file analyses/Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3LEP_139invfb.cpp

[No description available]


TODO: see if we can use this one:



Source code

///  \author Are Raklev
///  \date 2021 July
/// Based on the three-lepton search with the full Run 2 data set presented in 2106.01676.
/// For the Wh search the DFOS SRs are not included as they rely on an E_T^miss significance cut
/// where the resolution of the indivdual objects used for E_T^miss is needed (see ATLAS-CONF-2018-038).
/// This is currently not supported by the event simulation in BuckFast.
/// The Recursive Jigsaw (RJR) signal regions are not included in this implementation as they are not
/// statistically independent from the rest of the signal regions, and believed to not be competitve in terms of
/// exclusion power.
/// TODO: WZ off-shell SRs
///  *********************************************

// #define CHECK_CUTFLOW
//#define BENCHMARK "WZ_300_200"
//#define BENCHMARK "WZ_600_100"
// #define BENCHMARK "Wh_190_60"

#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Analysis.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/ATLASEfficiencies.hpp"

using namespace std;

namespace Gambit
  namespace ColliderBit

    class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3LEP_139invfb : public Analysis

        // Signal region map
        std::map<string, EventCounter> _counters = {
          // WZ on-shell
          {"SR-WZ-1", EventCounter("SR-WZ-1")},
          {"SR-WZ-2", EventCounter("SR-WZ-2")},
          {"SR-WZ-3", EventCounter("SR-WZ-3")},
          {"SR-WZ-4", EventCounter("SR-WZ-4")},
          {"SR-WZ-5", EventCounter("SR-WZ-5")},
          {"SR-WZ-6", EventCounter("SR-WZ-6")},
          {"SR-WZ-7", EventCounter("SR-WZ-7")},
          {"SR-WZ-8", EventCounter("SR-WZ-8")},
          {"SR-WZ-9", EventCounter("SR-WZ-9")},
          {"SR-WZ-10", EventCounter("SR-WZ-10")},
          {"SR-WZ-11", EventCounter("SR-WZ-11")},
          {"SR-WZ-12", EventCounter("SR-WZ-12")},
          {"SR-WZ-13", EventCounter("SR-WZ-13")},
          {"SR-WZ-14", EventCounter("SR-WZ-14")},
          {"SR-WZ-15", EventCounter("SR-WZ-15")},
          {"SR-WZ-16", EventCounter("SR-WZ-16")},
          {"SR-WZ-17", EventCounter("SR-WZ-17")},
          {"SR-WZ-18", EventCounter("SR-WZ-18")},
          {"SR-WZ-19", EventCounter("SR-WZ-19")},
          {"SR-WZ-20", EventCounter("SR-WZ-20")},
          // Wh
          {"SR-Wh-1", EventCounter("SR-Wh-1")},
          {"SR-Wh-2", EventCounter("SR-Wh-2")},
          {"SR-Wh-3", EventCounter("SR-Wh-3")},
          {"SR-Wh-4", EventCounter("SR-Wh-4")},
          {"SR-Wh-5", EventCounter("SR-Wh-5")},
          {"SR-Wh-6", EventCounter("SR-Wh-6")},
          {"SR-Wh-7", EventCounter("SR-Wh-7")},
          {"SR-Wh-8", EventCounter("SR-Wh-8")},
          {"SR-Wh-9", EventCounter("SR-Wh-9")},
          {"SR-Wh-10", EventCounter("SR-Wh-10")},
          {"SR-Wh-11", EventCounter("SR-Wh-11")},
          {"SR-Wh-12", EventCounter("SR-Wh-12")},
          {"SR-Wh-13", EventCounter("SR-Wh-13")},
          {"SR-Wh-14", EventCounter("SR-Wh-14")},
          {"SR-Wh-15", EventCounter("SR-Wh-15")},
          {"SR-Wh-16", EventCounter("SR-Wh-16")},
          {"SR-Wh-17", EventCounter("SR-Wh-17")},
          {"SR-Wh-18", EventCounter("SR-Wh-18")},
          {"SR-Wh-19", EventCounter("SR-Wh-19")},
  //        {"SR-Wh-DFOS-1", EventCounter("SR-Wh-DFOS-1")},
  //        {"SR-Wh-DFOS-2", EventCounter("SR-Wh-DFOS-2")},
          // WZ off-shell


        // Internally used Z-mass
        double mZ = 91.1876; // [GeV]

        #ifdef CHECK_CUTFLOW
        // Cut-flow variables
        string benchmark = BENCHMARK;
        size_t NCUTS=42;
        vector<double> _cutflow_GAMBIT{vector<double>(NCUTS)};
        vector<double> _cutflow_ATLAS{vector<double>(NCUTS)};
        vector<string> _cuts{vector<string>(NCUTS)};


        // Required detector sim
        static constexpr const char* detector = "ATLAS";




        // Discards jets if they are within DeltaRMax of a lepton
        void JetLeptonOverlapRemoval(vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> &jetvec, vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> &lepvec, double DeltaRMax)

          vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> Survivors;

          for(unsigned int itjet = 0; itjet < jetvec.size(); itjet++)
            bool overlap = false;
            for(unsigned int itlep = 0; itlep < lepvec.size(); itlep++)
              double dR;


              if(fabs(dR) <= DeltaRMax) overlap=true;
            if(overlap) continue;


