file analyses/Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_ZGammaGrav_CONFNOTE_80invfb.cpp
[No description available]
Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::ColliderBit |
Name | |
class | Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_ZGammaGrav_CONFNOTE_80invfb ATLAS ZH(->photon+gravitino) (79.8 fb^-1) |
Source code
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Analysis.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/ATLASEfficiencies.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/mt2_bisect.h"
using namespace std;
namespace Gambit {
namespace ColliderBit {
/// @brief ATLAS ZH(->photon+gravitino) (79.8 fb^-1)
/// Based on:
/// -
/// -
/// @author Andy Buckley
/// @note Conservative underestimate of yield in benchmark point cutflow 5.2 vs 8.7
/// passing all cuts: underestimation of MET and satisfaction of angular/balance cuts.
/// Adding MET smearing doesn't appear to have helped.
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_ZGammaGrav_CONFNOTE_80invfb : public Analysis {
// Required detector sim
static constexpr const char* detector = "ATLAS";
Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_ZGammaGrav_CONFNOTE_80invfb() {
void run(const Event* event) {
// Electrons
ParticlePtrs electrons;
for (const Particle* e : event->electrons()) {
const bool crack = e->abseta() > 1.37 && e->abseta() < 1.52;
if (e->pT() > 10. && e->abseta() < 2.47 && !crack)
// Apply electron efficiency
// Apply medium electron selection
// Muons
// NB. medium muon ID for pT > 10 ~ 99%:
ParticlePtrs muons;
for (const Particle* m : event->muons())
if (m->pT() > 10. && m->abseta() < 2.7 && random_bool(0.99))
// Apply muon efficiency
// Photons
ParticlePtrs photons;
for (const Particle* y : event->photons())
if (y->pT() > 20.)
// Jets
JetPtrs jets;
for (const Jet* j : event->jets("antikt_R04"))
if (j->pT() > 20. && j->absrap() < 4.4)
// cout << "#J = " << jets.size()
// << " #Y = " << photons.size()
// << " #E = " << electrons.size()
// << " #M = " << muons.size()
// << endl;
// Overlap removal
removeOverlap(jets, electrons, 0.2);
removeOverlap(electrons, jets, 0.4);
removeOverlap(electrons, jets, 0.4);
removeOverlap(photons, electrons, 0.4);
removeOverlap(photons, muons, 0.4);
removeOverlap(jets, photons, 0.4);
// Put objects in pT order
// Missing energy
double ht = 0;
for (const Particle* p : event->visible_particles()) ht += p->pT();
P4 pmiss = event->missingmom();
ATLAS::smearMET(pmiss, ht);
const double met = pmiss.pT();
size_t ncut = 0;
// Find the Z system
if (electrons.size() + muons.size() != 2) return; //< must be exactly two leptons
if (!electrons.empty() && !muons.empty()) return; //< the two leptons must be same-flavour
const ParticlePtrs& leps = electrons.empty() ? muons : electrons;
// The dilepton mass must be within 10 GeV of the Z mass
const P4 pZ = leps[0]->mom() + leps[1]->mom();
if (fabs(pZ.m() - 91.2) > 10.) return;
cutflow[ncut++] += 1;
// There must be a prompt photon with pT > 25 GeV
if (photons.empty()) return;
if (photons[0]->pT() < 25) return;
cutflow[ncut++] += 1;
// MET and jet requirements
if (met < 95) return;
if (!jets.empty() && jets[0]->pT() > 30) return;
cutflow[ncut++] += 1;
// Require separation of the Z and the MET+photon(s) systems
const P4 pYMET = pmiss + photons[0]->mom() +
(photons.size() > 1 ? photons[1]->mom() : P4());
if (fabs(pZ.pT()-pYMET.pT())/pYMET.pT() > 0.2) return;
cutflow[ncut++] += 1;
if (deltaPhi(pZ, pYMET) < 2.8) return;
cutflow[ncut++] += 1;
// Check lepton pTs and require small delta_phi
if (leps[0]->pT() < 25 || leps[1]->pT() < 20) return;
if (deltaPhi(leps[0]->mom(), leps[1]->mom()) > 1.4) return;
cutflow[ncut++] += 1;
// Signal count"SR").add_event(event);
/// Combine the variables of another copy of this analysis (typically on another thread) into this one.
void combine(const Analysis* other)
const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_ZGammaGrav_CONFNOTE_80invfb* specificOther
= dynamic_cast<const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_ZGammaGrav_CONFNOTE_80invfb*>(other);
for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second += specificOther->; }
for (size_t j = 0; j < NCUTS; ++j) cutflow[j] += specificOther->cutflow[j];
void collect_results() {
// add_result(SignalRegionData("SR label", n_obs, {n_sig_MC, n_sig_MC_sys}, {n_bkg, n_bkg_err}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR"), 3., {2.1, 0.5}));
// cout << "\nCUTFLOW" << endl;
// const string cutnames[NCUTS] = {"mll near mZ", "y1 > 25 GeV", "MET > 95 GeV", "ZH pT balance", "ZH dphi", "ll dphi"};
// const double sf_cutflow = 85.92 / cutflow[0];
// for (size_t i = 0; i < NCUTS; ++i) cout << i+1 << ". " << cutflow[i] * sf_cutflow << " (" << cutnames[i] << ")" << endl;
void analysis_specific_reset() {
for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second.reset(); }
for (size_t i = 0; i < NCUTS; ++i) cutflow[i] = 0;
// Numbers passing cuts
std::map<string, EventCounter> _counters = {
{"SR", EventCounter("SR")},
// Cut flow
const static int NCUTS = 6;
double cutflow[NCUTS];
// vector<string> cutFlowVector_str;
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:35 +0000