file analyses/Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3b_24invfb.cpp

[No description available]


TODO: see if we can use this one:



Source code

///  \author Are Raklev
///  \date 2018 June
///  Based on the search presented in 1806.04030.
///  Only the low mass analysis is implemented here.
///  This analysis has overlapping exclusion and discovery signal regions,
///  the discovery regions are separated into a derived class.
///  *********************************************

#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <iomanip>

#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Analysis.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/ATLASEfficiencies.hpp"

// #define CHECK_CUTFLOW

using namespace std;

// TODO: See if we can get some further improvement by joining muons to b-jets

namespace Gambit {
  namespace ColliderBit {

    class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3b_24invfb : public Analysis {

      // Signal region map
      std::map<string, EventCounter> _counters = {
        // Exclusion regions
        {"meff160_ETmiss0", EventCounter("meff160_ETmiss0")},
        {"meff160_ETmiss20", EventCounter("meff160_ETmiss20")},
        {"meff200_ETmiss0", EventCounter("meff200_ETmiss0")},
        {"meff200_ETmiss20", EventCounter("meff200_ETmiss20")},
        {"meff200_ETmiss45", EventCounter("meff200_ETmiss45")},
        {"meff200_ETmiss70", EventCounter("meff200_ETmiss70")},
        {"meff260_ETmiss0", EventCounter("meff260_ETmiss0")},
        {"meff260_ETmiss20", EventCounter("meff260_ETmiss20")},
        {"meff260_ETmiss45", EventCounter("meff260_ETmiss45")},
        {"meff260_ETmiss70", EventCounter("meff260_ETmiss70")},
        {"meff260_ETmiss100", EventCounter("meff260_ETmiss100")},
        {"meff340_ETmiss0", EventCounter("meff340_ETmiss0")},
        {"meff340_ETmiss20", EventCounter("meff340_ETmiss20")},
        {"meff340_ETmiss45", EventCounter("meff340_ETmiss45")},
        {"meff340_ETmiss70", EventCounter("meff340_ETmiss70")},
        {"meff340_ETmiss100", EventCounter("meff340_ETmiss100")},
        {"meff340_ETmiss150", EventCounter("meff340_ETmiss150")},
        {"meff340_ETmiss200", EventCounter("meff340_ETmiss200")},
        {"meff440_ETmiss0", EventCounter("meff440_ETmiss0")},
        {"meff440_ETmiss20", EventCounter("meff440_ETmiss20")},
        {"meff440_ETmiss45", EventCounter("meff440_ETmiss45")},
        {"meff440_ETmiss70", EventCounter("meff440_ETmiss70")},
        {"meff440_ETmiss100", EventCounter("meff440_ETmiss100")},
        {"meff440_ETmiss150", EventCounter("meff440_ETmiss150")},
        {"meff440_ETmiss200", EventCounter("meff440_ETmiss200")},
        {"meff560_ETmiss0", EventCounter("meff560_ETmiss0")},
        {"meff560_ETmiss20", EventCounter("meff560_ETmiss20")},
        {"meff560_ETmiss45", EventCounter("meff560_ETmiss45")},
        {"meff560_ETmiss70", EventCounter("meff560_ETmiss70")},
        {"meff560_ETmiss100", EventCounter("meff560_ETmiss100")},
        {"meff560_ETmiss150", EventCounter("meff560_ETmiss150")},
        {"meff560_ETmiss200", EventCounter("meff560_ETmiss200")},
        {"meff700_ETmiss0", EventCounter("meff700_ETmiss0")},
        {"meff700_ETmiss20", EventCounter("meff700_ETmiss20")},
        {"meff700_ETmiss45", EventCounter("meff700_ETmiss45")},
        {"meff700_ETmiss70", EventCounter("meff700_ETmiss70")},
        {"meff700_ETmiss100", EventCounter("meff700_ETmiss100")},
        {"meff700_ETmiss150", EventCounter("meff700_ETmiss150")},
        {"meff700_ETmiss200", EventCounter("meff700_ETmiss200")},
        {"meff860_ETmiss0", EventCounter("meff860_ETmiss0")},
        {"meff860_ETmiss20", EventCounter("meff860_ETmiss20")},
        {"meff860_ETmiss45", EventCounter("meff860_ETmiss45")},
        {"meff860_ETmiss70", EventCounter("meff860_ETmiss70")},
        {"meff860_ETmiss100", EventCounter("meff860_ETmiss100")},
        {"meff860_ETmiss150", EventCounter("meff860_ETmiss150")},
        {"meff860_ETmiss200", EventCounter("meff860_ETmiss200")},
        // Discovery regions
        {"low-SR-MET0meff440", EventCounter("low-SR-MET0meff440")},
        {"low-SR-MET150meff440", EventCounter("low-SR-MET150meff440")},


