file analyses/Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_PhotonGGM_36invfb.cpp
[No description available]
Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::ColliderBit |
Source code
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <iomanip>
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Analysis.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/ATLASEfficiencies.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/mt2_bisect.h"
// #define CHECK_CUTFLOW
using namespace std;
/// @brief Simulation of "Search for photonic signatures of gauge-mediated supersymmetry in 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector"
/// Based on:
/// -
/// @author Martin White
/// Known issues:
/// 1) Photon isolation requirement is missing
/// 2) They use a bizarre HT definition where they don't apply overlap removal
/// between photons and jets. This might not work for us, since jets won't be
/// made by photons in our events.
namespace Gambit
namespace ColliderBit
bool sortByPT_jet(const HEPUtils::Jet* jet1, const HEPUtils::Jet* jet2) { return (jet1->pT() > jet2->pT()); }
bool sortByPT_lep(const HEPUtils::Particle* lep1, const HEPUtils::Particle* lep2) { return (lep1->pT() > lep2->pT()); }
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_PhotonGGM_36invfb : public Analysis
// Numbers passing cuts
std::map<string, EventCounter> _counters = {
{"SRaa_SL", EventCounter("SRaa_SL")},
{"SRaa_SH", EventCounter("SRaa_SH")},
{"SRaa_WL", EventCounter("SRaa_WL")},
{"SRaa_WH", EventCounter("SRaa_WH")},
{"SRaj_L", EventCounter("SRaj_L")},
{"SRaj_L200", EventCounter("SRaj_L200")},
{"SRaj_H", EventCounter("SRaj_H")},
// Cut Flow
vector<int> cutFlowVector;
vector<double> cutFlowVector_ATLAS;
vector<string> cutFlowVector_str;
int NCUTS;
// Overlap removal -- discard from first list if deltaR < deltaR1 and
// discard from the second list deltaR1 < deltaR < deltaR2
void JetParticleOverlapRemoval2(vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> &jetvec, vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> &particlevec, double deltaR1, double deltaR2, bool use_rapidity=false)
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> keep_jets;
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> kill_jets;
vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> keep_particles;
vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> kill_particles;
for(const HEPUtils::Jet* j : jetvec)
for(const HEPUtils::Particle* p : particlevec)
const double dR = (use_rapidity) ? j->mom().deltaR_rap(p->mom()) : j->mom().deltaR_eta(p->mom());
if (fabs(dR) <= deltaR1)
// If jet j is not in kill_jets, add it.
if ( find(kill_jets.begin(), kill_jets.end(), j) == kill_jets.end() ) kill_jets.push_back(j);
else if ((fabs(dR) > deltaR1) && (fabs(dR) <= deltaR2))
// If particle p is not in kill_particles, add it.
if ( find(kill_particles.begin(), kill_particles.end(), p) == kill_particles.end() ) kill_particles.push_back(p);
// All jets that are not in kill_jets should go into keep_jets
for(const HEPUtils::Jet* j : jetvec)
if ( find(kill_jets.begin(), kill_jets.end(), j) == kill_jets.end() ) keep_jets.push_back(j);
// All particles that are not in kill_particles should go into keep_particles
for(const HEPUtils::Particle* p : particlevec)
if ( find(kill_particles.begin(), kill_particles.end(), p) == kill_particles.end() ) keep_particles.push_back(p);
jetvec = keep_jets;
particlevec = keep_particles;
// Required detector sim
static constexpr const char* detector = "ATLAS";
NCUTS= 51;
for(int i=0;i<NCUTS;i++)
void run(const HEPUtils::Event* event)
// Missing energy w/ smearing
double ht = 0;
for (const HEPUtils::Particle* p : event->visible_particles()) ht += p->pT();
HEPUtils::P4 pmiss = event->missingmom();
ATLAS::smearMET(pmiss, ht);
const double met = pmiss.pT();
// Baseline lepton objects
vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> baselineElectrons, baselineMuons;
// Baseline electrons
for (const HEPUtils::Particle* electron : event->electrons())
bool crack = (electron->abseta() > 1.37) && (electron->abseta() < 1.52);
