file CosmoBit/CosmoBit_rollcall.hpp

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BACKEND_REQ(get_energy_injection_efficiency_table , () , DarkAges::Energy_injection_efficiency_table , () )
initialise settings for MultiModeCode
BACKEND_REQ(multimodecode_parametrised_ps , () , gambit_inflation_observables , (int &, int &, int &, int &, double *, double *, double *, double &, double &, double &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &) )
get unlensed CMB TT spectrum
BACKEND_REQ(class_get_lensed_cl , () , std::vector< double > , (str) )
get unlensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum
BACKEND_REQ(plc_loglike_lowl_TEB_2015 , () , double , (double *) )
BACKEND_REQ(plc_loglike_lowl_EE_2018 , () , double , (double *) )
double *BACKEND_REQ(plc_loglike_lowl_EE_2018 , (plc_tag) , double , (double *) )
BACKEND_REQ(plc_loglike_highl_TT_lite_2015 , () , double , (double *) )
BACKEND_REQ(plc_loglike_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2015 , () , double , (double *) )
BACKEND_REQ(plc_loglike_highl_TT_lite_2018 , () , double , (double *) )
BACKEND_REQ(plc_loglike_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2018 , () , double , (double *) )
BACKEND_REQ(plc_loglike_lensing_2018 , () , double , (double *) )
BACKEND_REQ(class_get_H0 , () , double , () )
Get Hubble rate at z in km/s/Mpc.
BACKEND_REQ(class_get_tz , () , double , (double) )
Get t(z=0) in s.
BACKEND_REQ(class_get_Omega0_r , () , double , () )
energy density in photons today
BACKEND_REQ(class_get_Omega0_ncdm_tot , () , double , () )
baryon-to-photon ratio today
BACKEND_REQ(class_get_tau_reio , () , double , () )
BACKEND_REQ(class_get_Neff , () , double , () )
BACKEND_REQ(call_nucl_err , (alterbbn_tag) , int , (map_str_dbl &, double *, double *) )
map_str_dbl double *BACKEND_REQ(get_NNUC , (alterbbn_tag) , size_t , () )
BACKEND_REQ(set_input_params , () , void , (bool, int, int, double) )


map_str_dbl doublemap_str_int


total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

Detailed Description



  • 2017 Jul
  • 2017 Nov
  • 2017 Nov
  • 2018 Jan,Feb, Mar
  • 2019 Jan, Feb, June
  • 2020 Nov
  • 2021 Jan, Mar, Apr, Sep
  • 2018 Jun
  • 2019 Mar
  • 2020 Jun
  • 2019 June, Nov
  • 2020 Mar
  • 2020 Mar
  • 2018 Mar
  • 2019 Jul
  • 2020 Apr
  • 2020 Sep
  • 2021 Aug

Rollcall header for the CosmoBit module.

Compile-time registration of available functions and variables from this backend.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Functions Documentation

function BACKEND_REQ

    get_energy_injection_efficiency_table ,
    () ,
    DarkAges::Energy_injection_efficiency_table ,

initialise settings for MultiModeCode

use MultiModeCode to compute a non-parametric primordial power spectrum

function BACKEND_REQ

    multimodecode_parametrised_ps ,
    () ,
    gambit_inflation_observables ,
    (int &, int &, int &, int &, double *, double *, double *, double &, double &, double &, int &, int &, int &, int &, int &) 

get unlensed CMB TT spectrum

function BACKEND_REQ

    class_get_lensed_cl ,
    () ,
    std::vector< double > ,

get unlensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get unlensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get unlensed CMB B mode spectrum

get unlensed CMB E mode spectrum

compute CMB low ell likelihood from Planck data functions to use

  • TT or TEB or EE or TTEE
  • 2018 or 2015 DR

function BACKEND_REQ

    plc_loglike_lowl_TEB_2015 ,
    () ,
    double ,
    (double *) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    plc_loglike_lowl_EE_2018 ,
    () ,
    double ,
    (double *) 

function BACKEND_REQ

double * BACKEND_REQ(
    plc_loglike_lowl_EE_2018 ,
    (plc_tag) ,
    double ,
    (double *) 

compute CMB high ell likelihood from Planck data functions to use

  • TT or TTTEEE
  • 2018 or 2015 DR and
  • full (16 for TT 34 for TTTEEE nuisance params) or lite (1 nuisance param)

