file analyses/Analysis_CMS_13TeV_0LEP_13invfb.cpp
[No description available]
Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::ColliderBit |
Name | |
class | Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_CMS_13TeV_0LEP_13invfb CMS Run 2 0-lepton jet+MET SUSY analysis, with 13/fb of data. |
Source code
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Analysis.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Cutflow.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/CMSEfficiencies.hpp"
namespace Gambit {
namespace ColliderBit {
using namespace std;
using namespace HEPUtils;
/// @brief CMS Run 2 0-lepton jet+MET SUSY analysis, with 13/fb of data
/// Based on: CMS-SUS-16-014,
class Analysis_CMS_13TeV_0LEP_13invfb : public Analysis {
// Required detector sim
static constexpr const char* detector = "CMS";
// Numbers passing cuts
std::map<string, EventCounter> _counters = {
{"SR1", EventCounter("SR1")},
{"SR2", EventCounter("SR2")},
{"SR3", EventCounter("SR3")},
{"SR4", EventCounter("SR4")},
{"SR5", EventCounter("SR5")},
{"SR6", EventCounter("SR6")},
{"SR7", EventCounter("SR7")},
{"SR8", EventCounter("SR8")},
{"SR9", EventCounter("SR9")},
{"SR10", EventCounter("SR10")},
{"SR11", EventCounter("SR11")},
{"SR12", EventCounter("SR12")},
static const size_t NUMSR = 12; //160;
Cutflow _cutflow;
Analysis_CMS_13TeV_0LEP_13invfb() :
_cutflow("CMS 0-lep 13 TeV", {"Njet >= 3", "HT > 300", "HTmiss > 300", "Nmuon = 0", "Nelectron = 0", "Nhadron = 0 (no-op)", "Dphi_htmiss_j1", "Dphi_htmiss_j2", "Dphi_htmiss_j3", "Dphi_htmiss_j4"})
void run(const Event* event) {
// FinalState isofs(Cuts::abseta < 3.0 && Cuts::abspid != PID::ELECTRON && Cuts::abspid != PID::MUON);
// FinalState cfs(Cuts::abseta < 2.5 && Cuts::abscharge != 0);
// Get baseline jets
vector<const Jet*> jets24, jets50;
for (const Jet* jet : event->jets("antikt_R04")) {
if (jet->pT() < 30) continue;
if (jet->abseta() < 2.4) jets24.push_back(jet);
if (jet->abseta() < 5.0) jets50.push_back(jet);
if (jets24.size() < 3) return;
// HT cut
double sumptj = 0;
for (const Jet* j : jets24) sumptj += j->pT();
const double ht = sumptj;
if (ht < 300) return;
// HTmiss cut, from full set of jets
P4 htvec;
for (const Jet* jet : jets50) htvec += jet->mom();
const double htmiss = htvec.pT();
if (htmiss < 300) return;
// Get baseline electrons
vector<const Particle*> baseelecs;
for (const Particle* electron : event->electrons())
if (electron->pT() > 10. && electron->abseta() < 2.5)
// Apply electron efficiency
// Get baseline muons
vector<const Particle*> basemuons;
for (const Particle* muon : event->muons())
if (muon->pT() > 10. && muon->abseta() < 2.4)
// Apply electron efficiency
// Electron isolation
/// @todo Sum should actually be over all non-e/mu calo particles
vector<const Particle*> elecs;
for (const Particle* e : baseelecs) {
const double R = max(0.05, min(0.2, 10/e->pT()));
double sumpt = -e->pT();
for (const Jet* j : jets50)
if (e->mom().deltaR_eta(j->mom()) < R) sumpt += j->pT();
if (sumpt/e->pT() < 0.1) elecs.push_back(e);
// Muon isolation
/// @todo Sum should actually be over all non-e/mu calo particles
vector<const Particle*> muons;
for (const Particle* m : basemuons) {
const double R = max(0.05, min(0.2, 10/m->pT()));
double sumpt = -m->pT();
for (const Jet* j : jets50)
if (m->mom().deltaR_eta(j->mom()) < R) sumpt += j->pT();
if (sumpt/m->pT() < 0.2) muons.push_back(m);
// Veto the event if there are any remaining baseline leptons
if (!muons.empty()) return;
if (!elecs.empty()) return;
/// @todo Need access to charged hadrons to do this isolation
// // Get isolated tracks
// Particles trks25 = apply<ParticleFinder>(event, "Tracks").particles();
// ifilter_discard(trks25, [&](const Particle& t) {
// double ptsum = -t->pT();
// for (const Particle& p : trks25)
// if (deltaR(p,t) < 0.3) ptsum += p->pT();
// return ptsum/t->pT() > ((t.abspid() == PID::ELECTRON || t.abspid() == PID::MUON) ? 0.2 : 0.1);
// });
// const Particles trks = filter_select(trks25, Cuts::abseta < 2.4);
// // Isolated track pT, pTmiss and mT cut
// // mT^2 = m1^2 + m2^2 + 2(ET1 ET2 - pT1 . pT2))
// // => mT0^2 = 2(ET1 |pT2| - pT1 . pT2)) for m1, m2 -> 0
// FourMomentum ptmissvec = htmissvec; ///< @todo Can we do better? No e,mu left...
