file analyses/Analysis_Covariance.cpp
[No description available]
Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::ColliderBit |
Name | |
class | Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_Covariance Dummy analysis code with a hard-coded return including a SR covariance matrix. |
Source code
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Analysis.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/ATLASEfficiencies.hpp"
namespace Gambit {
namespace ColliderBit {
using namespace std;
/// bjf> Experimental! But already useful for helping me convert the key
/// numbers from these analyses to Python for the p-value calculuations.
/// This is a dumb place to define this, but there is no cpp file for
/// AnalysisData and I can't be bothered making one.
void AnalysisData::pythonize_me() const
static std::set<std::string> done; // Only want this printed out once for each analysis
std::ostringstream SR_names;
std::ostringstream SR_n;
std::ostringstream SR_b;
std::ostringstream SR_b_sys;
std::ostringstream SR_s_sys;
std::ostringstream SR_s;
SR_names << "a.SR_names = [";
SR_n << "a.SR_n = [";
SR_b << "a.SR_b = [";
SR_b_sys << "a.SR_b_sys = [";
//SR_s_sys << "a.SR_s_sys = [";
//SR_s << "a.SR_s = [";
int i = 0;
for (auto srd = begin(); srd != end(); ++srd,++i)
SR_names << "\"" << srd->sr_label << "__i"<<i << "\", ";
SR_n << srd->n_obs << ", ";
SR_b << srd->n_bkg << ", ";
SR_b_sys << srd->n_bkg_err << ", ";
//SR_s_sys << srd->n_sig_MC_sys << ", ";
//SR_s << srd->n_sig_MC << ", ";
SR_names << "]";
SR_n << "]";
SR_b << "]";
SR_b_sys << "]";
//SR_s_sys << "]";
//SR_s << "]";
std::ostringstream full;
full << "a = Analysis(\""<<analysis_name<<"\")"<<std::endl;
full << SR_names.str() << std::endl;
full << SR_n.str() << std::endl;
full << SR_b.str() << std::endl;
full << SR_b_sys.str() << std::endl;
//full << SR_s_sys.str() << std::endl;
//full << SR_s.str() << std::endl;
full << "a.cov = ";
Eigen::IOFormat PythonFmt(Eigen::FullPrecision, 0, ", ", ",\n", "[", "]", "[", "]");
full << srcov.format(PythonFmt) << std::endl;
full << "a.N_SR = len(a.SR_names)" << std::endl;
full << "if allow_corr: ";
full << "analyses += [a]" << std::endl << std::endl;
/// Could record or something, but for now just dump to stdout
std::cout << full.str();
/// Dummy analysis code with a hard-coded return including a SR covariance matrix
class Analysis_Covariance : public Analysis{
// Variables that holds the number of events passing
// signal region cuts
double _numSR;
// Required detector sim
static constexpr const char* detector = "ATLAS";
set_luminosity(30.); // fb
void run(const HEPUtils::Event*) {}
/// Combine the variables of another copy of this analysis (typically on another thread) into this one.
void combine(const Analysis*) {}
void collect_results()
// Now fill a results object with the result for two signal regions
// add_result(SignalRegionData("SR label", n_obs, {n_sig_MC, n_sig_MC_sys}, {n_bkg, n_bkg_err}));
// Note: n_sig_MC is usually incremented in the analysis code -- here we just hardcoded a value
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR1", 100., {120, 0.}, {95., 9.5}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2", 10., {15, 0.}, {9., 4.}));
// Hard-code a covariance matrix between these (representing the bkg sys values above, rotated by 30 deg)
Eigen::MatrixXd cov(2,2);
cov << 71.6875, 32.1512,
32.1512, 34.5625;
void analysis_specific_reset() {
_numSR = 0;
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:35 +0000