function BACKEND_REQ

    plc_loglike_highl_TT_lite_2015 ,
    () ,
    double ,
    (double *) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    plc_loglike_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2015 ,
    () ,
    double ,
    (double *) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    plc_loglike_highl_TT_lite_2018 ,
    () ,
    double ,
    (double *) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    plc_loglike_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2018 ,
    () ,
    double ,
    (double *) 

compute CMB lensing likelihood from Planck data function for 2018 and 2015 DR available

function BACKEND_REQ

    plc_loglike_lensing_2018 ,
    () ,
    double ,
    (double *) 

function BACKEND_REQ

    class_get_H0 ,
    () ,
    double ,

Get Hubble rate at z in km/s/Mpc.

function BACKEND_REQ

    class_get_tz ,
    () ,
    double ,

Get t(z=0) in s.

number density of photons today energy density of all matter components today

function BACKEND_REQ

    class_get_Omega0_r ,
    () ,
    double ,

energy density in photons today

energy density in ultra-relativistic species today

function BACKEND_REQ

    class_get_Omega0_ncdm_tot ,
    () ,
    double ,

baryon-to-photon ratio today

function BACKEND_REQ

    class_get_tau_reio ,
    () ,
    double ,

function BACKEND_REQ

    class_get_Neff ,
    () ,
    double ,

returns S8 = sigma8 (Omega0_m/0.3)^0.5 (sigma8:root mean square fluctuations density fluctuations within spheres of radius 8/h Mpc)

function BACKEND_REQ

    call_nucl_err ,
    (alterbbn_tag) ,
    int ,
    (map_str_dbl &, double *, double *) 

function BACKEND_REQ

map_str_dbl double * BACKEND_REQ(
    get_NNUC ,
    (alterbbn_tag) ,
    size_t ,

function BACKEND_REQ

    set_input_params ,
    () ,
    void ,
    (bool, int, int, double) 

Attributes Documentation

variable gambit_inflation_observables


variable double


variable plc_tag


variable alterbbn_tag


variable int


variable map_str_int

map_str_dbl double map_str_int;

variable void


Macros Documentation

define MODULE

#define MODULE CosmoBit


#define REFERENCE GAMBITCosmologyWorkgroup:2020htv


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP


#define CAPABILITY DM_fraction

total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in

compute Neff after BBN

compute primordial helium abundance

collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map

get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend

energy density of non-cold DM components today

energy density in radiation today

energy density of CDM component today

energy density in baryons today

Get time since big bang at z in s.

temperature of non-cold DM components

Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods.

get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)

get lensed CMB B mode spectrum

get lensed CMB E mode spectrum

get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum

get lensed CMB TT spectrum

use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum

get the energy injection efficiency tables

minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes

lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)

fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.

the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter

compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)

priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)

extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived

compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors & covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN

Compute the primordial abundances today These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant

compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes depending on yaml file settings, theoretical errors and cross-correlations are included


#define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Rollcall header for the CosmoBit module.
///  Compile-time registration of available
///  functions and variables from this backend.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Selim C. Hotinli
///          (
///  \date 2017 Jul
///  \date 2017 Nov
///  \author Patrick Stoecker
///          (
///  \date 2017 Nov
///  \date 2018 Jan,Feb, Mar
///  \date 2019 Jan, Feb, June
///  \date 2020 Nov
///  \date 2021 Jan, Mar, Apr, Sep
///  \author Janina Renk
///          (
///  \date 2018 Jun
///  \date 2019 Mar
///  \date 2020 Jun
///  \author Sanjay Bloor
///          (
///  \date 2019 June, Nov
///  \author Will Handley
///          (
///  \date 2020 Mar
///  \author Sebastian Hoof
///          (
///  \date 2020 Mar
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2018 Mar
///  \date 2019 Jul
///  \date 2020 Apr
///  \author Tomas Gonzalo
///          (
///  \date 2020 Sep
///  \author Anna Liang
///          (
///  \date 2021 Aug
///  *********************************************

#ifndef __CosmoBit_rollcall_hpp__
#define __CosmoBit_rollcall_hpp__

#include "gambit/CosmoBit/CosmoBit_types.hpp"

