file Core/core.hpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:


Master driver class for a GAMBIT scan.

Detailed Description



  • 2013 Aug
  • 2014 Feb, Aug
  • 2021 Sep
  • 2023 May

GAMBIT Core driver class.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  GAMBIT Core driver class.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Pat Scott
///  \date 2013 Aug
///  \date 2014 Feb, Aug
///  \author Tomas Gonzalo
///          (
///  \date 2021 Sep
///  \author Patrick Stoecker
///          (
///  \date 2023 May
///  *********************************************

#ifndef __gambit_core_hpp__
#define __gambit_core_hpp__

#include <map>
#include <vector>

#include "gambit/Backends/backend_info.hpp"
#include "gambit/Core/yaml_description_database.hpp"
#include "gambit/Elements/functors.hpp"
#include "gambit/Models/models.hpp"
#include "gambit/Utils/util_types.hpp"

#include "yaml-cpp/yaml.h"

namespace Gambit

  /// Master driver class for a GAMBIT scan.
  class gambit_core

    /// Internal typedefs to keep things readable
    /// @{
    typedef std::vector<functor *> fVec;
    typedef std::vector<primary_model_functor *> pmfVec;
    typedef std::map<str, primary_model_functor *> pmfMap;
    /// @}

    /// Internal model claw pointer
    const Models::ModelFunctorClaw *modelInfo;

    /// Internal backend info pointer
    const Backends::backend_info *backendData;

    /// Set of all declared modules
    std::set<str> modules;

    /// Map from module names to their citation keys
    std::map<str, str> module_citation_keys;

    /// Map from backend names to a list of all registered versions of the backend
    std::map<str, std::set<str>> backend_versions;

    /// Map from backend name and versions, to their citation keys
    std::map<sspair, str> backend_citation_keys;

    /// List of all declared capabilities
    std::set<str> capabilities;

    /// List of all declared models
    std::set<str> models;

    /// List of all declared module functors
    fVec functorList;

    /// List of all module functors that are declared as nested (i.e. require loop managers)
    fVec nestedFunctorList;

    /// List of all declared backend functors
    fVec backendFunctorList;

    /// List of all declared primary model functors
    pmfVec primaryModelFunctorList;

    /// A map of all user-activated primary model functors
    pmfMap activeModelFunctorList;

    /// Filename of the file from which to harvest capability descriptions
    const str input_capability_descriptions;
    /// Filename of the file from which to harvest model descriptions
    const str input_model_descriptions;

    /// Precision to use for cout
    const int outprec;

    /// Flag specifying whether command line options have been processed yet.
    bool processed_options;

    /// Basic diagnostic functions
    /// @{
    void module_diagnostic();
    void backend_diagnostic();
    void capability_diagnostic();
    void model_diagnostic();
    void scanner_diagnostic();
    void test_function_diagnostic();
    void prior_diagnostic();

    /// Free-form diagnostic functions
    /// @{
    void free_form_diagnostic(const str&);
    void ff_module_diagnostic(const str &, str&);
    void ff_module_function_diagnostic(const str &, str&);
    void ff_backend_diagnostic(const str &, str&);
    void ff_backend_function_diagnostic(const str &, str&);
    void ff_capability_diagnostic(const str &, str&);
    void ff_model_diagnostic(const str &, str&);
    void ff_scanner_diagnostic(const str &, str&);
    void ff_test_function_diagnostic(const str &, str&);
    void ff_prior_diagnostic(const str &, str&);
    /// @}

    /// Compute the status of a given backend
    str backend_status(const str &, const str &, bool &);

    /// Launch MPI and return the rank, for limiting diagnostic output to master node.
    int launch_diagnostic_MPI();

    /// Quit MPI used for diagnostic mode.
    void quit_diagnostic_MPI();

    /// Constructor
    gambit_core(const Models::ModelFunctorClaw &, const Backends::backend_info &);

    /// Destructor
    ~gambit_core() {}

    /// Flags set by command line options
    /// Flag to trigger dependency resolver to report functor run order
    int show_runorder;

    /// Flag to show the list of required backends
    int show_backends;

    /// Flag to trigger "resume" mode
    bool resume;

    /// Verbosity mode
    // Set 'true' by '--verbose'
    bool verbose_flag;

    /// Flag recording whether an inifile has been supplied
    bool found_inifile;

    /// Command-line info function
    void bail(int mpirank = -1);

    /// Process default command line options
    str process_primary_options(int, char **);

    /// Diagnostics function
    str run_diagnostic(int, char **);

    /// Add a new module to modules list
    void registerModule(str, str);

    /// Register a new backend
    void registerBackend(str, str, str);

    /// Add a new module functor to functorList
    void registerModuleFunctor(functor &);

    /// Add a new module functor to nestFunctorList
    void registerNestedModuleFunctor(functor &);

    /// Add a new backend functor to backendFunctorList
    void registerBackendFunctor(functor &);

    /// Add a new primary model functor to primaryModelFunctorList
    void registerPrimaryModelFunctor(primary_model_functor &);

    /// Add entries to the map of activated primary model functors
    void registerActiveModelFunctors(const pmfVec &);

    /// Get a reference to the list of module functors
    const fVec &getModuleFunctors() const;

    /// Get a reference to the list of nested module functors
    const fVec &getNestedModuleFunctors() const;

    /// Get a reference to the list of backend model functors
    const fVec &getBackendFunctors() const;

    /// Get a reference to the list of primary model functors
    const pmfVec &getPrimaryModelFunctors() const;

    /// Get a reference to the map of all user-activated primary model functors
    const pmfMap &getActiveModelFunctors() const;

    /// Get a reference to the map of module citation keys
    const std::map<str,str> &getModuleCitationKeys() const;

    /// Get a reference to the map of backend citation keys
    const std::map<sspair, str> &getBackendCitationKeys() const;

    /// Tell the module functors which backends are actually present
    void accountForMissingClasses() const;

    /// Get the description (and other info) of the named item from the capability database
    capability_info get_capability_info(const str &) const;

    /// Get the description (and other info) of the named item from the model database
    model_info get_model_info(const str &) const;

    /// Getter for precision to use for cout
    int get_outprec() const;

    /// Check the named database for conflicts and missing descriptions
    void check_databases();

    /// set to true if capability descriptions missing
    bool missing_capability_description;

    /// Check for missing capability descriptions (after reading in runtime flags)
    void check_capability_descriptions();

    /// Vector of all capability_info objects
    std::vector<capability_info> capability_dbase;

    /// Vector of all model_info objects
    std::vector<model_info> model_dbase;

} // namespace Gambit

#endif // defined __gambit_core_hpp__

Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:34 +0000