file analyses/AnalysisContainer.hpp

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TODO: see if we can use this one:


A class for managing collections of Analysis instances.

Detailed Description



  • often
  • 2019 Feb

Class for holding ColliderBit analyses.

Authors (add name and date if you modify):

Source code

//   GAMBIT: Global and Modular BSM Inference Tool
//   *********************************************
///  \file
///  Class for holding ColliderBit analyses.
///  *********************************************
///  Authors (add name and date if you modify):
///  \author Abram Krislock
///          (
///  \author Andy Buckley
///          (
///  \author Anders Kvellestad
///          (
///  \date often
///  \author Pat Scott
///          (
///  \date 2019 Feb
///  *********************************************

#pragma once

#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include <map>

#include "HEPUtils/Event.h"

namespace Gambit

  typedef std::string str;

  namespace ColliderBit

    class Analysis;

    /// Create a new analysis based on a name string
    /// @note The caller is responsible for deleting the returned analysis object.
    /// @todo Move to a separate file
    Analysis* mkAnalysis(const str& name);

    /// Return the detector to be used for a given analysis name, checking that the analysis exists.
    str getDetector(const str& name);

    /// A class for managing collections of Analysis instances.
    class AnalysisContainer


        /// A map of maps of pointer-to-Analysis.
        /// First key is the collider name, second key is the analysis name.
        std::map<str,std::map<str,Analysis*> > analyses_map;

        /// String identifying the currently active collider
        str current_collider;

        /// Has this instance been registered in the instances_map?
        bool is_registered;

        /// OpenMP info
        int n_threads;

        /// Key for the instances_map
        str base_key;

        /// A map with pointers to all instances of this class. The key is the OMP thread number.
        /// (There should only be one instance of this class per OMP thread.)
        static std::map<str,std::map<int,AnalysisContainer*> > instances_map;


        /// Constructor

        /// Destructor

        /// Add container to instances map
        void register_thread(str);

        /// Delete and clear the analyses contained within this instance.
        void clear();

        /// Set name of current collider
        void set_current_collider(str);

        /// Get name of current collider
        str get_current_collider() const;

        /// Does this instance contain analyses for the given collider
        bool has_analyses(str) const;
        /// Does this instance contain analyses for the current collider
        bool has_analyses() const;

        /// Initialize analyses (by names) for a specified collider
        void init(const std::vector<str>&, str);
        /// Initialize analyses (by names) for the current collider
        void init(const std::vector<str>&);

        /// Reset specific analysis
        void reset(str, str);
        /// Reset all analyses for given collider
        void reset(str);
        /// Reset all analyses for the current collider
        void reset();
        /// Reset all analyses for all colliders
        void reset_all();

        /// Get pointer to specific analysis
        const Analysis* get_analysis_pointer(str, str) const;
        /// Get analyses map for a specific collider
        const std::map<str,Analysis*>& get_collider_analyses_map(str) const;
        /// Get analyses map for the current collider
        const std::map<str,Analysis*>& get_current_analyses_map() const;
        /// Get the full analyses map
        const std::map<str,std::map<str,Analysis*> >& get_full_analyses_map() const;

        /// Pass event through specific analysis
        void analyze(const HEPUtils::Event&, str, str) const;
        /// Pass event through all analysis for a specific collider
        void analyze(const HEPUtils::Event&, str) const;
        /// Pass event through all analysis for the current collider
        void analyze(const HEPUtils::Event&) const;

        /// Collect signal predictions from other threads and add to this one,
        /// for specific analysis
        void collect_and_add_signal(str, str);
        /// Collect signal predictions from other threads and add to this one,
        /// for all analyses for given collider
        void collect_and_add_signal(str);
        /// Collect signal predictions from other threads and add to this one,
        /// for all analyses for the current collider
        void collect_and_add_signal();

        /// Scale results for specific analysis
        void scale(str, str, double);
        /// Scale results for all analyses for given collider
        void scale(str, double);
        /// Scale results for all analyses for the current collider
        void scale(double);
        /// Scale results for all analyses across all colliders
        void scale_all(double);



Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:34 +0000