if (electron->pT() > 25. && electron->abseta() < 2.47 && !crack) baselineElectrons.push_back(electron);
// Apply electron efficiency
// Apply tight electron selection
for (const HEPUtils::Particle* muon : event->muons())
if (muon->pT() > 25. && muon->abseta() < 2.7) baselineMuons.push_back(muon);
// Apply muon efficiency
// Photons
vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> baselinePhotons;
for (const HEPUtils::Particle* photon : event->photons())
bool crack = (photon->abseta() > 1.37) && (photon->abseta() < 1.52);
if (photon->pT() > 25. && photon->abseta() < 2.37 && !crack) baselinePhotons.push_back(photon);
// Jets
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> jets28;
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> jets28_nophooverlap;
for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : event->jets("antikt_R04"))
if (jet->pT() > 30. && fabs(jet->eta()) < 2.8)
// Overlap removal
const bool use_rapidity=true;
removeOverlap(baselinePhotons,baselineElectrons, 0.01, use_rapidity); // <-- taken from ATLAS code snippets on HEPData
removeOverlap(jets28, baselineElectrons, 0.2, use_rapidity);
removeOverlap(jets28_nophooverlap, baselineElectrons, 0.2, use_rapidity);
removeOverlap(jets28, baselinePhotons, 0.2, use_rapidity);
removeOverlap(baselineElectrons, jets28_nophooverlap, 0.4, use_rapidity);
removeOverlap(baselineElectrons, jets28, 0.4, use_rapidity);
removeOverlap(baselinePhotons, jets28, 0.4, use_rapidity);
removeOverlap(baselineMuons, jets28, 0.4, use_rapidity);
removeOverlap(baselineMuons, jets28_nophooverlap, 0.4, use_rapidity);
// Make |eta| < 2.5 jets
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> jets25;
for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : jets28)
if (fabs(jet->eta()) < 2.5) jets25.push_back(jet);
// Put objects in pT order
// Function used to get b jets
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> bJets25;
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> bJets28;
const std::vector<double> a = {0,10.};
const std::vector<double> b = {0,10000.};
const std::vector<double> c = {0.77};
HEPUtils::BinnedFn2D<double> _eff2d(a,b,c);
for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : jets25)
bool hasTag=has_tag(_eff2d, jet->abseta(), jet->pT());
if(jet->btag() && hasTag) bJets25.push_back(jet);
for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : jets28)
bool hasTag=has_tag(_eff2d, jet->abseta(), jet->pT());
if(jet->btag() && hasTag) bJets28.push_back(jet);
// Multiplicities
int nLep = baselineElectrons.size() + baselineMuons.size();
int nJets25 = jets25.size();
int nPhotons = baselinePhotons.size();
// Pre-selection
bool preSelection2a=false;
if(nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75.) preSelection2a=true;
bool preSelectionSRLaj = false;
if(nPhotons==1 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 145.) preSelectionSRLaj=true;
bool preSelectionSRHaj = false;
if(nPhotons==1 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 400.) preSelectionSRHaj=true;
// Useful variables
// "Photon-enhanced" HT, with no overlap removal of photons-jets
double HT = 0.;
for(const HEPUtils::Particle* photon : baselinePhotons)
HT += photon->pT();
for(const HEPUtils::Particle* electron : baselineElectrons)
HT += electron->pT();
for(const HEPUtils::Particle* muon : baselineMuons)
HT += muon->pT();
for(const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : jets28_nophooverlap)
HT += jet->pT();
// meff
double meff = met;
for(const HEPUtils::Particle* photon : baselinePhotons)
meff += photon->pT();
for(const HEPUtils::Particle* electron : baselineElectrons)
meff += electron->pT();
for(const HEPUtils::Particle* muon : baselineMuons)
meff += muon->pT();
// Note that meff is only used for aj signal regions -> |jet eta| < 2.5
for(const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : jets25)
meff += jet->pT();
// dphimin(a,met)
double dphimin_amet = 999.;
if (nPhotons == 1)
dphimin_amet = pmiss.deltaPhi(>mom());
else if (nPhotons >= 2)
dphimin_amet = std::min( pmiss.deltaPhi(>mom()), pmiss.deltaPhi(>mom()) );
double dphimin_j25met = 999.;
if (jets25.size() == 1)
dphimin_j25met = pmiss.deltaPhi(>mom());