        // Discards leptons if they are within DeltaRMax of a jet
        void LeptonJetOverlapRemoval(vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> &lepvec, vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> &jetvec, double DeltaRMax)

          vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> Survivors;

          for(unsigned int itlep = 0; itlep < lepvec.size(); itlep++)
            bool overlap = false;
            for(unsigned int itjet= 0; itjet < jetvec.size(); itjet++)
              double dR;


              if(fabs(dR) <= DeltaRMax) overlap=true;
            if(overlap) continue;


        // Main event analysis
        void run(const HEPUtils::Event* event)

          // Baseline objects

          // Get the missing energy in the event
          double met = event->met();
          HEPUtils::P4 metVec = event->missingmom();

          // Baseline electrons
          int nFilterLeptons = 0;  // This is just for checking ATLAS event generation
          vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> baselineElectrons;
          for (const HEPUtils::Particle* electron : event->electrons())
            if (electron->pT() > 4.5 && fabs(electron->eta()) < 2.47)
          // Apply electron reconstruction efficiency from 1908.00005
          ATLAS::applyElectronReconstructionEfficiency2020(baselineElectrons, "Candidate");
          // Baseline muons
          vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> baselineMuons;
          int nHighEtaMuons = 0;
          for (const HEPUtils::Particle* muon : event->muons())
            if (muon->pT() > 3. && fabs(muon->eta()) < 2.5)
            if (muon->pT() > 3. && fabs(muon->eta()) > 2.5 && fabs(muon->eta()) < 2.7)
          // Apply muon ID efficiency from "Medium" criteria in 2012.00578
          ATLAS::applyMuonIDEfficiency2020(baselineMuons, "Medium");

          // Number of baseline leptons used in preselection
          // This also counts muons in 2.5 < |\eta| < 2.7
          int nBaselineLeptons = baselineElectrons.size() + baselineMuons.size() + nHighEtaMuons;

          // Baseline jets
          vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> baselineJets;
          for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : event->jets("antikt_R04"))
            if (jet->pT() > 20. && fabs(jet->eta()) < 4.5 )

          // Overlap removal

          // Remove jets \Delta R < 0.2 from electrons
          JetLeptonOverlapRemoval(baselineJets, baselineElectrons, 0.2);
          // Remove leptons \Delta R < 0.4 from jets
          LeptonJetOverlapRemoval(baselineElectrons, baselineJets, 0.4);
          LeptonJetOverlapRemoval(baselineMuons, baselineJets, 0.4);

          // Signal objects (and isolation)

          // Apply cuts to get signal electrons
          // Apply electron ID efficiency from "Medium" criteria in 1908.00005
          ATLAS::applyElectronIDEfficiency2020(baselineElectrons, "Medium");
          // Apply electron isolation efficiency from "Tight" criteria in 1908.00005
          ATLAS::applyElectronIsolationEfficiency2020(baselineElectrons, "Tight");
          // Apply muon isolation efficiency from "Tight" criteria in 2012.00578
          ATLAS::applyMuonIsolationEfficiency2020(baselineMuons, "Tight");

          // Signal jets
          vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> signalJets;
          for ( const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : baselineJets )
            if (fabs(jet->eta()) < 2.8 )

          // Jet properties
          int njets = signalJets.size();
          double HT = scalarSumPt(signalJets);

         // b-jets
          double btag = 0.85; double cmisstag = 1/2.7; double misstag = 1./25.;
          int nb = 0;
          for ( const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : signalJets )
            // Kinematics criteria for candidate b-jets
            if ( fabs(jet->eta()) < 2.5 )
              // Tag b-jet
              if( jet->btag() && random_bool(btag) ) nb++;
              // Misstag c-jet
              else if( !jet->btag() && jet->ctag() && random_bool(cmisstag) ) nb++;
              // Misstag light jet
              else if( !jet->btag() && !jet->ctag() && random_bool(misstag) ) nb++;

          // Joint vector for leptons
          vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> leptons;
          leptons = baselineElectrons;
          leptons.insert(leptons.end(), baselineMuons.begin(), baselineMuons.end());
          // Sort leptons by pT
          size_t nLeptons = leptons.size();

          // Check lepton properties
          bool bpT1 = false; bool bpT2 = false; bool bpT3 = false;
          // double pT3 = 0;
          if(nLeptons == 3 && nBaselineLeptons == 3)
            if( leptons[0]->pT() > 25.) bpT1 = true;
            if( leptons[1]->pT() > 20.) bpT2 = true;
            if( leptons[2]->pT() > 10.) bpT3 = true;
            // if( leptons[2]->pT() > 10.) {bpT3 = true; pT3 = leptons[2]->pT();}
          bool bLeptons = bpT1 && bpT2 && bpT3;

          // Identify the roles of the leptons
          bool bSFOS = false;
          int iZ1 = -1; int iZ2 = -1; int iW = -1;
          double dmZ = 999.; double mll = 0; double mlll = 0; double mT = 0; double HTlep = 999.;
          // Only bother if we have three OK leptons
            // Find SFOS from Z under given criteria
            for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
              for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                // Check for SFOS
                if(leptons[i]->pid() + leptons[j]->pid() == 0)
                  // Check invariant mass
                  double mll_test = (leptons[i]->mom()+leptons[j]->mom()).m();
                  if(fabs(mll_test-mZ) < dmZ)
                    iZ1 = i; iZ2 = j; dmZ = fabs(mll_test-mZ); mll = mll_test;
                    bSFOS = true;