      #ifdef CHECK_CUTFLOW
        // Cut-flow variables
        size_t NCUTS;
        vector<int> cutFlowVector;
        vector<string> cutFlowVector_str;
        vector<double> cutFlowVectorATLAS;


      // Required detector sim
      static constexpr const char* detector = "ATLAS";

      Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3b_24invfb() {


        #ifdef CHECK_CUTFLOW
          for(size_t i=0;i<NCUTS;i++){

      // The following section copied from Analysis_ATLAS_1LEPStop_20invfb.cpp
      void JetLeptonOverlapRemoval(vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> &jetvec, vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> &lepvec, double DeltaRMax) {
        //Routine to do jet-lepton check
        //Discards jets if they are within DeltaRMax of a lepton

        vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> Survivors;

        for(unsigned int itjet = 0; itjet < jetvec.size(); itjet++) {
          bool overlap = false;
          for(unsigned int itlep = 0; itlep < lepvec.size(); itlep++) {
            double dR;


            if(fabs(dR) <= DeltaRMax) overlap=true;
          if(overlap) continue;


      void LeptonJetOverlapRemoval(vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> &lepvec, vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> &jetvec) {
        //Routine to do lepton-jet check
        //Discards leptons if they are within dR of a jet as defined in analysis paper

        vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> Survivors;

        for(unsigned int itlep = 0; itlep < lepvec.size(); itlep++) {
          bool overlap = false;
          for(unsigned int itjet= 0; itjet < jetvec.size(); itjet++) {
            double dR;
            double DeltaRMax = std::min(0.4, 0.04 + 10 / lepmom.pT());

            if(fabs(dR) <= DeltaRMax) overlap=true;
          if(overlap) continue;


      void run(const HEPUtils::Event* event) {

        // Get the missing energy in the event
        double met = event->met();

        // Now define vectors of baseline objects, including:
        // - retrieval of electron, muon and jets from the event
        // - application of basic pT and eta cuts

        // Electrons
        vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> electrons;
        for (const HEPUtils::Particle* electron : event->electrons()) {
          if (electron->pT() > 5.
              && fabs(electron->eta()) < 2.47)

        // Apply electron efficiency

        // Muons
        vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> muons;
        for (const HEPUtils::Particle* muon : event->muons()) {
          if (muon->pT() > 5.
              && fabs(muon->eta()) < 2.5)

        // Apply muon efficiency

        vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> candJets;
        for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : event->jets("antikt_R04")) {
          if (jet->pT() > 25. && fabs(jet->eta()) < 2.5)

        // Overlap removal

        // Jets
        vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> bJets;
        vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> nonbJets;

        // Find b-jets
        double btag = 0.70; double cmisstag = 1/12.; double misstag = 1./381.;
        for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : candJets) {
          // Tag
          if( jet->btag() && random_bool(btag) ) bJets.push_back(jet);
          // Misstag c-jet
          else if( jet->ctag() && random_bool(cmisstag) ) bJets.push_back(jet);
          // Misstag light jet
          else if( random_bool(misstag) ) bJets.push_back(jet);
          // Non b-jet
          else nonbJets.push_back(jet);

        // Find veto leptons with pT > 20 GeV
        vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> vetoElectrons;
        for (const HEPUtils::Particle* electron : electrons) {
          if (electron->pT() > 20.) vetoElectrons.push_back(electron);
        vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> vetoMuons;
        for (const HEPUtils::Particle* muon : muons) {
          if (muon->pT() > 20.) vetoMuons.push_back(muon);

        // Restrict jets to pT > 40 GeV after overlap removal
        vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> bJets_survivors;
        for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : bJets) {
          if(jet->pT() > 40.) bJets_survivors.push_back(jet);
        vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> nonbJets_survivors;
        for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : nonbJets) {
          if(jet->pT() > 40.) nonbJets_survivors.push_back(jet);

        // Number of objects
        size_t nMuons=vetoMuons.size();
        size_t nElectrons=vetoElectrons.size();
        size_t nLeptons = nElectrons+nMuons;
        size_t nbJets = bJets_survivors.size();
        size_t nnonbJets = nonbJets_survivors.size();
        #ifdef CHECK_CUTFLOW
          size_t nJets = nbJets+nnonbJets;