#define MODULE CosmoBit
#define REFERENCE GAMBITCosmologyWorkgroup:2020htv

  /// fraction of the abundance of the dark matter candidate in question
  /// (mostly a decaying component) contributing to the total DM abundance.
  #define CAPABILITY DM_fraction
    #define FUNCTION DM_fraction_ALP
    DEPENDENCY(RD_oh2, double)
    MODEL_GROUP(lcdm_model, (LCDM, LCDM_theta, LCDM_zreio))
    MODEL_GROUP(alp_model, (GeneralCosmoALP))
    ALLOW_MODEL_COMBINATION(lcdm_model, alp_model)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// total abundance of axion-like particles, produced either by misalignment or freeze-in
  #define CAPABILITY total_DM_abundance
    #define FUNCTION total_DM_abundance_ALP
    MODEL_GROUP(lcdm_model, (LCDM, LCDM_theta, LCDM_zreio))
    MODEL_GROUP(alp_model, (GeneralCosmoALP))
    ALLOW_MODEL_COMBINATION(lcdm_model, alp_model)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// lifetime of the decaying dark matter component (in s)
  #define CAPABILITY lifetime
    #define FUNCTION lifetime_ALP_agg
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// minimal Freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles, produced via Primakoff processes
  #define CAPABILITY minimum_abundance
    #define FUNCTION minimum_abundance_ALP_analytical
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION minimum_abundance_ALP_numerical
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// the fraction of the minimal freeze-in abundance of axion-like particles,
  /// produced via Primakoff processes, to the total abundance of dark matter
  #define CAPABILITY minimum_fraction
    #define FUNCTION minimum_fraction_ALP
    MODEL_GROUP(lcdm_model, (LCDM, LCDM_theta, LCDM_zreio))
    MODEL_GROUP(alp_model, (GeneralCosmoALP))
    ALLOW_MODEL_COMBINATION(lcdm_model, alp_model)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// compute the values for etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB
  /// for non standard models (e.g. GeneralCosmoALP)
  #define CAPABILITY external_dNeff_etaBBN
    #define FUNCTION compute_dNeff_etaBBN_ALP
    DEPENDENCY(total_DM_abundance, double)
    DEPENDENCY(lifetime, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY eta_ratio
    #define FUNCTION eta_ratio_ALP
    DEPENDENCY(external_dNeff_etaBBN, map_str_dbl)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY Neff_evolution
    #define FUNCTION Neff_evolution_ALP
    DEPENDENCY(external_dNeff_etaBBN, map_str_dbl)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// get the energy injection efficiency tables
  #define CAPABILITY energy_injection_efficiency
    #define FUNCTION energy_injection_efficiency_func
    BACKEND_REQ(get_energy_injection_efficiency_table, (), DarkAges::Energy_injection_efficiency_table,())
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY energy_injection_spectrum
    #define FUNCTION energy_injection_spectrum_AnnihilatingDM_mixture
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION energy_injection_spectrum_DecayingDM_mixture
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY f_eff
    // Calculate f_eff by convolution with weighting functions
    #define FUNCTION f_eff_weighted
    ALLOW_MODELS(AnnihilatingDM_general) // Weighting function only known for s-wave annihilation
    DEPENDENCY(energy_injection_efficiency, DarkAges::Energy_injection_efficiency_table)
    #undef FUNCTION

    // Calculate f_eff by taking f_eff(z) at given z
    #define FUNCTION f_eff_at_z
    DEPENDENCY(energy_injection_efficiency, DarkAges::Energy_injection_efficiency_table)
    #undef FUNCTION

    // Set f_eff to a constant that the user can choose
    #define FUNCTION f_eff_constant
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY p_ann
    #define FUNCTION p_ann
    DEPENDENCY(f_eff, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Profiled likelihood on p_ann = f_eff * f^2 * <sv> / m
  #define CAPABILITY lnL_p_ann
    #define FUNCTION lnL_p_ann_P18_TTTEEE_lowE_lensing_BAO
    DEPENDENCY(p_ann, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // ----------------------

  // capabilities related to setting neutrino masses,
  // temperature, ncdm components & number of ultra-relativistic species Nur

  // total mass of neutrinos (in eV)
  #define CAPABILITY mNu_tot
    #define FUNCTION get_mNu_tot
    #undef FUNCTION

  // SM value of N_eff in the early Universe (3 + corrections from precise decoupling)
  // calculations)
  #define CAPABILITY Neff_SM
    #define FUNCTION get_Neff_SM
    #undef FUNCTION