            // Find lepton from W
            if( iZ1 == 0 && iZ2 == 1) iW = 2;
            if( iZ1 == 1 && iZ2 == 2) iW = 0;
            if( iZ1 == 0 && iZ2 == 2) iW = 1;

            // If SFOS pair from Z and W-lepton found, calculate some kinematics
            if(bSFOS && iW != -1)
              HEPUtils::P4 plW = leptons[iW]->mom();
              mlll = (leptons[iZ1]->mom()+leptons[iZ2]->mom()+plW).m();
              // Calculate m_T between W-lepton and missing momentum vector
              mT = sqrt( 2.*plW.pT()*met*( 1.-cos( plW.deltaPhi(metVec) ) ) );
              HTlep = leptons[iZ1]->pT() + leptons[iZ2]->pT() + plW.pT();
          //cout << iZ1 << " " << iZ2 << " " << iW << " " << mll << endl;

          // Count signal region events

          // Weights for trigger efficiency and MC to data comparison
          // Taken from benchmark points (conservative choice)
          double weight_trigger_WZ = 0.98;
          double weight_trigger_Wh = 0.96;
          double weight_SR1_8_WZ   = 0.96;
          double weight_SR9_16_WZ  = 0.94;
          double weight_SR17_20_WZ = 0.89;
          double weight_SR_SFOS_Wh  = 0.94;
          // double weight_SR_DFOS_Wh = 0.98;

          // First exclusive regions
          // Pre-selection for WZ on-shell SRs
          bool bPreselWZ = bLeptons && met > 50 && bSFOS && nb == 0 && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll > 75 && mll < 105;
            // Zero jet SRs
            if(njets == 0)
              double weight = event->weight()*weight_trigger_WZ*weight_SR1_8_WZ;
              if(mT > 100 && mT < 160)
                if(             met < 100)"SR-WZ-1").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(met > 100 && met < 150)"SR-WZ-2").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(met > 150 && met < 200)"SR-WZ-3").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(met > 200             )"SR-WZ-4").add_event(weight, 0.0);
              if(mT > 160)
                if(             met < 150)"SR-WZ-5").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(met > 150 && met < 200)"SR-WZ-6").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(met > 200 && met < 350)"SR-WZ-7").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(met > 350             )"SR-WZ-8").add_event(weight, 0.0);
            if(njets > 0 && HT < 200)
              double weight = event->weight()*weight_trigger_WZ*weight_SR9_16_WZ;
              if(mT > 100 && mT < 160)
                if(met > 100 && met < 150)"SR-WZ-9").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(met > 150 && met < 250)"SR-WZ-10").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(met > 250 && met < 300)"SR-WZ-11").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(met > 300             )"SR-WZ-12").add_event(weight, 0.0);
              if(mT > 160)
                if(             met < 150)"SR-WZ-13").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(met > 150 && met < 250)"SR-WZ-14").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(met > 250 && met < 400)"SR-WZ-15").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(met > 400             )"SR-WZ-16").add_event(weight, 0.0);
            if(njets > 0 && HT > 200 && HTlep < 350)
              double weight = event->weight()*weight_trigger_WZ*weight_SR17_20_WZ;
              if(mT > 100)
                if(met > 150 && met < 200)"SR-WZ-17").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(met > 200 && met < 300)"SR-WZ-18").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(met > 300 && met < 400)"SR-WZ-19").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(met > 400             )"SR-WZ-20").add_event(weight, 0.0);
          // Pre-selection for Wh SRs
          bool bPreselWh = bLeptons && met > 50 && nb == 0;
            // SFOS SRs
            if(bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15)
              double weight = event->weight()*weight_trigger_Wh*weight_SR_SFOS_Wh;
              if(njets == 0 && mll < 75)
                if(mT < 100)
                  if(             met < 100)"SR-Wh-1").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                  if(met > 100 && met < 150)"SR-Wh-2").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                  if(met > 150             )"SR-Wh-3").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(mT > 100 && mT < 160)
                  if(             met < 100)"SR-Wh-4").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                  if(met > 100             )"SR-Wh-5").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(mT > 160)
                  if(             met < 100)"SR-Wh-6").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                  if(met > 100             )"SR-Wh-7").add_event(weight, 0.0);
              if(njets > 0 && mll < 75 && HT < 200)
                if(mT < 50)
                  if(             met < 100)"SR-Wh-8").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(mT > 50 && mT < 100)
                  if(             met < 100)"SR-Wh-9").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(mT < 100)
                  if(met > 100 && met < 150)"SR-Wh-10").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                  if(met > 150             )"SR-Wh-11").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(mT > 100 && mT < 160)
                  if(             met < 100)"SR-Wh-12").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                  if(met > 100 && met < 150)"SR-Wh-13").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                  if(met > 150             )"SR-Wh-14").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(mT > 160)
                  if(             met < 150)"SR-Wh-15").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                  if(met > 150             )"SR-Wh-16").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                if(njets == 0 && mll > 105)
                  if(mT > 100)
                    if(             met < 100)"SR-Wh-17").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                    if(met > 100 && met < 200)"SR-Wh-18").add_event(weight, 0.0);
                    if(met > 200             )"SR-Wh-19").add_event(weight, 0.0);
            // // DFOS SRs
            // if(!bSFOS)
            // {
            //   double weight = event->weight()*weight_trigger_Wh*weight_SR_DFOS_Wh;
            //   // TODO: Needs E_T^miss significance reconstruction
            // }

