file analyses/Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_36invfb.cpp
[No description available]
Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::ColliderBit |
Source code
/// \author Rose Kudzman-Blais
/// \date 2017 May
/// \author Are Raklev
/// \date 2018 June
/// \author Anders Kvellestad
/// \date 2018 June
/// \author Tomas Gonzalo
/// \date 2019 June, Aug
/// *********************************************
// Based on
// Corrected signal regions for the published version
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Analysis.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/CMSEfficiencies.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/mt2_bisect.h"
// #define CUTFLOW
using namespace std;
namespace Gambit {
namespace ColliderBit {
// This analysis class only returns the results from the EWino signal regions.
// The stop signal regions are returned from the derived class
// Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_stop_36invfb below.
// There also the derived classes
// - Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_36invfb_nocovar
// - Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_stop_36invfb_nocovar
// that don't make use of the the covariance matrices
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_36invfb : public Analysis {
// Counters for the number of accepted events for each signal region
std::map<string, EventCounter> _counters = {
{"SREW1", EventCounter("SREW1")},
{"SREW2", EventCounter("SREW2")},
{"SREW3", EventCounter("SREW3")},
{"SREW4", EventCounter("SREW4")},
{"SREW5", EventCounter("SREW5")},
{"SREW6", EventCounter("SREW6")},
{"SREW7", EventCounter("SREW7")},
{"SREW8", EventCounter("SREW8")},
{"SREW9", EventCounter("SREW9")},
{"SREW10", EventCounter("SREW10")},
{"SREW11", EventCounter("SREW11")},
{"SREW12", EventCounter("SREW12")},
{"SRST1", EventCounter("SRST1")},
{"SRST2", EventCounter("SRST2")},
{"SRST3", EventCounter("SRST3")},
{"SRST4", EventCounter("SRST4")},
{"SRST5", EventCounter("SRST5")},
{"SRST6", EventCounter("SRST6")},
{"SRST7", EventCounter("SRST7")},
{"SRST8", EventCounter("SRST8")},
{"SRST9", EventCounter("SRST9")},
vector<double> cutFlowVector;
vector<string> cutFlowVector_str;
size_t NCUTS;
vector<double> cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130;
vector<double> cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143;
vector<double> cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330;
vector<double> cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340;
// double xsecCMS_150_143;
// double xsecCMS_150_130;
// ofstream cutflowFile;
// Required detector sim
static constexpr const char* detector = "CMS";
struct ptComparison {
bool operator() (const HEPUtils::Particle* i,const HEPUtils::Particle* j) {return (i->pT()>j->pT());}
} comparePt;
Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_36invfb() {
// xsecCMS_150_143=5180.;
// xsecCMS_150_130=5180.;
for (size_t i=0;i<NCUTS;i++){
void run(const HEPUtils::Event* event) {
double met = event->met();
// Signal objects
vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> signalLeptons;
vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> signalElectrons;
vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> signalMuons;
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> signalJets;
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> signalBJets;
//@note Numbers digitized from
//@note The efficiency map has been extended to cover the low-pT region, using the efficiencies from BuckFast (CMSEfficiencies.hpp)
const vector<double> aEl={0., 0.8, 1.442, 1.556, 2., 2.5, DBL_MAX}; // Bin edges in eta
const vector<double> bEl={0., 5., 10., 15., 20., 25., DBL_MAX}; // Bin edges in pT. Assume flat efficiency above 200, where the CMS map stops.
const vector<double> cEl={
// pT: (0,5), (5,10), (10,15), (15,20), (20,25), (25,inf)
0.0, 0.336, 0.412, 0.465, 0.496, 0.503, // eta: (0, 0.8)
0.0, 0.344, 0.402, 0.448, 0.476, 0.482, // eta: (0.8, 1.4429)
0.0, 0.233, 0.229, 0.250, 0.261, 0.255, // eta: (1.442, 1.556)
0.0, 0.309, 0.359, 0.394, 0.408, 0.418, // eta: (1.556, 2)
0.0, 0.243, 0.287, 0.327, 0.341, 0.352, // eta: (2, 2.5)
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // eta > 2.5
// const vector<double> aEl={0,0.8,1.442,1.556,2.,2.5};
// const vector<double> bEl={5.,10.,15.,20.,25.,DBL_MAX}; // Assuming flat efficiency above pT = 30 GeV, where the CMS map stops.
