file models/CosmoNuisanceModels.hpp

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Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.
Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

Detailed Description



  • 2019 June
  • 2020 Nov
  • 2021 Sep

Declaration of all cosmology-related nuisance parameter models.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Macros Documentation

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define PARENT

#define PARENT cosmo_nuisance_JLA

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define PARENT

#define PARENT cosmo_nuisance_JLA

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define PARENT

#define PARENT cosmo_nuisance_JLA

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define PARENT

#define PARENT cosmo_nuisance_JLA

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define PARENT

#define PARENT cosmo_nuisance_JLA

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define PARENT

#define PARENT cosmo_nuisance_JLA

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define PARENT

#define PARENT cosmo_nuisance_JLA

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

define MODEL

#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood.

add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters

nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython

model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython

nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython

Supernovae – JLA.

Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods.

Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood.

Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param) use same model for JLA_simple likelihood

euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk

contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython use this model for a combination of a ‘band’ and the pk likelihood

child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Declaration of all cosmology-related nuisance
///  parameter models.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Janina Renk
///          (
///  \date 2019 June
///  \author Patrick Stoecker
///          (
///  \date 2020 Nov
///  \date 2021 Sep
///  *********************************************

#ifndef __CosmoNuisanceModels_hpp__
#define __CosmoNuisanceModels_hpp__

/// Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TTTEEE likelihood
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE
#undef MODEL

/// Planck - Full set of nuisance parameter for the high-l TT likelihood
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TT
#undef MODEL

/// Planck - Lite version of the likelihoods
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Planck_lite
#undef MODEL

/// Supernovae -- JLA
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_JLA
#undef MODEL

/// Pantheon -> child of JLA (light curve params fitted with SaltMu2 therefore only 1 nuisance param)
/// use same model for JLA_simple likelihood
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Pantheon
  #define PARENT cosmo_nuisance_JLA
  #undef PARENT
#undef MODEL

/// nuisance params for acbar likelihood implemented in MontePython
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_acbar
#undef MODEL

/// nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK15 likelihood implemented in MontePython
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_BK15
#undef MODEL

/// nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14 likelihood implemented in MontePython
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_BK14
  #define PARENT cosmo_nuisance_BK15
  #undef PARENT
#undef MODEL

/// nuisance params for bicep/keck array BK14priors (and BK15priors) likelihood implemented in MontePython
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_BK14priors
  #define PARENT cosmo_nuisance_BK14
  #undef PARENT
#undef MODEL

/// nuisance params for CFHTLenS tomographic weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_CFHTLens_correlation
  // parameter name in MP likelihood: epsilon renamed to epsilon_CFHT, have to translate back before passing to MP
  // (you can not scan over two models at the same time if they have parameters with the same names. When two models with e.g.
  // sigma_NL are in use, you can declare the parameter sigma_NL_x to be the same as sigma_NL_y. See CosmoBit_tutorial.yaml
  // for an example how to use 'same_as'.)
#undef MODEL

/// nuisance params for euclid lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_euclid_lensing
  // parameter name in MP likelihood: epsilon renamed to epsilon_euclid, have to translate back before passing to MP
  // (you can not scan over two models at the same time if they have parameters with the same names. When two models with e.g.
  // sigma_NL are in use, you can declare the parameter sigma_NL_x to be the same as sigma_NL_y. See CosmoBit_tutorial.yaml
  // for an example how to use 'same_as'.)
#undef MODEL

/// nuisance params for euclid galaxy clustering likelihood implemented in MontePython
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk
  // actual parameter names: beta_0^Euclid,beta_1^Euclid but macros don't like ^ -> have to take care of renaming when
  // filling data.mcmc_parameters dictionary for MontePython
  // parameter name in MP likelihood: sigma_euclid renamed to sigma_NL_euclid, have to translate back before passing to MP
  // (you can not scan over two models at the same time if they have parameters with the same names. When two models with e.g.
  // sigma_NL are in use, you can declare the parameter sigma_NL_x to be the same as sigma_NL_y. See CosmoBit_tutorial.yaml
  // for an example how to use 'same_as'.)
#undef MODEL

/// euclid pk nuisance parameters without shot noise parameter P_shot -> child of 
/// cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk_noShot
  #define PARENT cosmo_nuisance_euclid_pk
  #undef PARENT
#undef MODEL