          #ifdef CHECK_CUTFLOW
          for(size_t j=0; j<NCUTS; j++)
            if(benchmark ==  "WZ_300_200" || benchmark == "WZ_600_100")
                 (j==0) ||
                 (j==1) ||
                 (j==2  && nFilterLeptons > 1) ||
                 (j==3  && bLeptons && met > 50) ||
                 (j==4  && bLeptons && met > 50 && bSFOS)
                 ) _cutflow_GAMBIT[j]++;
                 (j==5  && bLeptons && met > 50 && bSFOS) ||
                 (j==6  && bLeptons && met > 50 && bSFOS && nb == 0) ||
                 (j==7  && bLeptons && met > 50 && bSFOS && nb == 0 && mll > 12) ||
                 (j==8  && bLeptons && met > 50 && bSFOS && nb == 0 && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15) ||
                 (j==9  && bPreselWZ)
                 ) _cutflow_GAMBIT[j] += weight_trigger_WZ;
                 (j==10 && bPreselWZ) ||
                 (j==11 && bPreselWZ && njets == 0) ||
                 (j==12 && bPreselWZ && njets == 0 && mT > 100 && mT < 160) ||
                 (j==13 && bPreselWZ && njets == 0 && mT > 100 && mT < 160 && met > 50  && met < 100) ||
                 (j==14 && bPreselWZ && njets == 0 && mT > 100 && mT < 160 && met > 100 && met < 150) ||
                 (j==15 && bPreselWZ && njets == 0 && mT > 100 && mT < 160 && met > 150 && met < 200) ||
                 (j==16 && bPreselWZ && njets == 0 && mT > 100 && mT < 160 && met > 200) ||
                 (j==17 && bPreselWZ && njets == 0 && mT > 160) ||
                 (j==18 && bPreselWZ && njets == 0 && mT > 160 && met > 50  && met < 150) ||
                 (j==19 && bPreselWZ && njets == 0 && mT > 160 && met > 150 && met < 200) ||
                 (j==20 && bPreselWZ && njets == 0 && mT > 160 && met > 200 && met < 350) ||
                 (j==21 && bPreselWZ && njets == 0 && mT > 160 && met > 350) ||
                 (j==22 && bPreselWZ && njets == 0 && mT > 100 && met > 50)
                 ) _cutflow_GAMBIT[j] += weight_trigger_WZ*weight_SR1_8_WZ;
                 (j==23 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT < 200) ||
                 (j==24 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 100 && mT < 160) ||
                 (j==25 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 100 && mT < 160 && met > 100 && met < 150) ||
                 (j==26 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 100 && mT < 160 && met > 150 && met < 250) ||
                 (j==27 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 100 && mT < 160 && met > 250 && met < 300) ||
                 (j==28 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 100 && mT < 160 && met > 300 ) ||
                 (j==29 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 160) ||
                 (j==30 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 160 && met > 50  && met < 150) ||
                 (j==31 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 160 && met > 150 && met < 250) ||
                 (j==32 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 160 && met > 250 && met < 400) ||
                 (j==33 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 160 && met > 400 )
                 ) _cutflow_GAMBIT[j] += weight_trigger_WZ*weight_SR9_16_WZ;
                 (j==34 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT > 200) ||
                 (j==35 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT > 200 && HTlep < 350) ||
                 (j==36 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT > 200 && HTlep < 350 && mT > 100) ||
                 (j==37 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT > 200 && HTlep < 350 && mT > 100 && met > 150 && met < 200) ||
                 (j==38 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT > 200 && HTlep < 350 && mT > 100 && met > 200 && met < 300) ||
                 (j==39 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT > 200 && HTlep < 350 && mT > 100 && met > 300 && met < 400) ||
                 (j==40 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && HT > 200 && HTlep < 350 && mT > 100 && met > 400 ) ||
                 (j==41 && bPreselWZ && njets > 0 && mT > 100 && ( met > 100 || (mT > 160 && met > 50) || (HTlep < 350 && met > 150) ))  // TODO: Small bug here
                 ) _cutflow_GAMBIT[j] += weight_trigger_WZ*weight_SR17_20_WZ;
            if(benchmark == "Wh_190_60")
                 (j==0) ||
                 (j==1) ||
                 (j==2  && nFilterLeptons > 2) ||
                 (j==3  && bLeptons && met > 50)
                 ) _cutflow_GAMBIT[j]++;
                 (j==4  && bLeptons && met > 50) ||
                 (j==5  && bPreselWh) ||
                 (j==6  && bPreselWh && bSFOS) ||
  //               (j==29 && bPreselWh && !bSFOS) ||
                 (j==7  && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12) ||
                 (j==8  && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15)
                 ) _cutflow_GAMBIT[j] += weight_trigger_Wh;
                 (j==9  && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15) ||
                 (j==10 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75) ||
                 (j==11 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets == 0) ||
                 (j==12 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets == 0 && mT < 100 && met > 50 && met < 100) ||
                 (j==13 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets == 0 && mT < 100 && met > 100 && met < 150) ||
                 (j==14 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets == 0 && mT < 100 && met > 150) ||
                 (j==15 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets == 0 && mT > 100 && mT < 160 && met > 50 && met < 100) ||
                 (j==16 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets == 0 && mT > 100 && mT < 160 && met > 100 ) ||
                 (j==17 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets == 0 && mT > 160 && met > 50 && met < 100) ||
                 (j==18 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets == 0 && mT > 160 && met > 100) ||
                 (j==19 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets > 0 && HT < 200) ||
                 (j==20 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT < 50 && met > 50 && met < 100) ||
                 (j==21 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 50 && mT < 100 && met > 50 && met < 100) ||
                 (j==22 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT < 100 && met > 100 && met < 150) ||
                 (j==23 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT < 100 && met > 150) ||
                 (j==24 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 100 && mT < 160 && met > 50 && met < 100) ||
                 (j==25 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 100 && mT < 160 && met > 100 && met < 150) ||
                 (j==26 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 100 && mT < 160 && met > 150) ||
                 (j==27 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 160 && met > 50 && met < 150) ||
                 (j==28 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll < 75 && njets > 0 && HT < 200 && mT > 160 && met > 150) ||
                 (j==29 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll > 105 && njets == 0 && mT > 100 && met > 50 && met < 100) ||
                 (j==30 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll > 105 && njets == 0 && mT > 100 && met > 100 && met < 200) ||
                 (j==31 && bPreselWh && bSFOS && mll > 12 && fabs(mlll-mZ) > 15 && mll > 105 && njets == 0 && mT > 100 && met > 200)
                 ) _cutflow_GAMBIT[j] += weight_trigger_Wh*weight_SR_SFOS_Wh;
  //            if(
  //               (j==30 && bPreselWh && !bSFOS) ||
  //               (j==31 && bPreselWh && !bSFOS && njets == 0) ||
  //               (j==32 && bPreselWh && !bSFOS && njets == 0 && pT3 > 15) ||
  //               (j==33 && bPreselWh && !bSFOS && (njets == 1 || njets == 2)) ||
  //               (j==34 && bPreselWh && !bSFOS && (njets == 1 || njets == 2) && pT3 > 20)
  //               ) _cutflow_GAMBIT[j] += weight_trigger_Wh*weight_SR_DFOS_Wh;
          } // Ends loop over cuts