// const vector<double> cEl={0.336,0.412,0.465,0.496,0.503,0.344,0.402,0.448,0.476,0.482,0.233,0.299,0.25,0.261,0.255,0.309,0.359,0.394,0.408,0.418,0.243,0.287,0.327,0.341,0.352};
HEPUtils::BinnedFn2D<double> _eff2dEl(aEl,bEl,cEl);
for (const HEPUtils::Particle* electron : event->electrons()) {
bool isEl=has_tag(_eff2dEl, fabs(electron->eta()), electron->pT());
if (electron->pT()>5. && electron->pT()<30. && fabs(electron->eta())<2.5 && isEl)signalElectrons.push_back(electron);
//@note Numbers digitized from
//@note The efficiency map has been extended to cover the low-pT region, using the efficiencies from BuckFast (CMSEfficiencies.hpp)
const vector<double> aMu={0., 0.9, 1.2, 2.1, 2.4, DBL_MAX}; // Bin edges in eta
const vector<double> bMu={0., 3.5, 10., 15., 20., 25., DBL_MAX}; // Bin edges in pT. Assume flat efficiency above 200, where the CMS map stops.
const vector<double> cMu={
// pT: (0,3.5), (3.5,10), (10,15), (15,20), (20,25), (25,inf)
0.0, 0.647, 0.718, 0.739, 0.760, 0.763, // eta: (0, 0.9)
0.0, 0.627, 0.662, 0.694, 0.725, 0.733, // eta: (0.9, 1.2)
0.0, 0.610, 0.660, 0.678, 0.685, 0.723, // eta: (1.2, 2.1)
0.0, 0.566, 0.629, 0.655, 0.670, 0.696, // eta: (2.1, 2.4)
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // eta > 2.4
// const vector<double> aMu={0.,0.9,1.2,2.1,2.4};
// const vector<double> bMu={3.5,10.,15.,20.,25.,DBL_MAX}; // Assuming flat efficiency above pT = 30 GeV, where the CMS map stops.
// const vector<double> cMu={0.647,0.718,0.739,0.76,0.763,0.627,0.662,0.694,0.725,0.733,0.61,0.66,0.678,0.685,0.723,0.566,0.629,0.655,0.67,0.696};
HEPUtils::BinnedFn2D<double> _eff2dMu(aMu,bMu,cMu);
for (const HEPUtils::Particle* muon : event->muons()) {
bool isMu=has_tag(_eff2dMu, fabs(muon->eta()), muon->pT());
if (met < 300. && muon->pT()>5. && muon->pT()<30. && fabs(muon->eta())<2.4 && isMu) signalMuons.push_back(muon);
else if (met > 300. && muon->pT()>3.5 && muon->pT()<30. && fabs(muon->eta())<2.4 && isMu) signalMuons.push_back(muon);
for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : event->jets("antikt_R04")) {
if (jet->pT()>25. && fabs(jet->eta())<2.4) {
if (jet->btag())signalBJets.push_back(jet);
// Apply b-tag efficiencies and b-tag misidentification rate
// for the CSVv2Loose working point
size_t nSignalLeptons=signalLeptons.size();
size_t nSignalMuons=signalMuons.size();
size_t nSignalJets=signalJets.size();
size_t nSignalBJets=signalBJets.size();
// Cut variables
double m_ll=0;
double pT_ll=0;
double hT=0;
double mTauTau=0;
double metcorr=0;
vector<double> mT;
bool EWpreselection=false, STpreselection=false;
bool OS=false, SF=false;
bool JpsiYveto = false;
// Muon corrected ETmiss
double metcorrx = event->missingmom().px();
double metcorry = event->missingmom().py();
for (size_t iLep=0;iLep<nSignalMuons;iLep++){
metcorrx +=>mom().px();
metcorry +=>mom().py();
metcorr = sqrt(metcorrx*metcorrx+metcorry*metcorry);
if (nSignalLeptons == 2) {
// Calculation of $M_{\tau\tau}$ variable
double determinant =>mom().px()*>mom().py()>mom().py()*>mom().px();
double xi_1 = (event->missingmom().px()*>mom().py()>mom().px()*event->missingmom().py())/determinant;
double xi_2 = (event->missingmom().py()*>mom().px()>mom().py()*event->missingmom().px())/determinant;
mTauTau = (1.+xi_1)*(1.+xi_2)*2*>mom().dot(>mom());
if(mTauTau > 0) mTauTau = sqrt(mTauTau);
if(mTauTau < 0) mTauTau = -sqrt(-mTauTau);
if(m_ll>4. && (m_ll<9. || m_ll>10.5)) JpsiYveto = true;
for (size_t iJet=0;iJet<nSignalJets;iJet++)>pT();
for (size_t iLep=0;iLep<nSignalLeptons;iLep++)mT.push_back(sqrt(2*>pT()*met*(1-cos(>phi()-event->missingmom().phi()))));
if (nSignalLeptons==0) {
if (nSignalLeptons==1)mT.push_back(999);
if (nSignalLeptons==2) {>pid()*>pid()<0.;>abspid() ==>abspid();
