file ColliderBit/ColliderBit_MC_rollcall.hpp

[No description available] More…


BACKEND_REQ_FROM_GROUP(lnlike_marg_poisson , lnlike_marg_poisson_lognormal_error , () , double , (const int &, const double &, const double &, const double &) )
const int const double const double const double &BACKEND_REQ(FullLikes_Evaluate , (ATLAS_FullLikes) , double , (std::map< str, double > &, const str &) )
const int const double const double const double const str const str &BACKEND_REQ(FullLikes_FileExists , (ATLAS_FullLikes) , bool , (const str &) )


const int const double const double const doubleATLAS_FullLikes
const int const double const double const doubleint
const int const double const double const double const str const strlnlike_marg_poisson_lognormal_error


Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.
Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.
Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Detailed Description



  • 2015 Apr
  • 2015 Jul
  • 2018 Jan
  • 2019 Jan, Feb
  • 2017 Jun
  • 2019 Sep
  • 2021 November
  • 2023 Oct

Rollcall header for ColliderBit module.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Functions Documentation


    lnlike_marg_poisson ,
    lnlike_marg_poisson_lognormal_error ,
    () ,
    double ,
    (const int &, const double &, const double &, const double &) 

function BACKEND_REQ

const int const double const double const double & BACKEND_REQ(
    FullLikes_Evaluate ,
    (ATLAS_FullLikes) ,
    double ,
    (std::map< str, double > &, const str &) 

function BACKEND_REQ

const int const double const double const double const str const str & BACKEND_REQ(
    FullLikes_FileExists ,
    (ATLAS_FullLikes) ,
    bool ,
    (const str &) 

Attributes Documentation

variable lnlike_marg_poisson_gaussian_error


variable double


variable ATLAS_FullLikes

const int const double const double const double ATLAS_FullLikes;

variable int

const int const double const double const double int;

variable lnlike_marg_poisson_lognormal_error

const int const double const double const double const str const str lnlike_marg_poisson_lognormal_error;

Macros Documentation


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model


#define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection

Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes.

Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers.

Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses.

Di-jet likelihoods.

Collect all the analysis numbers in one place.

A map between PID pairs and cross-sections.

Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map) Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)

Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop. Note: “Non-loop” capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated before the loop starts.

Total cross-section

Output info on TotalCrossSection as a str-double map, for easy printing

Process codes and PID pairs

Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes

Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs for the two final state particles of the hard process.

Process-level cross-sections

A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections

Output PID pair cross-sections as a str-dbl map, for easy printing

A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then the total cross-section is taken from the event generator

Lists of analyses to run

Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.


#define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia

Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators.

Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)

A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file, but builds up the number of events from the event loop

A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)

A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model

define MODULE

#define MODULE ColliderBit

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Rollcall header for ColliderBit module.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Abram Krislock
///          (
///  \author Aldo Saavedra
///  \author Christopher Rogan
///          (
///  \date 2015 Apr
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2015 Jul
///  \date 2018 Jan
///  \date 2019 Jan, Feb
///  \author Andy Buckley
///          (
///  \date 2017 Jun
///  \author Anders Kvellestad
///          (
///  \date 2019 Sep
/// \author Tomasz Procter
///          (
/// \date 2021 November
///  \author Taylor R. Gray
///          (
///  \date 2023 Oct
///  *********************************************

#pragma once

#include "gambit/Utils/util_types.hpp"

#define MODULE ColliderBit

  /// Calculate an initial cross-section for each collider (stored as a map)
  /// Could happen by calling Pythia with minimal generation, or with an external tool
  /// Copies of this function are created for each Pythia collider (e.g. model extensions)
  #define CAPABILITY PerformInitialCrossSection
  #define CAPABILITY InitialTotalCrossSection
    #define FUNCTION InitialTotalCrossSection_Pythia
    DEPENDENCY(PerformInitialCrossSection, initialxsec_container)
    #undef FUNCTION
  #define CAPABILITY InitialProcessCrossSections
    #define FUNCTION InitialProcessCrossSections_Pythia
    DEPENDENCY(PerformInitialCrossSection, initialxsec_container)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Execute the main Monte Carlo event loop.
  /// Note:
  ///   "Non-loop" capabilities that some in-loop capabilities depend on
  ///   can be added as dependencies here to ensure that they are calculated
  ///   before the loop starts.
  #define CAPABILITY RunMC
    #define FUNCTION operateLHCLoop
    DEPENDENCY(InitialTotalCrossSection, map_str_xsec_container)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(SLHAFileNameAndContent, pair_str_SLHAstruct, ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model, ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model)
    #undef FUNCTION

