file DarkBit/DarkBit_rollcall.hpp

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BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY, 5.1.3) , (ds5) )
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY6.
ds6BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_generic_wimp, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5, 6.4.0) , (ds6) )
const str &BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5, 6.4.0) , (ds6) )
const str double doubleBACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5) , (ds6) )
BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.4.0) , (ds6) )
BACKEND_REQ(dsrdstart , (ds6) , void , (int &, double(&)[1000], double(&)[1000], int &, double(&)[1000], double(&)[1000], int &, double(&)[1000]) )
double double double int int int &BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_MSSM) , (ds6) )
BACKEND_REQ(dsrdthlim , (ds5) , void , () )
double double int &BACKEND_REQ(dsrdeqn , (ds5) , void , (double(*)(double &), double &, double &, double &, double &, int &) )
double double int double &BACKEND_REQ(DS5particle_code , (ds5) , int , (const str &) )
BACKEND_REQ(dsrdomega , (ds5) , double , (int &, int &, double &, int &, int &, int &) )
BACKEND_REQ(oh2 , (gimmemicro) , double , (double *, int, double) )
gimmemicroBACKEND_OPTION((MicrOmegas_ScalarSingletDM_Z2) , (gimmemicro) )
gimmemicro gimmemicroBACKEND_OPTION((MicrOmegas_VectorSingletDM_Z2) , (gimmemicro) )
gimmemicro gimmemicro gimmemicroBACKEND_OPTION((MicrOmegas_DiracSingletDM_Z2) , (gimmemicro) )
gimmemicro gimmemicro gimmemicro gimmemicroALLOW_MODELS(MSSM63atQ , MSSM63atMGUT , ScalarSingletDM_Z2 , ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running , ScalarSingletDM_Z3 , ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running , DiracSingletDM_Z2 , MajoranaSingletDM_Z2 , VectorSingletDM_Z2 , DMEFT )
Xf = m_WIMP/T_freezeout.
BACKEND_REQ(get_oneChannel , (gimmemicro) , double , (double, double, char *, char *, char *, char *) )
BACKEND_REQ(vSigma , () , double , (double, double, int) )
Cosmological fraction of the relic density constituted by the DM candidate under investigation.
int &BACKEND_REQ(dsIBffdxdy , (ds5) , double , (int &, double &, double &) )
int int double double &BACKEND_REQ(dsIBwhdxdy , (ds5) , double , (int &, double &, double &) )
int int double double int double double int int &BACKEND_REQ(dssigmav0tot , (ds6) , double , () )
int int double double int double double int int int double double &BACKEND_REQ(dsIBhhdxdy , (ds6) , double , (int &, double &, double &) )
int int double double int double double int int int double double int double double &BACKEND_REQ(dsIBwwdxdy , (ds6) , double , (int &, double &, double &) )
BACKEND_REQ(calcSpectrum , (gimmemicro) , double , (int, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, int *) )
BACKEND_REQ(CH_Sigma_V , () , double , (str &, std::vector< str > &, std::vector< str > &, double &, const DecayTable &) )
BACKEND_REQ(dsanyield_sim , () , double , (double &, double &, int &, char *, int &, int &, int &) )
BACKEND_REQ(drn_pbar_logLikes , () , map_str_dbl , (double &, map_str_dbl &, double &) )
BACKEND_REQ(lnL , (gamLike) , double , (int, const std::vector< double > &, const std::vector< double > &) )
QUICK_FUNCTION(DarkBit , mwimp , NEW_CAPABILITY , mwimp_generic , double , () , (WIMP_properties, WIMPprops) )
unsigned WIMPpropsQUICK_FUNCTION(DarkBit , wimp_sc , NEW_CAPABILITY , wimp_sc_generic , bool , () , (WIMP_properties, WIMPprops) )
unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int *BACKEND_OPTION((MicrOmegas_MSSM) , (gimmemicro) )
unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int gimmemicroBACKEND_OPTION((MicrOmegas_ScalarSingletDM_Z3) , (gimmemicro) )
unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int gimmemicro gimmemicroBACKEND_OPTION((MicrOmegas_DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM) , (gimmemicro) )
unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int gimmemicro gimmemicro double double double double double *BACKEND_REQ(FeScLoop , (gimmemicro) , double , (double, double, double, double) )
unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int gimmemicro gimmemicro double double double double double DMsimpVectorMedVectorDMMODEL_GROUP(group2 , (MSSM63atQ, ScalarSingletDM_Z2, ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running, ScalarSingletDM_Z3, ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running, VectorSingletDM_Z2, DMEFT, DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM) )
BACKEND_REQ(get_NR_WCs_flav , () , NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings , (map_str_dbl &, double &, int &, std::string &, map_str_dbl &) )
doubleQUICK_FUNCTION(DarkBit , sigma_SI_n , NEW_CAPABILITY , sigma_SI_n_simple , double , () , (DD_couplings, DM_nucleon_couplings) , (mwimp, double) )
double doubleQUICK_FUNCTION(DarkBit , sigma_SD_n , NEW_CAPABILITY , sigma_SD_n_simple , double , () , (DD_couplings, DM_nucleon_couplings) , (mwimp, double) )
Capture rate of regular dark matter in the Sun (no v-dependent or q-dependent cross-sections) (s^-1).
BACKEND_REQ(cap_Sun_v0q0_isoscalar , (cg) , void , (const double &, const double &, const double &, double &, double &) )
const double &BACKEND_OPTION((CaptnGeneral) , (cg) )
Capture rate of dark matter with q^n or v^n cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.
const double const double const double const int const int const int const double double &BACKEND_REQ(cap_sun_saturation , (cg) , double , (const double &) )
BACKEND_REQ(captn_NREO , (cg) , void , (const double &, const double &, const int &, double &) )
const double &BACKEND_REQ(captn_populate_array , (cg) , void , (const double &, const int &, const int &) )
ALLOW_MODELS(MSSM63atQ , ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running , ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running , MajoranaSingletDM_Z2 , DiracSingletDM_Z2 , VectorSingletDM_Z2 , NREO_scalarDM , NREO_MajoranaDM , NREO_DiracDM , DMEFT )
const double(&constdouble(& )
const double(&const const double doubleBACKEND_REQ(nuyield , (ds) , double , (const double &, const int &, void *&) )
const double(&const const double doubleBACKEND_REQ(get_DS_charged_h_decay_channels , (ds) , std::vector< std::vector< str > > , () )
BACKEND_REQ(nubounds , () , void , (const char &, const double &, const double &, nuyield_function_pointer, double &, double &, int &, double &, double &, const int &, const double &, const int &, const bool &, const double &, const double &, void *&, const bool &) )
BACKEND_REQ(XENON1T_S2_ER , () , obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_ER , () )
BACKEND_REQ(DarkSide50_S2_ER_2023 , () , obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_ER , () )
BACKEND_REQ(SENSEI_at_MINOS , () , obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Crystal , () )
BACKEND_REQ(DAMIC_M_2023 , () , obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Crystal , () )
BACKEND_REQ(DarkSide50_S2_Migdal , () , obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_Migdal , () )


ds6 const strScalarSingletDM_Z2_running
ds6 const strScalarSingletDM_Z3
ds6 const strScalarSingletDM_Z3_running
ds6 const strDiracSingletDM_Z2
ds6 const strMajoranaSingletDM_Z2
ds6 const strVectorSingletDM_Z2
const strdouble
const str double doublevoid
unsigned WIMPpropsgimmemicro
unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int gimmemicro gimmemicro double double double double doubleMSSM63atQ
unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int gimmemicro gimmemicro double double double double doubleScalarSingletDM_Z2
unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int gimmemicro gimmemicro double double double double doubleDMEFT
const char const double const doublenuyield_function_pointer


Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.
simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Detailed Description



  • 2013 Jul - 2015 May
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Rollcall header for module DarkBit

Compile-time registration of available obser- vables and likelihoods, as well as their dependencies.

Add to this if you want to add an observable or likelihood to this module.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Functions Documentation


    (DarkSUSY, 5.1.3) ,

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY6.

Process Catalogue from DarkSUSY6 (MSSM)


    (DarkSUSY_generic_wimp, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5, 6.4.0) ,


const str & BACKEND_OPTION(
    (DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5, 6.4.0) ,


const str double double BACKEND_OPTION(
    (DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5) ,


    (DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.4.0) ,

function BACKEND_REQ

    dsrdstart ,
    (ds6) ,
    void ,
    (int &, double(&)[1000], double(&)[1000], int &, double(&)[1000], double(&)[1000], int &, double(&)[1000]) 


double double double int int int & BACKEND_OPTION(
    (DarkSUSY_MSSM) ,

function BACKEND_REQ

    dsrdthlim ,
    (ds5) ,
    void ,

function BACKEND_REQ

double double int & BACKEND_REQ(
    dsrdeqn ,
    (ds5) ,
    void ,
    (double(*)(double &), double &, double &, double &, double &, int &) 

function BACKEND_REQ

double double int double & BACKEND_REQ(
    DS5particle_code ,
    (ds5) ,
    int ,
    (const str &) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    dsrdomega ,
    (ds5) ,
    double ,
    (int &, int &, double &, int &, int &, int &) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    oh2 ,
    (gimmemicro) ,
    double ,
    (double *, int, double) 


gimmemicro BACKEND_OPTION(
    (MicrOmegas_ScalarSingletDM_Z2) ,


gimmemicro gimmemicro BACKEND_OPTION(
    (MicrOmegas_VectorSingletDM_Z2) ,


gimmemicro gimmemicro gimmemicro BACKEND_OPTION(
    (MicrOmegas_DiracSingletDM_Z2) ,


gimmemicro gimmemicro gimmemicro gimmemicro ALLOW_MODELS(
    MSSM63atQ ,
    MSSM63atMGUT ,
    ScalarSingletDM_Z2 ,
    ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running ,
    ScalarSingletDM_Z3 ,
    ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running ,
    DiracSingletDM_Z2 ,
    MajoranaSingletDM_Z2 ,
    VectorSingletDM_Z2 ,

Xf = m_WIMP/T_freezeout.

Contributions of different annihilation channels to the relic density

function BACKEND_REQ

    get_oneChannel ,
    (gimmemicro) ,
    double ,
    (double, double, char *, char *, char *, char *) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    vSigma ,
    () ,
    double ,
    (double, double, int) 

Cosmological fraction of the relic density constituted by the DM candidate under investigation.

Suppression of indirect rates due to (cosmologically) underabundant DM Process Catalogue from DarkSUSY5

function BACKEND_REQ

    dsIBffdxdy ,
    (ds5) ,
    double ,
    (int &, double &, double &) 

function BACKEND_REQ

int int double double & BACKEND_REQ(
    dsIBwhdxdy ,
    (ds5) ,
    double ,
    (int &, double &, double &) 

function BACKEND_REQ

int int double double int double double int int & BACKEND_REQ(
    dssigmav0tot ,
    (ds6) ,
    double ,

function BACKEND_REQ

int int double double int double double int int int double double & BACKEND_REQ(
    dsIBhhdxdy ,
    (ds6) ,
    double ,
    (int &, double &, double &) 

function BACKEND_REQ

int int double double int double double int int int double double int double double & BACKEND_REQ(
    dsIBwwdxdy ,
    (ds6) ,
    double ,
    (int &, double &, double &) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    calcSpectrum ,
    (gimmemicro) ,
    double ,
    (int, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, int *) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    CH_Sigma_V ,
    () ,
    double ,
    (str &, std::vector< str > &, std::vector< str > &, double &, const DecayTable &) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    dsanyield_sim ,
    () ,
    double ,
    (double &, double &, int &, char *, int &, int &, int &) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    drn_pbar_logLikes ,
    () ,
    map_str_dbl ,
    (double &, map_str_dbl &, double &) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    lnL ,
    (gamLike) ,
    double ,
    (int, const std::vector< double > &, const std::vector< double > &) 