if (nSignalLeptons==2 && nSignalBJets==0 && nSignalJets>0 &&>pT()>5.) {
// EW preselection
if (OS && SF &&>pT()>5) {
if (m_ll<50. && pT_ll>3. && met>125. && metcorr > 125. && met/hT<1.4 && met/hT>0.6 && hT>100. && JpsiYveto && (mTauTau<0. || mTauTau>160.) &&<70. &&<70.) {
// Stop preselection
if (OS) {
if (m_ll<50. && pT_ll>3. && met>125. && metcorr > 125. && met/hT<1.4 && met/hT>0.6 && hT>100. && (!SF || JpsiYveto) & (mTauTau<0. || mTauTau>160.) ) {
// Signal Regions
// In the low ETmiss region, for each passing event we add 0.65 due to trigger efficiency
if (EWpreselection && met>125. && met<200. && nSignalMuons == 2) {
if (m_ll>4. && m_ll<9.)"SREW1").add_event(event->weight() * 0.65, event->weight_err() * 0.65);
if (m_ll>10.5 && m_ll<20.)"SREW2").add_event(event->weight() * 0.65, event->weight_err() * 0.65);
if (m_ll>20. && m_ll<30.)"SREW3").add_event(event->weight() * 0.65, event->weight_err() * 0.65);
if (m_ll>30. && m_ll<50.)"SREW4").add_event(event->weight() * 0.65, event->weight_err() * 0.65);
if (EWpreselection && met>200. && met<250.) {
if (m_ll>4. && m_ll<9.)"SREW5").add_event(event);
if (m_ll>10.5 && m_ll<20.)"SREW6").add_event(event);
if (m_ll>20. && m_ll<30.)"SREW7").add_event(event);
if (m_ll>30. && m_ll<50.)"SREW8").add_event(event);
if (EWpreselection && met>250.) {
if (m_ll>4. && m_ll<9.)"SREW9").add_event(event);
if (m_ll>10.5 && m_ll<20.)"SREW10").add_event(event);
if (m_ll>20. && m_ll<30.)"SREW11").add_event(event);
if (m_ll>30. && m_ll<50.)"SREW12").add_event(event);
if (STpreselection && met>125. && met<200. && nSignalMuons == 2) {
double leadpT =>pT();
if (leadpT>5. && leadpT<12.)"SRST1").add_event(event);
if (leadpT>12. && leadpT<20.)"SRST2").add_event(event);
if (leadpT>20. && leadpT<30.)"SRST3").add_event(event);
if (STpreselection && met>200. && met<300.) {
double leadpT =>pT();
if (leadpT>5. && leadpT<12.)"SRST4").add_event(event);
if (leadpT>12. && leadpT<20.)"SRST5").add_event(event);
if (leadpT>20. && leadpT<30.)"SRST6").add_event(event);
if (STpreselection && met>300.) {
double leadpT =>pT();
if (leadpT>5. && leadpT<12.)"SRST7").add_event(event);
if (leadpT>12. && leadpT<20.)"SRST8").add_event(event);
if (leadpT>20. && leadpT<30.)"SRST9").add_event(event);
cutFlowVector_str[0] = "All events";
// cutFlowVector_str[1] = "2 reconstructed $\\mu$'s with $5 < p_{T} < 30$ GeV";
cutFlowVector_str[1] = "2 $\\mu$'s with $5 < p_{T} < 30$ GeV";
cutFlowVector_str[2] = "$\\mu$'s oppositely charged";
cutFlowVector_str[3] = "$p_{T}(\\mu\\mu) > 3$ GeV";
cutFlowVector_str[4] = "$M(\\mu\\mu) \\in [4,50]$ GeV";
cutFlowVector_str[5] = "$M(\\mu\\mu)$ veto [9,10.5] $GeV$";
cutFlowVector_str[6] = "$125 < p^{miss}_{T} < 200$ GeV";
cutFlowVector_str[7] = "Trigger. Implemented as efficiency.";
cutFlowVector_str[8] = "ISR jet";
cutFlowVector_str[9] = "$H_{T} > 100$ GeV";
cutFlowVector_str[10] = "$0.6 < p^{miss}_{T}/H_{T} < 1.4$";
cutFlowVector_str[11] = "b-tag veto";
cutFlowVector_str[12] = "$M(\\tau\\tau)$ veto";
cutFlowVector_str[13] = "$M_{T}(\\mu_{x},p^{miss}_{T}), x = 1,2 < 70$ GeV";
// Cut flow from CMS email
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[0] = 172004.;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[1] = 1250.4;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[2] = 1199.6;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[3] = 1176.0;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[4] = 1095.2;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[5] = 988.6;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[6] = 46.8;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[7] = 30.7;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[8] = 27.9;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[9] = 