file Elements/decay_table.hpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:


GAMBIT native decay table class.
DecayTable entry class. Holds the info on all decays of a given particle.

Detailed Description

Author: Pat Scott (

Date: 2015 Jan

Decay table class declarations.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Decay table class declarations.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2015 Jan
///  *********************************************

#ifndef __decay_table_hpp__
#define __decay_table_hpp__

#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

#include "gambit/Elements/slhaea_spec_helpers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/mssm_slhahelp.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/util_types.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/standalone_error_handlers.hpp"
#include "gambit/Models/partmap.hpp"

namespace Gambit

  /// GAMBIT native decay table class.
  class DecayTable

      // Forward declaration of DecayTable entry class, for readability.  Holds the info on all decays of a given particle.
      class Entry;

      /// Constructors
      /// @{
      /// Default constructor
      DecayTable() {}
      /// Create a DecayTable from an SLHA file
      DecayTable(str slha, int context = 0, bool force_SM_fermion_gauge_eigenstates = false);
      /// Create a DecayTable from an SLHA file, with PDG code remapping
      DecayTable(str slha, const std::map<int, int>& PDG_map, int context = 0, bool force_SM_fermion_gauge_eigenstates = false);
      /// Create a DecayTable from an SLHAea object containing DECAY blocks
      DecayTable(const SLHAstruct&, int context = 0, bool force_SM_fermion_gauge_eigenstates = false);
      /// Create a DecayTable from an SLHAea object containing DECAY blocks, and remap PDG codes according to provided map
      DecayTable(const SLHAstruct&, const std::map<int, int>&, int context = 0, bool force_SM_fermion_gauge_eigenstates = false);
      /// @}

      /// Output entire decay table as an SLHAea file full of DECAY blocks
      SLHAstruct getSLHAea(int SLHA_version, bool include_zero_bfs=false, const mass_es_pseudonyms& psn=mass_es_pseudonyms()) const;

      /// Output entire decay table as an SLHA file full of DECAY blocks
      void writeSLHAfile(int SLHA_version, const str& filename, bool include_zero_bfs=false, const mass_es_pseudonyms& psn=mass_es_pseudonyms()) const;

      /// Output a decay table entry as an SLHAea DECAY block, using input parameter to identify the entry.
      /// @{
      SLHAea::Block getSLHAea_block(int, std::pair<int,int>, bool include_zero_bfs=false, const mass_es_pseudonyms& psn=mass_es_pseudonyms()) const;
      SLHAea::Block getSLHAea_block(int, str, bool include_zero_bfs=false, const mass_es_pseudonyms& psn=mass_es_pseudonyms()) const;
      SLHAea::Block getSLHAea_block(int, str, int, bool include_zero_bfs=false, const mass_es_pseudonyms& psn=mass_es_pseudonyms()) const;
      /// @}

      /// Get entry in decay table for a given particle, adding the particle to the table if it is absent.
      /// Three access methods: PDG-context integer pair, full particle name, short particle name + index integer.
      /// @{
      Entry& operator()(std::pair<int,int>);
      Entry& operator()(str);
      Entry& operator()(str, int);
      const Entry& operator()(std::pair<int,int>) const;
      const Entry& operator()(str) const;
      const Entry& operator()(str, int) const;
      /// @}

      /// Get entry in decay table for a give particle, throwing an error if particle is absent.
      /// Three access methods: PDG-context integer pair, full particle name, short particle name + index integer.
      /// @{
      Entry& at(std::pair<int,int>);
      Entry& at(str);
      Entry& at(str, int);
      const Entry& at(std::pair<int,int>) const;
      const Entry& at(str) const;
      const Entry& at(str, int) const;
      /// @}

      /// The actual underlying map.  Just iterate over this directly if you need to iterate over all particles in the table.
      std::map< std::pair<int,int>, Entry > particles;

      /// DecayTable entry class.  Holds the info on all decays of a given particle.
      class Entry

          /// Initialise a DecayTable Entry using an SLHAea DECAY block
          void init(const SLHAea::Block&, int, bool force_SM_fermion_gauge_eigenstates = false);

          /// Make sure all particles listed in a set are actually known to the GAMBIT particle database
          void check_particles_exist(std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> >&) const;