        } // End of event analysis

        /// Combine the variables of another copy of this analysis (typically on another thread) into this one.
        void combine(const Analysis* other)
          const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3LEP_139invfb* specificOther = dynamic_cast<const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3LEP_139invfb*>(other);
          for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second += specificOther->; }

        void collect_results()

          // Fill a results object with the results for each SR
          // WZ on-shell
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-1"), 331., {314. , 33.}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-2"),  31., { 35. ,  6.}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-3"),   3., {  4.1,  1.0}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-4"),   2., {  1.2,  0.5}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-5"),  42., { 58. ,  5.}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-6"),   7., {  8.0,  0.9}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-7"),   3., {  5.8,  1.0}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-8"),   1., {  0.8,  0.4}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-9"),  77., { 90. , 20.}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-10"), 11., { 13.4,  2.4}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-11"),  0., {  0.5,  0.4}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-12"),  0., {  0.49, 0.24}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-13"),111., { 89. , 11.}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-14"), 19., { 16.0,  1.4}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-15"),  5., {  2.8,  0.6}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-16"),  1., {  1.3,  0.27}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-17"), 13., { 13.7,  2.6}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-18"),  9., {  9.2,  1.3}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-19"),  3., {  2.3,  0.4}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-WZ-20"),  1., {  1.09, 0.13}));
          // Wh
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-1"), 152., {136. , 13. }));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-2"),  14., { 13.5,  1.7}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-3"),   8., {  4.3,  0.9}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-4"),  47., { 50. ,  5. }));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-5"),   6., {  4.3,  0.7}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-6"),  15., { 20.2,  2.1}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-7"),  19., { 16.0,  2.1}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-8"), 113., {108. , 13. }));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-9"), 184., {180. , 17. }));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-10"), 28., { 31. ,  4. }));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-11"),  5., {  6.6,  0.9}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-12"), 82., { 90. , 11. }));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-13"), 16., { 18.7,  2.6}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-14"),  4., {  2.5,  0.7}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-15"), 51., { 46. ,  7. }));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-16"),  5., {  9.8,  1.6}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-17"), 37., { 43. ,  7. }));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-18"),  7., { 12.6,  1.7}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-19"),  4., {  1.8,  0.4}));
  //        add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-DFOS-1"),  10., {  4.5,  0.8}));
  //        add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-Wh-DFOS-2"),  10., {  7.0,  2.3}));
          // WZ off-shell

          #ifdef CHECK_CUTFLOW
          cout << "Cut flow for " << benchmark << endl;