23.6;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[10] = 17.2;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[11] = 14.0;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[12] = 12.3;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[13] = 9.3;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[0] = 172004.;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[1] = 242.7;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[2] = 218.5;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[3] = 213.8;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[4] = 103.3;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[5] = 102.2;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[6] = 9.8;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[7] = 5.5;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[8] = 5.3;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[9] = 4.1;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[10] = 3.7;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[11] = 3.0;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[12] = 2.7;
cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[13] = 2.2;
// Cut flow from CMS email
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330[0] = 125715.;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330[1] = 141.3;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330[2] = 141.3;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330[3] = 127.3;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330[4] = 123.8;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330[5] = 115.4;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330[6] = 14.1;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330[7] = 8.9;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330[8] = 8.2;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330[9] = 6.1;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330[10] = 4.4;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330[11] = 4.0;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330[12] = 3.7;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340[0] = 125715.;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340[1] = 18.0;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340[2] = 18.0;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340[3] = 10.7;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340[4] = 10.7;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340[5] = 10.6;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340[6] = 1.4;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340[7] = 0.8;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340[8] = 0.7;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340[9] = 0.7;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340[10] = 0.6;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340[11] = 0.5;
cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340[12] = 0.5;
for (size_t j=0;j<NCUTS;j++){
(j==0) ||
(j==1 && nSignalMuons==2) ||
(j==2 && nSignalMuons==2 && OS) ||
(j==3 && nSignalMuons==2 && OS && pT_ll>3.) ||
(j==4 && nSignalMuons==2 && OS && pT_ll>3. && (m_ll>4. && m_ll<50.)) ||
(j==5 && nSignalMuons==2 && OS && pT_ll>3. && (m_ll>4. && m_ll<50.) && (m_ll<9. || m_ll>10.5)) ||
(j==6 && nSignalMuons==2 && OS && pT_ll>3. && (m_ll>4. && m_ll<50.) && (m_ll<9. || m_ll>10.5) && (met>125. && metcorr > 125. && met<200.)) ||
// replace this step with efficiency of 0.65 (below)
(j==7 && nSignalMuons==2 && OS && pT_ll>3. && (m_ll>4. && m_ll<50.) && (m_ll<9. || m_ll>10.5) && (met>125. && metcorr > 125. && met<200.)) ||
(j==8 && nSignalMuons==2 && OS && pT_ll>3. && (m_ll>4. && m_ll<50.) && (m_ll<9. || m_ll>10.5) && (met>125. && metcorr > 125. && met<200.) && nSignalJets>0) ||