    // Make a dummy MCLoopInfo object for interpolated yield "colliders"
    #define FUNCTION InterpolatedMCInfo
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Total cross-section
  /// @{
  // Get total cross-section as calculated by the event generator
  #define CAPABILITY TotalEvGenCrossSection
    #define FUNCTION getEvGenCrossSection
    DEPENDENCY(HardScatteringSim, const BaseCollider*)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY TotalCrossSection
    /// Convert the TotalEvGenCrossSection (type MC_xsec_container) into
    /// a regular TotalCrossSection (type xsec_container)
    #define FUNCTION getEvGenCrossSection_as_base
    DEPENDENCY(TotalEvGenCrossSection, MC_xsec_container)
    #undef FUNCTION

    /// Example function for interfacing alternative cross-section calculators
    #define FUNCTION getNLLFastCrossSection
    #undef FUNCTION

    /// A function that reads the total cross-section from the input file,
    /// but builds up the number of events from the event loop
    #define FUNCTION getYAMLCrossSection
    #undef FUNCTION

    /// A function that assigns a total cross-sections to a given SLHA input file
    /// (for model ColliderBit_SLHA_file_model)
    #define FUNCTION getYAMLCrossSection_SLHA
    DEPENDENCY(SLHAFileNameAndContent, pair_str_SLHAstruct)
    #undef FUNCTION

    /// A function that assigns a total cross-sections directly from the scan parameters
    /// for model ColliderBit_SLHA_scan_model
    #define FUNCTION getYAMLCrossSection_param
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Output info on TotalCrossSection as
  /// a str-double map, for easy printing
  #define CAPABILITY TotalCrossSectionAsMap
    #define FUNCTION getTotalCrossSectionAsMap
    DEPENDENCY(TotalCrossSection, xsec_container)
    #undef FUNCTION
  /// @}

  /// Process codes and PID pairs
  /// @{
  /// Get list of Pythia process codes for all active processes
  #define CAPABILITY ActiveProcessCodes
    #define FUNCTION getActiveProcessCodes
    DEPENDENCY(HardScatteringSim, const BaseCollider*)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Get a list of all the PID pairs related to active process codes
  #define CAPABILITY ActivePIDPairs
    #define FUNCTION getActivePIDPairs
    DEPENDENCY(ActiveProcessCodeToPIDPairsMap, multimap_int_PID_pair)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Translate a list of Pythia process codes to list of (PID,PID) pairs
  /// for the two final state particles of the hard process.
  #define CAPABILITY ActiveProcessCodeToPIDPairsMap
    #define FUNCTION getActiveProcessCodeToPIDPairsMap
    DEPENDENCY(ActiveProcessCodes, std::vector<int>)
    #undef FUNCTION
  /// @}

  /// Process-level cross-sections
  /// @{
  /// A map between Pythia process codes and cross-sections
  #define CAPABILITY ProcessCrossSectionsMap
    #define FUNCTION getProcessCrossSectionsMap
    DEPENDENCY(ActiveProcessCodes, std::vector<int>)
    DEPENDENCY(ActiveProcessCodeToPIDPairsMap, multimap_int_PID_pair)
    DEPENDENCY(PIDPairCrossSectionsMap, map_PID_pair_PID_pair_xsec)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// A map between PID pairs and cross-sections
  #define CAPABILITY PIDPairCrossSectionsMap
    #define FUNCTION getPIDPairCrossSectionsMap_testing
    DEPENDENCY(ActivePIDPairs, vec_PID_pair)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Output PID pair cross-sections as a
  /// str-dbl map, for easy printing
  #define CAPABILITY PIDPairCrossSectionsInfo
    #define FUNCTION getPIDPairCrossSectionsInfo
    DEPENDENCY(PIDPairCrossSectionsMap, map_PID_pair_PID_pair_xsec)
    #undef FUNCTION
  /// @}