    DarkBit ,
    mwimp ,
    mwimp_generic ,
    double ,
    () ,
    (WIMP_properties, WIMPprops) 


unsigned WIMPprops QUICK_FUNCTION(
    DarkBit ,
    wimp_sc ,
    wimp_sc_generic ,
    bool ,
    () ,
    (WIMP_properties, WIMPprops) 


unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int * BACKEND_OPTION(
    (MicrOmegas_MSSM) ,


unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int gimmemicro BACKEND_OPTION(
    (MicrOmegas_ScalarSingletDM_Z3) ,


unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int gimmemicro gimmemicro BACKEND_OPTION(
    (MicrOmegas_DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM) ,

function BACKEND_REQ

unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int gimmemicro gimmemicro double double double double double * BACKEND_REQ(
    FeScLoop ,
    (gimmemicro) ,
    double ,
    (double, double, double, double) 

function MODEL_GROUP

unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int gimmemicro gimmemicro double double double double double DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM MODEL_GROUP(
    group2 ,
    (MSSM63atQ, ScalarSingletDM_Z2, ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running, ScalarSingletDM_Z3, ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running, VectorSingletDM_Z2, DMEFT, DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    get_NR_WCs_flav ,
    () ,
    NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings ,
    (map_str_dbl &, double &, int &, std::string &, map_str_dbl &) 


    DarkBit ,
    sigma_SI_n ,
    sigma_SI_n_simple ,
    double ,
    () ,
    (DD_couplings, DM_nucleon_couplings) ,
    (mwimp, double) 


double double QUICK_FUNCTION(
    DarkBit ,
    sigma_SD_n ,
    sigma_SD_n_simple ,
    double ,
    () ,
    (DD_couplings, DM_nucleon_couplings) ,
    (mwimp, double) 

Capture rate of regular dark matter in the Sun (no v-dependent or q-dependent cross-sections) (s^-1).

function BACKEND_REQ

    cap_Sun_v0q0_isoscalar ,
    (cg) ,
    void ,
    (const double &, const double &, const double &, double &, double &) 


const double & BACKEND_OPTION(
    (CaptnGeneral) ,

Capture rate of dark matter with q^n or v^n cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

function BACKEND_REQ

const double const double const double const int const int const int const double double & BACKEND_REQ(
    cap_sun_saturation ,
    (cg) ,
    double ,
    (const double &) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    captn_NREO ,
    (cg) ,
    void ,
    (const double &, const double &, const int &, double &) 

function BACKEND_REQ

const double & BACKEND_REQ(
    captn_populate_array ,
    (cg) ,
    void ,
    (const double &, const int &, const int &) 


    MSSM63atQ ,
    ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running ,
    ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running ,
    MajoranaSingletDM_Z2 ,
    DiracSingletDM_Z2 ,
    VectorSingletDM_Z2 ,
    NREO_scalarDM ,
    NREO_MajoranaDM ,
    NREO_DiracDM ,

function double

const double(&const double(

function BACKEND_REQ

const double(&const const double double BACKEND_REQ(
    nuyield ,
    (ds) ,
    double ,
    (const double &, const int &, void *&) 

function BACKEND_REQ

const double(&const const double double BACKEND_REQ(
    get_DS_charged_h_decay_channels ,
    (ds) ,
    std::vector< std::vector< str > > ,

function BACKEND_REQ

    nubounds ,
    () ,
    void ,
    (const char &, const double &, const double &, nuyield_function_pointer, double &, double &, int &, double &, double &, const int &, const double &, const int &, const bool &, const double &, const double &, void *&, const bool &) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    XENON1T_S2_ER ,
    () ,
    obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_ER ,

function BACKEND_REQ

    DarkSide50_S2_ER_2023 ,
    () ,
    obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_ER ,

function BACKEND_REQ

    () ,
    obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Crystal ,

function BACKEND_REQ

    DAMIC_M_2023 ,
    () ,
    obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Crystal ,

function BACKEND_REQ

    DarkSide50_S2_Migdal ,
    () ,
    obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_Migdal ,

Attributes Documentation

variable ds5

ds6 ds5;

variable int

ds6 int;

variable ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running

ds6 const str ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running;

variable ScalarSingletDM_Z3

ds6 const str ScalarSingletDM_Z3;

variable ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running

ds6 const str ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running;

variable DiracSingletDM_Z2

ds6 const str DiracSingletDM_Z2;

variable MajoranaSingletDM_Z2

ds6 const str MajoranaSingletDM_Z2;

variable VectorSingletDM_Z2

ds6 const str VectorSingletDM_Z2;

variable ds6


variable double

const str double;

variable void

const str double double void;

variable gamLike


variable spinwimpx2




variable spinwimpx2_generic


variable WIMP_properties

unsigned WIMP_properties;

variable gimmemicro

unsigned WIMPprops gimmemicro;

variable MSSM63atQ

unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int gimmemicro gimmemicro double double double double double MSSM63atQ;

variable ScalarSingletDM_Z2

unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int gimmemicro gimmemicro double double double double double ScalarSingletDM_Z2;

variable DMEFT

unsigned WIMPprops double double double double double double int gimmemicro gimmemicro double double double double double DMEFT;

variable sigma_SI_p


variable sigma_SI_p_simple


variable DD_couplings


variable DM_nucleon_couplings


variable mwimp


variable sigma_SD_p

double sigma_SD_p;

variable sigma_SD_p_simple

double sigma_SD_p_simple;

variable cg


variable ds


variable nuyield_function_pointer

const char const double const double nuyield_function_pointer;

Macros Documentation

define MODULE

#define MODULE DarkBit


#define REFERENCE GAMBITDarkMatterWorkgroup:2017fax


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM






#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


  LONG_DECLARE_FUNCTION(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME),                           \
   CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME), TYPE, 0)                                            \
  LONG_DEPENDENCY(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME),                              \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calculate), bool)                                                \
  LONG_BACKEND_REQ(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME),                                \
   CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME), DD_Experiment, (needs_DDCalc), int, (const str&))   \
  LONG_BACKEND_REQ(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME),                                \
   CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME), CAT(DD_,NAME), (needs_DDCalc), TYPE, (const int&))


  LONG_DECLARE_FUNCTION(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME),                           \
   CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME), std::vector<double>, 0)                             \
  LONG_DEPENDENCY(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME),                              \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calculate), bool)                                                \
  LONG_BACKEND_REQ(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME),                                \
   CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME), DD_Experiment, (needs_DDCalc), int, (const str&))   \
  LONG_BACKEND_REQ(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME),                                \
   CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME), DD_Bins, (needs_DDCalc), int, (const int&))         \
  LONG_BACKEND_REQ(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME),                                \
   CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME), CAT(DD_,NAME), (needs_DDCalc), TYPE, (const int&,   \
   const int&))


LONG_START_CAPABILITY(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calculate))                         \
  LONG_DECLARE_FUNCTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calculate),                         \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calc), bool, 0)                                                  \
  LONG_BACKEND_REQ(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calculate),                              \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calc), DD_Experiment, (needs_DDCalc), int, (const str&))         \
  LONG_BACKEND_REQ(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calculate),                              \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calc), DD_CalcRates, (needs_DDCalc), void, (const int&))         \
  DD_DECLARE_RESULT_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,int,Events)                                 \
  DD_DECLARE_RESULT_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,double,Background)                          \
  DD_DECLARE_RESULT_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,double,Signal)                              \
  DD_DECLARE_RESULT_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,double,SignalSI)                            \
  DD_DECLARE_RESULT_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,double,SignalSD)                            \
  DD_DECLARE_RESULT_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,int,Bins)                                   \
  DD_DECLARE_RESULT_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,double,LogLikelihood)                       \
  DD_DECLARE_BIN_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,int,BinEvents)                                 \
  DD_DECLARE_BIN_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,double,BinBackground)                          \
  DD_DECLARE_BIN_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,double,BinSignal)                              \


   VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                                                        \
   VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                                                        \
  LONG_BACKEND_OPTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Background),                          \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_GetBackground), VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                        \
   VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                                                        \
  LONG_BACKEND_OPTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_SignalSI),                            \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_GetSignalSI), VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                          \
  LONG_BACKEND_OPTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_SignalSD),                            \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_GetSignalSD), VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                          \
   VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                                                        \
  LONG_BACKEND_OPTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_LogLikelihood),                       \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_GetLogLikelihood), VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                     \
  LONG_BACKEND_OPTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_BinEvents),                           \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_GetBinEvents), VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                         \
  LONG_BACKEND_OPTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_BinBackground),                       \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_GetBinBackground), VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                     \
  LONG_BACKEND_OPTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_BinSignal),                           \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_GetBinSignal), VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                         \


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM


#define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo

Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5.

Neutrino yield function pointer and setup.

Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)

Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)

Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.

Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.

Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop.

Function for generating decay chains.

Event counter for cascade decays.

Loop manager for cascade decays.

Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains.

Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays.

Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays.

Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density.

Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously.

Information about the nature of the DM process in question (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.


#define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func

simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM

Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn’ General.

Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings.

Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object.

Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner.

Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas.

Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff.

General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff Version of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Rollcall header for module DarkBit
///  Compile-time registration of available obser-
///  vables and likelihoods, as well as their
///  dependencies.
///  Add to this if you want to add an observable
///  or likelihood to this module.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Christoph Weniger
///          (
///  \date 2013 Jul - 2015 May
///  \author Torsten Bringmann
///          (
///  \date 2013 Jun
///  \date 2014 Mar
///  \date 2019 May, 2022 Jan, 2023 Oct
///  \author Lars A. Dal
///          (
///  \date 2014 Mar, Sep, Oct
///  \author Christopher Savage
///          (
///  \date 2014 Oct, Dec
///  \date 2015 June
///  \author Antje Putze
///          (
///  \date 2015 Jan
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2014 Mar
///  \date 2015 Mar, Aug
///        2018 Sep
///  \author Sebastian Wild
///          (
///  \date 2016 Aug, 2017 Oct
///  \author Felix Kahlhoefer
///          (
///  \date 2016 August
///  \author Ankit Beniwal
///          (
///  \date 2016 Oct
///  \date 2018 Jan, Aug
///  \date 2020 Dec
///  \author Aaron Vincent
///          (
///  \date 2017 Sept
///  \author Sanjay Bloor
///          (
///  \date 2017 Dec
///  \date 2018 Aug, Sep, Oct
///  \date 2020 Feb, May
///  \author Sebastian Hoof
///          (
///  \date 2016 Oct
///  \date 2017 Feb, Sep, Dec
///  \date 2018 Jan, Mar, Apr
///  \date 2019 Mar, Apr, Jun
/// \author Patrick Stöcker
///         (
/// \date 2019 Sep
/// \date 2021 Jan, Sep
/// \author Anders Kvellestad
///         (
/// \date 2020 Feb
/// \author Jonathan Cornell
///         (
/// \date 2013 - 2020
/// \author Tomas Gonzalo
///         (
/// \date 2021 Sep
/// \date 2023 June
///  \author Timon Emken
///          ( )
///  \date 2022 May
/// \author Iñigo Saez Casares
///          (
/// \date 2019 - 2020
/// \date 2021 April, May
/// \author Sowmiya Balan
///         (
/// \date 2022
///  *********************************************

#pragma once

#include "gambit/DarkBit/DarkBit_types.hpp"

#define MODULE DarkBit
#define REFERENCE GAMBITDarkMatterWorkgroup:2017fax

  // DarkSUSY-specific initialisation functions ========================

  /// Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY5
  #define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo
    #define FUNCTION DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo_func
      DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
      DEPENDENCY(LocalHalo, LocalMaxwellianHalo)
      BACKEND_REQ(dshmcom, (ds5), DS5_HMCOM)
      BACKEND_REQ(dshmisodf, (ds5), DS_HMISODF)
      BACKEND_REQ(dshmframevelcom, (ds5), DS_HMFRAMEVELCOM)
      BACKEND_REQ(dshmnoclue, (ds5), DS_HMNOCLUE)
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY, 5.1.3), (ds5))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Make sure LocalHalo model is initialized in DarkSUSY6
  #define CAPABILITY DarkSUSY_PointInit_LocalHalo
    #define FUNCTION DarkSUSY_PointInit_LocalHalo_func
      DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
      DEPENDENCY(LocalHalo, LocalMaxwellianHalo)
      BACKEND_REQ(dshmcom, (ds6), DS_HMCOM)
      BACKEND_REQ(dshmisodf, (ds6), DS_HMISODF)
      BACKEND_REQ(dshmframevelcom, (ds6), DS_HMFRAMEVELCOM)
      BACKEND_REQ(dshmnoclue, (ds6), DS_HMNOCLUE)
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5, 6.4.0), (ds6))  // Only DS6
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_generic_wimp, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5, 6.4.0), (ds6))  // Only DS6
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Relic density =====================================================

