file Elements/Elements/include/gambit/Elements/ini_functions.hpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:

Detailed Description

Functions for triggering initialisation code.


(add name and date if you modify)

Pat Scott (

2015 Feb

Peter Athron (


Tomas Gonzalo (

2016 Sep

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Functions for triggering initialisation code.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors
///  =======
///  (add name and date if you modify)
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2015 Feb
///  \author Peter Athron
///          (
///  \date 2015
///  \author Tomas Gonzalo
///          (
///  \date 2016 Sep
///  *********************************************

#ifndef __ini_functions_hpp__
#define __ini_functions_hpp__

#include <vector>

#include "gambit/Utils/util_types.hpp"

namespace Gambit
  /// Forward declarations
  class module_functor_common;
  class model_functor;
  class Options;

  /// Helper function for adding a type equivalency at initialisation
  int add_equivrelation(str, str);

  /// Helper function for passing default backend information at initialisation
  int pass_default_to_backendinfo(str, str);

  /// Runtime addition of model to GAMBIT model database
  int add_model(str, str);

  /// Add a new parameter to a primary model functor
  int add_parameter(model_functor&, str);

  /// Set the model name in a primary model functor
  int set_model_name(model_functor&, str);

  /// Tell a model functor to take its parameter definition from another model functor.
  int copy_parameters(model_functor&, model_functor&, bool, str="", str="");

  /// Register a model functor.
  int register_model_functor(std::map<str, bool(*)()>, std::map<str, str>, bool(*)(), const str&, const str&);

  /// Create a log tag for a new module.
  int register_module_with_log(str);

  /// Register a function with a module.
  int register_function(module_functor_common&, bool, safe_ptr<bool>*, safe_ptr<Options>&,
                        safe_ptr<std::set<sspair>>&, safe_ptr<Options>&);

  /// Register the fact that a module function needs to run nested
  int register_function_nesting(module_functor_common&, omp_safe_ptr<long long>&, const str&, const str&);

  /// Register that a module function is compatible with a single model
  int register_model_singly(module_functor_common&, const str&);

  /// Register a model group with a functor
  int register_model_group(module_functor_common&, const str&, const str&);

  /// Register a backend requirement for a module function
  int register_backend_requirement(module_functor_common&, const str&, const str&,
   const str&, bool, const str&, const str&, void(*)(functor*));

  /// Register a combination of models as allowed with a functor
  int register_model_combination(module_functor_common&, const str&);

  /// Register a dependency of a module function
  int register_dependency(module_functor_common&, const str&, const str&,
   void(*)(functor*, module_functor_common*));

  /// Register a conditional dependency of a module function
  int register_conditional_dependency(module_functor_common&, const str&, const str&);

  /// Register a model parameters dependency of a module function
  int register_model_parameter_dependency(module_functor_common&, const str&, const str&,
   void(*resolver)(functor*, module_functor_common*));

  /// Register a model-conditional dependency of a module function
  int register_model_conditional_dependency(module_functor_common&, const str&,
   const str&, void(*)(functor*, module_functor_common*));

  /// Register a backend-conditional dependency of a module function
  int register_backend_conditional_dependency(module_functor_common&, const str&, const str&,
   const str&, const str&, void(*)(functor*, module_functor_common*));

  /// Apply a backend-matching rule
  int apply_backend_matching_rule(module_functor_common&, const str&);

  /// Apply a backend option rule
  int apply_backend_option_rule(module_functor_common&, const str&, const str&);

  namespace slhahelp

    /// Typedefs for pairs that we will use in maps
    typedef std::pair<int,str> p_int_string;
    typedef std::pair<int,int> pair_ints;
    typedef std::pair<str,pair_ints> pair_string_ints;
    typedef std::pair<str,str> pair_strings;

    /// map from gauge eigenstate strings to string, index pairs
    std::map<str, p_int_string> init_gauge_label_to_index_type();

    /// map from mass eigenstate strings to string, index pairs
    std::map<str, p_int_string> init_mass_label_to_index_type();

    /// map to extract info from family state
    std::map<str, pair_string_ints> init_familystate_label();

    ///map to obtain left_right gauge_pairs from state info
    /// helps us reuse other routiones with string arguments
    std::map<p_int_string, std::vector<str> > init_type_family_to_gauge_states();

    /// maps directly from family string to left_right gauge_pairs
    /// helps us reuse other routines that take string arguments
    std::map<str,std::vector<str> > init_family_state_to_gauge_state();

    ///maps directly from gauge_es string to familystates
    /// helps us reuse other routines that take string arguments
    std::map<str,std::vector<str> > init_gauge_es_to_family_states();

    /// map from string representing type (ie up-squarks, down-squarks or
    /// charged sleptons) to appropriate set of mass eigenstates
    std::map<str,std::vector<str> > init_type_to_vec_of_mass_es();

    /// map from string representing type (ie up-squarks, down-squarks or
    /// charged sleptons) to appropriate set of gauge eigenstates
    std::map<str,std::vector<str> > init_type_to_vec_of_gauge_es();



#endif // #defined __ini_functions_hpp__

Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:33 +0000