  // value of N_ur (today) (aka. contribution of massive neutrinos which are still relativistic)
  #define CAPABILITY N_ur
    #define FUNCTION get_N_ur
    MODEL_GROUP(group1, StandardModel_SLHA2)
    MODEL_GROUP(group2, etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB)
    ALLOW_MODEL_COMBINATION(group1, group2)
    DEPENDENCY(Neff_SM, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION get_N_ur_from_BBN
    MODEL_GROUP(group1, StandardModel_SLHA2)
    ALLOW_MODEL_COMBINATION(group1, group2)
    DEPENDENCY(Neff_SM, double)
    DEPENDENCY(Neff_after_BBN, double)
    #undef FUNCTION


  #define CAPABILITY N_eff_likelihood_Planck_BAO
    #define FUNCTION compute_N_eff_likelihood_Planck_BAO
    DEPENDENCY(Neff_after_BBN, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // ------------------------

  // Pivot scale (in Mpc^-1)
  #define CAPABILITY k_pivot
    #define FUNCTION set_k_pivot
    #undef FUNCTION

  // ------------------------

  #ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11

    // capabilities related to setting input options for CLASS
    // (cosmo parameters, temperature and number of ultra-relativistic species Nur)

    /// gather all CLASS input parameters, i.e.
    /// - cosmological parameters (H0, Omega_b, Omega_cmd, tau_reio)
    /// - primordial parameters (YHe, primordial power spectrum) from classy_primordial_input
    /// - neutrino mass, ultra-relativistic species and ncdm related parameters from classy_NuMasses_Nur_input
    /// - energy injection related parameters (if needed) from classy_parameters_EnergyInjection
    /// - CLASS settings from MontePython likelihoods from classy_MPLike_input
    /// - CLASS settings passed as yaml file options to the capability classy_input_params
    /// consistency checks when combining all these different inputs are performed.
    #define CAPABILITY classy_input_params
      #define FUNCTION set_classy_input_params
      DEPENDENCY(classy_MPLike_input, pybind11::dict)
      DEPENDENCY(classy_NuMasses_Nur_input, pybind11::dict)
      DEPENDENCY(classy_primordial_input, pybind11::dict)
      MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(classy_parameters_EnergyInjection, pybind11::dict, AnnihilatingDM_general, DecayingDM_general)
      MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(classy_PlanckLike_input, pybind11::dict, cosmo_nuisance_Planck_lite,cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TTTEEE,cosmo_nuisance_Planck_TT)
      #undef FUNCTION
    #undef CAPABILITY

    // initialise CLASS either with the run options needed by
    // MontePython Likelihoods (t modes, Pk at specific z,..), or not.
    #define CAPABILITY classy_MPLike_input
      #define FUNCTION set_classy_input_with_MPLike
      DEPENDENCY(MP_objects, MPLike_objects_container)
      #undef FUNCTION

      #define FUNCTION set_classy_input_no_MPLike
      #undef FUNCTION
    #undef CAPABILITY

    // set primordial CLASS input parameters
    #define CAPABILITY classy_primordial_input
      // primordial helium abundance,YHe & *external* full shape of primordial power spectrum
      // (array with scalar & tensor perturb as function of k + pivot scale)
      #define FUNCTION set_classy_parameters_primordial_ps
      DEPENDENCY(primordial_power_spectrum, Primordial_ps)
      DEPENDENCY(helium_abundance, double)
      DEPENDENCY(k_pivot, double)
      #undef FUNCTION

      // primordial helium abundance,YHe & *parametrised* primordial power spectrum
      // parameters (A_s,n_s,r + pivot scale)
      #define FUNCTION set_classy_parameters_parametrised_ps
      DEPENDENCY(helium_abundance, double)
      DEPENDENCY(k_pivot, double)
      #undef FUNCTION
    #undef CAPABILITY

    /// set extra CLASS parameters for energy injection -- different functions for
    /// decaying and annihilating DM models
    #define CAPABILITY classy_parameters_EnergyInjection
      #define FUNCTION set_classy_parameters_EnergyInjection_AnnihilatingDM
      DEPENDENCY(energy_injection_efficiency, DarkAges::Energy_injection_efficiency_table)
      #undef FUNCTION

      #define FUNCTION set_classy_parameters_EnergyInjection_AnnihilatingDM_onSpot
      DEPENDENCY(f_eff, double)
      #undef FUNCTION