/// nuisance params for tomographic ISW likelihood implemented in MontePython
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_ISW
#undef MODEL

/// nuisance params for KiDS weak lensing likelihood implemented in MontePython
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_kids450_qe_likelihood_public
  // D_z1,D_z2,D_z3 params were not used in public analysis, don't think they are taken into account in the public
  // likelihood calculation either
#undef MODEL

/// nuisance params for Lyalpha likelihood Lya_abg implemented in MontePython
// commented out because we currently don't support this likelihood due to 
// issues in the implementation (not following MP guidelines so it does not 
// work through the GAMBIT interface). If you fix these issues you can uncomment
// the lines below to have the model for the nuisance parameters available
//#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_Lya_abg
//  DEFINEPARS(T0a,T0s,gamma_a,gamma_s,Fz1,Fz2,Fz3,Fz4,F_UV)
//#undef MODEL

/// contains nuisance params from ska1_IM_band1,ska1_IM_band2 and ska1_pk likelihoods implemented in MontePython
/// use this model for a combination of a 'band' and the pk likelihood
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_ska1
  // actual parameter names: beta_0^IM,beta_1^IM,beta_0^SKA1,beta_1^SKA1,beta_0^SKA2,beta_1^SKA2 but macros don't like ^ -> have to take care of renaming when
  // filling data.mcmc_parameters dictionary for MontePython
  // parameter name in MP likelihood: epsilon,sigma_NL renamed to epsilon_ska & sigma_NL_ska, have to translate back before passing to MP
  // (you can not scan over two models at the same time if they have parameters with the same names. When two models with e.g.
  // sigma_NL are in use, you can declare the parameter sigma_NL_x to be the same as sigma_NL_y. See CosmoBit_tutorial.yaml
  // for an example how to use 'same_as'.)
#undef MODEL

/// child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1 model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihoods implemented in MontePython
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band
  #define PARENT cosmo_nuisance_ska1
    // actual parameter names: beta_0^IM,beta_1^IM,beta_0^SKA1,beta_1^SKA1,beta_0^SKA2,beta_1^SKA2 but macros don't like ^ -> have to take care of renaming when
    // filling data.mcmc_parameters dictionary for MontePython
    // parameter name in MP likelihood: epsilon,sigma_NL renamed to epsilon_ska & sigma_NL_ska, have to translate back before passing to MP
    // (you can not scan over two models at the same time if they have parameters with the same names. When two models with e.g.
    // sigma_NL are in use, you can declare the parameter sigma_NL_x to be the same as sigma_NL_y. See CosmoBit_tutorial.yaml
    // for an example how to use 'same_as'.)
  #undef PARENT
#undef MODEL

/// child of cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band model containing only parameter for ska1_IM_band1 and ka1_IM_band1 likelihood implemented in MontePython
/// excluding nuisance parameters Omega_HI0 and alphaHI (energy density and redshift dependence of neutral hydrogen)
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band_noHI
  #define PARENT cosmo_nuisance_ska1_IM_band
  #undef PARENT
#undef MODEL

/// child of cosmo_nuisance_ska model containing only parameter for ska_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_ska1_pk
  #define PARENT cosmo_nuisance_ska1
  #undef PARENT
#undef MODEL

/// nuisance parameters for ska1_lensing and ska2_lensing likelihoods implemented in MontePython
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_ska_lensing
#undef MODEL

/// model containing only parameter for ska2_pk likelihood implemented in MontePython
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_ska2_pk
#undef MODEL

/// nuisance params for spt and spt_2500 likelihood implemented in MontePython
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_spt
#undef MODEL

// Spectral distortions -- FIRAS, PIXIE, advanced PIXIE (aka. PRISM)
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_SpectralDistortions
  DEFINEPARS(sd_delta_T,         sd_T_D)
  DEFINEPARS(sd_beta_D,          sd_A_D)
  DEFINEPARS(sd_T_CIB,           sd_beta_CIB,   sd_A_CIB)
  DEFINEPARS(sd_alpha_sync,      sd_omega_sync, sd_A_sync)
  DEFINEPARS(sd_T_e,             sd_EM)
  DEFINEPARS(sd_nu_p_spin,       sd_A_spin,     sd_A_CO)
#undef MODEL

/// add new model holding cosmological nuisance parameters
#define MODEL cosmo_nuisance_dummy
#undef MODEL


Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:34 +0000