  /// A consistency check that ensures that if each event is weighted
  /// by a process-level cross-section from an external calculator, then
  /// the total cross-section is taken from the event generator
  #define CAPABILITY CrossSectionConsistencyCheck
    #define FUNCTION doCrossSectionConsistencyCheck
    // NEEDS_MANAGER(RunMC, MCLoopInfo)
    DEPENDENCY(TotalCrossSection, xsec_container)
    DEPENDENCY(EventWeighterFunction, EventWeighterFunctionType)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Lists of analyses to run
  /// @{
  #define CAPABILITY ATLASAnalysisContainer
    #define FUNCTION getATLASAnalysisContainer
    DEPENDENCY(InitialTotalCrossSection, map_str_xsec_container)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY CMSAnalysisContainer
    #define FUNCTION getCMSAnalysisContainer
    DEPENDENCY(InitialTotalCrossSection, map_str_xsec_container)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IdentityAnalysisContainer
    #define FUNCTION getIdentityAnalysisContainer
    DEPENDENCY(InitialTotalCrossSection, map_str_xsec_container)
    #undef FUNCTION
  /// @}

  /// Run all analyses and fill vector of analysis results.
  /// @{
  #define CAPABILITY ATLASAnalysisNumbers
    #define FUNCTION runATLASAnalyses
    DEPENDENCY(ATLASSmearedEvent, HEPUtils::Event)
    DEPENDENCY(ATLASAnalysisContainer, AnalysisContainer)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY CMSAnalysisNumbers
    #define FUNCTION runCMSAnalyses
    DEPENDENCY(CMSSmearedEvent, HEPUtils::Event)
    DEPENDENCY(CMSAnalysisContainer, AnalysisContainer)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IdentityAnalysisNumbers
    #define FUNCTION runIdentityAnalyses
    DEPENDENCY(CopiedEvent, HEPUtils::Event)
    DEPENDENCY(IdentityAnalysisContainer, AnalysisContainer)
    #undef FUNCTION
  /// @}

  /// Collect all the analysis numbers in one place
  #define CAPABILITY AllAnalysisNumbers
    #define FUNCTION CollectAnalyses
    DEPENDENCY(CrossSectionConsistencyCheck, bool)
    DEPENDENCY(ATLASAnalysisNumbers, AnalysisDataPointers)
    DEPENDENCY(CMSAnalysisNumbers, AnalysisDataPointers)
    DEPENDENCY(IdentityAnalysisNumbers, AnalysisDataPointers)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION DMEFT_results_profiled
    DEPENDENCY(AllAnalysisNumbersUnmodified, AnalysisDataPointers)
    DEPENDENCY(DMEFT_profiled_LHC_nuisance_params, map_str_dbl)
    DEPENDENCY(DMEFT_spectrum, Spectrum)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION DMEFT_results_cutoff
    DEPENDENCY(AllAnalysisNumbersUnmodified, AnalysisDataPointers)
    DEPENDENCY(DMEFT_spectrum, Spectrum)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION DMsimp_results
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM_spectrum, Spectrum, DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM_spectrum, Spectrum, DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM_spectrum, Spectrum, DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM_spectrum, Spectrum, DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(Unitarity_Bound_DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM, double, DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(Unitarity_Bound_DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM, double, DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM)
    ALLOW_MODELS(DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM, DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM, DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM, DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM)
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION SubGeVDM_results
    DEPENDENCY(SubGeVDM_spectrum, Spectrum)
    ALLOW_MODELS(SubGeVDM_fermion, SubGeVDM_scalar)
    #undef FUNCTION