      #define FUNCTION set_classy_parameters_EnergyInjection_DecayingDM
      DEPENDENCY(energy_injection_efficiency, DarkAges::Energy_injection_efficiency_table)
      #undef FUNCTION

      #define FUNCTION set_classy_parameters_EnergyInjection_DecayingDM_onSpot
      DEPENDENCY(f_eff, double)
      #undef FUNCTION
    #undef CAPABILITY

    // set extra parameters for CLASS run if Planck CMB likelihoods are included
    #define CAPABILITY classy_PlanckLike_input
      #define FUNCTION set_classy_PlanckLike_input
      #undef FUNCTION
    #undef CAPABILITY

    /// set neutrino mass related CLASS input -- m_ncdm, T_ncdm, N_ur, N_ncdm
    #define CAPABILITY classy_NuMasses_Nur_input
      #define FUNCTION set_classy_NuMasses_Nur_input
      DEPENDENCY(T_ncdm, double)
      DEPENDENCY(N_ur, double)
      #undef FUNCTION
    #undef CAPABILITY


  // -----------

  // Primodial power spectra (MultiModeCode)

  /// initialise settings for MultiModeCode
  #define CAPABILITY multimode_input_parameters
    #define FUNCTION set_multimode_inputs
    DEPENDENCY(k_pivot, double)
    ALLOW_MODELS(Inflation_InstReh_1mono23, Inflation_InstReh_1linear, Inflation_InstReh_1quadratic, Inflation_InstReh_1quartic, Inflation_InstReh_1natural, Inflation_InstReh_1Starobinsky)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// use MultiModeCode to compute a non-parametric primordial power spectrum
  #define CAPABILITY primordial_power_spectrum
    #define FUNCTION get_multimode_primordial_ps
    DEPENDENCY(multimode_input_parameters, Multimode_inputs)
    BACKEND_REQ(multimodecode_primordial_ps, (), gambit_inflation_observables,
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// use MultiModeCode to compute a parameterised primordial power spectrum
  #define CAPABILITY PowerLaw_ps_parameters
    #define FUNCTION get_multimode_parametrised_ps
    DEPENDENCY(multimode_input_parameters, Multimode_inputs)
    BACKEND_REQ(multimodecode_parametrised_ps, (), gambit_inflation_observables,
    #undef FUNCTION

  // -----------

  // CMB (CLASS / Planck)

  /// get unlensed CMB TT spectrum
  #define CAPABILITY unlensed_Cl_TT
    #define FUNCTION class_get_unlensed_Cl_TT
    BACKEND_REQ(class_get_unlensed_cl,(),std::vector<double>, (str))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// get lensed CMB TT spectrum
  #define CAPABILITY lensed_Cl_TT
    #define FUNCTION class_get_lensed_Cl_TT
    BACKEND_REQ(class_get_lensed_cl,(),std::vector<double>, (str))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// get unlensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum
  #define CAPABILITY unlensed_Cl_TE
    #define FUNCTION class_get_unlensed_Cl_TE
    BACKEND_REQ(class_get_unlensed_cl,(),std::vector<double>, (str))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// get lensed CMB Temperature-E mode cross-correlation spectrum
  #define CAPABILITY lensed_Cl_TE
    #define FUNCTION class_get_lensed_Cl_TE
    BACKEND_REQ(class_get_lensed_cl,(),std::vector<double>, (str))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// get unlensed CMB E mode spectrum
  #define CAPABILITY unlensed_Cl_EE
    #define FUNCTION class_get_unlensed_Cl_EE
    BACKEND_REQ(class_get_unlensed_cl,(),std::vector<double>, (str))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// get lensed CMB E mode spectrum
  #define CAPABILITY lensed_Cl_EE
    #define FUNCTION class_get_lensed_Cl_EE
    BACKEND_REQ(class_get_lensed_cl,(),std::vector<double>, (str))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// get unlensed CMB B mode spectrum
  #define CAPABILITY unlensed_Cl_BB
    #define FUNCTION class_get_unlensed_Cl_BB
    BACKEND_REQ(class_get_unlensed_cl,(),std::vector<double>, (str))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// get lensed CMB B mode spectrum
  #define CAPABILITY lensed_Cl_BB
    #define FUNCTION class_get_lensed_Cl_BB
    BACKEND_REQ(class_get_lensed_cl,(),std::vector<double>, (str))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// get unlensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)
  #define CAPABILITY unlensed_Cl_PhiPhi
    #define FUNCTION class_get_unlensed_Cl_PhiPhi
    BACKEND_REQ(class_get_unlensed_cl,(),std::vector<double>, (str))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// get lensed CMB lensing spectrum (Cell_phiphi)
  #define CAPABILITY lensed_Cl_PhiPhi
    #define FUNCTION class_get_lensed_Cl_PhiPhi
    BACKEND_REQ(class_get_lensed_cl,(),std::vector<double>, (str))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// compute CMB low ell likelihood from Planck data
  /// functions to use
  /// - TT or TEB or EE or TTEE
  /// - 2018 or 2015 DR
  #define CAPABILITY Planck_lowl_loglike
    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_lowl_TT_2015_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_lowl_TEB_2015_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_lowl_TT_2018_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_lowl_EE_2018_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_lowl_TTEE_2018_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// compute CMB high ell likelihood from Planck data
  /// functions to use
  /// - TT or TTTEEE
  /// - 2018 or 2015 DR and
  /// - full (16 for TT 34 for TTTEEE nuisance params) or lite (1 nuisance param)
  #define CAPABILITY Planck_highl_loglike
    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_highl_TT_2015_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_highl_TT_lite_2015_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_2015_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2015_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_highl_TT_2018_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_highl_TT_lite_2018_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_2018_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_highl_TTTEEE_lite_2018_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// compute CMB lensing likelihood from Planck data
  /// function for 2018 and 2015 DR available
  #define CAPABILITY Planck_lensing_loglike
    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_lensing_2015_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_lensing_2018_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION function_Planck_lensing_marged_2018_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Gaussian priors on the nuisance parameters of the Planck likelihoods
  #define CAPABILITY Planck_nuisance_prior_loglike
    #define FUNCTION compute_Planck_nuisance_prior_loglike
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// priors on the tSZ and kSZ amplitudes based on based on SPT and ACT data
  /// cf. Eq. (32) of Aghanim et al. 2015 (arXiv 1507.02704)
  #define CAPABILITY Planck_sz_prior_loglike
    #define FUNCTION compute_Planck_sz_prior
    #undef FUNCTION