(j==9 && nSignalMuons==2 && OS && pT_ll>3. && (m_ll>4. && m_ll<50.) && (m_ll<9. || m_ll>10.5) && (met>125. && metcorr > 125. && met<200.) && nSignalJets>0 && hT>100.) ||
(j==10 && nSignalMuons==2 && OS && pT_ll>3. && (m_ll>4. && m_ll<50.) && (m_ll<9. || m_ll>10.5) && (met>125. && metcorr > 125. && met<200.) && nSignalJets>0 && hT>100. && (met/hT<1.4 && met/hT>0.6)) ||
(j==11 && nSignalMuons==2 && OS && pT_ll>3. && (m_ll>4. && m_ll<50.) && (m_ll<9. || m_ll>10.5) && (met>125. && metcorr > 125. && met<200.) && nSignalJets>0 && hT>100. && (met/hT<1.4 && met/hT>0.6) && nSignalBJets==0) ||
(j==12 && nSignalMuons==2 && OS && pT_ll>3. && (m_ll>4. && m_ll<50.) && (m_ll<9. || m_ll>10.5) && (met>125. && metcorr > 125. && met<200.) && nSignalJets>0 && hT>100. && (met/hT<1.4 && met/hT>0.6) && nSignalBJets==0 && (mTauTau<0. || mTauTau>160.)) ||
(j==13 && nSignalMuons==2 && OS && pT_ll>3. && (m_ll>4. && m_ll<50.) && (m_ll<9. || m_ll>10.5) && (met>125. && metcorr > 125. && met<200.) && nSignalJets>0 && hT>100. && (met/hT<1.4 && met/hT>0.6) && nSignalBJets==0 && (mTauTau<0. || mTauTau>160.) && (<70. &&<70.)))
if (j<7) cutFlowVector[j] += 1.0;
else cutFlowVector[j] += 0.65; // trigger efficiency
/// Combine the variables of another copy of this analysis (typically on another thread) into this one.
void combine(const Analysis* other)
const Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_36invfb* specificOther
= dynamic_cast<const Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_36invfb*>(other);
for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second += specificOther->; }
if (NCUTS != specificOther->NCUTS) NCUTS = specificOther->NCUTS;
for (size_t j = 0; j < NCUTS; j++) {
cutFlowVector[j] += specificOther->cutFlowVector[j];
cutFlowVector_str[j] = specificOther->cutFlowVector_str[j];
virtual void collect_results() {
#ifdef CUTFLOW
// double scale_by= 172004. / 250000.;
// double scale_by= 172004. / 1000000.;
double scale_by = 1;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "<<endl;
cout << "CUT FLOW: CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_36invfb: Signal Region 1 "<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
cout << right << setw(40) << "CUT," << setw(20) << "RAW," << setw(20) << "SCALED,"
<< setw(20) << "%," << setw(20) << "CMS," << setw(20) << "GAMBIT(scaled)/CMS" << endl;
for (size_t j=0; j<NCUTS; j++) {
cout << right << setw(40) << cutFlowVector_str[j].c_str() << "," << setw(20)
<< cutFlowVector[j] << "," << setw(20) << cutFlowVector[j]*scale_by << "," << setw(20)
<< 100.*cutFlowVector[j]/cutFlowVector[0] << "%," << setw(20) << cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[j] << "," << setw(20) << (cutFlowVector[j]*scale_by / cutFlowVectorCMS_150_130[j]) << endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "<<endl;
cout << "CUT FLOW: CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_36invfb: Signal Region 2 "<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
cout << right << setw(40) << "CUT," << setw(20) << "RAW," << setw(20) << "SCALED,"
<< setw(20) << "%," << setw(20) << "CMS," << setw(20) << "GAMBIT(scaled)/CMS" << endl;
for (size_t j=0; j<NCUTS; j++) {
cout << right << setw(40) << cutFlowVector_str[j].c_str() << "," << setw(20)
<< cutFlowVector[j] << "," << setw(20) << cutFlowVector[j]*scale_by << "," << setw(20)
<< 100.*cutFlowVector[j]/cutFlowVector[0] << "%," << setw(20) << cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[j] << "," << setw(20) << (cutFlowVector[j]*scale_by / cutFlowVectorCMS_150_143[j]) << endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "<<endl;
// The stop signal regions are collected in the derived analysis class
// Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_stop_36invfb below.