          /// Make sure no NaNs have been passed to the DecayTable by nefarious backends
          void check_BF_validity(double, double, std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> >&) const;

          /// Construct a set of particles from a variadic list of full names or short names and indices
          /// @{
          /// Base function version
          static void construct_key(std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> >&) {}
          /// Templated version for long names
          template <typename... Args>
          static void construct_key(std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> >& key, str p1, Args... args)
            construct_key(key, args...);
          /// Templated version for short names and indices
          template <typename... Args>
          static void construct_key(std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> >& key, str p1, int i1, Args... args)
            construct_key(key, args...);
            key.insert(Models::ParticleDB().pdg_pair(p1, i1));
          /// @}


          /// Default constructor
          Entry() :  width_in_GeV(0.0), positive_error(0.0), negative_error(0.0), calculator(""), calculator_version(""), warnings(""), errors("") {}
          /// Constructor taking total width
          Entry(double width) :  width_in_GeV(width), calculator(""), calculator_version(""), warnings(""), errors("") {}
          /// Constructor creating a DecayTable Entry from an SLHAea DECAY block; full version
          Entry(const SLHAea::Block&, int context = 0, bool force_SM_fermion_gauge_eigenstates = false, str calculator = "", str calculator_version = "");
          /// Constructor creating a DecayTable Entry from an SLHAea DECAY block; full version; version assuming block def is already known
          Entry(const SLHAea::Block&, SLHAea::Block::const_iterator, int context = 0, bool force_SM_fermion_gauge_eigenstates = false,
           str calculator = "", str calculator_version = "");

          /// Set branching fraction for decay to a given final state.
          /// Supports arbitrarily many final state particles.
          /// Five ways to specify final states:
          ///  1. PDG-context integer pairs (vector)
          ///  2. full particle names (vector)
          ///  3. PDG-context integer pairs (arguments)
          ///  4. full particle names (arguments)
          ///  5. short particle names + index integers (arguments)
          /// @{
          void set_BF(double, double, const std::vector<std::pair<int,int> >&);
          void set_BF(double, double, const std::vector<str>&);

          template <typename... Args>
          void set_BF(double BF, double error, std::pair<int,int> p1, Args... args)
            std::pair<int,int> particles[] = {p1, args...};
            std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> > key(particles, particles+sizeof...(Args)+1);
            check_BF_validity(BF, error, key);
            channels[key] = std::pair<double, double>(BF, error);

          template <typename... Args>
          void set_BF(double BF, double error, str p1, Args... args)
            std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> > key;
            construct_key(key, p1, args...);
            check_BF_validity(BF, error, key);
            channels[key] = std::pair<double, double>(BF, error);
          /// @}

          /// Check if a given final state exists in this DecayTable::Entry.
          /// Supports arbitrarily many final state particles.
          /// Five ways to specify final states:
          ///  1. PDG-context integer pairs (vector)
          ///  2. full particle names (vector)
          ///  3. PDG-context integer pairs (arguments)
          ///  4. full particle names (arguments)
          ///  5. short particle names + index integers (arguments)
          /// @{
          bool has_channel(const std::vector<std::pair<int,int> >&) const;
          bool has_channel(const std::vector<str>&) const;

          template <typename... Args>
          bool has_channel(std::pair<int,int> p1, Args... args) const
            std::pair<int,int> particles[] = {p1, args...};
            std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> > key(particles, particles+sizeof...(Args)+1);
            return channels.find(key) != channels.end();

          template <typename... Args>
          bool has_channel(str p1, Args... args) const
            std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> > key;
            construct_key(key, p1, args...);
            return channels.find(key) != channels.end();
          /// @}

          /// Retrieve branching fraction for decay to a given final state.
          /// Five ways to specify final states:
          ///  1. PDG-context integer pairs (vector)
          ///  2. full particle names (vector)
          ///  3. PDG-context integer pairs (arguments)
          ///  4. full particle names (arguments)
          ///  5. short particle names + index integers (arguments)
          /// Supports arbitrarily many final state particles.
          /// @{
          double BF(const std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >&) const;
          double BF(const std::vector<str>&) const;

          template <typename... Args>
          double BF(std::pair<int,int> p1, Args... args) const
            std::pair<int,int> particles[] = {p1, args...};
            std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> > key(particles, particles+sizeof...(Args)+1);
            if (channels.find(key) == channels.end())
              std::ostringstream err;
              err << "No branching fraction exists for the requested final states:";
              for (auto particle = key.begin(); particle != key.end(); ++particle)
                err << " {" << particle->first << ", " << particle->second << "}";

          template <typename... Args>
          double BF(str p1, Args... args) const
            std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> > key;
            construct_key(key, p1, args...);
            if (channels.find(key) == channels.end())
              std::ostringstream err;
              err << "No branching fraction exists for the requested final states:";
              for (auto particle = key.begin(); particle != key.end(); ++particle)
                err << " {" << particle->first << ", " << particle->second << "}";
          /// @}