else if (jets25.size() >= 2)
dphimin_j25met = std::min( pmiss.deltaPhi(>mom()), pmiss.deltaPhi(>mom()) );
double dphimin_j28met = 999.;
if (jets28.size() == 1)
dphimin_j28met = pmiss.deltaPhi(>mom());
else if (jets28.size() >= 2)
dphimin_j28met = std::min( pmiss.deltaPhi(>mom()), pmiss.deltaPhi(>mom()) );
// RT4
// Only used in aj regions -> use |jet eta| < 2.5
double RT4 = 1.;
if(jets25.size() > 3)
RT4 = jets25[0]->pT() + jets25[1]->pT() + jets25[2]->pT() + jets25[3]->pT();
double denom=0.;
for(const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : jets25)
denom += jet->pT();
RT4 = RT4 / denom;
// All variables are now done
// Increment signal region variables
// 2a regions
if(preSelection2a && met > 150. && HT > 2750 && dphimin_j28met > 0.5)"SRaa_SL").add_event(event);
if(preSelection2a && met > 250. && HT > 2000 && dphimin_j28met > 0.5 && dphimin_amet > 0.5)"SRaa_SH").add_event(event);
if(preSelection2a && met > 150. && HT > 1500 && dphimin_j28met > 0.5)"SRaa_WL").add_event(event);
if(preSelection2a && met > 250. && HT > 1000 && dphimin_j28met > 0.5 && dphimin_amet > 0.5)"SRaa_WH").add_event(event);
// aj regions
if(preSelectionSRLaj && nJets25 >=5 && nLep == 0 && met > 300. && meff > 2000. && RT4 < 0.90 && dphimin_j25met > 0.5 && dphimin_amet > 0.5)"SRaj_L").add_event(event);
if(preSelectionSRLaj && nJets25 >=5 && nLep == 0 && met > 200. && meff > 2000. && RT4 < 0.90 && dphimin_j25met > 0.5 && dphimin_amet > 0.5)"SRaj_L200").add_event(event);
if(preSelectionSRHaj && nJets25 >=3 && nLep == 0 && met > 400. && meff > 2400. && dphimin_j25met > 0.5 && dphimin_amet > 0.5)"SRaj_H").add_event(event);
/* */
cutFlowVector_str[0] = "Total ";
cutFlowVector_str[1] = "SBL: trigger && 2 photons";
cutFlowVector_str[2] = "SBL: PhotonsPt";
cutFlowVector_str[3] = "SBL: MET";
cutFlowVector_str[4] = "SBL: HT";
cutFlowVector_str[5] = "SBL: dPhiMin(jet,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[6] = "SBL: dPhiMin(gamma,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[7] = "SBH: trigger && 2 photons";
cutFlowVector_str[8] = "SBH: PhotonsPt";
cutFlowVector_str[9] = "SBH: MET";
cutFlowVector_str[10] = "SBH: HT";
cutFlowVector_str[11] = "SBH: dPhiMin(jet,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[12] = "SBH: dPhiMin(gamma,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[13] = "WBL: trigger && 2 photons";
cutFlowVector_ATLAS[13] = 26.6;
cutFlowVector_str[14] = "WBL: PhotonsPt";
cutFlowVector_ATLAS[14] = 21.3;
cutFlowVector_str[15] = "WBL: MET";
cutFlowVector_ATLAS[15] = 16.9;
cutFlowVector_str[16] = "WBL: HT";
cutFlowVector_ATLAS[16] = 14.7;
cutFlowVector_str[17] = "WBL: dPhiMin(jet,met)";
cutFlowVector_ATLAS[17] = 11.0;
cutFlowVector_str[18] = "WBL: dPhiMin(gamma,met)";
cutFlowVector_ATLAS[18] = 11.0;
cutFlowVector_str[19] = "WBH: trigger && 2 photons";
cutFlowVector_ATLAS[19] = 19.6;
cutFlowVector_str[20] = "WBH: PhotonsPt";
cutFlowVector_ATLAS[20] = 19.2;
cutFlowVector_str[21] = "WBH: MET";
cutFlowVector_ATLAS[21] = 15.6;
cutFlowVector_str[22] = "WBH: HT";
cutFlowVector_ATLAS[22] = 15.6;
cutFlowVector_str[23] = "WBH: dPhiMin(jet,met)";
cutFlowVector_ATLAS[23] = 14.8;
cutFlowVector_str[24] = "WBH: dPhiMin(gamma,met)";
cutFlowVector_ATLAS[24] = 14.6;
cutFlowVector_str[25] = "SRL: trigger && 1 photon";
cutFlowVector_str[26] = "SRL: lepton veto";
cutFlowVector_str[27] = "SRL: pT_gamma";
cutFlowVector_str[28] = "SRL: met";
cutFlowVector_str[29] = "SRL: Njets";
cutFlowVector_str[30] = "SRL: dphimin(jet,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[31] = "SRL: dphimin(gamma,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[32] = "SRL: meff";
cutFlowVector_str[33] = "SRL: RT4";
cutFlowVector_str[34] = "SRL200: trigger && 1 photon";
cutFlowVector_str[35] = "SRL200: lepton veto";
cutFlowVector_str[36] = "SRL200: pT_gamma";
cutFlowVector_str[37] = "SRL200: met";
cutFlowVector_str[38] = "SRL200: Njets";
cutFlowVector_str[39] = "SRL200: dphimin(jet,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[40] = "SRL200: dphimin(gamma,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[41] = "SRL200: meff";