  #define CAPABILITY AllAnalysisNumbersUnmodified
    #define FUNCTION DMEFT_results
    DEPENDENCY(DMEFT_spectrum, Spectrum)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY DMEFT_profiled_LHC_nuisance_params
    #define FUNCTION calc_DMEFT_profiled_LHC_nuisance_params
    DEPENDENCY(AllAnalysisNumbersUnmodified, AnalysisDataPointers)
    DEPENDENCY(DMEFT_spectrum, Spectrum)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Di-jet likelihoods
  #define CAPABILITY Dijet_LogLike
    #define FUNCTION DiJet_LogLike_DMsimp
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM_spectrum, Spectrum, DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM_spectrum, Spectrum, DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM_spectrum, Spectrum, DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM)
    MODEL_CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY(DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM_spectrum, Spectrum, DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM)
    ALLOW_MODELS(DMsimpVectorMedScalarDM, DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDM, DMsimpVectorMedDiracDM, DMsimpVectorMedVectorDM)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Extract the signal predictions and uncertainties for all analyses
  #define CAPABILITY LHC_signals
    #define FUNCTION calc_LHC_signals
    DEPENDENCY(AllAnalysisNumbers, AnalysisDataPointers)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Calculate the log likelihood for each SR in each analysis using the analysis numbers
  #define CAPABILITY LHC_LogLikes

    #define FUNCTION calc_LHC_LogLikes_full
    DEPENDENCY(AllAnalysisNumbers, AnalysisDataPointers)
    DEPENDENCY(InitialTotalCrossSection, map_str_xsec_container)
    BACKEND_REQ_FROM_GROUP(lnlike_marg_poisson, lnlike_marg_poisson_lognormal_error, (), double, (const int&, const double&, const double&, const double&) )
    BACKEND_REQ_FROM_GROUP(lnlike_marg_poisson, lnlike_marg_poisson_gaussian_error, (), double, (const int&, const double&, const double&, const double&) )
    BACKEND_REQ(FullLikes_Evaluate, (ATLAS_FullLikes), double, (std::map<str,double>&,const str&))
    BACKEND_REQ(FullLikes_ReadIn, (ATLAS_FullLikes), int, (const str&,const str&))
    BACKEND_REQ(FullLikes_FileExists, (ATLAS_FullLikes), bool, (const str&))
    #undef FUNCTION

    #define FUNCTION calc_LHC_LogLikes
    DEPENDENCY(AllAnalysisNumbers, AnalysisDataPointers)
    DEPENDENCY(InitialTotalCrossSection, map_str_xsec_container)
    BACKEND_REQ_FROM_GROUP(lnlike_marg_poisson, lnlike_marg_poisson_lognormal_error, (), double, (const int&, const double&, const double&, const double&) )
    BACKEND_REQ_FROM_GROUP(lnlike_marg_poisson, lnlike_marg_poisson_gaussian_error, (), double, (const int&, const double&, const double&, const double&) )
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Extract the log likelihood for each SR to a simple map_str_dbl
  #define CAPABILITY LHC_LogLike_per_SR
    #define FUNCTION get_LHC_LogLike_per_SR
    DEPENDENCY(LHC_LogLikes, map_str_AnalysisLogLikes)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Extract the combined log likelihood for each analysis to a simple map_str_dbl
  #define CAPABILITY LHC_LogLike_per_analysis
    #define FUNCTION get_LHC_LogLike_per_analysis
    DEPENDENCY(LHC_LogLikes, map_str_AnalysisLogLikes)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Extract the labels for the SRs used in the analysis loglikes
  #define CAPABILITY LHC_LogLike_SR_labels
    #define FUNCTION get_LHC_LogLike_SR_labels
    DEPENDENCY(LHC_LogLikes, map_str_AnalysisLogLikes)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Extract the indices for the SRs used in the analysis loglikes (alphabetical SR ordering)
  #define CAPABILITY LHC_LogLike_SR_indices
    #define FUNCTION get_LHC_LogLike_SR_indices
    DEPENDENCY(LHC_LogLikes, map_str_AnalysisLogLikes)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Calculate the total LHC log likelihood
  #define CAPABILITY LHC_Combined_LogLike
    #define FUNCTION calc_combined_LHC_LogLike
    DEPENDENCY(LHC_LogLikes, map_str_AnalysisLogLikes)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Calculate the total LHC log likelihood
  #define CAPABILITY LHC_LogLike_scan_guide
    #define FUNCTION calc_LHC_LogLike_scan_guide
    DEPENDENCY(LHC_Combined_LogLike, double)
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Output some info about the event loop
  #define CAPABILITY LHCEventLoopInfo
    #define FUNCTION getLHCEventLoopInfo
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Dummy observable that creates a dependency on TestModel1D, which is used to satisfy the normal
  /// GAMBIT model requrements in a minimal way. This is useful in the case where we just want to test
  /// ColliderBit on a single point with Pythia's SLHA interface, but not use the ColliderBit standalone
  /// interface.
  #define CAPABILITY DummyColliderObservable
    #define FUNCTION getDummyColliderObservable
    #undef FUNCTION