          /// Retrieve branching fraction error for decay to a given final state.
          /// Three ways to specify final states: PDG-context integer pairs, full particle names, short particle names + index integers.
          /// Supports arbitrarily many final state particles.
          /// @{
          template <typename... Args>
          double BF_error(std::pair<int,int> p1, Args... args) const
            std::pair<int,int> particles[] = {p1, args...};
            std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> > key(particles, particles+sizeof...(Args)+1);
            if (channels.find(key) == channels.end())
              std::ostringstream err;
              err << "No branching fraction exists for the requested final states:";
              for (auto particle = key.begin(); particle != key.end(); ++particle)
                err << " {" << particle->first << ", " << particle->second << "}";

          template <typename... Args>
          double BF_error(str p1, Args... args) const
            std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> > key;
            construct_key(key, p1, args...);
            if (channels.find(key) == channels.end())
              std::ostringstream err;
              err << "No branching fraction exists for the requested final states:";
              for (auto particle = key.begin(); particle != key.end(); ++particle)
                err << " {" << particle->first << ", " << particle->second << "}";
          /// @}

          /// Retrieve branching fraction and error for decay to a given final state.
          /// Three ways to specify final states: PDG-context integer pairs, full particle names, short particle names + index integers.
          /// Supports arbitrarily many final state particles.
          /// @{
          template <typename... Args>
          std::pair<double, double> BF_with_error(std::pair<int,int> p1, Args... args) const
            std::pair<int,int> particles[] = {p1, args...};
            std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> > key(particles, particles+sizeof...(Args)+1);
            if (channels.find(key) == channels.end())
              std::ostringstream err;
              err << "No branching fraction exists for the requested final states:";
              for (auto particle = key.begin(); particle != key.end(); ++particle)
                err << " {" << particle->first << ", " << particle->second << "}";

          template <typename... Args>
          std::pair<double, double> BF_with_error(str p1, Args... args) const
            std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> > key;
            construct_key(key, p1, args...);
            if (channels.find(key) == channels.end())
              std::ostringstream err;
              err << "No branching fraction exists for the requested final states:";
              for (auto particle = key.begin(); particle != key.end(); ++particle)
                err << " {" << particle->first << ", " << particle->second << "}";
          /// @}

          /// Output this entry as an SLHAea DECAY block, using input parameter to identify the mother particle.
          /// @{
          SLHAea::Block getSLHAea_block(int, str, bool include_zero_bfs=false, const mass_es_pseudonyms& psn=mass_es_pseudonyms()) const;
          SLHAea::Block getSLHAea_block(int, str, int, bool include_zero_bfs=false, const mass_es_pseudonyms& psn=mass_es_pseudonyms()) const;
          SLHAea::Block getSLHAea_block(int, std::pair<int,int>, bool include_zero_bfs=false, const mass_es_pseudonyms& psn=mass_es_pseudonyms()) const;
          /// @}

          /// Sum up the partial widths and return the result.
          double sum_BF() const;

          /// Total particle width (in GeV)
          double width_in_GeV;

          /// Positive error on width
          double positive_error;

          /// Negative error on width
          double negative_error;

          /// Name of the code (backend or otherwise) used for calculating this entry
          str calculator;
          /// Version of the code used for calculating this entry
          str calculator_version;
          /// Warnings from the calculator
          str warnings;
          /// Errors from the calculator
          str errors;

          /// The actual underlying map of channels to their BFs.
          /// Just iterate over this directly if you need to iterate over all decays of this particle.
          std::map< std::multiset< std::pair<int,int> >, std::pair<double, double> > channels;




#endif //#defined __decay_table_hpp__

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:41 +0000