// const double ptmiss = ptmissvec->pT();
// for (const Particle& t : trks) {
// const double ptcut = (t.abspid() == PID::ELECTRON || t.abspid() == PID::MUON) ? 5 : 10;
// const double mT = sqrt( t.mass2() + 2*(t.Et()*ptmiss - t->pT()*ptmiss*cos(deltaPhi(t,ptmissvec))) );
// if (mT < 100 && t->pT() < ptcut) vetoEvent;
// }
// Lead jets isolation from Htmiss
if (deltaPhi(-htvec, jets24[0]->mom()) < 0.5) return;
if (deltaPhi(-htvec, jets24[1]->mom()) < 0.5) return;
if (deltaPhi(-htvec, jets24[2]->mom()) < 0.3) return;
if (jets24.size() >= 4 && deltaPhi(-htvec, jets24[3]->mom()) < 0.3) return;
// // Calculate a bin index for this event
// // Nj bin
// static const vector<double> njedges = {3., 5., 7., 9.};
// const size_t nj = jets24.size();
// const size_t inj = binIndex(nj, njedges, true);
// // Nbj bin
// static const vector<double> njbedges = {0., 1., 2., 3.};
// size_t nbj = 0;
// for (const Jet* j : jets24) {
// if (j->pT() < 50 && j->abseta() > 2.5) continue;
// // b-tag effs: b: 0.55, c: 0.12, l: 0.016
// const bool btagged = Random::draw() < (j->btag() ? 0.55 : j->ctag() ? 0.12 : 0.016);
// if (btagged) nbj += 1;
// }
// const size_t inbj = binIndex(nbj, njbedges, true);
// // HTmiss vs HT 2D bin
// int iht = 0;
// if (htmiss < 350) {
// iht = ht < 500 ? 1 : ht < 1000 ? 2 : 3;
// } else if (htmiss < 500 && ht > 350) {
// iht = ht < 500 ? 4 : ht < 1000 ? 5 : 6;
// } else if (htmiss < 750 && ht > 500) {
// iht = ht < 1000 ? 7 : 8;
// } else if (ht > 750) {
// iht = ht < 1500 ? 9 : 10;
// }
// // Calc total bin number and fill SR counter (NB. no overlaps)
// if (iht == 0) return;
// iht -= 1; //< change from the paper's indexing scheme to C++ zero-indexed
// const size_t ibin = 40*inj + 10*inbj + (size_t)iht;
// if (ibin >= NUMSR) throw std::runtime_error("ibin out of range");
// _srnums[ibin] += event->weight();
// Fill aggregate SR bins
const size_t nj = jets24.size();
size_t nbj = 0;
for (const Jet* j : jets24) {
if (j->pT() < 50 && j->abseta() > 2.5) continue;
// b-tag effs: b: 0.55, c: 0.12, l: 0.016
const bool btagged = Random::draw() < (j->btag() ? 0.55 : j->ctag() ? 0.12 : 0.016);
if (btagged) nbj += 1;
if (nj >= 3 && nbj == 0 && ht > 500 && htmiss > 500)"SR1").add_event(event);
if (nj >= 3 && nbj == 0 && ht > 1500 && htmiss > 750)"SR2").add_event(event);
if (nj >= 5 && nbj == 0 && ht > 500 && htmiss > 500)"SR3").add_event(event);
if (nj >= 5 && nbj == 0 && ht > 1500 && htmiss > 750)"SR4").add_event(event);
if (nj >= 9 && nbj == 0 && ht > 1500 && htmiss > 750)"SR5").add_event(event);
if (nj >= 3 && nbj >= 2 && ht > 500 && htmiss > 500)"SR6").add_event(event);
if (nj >= 3 && nbj >= 1 && ht > 750 && htmiss > 750)"SR7").add_event(event);
if (nj >= 5 && nbj >= 3 && ht > 500 && htmiss > 500)"SR8").add_event(event);
if (nj >= 5 && nbj >= 2 && ht > 1500 && htmiss > 750)"SR9").add_event(event);
if (nj >= 9 && nbj >= 3 && ht > 750 && htmiss > 750)"SR10").add_event(event);
if (nj >= 7 && nbj >= 1 && ht > 300 && htmiss > 300)"SR11").add_event(event);
if (nj >= 5 && nbj >= 1 && ht > 750 && htmiss > 750)"SR12").add_event(event);
/// Combine the variables of another copy of this analysis (typically on another thread) into this one.
void combine(const Analysis* other)
const Analysis_CMS_13TeV_0LEP_13invfb* specificOther = dynamic_cast<const Analysis_CMS_13TeV_0LEP_13invfb*>(other);
for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second += specificOther->; }
/// Register results objects with the results for each SR; obs & bkg numbers from the CONF note
void collect_results() {
// The bkg errors are the quad sums of upper limits
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR1"), 1614., {1498., 99.7} ));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2"), 18., {15.9, 3.91} ));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR3"), 306., {284., 21.6} ));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR4"), 7., {8.9, 2.86} ));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR5"), 1., {0.17, 0.98} ));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR6"), 71., {63.3, 11.2} ));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR7"), 54., {41.4, 8.24} ));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR8"), 7., {4.2, 4.24} ));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR9"), 2., {0.9, 2.60} ));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR10"), 0., {0., 1.60} ));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR11"), 316., {385., 33.0} ));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR12"), 17., {15.9, 5.47} ));
void analysis_specific_reset() {
for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second.reset(); }
// Factory fn
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:35 +0000