  #define CAPABILITY RD_spectrum
    #define FUNCTION RD_spectrum_MSSM
      DEPENDENCY(MSSM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION RD_spectrum_SUSY_DS5
      BACKEND_REQ(mspctm, (ds5), DS5_MSPCTM)
      BACKEND_REQ(widths, (ds5), DS5_WIDTHS)
      BACKEND_REQ(intdof, (ds5), DS_INTDOF)
      BACKEND_REQ(pacodes, (ds5), DS5_PACODES)
      BACKEND_REQ(DS5particle_code, (ds5), int, (const str&))
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY, 5.1.3), (ds5))  // Only for DarkSUSY5
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION RD_spectrum_from_ProcessCatalog
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(WIMP_properties, WIMPprops)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
      ALLOW_MODELS(ScalarSingletDM_Z2, ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running, ScalarSingletDM_Z3,
                   ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running, DiracSingletDM_Z2, MajoranaSingletDM_Z2,
                   VectorSingletDM_Z2, DMEFT)
      ALLOW_MODELS(DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM, DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM, DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM, DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM)
      ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY RD_spectrum_ordered
    #define FUNCTION RD_spectrum_ordered_func
      DEPENDENCY(RD_spectrum, RD_spectrum_type)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY RD_eff_annrate_DS5prep
    #define FUNCTION RD_annrate_DS5prep_func
      DEPENDENCY(RD_spectrum, RD_spectrum_type)
      BACKEND_REQ(rdmgev, (ds5), DS5_RDMGEV)
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY, 5.1.3), (ds5))
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY RD_eff_annrate_DSprep_MSSM
    #define FUNCTION RD_annrate_DSprep_MSSM_func
      DEPENDENCY(RD_spectrum_ordered, RD_spectrum_type)
      BACKEND_REQ(dsancoann, (ds6), DS_DSANCOANN)
      BACKEND_REQ(DSparticle_code, (ds6), int, (const str&))
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5, 6.4.0), (ds6))
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY RD_eff_annrate
    #define FUNCTION RD_eff_annrate_DS5_MSSM
      DEPENDENCY(RD_eff_annrate_DS5prep, int)
      BACKEND_REQ(dsanwx, (ds5), double, (double&))
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY, 5.1.3), (ds5))
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION RD_eff_annrate_DS_MSSM
      DEPENDENCY(RD_eff_annrate_DSprep_MSSM, int)
      BACKEND_REQ(dsanwx, (ds6), double, (double&))
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5, 6.4.0), (ds6))
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION RD_eff_annrate_from_ProcessCatalog
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
      ALLOW_MODELS(ScalarSingletDM_Z2, ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running, DiracSingletDM_Z2, MajoranaSingletDM_Z2, VectorSingletDM_Z2, DMEFT)
      ALLOW_MODELS(DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM, DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM, DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM, DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM)
      ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY RD_oh2_DS6pre4_ini
    #define FUNCTION RD_oh2_DS6pre4_ini_func
      BACKEND_REQ(dsrdcom, (ds6), void, ())
      BACKEND_REQ(rdpars, (ds6), DS_RDPARS_OLD)
      BACKEND_REQ(rdtime, (ds6), DS_RDTIME)
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5), (ds6))
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_generic_wimp, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5), (ds6))
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY RD_oh2_DS6_ini
    #define FUNCTION RD_oh2_DS6_ini_func
      DEPENDENCY(RD_spectrum_ordered, RD_spectrum_type)
      BACKEND_REQ(rdpars, (ds6), DS_RDPARS)
      BACKEND_REQ(rdlims, (ds6), DS_RDLIMS)
      BACKEND_REQ(rd20opt, (ds6), DS_RD20OPT)
      BACKEND_REQ(rdtime, (ds6), DS_RDTIME)
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.4.0), (ds6))
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_generic_wimp, 6.4.0), (ds6))
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY RD_oh2
    /// simply grab oh2 from capability RD_oh2_aDM
    #define FUNCTION RD_oh2_from_oh2_aDM
      DEPENDENCY(RD_oh2_aDM, ddpair)
    #undef FUNCTION

    /// General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff
    #define FUNCTION RD_oh2_DS_general
      DEPENDENCY(RD_spectrum_ordered, RD_spectrum_type)
      DEPENDENCY(RD_eff_annrate, fptr_dd)
      //#ifdef DARKBIT_RD_DEBUG
      //  DEPENDENCY(MSSM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      BACKEND_REQ(dsrdstart,(ds6),void,(int&, double(&)[1000], double(&)[1000], int&, double(&)[1000], double(&)[1000], int&, double(&)[1000]))
      BACKEND_REQ(dsrdens, (ds6), void, (double(*)(double&), double&, double&, int&, int&, int&))
      #define CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY RD_oh2_DS6pre4_ini
        ACTIVATE_FOR_BACKEND(dsrdens, DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5)
        ACTIVATE_FOR_BACKEND(dsrdens, DarkSUSY_generic_wimp, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5)
      #define CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY RD_oh2_DS6_ini
        ACTIVATE_FOR_BACKEND(dsrdens, DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.4.0)
        ACTIVATE_FOR_BACKEND(dsrdens, DarkSUSY_generic_wimp, 6.4.0)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION RD_oh2_DS5_general
      DEPENDENCY(RD_spectrum_ordered, RD_spectrum_type)
      DEPENDENCY(RD_eff_annrate, fptr_dd)
      #ifdef DARKBIT_RD_DEBUG
        DEPENDENCY(MSSM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      BACKEND_REQ(dsrdthlim, (ds5), void, ())
      BACKEND_REQ(dsrdtab, (ds5), void, (double(*)(double&), double&, int&))
      BACKEND_REQ(dsrdeqn, (ds5), void, (double(*)(double&),double&,double&,double&,double&,int&))
      BACKEND_REQ(dsrdwintp, (ds5), double, (double&))
      BACKEND_REQ(DS5particle_code, (ds5), int, (const str&))
      BACKEND_REQ(widths, (ds5), DS5_WIDTHS)
      BACKEND_REQ(rdmgev, (ds5), DS5_RDMGEV)
      BACKEND_REQ(rdpth, (ds5), DS_RDPTH)
      BACKEND_REQ(rdpars, (ds5), DS_RDPARS_OLD)
      BACKEND_REQ(rdswitch, (ds5), DS_RDSWITCH)
      BACKEND_REQ(rdlun, (ds5), DS_RDLUN)
      BACKEND_REQ(rdpadd, (ds5), DS_RDPADD)
      BACKEND_REQ(rddof, (ds5), DS_RDDOF)
      BACKEND_REQ(rderrors, (ds5), DS_RDERRORS)
      BACKEND_REQ(rdtime, (ds5), DS_RDTIME)
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY, 5.1.3), (ds5))  // Only for DarkSUSY5
    #undef FUNCTION

    /// Routine for cross checking relic density results, using DarkSUSY5
    // TODO: corresponding function for DS6+ not yet implemented
    #define FUNCTION RD_oh2_DarkSUSY_DS5
      BACKEND_REQ(dsrdomega, (ds5), double, (int&,int&,double&,int&,int&,int&))
      BACKEND_REQ(rderrors, (ds5), DS_RDERRORS)
      BACKEND_REQ(rdtime, (ds5), DS_RDTIME)
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY, 5.1.3), (ds5))  // Only for DarkSUSY5
    #undef FUNCTION

    /// Routine for cross checking relic density results, using MicrOmegas
    #define FUNCTION RD_oh2_MicrOmegas
      DEPENDENCY(RD_oh2_Xf, ddpair)
    #undef FUNCTION

    /// Routine for computing axion energy density today from vacuum misalignment, assuming no axion decays.
    #define FUNCTION RD_oh2_Axions
        DEPENDENCY(AxionOscillationTemperature, double)
        DEPENDENCY(T_cmb, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

    /// Get the RD from previous GAMBIT output via the postprocessor scanner
    #define FUNCTION RD_from_postprocessor
    #undef FUNCTION

// TODO: Temporarily disabled until project is ready
    #define FUNCTION RD_oh2_SuperRenormHP
        DEPENDENCY(DM_relic_density, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY RD_oh2_underprediction
    #define FUNCTION RD_oh2_underprediction_SubGeVDM
    ALLOW_MODEL(SubGeVDM_fermion, SubGeVDM_scalar)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY RD_oh2_aDM
    /// General Boltzmann solver from DarkSUSY, using arbitrary Weff
    /// Version  of RD_oh2_DS_general that also allows asymmetric DM
    #define FUNCTION RD_oh2_DS_general_aDM
      DEPENDENCY(RD_spectrum_ordered, RD_spectrum_type)
      DEPENDENCY(RD_eff_annrate, fptr_dd)
      BACKEND_REQ(dsrdstart,(ds6),void,(int&, double(&)[1000], double(&)[1000], int&, double(&)[1000], double(&)[1000], int&, double(&)[1000]))
      BACKEND_REQ(dsrdens, (ds6), void, (double(*)(double&), double&, double&, int&, int&, int&))
      BACKEND_REQ(rdpars, (ds6), DS_RDPARS)
      BACKEND_REQ(adm_com, (ds6), DS_ADM_COM)
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.4.0),(ds6))
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_generic_wimp, 6.4.0),(ds6))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Get oh2 and Xf simultaneously
  #define CAPABILITY RD_oh2_Xf
    #define FUNCTION RD_oh2_Xf_MicrOmegas
      BACKEND_REQ(oh2, (gimmemicro), double, (double*,int,double))
      BACKEND_OPTION((MicrOmegas_MSSM), (gimmemicro))
      BACKEND_OPTION((MicrOmegas_ScalarSingletDM_Z2), (gimmemicro))
      BACKEND_OPTION((MicrOmegas_ScalarSingletDM_Z3), (gimmemicro))
      BACKEND_OPTION((MicrOmegas_VectorSingletDM_Z2), (gimmemicro))
      BACKEND_OPTION((MicrOmegas_MajoranaSingletDM_Z2), (gimmemicro))
                   ScalarSingletDM_Z2, ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running,
                   ScalarSingletDM_Z3, ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running,
                   DiracSingletDM_Z2, MajoranaSingletDM_Z2, VectorSingletDM_Z2, DMEFT)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Xf = m_WIMP/T_freezeout
  #define CAPABILITY Xf
    #define FUNCTION Xf_MicrOmegas
      DEPENDENCY(RD_oh2_Xf, ddpair)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Contributions of different annihilation channels to the relic density
  #define CAPABILITY relic_density_contributions
    #define FUNCTION print_channel_contributions_MicrOmegas
      DEPENDENCY(Xf, double)
      BACKEND_REQ(momegas_print_channels, () , double,  (double, double, double, int, FILE*))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Contributions of semi-annihilation to the relic density
  #define CAPABILITY semi_annihilation_fraction
    #define FUNCTION get_semi_ann_MicrOmegas
      DEPENDENCY(Xf, double)
      BACKEND_REQ(get_oneChannel, (gimmemicro), double, (double,double,char*,char*,char*,char*))
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY vSigma_freezeout
    #define FUNCTION vSigma_freezeout_MicrOmegas
      DEPENDENCY(Xf, double)
      DEPENDENCY(mwimp, double)
      BACKEND_REQ(vSigma, (), double, (double, double, int))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Cosmological fraction of the relic density constituted by the DM candidate under investigation
  #define CAPABILITY RD_fraction
    #define FUNCTION RD_fraction_one
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION RD_fraction_leq_one
      DEPENDENCY(RD_oh2, double)
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION RD_fraction_rescaled
      DEPENDENCY(RD_oh2, double)
    #undef FUNCTION
   #define FUNCTION RD_fraction_rescaled_LCDM
      ALLOW_MODELS(LCDM, LCDM_theta, LCDM_zreio)
      DEPENDENCY(RD_oh2, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Suppression of indirect rates due to (cosmologically) underabundant DM
  #define CAPABILITY ID_suppression
    #define FUNCTION ID_suppression_aDM
      DEPENDENCY(RD_oh2_aDM, ddpair)
      DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
      DEPENDENCY(DM_process, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION ID_suppression_symDM
      DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
      DEPENDENCY(DM_process, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Process catalogue =================================================

  #define CAPABILITY TH_ProcessCatalog

    /// Process Catalogue from DarkSUSY5
    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_DS5_MSSM
      DEPENDENCY(MSSM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
      BACKEND_REQ(dssigmav, (ds5), double, (int&))
      BACKEND_REQ(dsIBffdxdy, (ds5), double, (int&, double&, double&))
      BACKEND_REQ(dsIBhhdxdy, (ds5), double, (int&, double&, double&))
      BACKEND_REQ(dsIBwhdxdy, (ds5), double, (int&, double&, double&))
      BACKEND_REQ(dsIBwwdxdy, (ds5), double, (int&, double&, double&))
      BACKEND_REQ(IBintvars, (ds5), DS_IBINTVARS)
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY, 5.1.3), (ds5))  // Only for DarkSUSY5
    #undef FUNCTION