cutFlowVector_str[42] = "SRL200: RT4";
cutFlowVector_str[43] = "SRH: trigger && 1 photon";
cutFlowVector_str[44] = "SRH: lepton veto";
cutFlowVector_str[45] = "SRH: pT_gamma";
cutFlowVector_str[46] = "SRH: met";
cutFlowVector_str[47] = "SRH: Njets";
cutFlowVector_str[48] = "SRH: dphimin(jet,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[49] = "SRH: dphimin(gamma,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[50] = "SRH: meff";
for(int j=0;j<NCUTS;j++)
(j==0) ||
cutFlowVector_str[1] = "SBL: trigger && 2 photons";
cutFlowVector_str[2] = "SBL: PhotonsPt";
cutFlowVector_str[3] = "SBL: MET";
cutFlowVector_str[4] = "SBL: HT";
cutFlowVector_str[5] = "SBL: dPhiMin(jet,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[6] = "SBL: dPhiMin(gamma,met)";
(j==1 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 35. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 25.) ||
(j==2 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75.) ||
(j==3 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 150.) ||
(j==4 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 150. && HT > 2750.) ||
(j==5 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 150. && HT > 2750. && dphimin_j28met > 0.5) ||
(j==6 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 150. && HT > 2750. && dphimin_j28met > 0.5) || // No extra cut in this case
cutFlowVector_str[7] = "SBH: trigger && 2 photons";
cutFlowVector_str[8] = "SBH: PhotonsPt";
cutFlowVector_str[9] = "SBH: MET";
cutFlowVector_str[10] = "SBH: HT";
cutFlowVector_str[11] = "SBH: dPhiMin(jet,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[12] = "SBH: dPhiMin(gamma,met)";
(j==7 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 35. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 25.) ||
(j==8 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75.) ||
(j==9 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 250.) ||
(j==10 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 250. && HT > 2000.) ||
(j==11 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 250. && HT > 2000. && dphimin_j28met > 0.5) ||
(j==12 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 250. && HT > 2000. && dphimin_j28met > 0.5 && dphimin_amet > 0.5) ||
cutFlowVector_str[13] = "WBL: trigger && 2 photons";
cutFlowVector_str[14] = "WBL: PhotonsPt";
cutFlowVector_str[15] = "WBL: MET";
cutFlowVector_str[16] = "WBL: HT";
cutFlowVector_str[17] = "WBL: dPhiMin(jet,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[18] = "WBL: dPhiMin(gamma,met)";
(j==13 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 35. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 25.) ||
(j==14 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75.) ||
(j==15 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 150.) ||
(j==16 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 150. && HT > 1500.) ||
(j==17 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 150. && HT > 1500. && dphimin_j28met > 0.5) ||
(j==18 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 150. && HT > 1500. && dphimin_j28met > 0.5) || // no additional cut in this case
cutFlowVector_str[19] = "WBH: trigger && 2 photons";
cutFlowVector_str[20] = "WBH: PhotonsPt";
cutFlowVector_str[21] = "WBH: MET";
cutFlowVector_str[22] = "WBH: HT";
cutFlowVector_str[23] = "WBH: dPhiMin(jet,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[24] = "WBH: dPhiMin(gamma,met)";
(j==19 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 35. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 25.) ||
(j==20 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75.) ||
(j==21 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 250.) ||
(j==22 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 250. && HT > 1000.) ||
(j==23 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 250. && HT > 1000. && dphimin_j28met > 0.5) ||
(j==24 && nPhotons==2 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 75. && baselinePhotons[1]->pT() > 75. && met > 250. && HT > 1000. && dphimin_j28met > 0.5 && dphimin_amet > 0.5) || // no additional cut in this case
// --------
cutFlowVector_str[25] = "SRL: trigger && 1 photon";