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW1"), 2., {3.5, 1.}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW2"), 15., {12, 2.3}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW3"), 19., {17, 2.4}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW4"), 18., {11, 2.}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW5"), 1., {1.6, 0.7}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW6"), 0., {3.5, 0.9}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW7"), 3., {2., 0.7}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW8"), 1., {0.51, 0.52}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW9"), 2., {1.4, 0.7}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW10"), 1., {1.5, 0.6}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW11"), 2., {1.5, 0.8}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW12"), 0., {1.2, 0.6}));
// Covariance matrix
static const vector< vector<double> > BKGCOV = {
{ 1.29, 0.33, 0.45, 0.49, 0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.08, 0.12, 0.09, 0.07, 0.12 },
{ 0.33, 5.09, 1.01, 0.62, 0.12, 0.13, 0.20, 0.12, 0.12, 0.11, 0.15, 0.13 },
{ 0.45, 1.01, 6.44, 0.78, 0.21, 0.19, 0.18, 0.10, 0.18, 0.18, 0.15, 0.19 },
{ 0.49, 0.62, 0.78, 3.60, 0.09, 0.07, 0.12, 0.19, 0.19, 0.13, 0.17, 0.32 },
{ 0.06, 0.12, 0.21, 0.09, 0.59, 0.03, 0.06, 0.03, 0.02, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03 },
{ 0.09, 0.13, 0.19, 0.07, 0.03, 0.72, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.04, 0.03, 0.01 },
{ 0.12, 0.20, 0.18, 0.12, 0.06, 0.03, 0.60, 0.05, 0.04, 0.05, 0.04, 0.05 },
{ 0.08, 0.12, 0.10, 0.19, 0.03, 0.03, 0.05, 0.17, 0.05, 0.03, 0.04, 0.06 },
{ 0.12, 0.12, 0.18, 0.19, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.26, 0.05, 0.07, 0.07 },
{ 0.09, 0.11, 0.18, 0.13, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.03, 0.05, 0.32, 0.05, 0.04 },
{ 0.07, 0.15, 0.15, 0.17, 0.03, 0.03, 0.04, 0.04, 0.07, 0.05, 0.20, 0.06 },
{ 0.12, 0.13, 0.19, 0.32, 0.03, 0.01, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.04, 0.06, 0.28 },
void analysis_specific_reset() {
for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second.reset(); }
std::fill(cutFlowVector.begin(), cutFlowVector.end(), 0);
// Factory fn
// Derived analysis class that for the stop search signal regions
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_stop_36invfb : public Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_36invfb {
Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_stop_36invfb() {
virtual void collect_results() {
#ifdef CUTFLOW
double scale_by = 1;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "<<endl;
cout << "CUT FLOW: CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_stop_36invfb: Signal Region 1 "<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
cout << right << setw(40) << "CUT," << setw(20) << "RAW," << setw(20) << "SCALED,"
<< setw(20) << "%," << setw(20) << "CMS," << setw(20) << "GAMBIT(scaled)/CMS" << endl;
for (size_t j=0; j<NCUTS-1; j++) {
cout << right << setw(40) << cutFlowVector_str[j].c_str() << "," << setw(20)
<< cutFlowVector[j] << "," << setw(20) << cutFlowVector[j]*scale_by << "," << setw(20)
<< 100.*cutFlowVector[j]/cutFlowVector[0] << "%," << setw(20) << cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330[j] << "," << setw(20) << (cutFlowVector[j]*scale_by / cutFlowVectorCMS_350_330[j]) << endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "<<endl;
cout << "CUT FLOW: CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_stop_36invfb: Signal Region 2 "<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
cout << right << setw(40) << "CUT," << setw(20) << "RAW," << setw(20) << "SCALED,"
<< setw(20) << "%," << setw(20) << "CMS," << setw(20) << "GAMBIT(scaled)/CMS" << endl;
for (size_t j=0; j<NCUTS-1; j++) {
cout << right << setw(40) << cutFlowVector_str[j].c_str() << "," << setw(20)