        // Effective mass (using the four jets used in Higgses)
        double meff = met;
        for(int i = 0; i < min(4,(int)nbJets); i++){
          meff +=>pT();

        // Find top candidates
        bool notop = true;
        // Outer loop over b-jets candidates for top
        for(size_t i = 0; i < nbJets; i++){
          // Central loop over b-tagged jets which may go into W
          for(size_t j = 0; j < nbJets && j != i; j++){
            // Inner loop over non b-jets for W
            for(size_t k = 0; k < nnonbJets; k++){
              double mW = (>mom()>mom()).m();
              double mt = (>mom()>mom()>mom()).m();
              double XWt = sqrt( pow((mW-80.4)/(0.1*mW),2)+pow((mt-172.5)/(0.1*mt),2) );
              if(XWt < 1.8) notop = false;
          // Central loop over jets non b-tagged jets that may go into W
          for(size_t j = 0; j < nnonbJets; j++){
            // Inner loop over non b-jets for W
            for(size_t k = 0; k < nnonbJets && k != j; k++){
              double mW = (>mom()>mom()).m();
              double mt = (>mom()>mom()>mom()).m();
              double XWt = sqrt( pow((mW-80.4)/(0.1*mW),2)+pow((mt-172.5)/(0.1*mt),2) );
              if(XWt < 1.8) notop = false;

        // Find best Higgs (if any) candidates and calculate value of Xhh used in cuts
        bool higgs = false;
        double Dhhmin = 1000;
        double Xhh = 10;
        if(nbJets >= 4){
          // First find \Delta R criteria
          double h1DRjjMin = 0.;
          double h1DRjjMax = 1.00;
          double h2DRjjMin = 0.;
          double h2DRjjMax = 1.05;
          double mhh = (>mom()>mom()>mom()>mom()).m();
          if(mhh < 1250.){
            h1DRjjMin = 360/mhh-0.50;
            h1DRjjMax = 655/mhh+0.50;
            h2DRjjMin = 235/mhh;
            h2DRjjMax = 875/mhh + 0.35;
          // Loop over all b-jet combinations
          for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
            double DRlead = 10; double DRsubl = 10;
            double mlead = 0; double msubl = 0;
            int i1 = i; int i2=(i+1)%3; int i3=(i+2)%3; int i4=3;
            // Find leading and subleading higgs candidate
            double pT1 =>mom().pT()>mom().pT();
            double pT2 =>mom().pT()>mom().pT();
            // Find inter-jet distance and di-jet mass for leading and subleading candidate combinations
            if(pT1 > pT2){
              DRlead =>mom().deltaR_eta(>mom());
              DRsubl =>mom().deltaR_eta(>mom());
              mlead = (>mom()>mom()).m();
              msubl = (>mom()>mom()).m();
              DRsubl =>mom().deltaR_eta(>mom());
              DRlead =>mom().deltaR_eta(>mom());
              mlead = (>mom()>mom()).m();
              msubl = (>mom()>mom()).m();
            // Check if Higgs candidates are acceptable
            if(DRlead < h1DRjjMax && DRlead > h1DRjjMin && DRsubl < h2DRjjMax && DRsubl > h2DRjjMin ){
              higgs = true;
              double Dhh = abs(mlead-12./11.*msubl);
              if(Dhh < Dhhmin){
                Dhhmin = Dhh;
                Xhh = sqrt( pow((mlead-120.)/(0.1*mlead),2)+pow((msubl-110.)/(0.1*msubl),2) );

        #ifdef CHECK_CUTFLOW

          // Increment cutFlowVector elements
          cutFlowVector_str[0]  = "No cuts ";
          cutFlowVector_str[1]  = "Trigger, 4 jets ($p_T > 40$ GeV, 2 b-tags)";
          cutFlowVector_str[2]  = "$\\ge 4$ b-tags";
          cutFlowVector_str[3]  = "$\\ge 2$ Higgses ";
          cutFlowVector_str[4]  = "Lepton veto";
          cutFlowVector_str[5]  = "$X_{Wt} > 1.8$";
          cutFlowVector_str[6]  = "$X_{hh}^{SR} < 1.6$";
          cutFlowVector_str[7]  = "low-SR-MET0meff440";
          cutFlowVector_str[8]  = "low-SR-MET150meff440";