  /// Detector sim capabilities.
  /// @{
  #define CAPABILITY ATLASDetectorSim
    #define FUNCTION getBuckFastATLAS
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY CMSDetectorSim
    #define FUNCTION getBuckFastCMS
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY IdentityDetectorSim
    #define FUNCTION getBuckFastIdentity
    #undef FUNCTION
  /// @}

  /// Run detector simulators and produce the standard event format.
  /// @{
  #define CAPABILITY ATLASSmearedEvent
    #define FUNCTION smearEventATLAS
    DEPENDENCY(HardScatteringEvent, HEPUtils::Event)
    DEPENDENCY(ATLASDetectorSim, BaseDetector*)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY CMSSmearedEvent
    #define FUNCTION smearEventCMS
    DEPENDENCY(HardScatteringEvent, HEPUtils::Event)
    DEPENDENCY(CMSDetectorSim, BaseDetector*)
    #undef FUNCTION

  #define CAPABILITY CopiedEvent
    #define FUNCTION copyEvent
    DEPENDENCY(HardScatteringEvent, HEPUtils::Event)
    DEPENDENCY(IdentityDetectorSim, BaseDetector*)
    #undef FUNCTION
  /// @}

  /// Provide functions that can be used for event weighting, e.g. for process-level cross-section scaling.
  /// {@
  #define CAPABILITY EventWeighterFunction

    /// This function is intended as a fallback option
    /// that simply assigns a unit weight to all events
    #define FUNCTION setEventWeight_unity
    #undef FUNCTION

    /// Weight events according to process cross-section
    #define FUNCTION setEventWeight_fromCrossSection
    DEPENDENCY(ProcessCrossSectionsMap, map_int_process_xsec)
    #undef FUNCTION

    /// Event weight functions that depend on model-specific Py8Collider versions
    /// should be declared in the corresponding model header in ColliderBit/models.

  /// @{

  // All other functions are declared in additional headers in the ColliderBit/models directory.
  // The following capabilities need to be provided for each new model:

  // SLHAea object with spectrum and decays for a Pythia8 collider
  #define CAPABILITY SpectrumAndDecaysForPythia

  /// Collider sim capability.
  #define CAPABILITY HardScatteringSim

  /// Collider sim event capability.
  #define CAPABILITY HardScatteringEvent

    /// Only activate these functions if HepMC is activated
    #ifndef EXCLUDE_HEPMC

      /// A nested function that reads in Les Houches Event files and converts them to HEPUtils::Event format
      #define FUNCTION getLHEvent_HEPUtils
      NEEDS_MANAGER(RunMC, MCLoopInfo)
      #undef FUNCTION

      /// A nested function that reads in HepMC event files
      #define FUNCTION getHepMCEvent
      NEEDS_MANAGER(RunMC, MCLoopInfo)
      #undef FUNCTION

      /// A nested function that reads in HepMC event files and converts them to HEPUtils::Event format
      #define FUNCTION getHepMCEvent_HEPUtils
      NEEDS_MANAGER(RunMC, MCLoopInfo)
      #undef FUNCTION

      /// A nested function that reads in HepMC event files and converts them to HEPUtils::Event format
      #define FUNCTION convertHepMCEvent_HEPUtils
      DEPENDENCY(HardScatteringEvent, HepMC3::GenEvent)
      NEEDS_MANAGER(RunMC, MCLoopInfo)
      #undef FUNCTION



  /// BaBar single photon likelihood
  #define CAPABILITY BaBar_single_photon_LogLike
    #define FUNCTION BaBar_single_photon_LogLike_SubGeVDM
    #undef FUNCTION

#undef MODULE

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:42 +0000