cutFlowVector_str[26] = "SRL: lepton veto";
cutFlowVector_str[27] = "SRL: pT_gamma";
cutFlowVector_str[28] = "SRL: met";
cutFlowVector_str[29] = "SRL: Njets";
cutFlowVector_str[30] = "SRL: dphimin(jet,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[31] = "SRL: dphimin(gamma,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[32] = "SRL: meff";
cutFlowVector_str[33] = "SRL: RT4";
(j==25 && nPhotons==1 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 140.) ||
(j==26 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 140.) ||
(j==27 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 145.) ||
(j==28 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 145. && met > 300.) ||
(j==29 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 145. && met > 300. && nJets25 >= 5) ||
(j==30 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 145. && met > 300. && nJets25 >= 5 && dphimin_j25met > 0.4) ||
(j==31 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 145. && met > 300. && nJets25 >= 5 && dphimin_j25met > 0.4 && dphimin_amet > 0.4) ||
(j==32 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 145. && met > 300. && nJets25 >= 5 && dphimin_j25met > 0.4 && dphimin_amet > 0.4 && meff > 2000.) ||
(j==33 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 145. && met > 300. && nJets25 >= 5 && dphimin_j25met > 0.4 && dphimin_amet > 0.4 && meff > 2000. && RT4 < 0.90) ||
cutFlowVector_str[25] = "SRL200: trigger && 1 photon";
cutFlowVector_str[26] = "SRL200: lepton veto";
cutFlowVector_str[27] = "SRL200: pT_gamma";
cutFlowVector_str[28] = "SRL200: met";
cutFlowVector_str[29] = "SRL200: Njets";
cutFlowVector_str[30] = "SRL200: dphimin(jet,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[31] = "SRL200: dphimin(gamma,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[32] = "SRL200: meff";
cutFlowVector_str[33] = "SRL200: RT4";
(j==34 && nPhotons==1 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 140.) ||
(j==35 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 140.) ||
(j==36 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 145.) ||
(j==37 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 145. && met > 200.) ||
(j==38 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 145. && met > 200. && nJets25 >= 5) ||
(j==39 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 145. && met > 200. && nJets25 >= 5 && dphimin_j25met > 0.4) ||
(j==40 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 145. && met > 200. && nJets25 >= 5 && dphimin_j25met > 0.4 && dphimin_amet > 0.4) ||
(j==41 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 145. && met > 200. && nJets25 >= 5 && dphimin_j25met > 0.4 && dphimin_amet > 0.4 && meff > 2000.) ||
(j==42 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 145. && met > 200. && nJets25 >= 5 && dphimin_j25met > 0.4 && dphimin_amet > 0.4 && meff > 2000. && RT4 < 0.90) ||
cutFlowVector_str[34] = "SRH: trigger && 1 photon";
cutFlowVector_str[35] = "SRH: lepton veto";
cutFlowVector_str[36] = "SRH: pT_gamma";
cutFlowVector_str[37] = "SRH: met";
cutFlowVector_str[38] = "SRH: Njets";
cutFlowVector_str[39] = "SRH: dphimin(jet,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[40] = "SRH: dphimin(gamma,met)";
cutFlowVector_str[41] = "SRH: meff";
(j==43 && nPhotons==1 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 140.) ||
(j==44 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 140.) ||
(j==45 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 400.) ||
(j==46 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 400. && met > 400.) ||
(j==47 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 400. && met > 400. && nJets25 >= 3) ||
(j==48 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 400. && met > 400. && nJets25 >= 3 && dphimin_j25met > 0.4) ||
(j==49 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 400. && met > 400. && nJets25 >= 3 && dphimin_j25met > 0.4 && dphimin_amet > 0.4) ||
(j==50 && nPhotons==1 && nLep==0 && baselinePhotons[0]->pT() > 400. && met > 400. && nJets25 >= 3 && dphimin_j25met > 0.4 && dphimin_amet > 0.4 && meff > 2400.)