 /// temperature of non-cold DM components

  #define CAPABILITY T_ncdm

    // needed in addition to T_ncdm, as T_ncdm of non-SM models
    // assume a fiducial value to base calculation on
    #define FUNCTION T_ncdm_SM
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION T_ncdm
    #undef FUNCTION


  /// extract H0 from a classy run if it is not a fundamental parameter
  /// (i.e. for LCDM_theta), as it now becomes derived
  #define CAPABILITY H0
    #define FUNCTION get_H0_classy
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Get Hubble rate at z in km/s/Mpc
  #define CAPABILITY H_at_z
    #define FUNCTION get_H_at_z_classy
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Get time since big bang at z in s
  #define CAPABILITY time_at_z
    #define FUNCTION get_time_at_z_classy
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Get t(z=0) in s
  #define CAPABILITY age_universe
    #define FUNCTION get_age_universe_from_time_at_z
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// number density of photons today
  #define CAPABILITY n0_g
    #define FUNCTION compute_n0_g
    ALLOW_MODELS(LCDM, LCDM_theta, LCDM_zreio)
    #undef FUNCTION

// TODO: Temporarily disabled until project is ready
  /// energy density of dark energy today
  #define CAPABILITY Omega0_Lambda
    #define FUNCTION get_Omega0_Lambda_classy
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// energy density of all matter components today
  #define CAPABILITY Omega0_m
    #define FUNCTION get_Omega0_m_classy
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// energy density in baryons today
  #define CAPABILITY Omega0_b
    #define FUNCTION compute_Omega0_b
    ALLOW_MODELS(LCDM, LCDM_theta, LCDM_zreio)
    DEPENDENCY(H0, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// energy density of CDM component today
  #define CAPABILITY Omega0_cdm
    #define FUNCTION compute_Omega0_cdm
    ALLOW_MODELS(LCDM, LCDM_theta, LCDM_zreio)
    DEPENDENCY(H0, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// energy density in radiation today
  #define CAPABILITY Omega0_r
    #define FUNCTION get_Omega0_r_classy
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// energy density in photons today
  #define CAPABILITY Omega0_g
    #define FUNCTION compute_Omega0_g
    ALLOW_MODELS(LCDM, LCDM_theta, LCDM_zreio)
    DEPENDENCY(H0, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// energy density in ultra-relativistic species today
  #define CAPABILITY Omega0_ur
    #define FUNCTION compute_Omega0_ur
    DEPENDENCY(Omega0_g, double)
    DEPENDENCY(N_ur, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION get_Omega0_ur_classy
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// energy density of non-cold DM components today
  #define CAPABILITY Omega0_ncdm
    #define FUNCTION get_Omega0_ncdm_classy
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// baryon-to-photon ratio today
  #define CAPABILITY eta0
    // calculate eta0 (today) from omega_b and T_cmb
    #define FUNCTION eta0_LCDM
    ALLOW_MODELS(LCDM, LCDM_theta, LCDM_zreio)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // sound horizon at baryon drag
  #define CAPABILITY rs_drag
    #define FUNCTION get_rs_drag_classy
    #undef FUNCTION