          double _xsec_model;
          double _lumi = luminosity();
          double _scale;
          double _scale_BR;
          // Z decay to leptons BR = 0.0335480+0.0335477+0.0334720 = 0.1005677
          // W decay to leptons BR = 0.1081014+0.1081011+0.1080222 = 0.3242247
          // h decay to WW, ZZ or \tau\tau BR = 0.215844+0.0261758+0.0628569 = 0.3048767
          double _BR_WZ_leptonic = 0.0327; // W and Z leptonic decays (& \tau leptonic decay)
          double _BR_Wh_leptonic = 0.0278; // 0.3242247*(0.215844*(0.3242247)**2+0.0261758*(0.1005677)**2+0.0628569)
          // double _BR_Wh_leptonic = 0.0360; // ATLAS number (!!!)
          if(benchmark == "WZ_300_200")
            _cutflow_ATLAS = {53784, 1760, 1322, 227, 226, 222, 209, 209, 203, 196, 186, 76.4, 26.7, 20.9, 4.86, 0.78, 0.14, 5.8, 4.64, 0.16, 0, 0, 31.4, 97.5, 29.6, 8.75, 3.46, 0.54, 0, 9.50, 7.19, 1.53, 0.09, 0, 22.2, 20.9, 10.8, 2.53, 3.12, 1.09, 1.13, 29.4};
            _cuts = {"Total events", "Total events x leptonic BR", "Total events x leptonic BR x lepton filter", "Leptons + ETmiss", "nSFOS", "Trigger", "n_bjets = 0", "m_ll > 12 GeV", "|m_3l-m_Z| > 15 GeV", "75 GeV < m_ll < 105 GeV", "\twith MC to data weight", "n_jets = 0", "\t100 GeV < m_T < 160 GeV", "\t\tSR^WZ-1", "\t\tSR^WZ-2", "\t\tSR^WZ-3", "\t\tSR^WZ-4", "\tm_T > 160 GeV", "\t\tSR^WZ-5", "\t\tSR^WZ-6", "\t\tSR^WZ-7", "\t\tSR^WZ-8", "SR^WZ_0j", "n_jets > 0, H_T < 200 GeV", "\t100 GeV < m_T < 160 GeV", "\t\tSR^WZ-9", "\t\tSR^WZ-10", "\t\tSR^WZ-11", "\t\tSR^WZ-12", "\tm_T > 160 GeV", "\t\tSR^WZ-13", "\t\tSR^WZ-14", "\t\tSR^WZ-15", "\t\tSR^WZ-16", "n_jets > 0, H_T > 200 GeV", "H_T^lep < 350 GeV", "\tm_T > 100 GeV", "\t\tSR^WZ-17", "\t\tSR^WZ-18", "\t\tSR^WZ-19", "\t\tSR^WZ-20", "SR^WZ_nj"
            _xsec_model = 386.9;
            _scale = _xsec_model*_lumi/100000;
            _scale_BR = _scale*_BR_WZ_leptonic;
          if(benchmark == "WZ_600_100")
            _cutflow_ATLAS = {2799, 92, 69, 23.9, 23.7, 23.3, 21.9, 21.9, 21.7, 20.1, 19.2, 7.72, 0.90, 0.09, 0.11, 0.16, 0.54, 5.11, 0.37, 0.49, 2.21, 2.14, 6.11, 9.90, 1.19, 0.17, 0.32, 0.15, 0.38, 6.80, 0.49, 1.37, 2.77, 1.69, 2.40, 0.65, 0.47, 0.02, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 7.8};
            _cuts = {"Total events", "Total events x leptonic BR", "Total events x leptonic BR x lepton filter", "Leptons + ETmiss", "nSFOS", "Trigger", "n_bjets = 0", "m_ll > 12 GeV", "|m_3l-m_Z| > 15 GeV", "75 GeV < m_ll < 105 GeV", "\twith MC to data weight", "n_jets = 0", "\t100 GeV < m_T < 160 GeV", "\t\tSR^WZ-1", "\t\tSR^WZ-2", "\t\tSR^WZ-3", "\t\tSR^WZ-4", "\tm_T > 160 GeV", "\t\tSR^WZ-5", "\t\tSR^WZ-6", "\t\tSR^WZ-7", "\t\tSR^WZ-8", "SR^WZ_0j", "n_jets > 0, H_T < 200 GeV", "\t100 GeV < m_T < 160 GeV", "\t\tSR^WZ-9", "\t\tSR^WZ-10", "\t\tSR^WZ-11", "\t\tSR^WZ-12", "\tm_T > 160 GeV", "\t\tSR^WZ-13", "\t\tSR^WZ-14", "\t\tSR^WZ-15", "\t\tSR^WZ-16", "n_jets > 0, H_T > 200 GeV", "H_T^lep < 350 GeV", "\tm_T > 100 GeV", "\t\tSR^WZ-17", "\t\tSR^WZ-18", "\t\tSR^WZ-19", "\t\tSR^WZ-20", "SR^WZ_nj"
            _xsec_model = 20.1372;
            _scale = _xsec_model*_lumi/100000;
            _scale_BR = _scale*_BR_WZ_leptonic;
          if(benchmark == "Wh_190_60")
            _cutflow_ATLAS = {303527, 10927, 1174, 192, 186, 171, 137, 133, 110, 104, 56.2, 22.3, 8.26, 1.57, 0.50, 5.97, 1.64, 2.67, 2.75, 26.5, 2.95, 5.28, 1.59, 0.63, 5.55, 2.91, 0.68, 5.48, 1.39, 1.73, 1.37, 0.08};
   //            34, 33.5, 14.8, 12.2, 15.6, 9.4};
            _cuts = {"Total events", "Total events x leptonic BR", "Total events x leptonic BR x lepton filter", "Leptons + ETmiss", "Trigger", "n_bjets = 0", "nSFOS > 0", "m_ll > 12 GeV", "|m_3l-m_Z| > 15 GeV", "with MC to data weight", "m_ll < 75 GeV", "\tn_jets = 0", "\t\tSR^Wh-1", "\t\tSR^Wh-2", "\t\tSR^Wh-3", "\t\tSR^Wh-4", "\t\tSR^Wh-5", "\t\tSR^Wh-6", "\t\tSR^Wh-7", "\tn_jets > 0, H_T < 200 GeV", "\t\tSR^Wh-8", "\t\tSR^Wh-9", "\t\tSR^Wh-10", "\t\tSR^Wh-11", "\t\tSR^Wh-12", "\t\tSR^Wh-13", "\t\tSR^Wh-14", "\t\tSR^Wh-15", "\t\tSR^Wh-16", "\t\tSR^Wh-17", "\t\tSR^Wh-18", "\t\tSR^Wh-19",
  //            "nSFOS = 0", "with MC to data weight", "\tn_jets = 0", "\t\t p_T^l3 > 15 GeV", "\tn_jets = 1,2", "\t\t p_T^l3 > 20 GeV"
            _xsec_model = 2183.65;
            _scale = _xsec_model*_lumi/400000;
            _scale_BR = _scale*_BR_Wh_leptonic;

