProcessCatalog\' for \'DecayingDM_mixture\'\n\n";
logger() << "- Branching fraction into e+/e-: " << BR_el;
logger() << "\n- Branching fraction into photons: " << BR_ph;
logger() << "\n- Branching fraction into inefficient final state: " << 1 - BR_ph - BR_el << "\n" << EOM;
// Sanity checks
if (BR_el + BR_ph > 1.0)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "The sum of the branching fractions into electrons and photons (BR_el and BR_ph) must not exceed 1.";
if (m <= 2*m_electron && BR_el >= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
std::ostringstream err;
err << "The mass of the decaying dark matter candidate is below twice the electron mass.";
err << " No production of e+/e- is possible.";
// Initialize empty catalog and main decay process
TH_ProcessCatalog catalog;
TH_Process process_dec("DM");
// Import particle masses and couplings
#define addParticle(Name, Mass, spinX2) \
catalog.particleProperties.insert(std::pair<std::string, TH_ParticleProperty> (Name , TH_ParticleProperty(Mass, spinX2)));
addParticle("gamma", 0.0, 2)
addParticle("e+_1", m_electron, 1)
addParticle("e-_1", m_electron, 1)
addParticle("nu_e", 0.0, 1)
addParticle("nubar_e", 0.0, 1)
addParticle("DM", m, 0)
#undef addParticle
// Add decay channels
TH_Channel dec_channel_phot(daFunk::vec<std::string>("gamma", "gamma"), daFunk::cnst(BR_ph * Gamma));
TH_Channel dec_channel_elec(daFunk::vec<std::string>("e+_1", "e-_1"), daFunk::cnst(BR_el * Gamma));
TH_Channel dec_channel_nu(daFunk::vec<std::string>("nu_e", "nubar_e"), daFunk::cnst((1.-BR_ph-BR_el) * Gamma));
// Add decay process to the catalog
// Validate
result = catalog;
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:42 +0000