          // Cut flow from paper
          // Higgsino 130 GeV
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[0] = 169015.8;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[1] =  11206.7;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[2] =   1250.8;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[3] =   1015.9;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[4] =   1015.9;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[5] =    961.9;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[6] =    559.8;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[7] =    217.4;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[8] =      0.0;
          // // Higgsino 150 GeV
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[0] = 93125.1;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[1] =  6630.9;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[2] =   687.8;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[3] =   558.6;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[4] =   558.6;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[5] =   489.4;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[6] =   266.5;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[7] =   112.5;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[8] =     1.8;
          // // Higgsino 200 GeV
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[0] = 32455.5;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[1] =  2895.6;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[2] =   300.4;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[3] =   240.9;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[4] =   240.9;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[5] =   212.6;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[6] =   116.9;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[7] =    62.5;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[8] =     8.7;
          // // Higgsino 250 GeV
          cutFlowVectorATLAS[0] = 14028.7;
          cutFlowVectorATLAS[1] =  1454.7;
          cutFlowVectorATLAS[2] =   163.0;
          cutFlowVectorATLAS[3] =   126.4;
          cutFlowVectorATLAS[4] =   126.1;
          cutFlowVectorATLAS[5] =   108.4;
          cutFlowVectorATLAS[6] =    53.4;
          cutFlowVectorATLAS[7] =    37.0;
          cutFlowVectorATLAS[8] =    14.2;
          // // Higgsino 300 GeV
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[0] = 6922.0;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[1] =  877.3;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[2] =   90.6;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[3] =   70.1;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[4] =   70.0;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[5] =   63.3;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[6] =   34.0;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[7] =   26.7;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[8] =   14.6;
          // // Higgsino 400 GeV
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[0] = 2156.2;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[1] =  366.2;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[2] =   41.7;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[3] =   32.3;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[4] =   31.9;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[5] =   28.1;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[6] =   14.4;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[7] =   13.6;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[8] =    9.6;
          // // Higgsino 600 GeV
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[0] = 356.4;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[1] =  82.2;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[2] =   9.0;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[3] =   6.5;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[4] =   6.4;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[5] =   5.9;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[6] =   3.2;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[7] =   3.2;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[8] =   2.6;
          // // Higgsino 800 GeV
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[0] =  84.1;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[1] =  22.4;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[2] =   2.2;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[3] =   1.6;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[4] =   1.6;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[5] =   1.5;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[6] =   0.8;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[7] =   0.8;
          // cutFlowVectorATLAS[8] =   0.7;

          // Apply cutflow
          for(size_t j=0;j<NCUTS;j++){
              (j==0) ||

              (j==1 && nJets > 3 && nbJets > 1) ||

              (j==2 && nbJets > 3) ||

              (j==3 && nbJets > 3 && higgs) ||

              (j==4 && nbJets > 3 && higgs && nLeptons == 0) ||

              (j==5 && nbJets > 3 && higgs && nLeptons == 0 && notop) ||

              (j==6 && nbJets > 3 && higgs && nLeptons == 0 && notop && Xhh < 1.6) ||

              (j==7 && nbJets > 3 && higgs && nLeptons == 0 && notop && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 440.) ||

              (j==8 && nbJets > 3 && higgs && nLeptons == 0 && notop && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 440. && met > 150.)

              ) cutFlowVector[j]++;


        // Now increment signal region variables
        // First exclusion regions
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 160. && meff < 200. && met < 20.)"meff160_ETmiss0").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 160. && meff < 200. && met > 20. && met < 45.)"meff160_ETmiss20").add_event(event);

        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 200. && meff < 260. && met < 20.)"meff200_ETmiss0").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 200. && meff < 260. && met > 20. && met < 45.)"meff200_ETmiss20").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 200. && meff < 260. && met > 45. && met < 70.)"meff200_ETmiss45").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 200. && meff < 260. && met > 70. && met < 100.)"meff200_ETmiss70").add_event(event);

        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 260. && meff < 340. && met < 20.)"meff260_ETmiss0").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 260. && meff < 340. && met > 20. && met < 45.)"meff260_ETmiss20").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 260. && meff < 340. && met > 45. && met < 70.)"meff260_ETmiss45").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 260. && meff < 340. && met > 70. && met < 100.)"meff260_ETmiss70").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 260. && meff < 340. && met > 100. && met < 150.)"meff260_ETmiss100").add_event(event);

        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 340. && meff < 440. && met < 20.)"meff340_ETmiss0").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 340. && meff < 440. && met > 20. && met < 45.)"meff340_ETmiss20").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 340. && meff < 440. && met > 45. && met < 70.)"meff340_ETmiss45").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 340. && meff < 440. && met > 70. && met < 100.)"meff340_ETmiss70").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 340. && meff < 440. && met > 100. && met < 150.)"meff340_ETmiss100").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 340. && meff < 440. && met > 150. && met < 200.)"meff340_ETmiss150").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 340. && meff < 440. && met > 200.)"meff340_ETmiss200").add_event(event);