          cout << "Event scaling factor: " << _scale_BR << endl;
          cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
          // Compare final event yield per cut
          cout << "    GAMBIT\t\tMC error\tATLAS\t\tRatio\t\tCut" <<endl;
          cout << 0 << ":  " << _cutflow_GAMBIT[0]*_scale << "\t\t" << 0 << "\t\t" << _cutflow_ATLAS[0] <<  "\t\t" << _cutflow_GAMBIT[0]*_scale/_cutflow_ATLAS[0]  << "\t\t" << _cuts[0] <<endl;
          cout << 1 << ":  " <<  _cutflow_GAMBIT[1]*_scale_BR << "\t\t" << 0 << "\t\t" << _cutflow_ATLAS[1] <<  "\t\t" << _cutflow_GAMBIT[1]*_scale_BR/_cutflow_ATLAS[1]  << "\t\t" << _cuts[1] <<endl;
          for (size_t i=2; i<NCUTS; i++)
            cout << i << ":  " <<  _cutflow_GAMBIT[i]*_scale_BR << "\t\t" << sqrt(_cutflow_GAMBIT[i])*_scale_BR << "\t\t" << _cutflow_ATLAS[i] <<  "\t\t" << _cutflow_GAMBIT[i]*_scale_BR/_cutflow_ATLAS[i]  << "\t\t" << _cuts[i] <<endl;



        void analysis_specific_reset()
          // Clear signal regions
          for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second.reset(); }


    // Factory fn



 Cut flow for WZ_300_200
 Event scaling factor: 0.00882
     GAMBIT    MC error  ATLAS    Ratio    Cut
 0:  53779.10    0    53784.00    1.00    Total events
 1:  1763.95    3.94    1760.00    1.00    Total events x leptonic BR
 2:  1316.94    3.41    1322.00    1.00    Total events x leptonic BR x lepton filter
 3:  250.74    1.49    227.00    1.10    Leptons + ETmiss
 4:  250.01    1.48    226.00    1.11    nSFOS
 5:  245.01    1.47    222.00    1.10    Trigger
 6:  230.30    1.43    209.00    1.10    n_bjets = 0
 7:  230.30    1.43    209.00    1.10    m_ll > 12 GeV
 8:  220.60    1.39    203.00    1.09    |m_3l-m_Z| > 15 GeV
 9:  211.67    1.37    196.00    1.08    75 GeV < m_ll < 105 GeV
 10:  203.20    1.34    186.00    1.09    MC to data weight
 11:  88.25    0.88    76.40    1.16    n_jets = 0
 12:  28.91    0.50    26.70    1.08      100 GeV < m_T < 160 GeV
 13:  22.71    0.45    20.90    1.09        SR^WZ-1
 14:  5.13    0.21    4.86    1.06        SR^WZ-2
 15:  0.84    0.09    0.78    1.07        SR^WZ-3
 16:  0.23    0.05    0.14    1.66        SR^WZ-4
 17:  6.12    0.23    5.80    1.06      m_T > 160 GeV
 18:  5.92    0.23    4.64    1.28        SR^WZ-5
 19:  0.16    0.04    0.16    0.99        SR^WZ-6
 20:  0.05    0.02    0.00    inf        SR^WZ-7
 21:  0.00    0.00    0.00    nan        SR^WZ-8
 22:  35.03    0.56    31.40    1.12    SR^WZ_0j
 23:  91.32    0.90    97.50    0.94    n_jets > 0, H_T < 200 GeV
 24:  28.83    0.50    29.60    0.97      100 GeV < m_T < 160 GeV
 25:  9.78    0.29    8.75    1.12        SR^WZ-9
 26:  3.79    0.18    3.46    1.10        SR^WZ-10
 27:  0.11    0.03    0.54    0.21        SR^WZ-11
 28:  0.10    0.03    0.00    inf        SR^WZ-12
 29:  8.99    0.28    9.50    0.95      m_T > 160 GeV
 30:  7.15    0.25    7.19    0.99        SR^WZ-13
 31:  1.82    0.13    1.53    1.19        SR^WZ-14
 32:  0.02    0.01    0.09    0.27        SR^WZ-15
 33:  0.00    0.00    0.00    nan        SR^WZ-16
 34:  20.10    0.42    22.20    0.91    n_jets > 0, H_T > 200 GeV
 35:  19.11    0.41    20.90    0.91    H_T^lep < 350 GeV
 36:  9.55    0.29    10.80    0.88      m_T > 100 GeV
 37:  2.02    0.13    2.53    0.80        SR^WZ-17
 38:  3.39    0.17    3.12    1.09        SR^WZ-18
 39:  1.58    0.12    1.09    1.45        SR^WZ-19
 40:  0.95    0.09    1.13    0.84        SR^WZ-20
 41:  31.49    0.53    29.40    1.07    SR^WZ_nj