    /// Process Catalogue from DarkSUSY6 (MSSM)
    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_DS_MSSM
      DEPENDENCY(MSSM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
      BACKEND_REQ(dssigmav0, (ds6), double, (int&,int&))
      BACKEND_REQ(dssigmav0tot, (ds6), double, ())
      BACKEND_REQ(dsIBffdxdy, (ds6), double, (int&, double&, double&))
      BACKEND_REQ(dsIBhhdxdy, (ds6), double, (int&, double&, double&))
      BACKEND_REQ(dsIBwhdxdy, (ds6), double, (int&, double&, double&))
      BACKEND_REQ(dsIBwwdxdy, (ds6), double, (int&, double&, double&))
      BACKEND_REQ(IBintvars, (ds6), DS_IBINTVARS)
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5, 6.4.0), (ds6))  // Only for DarkSUSY6 MSSM
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_ScalarSingletDM_Z2
      DEPENDENCY(decay_rates, DecayTable)
      DEPENDENCY(ScalarSingletDM_Z2_spectrum, Spectrum)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_ScalarSingletDM_Z3
      DEPENDENCY(decay_rates, DecayTable)
      DEPENDENCY(ScalarSingletDM_Z3_spectrum, Spectrum)
      BACKEND_REQ(calcSpectrum, (gimmemicro) , double,  (int, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, int*))
      BACKEND_REQ(vSigmaCh, (gimmemicro), MicrOmegas::aChannel*)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_VectorSingletDM_Z2
      DEPENDENCY(VectorSingletDM_Z2_spectrum, Spectrum)
      DEPENDENCY(decay_rates, DecayTable)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_MajoranaSingletDM_Z2
      DEPENDENCY(MajoranaSingletDM_Z2_spectrum, Spectrum)
      DEPENDENCY(decay_rates, DecayTable)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_DiracSingletDM_Z2
      DEPENDENCY(decay_rates, DecayTable)
      DEPENDENCY(DiracSingletDM_Z2_spectrum, Spectrum)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_AnnihilatingDM_mixture
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_DecayingDM_mixture
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_WIMP_EFT
      DEPENDENCY(decay_rates, DecayTable)
      DEPENDENCY(SM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      DEPENDENCY(WIMP_properties, WIMPprops)
      MODEL_GROUP(group1, (WIMP_sigmav))
      MODEL_GROUP(group2, (NREO_ScalarDM, NREO_DiracDM, NREO_MajoranaDM))
      ALLOW_MODEL_COMBINATION(group1, group2)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_DMEFT
      DEPENDENCY(WIMP_properties, WIMPprops)
      DEPENDENCY(decay_rates, DecayTable)
      DEPENDENCY(DMEFT_spectrum, Spectrum)
      BACKEND_REQ(CH_Sigma_V, (), double, (str&, std::vector<str>&, std::vector<str>&, double&, const DecayTable&))
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_SubGeVDM_scalar
      DEPENDENCY(SubGeVDM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      DEPENDENCY(decay_rates, DecayTable)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_SubGeVDM_fermion
      DEPENDENCY(SubGeVDM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      DEPENDENCY(decay_rates, DecayTable)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM
      DEPENDENCY(WIMP_properties, WIMPprops)
      DEPENDENCY(decay_rates, DecayTable)
      DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      BACKEND_REQ(CH_Sigma_V, (), double, (str&, std::vector<str>&, std::vector<str>&, double&, const DecayTable&))
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM
      DEPENDENCY(WIMP_properties, WIMPprops)
      DEPENDENCY(decay_rates, DecayTable)
      DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      BACKEND_REQ(CH_Sigma_V, (), double, (str&, std::vector<str>&, std::vector<str>&, double&, const DecayTable&))
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM
      DEPENDENCY(WIMP_properties, WIMPprops)
      DEPENDENCY(decay_rates, DecayTable)
      DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      BACKEND_REQ(CH_Sigma_V, (), double, (str&, std::vector<str>&, std::vector<str>&, double&, const DecayTable&))
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM
      DEPENDENCY(WIMP_properties, WIMPprops)
      DEPENDENCY(decay_rates, DecayTable)
      DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      BACKEND_REQ(CH_Sigma_V, (), double, (str&, std::vector<str>&, std::vector<str>&, double&, const DecayTable&))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Information about the nature of the DM process in question
  /// (i.e. decay or annihilation) to use the correct scaling in
  /// terms of the DM density, phase space, etc.
  #define CAPABILITY DM_process
    #define FUNCTION DM_process_from_ProcessCatalog
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Simulated annihilation/decay yield tables ==========================================

  #define CAPABILITY FullSimYieldTable
    #define FUNCTION Combine_SimYields
    DEPENDENCY(GA_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
    DEPENDENCY(electron_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
    DEPENDENCY(positron_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
    DEPENDENCY(antiproton_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
    DEPENDENCY(antideuteron_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY GA_SimYieldTable
    #define FUNCTION GA_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY
    BACKEND_REQ(dsanyield_sim, (), double, (double&,double&,int&,char*,int&,int&,int&))
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION GA_SimYieldTable_DS5 // DS5 only
    BACKEND_REQ(dshayield, (ds5), double, (double&,double&,int&,int&,int&))
    BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY, 5.1.3), (ds5))  // Only for DarkSUSY5
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION GA_SimYieldTable_MicrOmegas
    BACKEND_REQ(dNdE, (), double, (double,double,int,int))
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION GA_SimYieldTable_PPPC
    #undef FUNCTION
    // By-pass to skip specific yields in FullSimYieldTable
    #define FUNCTION GA_SimYieldTable_empty
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY positron_SimYieldTable
    #define FUNCTION positron_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY
    BACKEND_REQ(dsanyield_sim, (), double, (double&,double&,int&,char*,int&,int&,int&))
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION positron_SimYieldTable_MicrOmegas
    BACKEND_REQ(dNdE, (), double, (double,double,int,int))
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION positron_SimYieldTable_PPPC
    #undef FUNCTION
    // By-pass to skip specific yields in FullSimYieldTable
    #define FUNCTION positron_SimYieldTable_empty
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY electron_SimYieldTable
    #define FUNCTION electron_SimYieldTable_from_positron_SimYieldTable
    DEPENDENCY(positron_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY antiproton_SimYieldTable
    #define FUNCTION antiproton_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY
    BACKEND_REQ(dsanyield_sim, (), double, (double&,double&,int&,char*,int&,int&,int&))
    #undef FUNCTION
    // By-pass to skip specific yields in FullSimYieldTable
    #define FUNCTION antiproton_SimYieldTable_empty
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY antideuteron_SimYieldTable
    #define FUNCTION antideuteron_SimYieldTable_DarkSUSY
    BACKEND_REQ(dsanyield_sim, (), double, (double&,double&,int&,char*,int&,int&,int&))
    #undef FUNCTION
    // By-pass to skip specific yields in FullSimYieldTable
    #define FUNCTION antideuteron_SimYieldTable_empty
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Cascade decays ====================================================

  /// Function for retrieving list of final states for cascade decays
  #define CAPABILITY cascadeMC_FinalStates
    #define FUNCTION cascadeMC_FinalStates
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Function for determining the list of initial states for cascade decays
  #define CAPABILITY cascadeMC_InitialStates
    #define FUNCTION cascadeMC_InitialStates
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(DM_process, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_FinalStates, std::set<std::string>)
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(FullSimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Function setting up the decay table used in decay chains
  #define CAPABILITY cascadeMC_DecayTable
    #define FUNCTION cascadeMC_DecayTable
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(FullSimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Loop manager for cascade decays
  #define CAPABILITY cascadeMC_LoopManagement
    #define FUNCTION cascadeMC_LoopManager
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_InitialStates, std::set<std::string>)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Event counter for cascade decays
  #define CAPABILITY cascadeMC_EventCount
    #define FUNCTION cascadeMC_EventCount
      NEEDS_MANAGER(cascadeMC_LoopManagement, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Function for generating decay chains
  #define CAPABILITY cascadeMC_ChainEvent
    #define FUNCTION cascadeMC_GenerateChain
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_DecayTable, DecayChain::DecayTable)
      NEEDS_MANAGER(cascadeMC_LoopManagement, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Function responsible for histogramming and evaluating end conditions for event loop
  #define CAPABILITY cascadeMC_Histograms
    #define FUNCTION cascadeMC_Histograms
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_ChainEvent, DecayChain::ChainContainer)
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(FullSimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
      NEEDS_MANAGER(cascadeMC_LoopManagement, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Function requesting and returning gamma ray spectra from cascade decays.
  #define CAPABILITY cascadeMC_gammaSpectra
    #define FUNCTION cascadeMC_gammaSpectra
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_InitialStates, std::set<std::string>)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_Histograms, simpleHistContainter)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_EventCount, stringIntMap)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Function requesting and returning electron spectra from cascade decays.
  #define CAPABILITY cascadeMC_electronSpectra
    #define FUNCTION cascadeMC_electronSpectra
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_InitialStates, std::set<std::string>)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_Histograms, simpleHistContainter)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_EventCount, stringIntMap)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Function requesting and returning positron spectra from cascade decays.
  #define CAPABILITY cascadeMC_positronSpectra
    #define FUNCTION cascadeMC_positronSpectra
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_InitialStates, std::set<std::string>)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_Histograms, simpleHistContainter)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_EventCount, stringIntMap)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Function requesting and returning antiproton spectra from cascade decays.
  #define CAPABILITY cascadeMC_antiprotonSpectra
    #define FUNCTION cascadeMC_antiprotonSpectra
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_InitialStates, std::set<std::string>)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_Histograms, simpleHistContainter)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_EventCount, stringIntMap)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Function requesting and returning antideuteron spectra from cascade decays.
  #define CAPABILITY cascadeMC_antideuteronSpectra
    #define FUNCTION cascadeMC_antideuteronSpectra
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_InitialStates, std::set<std::string>)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_Histograms, simpleHistContainter)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_EventCount, stringIntMap)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Function for printing test result of cascade decays
  #define CAPABILITY cascadeMC_PrintResult
    #define FUNCTION cascadeMC_PrintResult
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_Histograms, simpleHistContainter)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_EventCount, stringIntMap)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Gamma-ray spectra =================================================

  #define CAPABILITY GA_Yield
    #define FUNCTION GA_AnnYield_General
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(GA_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_gammaSpectra, stringFunkMap)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION GA_DecayYield_General
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(GA_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_gammaSpectra, stringFunkMap)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY dump_gammaSpectrum
    #define FUNCTION dump_gammaSpectrum
      DEPENDENCY(GA_Yield, daFunk::Funk)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // e+e- spectra ======================================================

  #define CAPABILITY electron_Yield
    #define FUNCTION electron_AnnYield_General
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(electron_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_electronSpectra, stringFunkMap)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION electron_DecayYield_General
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(electron_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_electronSpectra, stringFunkMap)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY positron_Yield
    #define FUNCTION positron_AnnYield_General
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(positron_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_positronSpectra, stringFunkMap)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION positron_DecayYield_General
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(positron_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_positronSpectra, stringFunkMap)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY dump_electronSpectrum
    #define FUNCTION dump_electronSpectrum
      DEPENDENCY(electron_Yield, daFunk::Funk)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY dump_positronSpectrum
    #define FUNCTION dump_positronSpectrum
      DEPENDENCY(positron_Yield, daFunk::Funk)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Anti-proton spectra ===============================================

  #define CAPABILITY antiproton_Yield
    #define FUNCTION antiproton_AnnYield_General
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(antiproton_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_antiprotonSpectra, stringFunkMap)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION antiproton_DecayYield_General
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(antiproton_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_antiprotonSpectra, stringFunkMap)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY dump_antiprotonSpectrum
    #define FUNCTION dump_antiprotonSpectrum
      DEPENDENCY(antiproton_Yield, daFunk::Funk)
    #undef FUNCTION

// TODO: Temporarily disabled until project is ready
    #define FUNCTION TH_ProcessCatalog_SuperRenormHP
      DEPENDENCY(decay_rates, DecayTable)
      DEPENDENCY(SuperRenormHP_spectrum, Spectrum)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Anti-deuteron spectra =============================================