        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 440. && meff < 560. && met < 20.)"meff440_ETmiss0").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 440. && meff < 560. && met > 20. && met < 45.)"meff440_ETmiss20").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 440. && meff < 560. && met > 45. && met < 70.)"meff440_ETmiss45").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 440. && meff < 560. && met > 70. && met < 100.)"meff440_ETmiss70").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 440. && meff < 560. && met > 100. && met < 150.)"meff440_ETmiss100").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 440. && meff < 560. && met > 150. && met < 200.)"meff440_ETmiss150").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 440. && meff < 560. && met > 200.)"meff440_ETmiss200").add_event(event);

        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 560. && meff < 700. && met < 20.)"meff560_ETmiss0").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 560. && meff < 700. && met > 20. && met < 45.)"meff560_ETmiss20").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 560. && meff < 700. && met > 45. && met < 70.)"meff560_ETmiss45").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 560. && meff < 700. && met > 70. && met < 100.)"meff560_ETmiss70").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 560. && meff < 700. && met > 100. && met < 150.)"meff560_ETmiss100").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 560. && meff < 700. && met > 150. && met < 200.)"meff560_ETmiss150").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 560. && meff < 700. && met > 200.)"meff560_ETmiss200").add_event(event);

        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 700. && meff < 860. && met < 20.)"meff700_ETmiss0").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 700. && meff < 860. && met > 20. && met < 45.)"meff700_ETmiss20").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 700. && meff < 860. && met > 45. && met < 70.)"meff700_ETmiss45").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 700. && meff < 860. && met > 70. && met < 100.)"meff700_ETmiss70").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 700. && meff < 860. && met > 100. && met < 150.)"meff700_ETmiss100").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 700. && meff < 860. && met > 150. && met < 200.)"meff700_ETmiss150").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 700. && meff < 860. && met > 200.)"meff700_ETmiss200").add_event(event);

        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 860. && met < 20.)"meff860_ETmiss0").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 860. && met > 20. && met < 45.)"meff860_ETmiss20").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 860. && met > 45. && met < 70.)"meff860_ETmiss45").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 860. && met > 70. && met < 100.)"meff860_ETmiss70").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 860. && met > 100. && met < 150.)"meff860_ETmiss100").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 860. && met > 150. && met < 200.)"meff860_ETmiss150").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 860. && met > 200.)"meff860_ETmiss200").add_event(event);

        // Discovery regions
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 440.)"low-SR-MET0meff440").add_event(event);
        if(nbJets > 3 && nLeptons == 0 && notop && higgs && Xhh < 1.6 && meff > 440. && met > 150.)"low-SR-MET150meff440").add_event(event);


      } // End of analyze

      /// Combine the variables of another copy of this analysis (typically on another thread) into this one.
      void combine(const Analysis* other)
        const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3b_24invfb* specificOther
          = dynamic_cast<const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3b_24invfb*>(other);

        for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second += specificOther->; }

        #ifdef CHECK_CUTFLOW
          if (NCUTS != specificOther->NCUTS) NCUTS = specificOther->NCUTS;
          for (size_t j=0; j<NCUTS; j++) {
            cutFlowVector[j] += specificOther->cutFlowVector[j];
            cutFlowVector_str[j] = specificOther->cutFlowVector_str[j];


      virtual void collect_results() {

        #ifdef CHECK_CUTFLOW
          double L = 24.3;
          // double xsec = 6955.; // 130 GeV
          // double xsec = 3830.; // 150 GeV
          // double xsec = 1336.; // 200 GeV
          double xsec =  577.3; // 250 GeV
          // double xsec =  284.9; // 300 GeV
          // double xsec =   88.73; // 400 GeV
          // double xsec = 14.67; // 600 GeV
          // double xsec = 3.461; // 800 GeV

          cout << "DEBUG:" << endl;
          for (size_t i=0; i<NCUTS; i++)
            double ATLAS_abs = cutFlowVectorATLAS[i];

            double eff = (double)cutFlowVector[i] / (double)cutFlowVector[0];
            //if(i > 0) eff *= 0.90; // Lower trigger efficiency for 130 GeV

            double GAMBIT_scaled = eff * xsec * L;

            double ratio = GAMBIT_scaled/ATLAS_abs;
            cout << "DEBUG 1: i: " << i << ":   " << setprecision(4) << ATLAS_abs << "\t\t\t" << GAMBIT_scaled << "\t\t\t" << ratio << "\t\t\t" << cutFlowVector[i] << "\t\t\t" << cutFlowVector_str[i] << endl;
          cout << "DEBUG:" << endl;