<< cutFlowVector[j] << "," << setw(20) << cutFlowVector[j]*scale_by << "," << setw(20)
<< 100.*cutFlowVector[j]/cutFlowVector[0] << "%," << setw(20) << cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340[j] << "," << setw(20) << (cutFlowVector[j]*scale_by / cutFlowVectorCMS_350_340[j]) << endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "<<endl;
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST1"), 16., {14.0,2.3}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST2"), 51., {37.0,6.8}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST3"), 67., {54.0,6.5}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST4"), 23., {23.0,3.5}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST5"), 40., {41.0,5.6}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST6"), 44., {45.0,7.0}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST7"), 4., {4.7,1.3}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST8"), 11., {10.0,1.9}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST9"), 9., {10.0,2.5}));
// Covariance matrix
static const vector< vector<double> > BKGCOV = {
{ 6.09, 4.71, 3.20, 2.50, 1.91, 2.77, 0.54, 0.89, 0.73 },
{ 4.71, 42.34, 27.35, 7.02, 8.98, 26.59, 2.10, 5.75, 8.78 },
{ 3.20, 27.35, 43.20, 6.86, 13.80, 32.28, 2.33, 6.71, 9.86 },
{ 2.50, 7.02, 6.86, 12.11, 6.86, 8.32, 1.13, 2.35, 2.85 },
{ 1.91, 8.98, 13.80, 6.86, 22.57, 16.73, 1.46, 3.93, 5.61 },
{ 2.77, 26.59, 32.28, 8.32, 16.73, 44.78, 2.58, 7.69, 12.14 },
{ 0.54, 2.10, 2.33, 1.13, 1.46, 2.58, 1.56, 0.66, 0.79 },
{ 0.89, 5.75, 6.71, 2.35, 3.93, 7.69, 0.66, 3.88, 2.55 },
{ 0.73, 8.78, 9.86, 2.85, 5.61, 12.14, 0.79, 2.55, 6.54 },
// Factory fn
// Derived EWino analysis class that does not make use of the SR covariance matrix
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_36invfb_nocovar : public Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_36invfb {
Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_36invfb_nocovar() {
virtual void collect_results() {
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW1"), 2., {3.5, 1.}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW2"), 15., {12, 2.3}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW3"), 19., {17, 2.4}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW4"), 18., {11, 2.}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW5"), 1., {1.6, 0.7}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW6"), 0., {3.5, 0.9}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW7"), 3., {2., 0.7}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW8"), 1., {0.51, 0.52}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW9"), 2., {1.4, 0.7}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW10"), 1., {1.5, 0.6}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW11"), 2., {1.5, 0.8}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SREW12"), 0., {1.2, 0.6}));
// Factory fn
// Derived stop-search analysis class that does not make use of the SR covariance matrix
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_stop_36invfb_nocovar : public Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_36invfb {
Analysis_CMS_13TeV_2LEPsoft_stop_36invfb_nocovar() {
virtual void collect_results() {
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST1"), 16., {14.0,2.3}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST2"), 51., {37.0,6.8}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST3"), 67., {54.0,6.5}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST4"), 23., {23.0,3.5}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST5"), 40., {41.0,5.6}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST6"), 44., {45.0,7.0}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST7"), 4., {4.7,1.3}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST8"), 11., {10.0,1.9}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRST9"), 9., {10.0,2.5}));
// Factory fn
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:35 +0000