file DarkBit/DarkBit_types.hpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:


Neutrino telescope yield info container.
Neutrino telescope data container.
Annihilation/decay channel.
Channel container Object containing tabularized yields for particle decay and two-body final states.

Detailed Description



  • 2012 Mar, 2014 Jan
  • 2013 Jun, 2023
  • 2013 Oct
  • 2014 Jan, Apr
  • 2015 Mar
  • 2020 Dec
  • 2014 Mar, Jul, Sep, Oct, Dec
  • 2015 Jan
  • 2015 Jan
  • 2014
  • 2016 Aug
  • 2020 March
  • 2019 Jul

Type definition header for module DarkBit.

Compile-time registration of type definitions required for the rest of the code to communicate with DarkBit.

Add to this if you want to define a new type for the functions in DarkBit to return, but you don’t expect that type to be needed by any other modules.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Type definition header for module DarkBit.
///  Compile-time registration of type definitions
///  required for the rest of the code to
///  communicate with DarkBit.
///  Add to this if you want to define a new type
///  for the functions in DarkBit to return, but
///  you don't expect that type to be needed by
///  any other modules.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Christoph Weniger
///          (
///  \date 2012 Mar, 2014 Jan
///  \author Torsten Bringmann
///          (
///  \date 2013 Jun, 2023
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2013 Oct
///  \date 2014 Jan, Apr
///  \date 2015 Mar
///  \date 2020 Dec
///  \author Lars A. Dal
///          (
///  \date 2014 Mar, Jul, Sep, Oct, Dec
///  \date 2015 Jan
///  \author Christopher Savage
///          (
///  \date 2015 Jan
///  \author Jonathan Cornell
///          (
///  \date 2014
///  \author Sebastian Wild
///          (
///  \date 2016 Aug
///  \author Inigo Saez Casares
///          (
///  \date 2020 March
///  \author Ben Farmer
///          (
///  \date 2019 Jul
///  *********************************************

#ifndef __DarkBit_types_hpp__
#define __DarkBit_types_hpp__

#include "gambit/DarkBit/decay_chain.hpp"
#include "gambit/DarkBit/SimpleHist.hpp"
#include "gambit/DarkBit/ProcessCatalog.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/daFunk.hpp"
#include "gambit/Models/safe_param_map.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/yaml_options.hpp"
#include "gambit/Backends/backend_types/nulike.hpp"

namespace Gambit
  namespace DarkBit

    // Forward declaration of warnings and errors
    error& DarkBit_error();
    warning& DarkBit_warning();

    // Local preferred sources of tools.
    using boost::weak_ptr;
    using boost::shared_ptr;
    using boost::dynamic_pointer_cast;
    using boost::static_pointer_cast;
    using boost::enable_shared_from_this;

    // A simple example
    struct Wstruct
      double valA;
      double valB;

    //generalized capture cross section
    // struct genCapXsec
    // {
    //   std::map< std::pair < int, int >, double> sigma;
    //   // std::map<const char*,int> sigma;
    // };

    struct RD_coannihilating_particle
      RD_coannihilating_particle() {}
      RD_coannihilating_particle(const unsigned int & index, const unsigned int & dof, const double & mass) : index(index), degreesOfFreedom(dof), mass(mass) {}

      unsigned int index;
      unsigned int degreesOfFreedom;
      double mass;

    struct RD_spectrum_type
      RD_spectrum_type() {}
      RD_spectrum_type(const std::vector<RD_coannihilating_particle> & coannPart, const std::vector<TH_Resonance> & resonances, const std::vector<double> & thresholds) : coannihilatingParticles(coannPart), resonances(resonances), threshold_energy(thresholds) {}

      std::vector<RD_coannihilating_particle> coannihilatingParticles;
      std::vector<TH_Resonance> resonances;
      std::vector<double> threshold_energy;
      std::string particle_index_type;
      double etaDM; // primordial asymmetry
      bool isSelfConj;

    // Neutrino telescope data structures

    /// Neutrino telescope yield info container
    struct nuyield_info
        bool threadsafe;
        nuyield_function_pointer pointer;

    /// Neutrino telescope data container
    struct nudata
        int nobs;
        double signal;
        double bg;
        double loglike;
        double bgloglike;
        double pvalue;

    /// Annihilation/decay channel
    struct SimYieldChannel
        SimYieldChannel(daFunk::Funk dNdE, const std::string& p1, const std::string& p2,
            const std::string& finalState, double Ecm_min, double Ecm_max, safe_ptr<Options> runOptions);
        daFunk::Funk dNdE;
        daFunk::BoundFunk dNdE_bound;  // Pre-bound version for use in e.g. cascade decays
        std::string p1;
        std::string p2;
        std::string finalState;
        double finalStateMass;
        double Ecm_min;
        double Ecm_max;

    /// Result of SimYieldTable::checkChannel
    enum class SimYieldChannelCheck
      success,            // The check succeeded.
      duplication,        // The channel is already in the SimYieldTable
      monochromatic_line  // The channel is a monochromatic line (pi==finalState)

    /// \brief Channel container
    /// Object containing tabularized yields for particle decay and two-body final states.
    class SimYieldTable
            void addChannel(daFunk::Funk dNdE, const std::string& p1, const std::string& p2, const std::string& finalState, double Ecm_min, double Ecm_max, safe_ptr<Options> runOptions);
            void addChannel(daFunk::Funk dNdE, const std::string& p1, const std::string& finalState, double Ecm_min, double Ecm_max, safe_ptr<Options> runOptions);
            void addChannel(SimYieldChannel channel);
            void replaceFinalState(const std::string& oldFinalState, const std::string& newFinalState);
            void donateChannels(SimYieldTable& receiver) const;
            bool hasChannel(const std::string& p1, const std::string& p2, const std::string& finalState) const;
            bool hasChannel(const std::string& p1, const std::string& finalState) const;
            bool hasAnyChannel(const std::string& p1) const;
            bool hasAnyChannel(const std::string& p1, const std::string& p2) const;
            const SimYieldChannel& getChannel(const std::string& p1, const std::string& p2, const std::string& finalState) const;
            daFunk::Funk operator()(const std::string& p1, const std::string& p2, const std::string& finalState, double Ecm) const;
            daFunk::Funk operator()(const std::string& p1, const std::string& finalState, double Ecm) const;
            daFunk::Funk operator()(const std::string& p1, const std::string& p2, const std::string& finalState) const;
            daFunk::Funk operator()(const std::string& p1, const std::string& finalState) const;

            SimYieldChannel dummy_channel;
            std::vector<SimYieldChannel> channel_list;
            int findChannel(const std::string& p1, const std::string& p2, const std::string& finalState) const;
            SimYieldChannelCheck checkChannel(const std::string& p1, const std::string& p2, const std::string& finalState) const;


#endif // defined __DarkBit_types_hpp__

Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:34 +0000