#endif // end #ifdef CHECK_CUTFLOW
/// Combine the variables of another copy of this analysis (typically on another thread) into this one.
void combine(const Analysis* other)
const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_PhotonGGM_36invfb* specificOther
= dynamic_cast<const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_PhotonGGM_36invfb*>(other);
if (NCUTS != specificOther->NCUTS) NCUTS = specificOther->NCUTS;
for (int j=0; j<NCUTS; j++)
cutFlowVector[j] += specificOther->cutFlowVector[j];
cutFlowVector_str[j] = specificOther->cutFlowVector_str[j];
for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second += specificOther->; }
virtual void collect_results()
double scale_by= 70.8 / 1.0e4;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "<<endl;
cout << "CUT FLOW: ATLAS_13TeV_PhotonGGM_36invfb "<<endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
cout << right << setw(40) << "CUT," << setw(20) << "RAW," << setw(20) << "SCALED,"
<< setw(20) << "%," << setw(20) << "ATLAS," << setw(20) << "GAMBIT (scaled) /ATLAS" << endl;
for (int j=0; j<NCUTS; j++)
cout << right << setw(40) << cutFlowVector_str[j].c_str() << "," << setw(20)
<< cutFlowVector[j] << "," << setw(20) << cutFlowVector[j]*scale_by << "," << setw(20)
<< 100.*cutFlowVector[j]/cutFlowVector[0] << "%," << setw(20) << cutFlowVector_ATLAS[j] << "," << setw(20) << (cutFlowVector[j]*scale_by / cutFlowVector_ATLAS[j]) << endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "<<endl;
// add_result(SignalRegionData("SR label", n_obs, {n_sig_MC, n_sig_MC_sys}, {n_bkg, n_bkg_err}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRaa_SL"), 0., { 0.50, 0.30}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRaa_SH"), 0., { 0.48, 0.30}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRaa_WL"), 6., { 3.7, 1.1}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRaa_WH"), 1., { 2.05, 0.65}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRaj_L"), 4., { 1.33, 0.54}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRaj_L200"), 8., { 2.68, 0.64}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRaj_H"), 3., { 1.14, 0.61}));
void analysis_specific_reset()
for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second.reset(); }
std::fill(cutFlowVector.begin(), cutFlowVector.end(), 0);
// Factory function
// Derived analysis class for the 1Photon SRs
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_PhotonGGM_1Photon_36invfb : public Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_PhotonGGM_36invfb
virtual void collect_results()
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRaj_L"), 4., { 1.33, 0.54}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRaj_L200"), 8., { 2.68, 0.64}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRaj_H"), 3., { 1.14, 0.61}));
// Factory fn
// Derived analysis class for the 1Photon SRs
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_PhotonGGM_2Photon_36invfb : public Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_PhotonGGM_36invfb
virtual void collect_results()
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRaa_SL"), 0., { 0.50, 0.30}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRaa_SH"), 0., { 0.48, 0.30}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRaa_WL"), 6., { 3.7, 1.1}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SRaa_WH"), 1., { 2.05, 0.65}));
// Factory fn
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:35 +0000