  #define CAPABILITY antideuteron_Yield
    #define FUNCTION antideuteron_AnnYield_General
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(antideuteron_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_antideuteronSpectra, stringFunkMap)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION antideuteron_DecayYield_General
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(antideuteron_SimYieldTable, SimYieldTable)
      DEPENDENCY(cascadeMC_antideuteronSpectra, stringFunkMap)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY dump_antideuteronSpectrum
    #define FUNCTION dump_antideuteronSpectrum
      DEPENDENCY(antideuteron_Yield, daFunk::Funk)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Antiproton likelihood ===============================================

  #define CAPABILITY pbar_logLikes
    #define FUNCTION lnL_pbarAMS02
    DEPENDENCY(WIMP_properties, WIMPprops)
    DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
    DEPENDENCY(LocalHalo, LocalMaxwellianHalo)
    DEPENDENCY(ID_suppression, double)
    BACKEND_REQ(drn_pbar_logLikes,(),map_str_dbl,(double&,  map_str_dbl&, double& ))
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY pbar_logLike_uncorr
    #define FUNCTION lnL_pbarAMS02_uncorr
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY pbar_logLike_corr
    #define FUNCTION lnL_pbarAMS02_corr
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Self-interaction likelihoods ================================================

  #define CAPABILITY DM_mass_loss
    #define FUNCTION calc_bullet_cluster_DMmassLoss
    DEPENDENCY(SubGeVDM_spectrum, Spectrum)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_oh2_aDM, ddpair)
    DEPENDENCY(decay_rates, DecayTable)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY BulletCluster_lnL
    #define FUNCTION calc_bullet_cluster_lnL
    DEPENDENCY(DM_mass_loss, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

// X-ray likelihoods ================================================

  #define CAPABILITY Xray_loglikelihoods
    #define FUNCTION Xray_loglikes_Cirelli
    DEPENDENCY(WIMP_properties, WIMPprops)
    DEPENDENCY(LocalHalo, LocalMaxwellianHalo)
    DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
    DEPENDENCY(ID_suppression, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

// TODO: Temporarily disabled until project is ready
  #define CAPABILITY lnL_Xray_WISPy
    #define FUNCTION compute_lnL_Xray_WISPy
    DEPENDENCY(age_universe, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_Xray_Integral_SPI_sterile_nu
    #define FUNCTION compute_lnL_Xray_Integral_SPI_sterile_nu
    DEPENDENCY(age_universe, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_Xray_M31_sterile_nu
    #define FUNCTION compute_lnL_Xray_M31_sterile_nu
    DEPENDENCY(age_universe, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_Xray_NuSTAR_sterile_nu
    #define FUNCTION compute_lnL_Xray_NuSTAR_sterile_nu
    DEPENDENCY(age_universe, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

// Gamma-ray likelihoods =============================================

  #define CAPABILITY set_gamLike_GC_halo
    #define FUNCTION set_gamLike_GC_halo
      DEPENDENCY(GalacticHalo, GalacticHaloProperties)
      BACKEND_REQ(set_halo_profile, (gamLike), void, (int, const std::vector<double> &, const std::vector<double> &, double))
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_FermiLATdwarfs
    #define FUNCTION lnL_FermiLATdwarfs_gamLike
      DEPENDENCY(GA_Yield, daFunk::Funk)
      DEPENDENCY(ID_suppression, double)
      DEPENDENCY(DM_process, std::string)
      BACKEND_REQ(lnL, (gamLike), double, (int, const std::vector<double> &, const std::vector<double> &))
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_FermiGC
    #define FUNCTION lnL_FermiGC_gamLike
      DEPENDENCY(GA_Yield, daFunk::Funk)
      DEPENDENCY(ID_suppression, double)
      DEPENDENCY(set_gamLike_GC_halo, bool)
      DEPENDENCY(DM_process, std::string)
      BACKEND_REQ(lnL, (gamLike), double, (int, const std::vector<double> &, const std::vector<double> &))
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION lnL_CTAGC_gamLike
      DEPENDENCY(GA_Yield, daFunk::Funk)
      DEPENDENCY(ID_suppression, double)
      DEPENDENCY(DM_process, std::string)
      //DEPENDENCY(set_gamLike_GC_halo, bool)
      BACKEND_REQ(lnL, (gamLike), double, (int, const std::vector<double> &, const std::vector<double> &))
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION lnL_HESSGC_gamLike
      DEPENDENCY(GA_Yield, daFunk::Funk)
      DEPENDENCY(ID_suppression, double)
      DEPENDENCY(set_gamLike_GC_halo, bool)
      DEPENDENCY(DM_process, std::string)
      BACKEND_REQ(lnL, (gamLike), double, (int, const std::vector<double> &, const std::vector<double> &))
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Relic density likelihoods =========================================

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_oh2
    #define FUNCTION lnL_oh2_Simple
      DEPENDENCY(RD_oh2, double)
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION lnL_oh2_upperlimit
      DEPENDENCY(RD_oh2, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // DM halo functions and likelihoods =================================

  #define CAPABILITY GalacticHalo
    #define FUNCTION GalacticHalo_gNFW
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION GalacticHalo_Einasto
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY LocalHalo
    #define FUNCTION ExtractLocalMaxwellianHalo
    ALLOW_MODELS(Halo_gNFW, Halo_Einasto)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY LocalHalo_GeV
    #define FUNCTION ExtractLocalMaxwellianHalo_GeV
    ALLOW_MODELS(Halo_gNFW, Halo_Einasto)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_rho0
    #define FUNCTION lnL_rho0_lognormal
      DEPENDENCY(LocalHalo, LocalMaxwellianHalo)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_vrot
    #define FUNCTION lnL_vrot_gaussian
      DEPENDENCY(LocalHalo, LocalMaxwellianHalo)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_v0
    #define FUNCTION lnL_v0_gaussian
      DEPENDENCY(LocalHalo, LocalMaxwellianHalo)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_vesc
    #define FUNCTION lnL_vesc_gaussian
      DEPENDENCY(LocalHalo, LocalMaxwellianHalo)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Simple WIMP property extractors ===================================

  #define CAPABILITY WIMP_properties
    #define FUNCTION WIMP_properties
    DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
    DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(ScalarSingletDM_Z2_spectrum, Spectrum, ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(ScalarSingletDM_Z3_spectrum, Spectrum, ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(MajoranaSingletDM_Z2_spectrum, Spectrum, MajoranaSingletDM_Z2)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(DiracSingletDM_Z2_spectrum, Spectrum, DiracSingletDM_Z2)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(VectorSingletDM_Z2_spectrum, Spectrum, VectorSingletDM_Z2)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM_spectrum, Spectrum, DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM_spectrum, Spectrum, DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM_spectrum, Spectrum, DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM_spectrum, Spectrum, DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(SubGeVDM_spectrum, Spectrum, SubGeVDM_fermion, SubGeVDM_scalar)
    ALLOW_MODELS(DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM, DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM, DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM, DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM)
    ALLOW_MODELS(ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running, ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running)
    ALLOW_MODELS(VectorSingletDM_Z2, MajoranaSingletDM_Z2, DiracSingletDM_Z2)
    ALLOW_MODELS(AnnihilatingDM_mixture, DecayingDM_mixture)
    ALLOW_MODELS(NREO_scalarDM, NREO_MajoranaDM, NREO_DiracDM)
    ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Retrieve the DM mass in GeV for generic models
  QUICK_FUNCTION(DarkBit, mwimp, NEW_CAPABILITY, mwimp_generic, double, (), (WIMP_properties, WIMPprops))

  // Retrieve the DM spin (times two) for generic models
  QUICK_FUNCTION(DarkBit, spinwimpx2, NEW_CAPABILITY, spinwimpx2_generic, unsigned int, (), (WIMP_properties, WIMPprops))

  // Retrieve a bool determining if a WIMP is self-conjugate.
  QUICK_FUNCTION(DarkBit, wimp_sc, NEW_CAPABILITY, wimp_sc_generic, bool, (), (WIMP_properties, WIMPprops))

  // Retrieve the total thermally-averaged annihilation cross-section for indirect detection (cm^3 / s)
  #define CAPABILITY sigmav

    #define FUNCTION sigmav_late_universe
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION sigmav_late_universe_MicrOmegas
      BACKEND_REQ(calcSpectrum, (gimmemicro) , double,  (int, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, int*))
    #undef FUNCTION


  // Direct detection ==================================================

  // Function to initialise DDCalc couplings from a given DM interaction basis.
  #define CAPABILITY DDCalc_Couplings

    // Initialise DDCalc couplings for spin-independent/spin-dependent interactions only.
    #define FUNCTION DDCalc_Couplings_WIMP_nucleon
      DEPENDENCY(DD_couplings, DM_nucleon_couplings)
    #undef FUNCTION

    // Initialise DDCalc couplings for non-relativistic Wilson Coefficient coupling structure.
    #define FUNCTION DDCalc_Couplings_NR_WCs
      DEPENDENCY(DD_nonrel_WCs, NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings)
    #undef FUNCTION


  // Determine the DM-nucleon couplings
  #define CAPABILITY DD_couplings

    #define FUNCTION DD_couplings_DarkSUSY_DS5
      BACKEND_REQ(get_DD_couplings, (ds5), std::vector<double>, ())
      BACKEND_REQ(mspctm, (ds5), DS5_MSPCTM)
      BACKEND_REQ(ddcom, (ds5), DS5_DDCOM)
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY, 5.1.3), (ds5))  // Only for DarkSUSY5
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION DD_couplings_DarkSUSY_MSSM
      BACKEND_REQ(get_DD_couplings, (ds6), std::vector<double>, ())
      BACKEND_REQ(ddcomlegacy, (ds6), DS_DDCOMLEGACY)
      BACKEND_REQ(ddmssmcom, (ds6), DS_DDMSSMCOM)
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5, 6.4.0), (ds6))  // Only for DarkSUSY6 MSSM
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION DD_couplings_MicrOmegas
      BACKEND_REQ(nucleonAmplitudes, (gimmemicro), int, (double(*)(double,double,double,double), double*, double*, double*, double*))
      BACKEND_REQ(FeScLoop, (gimmemicro), double, (double, double, double, double))
      BACKEND_REQ(MOcommon, (gimmemicro), MicrOmegas::MOcommonSTR)
      ALLOW_MODEL_DEPENDENCE(nuclear_params_fnq, MSSM63atQ,
                             ScalarSingletDM_Z2, ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running,
                             ScalarSingletDM_Z3, ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running,
                             VectorSingletDM_Z2, DMEFT, DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM)
      MODEL_GROUP(group1, (nuclear_params_fnq))
      MODEL_GROUP(group2, (MSSM63atQ,
                           ScalarSingletDM_Z2, ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running,
                           ScalarSingletDM_Z3, ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running,
                           VectorSingletDM_Z2, DMEFT, DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM))
      ALLOW_MODEL_COMBINATION(group1, group2)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION DD_couplings_ScalarSingletDM_Z2
      DEPENDENCY(ScalarSingletDM_Z2_spectrum, Spectrum)
      ALLOW_MODEL_DEPENDENCE(nuclear_params_fnq, ScalarSingletDM_Z2, ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running)
      MODEL_GROUP(group1, (nuclear_params_fnq))
      MODEL_GROUP(group2, (ScalarSingletDM_Z2, ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running))
      ALLOW_MODEL_COMBINATION(group1, group2)
     #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION DD_couplings_ScalarSingletDM_Z3
      DEPENDENCY(ScalarSingletDM_Z3_spectrum, Spectrum)
      ALLOW_MODEL_DEPENDENCE(nuclear_params_fnq, ScalarSingletDM_Z3, ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running)
      MODEL_GROUP(group1, (nuclear_params_fnq))
      MODEL_GROUP(group2, (ScalarSingletDM_Z3, ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running))
      ALLOW_MODEL_COMBINATION(group1, group2)
     #undef FUNCTION

     #define FUNCTION DD_couplings_VectorSingletDM_Z2
      DEPENDENCY(VectorSingletDM_Z2_spectrum, Spectrum)
      ALLOW_JOINT_MODEL(nuclear_params_fnq, VectorSingletDM_Z2)
     #undef FUNCTION

     #define FUNCTION DD_couplings_SubGeVDM_scalar
     #undef FUNCTION

     #define FUNCTION DD_couplings_SubGeVDM_fermion
     #undef FUNCTION


  // Relativistic Wilson coefficients defined in the 5(or 4 or 3) flavscheme
  #define CAPABILITY DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme

      #define FUNCTION DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_DMEFT
      DEPENDENCY(DMEFT_spectrum, Spectrum)
      #undef FUNCTION