  // optical depth at reionisation
  #define CAPABILITY tau_reio
    #define FUNCTION get_tau_reio_classy
    #undef FUNCTION

  // redshift of reionisation
  #define CAPABILITY z_reio
    #define FUNCTION get_z_reio_classy
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// get the value of Neff in the early Universe from CLASS backend
  #define CAPABILITY Neff
    #define FUNCTION get_Neff_classy
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// returns S8 = sigma8 (Omega0_m/0.3)^0.5
  /// (sigma8:root mean square fluctuations density fluctuations within
  /// spheres of radius 8/h Mpc)
  #define CAPABILITY S8_cosmo
    #define FUNCTION get_S8_classy
    DEPENDENCY(Omega0_m, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // ----------------------

  // AlterBBN

  /// collect all input options for AlterBBN in form of a string to double map
  #define CAPABILITY AlterBBN_Input
    #define FUNCTION AlterBBN_Input
    ALLOW_MODELS(LCDM, LCDM_theta, LCDM_zreio, etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB,SubGeVDM_fermion,SubGeVDM_scalar)
    MODEL_GROUP(cosmo,(LCDM, LCDM_theta, LCDM_zreio, etaBBN_rBBN_rCMB_dNurBBN_dNurCMB,SubGeVDM_fermion,SubGeVDM_scalar))
    DEPENDENCY(Neff_SM, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// compute primordial element abundances (and theoretical errors &
  /// covariances if requested) as predicted from BBN
  #define CAPABILITY primordial_abundances_BBN
    #define FUNCTION compute_primordial_abundances_BBN
    DEPENDENCY(AlterBBN_Input, map_str_dbl)
    BACKEND_REQ(call_nucl_err, (alterbbn_tag), int, (map_str_dbl&,double*,double*))
    BACKEND_REQ(call_nucl, (alterbbn_tag), int, (map_str_dbl&,double*))
    BACKEND_REQ(get_NNUC, (alterbbn_tag), size_t, ())
    BACKEND_REQ(get_abund_map_AlterBBN, (alterbbn_tag), map_str_int, ())
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Compute the primordial abundances today
  /// These contain effects from photodisintegration if relevant
  #define CAPABILITY primordial_abundances

    #define FUNCTION primordial_abundances
    DEPENDENCY(primordial_abundances_BBN, BBN_container)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION primordial_abundances_decayingDM
    MODEL_GROUP(cosmo,(LCDM, LCDM_theta, LCDM_zreio))
    DEPENDENCY(primordial_abundances_BBN, BBN_container)
    BACKEND_REQ(set_input_params, (), void, (bool,int,int,double))
    BACKEND_REQ(abundance_photodisintegration_decay, (), void, (double*,double*,double*,double*,double,double,double,double,double,int))
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// compute primordial helium abundance
  #define CAPABILITY helium_abundance
    #define FUNCTION extract_helium_abundance
    DEPENDENCY(primordial_abundances, BBN_container)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// compute Neff after BBN
  #define CAPABILITY Neff_after_BBN
    #define FUNCTION extract_Neff_after_BBN
    DEPENDENCY(primordial_abundances, BBN_container)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// compute BBN likelihood for chosen isotopes
  /// depending on yaml file settings, theoretical
  /// errors and cross-correlations are included
  #define CAPABILITY BBN_LogLike
    #define FUNCTION compute_BBN_LogLike
    DEPENDENCY(primordial_abundances, BBN_container)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // ----------------------