        // Now fill a results object with the results for each SR
        // Only exclusion regions here

        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff160_ETmiss0"),    20.,  {16.21, 0.11}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff160_ETmiss20"),    3.,  {0.6503, 0.0747}));

        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff200_ETmiss0"),  1503.,  {1480., 26.}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff200_ETmiss20"), 1137.,  {1096.,  7.}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff200_ETmiss45"),   65.,  {58.43, 0.39}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff200_ETmiss70"),    0.,  {0.3238, 0.0547}));

        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff260_ETmiss0"),  1329.,  {1297.,  8.}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff260_ETmiss20"), 2877.,  {2860., 36.}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff260_ETmiss45"),  951.,  { 991., 6.5}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff260_ETmiss70"),  150.,  {149.4, 1.0}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff260_ETmiss100"),   2.,  {2.024, 1.426}));

        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff340_ETmiss0"),   373.,  {390.1,  2.6}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff340_ETmiss20"),  873.,  {884.6, 13.1}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff340_ETmiss45"),  444.,  {472.6,  3.0}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff340_ETmiss70"),  164.,  {171.1,  1.1}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff340_ETmiss100"),  40.,  {36.24, 0.24}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff340_ETmiss150"),   3.,  {1.457, 0.111}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff340_ETmiss200"),   0.,  {0.006531, 0.004409}));

        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff440_ETmiss0"),   121.,  {130.3,  0.8}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff440_ETmiss20"),  304.,  {310.8,  9.5}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff440_ETmiss45"),  170.,  {176.6,  1.2}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff440_ETmiss70"),   62.,  { 65.1,  1.1}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff440_ETmiss100"),  31.,  {22.16, 6.03}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff440_ETmiss150"),   3.,  {3.895, 0.14}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff440_ETmiss200"),   1.,  {0.4816, 0.0551}));

        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff560_ETmiss0"),    40.,  { 43.46,   0.29}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff560_ETmiss20"),   95.,  {102.6,    6.6}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff560_ETmiss45"),   75.,  { 68.03,   0.45}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff560_ETmiss70"),   20.,  { 30.72,   0.2}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff560_ETmiss100"),  15.,  { 14.13,   3.19}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff560_ETmiss150"),   2.,  {  2.358,  1.02}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff560_ETmiss200"),   2.,  {  1.08,   0.23}));

        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff700_ETmiss0"),    17.,  { 13.56,   0.09}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff700_ETmiss20"),   30.,  { 32.67,   3.39}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff700_ETmiss45"),   22.,  { 23.78,   0.15}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff700_ETmiss70"),   12.,  { 12.47,   0.08}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff700_ETmiss100"),   6.,  {  5.549,  0.873}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff700_ETmiss150"),   2.,  {  1.728,  0.879}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff700_ETmiss200"),   2.,  {  0.8551, 0.1211}));

        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff860_ETmiss0"),     2.,  {  2.816,   0.246}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff860_ETmiss20"),    7.,  {  7.766,   2.114}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff860_ETmiss45"),   10.,  {  8.968,   2.332}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff860_ETmiss70"),    5.,  {  4.297,   0.335}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff860_ETmiss100"),   2.,  {  2.785,   0.29}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff860_ETmiss150"),   4.,  {  0.9345,  0.2345}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("meff860_ETmiss200"),   1.,  {  0.4297,  0.0719}));


      void analysis_specific_reset() {
        // Clear signal regions
        for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second.reset(); }

        #ifdef CHECK_CUTFLOW
          // Clear cut flow vector
          std::fill(cutFlowVector.begin(), cutFlowVector.end(), 0);



    // Class for collecting results for discovery regions as a derived class

    class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3b_discoverySR_24invfb : public Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3b_24invfb {

      Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_3b_discoverySR_24invfb() {

      virtual void collect_results() {
        // add_result(SignalRegionData("SR label", n_obs, {s, s_sys}, {b, b_sys}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("low-SR-MET0meff440"), 1063., {1100., 25.}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("low-SR-MET150meff440"), 17., {12., 8.}));


    // Factory fn


Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:35 +0000