      #define FUNCTION DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_DiracSingletDM_Z2
      DEPENDENCY(DiracSingletDM_Z2_spectrum, Spectrum)
      #undef FUNCTION

      #define FUNCTION DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_MajoranaSingletDM_Z2
      DEPENDENCY(MajoranaSingletDM_Z2_spectrum, Spectrum)
      #undef FUNCTION

      #define FUNCTION DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM
      DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      #undef FUNCTION

      #define FUNCTION DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM
      DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      #undef FUNCTION

      #define FUNCTION DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme_DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM
      DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      #undef FUNCTION


  // Non-relativistic Wilson coefficients
  #define CAPABILITY DD_nonrel_WCs

      /// Copying of NREO model parameters into NREO_DD_nucleon_couplings object
      #define FUNCTION NREO_couplings_from_parameters
      ALLOW_MODELS(NREO_scalarDM, NREO_MajoranaDM, NREO_DiracDM)
      #undef FUNCTION

      /// Translation of DDcalc couplings into NREO couplings
      #define FUNCTION NREO_from_DD_couplings
      DEPENDENCY(DD_couplings, DM_nucleon_couplings)
      #undef FUNCTION

      // Get non-relativistic WCs from the relativistic ones, using DirectDM.
      // Using flavour matching scheme.
      #define FUNCTION DD_nonrel_WCs_flavscheme
      DEPENDENCY(DD_rel_WCs_flavscheme, map_str_dbl)
      DEPENDENCY(WIMP_properties, WIMPprops)
      DEPENDENCY(DirectDMNuisanceParameters, map_str_dbl)
      BACKEND_REQ(get_NR_WCs_flav, (), NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings, (map_str_dbl&, double&, int&, std::string&, map_str_dbl&))
      #undef FUNCTION

      // Non-relativistic WCs computed directly for fermionic Higgs portal models.
      #define FUNCTION DD_nonrel_WCs_DiracSingletDM_Z2
      DEPENDENCY(DiracSingletDM_Z2_spectrum, Spectrum)
      ALLOW_JOINT_MODEL(nuclear_params_fnq, DiracSingletDM_Z2)
      #undef FUNCTION

      #define FUNCTION DD_nonrel_WCs_MajoranaSingletDM_Z2
      DEPENDENCY(MajoranaSingletDM_Z2_spectrum, Spectrum)
      ALLOW_JOINT_MODEL(nuclear_params_fnq, MajoranaSingletDM_Z2)
      #undef FUNCTION

      #define FUNCTION DD_nonrel_WCs_DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM
      DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM_spectrum, Spectrum)
      #undef FUNCTION


  // Simple calculators of the spin-(in)dependent WIMP-proton and WIMP-neutron cross-sections
  QUICK_FUNCTION(DarkBit, sigma_SI_p, NEW_CAPABILITY, sigma_SI_p_simple, double, (), (DD_couplings, DM_nucleon_couplings), (mwimp, double))
  QUICK_FUNCTION(DarkBit, sigma_SI_n, NEW_CAPABILITY, sigma_SI_n_simple, double, (), (DD_couplings, DM_nucleon_couplings), (mwimp, double))
  QUICK_FUNCTION(DarkBit, sigma_SD_p, NEW_CAPABILITY, sigma_SD_p_simple, double, (), (DD_couplings, DM_nucleon_couplings), (mwimp, double))
  QUICK_FUNCTION(DarkBit, sigma_SD_n, NEW_CAPABILITY, sigma_SD_n_simple, double, (), (DD_couplings, DM_nucleon_couplings), (mwimp, double))

  // Generalized v^2n, q^2n DM-nucleon SI cross sections
  // for the fermionic Higgs portal models
  #define CAPABILITY sigma_SI_p
      #define FUNCTION sigma_SI_vnqn_FermionicHiggsPortal
      DEPENDENCY(DD_nonrel_WCs, NREO_DM_nucleon_couplings)
      ALLOW_MODELS(DiracSingletDM_Z2, MajoranaSingletDM_Z2)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Generalized v^2n, q^2n DM-nucleon SD cross sections
  // for the fermionic Higgs portal models
  #define CAPABILITY sigma_SD_p
      #define FUNCTION sigma_SD_vnqn_FermionicHiggsPortal
      ALLOW_MODELS(DiracSingletDM_Z2, MajoranaSingletDM_Z2)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY sigma_e
    #define FUNCTION sigma_e_SubGeVDM_fermion
    DEPENDENCY(SubGeVDM_spectrum, Spectrum)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION sigma_e_SubGeVDM_scalar
    DEPENDENCY(SubGeVDM_spectrum, Spectrum)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Likelihoods for nuclear parameters:
  #define CAPABILITY lnL_SI_nuclear_parameters
    #define FUNCTION lnL_sigmas_sigmal
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_SD_nuclear_parameters
    #define FUNCTION lnL_deltaq
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY DirectDMNuisanceParameters
    #define FUNCTION ExtractDirectDMNuisanceParameters
    #undef FUNCTION

   // Likelihoods for nuisance parameters ChPT in DirectDM 2.2.0
  #define CAPABILITY lnL_nuclear_parameters_ChPT
    #define FUNCTION lnL_sigmapiN_Deltas_gTs_rs2
    #undef FUNCTION

  // DD rate and likelihood calculations. Don't try this one at home kids.
  #define DD_DECLARE_RESULT_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,TYPE,NAME)                          \
  LONG_START_CAPABILITY(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME))                           \
  LONG_DECLARE_FUNCTION(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME),                           \
   CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME), TYPE, 0)                                            \
  LONG_DEPENDENCY(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME),                              \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calculate), bool)                                                \
  LONG_BACKEND_REQ(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME),                                \
   CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME), DD_Experiment, (needs_DDCalc), int, (const str&))   \
  LONG_BACKEND_REQ(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME),                                \
   CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME), CAT(DD_,NAME), (needs_DDCalc), TYPE, (const int&))

  #define DD_DECLARE_BIN_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,TYPE,NAME)                             \
  LONG_START_CAPABILITY(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME))                           \
  LONG_DECLARE_FUNCTION(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME),                           \
   CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME), std::vector<double>, 0)                             \
  LONG_DEPENDENCY(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME),                              \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calculate), bool)                                                \
  LONG_BACKEND_REQ(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME),                                \
   CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME), DD_Experiment, (needs_DDCalc), int, (const str&))   \
  LONG_BACKEND_REQ(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME),                                \
   CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME), DD_Bins, (needs_DDCalc), int, (const int&))         \
  LONG_BACKEND_REQ(MODULE, CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_,NAME),                                \
   CAT_3(EXPERIMENT,_Get,NAME), CAT(DD_,NAME), (needs_DDCalc), TYPE, (const int&,   \
   const int&))

  #define DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(EXPERIMENT)                                         \
  LONG_START_CAPABILITY(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calculate))                         \
  LONG_DECLARE_FUNCTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calculate),                         \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calc), bool, 0)                                                  \
  LONG_BACKEND_REQ(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calculate),                              \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calc), DD_Experiment, (needs_DDCalc), int, (const str&))         \
  LONG_BACKEND_REQ(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calculate),                              \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Calc), DD_CalcRates, (needs_DDCalc), void, (const int&))         \
  DD_DECLARE_RESULT_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,int,Events)                                 \
  DD_DECLARE_RESULT_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,double,Background)                          \
  DD_DECLARE_RESULT_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,double,Signal)                              \
  DD_DECLARE_RESULT_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,double,SignalSI)                            \
  DD_DECLARE_RESULT_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,double,SignalSD)                            \
  DD_DECLARE_RESULT_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,int,Bins)                                   \
  DD_DECLARE_RESULT_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,double,LogLikelihood)                       \
  DD_DECLARE_BIN_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,int,BinEvents)                                 \
  DD_DECLARE_BIN_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,double,BinBackground)                          \
  DD_DECLARE_BIN_FUNCTION(EXPERIMENT,double,BinSignal)                              \

  #define SET_BACKEND_OPTION(EXPERIMENT, VERSIONS)                                  \
   VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                                                        \
   VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                                                        \
  LONG_BACKEND_OPTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_Background),                          \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_GetBackground), VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                        \
   VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                                                        \
  LONG_BACKEND_OPTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_SignalSI),                            \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_GetSignalSI), VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                          \
  LONG_BACKEND_OPTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_SignalSD),                            \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_GetSignalSD), VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                          \
   VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                                                        \
  LONG_BACKEND_OPTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_LogLikelihood),                       \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_GetLogLikelihood), VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                     \
  LONG_BACKEND_OPTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_BinEvents),                           \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_GetBinEvents), VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                         \
  LONG_BACKEND_OPTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_BinBackground),                       \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_GetBinBackground), VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                     \
  LONG_BACKEND_OPTION(MODULE, CAT(EXPERIMENT,_BinSignal),                           \
   CAT(EXPERIMENT,_GetBinSignal), VERSIONS, (needs_DDCalc))                         \

  // Declare different DD experiments that exist in DDCalc.
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(XENON100_2012)        // Aprile et al., PRL 109, 181301 (2013) [arxiv:1207.5988]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(XENON1T_2017)         // Aprile et al., PRL 119, 181301 (2017) [arxiv:1705.06655]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(XENON1T_2018)         // Aprile et al., May 28 talk at Gran Sasso.
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(DARWIN)               // M. Schumann et al., [arXiv:1506.08309]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(LUX_2013)             // Akerib et al., PRL 112, 091303 (2014) [arxiv:1310.8214]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(LUX_2015)             // D.S. Akerib et al., PRL 116, 161301 (2016) [arXiv:1512.03506]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(LUX_2016)             // D.S. Akerib et al., PRL 118, 021303 (2017) [arxiv:1608.07648]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(LZ)                   // LZ TDR, [arXiv:1509.02910]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(LZ_2022)              // LZ TDR, [arXiv:2207.03764]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(PandaX_2016)          // A. Tan et al., PRL 117, 121303 (2016) [arxiv:1607.07400]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(PandaX_2017)          // X. Cui et al., PRL 119, 181302 (2017) [arxiv:1708.06917]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(PandaX_4T)            // Y. Meng et al., PRL 127, 261802 (2021) [arxiv:2107.13438]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(DarkSide_50)          // P. Agnes et al., [arXiv:1802.07198]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(DarkSide_50_S2)       // P. Agnes et al., [arXiv:1802.06994]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(CRESST_II)            // G. Angloher et al., [arXiv:1509.01515]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(CRESST_III)           // A. H. Abdelhameed et al., [arXiv:1904.00498]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(SuperCDMS_2014)       // Agnese et al., PRL 112, 241302 (2014) [arxiv:1402.7137]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(CDMSlite)             // Agnese et al., PRL 116, 071301 (2015) [arxiv:1509.02448]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(SIMPLE_2014)          // Felizardo et al., PRD 89, 072013 (2014) [arxiv:1404.4309]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(PICO_2L)              // C. Amole et al., PRD 93, 061101 (2016) [arXiv:1601.03729]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(PICO_60_F)            // C. Amole et al., PRD 93, 052014 (2016) [arXiv:1510.07754]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(PICO_60_I)            // C. Amole et al., PRD 93, 052014 (2016) [arXiv:1510.07754]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(PICO_60)              // C. Amole et al., PRD 93, 052014 (2016) [arXiv:1510.07754]
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(PICO_60_2017)         // C. Amole et al., arXiv:1702.07666
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(PICO_60_2019)         // C. Amole et al., arXiv:1902.04031
  DD_DECLARE_EXPERIMENT(PICO_500)             // S. Fallows, talk at TAUP 2017

  // Specify which versions of DDCalc support which experiments.
  // If an experiment does not have any entry here, any version (of any backend) is allowed.