  #ifdef HAVE_PYBIND11

    // MontePython

    /// pass current values of nuisance parameters to MP
    #define CAPABILITY parameter_dict_for_MPLike
      // allow all possible nuisance parameter models here
      #define FUNCTION set_parameter_dict_for_MPLike
      // if you implement new MontePython likelihoods with new nuisance parameters add the name of your new
      // nuisance parameter model (to be defined in Models/include/gambit/Models/models/CosmoNuisanceModels.hpp)
      #undef FUNCTION

      // pass an empty dictionary if no likelihood with nuisance parameters
      // is in use
      #define FUNCTION pass_empty_parameter_dict_for_MPLike
      #undef FUNCTION
    #undef CAPABILITY

    /// creates the MontePython data and likelihood objects, determining which experiments
    /// are in use in the process
    #define CAPABILITY MP_objects
      #define FUNCTION create_MP_objects
      DEPENDENCY(parameter_dict_for_MPLike, pybind11::dict)
      BACKEND_REQ(create_MP_data_object,        (mplike_tag), pybind11::object, (map_str_str&))
      BACKEND_REQ(get_MP_available_likelihoods, (mplike_tag), std::vector<str>, ())
      BACKEND_REQ(create_MP_likelihood_objects, (mplike_tag), map_str_pyobj,    (pybind11::object&, map_str_str&))
      #undef FUNCTION
    #undef CAPABILITY

    /// calculates lnL for individual experiments using MontePython
    #define CAPABILITY MP_LogLikes
      #define FUNCTION compute_MP_LogLikes
      DEPENDENCY(parameter_dict_for_MPLike, pybind11::dict)
      DEPENDENCY(MP_objects, MPLike_objects_container)
      BACKEND_REQ(check_likelihood_classy_combi,(mplike_tag), void,             (str&, str&))
      BACKEND_REQ(get_MP_loglike,               (mplike_tag), double,           (const MPLike_data_container&, pybind11::object&, std::string&))
      BACKEND_REQ(get_classy_backendDir,        (class_tag),  std::string,      ())
      BACKEND_REQ(get_classy_cosmo_object,      (class_tag),  pybind11::object, ())
      #undef FUNCTION
    #undef CAPABILITY

    /// calculates the total lnL from MontePython
    #define CAPABILITY MP_Combined_LogLike
      #define FUNCTION compute_MP_combined_LogLike
      DEPENDENCY(MP_LogLikes, map_str_dbl)
      #undef FUNCTION
    #undef CAPABILITY

    /// retrieves the correlation coefficients and the LogLike not taking
    /// bao correlations into account from the MP likelihood "bao_correlations"
    #define CAPABILITY bao_like_correlation
      #define FUNCTION get_bao_like_correlation
      DEPENDENCY(MP_LogLikes, map_str_dbl)
      DEPENDENCY(MP_objects, MPLike_objects_container)
      #undef FUNCTION
    #undef CAPABILITY


  // --------------------
  // Modified gravity models - symmetron
  // TODO: Temporarily disabled until project is ready
  // Obtain a value for phi(0) given mass and mu
  #define CAPABILITY phi0_interpolation
    #define FUNCTION interp_phi0
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Calculate BD param omega gievn phi(0), mass and v
  #define CAPABILITY omega_bdparam
    #define FUNCTION compute_omega
    DEPENDENCY(phi0_interpolation, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // Calculate |gamma-1| given BD param omega
  #define CAPABILITY gammaminus1_bdparam
    #define FUNCTION compute_gammaminus1
    DEPENDENCY(omega_bdparam, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

    // A likelihood function for |gamma-1| using cassini value
  #define CAPABILITY gamma_loglike
    #define FUNCTION lnL_gamma
    DEPENDENCY(gammaminus1_bdparam, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // calculate |beta-1| given BD param omega
  #define CAPABILITY betaminus1_bdparam
    #define FUNCTION compute_betaminus1
    DEPENDENCY(omega_bdparam, double)
    DEPENDENCY(phi0_interpolation, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // A likelihood function for eta using mars perihelion value
  #define CAPABILITY eta_loglike
    #define FUNCTION lnL_eta
    DEPENDENCY(gammaminus1_bdparam, double)
    DEPENDENCY(betaminus1_bdparam, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  // A likelihood function vmax
  #define CAPABILITY vmin_loglike
    #define FUNCTION lnL_vmin
    #undef FUNCTION

#undef MODULE
#endif /* defined __CosmoBit_rollcall_hpp__ */

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:42 +0000