 Cut flow for WZ_600_100
 Event weight: 0.00184
 0:  2799.07    2799.00    1.00    Total events
 1:  91.81    92.00    1.00    Total events x leptonic BR
 2:  72.24    69.00    1.05    Total events x leptonic BR x lepton filter
 3:  26.00    23.90    1.09    Leptons + ETmiss
 4:  25.82    23.70    1.09    nSFOS
 5:  25.82    23.30    1.11    Trigger
 6:  24.28    21.90    1.11    n_bjets = 0
 7:  24.27    21.90    1.11    m_ll > 12 GeV
 8:  24.02    21.70    1.11    |m_3l-m_Z| > 15 GeV
 9:  21.67    20.10    1.08    75 < m_ll < 105
 10:  21.67    19.20    1.13    MC to data weight
 11:  9.60    7.72    1.24    n_jets = 0
 12:  1.32    0.90    1.47      100 < m_T < 160
 13:  0.10    0.09    1.14        SR^WZ-1
 14:  0.17    0.11    1.59        SR^WZ-2
 15:  0.22    0.16    1.37        SR^WZ-3
 16:  0.82    0.54    1.53        SR^WZ-4
 17:  6.40    5.11    1.25      m_T > 160 GeV
 18:  0.50    0.37    1.35        SR^WZ-5
 19:  0.58    0.49    1.19        SR^WZ-6
 20:  2.73    2.21    1.24        SR^WZ-7
 21:  2.59    2.14    1.21        SR^WZ-8
 22:  7.72    6.11    1.26    SR^WZ_0j
 23:  9.61    9.90    0.97    n_jets > 0, H_T < 200 GeV
 24:  1.20    1.19    1.01      100 < m_T < 160
 25:  0.17    0.17    0.97        SR^WZ-9
 26:  0.34    0.32    1.05        SR^WZ-10
 27:  0.15    0.15    0.97        SR^WZ-11
 28:  0.43    0.38    1.12        SR^WZ-12
 29:  6.43    6.80    0.95      m_T > 160 GeV
 30:  0.48    0.49    0.97        SR^WZ-13
 31:  1.43    1.37    1.04        SR^WZ-14
 32:  2.71    2.77    0.98        SR^WZ-15
 33:  1.81    1.69    1.07        SR^WZ-16
 34:  2.46    2.40    1.03    n_jets > 0, H_T > 200 GeV
 35:  0.70    0.65    1.07    H_T^lep < 350 GeV
 36:  0.49    0.47    1.04      m_T > 100 GeV
 37:  0.03    0.02    1.47        SR^WZ-17
 38:  0.11    0.11    1.00        SR^WZ-18
 39:  0.11    0.12    0.90        SR^WZ-19
 40:  0.19    0.13    1.48        SR^WZ-20
 41:  9.36    7.80    1.20    SR^WZ_nj

 Cut flow for Wh_190_60
 Event scaling factor: 0.0211
     GAMBIT    MC error  ATLAS    Ratio    Cut
 0:  303527.35    0    303527.00    1.00    Total events
 1:  8438.06    0    10927.00    0.77    Total events x leptonic BR
 2:  1027.84    4.66    1174.00    0.88    Total events x leptonic BR x lepton filter
 3:  207.75    2.09    192.00    1.08    Leptons + ETmiss
 4:  199.44    2.05    186.00    1.07    Trigger
 5:  188.82    2.00    171.00    1.10    n_bjets = 0
 6:  143.14    1.74    137.00    1.04    nSFOS > 0
 7:  138.70    1.71    133.00    1.04    m_ll > 12 GeV
 8:  112.54    1.54    110.00    1.02    |m_3l-m_Z| > 15 GeV
 9:  105.78    1.49    104.00    1.02    with MC to data weight
 10:  61.03    1.13    56.20    1.09    m_ll < 75 GeV
 11:  29.81    0.79    22.30    1.34      n_jets = 0
 12:  10.72    0.48    8.26    1.30        SR^Wh-1
 13:  2.07    0.21    1.57    1.32        SR^Wh-2
 14:  0.72    0.12    0.50    1.45        SR^Wh-3
 15:  7.04    0.39    5.97    1.18        SR^Wh-4
 16:  2.40    0.22    1.64    1.46        SR^Wh-5
 17:  3.43    0.27    2.67    1.28        SR^Wh-6
 18:  3.43    0.27    2.75    1.25        SR^Wh-7
 19:  25.28    0.73    26.50    0.95      n_jets > 0, H_T < 200 GeV
 20:  2.91    0.25    2.95    0.99        SR^Wh-8
 21:  5.01    0.32    5.28    0.95        SR^Wh-9
 22:  2.89    0.25    1.59    1.82        SR^Wh-10
 23:  1.16    0.16    0.63    1.84        SR^Wh-11
 24:  4.30    0.30    5.55    0.78        SR^Wh-12
 25:  2.27    0.22    2.91    0.78        SR^Wh-13
 26:  0.82    0.13    0.68    1.20        SR^Wh-14
 27:  4.57    0.31    5.48    0.83        SR^Wh-15
 28:  1.35    0.17    1.39    0.97        SR^Wh-16
 29:  1.68    0.19    1.73    0.97        SR^Wh-17
 30:  2.00    0.21    1.36    1.47        SR^Wh-18
 31:  0.17    0.06    0.08    2.14        SR^Wh-19


Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:35 +0000