  // Introduced in DDCalc 1.0.0 but later deleted
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(PICO_60_F, (DDCalc, 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 2.1.0))
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(PICO_60_I, (DDCalc, 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 2.1.0))
  // Introduced in DDCalc 1.1.0
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(PICO_60_2017, (DDCalc, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.3.0))
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(XENON1T_2017, (DDCalc, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.3.0))
  // Introduced in DDCalc 1.2.0
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(PandaX_2017, (DDCalc, 1.2.0, 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.3.0))
  // Introduced in DDCalc 2.0.0
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(XENON1T_2018, (DDCalc, 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.3.0))
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(DARWIN, (DDCalc, 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.3.0))
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(DarkSide_50, (DDCalc, 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.3.0))
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(CRESST_II, (DDCalc, 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.3.0))
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(CDMSlite, (DDCalc, 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.3.0))
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(PICO_60, (DDCalc, 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.3.0))
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(PICO_500, (DDCalc, 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.3.0))
  // Introduced in DDCalc 2.0.0 bit later deleted
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(LZ, (DDCalc, 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0))
  // Introduced in DDCalc 2.2.0
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(CRESST_III, (DDCalc, 2.2.0, 2.3.0))
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(DarkSide_50_S2, (DDCalc, 2.2.0, 2.3.0))
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(PICO_60_2019, (DDCalc, 2.2.0, 2.3.0))
  // Introduced in DDCalc 2.3.0
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(LZ_2022, (DDCalc, 2.3.0))
  SET_BACKEND_OPTION(PandaX_4T, (DDCalc, 2.3.0))

  // Neutrinos =========================================================

  // Solar capture ------------------------

  /// Capture rate of regular dark matter in the Sun (no v-dependent or q-dependent cross-sections) (s^-1).
  #define CAPABILITY capture_rate_Sun
    #define FUNCTION capture_rate_Sun_const_xsec_DS5 // DS 5
      BACKEND_REQ(cap_Sun_v0q0_isoscalar, (ds5), double, (const double&, const double&, const double&))
      DEPENDENCY(mwimp, double)
      DEPENDENCY(sigma_SI_p, double)
      DEPENDENCY(sigma_SD_p, double)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkSUSY5_PointInit_LocalHalo, bool)
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY, 5.1.3), (ds5))
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION capture_rate_Sun_const_xsec // DS 6
      BACKEND_REQ(cap_Sun_v0q0_isoscalar, (ds6), double, (const double&, const double&, const double&, const double&))
      DEPENDENCY(mwimp, double)
      DEPENDENCY(sigma_SI_p, double)
      DEPENDENCY(sigma_SD_p, double)
      DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
      DEPENDENCY(LocalHalo, LocalMaxwellianHalo)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkSUSY_PointInit_LocalHalo, bool)
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_MSSM, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5, 6.4.0), (ds6))
      BACKEND_OPTION((DarkSUSY_generic_wimp, 6.1.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5, 6.4.0), (ds6))
    #undef FUNCTION

    ///Alternative function for the above: Capture rate of dark matter with a constant cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn' General
    #define FUNCTION capture_rate_Sun_const_xsec_capgen
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_SI_p, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_SD_p, double)
    BACKEND_REQ(cap_Sun_v0q0_isoscalar,(cg),void,(const double&,const double&,const double&,double&,double&))
    BACKEND_REQ(cap_sun_saturation,(cg),double,(const double&))
    #undef FUNCTION

    ///Capture rate of dark matter with q^n or v^n cross section (s^-1), using backend Captn' General
    #define FUNCTION capture_rate_Sun_vnqn
    DEPENDENCY(spinwimpx2,unsigned int)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_SD_p, map_intpair_dbl)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_SI_p, map_intpair_dbl)
    BACKEND_REQ(cap_Sun_vnqn_isoscalar,(cg),void,(const double&,const double&,const int&,const int&,const int&,const double&,double&))
    BACKEND_REQ(cap_sun_saturation,(cg),double,(const double&))
    BACKEND_OPTION((CaptnGeneral, 2.1),(cg))
    #undef FUNCTION

    ///Capture rate of dark matter with NREO method (s^-1), using backend Captn' General
    #define FUNCTION capture_rate_Sun_NREO
    BACKEND_REQ(captn_NREO,(cg),void,(const double&,const double&,const int&,double&))
    BACKEND_REQ(cap_sun_saturation,(cg),double,(const double&))
    BACKEND_REQ(captn_populate_array,(cg),void,(const double&,const int&,const int&))
    BACKEND_OPTION((CaptnGeneral, 2.1), (cg))
    DEPENDENCY(WIMP_properties, WIMPprops)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Equilibration time for capture and annihilation of dark matter in the Sun (s)
  #define CAPABILITY equilibration_time_Sun
    #define FUNCTION equilibration_time_Sun
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(mwimp, double)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(capture_rate_Sun, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Annihilation rate of dark matter in the Sun (s^-1)
  #define CAPABILITY annihilation_rate_Sun
    #define FUNCTION annihilation_rate_Sun
      DEPENDENCY(equilibration_time_Sun, double)
      DEPENDENCY(capture_rate_Sun, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Neutrino yield function pointer and setup
  #define CAPABILITY nuyield_ptr
    #define FUNCTION nuyield_from_DS
    ALLOW_MODELS(MSSM63atQ, ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running, ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running,
                 MajoranaSingletDM_Z2, DiracSingletDM_Z2, VectorSingletDM_Z2,
                 NREO_scalarDM, NREO_MajoranaDM, NREO_DiracDM,DMEFT)
    DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
    DEPENDENCY(mwimp, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigmav, double)
    DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
    DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
    BACKEND_REQ(DS_nuyield_setup, (ds), void, (const double(&)[29],
     const double(&)[29][3], const double(&)[15], const double(&)[3], const double&,
     const double&))
    BACKEND_REQ(nuyield, (ds), double, (const double&, const int&, void*&))
    BACKEND_REQ(get_DS_neutral_h_decay_channels, (ds), std::vector< std::vector<str> >, ())
    BACKEND_REQ(get_DS_charged_h_decay_channels, (ds), std::vector< std::vector<str> >, ())
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Energy Injection ===================================================

  // Energy injection yields from ProcessCatalog, SimYield tables and FCMC
  #define CAPABILITY energy_injection_spectrum
    #define FUNCTION energy_injection_spectrum_ProcessCatalog
      ALLOW_MODELS(AnnihilatingDM_general,DecayingDM_general) // Ensure that one of the "energy injection marker" models is in use.
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(DM_process, std::string)
      DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
      DEPENDENCY(GA_Yield, daFunk::Funk)
      DEPENDENCY(electron_Yield, daFunk::Funk)
      DEPENDENCY(positron_Yield, daFunk::Funk)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Neutrino telescope likelihoods ====================================

  #define CAPABILITY IC22_data
    #define FUNCTION IC22_full
      DEPENDENCY(mwimp, double)
      DEPENDENCY(annihilation_rate_Sun, double)
      DEPENDENCY(nuyield_ptr, nuyield_info)
      BACKEND_REQ(nubounds, (), void, (const char&, const double&, const double&,
                                       nuyield_function_pointer, double&, double&, int&,
                                       double&, double&, const int&, const double&,
                                       const int&, const bool&, const double&,
                                       const double&, void*&, const bool&))
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC22_signal
    #define FUNCTION IC22_signal
    DEPENDENCY(IC22_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC22_bg
    #define FUNCTION IC22_bg
    DEPENDENCY(IC22_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC22_loglike
    #define FUNCTION IC22_loglike
    DEPENDENCY(IC22_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC22_bgloglike
    #define FUNCTION IC22_bgloglike
    DEPENDENCY(IC22_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC22_pvalue
    #define FUNCTION IC22_pvalue
    DEPENDENCY(IC22_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC22_nobs
    #define FUNCTION IC22_nobs
    DEPENDENCY(IC22_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79WH_data
    #define FUNCTION IC79WH_full
      DEPENDENCY(mwimp, double)
      DEPENDENCY(annihilation_rate_Sun, double)
      DEPENDENCY(nuyield_ptr, nuyield_info)
      BACKEND_REQ(nubounds, (), void, (const char&, const double&, const double&,
                                       nuyield_function_pointer, double&, double&, int&,
                                       double&, double&, const int&, const double&,
                                       const int&, const bool&, const double&,
                                       const double&, void*&, const bool&))
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79WH_signal
    #define FUNCTION IC79WH_signal
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WH_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79WH_bg
    #define FUNCTION IC79WH_bg
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WH_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79WH_loglike
    #define FUNCTION IC79WH_loglike
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WH_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79WH_bgloglike
    #define FUNCTION IC79WH_bgloglike
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WH_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79WH_pvalue
    #define FUNCTION IC79WH_pvalue
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WH_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79WH_nobs
    #define FUNCTION IC79WH_nobs
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WH_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79WL_data
    #define FUNCTION IC79WL_full
      DEPENDENCY(mwimp, double)
      DEPENDENCY(annihilation_rate_Sun, double)
      DEPENDENCY(nuyield_ptr, nuyield_info)
      BACKEND_REQ(nubounds, (), void, (const char&, const double&, const double&,
                                       nuyield_function_pointer, double&, double&, int&,
                                       double&, double&, const int&, const double&,
                                       const int&, const bool&, const double&,
                                       const double&, void*&, const bool&))
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79WL_signal
    #define FUNCTION IC79WL_signal
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WL_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79WL_bg
    #define FUNCTION IC79WL_bg
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WL_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79WL_loglike
    #define FUNCTION IC79WL_loglike
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WL_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79WL_bgloglike
    #define FUNCTION IC79WL_bgloglike
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WL_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79WL_pvalue
    #define FUNCTION IC79WL_pvalue
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WL_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79WL_nobs
    #define FUNCTION IC79WL_nobs
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WL_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79SL_data
    #define FUNCTION IC79SL_full
      DEPENDENCY(mwimp, double)
      DEPENDENCY(annihilation_rate_Sun, double)
      DEPENDENCY(nuyield_ptr, nuyield_info)
      BACKEND_REQ(nubounds, (), void, (const char&, const double&, const double&,
                                       nuyield_function_pointer, double&, double&, int&,
                                       double&, double&, const int&, const double&,
                                       const int&, const bool&, const double&,
                                       const double&, void*&, const bool&))
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79SL_signal
    #define FUNCTION IC79SL_signal
    DEPENDENCY(IC79SL_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79SL_bg
    #define FUNCTION IC79SL_bg
    DEPENDENCY(IC79SL_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79SL_loglike
    #define FUNCTION IC79SL_loglike
    DEPENDENCY(IC79SL_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79SL_bgloglike
    #define FUNCTION IC79SL_bgloglike
    DEPENDENCY(IC79SL_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79SL_pvalue
    #define FUNCTION IC79SL_pvalue
    DEPENDENCY(IC79SL_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79SL_nobs
    #define FUNCTION IC79SL_nobs
    DEPENDENCY(IC79SL_data, nudata)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IC79_loglike
    #define FUNCTION IC79_loglike
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WH_loglike, double)
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WL_loglike, double)
    DEPENDENCY(IC79SL_loglike, double)
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WH_bgloglike, double)
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WL_bgloglike, double)
    DEPENDENCY(IC79SL_bgloglike, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IceCube_likelihood
    #define FUNCTION IC_loglike
    DEPENDENCY(IC22_loglike, double)
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WH_loglike, double)
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WL_loglike, double)
    DEPENDENCY(IC79SL_loglike, double)
    DEPENDENCY(IC22_bgloglike, double)
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WH_bgloglike, double)
    DEPENDENCY(IC79WL_bgloglike, double)
    DEPENDENCY(IC79SL_bgloglike, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // DarkBit auxiliary module functions ================================

  #define CAPABILITY UnitTest_DarkBit
    #define FUNCTION UnitTest_DarkBit
    DEPENDENCY(DD_couplings, DM_nucleon_couplings)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_oh2, double)
    DEPENDENCY(GA_Yield, daFunk::Funk)
    DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
    DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
    DEPENDENCY(DarkMatterConj_ID, std::string)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY DarkMatter_ID
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatter_ID_AnnihilatingDM_mixture
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatter_ID_DecayingDM_mixture
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatter_ID_ScalarSingletDM
    ALLOW_MODELS(ScalarSingletDM_Z2, ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running, ScalarSingletDM_Z3, ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running)
// TODO: Temporarily disabled until project is ready
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatter_ID_VectorSingletDM
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatter_ID_MajoranaSingletDM
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatter_ID_DiracSingletDM
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatter_ID_MSSM
    DEPENDENCY(MSSM_spectrum, Spectrum)
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatter_ID_EFT
    ALLOW_MODELS(NREO_scalarDM, NREO_MajoranaDM, NREO_DiracDM)
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatter_ID_DMEFT
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatter_ID_DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatter_ID_DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatter_ID_DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatter_ID_DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatter_ID_SubGeVDM_scalar
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatter_ID_SubGeVDM_fermion
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY DarkMatterConj_ID
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatterConj_ID_AnnihilatingDM_mixture
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatterConj_ID_DecayingDM_mixture
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatterConj_ID_ScalarSingletDM
    ALLOW_MODELS(ScalarSingletDM_Z2, ScalarSingletDM_Z2_running, ScalarSingletDM_Z3, ScalarSingletDM_Z3_running)
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatterConj_ID_VectorSingletDM
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatterConj_ID_MajoranaSingletDM
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatterConj_ID_DiracSingletDM
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatterConj_ID_MSSM
    DEPENDENCY(MSSM_spectrum, Spectrum)
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatterConj_ID_EFT
    ALLOW_MODELS(NREO_scalarDM, NREO_MajoranaDM, NREO_DiracDM)
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatterConj_ID_DMEFT
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatterConj_ID_DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatterConj_ID_DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatterConj_ID_DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatterConj_ID_DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatterConj_ID_SubGeVDM_scalar
    #undef FUNCTION
    #define FUNCTION DarkMatterConj_ID_SubGeVDM_fermion
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Axion likelihoods and functions ===================================

  #define CAPABILITY QCDAxion_ZeroTemperatureMass
    #define FUNCTION QCDAxion_ZeroTemperatureMass_Nuisance_lnL
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY QCDAxion_TemperatureDependence
    #define FUNCTION QCDAxion_TemperatureDependence_Nuisance_lnL
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY QCDAxion_AxionPhotonConstant
    #define FUNCTION QCDAxion_AxionPhotonConstant_Nuisance_lnL
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY ALPS1_signal_vac
    #define FUNCTION calc_ALPS1_signal_vac
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY ALPS1_signal_gas
    #define FUNCTION calc_ALPS1_signal_gas
  #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_ALPS1
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_ALPS1
    DEPENDENCY(ALPS1_signal_vac, double)
    DEPENDENCY(ALPS1_signal_gas, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY CAST2007_signal_vac
    #define FUNCTION calc_CAST2007_signal_vac
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY CAST2017_signal_vac
    #define FUNCTION calc_CAST2017_signal_vac
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_CAST2007
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_CAST2007
    DEPENDENCY(CAST2007_signal_vac, std::vector<double>)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_CAST2017
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_CAST2017
    DEPENDENCY(CAST2017_signal_vac, std::vector<std::vector<double>>)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY Haloscope_signal
    #define FUNCTION calc_Haloscope_signal
    DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
    DEPENDENCY(LocalHalo, LocalMaxwellianHalo)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_Haloscope_ADMX1
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_Haloscope_ADMX1
    DEPENDENCY(Haloscope_signal, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_Haloscope_ADMX2
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_Haloscope_ADMX2
    DEPENDENCY(Haloscope_signal, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_Haloscope_RBF
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_Haloscope_RBF
    DEPENDENCY(Haloscope_signal, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_Haloscope_UF
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_Haloscope_UF
    DEPENDENCY(Haloscope_signal, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY RParameter
    #define FUNCTION calc_RParameter
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_RParameter
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_RParameter
    DEPENDENCY(RParameter, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_WDVar_G117B15A
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_WDVar_G117B15A
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_WDVar_R548
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_WDVar_R548
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_WDVar_PG1351489
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_WDVar_PG1351489
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_WDVar_L192
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_WDVar_L192
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_SN1987A
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_SN1987A
    DEPENDENCY(PhotonFluence_SN1987A_Conversion, double)
    DEPENDENCY(PhotonFluence_SN1987A_Decay, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY PhotonFluence_SN1987A_Conversion
    #define FUNCTION calc_PhotonFluence_SN1987A_Conversion
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY PhotonFluence_SN1987A_Decay
    #define FUNCTION calc_PhotonFluence_SN1987A_Decay
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_HESS_GCMF
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_XENON1T_Anomaly
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_XENON1T_Anomaly
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_XENON1T_Anomaly_NuisanceParameters
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_XENON1T_Anomaly_NuisanceParameters
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_XENON1T_DM_Anomaly
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_XENON1T_DM_Anomaly
    DEPENDENCY(LocalHalo, LocalMaxwellianHalo)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY AxionOscillationTemperature
    #define FUNCTION calc_AxionOscillationTemperature
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY XENON1T_ER_LogLikelihood
    #define FUNCTION calc_XENON1T_ER_LogLikelihood
    NEEDS_CLASSES_FROM(obscura, default)
    BACKEND_REQ(XENON1T_S2_ER, (), obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_ER, ())
    ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_e, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY DarkSide50_ER_LogLikelihood
    #define FUNCTION calc_DarkSide50_ER_LogLikelihood
    NEEDS_CLASSES_FROM(obscura, default)
    BACKEND_REQ(DarkSide50_S2_ER, (), obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_ER, ())
    ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_e, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY DarkSide50_ER_2023_LogLikelihood
    #define FUNCTION calc_DarkSide50_ER_2023_LogLikelihood
    NEEDS_CLASSES_FROM(obscura, default)
    BACKEND_REQ(DarkSide50_S2_ER_2023, (), obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_ER, ())
    ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_e, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY PandaX_4T_ER_LogLikelihood
    #define FUNCTION calc_PandaX_4T_ER_LogLikelihood
    NEEDS_CLASSES_FROM(obscura, default)
    BACKEND_REQ(PandaX_4T_S2_ER, (), obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_ER, ())
    ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_e, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

// TODO: Not implemented in obscura yet, uncomment when it is
  #define CAPABILITY LZ_ER_LogLikelihood
    #define FUNCTION calc_LZ_ER_LogLikelihood
    NEEDS_CLASSES_FROM(obscura, default)
    BACKEND_REQ(LZ_S2_ER, (), obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_ER, ())
    ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_e, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY SENSEI_at_MINOS_LogLikelihood
    #define FUNCTION calc_SENSEI_at_MINOS_LogLikelihood
    NEEDS_CLASSES_FROM(obscura, default)
    BACKEND_REQ(SENSEI_at_MINOS, (), obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Crystal, ())
    ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_e, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY CDMS_HVeV_2020_LogLikelihood
    #define FUNCTION calc_CDMS_HVeV_2020_LogLikelihood
    NEEDS_CLASSES_FROM(obscura, default)
    BACKEND_REQ(CDMS_HVeV_2020, (), obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Crystal, ())
    ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_e, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY DAMIC_M_2023_LogLikelihood
    #define FUNCTION calc_DAMIC_M_2023_LogLikelihood
    NEEDS_CLASSES_FROM(obscura, default)
    BACKEND_REQ(DAMIC_M_2023, (), obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Crystal, ())
    ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_e, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY XENON1T_Migdal_LogLikelihood
    #define FUNCTION calc_XENON1T_Migdal_LogLikelihood
    NEEDS_CLASSES_FROM(obscura, default)
    BACKEND_REQ(XENON1T_S2_Migdal, (), obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_Migdal, ())
    ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_SI_p, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_SI_n, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY DarkSide50_Migdal_LogLikelihood
    #define FUNCTION calc_DarkSide50_Migdal_LogLikelihood
    NEEDS_CLASSES_FROM(obscura, default)
    BACKEND_REQ(DarkSide50_S2_Migdal, (), obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_Migdal, ())
    ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_SI_p, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_SI_n, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY DarkSide50_Migdal_2023_LogLikelihood
    #define FUNCTION calc_DarkSide50_Migdal_2023_LogLikelihood
    NEEDS_CLASSES_FROM(obscura, default)
    BACKEND_REQ(DarkSide50_S2_Migdal_2023, (), obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_Migdal, ())
    ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_SI_p, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_SI_n, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY PandaX_4T_Migdal_LogLikelihood
    #define FUNCTION calc_PandaX_4T_Migdal_LogLikelihood
    NEEDS_CLASSES_FROM(obscura, default)
    BACKEND_REQ(PandaX_4T_S2_Migdal, (), obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_Migdal, ())
    ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_SI_p, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_SI_n, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

// TODO: Not implemented in obscura yet, uncomment when it is
  #define CAPABILITY LZ_Migdal_LogLikelihood
    #define FUNCTION calc_LZ_Migdal_LogLikelihood
    NEEDS_CLASSES_FROM(obscura, default)
    BACKEND_REQ(LZ_S2_Migdal, (), obscura_default::obscura::DM_Detector_Ionization_Migdal, ())
    ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_scalar, SubGeVDM_fermion)
    DEPENDENCY(RD_fraction, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_SI_p, double)
    DEPENDENCY(sigma_SI_n, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Super Renormalizable Higgs Portal DM relative observables and likelihoods -----------------

// TODO: Temporarily disabled until project is ready

  #define CAPABILITY DM_relic_density
    #define FUNCTION SuperRenormHP_relic_density
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY DM_width
    #define FUNCTION SuperRenormHP_width
    DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
    DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY DM_lifetime
    #define FUNCTION SuperRenormHP_lifetime
    DEPENDENCY(DM_width, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY DecDM_branching_el
    #define FUNCTION DecDM_branching_el
    DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
    DEPENDENCY(DM_width, double)
    DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY DecDM_branching_ph
    #define FUNCTION DecDM_branching_ph
    DEPENDENCY(DarkMatter_ID, std::string)
    DEPENDENCY(DM_width, double)
    DEPENDENCY(TH_ProcessCatalog, TH_ProcessCatalog)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION get_J_factor_INTEGRAL_CO
    DEPENDENCY(GalacticHalo, GalacticHaloProperties)
    BACKEND_REQ(los_integral, (), void, (std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>, double, std::vector<double> &, std::vector<double> &))
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_INTEGRAL_CO
    DEPENDENCY(age_universe, double)
    DEPENDENCY(J_factor_INTEGRAL_CO, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY J_factor_INTEGRAL_ang_b
    #define FUNCTION get_J_factor_INTEGRAL_ang_b
    DEPENDENCY(GalacticHalo, GalacticHaloProperties)
    BACKEND_REQ(los_integral, (), void, (std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>, double, std::vector<double> &, std::vector<double> &))
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_INTEGRAL_ang_b
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_INTEGRAL_ang_b
    DEPENDENCY(age_universe, double)
    DEPENDENCY(J_factor_INTEGRAL_ang_b, std::vector<double>)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY J_factor_INTEGRAL_ang_l
    #define FUNCTION get_J_factor_INTEGRAL_ang_l
    DEPENDENCY(GalacticHalo, GalacticHaloProperties)
    BACKEND_REQ(los_integral, (), void, (std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>, double, std::vector<double> &, std::vector<double> &))
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_INTEGRAL_ang_l
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_INTEGRAL_ang_l
    DEPENDENCY(age_universe, double)
    DEPENDENCY(J_factor_INTEGRAL_ang_l, std::vector<double>)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY J_factor_HEAO
    #define FUNCTION get_J_factor_HEAO
    DEPENDENCY(GalacticHalo, GalacticHaloProperties)
    BACKEND_REQ(los_integral, (), void, (std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>, double, std::vector<double> &, std::vector<double> &))
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_HEAO
    DEPENDENCY(time_at_z, daFunk::Funk)
    DEPENDENCY(H_at_z, daFunk::Funk)
    DEPENDENCY(age_universe, double)
    DEPENDENCY(Omega0_cdm, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY solar_DM_luminosity
    #define FUNCTION SuperRenormHP_solar_luminosity
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_solar_luminosity
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_solar_luminosity
    DEPENDENCY(solar_DM_luminosity, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY solar_neutrino_flux_B8
    #define FUNCTION SuperRenormHP_solar_neutrino_flux_B8
    DEPENDENCY(solar_DM_luminosity, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY solar_neutrino_flux_Be7
    #define FUNCTION SuperRenormHP_solar_neutrino_flux_Be7
    DEPENDENCY(solar_DM_luminosity, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_solar_neutrino_B8
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_solar_neutrino_B8
    DEPENDENCY(solar_neutrino_flux_B8, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_solar_neutrino_Be7
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_solar_neutrino_Be7
    DEPENDENCY(solar_neutrino_flux_Be7, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY lnL_ShortRangeForces_Sushkov2011
    #define FUNCTION calc_lnL_ShortRangeForces_Sushkov2011
    DEPENDENCY(New_Force_Sushkov2011, daFunk::Funk)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY get_Higgs_Nucleon_coupling_fN
    #define FUNCTION func_Higgs_Nucleon_coupling_fN
    DEPENDENCY(SM_spectrum, Spectrum)
    #undef FUNCTION

// TODO: Temporarily disabled until project is ready
  #define CAPABILITY New_Force_Sushkov2011
    #define FUNCTION New_Force_Sushkov2011_SuperRenormHP
    ALLOW_MODELS(ModifiedGravityYukawa, symmetron)
    #undef FUNCTION
#undef MODULE

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:42 +0000